Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

12/29/23 – First Phase (T-35 Report) Open for Title IX Reporting Entry for 2023-2024

December 29, 2023 Athletic Department Blog Updates


The initial phase of entry for the 2023-2024 Title IX Reports, the ability to enter the financial information from 2022-2023 to be entered on the 2023-2024 form T-35, is available and online at 


There has been a continual effort to eliminate inconsistent information that has been entered on that form, and the following points are emphasized:

  • Entry for the T-35 is now open. Login to: 
  • Click on the Title IX/Participation List Entry tab and begin entry when you are ready.
  • The T-35 requires you to enter 2022-2023 expense information, as it has been audited within your school and district.
  • Your previous Annual Reports can be quickly reviewed in the KHSAA School Subdomain (the login page) by clicking on the tab labeled Past Title IX Annual Reports, in case you want to review past submissions.
  • The T-35 is to be entered with all KHSAA sanctioned championship sport and sport-activities being listed, as well as Lacrosse and Marksmanship (Rifle Marksmanship) information. Lacrosse is listed due to the number of schools that have reported information in the past, and Marksmanship is listed due to the survey response from the last triennial survey and the ongoing efforts to determine interest.
  • The T35 entries for Archery, Bass Fishing, Esports, and Marksmanship, are consolidated and will not be requested by gender. The VAST majority of our schools do not separate expenses in these activities by gender. Simply report category totals and enter on the form for these three activities and do not attempt to allocate or divide. 

More information regarding the completion of these reports will be forthcoming, but it is important to give the membership a head start to get the T-35 data accurately entered. 


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