Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

10/22/18 – Regional Dates for Track and Field / Tennis

October 23, 2018 Tennis Blog Updates


As you plan for the Track and Tennis Regional competitions in 2019, we would like to remind schools about the regional dates for Track and Tennis for 2019. Please make sure all of those involved in planning graduation dates, spring activities, etc. are aware of the dates which should help fans, coaches, and administrators.

As approved in January 2018, there is now an extended period of allowable dates for Track and Tennis regionals to be conducted beyond the dates allowable in the past. These dates are Saturday, May 11 to Thursday, May 23, 2019. This allows for two weeks (including two Saturdays) to be available to host schools to complete their regional competition, as well as weekdays if they choose to do so. All of this scheduling is led by the regional host, but discussions and planning should include all schools. If a region or group of schools desire to start regional competition on Friday, May 10, 2019, please ensure that all schools are in agreement and contact the KHSAA staff for consent.

This also allows all regional competition to conclude prior to the Memorial Day holiday weekend so that individuals involved in the administration of the events can participate in the plethora of spring, end of year activities that are conducted during that weekend. It will also allow for meetings such as the compilation of Track and Field entries and the seeding of the State Tennis tournament to be held on Friday, May 24. This has been a continuous request from senior administrators in our member schools as they also try and manage postseason in other sports at the same time as well as avoid the wide variety of spring conflicting activities.

Please contact Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh, the primary contact for Track and Field, or Assistant Commissioner Michael Barren, the primary contact for Tennis should you have any questions. 


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