Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

10/19/16 – Commissioner’s Initial Response To 17 RS BR 113

October 19, 2016


“Our Board of Control on behalf of our schools has historically opposed such bills because the Association is in the business of school-based sports, not school-aged sports, and competitive equity is always an issue. Most of those specifics are contained in past blog postings about past bills and proposals.

The sponsor’s passion for the subject is evident as well as his willingness to listen to feedback by the changes made in the current version from past versions. This version is much more targeted to the specific issue of home school participation in high school athletics and sport-activities that our office sponsors.

We are hopeful that he recognizes the open door for revision and enhancement to ensure that there are not unintended consequences. We welcome not only the chance to sit and discuss the issues and technical wording but perhaps further share concerns about the lack of standards for home school education in our Commonwealth that makes equitable implementation of home school participation in our sports and activity programs a major issue for the majority of our member schools.”

– KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett


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