Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

10/01/13 – Bowling Clinic Available Online

October 1, 2013 Bowling Blog Updates

PrintThe Online Bowling Clinic is available online beginning today.  Please read through thoroughly as a few things have changed. First, you have a two hour time limit to complete the course.  The entire course is only about 50 minutes, but if you need to pause and return this must be within the two hour limit. Second, you must advance the slides by choosing next, the slides will not advance for you as they have in the past. Lastly, we have expanded the free period for viewing the clinic, so there will be no exceptions during the late period regarding late fees. Clinic Instructions: Remember you must be logged in to and log in with your name and your password in order to view the clinic and receive credit.  Once logged in choose “view online clinics”, then choose bowling. *NOTE – it will NOT work on an IOS device (apple, etc.) due to its use of Flash. Once you advanced to the last slide of the presentation, an email will automatically be generated to the KHSAA so that you can receive credit. Please remind all assistant coaches of the requirement as they are to view the clinic as well.  Athletic Directors must be sure that they have added those assistant coaches to the school personnel in order for them to be able to log in and view the clinic. As you can see the free period has been deadline has been extended this season. FREE (view at no charge) – October 1 – December 27 $100 Late Fee – December 28 – January 18 $300 Late Fee – January 19 – January 26 Athletic Directors can check to see that your coach has completed the clinic by going to the members school page and choosing the “maintain school personnel” link.  Once the clinic is complete there will be a Clinic OK next to that coach’s name. Print

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