1st Quarter Play-by-Play

  Date: Dec 07, 2013 • Site: BOWLING GREEN, KY

1st Quarter Play-by-Play
Highland1-10on Highland24DREW HOULISTON pass incomplete to EVAN ALLEN.
Highland3-12on Highland08DREW HOULISTON pass complete to RYAN GREENE for 16 yards to the HIGHLAND24, 1ST DOWN HIGHLAND (BR BECHERER).
Highland2-8on Highland12DREW HOULISTON sacked for loss of 4 yards to the HIGHLAND8 (KRIS JONES).
Highland1-10on Highland10DREW HOULISTON rush for 2 yards to the HIGHLAND12, out-of-bounds (LELAND CARDWELL).
Highland1-10on Highland09HIGHLAND ball on HIGHLAND10.
Highland1-10on Highland09HIGHLANDS drive start at 00:33.
 Drive: 3 plays, 7 yards, TOP 1:41
Collins 4-3on Collins44LAWSON PAGE punt 47 yards to the HIGHLAND9, downed.
Collins 3-13on Collins34LAWSON PAGE pass complete to RYAN WATKINS for 10 yards to the COLLINS44 (BRADY MURRAY).
Collins 2-13on Collins34LAWSON PAGE pass incomplete to LANDON FORREST.
Collins 1-10on Collins37RYAN WATKINS rush for loss of 3 yards to the COLLINS34 (JOEY COCHRAN).
Collins 1-10on Collins37COLLINS drive start at 02:14.
 Drive: 4 plays, 19 yards, TOP 0:54
Highland3-15on Collins49DREW HOULISTON pass complete to EVAN ALLEN for 17 yards to the COLLINS32, fumble forced by MASAI WHYTE, fumble by EVAN ALLEN recovered by COLLINS BR BECHERER at COLLINS37.
Highland2-15on Collins49DREW HOULISTON pass incomplete to JENSON FEGGINS.
Highland1-10on Collins44DREW HOULISTON sacked for loss of 5 yards to the COLLINS49 (LELAND CARDWELL).
Highland1-10on Highland44DREW HOULISTON pass complete to JENSON FEGGINS for 12 yards to the COLLINS44, 1ST DOWN HIGHLAND, out-of-bounds.
Highland1-10on Highland44HIGHLANDS drive start at 03:08.
 Drive: 3 plays, 4 yards, TOP 1:02
Collins 4-6on Collins25BLANTON CREQUE punt 31 yards to the HIGHLAND44, JENSON FEGGINS return 0 yards to the HIGHLAND44 (ELIJAH JONES).
Collins 3-7on Collins24LAWSON PAGE rush for 1 yard to the COLLINS25 (BRADEN HICKS).
Collins 2-7on Collins24LAWSON PAGE pass incomplete to NATHAN SAMES.
Collins 1-10on Collins21LAWSON PAGE pass complete to DEANDRE FARRIS for 3 yards to the COLLINS24, out-of-bounds (GRIFFIN URLAGE).
Collins 1-10on Collins21COLLINS drive start at 04:10.
JARED DOUGHERTY kickoff 56 yards to the COLLINS4, DEANDRE FARRIS return 17 yards to the COLLINS21 (RYAN GREENE).
 Drive: 8 plays, 66 yards, TOP 2:02
JARED DOUGHERTY kick attempt good.
Highland2-Gon Collins02ZACH HARRIS rush for 2 yards to the COLLINS0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:15.
Highland1-Gon Collins04ZACH HARRIS rush for 2 yards to the COLLINS2 (MASAI WHYTE).
Highland3-1on Collins16ZACH HARRIS rush for 12 yards to the COLLINS4, 1ST DOWN HIGHLAND (QUINTEN MURPHY;MASAI WHYTE).
Highland2-9on Collins24DREW HOULISTON pass complete to ALEX VENEMAN for 8 yards to the COLLINS16 (ELIJAH JONES).
Highland1-10on Collins25ZACH HARRIS rush for 1 yard to the COLLINS24 (MARK BRADFORD).
Highland2-10on Highland46DREW HOULISTON pass complete to BRANDON HERGOTT for 29 yards to the COLLINS25, 1ST DOWN HIGHLAND (QUINTEN MURPHY).
Highland1-10on Highland46DREW HOULISTON pass incomplete to ZACH HARRIS.
Highland1-10on Highland34ZACH HARRIS rush for 12 yards to the HIGHLAND46, 1ST DOWN HIGHLAND (ANTUAN WELLS).
Highland1-10on Highland34HIGHLANDS drive start at 06:12.
BLANTON CREQUE kickoff 33 yards to the HIGHLAND27, EVAN ALLEN return 7 yards to the HIGHLAND34 (DEANDRE FARRIS).
 Drive: 13 plays, 92 yards, TOP 5:48
BLANTON CREQUE kick attempt good.
Collins 1-Gon Highland01RYAN WATKINS rush for 1 yard to the HIGHLAND0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:16.
Collins 2-4on Highland12LAWSON PAGE rush for 11 yards to the HIGHLAND1, 1ST DOWN COLLINS (JOEY COCHRAN).
Collins 1-10on Highland18DEANDRE FARRIS rush for 6 yards to the HIGHLAND12 (ANDREW ABNER;DONNIE MILLS).
Collins 1-10on Highland30RYAN WATKINS rush for 12 yards to the HIGHLAND18, 1ST DOWN COLLINS (T WROBLESKI).
Collins 3-1on Highland38RYAN WATKINS rush for 8 yards to the HIGHLAND30, 1ST DOWN COLLINS (NATHAN MERKLE).
Collins 2-10on Highland47LAWSON PAGE rush for 9 yards to the HIGHLAND38, out-of-bounds (BRADY MURRAY).
Collins 2-10on Highland47Timeout HIGHLANDS, clock 08:14.
Collins 1-10on Highland47LAWSON PAGE pass incomplete to NATHAN SAMES.
Collins 1-10on Collins43LAWSON PAGE rush for 10 yards to the HIGHLAND47, 1ST DOWN COLLINS (SETH HOPE).
Collins 2-2on Collins34RYAN WATKINS rush for 9 yards to the COLLINS43, 1ST DOWN COLLINS (JOEY COCHRAN).
Collins 1-10on Collins26LAWSON PAGE pass complete to NATHAN SAMES for 8 yards to the COLLINS34 (JACKSON BARDO).
Collins 3-3on Collins15LAWSON PAGE pass complete to NATHAN SAMES for 11 yards to the COLLINS26, 1ST DOWN COLLINS (NATHAN MERKLE).
Collins 3-8on Collins10PENALTY HIGHLAND offside defense 5 yards to the COLLINS15.
Collins 2-11on Collins07LAWSON PAGE rush for 3 yards to the COLLINS10 (JOEY COCHRAN).
Collins 1-10on Collins08RYAN WATKINS rush for loss of 1 yard to the COLLINS7 (SETH HOPE).
JARED DOUGHERTY kickoff 54 yards to the COLLINS6, MASAI WHYTE return 2 yards to the COLLINS8 (JAYLEN HAYES).
Collins 1-10on Collins40HIGHLAND ball on HIGHLAND40.