Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

04/18/13 Bylaw 13 Part 1 Survey Assistance

April 18, 2013


Several of you have asked questions about determining the answer to question number 3 on the Part 1 Bylaw 13 Survey.   Below are some instructions to assist you with finding that answer.

Go to
Center panel, where it says “District Report Card”, select the district and click “View Card”
Click on the fourth tab that says “Learning Environment”
The first yellowed line down says “Spending per student”. The district amount (NOT THE STATE AMOUNT) is the answer to the question.
It may vary depending upon which district your school is located, especially if you are in an area that has both independent and regular public districts. It is the specific district (i.e., in the Paducah area, St. Mary would need to know specifically if they are in the Paducah Independent district, or the McCracken County district, as those answers would differ).

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