Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

06/13/18- Reminder about Official Ball Revision for Basketball

June 13, 2018


A second reminder to our schools about the change in basketballs for next season. The ball will remain Spalding, but the adopted ball shifts from a composite ball to a true leather. This was following feedback from a significant portion of the membership, including a recommendation of the Kentucky Association of Basketball Coaches.

The requirement remains the same, the ball must simply be a Spalding basketball with the NFHS mark on it. However, the specifically named ball which will be provided to the regional tournaments and used in the state tournaments will be the TF-1000 Model 762648 for the boys and the TF-1000 Model 762658 for the girls.

A brochure describing the ball is located on the KHSAA website at Spalding TF-1000 Flyer

Schools should contact your Spalding sales rep for purchase. 


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


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