2025 Clarks Pump-N-Shop and 2025 UK HealthCare Boys Sweet Sixteen Workers Instructions
PrintWe again want to thank each of you for your long-time dedication to the two weeks of basketball tournaments. We often talk about our devoted staff of workers and volunteers and how they truly make this the greatest show in hoops! We know most of you have all of this information in various forms but want to be sure we have it in one concise place.
Like every year, there are always a few changes, so we want to be sure you are aware of those as well as the logistics for this year. We have talked personally communicated via phone or text with almost all of you as we have tried to formulate final plans.
The detailed information below should answer any questions you have, but as always, feel free to reach out for anything else. Below is a complete list of workers for this week’s tournaments, housing information, and other details just in case you need phone numbers.
Before or during the event, if you have questions about logistics, addresses, phone, signing in and payment, etc., your new contact will be Kara Howard. Kara’s cell is 502-682-7564. You can of course also contact Mr. Tackett at 859-229-3916 or Mr. Cope at 859-351-1833 regarding specific issues surrounding the event.
- We believe that all workers involved in this event have successfully established an Arbiterpay Account in the event you receive compensation.
- If you have not, please talk to Kara during the event to help sort things out.
- If your email has changed, please let Kara know.
- Kara will have access to the list on file with Arbiterpay up to the minute if you want to verify your details.
Game schedule
- The complete girls’ bracket is on the KHSAA website at https://khsaa.org/basketball/girls/sweet16/2025/girlstatebracket2025.pdf. All times are ET.
- The complete boys’ bracket is on the KHSAA website at https://khsaa.org/basketball/boys/sweet16/2025/boystatebracket2025.pdf. All times are ET.
- Only our commuting workers are provided parking passes.
- Your parking pass will be placed in your electronic account, accessible by logging into rupparena.com/account.
- If you are new to that system, you may need to create a free login.
- It is run under Ticketmaster, but your parking passes will not be available through the Ticketmaster app or Ticketmaster.com.
- For those that have parking passes issued, they should be available no later than Monday afternoon each week in your folder
Pass Gate Check-in and Report Time
- The pass gate is located on the High Street side of the arena, at the far end of the arena from the Hyatt.
- Though you only need to sign in on that first day, you will need to stop by that pass gate every day if you desire meal coupons.
- Pass Gate opens three hours before each session.
- Teams can arrive two hours before the first game, so those charged with greeting the teams will need to be there at least two hours and 15 minutes before the first game of each session.
- For the rest of you, You should plan on being at the arena on playing days not less than one hour before that first game of each session, or earlier if you feel more comfortable.
- Those of you with season-long credentials will use those for admittance.
- Those who have season-long credentials and have not picked those up, they will be available at our pass gate.
- Those of you without season-long credentials can pick them up on the first day
Event Setup
- On Tuesday for those of you who want to help with move-in, chair back installation, and general re-familiarization with the facility, tournament staff is planning on starting that process around 1:30 p.m. in the arena, and most should be done by around 4:30.
- For those working with Connor and Joe on media setup, you may want to contact them to see if additional assistance is needed.
- Those of you parking in the lower garage on setup day should identify yourself at the guard shack.
- A pass will be required starting Wednesday to enter the parking garage.
Meal tickets
- Each day, each of you will receive two concession coupons valued at $15 each.
- You may use these at a concession stand, but no change will be given and they are only good for one use each coupon/ticket.
- There is no dedicated hospitality meal room at the tournament for workers.
- There will be a “chip and coke” room in Club B (exit under Section 36 and then upstairs to the second floor) and your credential will allow you in that room an unlimited number of times per session.
- The dress is business casual.
- We do ask that the individuals at the scorer’s table keep in mind that you are the most visible representatives of the Association.
- Please do not wear logoed wear from past sponsored tournaments that do not have the current sponsors (i.e. Mingua, Houchens, PNC/National City, Whitaker Bank) except for setup day.
- On Friday of each week for those wanting to participate, we will have “bow tie Friday” each Friday of the events, and for those participating, there is no required color.
- Floor Level
- Special note to floor control (media and teams, interview, etc.), please get with Commissioner Tackett and Mr. Cope upon arrival to be sure you are aware of logistical changes.
- Each of our regular workers has been assigned a seat or seating area, and there will be three rows of covered seats in the corner of each end zone if you cannot find a spot.
- Please do not sit in a press-assigned seat.
- The lodging list is included below in the worker’s listing of those who are staying at the Hilton.
- If you cannot check in on the day listed, you MUST contact Kara so she can help us alert the hotel to change the date of arrival.
- In all likelihood, if you fail to notify the hotel and fail to show up, the room will be canceled, and we will not be able to guarantee your lodging.
Worker Assignments
- The following are basic descriptions of the roles:
- Cheer Competition- Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh will be responsible for the execution of the in-game cheer competition as well as the communication with the cheer squads. Two veteran individuals to manage the cheer squads (there is no cheer hospitality room) and monitor floor activities by cheer squads; two others will judge the cheer competition under the direction of Mrs. Bridenbaugh.
- Clock, Scorer and Stats- Individuals to control the timing and scoreboard functions at the scorer’s table
- Floor Tech Assistant/Ball Boys- Helping with on-court activities including ball boys/girls
- Locker Rooms- Individual (s) to ensure teams are in the right locker room, keys are distributed and returned, and notify team assistance with issues.
- Media Assistant- Assist Mr. Angolia and Mr. Link with duties as needed including post-game
- Officials Chart- Maintain the electronic chart related to officiating
- Officials Security- Assist officials to ensure the timing system is operational and serve as a communication conduit to officials
- Pass Gate- Assist with the pass gates
- Press Row Assistant- Assist with monitoring press row including post-game interviews
- Press Table/Ballboys- Assist with monitoring press row and assist with ball boys
- Public Address- Public Address Announcers working under the direction of KHSAA staff and Technical Director
- Teams/Press Row/Teams- To be assigned to each team to be with the team from the time they arrive until they leave, at least 1 per team.
- Assignments will be made upon arrival based on collaboration.
- Technical Director- Coordinate technical aspects of timing under the direction of the Associate and Assistant Commissioners and the Commissioner.
Floor Seating
- All seats will be assigned for workers who work in the floor area, and other workers, when in the arena, can use the seating with marked chair covers in each corner.
- If you do not have an assigned seat, use the chair back seats in each corner end zone.
Wifi Information
- For those desiring to connect, see below, you will use the Rupp Open Wifi.
- No password should be required.
- On phones, the link to log in may not be easily found, so be sure and look around the screen before seeking Kara or Rob’s help.
Girls Workers Listing (Individuals marked with ** will not have housing)
- Ken Bourne (Scorer)
- Rick Bridges (Teams)
- Les Broady (Officials Chart)
- Marnie Broady (Teams)
- Steve Brooks (Press Row Assistant)
- Fred Brown (Teams)
- Glenn Brown (Officials Security) **
- John Campbell (Scorers Table and Press Assistant)
- Ken Craig (Team assistance, Team Gate Assistance) **
- A.J. Davis (Second Official Scorer)
- David Dawson (Technical Director)
- Bobby Day (Back Pass Gate)
- Marsha Day (Pass Gate)
- Kennedy Flynn (Scorers Table and Press Assistant)
- Marty Fulkerson (Public Address)
- Charles Gazaway (Clock and Score)
- Diane Griffitt (Teams)
- Burney Jenkins (Officials Chart)
- Jason Jones (Teams and Press Assistant) **
- Jeff Marksberry (Teams)
- Frank McGowan (Press Row Assistant)
- Marilyn Mitchell (Pass Gate) **
- Cassidy Moore (Press Assistant and Music Coordination)
- Brad Morgan (Public Address)
- Jimmy Powell (Press Row Assistant)
- Mike Reeves (Clock and Score)
- Glenn Spalding (Team Gate and Backup Team/Cheer)
- James Webb (Balls and Equipment) **
- Maurie Bedwell (Cheerleaders Scoring and assistance as requested)
- Lucy Moore (Cheerleader Judging and assistance as requested)
- Gayle Mills (Cheerleader Floor Control)
- Carole Mullins (Cheerleader Floor Control)
- Gwen Saylor (Cheerleader Judging and Communication with Squads)
- Donna Tackett (Cheerleaders Scoring and assistance as requested)
- Lee Ann Clark (WL Stats) **
- Cornelius O’Banion (WL Stats) **
Girls Hilton Housing (will get confirmation numbers for TBD)
IF YOU SHOULD BE ON THIS LISTING AND DON’T SEE YOUR NAME please contact Mr. Tackett or Kara immediately before any emergency rooms in our block are released Monday.)
- Ken Bourne (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3223388738
- Rick Bridges (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3217813821
- Les Broaddy (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3216504756
- Steve Brooks (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3225472815
- Fred Brown (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3224600105
- John Campbell (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3218152478
- AJ Davis (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3221981975
- David Dawson (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3225375117
- Marsha Day (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3224066052
- Marty Fulkerson (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3218054780
- Charles Gazaway (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3217182070
- Diane Griffitt (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3226150129
- Burney Jenkins (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3219702502
- Scott Lindsey (SPONSOR) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3223095644
- Jeff Marksberry (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3226052431
- Frank McGowan (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3223434301
- Cassidy Moore (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3216550319
- Brad Morgan (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3220816171
- Jimmy Powell (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3224645668
- Mike Reeves (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3224209313
- Glenn Spalding (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3222900248
- Tonia Witt (WORKER-PHOTO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3216888976
- Maurie Bedwell (WORKER-CHEER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3220523077
- Gayle Mills (WORKER-CHEER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3219214012
- Lucy Moore (WORKER-CHEER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3221734444
- Carole Mullins (WORKER-CHEER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3224691231
- Gwen Saylor (WORKER-CHEER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3217807249
- Dick Farmer (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3220718473
- Chuck Mraz (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3224984325
- Julie Muntz (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3223238905
- Tom Stevens (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3225322982
- Scott Thompson (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3223141207
- Greg Stotelmyer (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3222268497
- Mina Todd (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/11/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/16/25 Confirmation-3226097994
Boys Workers Listing (Individuals marked with ** will not have housing)
- Ken Bourne (Scorer)
- Les Broady (Officials Chart)
- Marnie Broady (Teams) **
- Steve Brooks (Press Row Assistant)
- Fred Brown (Teams)
- Glenn Brown (Officials Security)
- John Campbell (Scorers Table and Press Assistant)
- Ken Craig (Team assistance, Team Gate Assistance) **
- A.J. Davis (Second Official Scorer)
- David Dawson (Technical Director)
- Bobby Day (Back Pass Gate) **
- Marsha Day (Pass Gate)
- Marty Fulkerson (Public Address)
- Charles Gazaway (Clock and Score)
- Diane Griffitt (Teams)
- Burney Jenkins (Officials Chart)
- Jason Jones (Teams and Press Assistant) **
- Madison Kalb (Scorers Table and Event Assistant)
- Jeff Marksberry (Teams)
- Frank McGowan (Press Row Assistant)
- Randy Mills (Public Address) **
- Marilyn Mitchell (Pass Gate) **
- Cassidy Moore (Press Assistant and Music Coordination)
- Jimmy Powell (Press Row Assistant)
- Mike Reeves (Clock and Score)
- Glenn Spalding (Team Gate and Backup Team/Cheer)
- James Webb (Balls and Equipment) **
- Maurie Bedwell (Cheerleaders Scoring and assistance as requested)
- Lucy Moore (Cheerleader Judging and assistance as requested)
- Gayle Mills (Cheerleader Floor Control)
- Carole Mullins (Cheerleader Floor Control)
- Gwen Saylor (Cheerleader Judging and Communication with Squads)
- Donna Tackett (Cheerleaders Scoring and assistance as requested)
- Lee Ann Clark (WL Stats) **
- Cornelius O’Banion (WL Stats) **
Boys Hilton Housing (we will get you confirmation numbers for TBD)
IF YOU SHOULD BE ON THIS LISTING AND DON’T SEE YOUR NAME please contact Mr. Tackett or Kara immediately before any emergency rooms in our block are released Monday.)
- Ken Bourne (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3225483668
- Les Broaddy (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3218163331
- Steve Brooks (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3221556473
- Fred Brown (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3220683763
- Glenn Brown (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3218938343
- John Campbell (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3225288272
- A J Davis (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3222670142
- David Dawson (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3221361077
- Marsha Day (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3225190574
- Marty Fulkerson (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3222123171
- Charles Gazaway (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3218742947
- Diane Griffitt (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3225092876
- Burney Jenkins (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3223686113
- Madison Kalb (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3223152060
- Scott Lindsey (SPONSOR) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3225672492
- Scott Lindsey (SPONSOR) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3216606735
- Jeff Marksberry (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3223393019
- Frank McGowan (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3216509037
- Cassidy Moore (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3225040741
- Jimmy Powell (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3223731676
- Mike Reeves (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3222858966
- Glenn Spalding (WORKER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3223633978
- Brendon Miller (WORKER-PHOTO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3222324913
- Leslie Nicholson (WORKER-PHOTO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Fri, 03/28/25 Confirmation-3225718055
- Maurie Bedwell (WORKER-CHEER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3224845345
- Gayle Mills (WORKER-CHEER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25
- Lucy Moore (WORKER-CHEER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3220918150
- Carole Mullins (WORKER-CHEER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3225184002
- Gwen Saylor (WORKER-CHEER) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3219172730
- Eric Chumbler (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3217427310
- Jody Demling (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3220820452
- Dick Farmer (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3221081127
- Tom Stevens (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3223777239
- Greg Stotelmyer (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3221595464
- Scott Thompson (WORKER-RADIO) – Arrive -Tue, 03/25/25 Check Out-Sun, 03/30/25 Confirmation-3220722754