Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

11/27/13 – Archery Teams & the KHSAA Bylaws

December 9, 2013 Archery Blog Updates


There seems to be some confusion among a few of our member schools as to whether they must follow the KHSAA Bylaws if they are not planning on participating in the post season tournament. Regardless if your school chooses to participate or not, you by being a member school, must follow the bylaws that are applicable to the Sport Activity of Archery. These include:

Currently, the following KHSAA Bylaws apply to Archery teams and all other sport activities –

Bylaw 1 (Responsibility for Eligibility);Bylaw 2 (Age, per state law);Bylaw 4 (Enrollment Requirements );Bylaw 5 (Minimum Academic Requirement);Bylaw 12 (Physician’s & Parental Consent Form and Insurance requirement);Bylaw 14 (Other eligibility Requirements And Regulations);Bylaw 15 (Practice of Sportsmanship);Bylaw 16 (Recruitment/Undue Influence);Bylaw 17 (Certification of Eligibility);Bylaw 18 (Submission of Reports);Bylaw 21 (Protests);Bylaw 22 (Contests, Sanctions,Rules, Forfeitures, Faculty To Accompany);Bylaw 23 (Limitation of Season);Bylaw 24 (Summer Activities);Bylaw 25 (Coaching Requirements);Bylaw 27 ( Request for Rulings);Bylaw 27 (Penalties)

Last school year was a transitional year for many of our schools as they moved their programs from a “club” organization to a KHSAA sanctioned Sport Activity. We want to make sure that everyone understands that if your school sponsors an Archery program, they are held accountable to following the KHSAA Bylaws.


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