Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

06/06/18- Sport Activity Specific Dead Period Reminders

June 6, 2018 Archery Blog Updates


As the dead period approaches, it is important to remind all coaches about sport-activities (bowling, competitive cheer, dance, archery, bass fishing) during the dead period. The sport-activity specific contacts at the KHSAA are Michael Barren ( for Archery; Darren Bilberry ( for Bass Fishing, Sarah Bridenbaugh ( for Bowling and Dance; and Butch Cope ( for Cheer.

Any participation by student-athletes during the dead period would be a violation of Bylaw 24 if the school were to be involved in any way, including coaching, transportation, funding, providing uniforms, use of school facilities, entering or using the school name or all other specifics mentioned in Bylaws 23, 24 or 25.

Though individual participation itself by a student-athlete in a non-school or school-team based activity may not necessarily be a violation of KHSAA rules, the dates from June 25 – July 9, preclude any Kentucky school representative from participating in an event during ANY PART of the dead period including transportation to/from or any part of the event if the event extends into the dead period.

For a complete understanding of restrictions, provisions, and interpretations related to this bylaw, see the link at

The Dead Period was developed more than twenty years ago by the member schools to address several issues which continue to exist today. The rule was enacted by the membership to ensure opportunities for coaches to not be compelled to participate in activities for a period of time, to control the offseason expenditures of school funds and use of resources, and to allow for families to have a predetermined period of time where there was no expectation of participation in school-based or school-related sport. There were many other discussion points at that time, many of which are detailed in Case BL-24-1 at the link referenced above.

Students and coaches may not compete while representing their school (or using the same composed school team under another name) or contrary to any of the defined situations in the Bylaw during the KHSAA Dead Period. This includes “national championship” or other national events organized by outside entities that are conducted during any part of the dead period. It will remain a local school district’s decision (as well as the event organizers) as to whether or not a school could attend any event up until June 25th provided the entirety of the event and all travel returning to the school was completed by 11:59 p.m. on June 24th. See CSBL24-9 for a specific determination that has been made regarding events for which specific performance standards or results are met during KHSAA competition that subsequently qualifies a student for a subsequent round of competition. There are no known competitions of this type at this time and qualification cannot simply be participation in the KHSAA event.

Per 702 KAR 7:065, the dead period also applies to middle school athletics.

Please feel free to contact the KHSAA office if you have other specific questions.


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


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