Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

08/14/13 – KHSAA Online System Refinements and Revisions

August 14, 2013 Catron's Kilobytes


This is blog post is meant for KHSAA Member School Principals and Athletic Directors and is specifically intended only for Administrators who maintain their School’s Personnel accounts and Rosters online via the KHSAA Member School only system. If you have an assistant that performs these online data functions, please direct them towards this blog post.

This blog entry will (1) describe the “Four Step” process needed to allow coaches to edit rosters, (2) describe how to let trusted assistant coaches edit rosters and schedules with the same privileges as your head coach and (3) describe how to let non-KHSAA Sport/Sport Activity positions at your KHSAA Member school to be able to log in and watch the Sports Safety Course.

The Four Steps to ensuring your head coaches can edit rosters:

  1. Watch my revised videos listed in the “Need Help” section of the login page. Though technically not a Step, I consider these videos key in describing all functions of the website, and highly recommended – so please watch when you get time
  2. Update Member School Information (non-personnel):
    1. From the Member School Only Page, click on the “Update Member School Information (non-personnel)” link (direct link:
    2. Make certain, in “Sports Participation Information” that you:
      1. Put a check box next to the sport or sports in the “Head Coach Can Edit Rosters” Column that you wish your head coach to be able to edit rosters, and
      2. Make sure that all of your sports and level offerings are correct by placing a check next to sports (and levels) that your program offers
      3. Save Changes
  3. Maintain Coaching Personnel
    1. From the Member School Only Page, click on the “Maintain Coaching Personnel” link (direct link:
    2. Make certain that all of your coaches have all positions and roles assigned. Click on their record and check/uncheck all positions and roles that they have – again, at all three levels. 
    3. Note: You must have all JV and Freshman coaches, as well as all assistant coaches, in the system. If you do not have a Head JV or Head Freshman coach, only the AD will be able to enter those rosters. There are obvious reasons to have all coaches and all of their levels listed – the biggest of which is when Title IX comes, but also, so all coaches display properly on all levels of rosters when they are displayed/printed.
  4. Manage Overall Athletic Roster
    1. If you haven’t already done so, >From the Member School Only Page, click on the “Manage Overall Athletic Roster” (direct link:
    2. Make sure you have Initialized your Athletes list:
    3. Review and remove any students that you know are not going to be participating for 13-14
    4. Scroll to the bottom of the list and check the “I am satisfied with my list” box and click on “Continue.” 
    5. Now you and your coaches are ready to edit rosters for this upcoming school year.

For a visual demonstration of the above steps:

Secondly, in regards to certain roles and accounts: I have had requests to:

  1. Allow trusted Assistant Coaches to be able to be able to enter/edit rosters if the Athletic Director so chooses. We now have an assistant coaching role that allows this to happen. Just keep in mind that it does give that particular Assistant coach the same exact privileges that their Head Coach has. This is done as a service to those schools that had that situation come up. The steps are:
    1. From the Member School Only Page, click on “Maintain Coaching Personnel” (direct link:
    2. Select the Assistant Coach that you want to allow roster editing by clicking on their record
    3. Find the sport that you wish to give them this privilege in the Sport grid on the right side of the screen
    4. Check the level (V, JV or Fr)
    5. Select the “Assistant Coach Position” from the drop down menu
    6. Then, along with their other Assistant coaching role(s), put a check next to “Head Coach Data Privileges” (you can check as many roles as you want)
    7. Repeat for all positions and levels that they are going to have this privilege for
    8. Click on Save Changes
    9. They now have the same rights to edit Schedules and rosters that the head coach does
  2. Allow Athletic personnel involved in Non-KHSAA Sports to be able to have an account to log in to take the online Sports Safety Course (and thereby be able to print/view a certificate and also show up in the list of personnel with their completion status listed in red/green). Examples that I have heard of are Band Directors, Dance Coaches, etc. 
    1. From the Member School Only Page, click on “Maintain Administrative Personnel” (direct link:
    2. “Search/Add A Person” like you would normally do.
    3. After you find (or create a new record if you can’t find) the user, click on the “Add Position” button with their “Update Record” screen on the screen
    4. When the New Position Wizard pops up, select “Sport Administrative” under category
    5. Select “Athletic Department Staff” as Position
    6. Click on the “Add Position” button to add them to your Admin list. They will now be able to (only) log in and watch the Sports Safety clinic. They will be able to print a completion Certificate and their completion status will now appear in the “Sports Safety Status” on the “Maintain Administrative Personnel” list.

For a visual demonstration of the above steps:

I sincerely hope these instructions and training shorts help you and please – do not hesitate to email or call if you have any questions. I am looking forward to seeing you all out throughout the state at our Online System & Title IX Seminars over the next several weeks!

Thank you!



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