Title IX
KHSAA Title IX Policy and General Information
KHSAA Title IX Education Program
KHSAA Title IX Education Background and Resources
KHSAA Title IX Education Program-Revisit Information
KHSAA Title IX Education Program-Revisit Schedules
US Office of Civil Rights Information
Title IX History and Background
Title IX and OCR Links and Resources
- Dear Colleague -Clarifications of 3 Part test (intercollegiate) (03/2005)
- Dear Colleague -Clarifications of 3 Part test (Student Interest Survey) (04/2010)
- Dear Colleague -Regarding Athletics Compliance (07/2003)
- Dear Colleague -Regarding Single Sex Schools (1/31/07)
- Follow-up Letter to Michigan Association about Cheer (10/18/2001)
- Letter to Minnesota League regarding Cheer (04/11/2000)
- Link to OCR Web Site
- OCR Reading Room
- OCR Technical Manual for Checking Compliance (02/2005)
- Revised Guideslines about Sexual Harassment (01/2001)
- Technical Manual-3 Part test-Test 3 (intercollegiate) (03/2005)
Member School Past Title IX Report Submissions
Title IX Annual Reports and Analysis
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2022-2023
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2021-2022
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2020-2021
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2019-2020
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2018-2019
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2017-2018
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2016-2017
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2016-2017
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2015-2016
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2014-2015
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2013-2014
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2012-2013
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2011-2012
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2010-2011
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2009-2010
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2008-2009
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2007-2008
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2006-2007
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2005-2006
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2004-2005
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2003-2004
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2002-2003
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2001-2002
- Title IX Annual Reports- 2000-2001
- Title IX Annual Reports- 1999-2000