2012 KY Football Class 1A Stat Leaders
(includes game reports filed from the beginning of the season)

                TOP 15 RUSHING LEADERS                 
            (playing a minimum of 7 games)             
         (ranked by net yards rushing average)         
      Player           School       Gms  Att  Yds   TD  Avg 
Weston Little     South Floyd        11  260  2315  31  210 
Dylan Huff        Bellevue           12  255  1845  24  154 
Austin Allison    Nicholas County    12  227  1692  26  141 
Jonathon Jackson  Mayfield           14  243  1951  33  139 
Chase Hall        Pikeville          13  177  1519  21  117 
Elijah King       Fairview           12   89  1379  21  115 
Chris Brewer      Fairview           15  161  1667  17  111 
Devon Turner      Fairview           15  143  1575  24  105 
Dallas Honan      Bracken County     10  135  1044  10  104 
Daylin Beach      Raceland           11  139  1000  21   91 
Blake Dye         South Floyd        11  138   958   7   87 
Tanner Mike       Pineville          11  125   890   9   81 
J D Wagoner       Nicholas County    12  176   915   9   76 
Brandon Jones     Hazard              9   80   687   9   76 
Connor Rigg       Bracken County     10  121   750   4   75 

                        TOP 15 PASSING LEADERS                        
                    (playing a minimum of 7 games)                    
                (ranked by net yards passing average)                 
      Player               School         Gms  Att  Cmp  Int  Yds   TD  P-GM 
Dalton Sizemore    Williamsburg            13  334  202   16  3133  39   241 
Chris Hawkins      Frankfort               11  187  111    6  2409  29   219 
Justin Mitchell    Eminence                11  303  157   17  2152  21   196 
Jake Guhy          Mayfield                14  245  166    1  2697  32   193 
Ty Saragas         Harlan                  11  210  121    6  1902  23   173 
Evan Whitaker      Hazard                  13  238  133   10  2166  16   167 
Jamie Roan         Pineville               11  181  102   11  1703  23   155 
Adam Elkins        Raceland                11  148   93   11  1510  23   137 
Robert Scholtz     Kentucky Country Day    13  161   90    7  1663  27   128 
Logan Houston      Bracken County          10  117   57    2  1134  11   113 
Austin Charles     Pikeville               12  133   59   11  1004  11    84 
Mitchell Cody      Ludlow                   9  145   48    9   743   8    83 
Nathaniel Stevens  Paris                   12  105   38    6   685   9    57 
Jacob Crager       South Floyd             11   73   46    4   598   4    54 
Tyler Ackerson     Bellevue                12   76   28    6   549  10    46 

                     TOP 15 RECEIVING LEADERS                      
                  (playing a minimum of 7 games)                   
            (ranked by yards gained receiving per game)            
      Player            School      Gms  Rec  Yds   TD  YD P-GM  TD P-GM 
Brandon Mitchell   Eminence          10   72  1160  10      116      1.0 
Aaron Jackson      Frankfort         11   48  1251  15      114      1.4 
Skyler Griffith    Williamsburg      12   61  1176  13       98      1.1 
Corey Shelton      Williamsburg      13   63  1084  20       83      1.5 
Jordon Brown       Mayfield          14   69  1138  14       81      1.0 
David Allen        Harlan            10   39   778   9       78      0.9 
Jordan Olinger     Hazard            13   59   882   6       68      0.5 
Jacob Houston      Bracken County    10   27   681   8       68      0.8 
Cody Estep         Pikeville         13   30   752  13       58      1.0 
Jalen Washington   Frankfort         11   30   609   8       55      0.7 
Connor Messer      Raceland          12   33   633   8       53      0.7 
Demarcus Bailey    Eminence          10   34   486   6       49      0.6 
Eric Young         Harlan            11   29   528   8       48      0.7 
Mason Rutherford   Fairview          12   22   567   6       47      0.5 
Byron David Asher  Pineville         11   34   521   6       47      0.5 

                           TOP 15 SCORING LEADERS                            
                       (playing a minimum of 7 games)                        
                      (ranked by total points per game)                      
      Player              School         Gms  TDR  TDRe  TDO  FG  PAT  Cnv  Pts  Avg  
Weston Little     South Floyd             11   30     2    1   0    0    6  210  19.1 
Jonathon Jackson  Mayfield                14   33     3    1   0    0    2  226  16.1 
Dylan Huff        Bellevue                12   24     2    2   0    0    8  184  15.3 
Austin Allison    Nicholas County         12   28     0    1   0    0    3  176  14.7 
Daylin Beach      Raceland                11   21     3    0   0    0    0  144  13.1 
Jordan Duff       Kentucky Country Day    12   15     5    3   0    0    0  138  11.5 
Elijah King       Fairview                12   19     2    2   0    0    2  136  11.3 
Corey Shelton     Williamsburg            13    0    20    2   0    0    3  138  10.6 
Devon Turner      Fairview                15   22     0    1   0    0    8  154  10.3 
Chase Hall        Pikeville               13   21     0    0   0    0    1  128   9.8 
Skyler Griffith   Williamsburg            12    2    13    3   0    0    5  118   9.8 
Cody Estep        Pikeville               13    3    13    4   0    0    1  122   9.4 
Tommy Staffeiri   Kentucky Country Day    11    9     7    0   0    0    2  100   9.1 
Chris Brewer      Fairview                15   17     0    1   0    2   12  134   8.9 
Connor Messer     Raceland                12    3     8    5   0    0    0   96   8.0 

   (playing a minimum of 7 games)   
     (ranked by points average)     
        School         Gms  Pts  Avg  
Mayfield                15  691  46.1 
Fairview                15  687  45.8 
Raceland                12  533  44.4 
Williamsburg            13  549  42.2 
Frankfort               13  538  41.4 
Kentucky Country Day    13  520  40.0 
Pikeville               13  453  34.8 
Nicholas County         12  388  32.3 
Pineville               12  386  32.2 
South Floyd             11  347  31.5 
Hazard                  13  395  30.4 
Eminence                11  324  29.5 
Harlan                  12  352  29.3 
Bellevue                12  334  27.8 
Paris                   12  311  25.9 

   (playing a minimum of 7 games)    
(ranked by net points allowed average)
        School         Gmsa  Pts  Avg  
Williamsburg             13  118   9.1 
Mayfield                 15  217  14.5 
Kentucky Country Day     13  189  14.5 
Frankfort                13  207  15.9 
Raceland                 12  191  15.9 
Fairview                 15  245  16.3 
Bellevue                 12  227  18.9 
Hazard                   13  251  19.3 
Bracken County           11  253  23.0 
Pineville                12  298  24.8 
Eminence                 11  275  25.0 
Harlan                   12  322  26.8 
Pikeville                13  387  29.8 
Paris                    12  389  32.4 
South Floyd              11  384  34.9 

           (playing a minimum of 7 games)            
           (ranked by net margin average)            
        School         Gms  Av-Pts  Av-Allow  Av-Margin 
Williamsburg            13    42.2       9.1       33.1 
Mayfield                15    46.1      14.5       31.6 
Fairview                15    45.8      16.3       29.5 
Raceland                12    44.4      15.9       28.5 
Kentucky Country Day    13    40.0      14.5       25.5 
Frankfort               13    41.4      15.9       25.5 
Hazard                  13    30.4      19.3       11.1 
Bellevue                12    27.8      18.9        8.9 
Pineville               12    32.2      24.8        7.4 
Pikeville               13    34.8      29.8        5.0 
Eminence                11    29.5      25.0        4.5 
Harlan                  12    29.3      26.8        2.5 
Bracken County          11    20.2      23.0       -2.8 
Nicholas County         12    32.3      35.6       -3.3 
South Floyd             11    31.5      34.9       -3.4 

   (playing a minimum of 7 games)   
 (ranked by rushing yards average)  
        School         Gms  Yds   Avg 
Fairview                15  6128  409 
South Floyd             11  3692  336 
Nicholas County         12  3043  254 
Raceland                12  2945  245 
Bellevue                12  2819  235 
Pikeville               13  2869  221 
Paris                   12  2609  217 
Mayfield                15  3149  210 
Hazard                  13  2710  208 
Pineville               12  2376  198 
Bracken County          11  2172  197 
Kentucky Country Day    13  2550  196 
Frankfort               13  1957  151 
Harlan                  12  1742  145 
Eminence                11  1562  142 

   (playing a minimum of 7 games)   
(ranked by rushing yards allowed average)
        School         Gms  Yds   Avg 
Bracken County          11   441   40 
Mayfield                15  1432   95 
Harlan                  12  1375  115 
Pineville               12  1385  115 
Frankfort               13  1503  116 
Fairview                15  1880  125 
Bellevue                12  1541  128 
Raceland                12  1702  142 
Hazard                  13  1989  153 
Kentucky Country Day    13  2162  166 
Paris                   12  2010  168 
Nicholas County         12  2336  195 
Pikeville               13  2744  211 
Eminence                11  2432  221 
Ludlow                  11  2768  252 

   (playing a minimum of 7 games)   
 (ranked by passing yards average)  
        School         Gms  Yds   Avg 
Williamsburg            13  3207  247 
Eminence                11  2187  199 
Frankfort               13  2557  197 
Mayfield                15  2831  189 
Hazard                  13  2386  184 
Harlan                  12  2008  167 
Raceland                12  1818  152 
Pineville               12  1756  146 
Kentucky Country Day    13  1784  137 
Bracken County          11  1129  103 
Pikeville               13  1262   97 
Ludlow                  11   831   76 
South Floyd             11   777   71 
Nicholas County         12   796   66 
Fairview                15   856   57 

   (playing a minimum of 7 games)   
(ranked by passing yards allowed average)
        School         Gms  Yds   Avg 
Bracken County          11   242   22 
Eminence                11   753   68 
Frankfort               13   990   76 
Pikeville               13  1009   78 
Raceland                12   969   81 
Kentucky Country Day    13  1090   84 
Paris                   12  1018   85 
Mayfield                15  1376   92 
Fairview                15  1514  101 
Hazard                  13  1342  103 
Bellevue                12  1259  105 
Harlan                  12  1487  124 
Ludlow                  11  1409  128 
Pineville               12  1556  130 
Nicholas County         12  1676  140 

     School Name      
Bracken County        
Kentucky Country Day  
Nicholas County       
South Floyd           
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