Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

Working General

Member AD Contacts

Working General


Lacrosse Assigning Groups

Working General


2024-2025 Membership Dues Paid to Date

Working General


2024-2025 Team Picture Uploader

Working General


10/10/24- Current List of Attendees- KHSAA Advanced Athletic Administrator Training -Central Bank Center, Lexington, October 17

Advanced Workshop 2024-2025


10/10/24- Current List of Attendees- KHSAA360/Arbiter Training-Central Bank Center, Lexington, October 16

Working General


10/10/24- Current List of Attendees- KHSAA360/Arbiter Training-Knicely Center, Bowling Green, October 15

Working General


KHSAA Member School Directory and Information

Working General


KHSAA Coaches Rules Clinic and Officials Rules Clinic and Testing Schedule for 2024-2025

Working General


Board of Control Term History (1978 to present)

Working General


Approved NFHS Network Broadcasts

Working General


UKY.EDU KHSAA Listserves

Working General

The University 



Football Classification Interval Survey

Working General


Jennys Link Page

Working General

Jennys Event Links


RPI Out-of-State Factor Detail – 2023-24

Working General


07/24/23- Vacancy Announcement for Supervisor of Officials Licensing (Regular, Part-time)

2023-2024 News Releases

The KHSAA, a private, non-profit entity designated by the Kentucky Board of Education to manage high school sports and sport-activities in the Commonwealth, has an immediate need to fill the part-time position of Supervisor of Officials Licensing. This opening is being created to facilitate enhanced work and focus on the need to recruit and train the next generation of officials to help ensure as the current licensees move on or retire, games are not canceled for the student-athletes.

This opening will be filled as soon as possible and is a regular, part-time position with a work week of less than 25 hours per week with duties solely focused on this area. This position does not offer regular remote work options due to the nature of the business and operational needs.

The KHSAA operates regular business hours at its offices in Lexington from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, and this position will normally operate […]


07/24/23- Vacancy Announcement for Office Manager (Regular, Full-time)

2023-2024 News Releases

The KHSAA, a private, non-profit entity designated by the Kentucky Board of Education to manage high school sports and sport-activities in the Commonwealth, has an immediate need to fill the position of Office Manager and Administrative Assistant to the Commissioner. This opening is created by the promotion of a current employee to another position within the organization and the prior search has been extended.

This opening will be filled as soon as possible and is a regular, full-time position with a work week of at least 37.5 hours, twelve months a year. This position does not offer regular remote work options due to the nature of the business and operational needs.

The KHSAA operates regular business hours at its offices in Lexington from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, and this position will normally operate within that schedule. Current employees at the KHSAA operate on a memorandum of agreement with employment benefits administered by […]


KHSAA Coaches Rules Clinic and Officials Rules Clinic and Testing Schedule for 2023-2024

Working General


2022 Regional Meeting Registration Listing

Region Meetings 2022-2023


2022 Athletic Administrators Workshop Registration Listing

Working General


2022-23 AD Season Planning Calendar

Working-AD Calendar


2021-22 AD Season Planning Calendar

Working-AD Calendar


September 2021 Annual Meeting Presentations

Working General


SB128 Data

Working General


Schools and Systems Determinations, SB128 Applicability for SSYP

Working General


SB128 School and District Responses

Working General



Emails and Responses-Winter

Working General


09/08/20- COVID-19 Related Links and Documents

Sports Medicine-Covid-19 Blogs

KHSAA COVID-19 Related Links and Documents

This listing is a compilation of a variety of links referenced throughout both the suspension and resumption of sports and sport-activities. Many of these references were cited in the Healthy at Sports Documentation.

KHSAA Reference Links and Documents

KDE (Kentucky Department of Education Reference Links and Documents

Commonwealth of Kentucky Reference Links and Documents

CDC Reference Links and Documents

KMA References and Return to Play Documents

Allied Group Reference Links and Documents (NFHS, NCAA)

Whitehouse and FDA Reference Links and Documents

KDPH (Kentucky Department for Public Health) Related Links and Documents

Important Mental Health References

Football Specific References

Golf Specific References


Healthy at Sports-Stage 3-Performance, Return to Practice and Competition

Working General

All Documents by Sport, Healthy at Sports-Stage 3-Performance, Return to Practice and Competition, 8/24 and beyond

These rules are written for the high school, interscholastic levels in Kentucky. Other levels of play may also want to consult with such groups as USA Football, US Soccer Federation, USA Volleyball, USA Field Hockey, USA Cheer and similar organizations additionally appropriate to that level.


NFHS Rules Considerations Due to Covid-19

Sports Medicine-Covid-19 Blogs

NFHS Rules Considerations Due to Covid-19

This listing is courtesy of the NFHS in Indianapolis. These rules are written for the high school, interscholastic levels. Other levels of play may also want to consult with such groups as USA Football, US Soccer Federation, USA Volleyball, USA Field Hockey, USA Cheer and similar organizations additionally appropriate to that level.

These rules were written for states to consider adopting, but are not nationwide mandates nor mandates in Kentucky unless otherwise noted. Teams traveling out of state may want to ask that host state about adoptions.

These considerations DO NOT supersede state and local order or KHSAA policy. They are simply considerations, an example of which is universal masking. The NFHS does not have authority to override a state order. These options, if adopted, are considered to be in compliance with NFHS rules as adopted per KHSAA Bylaw 22, Sec. 5. These options have been extended to […]


Field Hockey Open Dates for 2020

Working General


Volleyball Open Dates for 2020

Working General


Girls Soccer Open Dates for 2020

Working General


Boys Soccer Open Dates for 2020

Working General


Football Open Dates for 2020

Working General


2020 Triple Threat Award Listing – Count by Gender

Working General


test for errors

Working General


RPI Details

Working General



Working General

The link you have attempted to reach is not yet available. It is a valid link, but not yet populated with information.

Most of the time, this is because of a scheduled release of information or data and the user is simply early. If you reach this page after the scheduled release of information, please notify the KHSAA offices.


RPI FAQ and What-ifs?

Working General


  • RPI was be implemented in all sports as a publicity tool.
  • In Football, the RPI will be incorporated into the competition rules as a means of seeding Rounds 3, 4 and 5
  • RPI stands for “Ratings Percentage Index”. In short, it is a way to measure a team’s strength relative to other teams, based largely on the strength of their schedules.

What percentages are being used in the formula?

  • Starting in 2019-20, the formula will be as follows for all sports:
    • Each game RPI = GR*((0.35 × WP) + (0.35 × OWP) + (0.30 × OOWP)).
    • The formula, which equally weights winning percentage and opponents winning percentage, has been the basis for nearly all states as they have started the use of the RPI.
    • Balancing the formula in this manner, with a lesser impact on the opponent’s opponents also prevents schools that are located […]


RPI Calculation Steps

Baseball Blog Updates

RPI calculation example using 2018 Ashland Blazer football regular season, which is subject to revision given revisions approved for any RPI parameter. This long-published example of the calculations on the KHSAA website at

RPI Background (all sports)

  • RPI stands for Ratings Percentage Index.
  • RPI is used for district tiebreaking and football third, fourth and fifth-round bracketing, as well as a means to increase publicity, interest and promotion of interscholastic athletics.
  • RPI is also used as a tiebreaking/contest-result mechanism to decide seeded district games that are not played by the deadline.
  • The KHSAA is uniquely positioned to be the sole and authenticated source of RPI data due to the maintenance of required score reporting and scoreboard data for baseball, basketball, field hockey, football, soccer, softball and volleyball for more than two decades.
  • RPI rankings are updated on an hourly basis but are not calculated for teams with missing scores from previous or multiple contests.
  • […]



Working General


Place Holder For Future Events

Working General


September 2019 Annual Meeting Presentations

Working General


2019-2020 Newer Athletic Administrators Workshop Listing

Working General


Reference Documents – Parent and Fan Expectations

Working General


Online Zoom Meetings

Working General

Online Meeting Recordings


11/20/18-Revisions, Clarifications and Reminders about Students Practicing/Playing While Ineligible


At the 2018 KHSAA Annual Meeting, the membership approved several changes to the bylaws regarding eligibility which the staff will begin to work through the promulgation process mandated by the legislature in the coming weeks. We are hopeful that these changes will be adopted and implemented for final inclusion in the 2019-20 Handbook sometime early next summer. This communication relates ONLY to Proposal 2018-03. Any changes contained in 2018-01, 2018-02 and 2018-04 will need final legislative approval in the spring of 2019 before implementation.

One of the approved changes was contained in Proposal 2018-03, which is detailed on page two of the document at This change would place into the regulation the provision that it is school choice as to whether a student with a pending ruling (original or appeal) could be allowed to practice with the team (including scrimmages). This change was part regulatory and part interpretation, as the provisions restricting such […]


September 2018 Annual Meeting Presentations

Working General


Internship Opportunities at the KHSAA

Working General

Interns at the KHSAA have the unique opportunity to gain first-hand experience and knowledge regarding the management of state tournaments and special events. The KHSAA provides interns with the ability to work closely with staff members and tournament managers. In addition to working state events, interns will assist in the KHSAA office to gain personal experience in social media/marketing, tournament preparation and publication development.

These internship opportunities are fitting for individuals looking to gain experience in the field of athletic event management and become more knowledgeable of athletic association work.

The KHSAA accepts one intern for each season (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer).

Requirements and Qualifications:

  • High school diploma
  • Enrolled in a 2-year or 4-year institution
  • Seeking a career in athletics
  • Experience with basic computing software
  • Able to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing
  • Attentive to details, well-organized, able to work independently, able to develop and implement short and long-range plans to meet association needs
  • […]

    More Secure Login

Working General


What exactly is the Triennial Survey?

Working General

Per the Board of Control adopted policy ( ), the Board surveys the member schools every three years to determine interest in sports and sport-activities.

The Board is strong in its feeling that while the Board must decide many issues for the schools, membership desires are extremely critical in this area.

The following are key provisions of the policy:

  • The KHSAA shall survey its membership every three (3) years to measure desire for a new offering or elimination of an existing offering.
  • The KHSAA Limitation of Seasons shall not address a specific sport or sport-activity unless and until it meets the desired participation threshold to allow for the maximum opportunity to expose the sport to growth.
  • Unless otherwise approved by the Board of Control to address specific previously underrepresented populations, in order for the KHSAA to begin discussions concerning the possible sponsoring of a state championship in a new sport or sport-activity, there […]


Annual Meeting Attendee Folder Contents

Working General

Annual Meeting Attendee Folder Contents


2017-2018 Annual Meeting Delegate Listing

Working General


View Current Season Team Rosters

Working General


2017 Regional Meeting Attendance Listing

Working General


Safety Course

Working General


01/05/17 – Middle School FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) – Updated



Please refer to this blog for updates and responses to frequently asked questions to guide you throughout the year.  If you have an immediate question, please contact Associate Commissioner Butch Cope ( at the KHSAA offices.

Authority and Jurisdiction

What is Middle School as used in these regulations and rules?
Middle School is defined by competition conducted between grades 6 through 8 to align with assessment parameters and divisions. It is considered to be middle school competition, and compliance with this regulation is required, if any of the following situations exist:

(a) The contest, event or tournament is sponsored by a school (or combined group of schools);
(b) Competitors wear a school issued uniform;
(c) The contest, event or tournament is sponsored by an outside entity as a school entry event (advertised or promoted as a school event), whether or not an entry fee […]


Past Title IX Audit Site Visits

Working General


08/11/14 – Middle School Students Repeating Options and Age Requirements for Interscholastic Participation


The following is related SOLELY to interscholastic play for grades 5-8 students in grades 6 through 8 play.

Through the completion of the 2014-2015 school year, policies regarding the participation of repeating students at the levels of play below high school interscholastic athletics (below grade nine(9)) shall be determined by the school council pursuant to KRS 160.345 (2) (i).

Effective with the 2015-2016 school year, policies regarding the participation of repeating students at the levels of play below high school interscholastic athletics shall be implemented pursuant to 702 KAR 7:065 as follows:

  • Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year and thereafter, require that no student enrolled initially in grade (5) through grade (8) during the 2015-2016 school year or thereafter who is repeating a grade for any reason be eligible to compete in interscholastic competition involving students enrolled in grades six (6) through eight (8) while repeating a grade;
  • Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, […]


04/15/14 – Middle School Regulation-Repeating Students, Age


As part of its required charge, the Middle School Advisory Committee has recommended the change below to the Kentucky Board of Education. The change was approved through two readings of the Kentucky Board of Education, and is slated for final consideration by the General Assembly (Administrative Regulations Review Subcommittee) in June, 2014.

Below is the text of the relevant portion of the regulation. It is important to note that the regulation change has a phase-in date in 2015-2016, however the regulation is not final until approved by the Kentucky General Assembly through its committees.

(7) Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year and thereafter, require that no student enrolled initially in grade (5) through grade (8) during the 2015-2016 school year or thereafter who is repeating a grade for any reason be eligible to compete in interscholastic competition involving students enrolled in grades six (6) through eight (8) while repeating a grade;


02/21/14 – Update on Billy Hicks’ All-Time Coaching Record


Over the past few weeks, the KHSAA has worked to resolve questions surrounding the all-time coaching record for Billy Hicks. With the assistance of several news outlets, including the Lexington Herald-Leader, the Louisville Courier-Journal, the Harlan Daily Enterprise and the Georgetown News-Graphic, the KHSAA believes it has resolved many of the discrepancies in regards to coach Hicks’ record. 

With that said, the KHSAA records will reflect that coach Hicks enters tonight’s game between Scott County and Paul Laurence Dunbar with an all-time record of 856-244, tying him with William Kean (Central HS) atop the state’s all-time list for coaching victories.

The KHSAA congratulates coach Hicks on his accomplishments thus far, and wishes him the best of luck in the future.








Evarts HS



* 10 games forfeited by school


Evarts HS





Evarts HS






04/23/13 – OBSOLETE-SUPERSEDED-Changes Approved by KBE to Codify KHSAA Authority Over Middle School Athletics


From the Commissioner:
In this document, I am going to try and summarize, in as concise a means as possible, the changes made to 702 KAR 7:065 which specify regulations for athletics at the middle school level. This first part will be about the regulation itself, and the changes
that will be made due to its passage. An additional document, which will be able to be revised and edited as more questions arise, will explain many of the changes in layman’s terms.

Pursuant to KRS 156.070 (2), the Kentucky Board of Education is responsible for all levels of interscholastic athletics in all grades and has delegated such authority to the KHSAA for many years. For most of that time, the regulations have focused on play
at the high school interscholastic level (grades 9-12). The Kentucky Board of Education has, for a couple of years, been reviewing issues related to participation in middle school interscholastic athletics. […]


OBSOLETE-SUPERSEDED-Baseball Semi-State Information


2021 State Baseball Semi-State Information Baseball Semi-State General Information


OBSOLETE-SUPERSEDED-Semi-State Information and Instructions


2021 KHSAA Semi-State Softball Information Information Softball Semi-State General Information


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