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12/12/16 – Wrestling Rule Reminders

December 12, 2016 Wrestling Blog Updates


We have begun the season and several questions have been submitted to the office which we feel must be addressed as a reminder to all. 

Question…Can I just write the wrestler in for an event without a weigh-in sheet from trackwrestling?

NO. A coach who fails to provide this document is not only in violation of our rules, but the coaches that allow another school to do this put both schools in violation of the rules for entering an ineligible wrestler.

h) The Head Coach of each team shall provide, for each competition weigh-in, a match weigh-in form produced by the NWCA online system showing the lowest applicable weight for each competing wrestler on the actual date of the competition.
i) Local event managers should have in place an option to produce such listing in the event that the competing coach does not produce this report at weigh-ins.
j) Repeated failure to produce these required weigh-in reports shall be cause for suspension of the Head Coach from regular or postseason competition or other penalty contained in KHSAA Bylaw 27 and may subject the team to ineligibility to
enter the region wrestling tournament.

Question…Can I enter a wrestler in a weight class that he can make by stepping on the scales, even though the descent plan says he can not wrestle at that weight class at the time?

NO. All coaches are cautioned that rapid reduction in weight can endanger the health of the student-athlete and the manager of each meet is to have each participant weighed and entered into the weight class that is appropriate for that wrestler’s descent plan.

f) A wrestler may never be certified into a class which is below the minimum body weight determined by the wrestler, his/her parents, his/her coach and his/her doctor and verified by using the proper calculation forms.

Question…If we choose to wear the alternative uniform, the “fight shorts” that my wrestler chooses to wear are too long. Can we simply roll the waistband to bring them above the knee?

NO. Current rule 4-1-5 (NFHS) says “The uniform shall be worn as intended / designed by the manufacturer.” 

Question …Can you help me understand the changes in the “arm trap” rule?

Yes, there has been a lot of talk about the arm trap. Our take on it is there is no real rule change here, they just added another hold to the list of potentially dangerous holds. We should handle this one no different than any other potentially dangerous hold.
Coaches, don’t think every time a kid is lifted we are going to stop the match. That is not the case. We need to do a good job of talking to the kids in this situation, and the coaches need to teach the responsibility of how to return an opponent to the mat safely after they have been picked up.

7-2-2 (NFHS)
Contestants should know the dangers of theses holds/maneuvers. The referee should anticipate the dangers of injury of these hold/maneuvers and be in a position to block them before they reach the danger point. The referee shall verbally caution contestants against forcing potentially dangerous holds/maneuvers into illegal positions without interrupting the action unless it is necessary to stop the hold/maneuver in order to prevent injury.


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