Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame

April 13, 2015 Hall of Fame Working


Information about Nominee:

Name: Robert (Bobby) McGrath

2606 Blevins Gap Road
Louisville, KY 40272

Information about Person Making the Nomination:

Name: John McGrath

1704 Parkridge Parkway
Louisville, KY 40214

Category of Nomination:

Athlete, Official




Primary KHSAA Basketball Region: 6

Secondary KHSAA Basketball Region: 0


High School Attended: Flaget HS

Year of Graduation: 1968

Nominee's Accomplishments at the High School Level in Kentucky:

Three Year letterman at Flaget High School in football, basketball and baseball. Two-way starter on Flaget's 1967 State Championship Football Team; First Team All-State selection. Went on to WKU where he was a 4-year starter in football and named a Little All-American in 1971. Started his officiating career in both football and basketball in 1977. Excelled as an official in both sports. Officiated in the KFOA from 1977 thru 1987, working two State HS Football Championship games. Officiated in the KBOA (6th and 7th Regions) & worked 4 State Tournaments. After High School, he officiated college football in the Southern Independent Conference and Big East Conference from 1980 to 1992, at which time he was hired by the NFL. Officiated on field as a Head Linesman in the NFL from 1993 to 2001, with numerous playoff assignments. Went to the NFL Replay Booth in 1992 thru the 2016 season, again working numerous playoff assignments & SB 43. Kentuckiana Football Officials Association 1977-1987, Mike Schmitt Award ( Rookie of the Year ) 1977; KFOA HOF induction 2004; Officiated 2 State Championship games; KFOA Assigning Secretary 2003 to 2013; Assigning Secretary for the Mid-South Co KBOA 1977-1996; Officiated State Tournaments; Received first-ever Steve Bauer Award 1998-99; Golden Whistle Award 2006; Metro Athletic Directors HOF 2006; KHSAA Supervisor of the Year 2013-14; KBOA Assigning Secretary 2006-2014 (6th & 7th Regions)

Uploaded Files:

Stan Hardin Recommendation

Oscar Brohm Recommendation

Original John McGrath Nomination Letter for Bob

Uploaded Photos:

McGrath, Bob photo

McGrath and family

McGrath and Spouse

McGrath and Tim McGraw_Faith Hill

McGrath Super Bowl Awards

McGrath at Run

McGrath crew

McGrath informal

McGrath running

McGrath officiating

McGrath crew 2

McGrath informal 2

McGrath with grands

Electronic Signature: John McGrath

Date Submitted: April 30, 2018