Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

08/06/24 – Board revises and finalizes Boys’ Volleyball Season Limitations

August 6, 2024 Athletic Department Blog Updates


The Board of Control, at its August meeting, revised and finalized the limitation of season for boys’ volleyball beginning in the Spring of 2025. 

At its meeting in May the Board had set the match count limit at 18.  Upon further review, this was adjusted to permit a total of 25 matches.

(NFHS Calendar Playing Weeks)
Practice start – Monday of Week 31;
Contests start – Monday of Week 35;
Match limit – 25 (all matches count the same to ward the limit);
Number of Regions – TBD based on school response data; 
Postseason–Two rounds for 2025;
Postseason start–Monday of Week 45; and
Postseason finish–Saturday/Sunday of Week 46.

As the Board looks to finalize details and begin looking at an alignment, any school currently playing club ball that will be playing KHSAA-sanctioned ball next year needs to have its athletic administrator go to the school login on the KHSAA website and add the team as well as coaching information.  Any school not currently playing but will be fielding a team in the spring of 2025 in KHSAA-sanctioned play should also go in and add the team to its listing as well.

KHSAA member schools will not be permitted to play club teams from other member schools that are choosing to not adhere to Association bylaws and policies.

Two elements to assist schools as they prepare to play in the Spring of 2025 deal with the net and ball. 

Schools are reminded that the height of the net is higher (7’11 5/8″) for boys than girls (7′ 4 1/8″).  If you currently have a girls’ team and are going to have a boys’ team, you should make sure your current net system would be compatible to meet height requirements by rule.

Also, the NFHS playing rules require for both boys’ and girls’ volleyball the use of a smooth ball.  There is no “boys” ball.  Other levels and some boys’ club teams use a textured or dimpled ball and this will not be permitted for KHSAA-sanctioned play per NFHS rules.


About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association

The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of 290 member schools, both public and non-public. The KHSAA awards 229 state championships to 59 teams and 178 individuals in 13 sports and six sport-activities, funds catastrophic insurance coverage for its more than 109,000 rostered member school student-athletes, provides coaching education and sports safety programs for more than 12,000 coaches and licenses and facilitates the distribution of training material for over 4,000 contest officials.


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