Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

01/26/18 – New Archery Format For Regional and State Competitions

January 30, 2018


To help you plan for upcoming postseason events, this post will cover the format details that the KHSAA will use to govern the Regional and State Archery competitions.

Information for coaches registering for the KHSAA Postseason (Regional and State) Tournaments:

  1. You must access the KHSAA website ( and register ALL of the archers that you want to be eligible to participate in the KHSAA Postseason Tournaments. Only archers listed here are eligible to participate in these events. This includes any potential substitutes.
  2. For the Regional and State Tournaments, two separate tournaments will be conducted, one tournament for boys and one tournament for girls.
  3. The team size for each event will be seven (7) to 12 archers. A school can enter no more than 12 archers in a tournament.
  4. The girls’ tournament is limited to female archers only.
    a. You can register seven (7) to 12 female archers in the high school division group.
    b. If you do not have enough female archers for a girls’ team, you can register them as individuals (under the high school division group), or add them to your boys’ team.
  5. The boys’ tournament may include male and female archers.
    a. You can register seven (7) to 12 male and female archers in the high school division group.
    b. The team must include at least one male archer.
    c. If your school has registered a girls’ team, female archers may not be added to the boys’ team.
    d. If you do not have enough male archers for a boys’ team, you can register them as individuals (under the high school division group). Or add female archers to your boys’ team, provided you have not entered a girls’ team.
  6. A female may be entered in the region as either an individual or on a team, but not both, and that decision is binding for both region and state.
  7. If a Female is entered in the Male division, she will remain in that division for advancement or awards purpose
  8. Female archers that compete in a girls’ regional tournament may not shoot in the boys’ state tournament.

For more information, contact Assistant Commissioner Michael Barren at the KHSAA office.


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


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