12/10/14 – Compiled Uniform Rules and Questions
February 18, 2016 Athletic Department Blog Updates
PrintDue to the fact that there is no single resource from which an athletic administrator can become informed about the rules governing uniforms for each of the OHSAA-sponsored sports, this document will summarize both the OHSAA General Sports Regulation on Uniforms as well as the specific regulations found in the playing rules of each sport. The OHSAA hopes that this information will assist athletic administrators and coaches so that costly mistakes are not made when ordering school uniforms. An additional purpose is to assist administrators in reinforcing these rules with coaches in order to prevent penalties for non-compliance. Coaches are responsible, along with student-athletes, for insuring that compliance with uniform rules. The head official shall require coaches to verify prior to each contest that all athletes are legally equipped, in legal uniforms and free of all jewelry.
The OHSAA General Sports Regulation #17, ?Athletic Uniforms? reads: Uniforms worn by participants in a high school athletic contest must conform to the playing rules adopted by the OHSAA for that sport. Any lettering or emblems on uniforms must pertain to the school name, school nickname, individual’s name, the sport, drug use prevention, sportsmanship, ethics or integrity or be of a patriotic nature and provided it does not violate the rules of the sport in regard to location. Any visible manufacturer’s logo/trade name/reference on a uniform or undergarment must conform to the rules adopted by the national rules committee for that sport. However, if there is no specific rule, the maximum size is no more than 2? square inches in size with no dimension exceeding 2? inches. NOTE: All NFHS playing rules now permit ONE American flag (no more than 2? X 3?) to be placed on each piece of the uniform.
The following ?Baseball Uniform Requirements? are found in the 2013-14 NFHS Baseball Rules Book.
They are detailed in Section 4 of Rule 1 and are found on pages 12-13.
ART. 1 Uniforms of all team members should be of the same color and style. Caps and shoes are required equipment (no track spikes allowed). When a player is required to wear a head protector, it replaces the cap as mandatory equipment.
ART. 2 For individual players, uniform sleeve lengths may vary. However, sleeves of each individual player shall be approximately the same length and shall not be ragged, frayed or slit. If the pitcher?s undershirt sleeves are exposed, they shall not be white or gray. A pitcher shall not wear any item on his hands, wrists or arms which may be distracting to the batter. A pitcher shall not wear white or gray exposed undershirt sleeves or any white or gray sleeve that extends below the elbow. A vest and coordinating shirt that is worn underneath is viewed as a type of uniform top.
ART. 3 A uniform shall not have any dangerous or reflective buttons or ornaments. Each player shall be numbered on the back of his shirt with a plain number of solid color contrasting with the color of the shirt. This number shall be a plain Arabic style and shall be at least eight inches high, and no players of the same team shall wear identical numbers. A number may have a border of not more than one-quarter inch in width.
ART 4. The school?s official uniform (including uniform pants, jersey, visible undergarments, socks, stockings, caps and headwear) may bear only a visible single manufacturer?s log (partial or whole) or trademark. A manufacturer?s logo/trademark shall not exceed 2 1/4 square inches with no dimension exceeding 2 1/4 inches. No more than one manufacturer?s logo/trademark or reference shall be permitted on the outside of each item. (The same restriction shall apply to either the manufacturer?s logo/trademark or reference.) One American flag 2 inches x 3 inches may be worn on each item of uniform apparel. By state association adoption, to allow for special occasions, commemorative or memorial patches, that will be uniformly placed, not to exceed 4 square inches, to be worn on jerseys in an appropriate and dignified manner without compromising the integrity of the uniform.
Please refer to NFHS Baseball Rules 1-3 and 1-5 for information on Player Equipment and additional items such as gloves, bats, balls, catchers gear and facial protection.
The following ?Basketball Uniform Requirements? are found in the 2013-14 NFHS Basketball Rules Book. They are detailed in Section 4 of Rule 3 and are found on pages 23-24
ART. 1 ?. Team jersey color and design shall adhere to the following:
a. The torso of the team jersey shall be the same single solid color for all team members.
b. The torso is the portion of the jersey from an imaginary line at the base of the neckline extending to each armhole, down to the bottom hem of the jersey and from side seam/insert to side seam/insert. The imaginary line at the base of the neckline shall not extend beyond 1 ? inches from the lowest point of the neckline apex/opening.
c. The torso color shall be white for the home team and a contrasting dark color for the visiting team.
NOTE: It is recommended that the dark torso color for the visiting team be the darker color of the school?s color scheme or black.
d. There are no color/design restrictions in the area of the team jersey from the imaginary line at the base of the neckline to the top of the shoulder and in the corresponding area on the back of the jersey.
e. Side inserts, including trim/piping/accent color(s), shall be no more than 4 inches in width (2 inches on each side of seam) of any color(s) or design, centered vertically below the armpit. Side inserts for all team jersey shall be the same width.
f. Trim, piping or an accent color differing from the torso color shall not exceed 1 inch around the arm openings, except as in item d above.
ART. 2 ?.Logos/flags/patches shall adhere to the following:
a. A visible manufacturer?s logo/trademark/reference is permitted on the team jersey, not to exceed 2 ? square inches with no dimension more than 2 ? inches. The manufacturer?s logo may be located no more than 5 inches below the shoulder seam on the front of the jersey, or 2 inches from the neckline on the back of the jersey; or in either side insert.
b. The American flag may be worn anywhere on the team jersey provided it does not exceed 2 x 3 inches and does not interfere with the visibility of the player?s number.
c. One commemorative/memorial patch may be worn on the jersey. The patch shall not exceed 4 square inches, shall not be a number and must be located above the neckline or in the side insert.
d. A school or conference logo/mascot may be located at the apex/opening of the neckline or above it, in the corresponding area on the back of the jersey and/or in either side insert.
ART. 3 ?.Numbers shall adhere to the following:
a. Team jerseys shall include the team member?s number, which shall be at least 6 inches high on the back and at least 4 inches high on the front and not less than ? inch in width excluding the border.
b. The number(s) shall be centered vertically and horizontally on the portion of the jersey that is intended to be visible.
c. The number(s) on the front and back of the team jersey shall be the same color and style.
d. Each team member shall be numbered on the front and back of the team jersey with plain Arabic numerals. The following numbers are legal: 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 00, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55. A team member list shall not have both numbers 0 and 00.
e. No more than three colors may be used on the number. The style of the number must be clearly visible and conform to one of the following:
1. A solid contrasting color with no more than two solid color ?-inch borders around the entire number. If the team jersey color is used as a border, it must be counted as one of the allowed colors.
2. The team jersey color itself when bordered with not more than two ?-inch solid border(s) contrasting with the team jersey color.
3. A solid contrasting color with a ?shadow? trim of a contrasting color on part of the number not to exceed ? inch in width and may be used with one ?-inch border.
ART. 4 ?.Identifying name(s) shall adhere to the following:
a. If used, lettering with team names and/or abbreviations or team member?s names must be placed horizontally on the jersey.
b. Lettering above a number may be arched, but the first and last letters must be on the same horizontal plane, such plane shall not be below a plane extending through the top of the number(s).
c. Lettering below a number must have the first and last letters on the same horizontal plane and said plane shall not be above a plan extending through the bottom of the number(s).
d. Any point on any letter shall not be closer than one inch to any point on any number(s).
e. Any form of decorative accent (e.g., paw, halo, crown, star) in an identifying name or abbreviation is only permitted if the name or abbreviation is located above the number.
f. If a tail is used in the lettering of an identifying name or abbreviation, the name or abbreviation must be located below the number.
ART. 5 ?.Uniform pants/skirts shall have only one visible manufacturer?s logo/trademark/reference. See 3-6-2 for size requirements.
Please refer to NFHS Basketball Rules 3-5, 3-6 and 3-7 for information on Player Equipment and additional apparel such as headbands, wristbands, undershirts and compression shorts.
All players must wear the same sleeved, bowling shirt which conforms to school/OHSAA regulations. At a minimum the shirt must have the name of the school or school nickname as identified in the OHSAA School Directory on the back. The name of the school or school nickname must be at least 1 inch in height. All bowlers must wear the same color pants. No jeans or cotton sweat pants are permitted. If nylon warm-ups are worn, they must be worn by the entire team and be identical in style and color. Girls are permitted to wear skirts and/or shorts provided the skirts/shorts are of the same color as the pants and are no shorter than the end of the bowler?s index finger when standing. Girls uniforms may be mixed. Pants should be worn at waist level and not sag or touch the floor. Cargo, capris, yoga pants and painter pants are not permitted. Headbands, if worn, must be of a solid color, bear no markings and be the same color for each team member. It is not necessary for all members of a team to wear a headband. Manufacturer logos (Nike, Adidas, etc.) are permitted but not Bowling Center logos. See General Sports Regulations regarding permissibility and size of manufacturer?s and other (patriotic) logos. Currently there is no necessity to have a number on an individual bowler?s uniform. Conferences/Leagues may have their own requirements.
Uniforms must be worn as intended by the manufacturer.
The complete cross country and track and field uniform consists of shoes, school-issued track bottoms and full-length track top (singlet) or one piece uniform. Bare midriff tops are not acceptable. The top must hang below or be tucked into the waistband of the bottoms when the competitor is standing erect. Any visible shirt worn under the top and other visible apparel worn under the bottom must be unadorned and of a single (and the same) color. A visible garment worn under the uniform top displaying contrasting stitching to the single, solid color of the undergarment and functions as the actual seam for the undergarment’s construction is legal. Visible items worn under both the top and the bottom do not have to the same color. The top and bottom may have school identification, and the top may have the competitor?s name. The top shall not be knotted. Also a single manufacturer’s logo or trade name(no more than 2 ? square inches in size with no dimension exceeding 2 ? inches) is permissible per each item of uniform apparel. The American flag may be worn on the uniform and shall not exceed 2″ x 3″. Bottoms may vary in length and style, but must be the same color for all team members.
In relay races in track and field and in cross country team competition, each team member shall wear the same color and design school uniform (top and bottom or one piece uniform). Any visible shirt worn under the top and other visible apparel worn under the bottom must be unadorned and of the same color for all teammates choosing to wear it.
A shoe is a covering for the foot having an upper and a definitely recognizable sole and heel. The upper must be designed so that is can be securely fastened to the foot by laces or velcro. Track spikes may not exceed 1/2 inch in length measured from the sole to the tip of the spike. Unless deemed unsuitable by meet management, track spikes up to one inch in length may be used for cross country competition. The use of slippers or socks does not meet the requirements of the rule.
In Ohio, high school track and field and cross country competitors are required to wear the school-issued jersey with the number permanently attached to the back of the jersey. The numerals shall be plain Arabic numerals of a contrasting color with the jersey color and must be a minimum of 4″ in height. Matching numbers may be attached to the front. Each school is assigned a range of numbers that may be used.
Contestants shall not wear jewelry with the exception of religious or medical medals. A religious medal must be taped and worn under the uniform. A medical alert medal should be visible. When the medical medal is attached: 1) to a bracelet made of metal or an unyielding material, it shall be taped to the body; 2) to a bracelet made of a pliable material, it is not required to be taped to the body; 3) to a necklace, it shall be taped to the body.
A watch may be worn around the wrist. Unadorned devices, such as bobby pins, barrettes and hair clips, no longer than 2 inches, may be worn to control a competitor?s hair.
(PENALTY: For an illegal uniform, when a violation is observed and noted by a meet official, the competitor shall be required to make the uniform legal before becoming eligible for further competition, and shall be issued a warning that a subsequent violation shall result in a disqualification from the event. For illegal equipment/jewelry, the competitor shall be required to remove the jewelry before further competition, and be issued a warning that a subsequent violation shall result in disqualification from the event.
The ultimate responsibility to have each competitor compliant with uniform and jewelry rules is with the coach.
Members of each team shall be dressed uniformly except the goalkeeper. The uniform top shall have clearly visible numbers on the front and back. The numbers shall be of a solid color contrasting to any surrounding colors. It is required that the numbers on the front be 3-6? in height and 6-8? on the back. Any number from 00-99 is legal. A team may not use both 0 and 00. Three digit numbers and duplicate numbers on players of the same team are not permitted. Players are permitted to wear solid color undergarments, either short-sleeved or long-sleeved. Undergarments, if worn, shall be white for the home team, and black or dark for the visiting team. All players on the same team who choose to wear an undergarment must wear the same color.
The following are the color requirements for the jersey/top:
a. The home team shall wear single solid white uniform tops front and back on the torso, and the visiting team shall wear single solid black or dark-colored uniform tops front and back on the torso. The ?torso? is the portion of the top from an imaginary horizontal line at the base of the neckline extending to each armhole/sleeve, down to the bottom helm of the top and from side seam to side seam.
b. Team names and/or abbreviations may be placed on the front or back of the jersey/top.
c. Lettering must be placed horizontally and may be arched. Names may also be on multiple lines.
d. The first and last letters, either above or below the number, must be on the same horizontal plane. When above the number, the plane may not be below a plane extending through the top of the number(s). When below the number, the plane may not be above a plane extending through the bottom of the number(s).
e. Any point on any letter shall not be closer than one inch to any point on any number(s).
f. Any form of decorative accent (i.e. paw, halo, crown, star, etc.) in a name or abbreviation is only permitted above the number. If a tail is used in the lettering of an identifying name or abbreviation, the name or abbreviation must be located below the number.
g. There are no restrictions in the area of the jersey/top from an imaginary horizontal line at the base of the neckline extending to each armhole/sleeve, up to the shoulder seam.
h. Different colors and/or designs may be used in this area.
Neckline and Armhole-Sleeve Trim Requirements
i. Trim shall not exceed 1 inch around the neck and arm openings.
j. Side inserts must be centered vertically below the armpit.
k. The width of the side inserts, including trim, must be a maximum of 4 inches (2 inches on each side of the seam).
l. The style/design of the side insert may be of any color or design. Side inserts must be the same width for all team jerseys. Commemorative/memorial patches not to exceed 4 square inches with the state association approval may be worn in this area or above the neckline
m. An American flag may be worn anywhere on the team jersey provided it does not exceed 2×5? and does not interfere with the visibility of the number.
n. One manufacturer?s logo/trademark or reference not to exceed 2? square inches in any dimension is permitted on the outside of each item. The manufacturer?s logo/trademark restriction includes company reference.
Individual players may wear mittens/gloves and knitted hats as well as full-length, solid-colored warm up pants/tights provided the knee-length socks/sock guards are visible. All players on the team shall wear like-colored warm up pants. Players shall not wear any other undergarment that extends below the uniform bottom. Note; All players on a team shall wear the same color compression shorts, undershirt and/or warm-up pants. Knee-length, solid-colored socks/sock guards (not rolled down) are required for all players. The home team shall wear white or light colored socks/sock guards and the visiting team shall wear contrasting dark-colored socks/sock guards.
The goalkeeper shall wear a uniform top of a color contrasting to the color of the uniform tops of both teams and shall have a visible number. She shall wear field hockey goalie pads, not to exceed 12 inches in width per pad) frontal view) and goalie shoes or kickers. Goalkeepers shall wear a full face/cage mask-helmet which covers the entire head including the back of the head (cage must be rounded at all points), chest protector specifically manufactured for field hockey worn under the shirt and field hockey goalie gloves which shall have separate fingers without webbing and shall not exceed 8 inches in width when lying flat. It is legal for the goalkeeper to wear foam hand protectors that are no more than 9 inches wide and 14 inches in length. Chest protectors that provide additional coverage may also be worn. Mask helmets shall not have a hard, visor-type protrusion that extends beyond the cage. A wrap-around style throat protector is required. Goalkeeper shall wear a mouth protector which may be attached to the face mask/helmet.
Field players may wear a face mask provided it is made of fiberglass or plastic and is molded to face and soft headgear.
Tooth protectors for all players shall be of a readily visible color other than white or clear.
All field players shall wear eye protection which meets current ASTM standards for field hockey.
NOTE: As mentioned in Section 5, under Player Equipment, NOCSAE refers to the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment, while SGMA refers to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association.
ART. 1?Mandatory equipment. Each player shall participate while wearing the following pieces of properly fitted equipment, which shall be professionally manufactured and not altered to decrease protection:
a. Helmet and Face Mask:
1. A helmet and face mask which met the NOCSAE test standard at the time of manufacture. The face mask shall have a surface covered with resilient material designed to prevent chipping, burrs or abrasiveness and be properly secured to the helmet as designed by the manufacturer.
2. The helmet shall be secured by a properly fastened chin strap with at least four attachment points.
NOTE: All players shall wear helmets that carry a warning label regarding the risk of injury and a manufacturer?s or reconditioner?s certification indicating satisfaction of NOCSAE test standards. All such reconditioned helmets shall show recertification to indicate satisfaction with the NOCSAE test standard. The coach?s pregame verification to the referee and umpire that all players are properly equipped in compliance with the rules includes the exterior warning label.
b. Jersey:
1. A jersey, unaltered from the manufacturer?s original design/production, and which shall be long enough to reach the top of the pants and shall be tucked in if longer.
2. Players of the visiting team shall wear jerseys, unaltered from the manufacturer?s original design/production, that meet the following criteria: The body of the jersey (inside the shoulders, inclusive of the yoke of the jersey or the shoulders, below the collar, and to the bottom of the jersey) shall be white and shall contain only the listed allowable adornments and accessory patterns in a color(s) that contrasts to white:
(a) as the jersey number(s) required in 1-5-1c or as the team and/or player name within the body and/or on the shoulders,
(b) either as a decorative stripe placed during production that follows the curve of the raglan sleeve or following the shoulder seam in traditional yoke construction, not to exceed 1 inch at any point within the body of the jersey; or as decorative stripe(s) added in the shoulder area after production, not to exceed 1 inch per stripe and total size of combined stripes not to exceed 3.5 inches,
(c) within the collar, a maximum of 1 inch in width, and/or
(d) as a side seam (insert connecting the back of the jersey to the front), a maximum of 4 inches in width but any non-white color may not appear within the body of the jersey (inside the shoulders, inclusive of the yoke of the jersey or the shoulders, below the collar, and to the bottom of the jersey). The exception to (d) would be what is stated in (b) above.
(e) The visiting team is responsible for avoidance of similarity of colors, but if there is doubt, the referee may require players of the home team to change jerseys.
NOTE: An American flag, not to exceed 2 by 3 inches, and either a commemorative or memorial patch, not to exceed 4 square inches and with written state association approval, may be worn on the jersey provided neither the flag nor the patch interferes with the visibility of the number.
3. Players of the home team shall wear jerseys, unaltered from the manufacturer?s original design/production, that meet the following criteria: The body of the jersey (inside the shoulders, inclusive of the yoke of the jersey or the shoulders, below the collar, and to the bottom of the jersey) may not include white, except as stated below. If white appears in the body of the jersey of the home team, it may only appear:
(a) as the jersey number(s) required in 1-5-1c or as the team and/or player name within the body and/or on the shoulders.
(b) either as a decorative stripe placed during production that follows the curve of the raglan sleeve or following the shoulder seam in traditional yoke construction, not to exceed 1 inch at any point within the body of the jersey; or as decorative stripe(s) added in the shoulder area after production, not to exceed 1 inch per stripe and total size of combined stripes not to exceed 3.5 inches,
(c) within the collar, a maximum of 1 inch in width, and/or
(d) as a side seam (insert connecting the back of the jersey to the front), a maximum of 4 inches in width but any white color may not appear within the body of the jersey (inside the shoulders, inclusive of the yoke of the jersey or the shoulders, below the collar, and to the bottom of the jersey). The exception to (d) would be what is stated in (b) above.
(e) The visiting team is responsible for avoidance of similarity of colors, but if there is doubt, the referee may require players of the home to change jerseys.
NOTE: An American flag, not to exceed 2 by 3 inches, and either a commemorative or memorial patch, not to exceed 4 square inches and with written state association approval, may be worn on the jersey provided neither the flag nor the patch interferes with the visibility of the number.
c. Numbers
1. The numbers shall be clearly visible and legible using Arabic numbers 1-99 inclusive and shall be on the front and back of the jersey.
2. The numbers shall be centered horizontally at least 8 inches and 10 inches high on the front and back, respectively, and with continuous bars or strokes approximately 1?-inches wide.
3. The color and style of the number shall be the same on the front and back.
4. The body of the number shall be either:
(a) a continuous color(s) contrasting with the jersey color, or
(b) the same solid color(s) as the jersey with a minimum of one border that is at least ?-inch in width of a single solid contrasting color.
d. Pads and Protective Equipment ? The following pads and protective equipment are required of all players:
1. Hip pads and tailbone protector which are unaltered from the manufacturer?s original design/production.
2. Knee pads which are unaltered from the manufacturer?s original design/production, which are worn over the knee and under the pants and shall be at least ? inch thick or 3/8 inch thick if made of shock absorbing material.
3. Shoulder pads and hard surface auxiliary attachments, which shall be fully covered by a jersey.
4. Thigh guards which are unaltered from the manufacturer?s original design/production.
5. A tooth and mouth protector (intraoral) which shall include an occlusal (Protecting and separating the biting surfaces) and a labial (protecting the teeth and supporting structures) portion and covers the posterior teeth with adequate thickness. It is recommended the protector be properly fitted and:
(a) Constructed from a model made from an impression of the individual?s teeth, or
(b) Constructed and fitted to the individual by impressing the teeth into the tooth and mouth protector itself.
(c) The tooth and mouth protector shall be of any readily visible color, and may not be:
(1) completely white; or
(2) completely clear.
e. Pants which completely cover the knees, thigh guards and knee pads and any portion of any knee brace that does not extend below the pants.
f. Shoes which shall be made of a material which covers the foot (canvas, leather or synthetic) and attached to a firm sole of leather, rubber or composition material. Shoes may have cleats or may be cleatless. Among the items which do not meet these requirements are gymnastic slippers, tennis shoes cut so protection is reduced, ski and logger boots and other apparel not intended for football use:
1. Removable cleats shall conform to the following specifications:
(a) Constructed of material which does not chip or develop a cutting edge.
(b) Legal cleat material includes leather, nylon, rubber and non metallic polymers that will not chip or develop a cutting edge while functioning as a cleat. Cleats may be tipped with a steele material hardened to a Rockwell hardness approximately C55 to a depth of .005-.008 while minimizing the risk of brittle failure of the tip component, in its entirety, including any shafts or threads that may be a part of the tip.
(c) The base and the tip of the clear shall be parallel.
(d) The free end of the cleat may be rounded in an arc with a radius of not less than 7/16 inch provided the overall length is not more than ? inch measured from the tip of the cleat to the sole of the shoe.
(e) The cleat may be attached to a raised platform which is molded to the shoe. The platform may be no more than 5/32 inch in height and must be wider than the base of the cleat. The widest part of the cleat must be in direct contact with the platform. The 5/32-inch raised platform must be wider than the base of the cleat and must extent across the width of the sole to within ? inch or less of the outer edges of the sole.
(f) A single toe cleat does not require a raised platform that extends across the width of the sole. The raised platform of the toe cleat is limited to 5/31 inch or less.
(g) The 5/31-inch platform is measured from the lowest point of the platform to the sole of the shoe.
(h) An effective locking device which prevents the exposure of metal posts shall be incorporated.
(i) The cleat wall shall be at least 3/16 inch in diameter.
(j) The sides of the cleat shall taper uniformly from a minimum base of ? inch in diameter to a minimum tip of 3/8 inch in diameter.
2. Nonremovable cleats are limited to studs or projections that do not exceed ? inch in length measured from the sole of the shoe to the tip of the clear and which are made with nonabrasive rubber or rubber-type synthetic material that does not have or develop a cutting edge.
ART 2?The following auxiliary equipment may be worn if sanctioned by the umpire as being soft, nonabrasive, nonhardening material:
a. Forearm pads, which may be anchored on each end with athletic tape.
b. Through the 2012 season, gloves and hand pads, which may be anchored with athletic tape. Gloves, even though modified, must have (unless made of unaltered plain cloth:
1. A securely attached label or stamp (NFHS/NCAA specifications) indicating compliance with test specifications on file with the SGMA as of January 1, 1994, or
2. A permanent, exact replica of the NOCSAE glove seal (Meets NOCSAE Standard), that must be visible and appear legibly on the exterior wrist opening of the glove.
Beginning with the 2013 season, gloves, which may be anchored with athletic tape, and even though modified, must meet the NOCSAE test standard at the time of manufacture, unless made of unaltered plain cloth.
1. A glove is a covering for the hand having separate sections for each finger. Pads worn on the hand, but not having separate sections encircling at least part of any finger are not gloves. The thumb is not considered a finger.
2. Non-athletic gloves, worn solely for warmth and made of unaltered plain cloth, and which do not enhance contact with the ball, do not require a label or stamp indicating compliance.
c. Tape, bandage or support wrap on the hand or forearm to protect an existing injury.
EXCEPTION: Tape, bandage or support wrap(s) not to exceed three thicknesses are legal without inspection or approval.
ART. 3?Illegal equipment. No player shall participate while wearing illegal equipment. This applies to any equipment, which in the opinion of the umpire is dangerous, confusing or inappropriate. Illegal equipment shall always include but is not limited to:
a. The following items related to the Game Uniform:
1. Jerseys and pants that have:
(a) A visible logo/trademark or reference exceeding 2? square inches and exceeding 2? inches in any
(b) More than one manufacturer?s logo/trademark or reference on the outside of either item. (The same size
restriction shall apply to either the manufacturer?s logo/trademark or reference).
(c) Sizing, garment care or other nonlogo labels on the outside of either item.
2. Slippery or sticky substance of a foreign nature on equipment, towel, uniform, opponent or on an exposed part
of the body which affects the ball or an opponent.
3. Tear-away jerseys or jerseys that have been altered in any manner that produces a knot-like protrusion or creates a tear-away jersey.
4. Any transverse stripe on the sleeve below the elbow.
5. Uniform adornments, with the exception of:
(a) One unmarked moisture-absorbing towel, that is not ball or penalty blog-colored, which shall be no less than 4 inches in width and 12 inches in length and no greater than 18 inches in width and 36 inches in length; has no more than one visible manufacturer?s logo/trademark reference that does not exceed 2? square inches; and if worn by any player, must be the same solid color for all players wearing towels; or
(b) Moisture-absorbing sweatbands, when worn on the wrist beginning at the base of the thumb and extending no more than 3 inches toward the elbow.
a. The following items related to Pads and Padding:
1. Hard and unyielding items (guards, casts, braces, etc.) on the hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, or upper arm unless padded with a closed-cell, slow-recovery foam padding no less than 1/2? thick.
2. Knee and ankle braces which are altered from the manufacturer?s original design/production.
NOTE: Knee and ankle braces that are unaltered do not require any additional padding.
3. Knee braces worn over the pants.
4. Plastic material covering protective pads whose edges are not rounded with a radius equal to half the thickness of the plastic.
5. Rib pads and back protectors unless fully covered by a jersey.
6. Shin guards that do not meet NOCSAE specifications.
The following Other Illegal Equipment:
1. Ball-colored helmets, jerseys, patches, exterior arm covers/pads, undershirts or gloves.
2. Communication devices, other than those permitted in Rule 1-6-1 and Rule 1-6-2.
3. Eye shade (grease or no-glare strips or stickers) that is not a solid stroke or includes words, numbers, logos or other symbols within the eye shade.
4. Eyeshield attached to the helmet that is not:
(a) Constructed of a molded rigid material; or
(b) Clear without the presence of any tint.
5. Jerseys, undershirts or exterior arm covers/pads manufactured to enhance contact with the football or
6. Jewelry. Religious and medical alert medals are not considered jewelry. A religious medal must be taped and
worn under the uniform. A medical-alert medal must be taped and may be visible.
7. Metal which is projecting or other hard substance on clothes or person.
8. Play cards not worn on the wrist or arm.
9. Equipment not worn as intended by the manufacturer.
ART. 4?Prior to the start of the game, the head coach shall be responsible for verifying to the referee and umpire that all of his players are legally equipped and in compliance with these rules. Any questions regarding legality of a player?s equipment shall be resolved by the umpire.
ART. 5?When any required player equipment is missing or when illegal equipment is found, correction shall be made before participation. An official?s time-out shall be declared to permit prompt repair of equipment which becomes illegal or defective through use. (See 3-5-2b, 5b and 7e)
ART. 6?Each player shall properly wear the mandatory equipment while the ball is live.
PENALTY: Unsportsmanlike conduct (Arts. 2, 3, 5) ? (S27) ? 15 yards. See 9-8-1h. Failure to properly wear required equipment during a down ) Art. 6 ? (S27, S23) ? 5 yards. See 3-6-2d for failure to properly wear required equipment when the ball is about to become live.
Utilize OHSAA Uniform Regulation (see page 1).
Utilize the OHSAA Uniform Regulation (page 1). In accordance with USA Gymnastics rules, acceptable attire is a one piece leotard with no bare midriff. The leg cut of the leotard must be below the pelvis bone. Sleeveless leotards are not considered incorrect attire. For team competition, all members of the team shall compete in like-colored uniforms. Gymnasts shall not wear jewelry.
Utilize the OHSAA Uniform Regulation (page 1). Refer to National Federation Rules Book for specific equipment requirements.
4.1.1(b) The home team shall wear white or light jerseys and socks and the visiting team shall wear dark jerseys and socks. Beginning with the 2013 fall season, the home team shall wear solid white jerseys and solid white socks, and the visiting team shall wear dark jerseys and socks. Prior to and during the game, jerseys shall be tucked into the shorts, unless manufactured to be worn outside.
4.1.1(i)(1) All jerseys, except those worn by goalkeepers, shall be numbered on the back with a different Arabic number at least 6 inches in height and on the front (jersey or shorts) with the same number which shall be at least 4 inches in height. Numbers shall be of contrasting color to the jersey (or shorts) and clearly visible.
4.1.1(i)(1) (Continued) Beginning with the 2012 fall season, all jerseys shall be numbered on the back with a different Arabic number at least 6 inches in height and on the front (jersey or shorts) with the same number which shall be at least 4 inches in height. Numbers shall be of contrasting color to the jersey (or shorts) and clearly visible.
4.1.1(i)(2) Only those names, patches, emblems, logos or insignias referencing the school are permitted on the team uniform, except as in 4.1.1(d), -(f) and ?(g). The player?s name may also appear on the team uniform.
A uniform shall not have any dangerous or reflective buttons or ornaments. A pitcher shall not wear any item on the pitching hand, wrist, arm or thighs, which may, in the umpire?s judgment, be distracting to the batter. A number of on the back of each player?s jersey is required and shall be at least 6 inches high. The number must be of solid color contrasting with the color of the shirt. The numbers may have a contrasting color border, which shall not exceed ? inch. No players on the same team shall wear identical numbers (0 and 00 are considered the same number). Players shall wear/utilize uniforms/equipment properly and as designed by the manufacturer.
Shoes are required equipment. All players must wear shoes with plastic, nylon, canvas, leather or similar synthetic material uppers. The soles may be smooth, have soft or hard rubber cleats or rectangular metal cleats. Metal cleats shall not extend beyond ? inch from the sole and shall not be round. Shoes with detachable rubber or metal cleats that screw into the sole of the shoes are permitted.
Players in the game are prohibited from wearing jewelry such as rings, watches, earrings, bracelets, necklaces (including cloth or string types) or other hard cosmetic or decorative items. Religious and medical-alert medals are not considered jewelry. A religious medal must be taped and worn under the uniform.
See the NFHS Softball Rules Book for Uniform Regulations.
Art. 3?Suits worn by swimmers shall be limited to the following requirements:
a. Only one swimsuit shall be permitted in competition. (A swimmer with special needs may request customization through his/her school to the state association.)
b. The swimsuit shall be:
1. Constructed of a women/knit textile material;
2. Permeable (100 percent to air and water)
3. Made so as not to aid in buoyancy and shall not be altered to aid in buoyancy;
4. Made with no zippers or other fastening system other than a waist tie for a brief or jammer and elastic material within the casing/ribbing in the terminal ends (straps, let openings, and waist openings);
5. Constructed so that the style/shape of the suit for males shall not extend above the waist not below the top of the kneecap and for females shall not extend beyond the shoulders not below the top of the kneecap, nor cover the neck.
c. Swimsuits may have a FINA marking.
All team members must wear a school uniform or tennis uniform, preferably in school colors. Any lettering or pictures on clothing and/or headgear must pertain to the school name or emblem, the student?s name or be patriotic in nature. No phrases, quotes, or ?slogans? shall be permitted. Manufacturer?s names or logos are permitted provided they do not exceed one and a half inches in height. Girls have the option of tennis dress or school uniform. ?Doubles? team players shall wear like color tops. Any visible undergarments that extend below the uniform shorts, dress, or skirt shall be the same color of the shorts, dress or skirt or represent school colors or, be white or black. ?Reflective? or clothing deemed distractive shall not be permitted. This dress code shall be enforced by the home coach or tournament director. Failure to comply will result in a player being denied the right to participate.
Art. 1?All teammates on a team shall wear:
a. Like-colored uniforms consisting of shirts and shorts, pants or skirts, in one or two pieces, with the exception of the libero whose uniform shall meet the requirements in 4-2-2;
b. Uniforms that are free of hard and unyielding items) buttons, zippers, snaps, fasteners, etc.);
c. Uniforms, which may include compression shorts that are unadorned and of a single color similar to the predominant color of the uniform bottom/
d. Uniforms as intended by the manufacturer, and have the following restrictions:
1. Bare midriff tops are not allowed.
2. The uniform top must hang below or be tucked into the waistband of the uniform bottom when the player is standing upright.
e. Uniforms in the playing area. Removal of any part of the uniform is unsporting conduct.
Art. 2?The libero shall wear a uniform top that is immediately recognized from all angles as being in clear contrast to and distinct from the other members of the team. The primary color of the libero?s uniform top must be different from any color that appears on more than 25 percent of the body of teammates? uniform tops. In determining the body of the uniforms, the sleeves and collar should be ignored. The libero uniform shall have a legal number. The style and trim of the libero?s uniform top may differ from teammates? uniforms, but the shorts must be like-colored to teammates.
Note: Beginning July 1, 2016, the libero shall wear a uniform top that is immediately recognized from all angles as being in clear contrast to and distinct from the other members of the team. The libero and/or his/her teammates shall wear a solid-colored uniform top. Regarding the solid-colored top:
a. The solid-colored uniform top shall clearly contrast from the predominant color(s) or the teammates? uniform top. Predominant color(s) is the color(s) appearing on approximately half of the uniform.
b. Sleeves shall be the same color as the body of the uniform top.
c. Piping/trim not exceeding 1 inch in total at its widest point may be placed along the seams and may be a different color(s) than the uniform top.
d. Lettering and collars may be different color(s) than the uniform top.
e. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in Rule 2-2-4.
Art. 3?Each player, including the libero, shall be identified by a number on the uniform top which is not a duplicate of a teammate?s number.
Art. 4?The number shall be:
a. Permanent and clearly visible.
b. Not more than two digits (00, 0-99);
c. A plain, Arabic numeral of a solid color, where either the body of the number (measuring not less than ? inch in width at its narrowest point) or the surrounding solid color(s) of trim (a contrasting border not to exceed ? inch in width at its widest point) is a color that is in sharp contrast to the color of the uniform top. A shadow on part of the number not to exceed ? inch at its widest point is permitted but shall not be used to make the number clearly visible regardless of color;
d. Located on the upper front and back of the uniform top;
e. At least 4 inches tall on the front of the top and at least 6 inches tall on the back of the top;
f. Placed so the top of the number on the front of the uniform is no more than 5 inches down from the shoulder seam; or placed so the number if centered no more than 5 inches below the bottom edge of any neckline ribbing, placket or seams on the uniform top.
Art. 5?If a visible number is worn on the uniform bottom, it shall be the same number as on the uniform top.
Art. 6?Appropriate playing shoes shall be worn.
Art. 7?Any visible garment (t-short, body suits and other similar garments) worn underneath the uniform top shall be unadorned and of a single, solid color that is similar in color to the predominant color of the uniform top. As per NSHF rules, a single visible manufacturer?s logo and/or single school name or insignia no more than 2? inches are permitted on the undergarment.
Art. 8 Players shall not wear undergarments or tights which extend below the uniform bottom.
ART. 1?Wrestlers shall wear:
a. a one-piece singlet cut no lower in the back or front than the level of the armpits and under the arms no lower than one-half the distance between the armpit and the belt line. All female wrestlers must wear a tight-fitting, short-sleeved or sleeveless undershirt of a single, solid color unadorned with no more than one manufacturer?s logo/trademark/reference under the one-piece singlet;
b. either full-length tights, with stirrups, and close fitting outside short trunks or a properly cut one-piece uniform with a minimum 4-inch inseam and a maximum length of above the knee;
c. a singlet with the top cut as outlined in (a) with full-length tights and stirrups. The uniform shall be a school issued uniform.
Full-length tights with stirrups are acceptable under a one-piece uniform. Any other undergarment that extends beyond the inseam of a one-piece uniform shall be a tight-fitting, single solid color, unadorned and shall not extend below the knee.
ART. 2?Any manufacturer?s logo/trademark/reference that appears on the wrestling uniform, including legal hair covering can be no more than 2? square inches with no dimension more than 2? inches and may appear no more than once on each item of uniform apparel. An American flag, not to exceed 2 by 3 inches, and either a commemorative or memorial patch, not to exceed 4 square inches and with written state association approval, may be worn.
ART. 3?Wrestlers shall wear light heelless wrestling shoes, reaching above the ankles. If the laces are visible, they shall be secured in an acceptable fashion.
ART. 4?Wrestlers shall wear wrestling ear guards, which provide:
a. adequate ear protection;
b. no injury hazard to the opponent; and
c. an adjustable locking device to prevent it from coming off or turning on the wrestler?s head.
ART. 5?The uniform shall be worn as intended/designed by the manufacturer.
Past Hall of Fame Blog Posts
- 02/19/25 – Introducing the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame Class of 2025
- 02/02/24 – Introducing the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame Class of 2024
- 01/20/23 – Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame Reveals Class of 2023
- 02/23/22 – 2022 Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame Class Announced
- 03/01/21 – Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame Banquet Set for July 24 in Lexington
- Greg Buckner goes from underappreciated to KHSAA Hall of Fame
- 10/31/19 – Dawahares/KHSAA Hall Of Fame Class Of 2020 Inductees Announced
- Hall of Famer Mary Custard-Austin: “If you tell me ‘no,’ I’m going after it even harder”
- Eric Shelton says KHSAA Hall of Fame honor was a team effort
- Hall of Famer Kandi Brown-Parker recalls her sweetest Sweet Sixteen
- Reggie Warford’s Hall of Fame credentials go beyond basketball
- 01/31/19 – Dawahares/KHSAA Hall Of Fame Class Of 2019 Inductees Announced
- Hall of Famer Brian Brohm: Multi-sport athlete cover boy
- Shon Walker’s Hall of Fame game wasn’t just the long ball
- Hall of Famer Angela Payne Starnes loves teaching as much as running
- 01/19/18 – Roberts Insurance To Become Presenting Sponsor of KHSAA Hall of Fame
- 11/19/17 – Dawahares/KHSAA Hall Of Fame Class Of 2018 Inductees Announced
- 11/14/17 – 2018 KHSAA Hall of Fame Press Conference This Sunday; Football Championship Tickets On Sale
- 02/28/17 – Tickets on Sale for Hall of Fame Banquet on March 18
- 10/23/16 – Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame Class of 2017 Inductees Announced
- 02/23/16 – Swimming & Diving Championships Begin Thursday; Hall of Fame Tickets on Sale
- 06/08/14 – Dawahares/KHSAA Hall Of Fame Class Of 2015 Inductees Announced
- 06/03/14 – 2015 KHSAA Hall of Fame Press Conference Set For Sunday, June 8
- 04/22/14 – KHSAA Bass Fishing Championship, Hall of Fame Banquet This Weekend
- 06/2/13 – Dawahares/KHSAA Hall Of Fame Class Of 2014 Inductees Announced
- 6/1/13 REMINDER – 2014 Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame Class to be Announced
- 05/20/13 – 2014 KHSAA Hall of Fame Press Conference; BA/FP District Tournaments; Spring Sport Media Credentials
- 04/9/13 – 2013 KHSAA Hall of Fame Class Honored This Saturday; Regional Sportsmanship Winners Announced
- 06/19/12 – Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame class of 2013 introduced
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KHSAA News and Notes
- 03/25/25 – UK HealthCare Boys’ Sweet 16® to Tip Off at Rupp Arena
- 03/19/25 – NFHS Announces Cheer, Dance Rule Changes
- 03/18/25 – NFHS Announces Soccer Playing Rule Changes
- 03/15/25 – Britt Redman Earns NFHS Section 2 Spirit of Sport Award
- 03/11/25 – Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Girls’ Sweet 16® Set to Tip Off Wednesday
- 03/03/25 – Second Annual Indoor Track & Field State Championships Return to Louisville
- 02/26/25 – Sweet 16® Media Credential Applications Now Open
- 02/26/25 – Wrestling State Championships Return to Alltech Arena
- 03/04/25 – Nominations for KHSAA Student Advisory Group-NFHS National Student Leadership Summit Being Accepted
- 02/19/25 – Board of Control Approves State Site Plan Adjustments for Baseball, Tennis, Swimming & Diving
- 02/19/25 – Introducing the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame Class of 2025
- 02/12/25 – NFHS Announces Field Hockey Playing Rule Changes
- 02/12/25 – NFHS Announces Football Playing Rule Changes
- 02/11/25 – NFHS Announces Volleyball Playing Rule Changes
- 02/10/25 – Sweet 16® Draw Show Set for Feb. 14 on NFHS Network
- 02/07/25 – Winter State Championships to Continue with Swimming & Diving, Bowling
- 01/28/25 – Isable Named 2024-25 Football Official of the Year
- 01/21/25 – Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Expands Partnership as Title Sponsor of Girls’ Basketball Sweet 16®
- 01/16/25 – Board of Control Approves Final Changes to Region 6 Alignment, Adopts Postseason Format for Lacrosse
- 01/13/25 – Initial RPI Rankings Released for Basketball
- 01/10/25 – KHSAA, Friends of Coal Announce Exciting Partnership to Highlight Kentucky Traditions of Resilience, Community
- 01/06/25 – Initial Stat Leader Reports Released for Basketball
- 12/17/24 – Esports Fall State Championships to Conclude in Lexington
- 12/12/24 – Competitive Cheer, Dance to Begin in Winchester
- 12/05/24 – UK HealthCare Sports Medicine Football State Finals to Crown 6 Champions in Lexington
- 11/26/24 – Anderson Named 2024-25 Girls’ Volleyball Official of the Year
- 11/26/24 – Sabanovic Named 2024-25 Soccer Official of the Year
- 11/26/24 – Niblock Named 2024-25 Field Hockey Official of the Year
- 11/22/24 – UK Healthcare Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Seeks Nominations for Kentucky Comeback Athlete of the Year Award
- 11/21/24 – Winter Media Credential Applications Now Open
- 11/18/24 – KHSAA Awards 2023-24 NFHS State Coaches of the Year
- 11/15/24 – Board of Control Approves Alignment for Lacrosse, Boys’ Volleyball; Revisions to Alignment for Field Hockey, Regions 6-7 Basketball, Region 1 Soccer
- 11/04/24 – Girls’ Volleyball State Tournament to Begin at First-Round Sites
- 11/01/24 – Cross Country State Championships to Take Off in Lexington
- 10/24/24 – Field Hockey Returns to Louisville for 11th State Tournament
- 10/21/24 – Soccer State Tournaments to Kick Off On Campus Sites
- 10/18/24 – KHSAA member school students invited to apply for 2025 Kentucky Ag Athletes-of-the-Year
- 10/03/24 – Tee Times Published for State Golf Final Round
- 10/02/24 – Fall Draw Show to Air Oct. 4 on NFHS Network
- 10/01/24 – KHSAA Combined Participation Tops 115,000 for First Time in 2023-24
- 09/29/24 – Opening Rounds of Golf State Championships Set to Tee Off
- 09/26/24 – Board of Control Approves Bass Fishing Site Rotation
- 09/18/24 – Fall Media Credential Applications Now Open
- 09/16/24 – Initial RPI Rankings Released for Football, Volleyball, Field Hockey
- 09/10/24 – Girls’ Volleyball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year
- 09/09/24 – Initial RPI Rankings Released for Soccer; Stat Leader Reports Released for Football, Volleyball, Field Hockey
- 09/03/24 – Initial Stat Leader Reports Released for Soccer
- 08/27/24 – KHSAA HYPE Student Leadership Conferences Registration Now Open
- 08/16/2024- KHSAA School Directory Available via ArbiterLive
- 08/02/24 – Board of Control Conducts First Meeting of 2024-25
- 07/31/24 – MileSplit Named Online Registration Provider for KHSAA Cross Country, Track & Field
- 07/15/24 – NFHS Announces Softball Playing Rule Changes
- 07/10/24 – NFHS Announces Track & Field Rule Changes
- 07/09/24 – Officials Supervisor of the Year Announced
- 07/09/24 – Softball Official of the Year Announced
- 07/08/24 – Baseball Official of the Year Announced
- 07/08/24 – Track & Field Official of the Year Announced
- 06/27/24 – NFHS Announces Baseball Playing Rule Changes
- 06/24/24 – Abby Jackson Hired as KHSAA Assistant Commissioner
- 06/24/24 – ArbiterSports, KHSAA, Riherds.com Announce Revolutionary Partnership for School Data Management Services
- 06/05/24 – Baseball, Softball State Tournaments to Begin in Lexington
- 06/04/24 – Thurmond, Germann Named 2023-24 Midway/KHSAA Student-Athletes of the Year
- 05/30/24 – Times Set for First Rounds of Baseball, Softball State Tournaments
- 05/29/24 – Track & Field State Championships to Run Thursday, Friday, Saturday in Lexington
- 05/27/24 – Tennis State Championships to Begin at UK, EKU, Berea College
- 05/14/24 – First, Second Rounds of Baseball State Tournament to Return to Legends Field
- 05/14/24 – NFHS Announces Basketball Playing Rule Changes
- 05/10/24 – Watch the Spring Draw Show May 14 on KHSAA.tv
- 05/09/24 – KHSAA Student Advisory Group Selected for 2024-25
- 05/09/24 – Board of Control Approves Final Football Alignment for 2025, 2026; Sets Tentative Season Parameters for Lacrosse, Boys’ Volleyball for 2025
- 05/07/24 – Bass Fishing State Championships Scheduled for Friday, Saturday at Kentucky Lake
- 04/30/24 – NFHS Announces Wrestling Rule Changes
- 04/24/24 – Esports Spring State Championships to Debut Pair of New Titles
- 04/10/24 – Basketball Official of the Year Announced
- 04/10/24 – Media Credentials Now Available for Spring Championships
- 04/09/24- KHSAA Partners with Advance NIL for Comprehensive Education Effort
- 04/08/24 – NFHS Announces Soccer Playing Rule Changes
- 04/08/24 – Initial RPI Rankings Released for Baseball and Softball
- 04/02/24- Advisory Concerning Outdoor Sports, Monday April 8
- 04/02/24- KDPH Resource Documents Related to April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse
- 04/01/24 – Initial Stat Leader Reports Available for Baseball, Softball
- 04/01/24 – Wrestling Official of the Year Announced
- 03/18/24- KHSAA Seeks Fifth Assistant Commissioner (new position)
- 03/11/24 – Mingua Beef Jerky Girls’ Basketball Sweet 16® to Tip Off at Rupp Arena
- 03/21/24 – Recipients Announced for Ninth Annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships
- Mingua Beef Jerky Girls’ Sweet
- 03/01/24 – Inaugural Indoor Track & Field State Championships to Debut in Louisville
- 02/21/24 – Sweet 16® Media Credential Applications Now Open
- 02/20/24 – Board of Control Approves Draft of 2025, 2026 Football Alignment
- 02/16/24 – Swimming State First Round to Start Saturday
- 02/14/24 – Boys’/Coed, Inaugural Girls’ Wrestling State Championships to Begin in Lexington
- 02/08/24 – NFHS Announces Football Playing Rule Changes
- 02/08/24 – NFHS Announces Volleyball Playing Rule Changes
- 02/05/24 – Sweet 16® Draw Show to Air Feb. 12 on NFHS Network
- 02/02/24 – NFHS Announces Field Hockey Playing Rule Changes
- 02/02/24 – Nominations for KHSAA Student Advisory Group-NFHS National Student Leadership Summit Being Accepted
- 02/02/24 – Introducing the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame Class of 2024
- 02/01/24 – Bowling State Championships Return to Jeffersontown Next Week
- 01/17/24 – Board of Control Looks Ahead to Winter State Championships
- 11/16/24 – Start of Regularly Scheduled Board of Control Meeting Delayed Two Hours Due to Weather
- 01/08/24 – Applications Being Accepted for Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships for 2023-2024
- 01/04/24 – The Dairy Alliance Champions High School Athletics With Nature’s Drink
- 01/02/24 – Initial RPI Rankings Released for Basketball
- 12/18/23 – Initial Stat Leader Reports Released for Basketball
- 12/13/23 – Two KHSAA Coaches Tabbed as NFHS Section II Coaches of the Year
- 12/11/23 – Football Official of the Year Announced
- 12/06/23 – Tedi Henderson of DuPont Manual Selected to NFHS National Student Advisory Council
- 12/06/23 – George Rogers Clark to Host Cheer, Dance State Championships Over Weekend
- 12/04/23 – Media Credentials Now Available for Winter Championships
- 11/29/23 – UK HealthCare Sports Medicine Football State Finals to Kick Off at Kroger Field
- 11/28/23 – UK Healthcare Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Seeks Nominations for Kentucky Comeback Athlete of the Year Award
- 11/21/23 – Volleyball Official of the Year Announced
- 11/21/23 – Soccer Official of the Year Announced
- 11/17/23- Vacancy Announcement for Office Manager (Regular, Full-time) – Search Extended
- 11/16/23 – Field Hockey Official of the Year Announced
- 11/15/23 – Board of Control Adopts Changes to State Formats For Swimming, Indoor Track & Field, Girls’ Wrestling; Sets State Archery Site, Accepts Results of Bylaw 9 Amendment
- 11/13/2023 – Starting Spring 24, PlayVS and KHSAA Announce That Esports Will be Free To Participate
- 2023 KHSAA Football Third-Round Playoff Pairings Released
- 11/07/23 – KHSAA Announces RefReps Partnership to Address Officials Shortage
- 11/6/23- 5 Tips for Creating a Culture of Caring in Our High Schools
- 10/29/23 – Volleyball State Tournament to Start On Monday
- 10/27/23 – Cross Country State Championships Return to Kentucky Horse Park
- 10/18/23 – Field Hockey State Tournament to Begin In Louisville
- 10/16/23 – KHSAA member school students invited to apply for 2024 Kentucky Ag Athletes-of-the-Year
- 10/16/23 – Soccer State Tournaments to Kick Off Around the State
- 10/06/23 – KHSAA Announces 2022-23 NFHS State Coaches of the Year
- 10/03/23 – KHSAA Hires Longtime Official Scott Bottoms as Supervisor of Officials Licensing
- 09/26/23 – Fall Draw Show to Air Thursday On KHSAA.tv
- 09/23/23 – Fall State Championships to Begin On Golf Course
- 09/22/23 – Media Credentials Now Available for Fall Championships
- 09/13/23 – Board of Control Approves Distribution of Bylaw 9 Referendum, Adjusts Swimming & Diving Starting Date
- 09/12/23 – Initial RPI Rankings Released for Football, Volleyball, Field Hockey
- 09/05/23 – Initial Stat Leader Reports Released for Football, Volleyball, Field Hockey; RPI Rankings Released for Soccer
- 08/28/23 – Initial Stat Leader Reports Released for Soccer
- 08/23/23- Review Complete for End of Somerset-Perry County Central Football Contest
- 08/11/23 – KHSAA HYPE Student Leadership Conferences Registration Now Open
- 08/11/23- Reminders about Approved Amendments to Bylaw 9 for 2023-24 (Basketball Organized Play Prior to Practice)
- 07/27/23 – Cross Country State Championships to Return to Kentucky Horse Park in 2023-24
- 07/24/23- Vacancy Announcement for Supervisor of Officials Licensing (Regular, Part-time)
- 07/24/23- Vacancy Announcement for Office Manager (Regular, Full-time)
- 07/24/23 – Corresponding Calendar Reminders, Updates, References
- 07/18/23 – Board of Control Conducts First Meeting of 2023-24
- 07/11/23 – NFHS Announces Track & Field Rule Changes
- 07/10/23 – NFHS Announces Softball Playing Rule Changes
- 07/10/23 – NFHS Announces Baseball Playing Rule Changes
- 06/30/23- Assistant Commissioner Darren Bilberry Receives NFHS Citation for Section 2
- 06/30/23 – Officials Supervisor of the Year Announced
- 06/30/23 – Official of the Year Winner Announced for Baseball
- 06/30/23 – Official of the Year Winner Announced for Softball
- 06/30/23 – Official of the Year Winner Announced for Track & Field
- 06/08/23 – How to Watch Baseball, Softball State Tournaments on KHSAA.tv
- 06/06/23 – Johnson, Ferree Named 2022-23 Midway/KHSAA Student-Athletes of the Year
- 05/31/23 – Track & Field, Baseball, Softball to Wrap Up 2022-23 Championship Season
- 05/29/23 – Tennis State Championships Start Tuesday
- 05/22/23- Update on Site for State Baseball First and Second Rounds
- 05/15/23 – NFHS Announces Basketball Playing Rule Changes
- 05/10/23 – Board of Control Accepts Reports of Member Survey Results, State Legislation, Officials Licensing
- 05/09/23 – Catch the Bass Fishing State Championships This Weekend on Kentucky Lake
- 05/04/23 – Spring Draw Show Tabbed for May 9 on NFHS Network
- 05/02/23 – NFHS Announces Wrestling Rule Changes
- 05/01/23 – KHSAA Student Advisory Group Selected for National Student Leadership Summit
- 04/24/23 – Esports Spring State Championships to Be Held Wednesday at UK
- 04/17/23 – Archery State Championships Take Aim Tuesday in Bowling Green
- 04/14/23- NFHS Announces Swimming & Diving Rule Changes
- 04/13/23 – Media Credentials Now Available for Spring Championships
- 04/11/23 – Two KHSAA Coaches Earn NFHS Section II Coach of the Year Honors
- 04/03/23 – Initial RPI Rankings, Stat Leader Reports Available for Baseball, Softball
- 03/29/23 – Official of the Year Winner Announced for Basketball
- 03/29/23 – Official of the Year Winner Announced for Wrestling
- 03/29/23 – Official of the Year Winner Announced for Swimming & Diving
- 03/24/23 – NFHS Announces Competitive Cheer, Dance Rule Changes
- 03/23/23- Basketball Scheduling and Corresponding Dates Reminders for 2023-24 and 2024-25
- 03/22/23- Off Season Football Activity and Practice Reminders
- 03/13/23 – UK HealthCare Boys’ Sweet 16® to Tip Off at Rupp Arena
- 03/07/23 – Mingua Beef Jerky Girls’ Sweet 16® to Tip Off at Rupp Arena
- 03/02/23- NFHS Announces Soccer Playing Rule Changes
- 02/27/23 – Recipients Announced for Eighth Annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships
- 02/22/23 – Board of Control Approves Adoption of Girls’ Wrestling
- 02/20/23 – Sweet 16® Media Credentials Now Available
- 02/16/23 – Wrestling State Championships to Kick Off at First Round Sites
- 02/14/23 – Swimming & Diving State Championships Ready to Start in Lexington
- 03/2/23 – Nominations for KHSAA Student Advisory Group-NFHS National Student Leadership Summit Being Accepted
- 02/07/23- NFHS Announces Field Hockey Playing Rule Changes
- 02/03/23- NFHS Announces Volleyball Playing Rule Changes
- 02/03/23 – Sweet 16® Draw Show Set for Feb. 15 on NFHS Network
- 02/03/23 – Bowling State Championships Head to Kingpin Lanes in Jeffersontown
- 02/02/23- NFHS Announces Football Playing Rule Changes
- 01/25/23 Archery Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year Awards
- 01/20/23 – Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame Reveals Class of 2023
- 01/18/23 – Board of Control Approves Football Realignment, RPI Revision, Jenkins Placement in Region 14
- 2023 Approved Final Football Alignment for 2023 and 2024 Playing Seasons
- 2023 DRAFT Football Alignment for Final Consideration
- 2023 Football Realignment – Responses from Membership on Class Boundaries
- 12/20/22 – Initial RPI Rankings, Stat Leader Reports Released for Basketball
- 12/19/22 – KHSAA Announces NFHS State Coach of the Year Honorees for 2021-22 Seasons
- 12/18/22 – Applications Being Accepted for Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships for 2022-2023
- 12/15/22 – Esports Winter State Championships to Cap Off Calendar Year
- 12/08/22 – Competitive Cheer, Dance State Championships Return to George Rogers Clark
- 12/07/22 – Official of the Year Winner Announced for Football
- 12/07/22 – Media Credentials Now Available for Winter Championships
- 12/01/22 – UK HealthCare Sports Medicine Football State Finals Return to Kroger Field
- 11/17/22- Rupp Arena Signs Multi-Year deal to Continue Partnership with KHSAA
- 11/16/22 – Board of Control Approves Items Passed at Annual Meeting, Distribution of Enrollment Information, Wrestling State First Round Site
- 11/16/22 – Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Expands Partnership as Official Fuel of KHSAA
- 11/14/22- Information to Order Football Finals Tickets
- 11/15/22 – UK Healthcare Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Seeks Nominations for Kentucky Comeback Athlete of the Year Award
- 11/10/22 – Official of the Year Winner Announced for Volleyball
- 11/02/22 – Volleyball State Tournament to Continue at George Rogers Clark
- 11/01/22 – Official of the Year Winner Announced for Soccer
- 11/01/22 – Official of the Year Winner Announced for Field Hockey
- 10/27/22 – Cross Country State Championships to Be Held at Bourbon County XC Course
- 10/25/22 – Soccer State Tournaments to Conclude This Week at Frederick Douglass
- 10/22/22 – Field Hockey State Tournament to Conclude at Christian Academy-Louisville
- 10/18/22- Enough is Enough: Bad Behavior by Coaches, Parents and Fans Must Stop
- 10/17/22- KHSAA member school students encouraged to apply for 2023 Kentucky Ag Athletes of the Year
- 10/11/22 – Fall Draw Show to Air Wednesday on KHSAA.tv
- 10/02/22 – Leachman/KHSAA Golf State Finals Head to Bowling Green
- 09/23/22 – Media Credentials Now Available for Fall Championships
- 09/19/22 – Initial RPI Rankings Released for Football
- 09/13/22 – Board of Control Approves Amended Sanctioning Policy, Expansion of Officials Licensing
- 09/07/22 – Initial RPI Rankings, Stat Leader Reports Released for Volleyball, Soccer, Field Hockey; Stat Leader Reports Released for Football
- 09/07/22 – Volleyball Nominations Sought For Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year Award
- 09/06/22 Soccer Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year Awards
- 09/02/22 – Golf Nominations Sought for Male & Female Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year Awards
- 08/19/22 – HYPE Student Leadership Conferences Registration Now Open
- 08/08/22- Scam Social Media Account Response
- 07/25/22- Reminders About Realignment/Reclassification Processes for 2023-24 and beyond (FB, TR, XC)
- 07/22/22- Board of Control conducts first meeting of 2022-23 year
- 07/14/22- Guidance for Officials, Rule Organization Focal Points of 2023 Track and Field/Cross Country Rules Revisions
- 07/12/22- Jewelry Permitted in 2023 High School Softball Rules Changes
- 07/11/22- Prohibition of Jewelry Removed in High School Baseball Rules
- 06/28/22 – Official of the Year Winners Announced for Winter, Spring Sports
- 06/23/22 – Board of Control Approves Agreed Order Involving Bowling Green High School
- 06/22/22 – Board of Control to Hold Special Meeting on Thursday
- 06/10/22- Additional Revisions Announced in COVID Return to Play Protocol
- 06/13/22- Guidance Related to 2021 HB563 (KRS156.070)
- 06/11/22- Kopser, Gloyd Named 2021-22 Midway/KHSAA Student-Athletes of the Year
- 06/08/22 – 2022 Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Baseball, Softball State Tournaments to Conclude This Weekend
- 06/02/22 – Track & Field, Baseball, Softball Set to Kick Off in Lexington
- 05/31/22 – KHSAA Tennis State Championships Presented by UK HealthCare to Begin Tuesday
- 05/17/22 – Baseball, Softball State Tournament Draw Show Set for Thursday
- 05/12/22 – Bass Fishing State Championship to Begin Friday at Kentucky Dam Marina
- 05/12/22 – Board of Control approves girls’ basketball hosting extension, volleyball schedule adjustment, state first-round golf format
- 05/03/22- Hair Adornment Use Clarified; Shot Clock Guidelines Adjusted in Basketball Rules
- 04/28/22 – Spring 2022 KHSAA Esports State Championships Presented by UK HealthCare Slated for Saturday
- 04/27/22 – KHSAA Student Advisory Group Tabbed for National Student Leadership Summit
- 04/19/22 – Archery State Championships to Begin Tuesday in Bowling Green
- 04/18/22 – Pool Markings Focal Point of 2022-23 High School Swimming and Diving Rules Changes
- 04/15/22- NCAA Issues Additional COVID Eligibility Guidance for 2023-24
- 04/13/22 – Media Credentials Now Available for Spring Championships
- 04/11/22 – Official of the Year Winners Announced for Fall Sports
- 04/11/22 – Initial RPI Rankings, Stat Leader Reports Released for Baseball, Softball
- 04/11/22 – Baseball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year Award
- 04/08/22- Information Relative to Bylaw 7 and CSIET
- 03/21/22 – Nominations for KHSAA Student Advisory Group/NFHS National Student Leadership Summit Now Being Accepted
- 03/16/22 – UK HealthCare Boys’ Sweet 16® set to return to Rupp Arena at Central Bank Center
- Hair Adornments, Padding Requirements Among Risk-Based Rules Changes Set for High School Spirit in 2022-23
- 03/09/22 – Mingua Beef Jerky Girls’ Sweet 16® set to return to Rupp Arena at Central Bank Center
- 03/08/22 – Ron Kordes Joins National High School Hall of Fame Class of 2022
- 03/07/22 – Recipients Announced for Seventh Annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships
- 03/03/22- Hair Adornments Permitted in High School Soccer
- 02/25/22- UK HealthCare Boys’ Sweet 16® Tickets on Sale Now!
- 02/24/22 – Wrestling State Championships set to begin
- 02/23/22 – 2022 Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame Class Announced
- 02/20/22 – Sweet 16® online media credential system now live
- 02/19/22 – St. Xavier, Sacred Heart earn team titles at 2022 Swimming & Diving State Championships
- 02/19/22- Girls’ Sweet 16® Tickets on Sale Now!
- 02/17/22- Revised Intentional Grounding, Chop Block Rules Headline 2022 High School Football Rules Changes
- 02/17/22 – Swimming State Championships continue Friday, Saturday
- 02/17/22 – Board of Control approves football bracketing adjustments, new President-elect; Reviews potential amendments to Bylaws
- 02/12/22- Hair Adornment Adjustments, Addition of Team Time-Out Highlight 2022 High School Field Hockey Rules Changes
- 02/11/22 – Diving State Championships Begin Saturday
- 02/11/22- Relaxed Hair Adornment, Uniform Rules Among Administrative Changes Set for High School Volleyball in 2022
- 02/09/22 – KHSAA Bowling State Championships Conclude at Executive Strike & Spare
- 02/08/22 – Sweet 16® Draw Show to Air Feb. 11 on CW Lexington, KHSAA.tv
- 02/05/22 – Bowling State Championships to begin Monday at Executive Strike & Spare
- 02/01/22 – Winter Sports Championship Credentials
- 01/21/22 – Revision to Start of FP Softball Season Coincides with Baseball Change (Revised 01/25/22)
- 01/21/22- Jenny Elder, Connor Link join KHSAA Executive Staff
- 01/21/22- Board Adopts Change to Baseball Season for 2022
- 01/20/22- Revisions Announced in COVID Return to Play Protocol
- 01/19/22- Board of Control approves expansion of State Qualifiers and Teams, Realignment of Basketball Region 4, Declines to adopt Basketball Shot Clock and Expands Baseball and Softball Seasons
- 01/12/22 – Applications Being Accepted for Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships for 2021-2022
- 01/06/22- KHSAA member school students encouraged to apply for 2022 Kentucky Ag Athletes of the Year
- 12/28/21 – Wrestling Nominations Sought for Male and Female Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
- 12/21/21 – Initial Basketball RPI Rankings, Stat Leaders Released
- 12/15/21 – PlayVS/KHSAA Esports Winter State Championships Decided Thursday at UK
- 12/09/21 – State Competitive Cheer, State Dance Championships Start Friday at George Rogers Clark
- 12/08/21 – UK Healthcare Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Seeks Nominations for Kentucky Comeback Athlete of the Year Award
- 12/08/21- KHSAA Announces NFHS State Coach of the Year Honorees for 2020-21 Seasons
- 12/01/21 – 2021 UK Orthopaedics State Football Finals Begin Friday at Kroger Field
- 11/03/21 – State Volleyball Tournament Picks Back Up Friday at George Rogers Clark
- 10/27/21- Immediate Vacancy Announcement for the Position of Communications Director
- 10/28/21 – KHSAA State Cross Country Championships Return to Bourbon County XC Course
- 10/26/21 – KHSAA State Soccer Championships Resume This Week at Frederick Douglass
- 10/21/21 – Field Hockey State Tournament Starts Tonight at Campus Sites
- 10/11/21 – Fall Draw Show Airing Wednesday on KHSAA.tv
- 10/08/21- Changes in COVID-19 RTA/RTP Implemented Per SMAC Guidance
- 10/04/21-Vacancy Announcement for Entry-Level Event Staff Position(s) (Regular, Full-time)
Athletic Department Reminders
- 03/25/25 – Tennis Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
- 03/25/25 – Outdoor Track & Field Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete-of-the-Year
- 3/24/25 – Bass Fishing Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year Awards
- 10/22/24 – Basketball Online Rules Clinic for Coaches & Officials Now Available
- 03/19/25 – Tentative Hosts for Regional Outdoor Track & Field Meets
- 3/14/25 – Bass Fishing Rules Clinic Now Available
- 03/12/25 – Outdoor Track & Field Online Rules Clinic Available for Officials and Coaches
- 03/11/25 – Online Rules Clinic Available for Coaches and Officials in Softball
- 03/07/25 – Required Rules Clinic Available for Coaches & Officials in Baseball
- 03/03/25 – Tennis Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 2025 KHSAA State Indoor Track & Field Meet Coach Pass Allocation
- 03/02/25 – State Indoor Track & Field Lane Assignments, Starting Heights & Final Details
- 2/28/25 – Required Rules Clinic Available for Lacrosse Coaches and Officials
- 02/28/25 – Required Rules Clinic Available for Coaches & Officials in Boys’ Volleyball
- 02/27/25 – State Indoor Track & Field Performance Lists Available for Review
- 02/26/25 – Archery Regional Instructions Available
- 03/04/25 – Nominations for KHSAA Student Advisory Group-NFHS National Student Leadership Summit Being Accepted
- 02/24/25 – Brackets Now Available for Boys’/Coed Wrestling Championships
- 02/25/25 – 2025 State Indoor Track & Field Postseason Top 50 Released – Entries Open via Milesplit TODAY!
- 02/23/25 – Wrestling State Championship Update
- 02/21/25 – Indoor Track & Field State Meet Updates
- 02/20/25 – Updated Time Schedule for State Swimming & Diving Finals
- 02/19/25 – KHSAA State Diving Finals Postponed
- 02/19/2025 – KHSAA/PlayVS State-level Esports Play Cancelled This Week Due To Weather
- 02/19/25 – State Swimming & Diving Final Details
- 2/18/25 – Girls’ Team, Singles, and Unified/Adapted State Bowling Time Schedule
- 02/18/25 – Competitive Cheer & Dance Tryout Window and Spring Allowances
- 02/11/25 – Updated Indoor Track & Field Top 50 Performances by Class
- 2/10/25 – Girls’ Team, Singles, and Unified/Adapted Bowling State Championships Rescheduled
- 02/09/25 – State Finals Swimming & Diving Psych Sheet and Meet Information
- 02/04/25 – KHSAA State First Round Swimming Final Psych/Heat Sheets Available
- 02/04/25 – State Bowling Lane Assignments and Roster By School Posted
- 02/03/25 – Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
- 02/02/25 – State First Round Swimming Psych Sheets & Information Available
- 1/31/25 – Archery Rules Clinic Now Available
- 01/31/25 – Bowling State Information
- 01/30/24 – Current Top 50 Indoor Track & Field Performances by Class
- 01/27/25 – State First Round Swimming Instructions & Schedules Available
- 01/24/25 – Wrestling Postseason Updates
- 01/21/25 – KHSAA Spring 2025 Esports Season is Here: Interest Survey
- 1/17/25 – Lacrosse Postseason Update
- 01/14/25 – Basketball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete-of-the-Year
- 01/14/25 – KHSAA/PlayVS Spring ’25 Esports Season Dates Are Set
- 01/14/25 – Indoor Track & Field Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete-of-the-Year
- 01/14/25 – Swimming & Diving Regional Entries Due this Weekend
- 01/13/25 – Regional Bowling Entries
- 01/08/25 – Swimming & Diving Regional Instructions & Additional Postseason Information Available
- 01/08/25 – Wrestling Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
- 12/23/24 – Bowling Regional Instructions Available
- 12/23/24 – Indoor Track & Field Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 12/10/24 – Swimming & Diving Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete-of the Year
- 12/09/24 – Postseason Track & Field (Indoor and Outdoor) Dates
- 12/09/24 – Competitive Cheer & Dance Tickets on Sale Now!
- 12/2/24 – Board of Control Adjusts Requirements Surrounding Pole Vault & Diving
- 11/26/24 – Boys’ Volleyball Frequently Asked Questions
- 11/26/24 – Frequently Asked Lacrosse Questions
- 11/22/24 – UK Healthcare Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Seeks Nominations for Kentucky Comeback Athlete of the Year Award
- 11/18/24 – State Dance Time Schedules & Instructions Released
- 11/18/24 – State Competitive Cheer Time Schedules & Instructions Released
- 11/15/24 – Board of Control Adopts Boys’ and Girls’ Lacrosse Alignment & Postseason Format
- 11/15/24 – Board Adopts Boys’ Volleyball Alignment & Postseason Format
- 11/15/24 – Operation Unite Fall Esports State Tournament Kicks Off On 11/18
- 11/07/24 – Swimming & Diving Regular Season Meets Information
- 11/07/24 – Future Swimming First Round Sites Solicitation
- 11/05/24 – Dance State Qualifiers Numbers Released for 2024
- 11/05/24 – Competitive Cheer State Qualifiers Numbers Released for 2024
- 10/29/24 – 2024 Kentucky Beef Council State Cross Country Championships Meet Information
- 10/27/24 – 2024 State Cross Country Qualfiers
- 10/24/24 – Bowling Rules Clinic Now Available
- 10/22/24 – Swimming & Diving Rules Clinic Now Available
- 10/22/24 – Wrestling Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 10/23/24 – Updated Boys’ Volleyball Participating Schools List
- 10/18/24 – KHSAA member school students invited to apply for 2025 Kentucky Ag Athletes-of-the-Year
- 10/15/24 – 2024 KHSAA Competitive Cheer Regional Information & Instructions Available
- 10/15/24 – 2024 Dance Regional Information & Instructions Available
- 10/06/24 – Esports Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 10/03/24 – Tee Times Published for State Golf Final Round
- 10/02/24 – Fall Draw Show to Air Oct. 4 on NFHS Network
- 10/01/24 – Dance Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete-of-the Year
- 10/01/24 – Cross Country Postseason Updates & Regional Instructions Available
- 09/24/24 – Competitive Cheer Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete-of-the Year
- 09/28/24 – Shelbyville CC Update and Tee Times
- 09/28/24 – State Golf First Round Update
- 9/20/24- REMINDER- KHSAA/ArbiterSports to Conduct IN-PERSON KHSAA360/ArbiterSports Training Meetings
- 9/19/24- REMINDER- KHSAA to Again Conduct Title IX Education Meetings for All Schools
- 09/16/24 – List of Items Needed for Annual Required Financial Aid Report
- 09/27/24 – UPDATED Boys and Girls Lacrosse Participating Schools List
- 09/10/24 – Girls’ Volleyball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year
- 09/06/24 – REMINDER: KHSAA/PlayVS Fall 2024 Esports Interest Survey & Other Important Updates
- 09/05/24 – Soccer Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete of the Year
- 09/03/24 – Field Hockey Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
- 08/30/24 – Golf Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
- 08/27/24 – Wrestling Season Dates and New OPC Pricing Structure
- 08/27/24 – KHSAA HYPE Student Leadership Conferences Registration Now Open
- 08/26/24- 2024 Advanced Athletic Administrators Workshop-October 17
- 08/23/24- Additional Clarification and Guidance – WBGT and Fall Competitions
- 08/22/24 – Dance Declaration Form for KHSAA Postseason Now Open
- 08/22/24 – Competitive Cheer Declaration Form for KHSAA Postseason Now Open
- 08/17/24- 2024 KHSAA Annual Meeting Reminder
- 08/16/2024- KHSAA School Directory Available via ArbiterLive
- 08/06/24 – Board revises and finalizes Boys’ Volleyball Season Limitations
- 8/05/24 – Soccer Online Rules Clinic for Coaches & Officials Now Available
- 08/05/24 – Volleyball Online Rules Clinic for Coaches & Officials Now Available
- 08/05/24 – Field Hockey Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 08/02/24 – Golf Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 06/24/24 – ArbiterSports, KHSAA, Riherds.com Announce Revolutionary Partnership for School Data Management Services
- 06/12/24- 2024-2025 Regional Meetings for Athletic Administrators
- 06/01/24 – Softball State Tournament
- 05/29/24 – State Track & Field Traffic/Parking Updates
- 05/28/24 – Match Times Published for Team Tennis Championships
- 05/27/24 – State Outdoor Track & Field Lane Assignments, Starting Heights, & Final Details
- 05/24/24 – Tennis State Championship Brackets Published
- 05/23/24 – Class 1A State Track & Field Performance Listing and Roster by School Available
- 05/22/24 – Class 2A State Track & Field Performance Listing and Roster by School Available
- 05/22/24 – Class 3A State Track & Field Performance Listing and Roster by School Available
- 05/15/24 – Tennis State Championship Updates
- 5/15/24 – Softball District/Region Instructions Available
- 05/13/24 – Board of Control Adjusts Swimming & Diving Competition Start Date for 2024-2025
- 05/10/24 – Boys’ Volleyball 2025 Season Updates
- 05/07/24- Reminders about Academic All State and Triple Threat Awards
- 04/20/24 – State Bass Fishing Regional Results and State Registration
- 04/29/2024 – Title IX Report Error in Calculation of Historical Team Matrix
- 4/26/2024 – Bass Fishing State Instructions Available
- 4/24/24 – Region 1 Bass Fishing Tournament Postponed
- 04/15/2024 – Esports Spring Championship Update
- 04/11/24 – Bass Fishing Regional Instructions Available
- 04/09/24- KHSAA Partners with Advance NIL for Comprehensive Education Effort
- 04/02/24- Advisory Concerning Outdoor Sports, Monday April 8
- 04/02/24- KDPH Resource Documents Related to April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse
- 4/2/24 – KHSAA Archery State Championship Registration Now Open
- 04/02/24 – Baseball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year Award
- 4/2/24 – Softball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete-of-the-Year Awards
- 4/1/24 – 2023-2024 Title IX Annual Report and Participation List Submission
- 2023-2024 Archery State Championship Qualifiers By School
- 03/26/24 – Tennis Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
- 3/19/24 – Bass Fishing Nominations Sought For Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year Awards
- 03/18/24- KHSAA Seeks Fifth Assistant Commissioner (new position)
- 03/11/2024- Expansion Announced of KHSAA Partnership with ArbiterSports To Include School/Coach Data Management
- 03/21/24 – Recipients Announced for Ninth Annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships
- 03/09/24 – Spring Esports Enrollment Update + Splatoon 3 and NBA 2K 24 Make it to State
- 03/08/24 – Competitive Cheer & Dance Tryout Window and Spring Allowances Reminders
- 03/07/24 – Track & Field Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 3/7/24 – Bass Fishing Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 3/7/24 – Softball Online Rules Clinic Now Available for Coaches & Umpires
- 03/07/24 – 2024 KHSAA & UTR Sports Tennis Information
- 03/07/24 – Baseball Online Rules Clinic Now Available for Coaches & Umpires
- 03/07/24 – Tennis Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 02/29/24 – State Indoor Track & Field Final Details
- 02/25/24 – Inaugural State Indoor Track & Field Meet Qualifiers
- 02/23/24 – Updated Details for State Indoor Track & Field
- 02/21/24 – State Swimming & Diving Final Details
- 02/17/24 – State Swimming & Diving Psych Sheet and Meet Information Now Available
- 02/16/24 – Updated Top Performances for Indoor Track & Field
- 02/15/24 – State First Round Swimming Final Details
- 02/12/24 – Board of Control Election Procedures
- 2/12/24 – Archery Regional Instructions Available
- 02/12/24 – Brackets Now Available for Boys’/Coed Wrestling Championship
- 02/11/24 – State Wrestling Championships Update
- 02/11/24 – State First Round Swimming Psych Sheets & Information Available
- 2/9/24 – Esports Spring Enrollment Update & Additional Information
- 02/02/24 – Indoor Track & Field Updates
- 02/02/24 – Nominations for KHSAA Student Advisory Group-NFHS National Student Leadership Summit Being Accepted
- 2/2/24 – KHSAA / PlayVS Spring 24 Esports Dashboard and Other Updates
- 01/31/24 – Diving Postseason Reminders
- 1/30/24 – State Bowling Lane Assignments and Roster By School Posted
- 01/26/24 – Bowling State Information
- 01/24/24 – Basketball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year
- 1/24/24 Archery Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year Awards
- 01/24/24 – Archery Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 01/24/24- Spring Esports Online Rules Clinic for Coaches Now Available
- 01/23/24 – Wrestling Postseason Updates
- 01/22/24 – Postseason Diving Entry Requirements Adjusted Due to Weather
- 01/18/24 – PlayVS Nintendo Switch System Spring ‘24 Promotion
- 01/16/24 – Indoor Track & Field State Meet Updates
- 01/11/24 – Swimming & Diving Regional Instructions and Additional Postseason Information
- 01/09/24 – Regional Bowling Entries for Unified & Adapted Athletes
- 01/09/24 – Regional Bowling Entries
- 01/09/24 – REMINDER: KHSAA/PlayVS Spring 2024 Esports Interest Survey with Special Offer
- 01/08/24 – Applications Being Accepted for Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships for 2023-2024
- 01/05/24 – Bowling Regional Instructions Available
- 01/02/24 – Bowling Postseason Updates
- 01/01/24 – Wrestling Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
- 12/29/23 – First Phase (T-35 Report) Open for Title IX Reporting Entry for 2023-2024
- 12/18/23 – Swimming & Diving Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete-Of the Year
- 12/15/23 – List of Items Needed for Annual Required Financial Aid Report
- 12/15/23 – Nominations Sought For Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
- 12/05/23 – State Outdoor Track & Field Postseason Dates & Reminders
- 12/14/23 – Wrestling Mat Offer & Scholarship Opportunity
- 12/5/23 – Esports Winter Championship Update
- 12/4/2023 – KHSAA/PlayVS Spring 2024 Esports Interest Survey With Special Offer
- 11/30/23 – State Archery to be Held at Central Bank Center in Lexington
- 11/28/23 – UK Healthcare Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Seeks Nominations for Kentucky Comeback Athlete of the Year Award
- 11/21/2023 – KHSAA Winter Esports State Championship Presented by UK HealthCare Field Is Set
- 11/16/23 – KHSAA Inaugural Indoor Track & Field Meet
- 11/16/23 – Swimming Postseason Updates
- 11/15/23 – Girls’ Wrestling Weight Classes and Season Implementation
- 11/15/2023 – Esports Spring 2024 Enrollment Is Now Open
- 11/13/2023 – Starting Spring 24, PlayVS and KHSAA Announce That Esports Will be Free To Participate
- 11/14/23 – Basketball Roster/Schedule Entry/Prime Date Reminder
- 11/08/23 – Online Roster Maintenance Reminders Concerning Expanded Sport/Activities Offerings & Former Coed Only Teams
- 10/17/23- Wrestling Schools Reminded about Needed Information, Girls’ Wrestling; Wrestling Survey Results
- 10/16/23 – KHSAA member school students invited to apply for 2024 Kentucky Ag Athletes-of-the-Year
- 10/16/23- REMINDER- KHSAA to Again Conduct Title IX Meetings, See Registration for 2023-2024
- 10/12/23 – KHSAA School Subdomain Control Panel/Sports Offerings Update
- 10/11/23 – Bowling Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 10/11/23 – Wrestling Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 10/03/23 – KHSAA Hires Longtime Official Scott Bottoms as Supervisor of Officials Licensing
- 10/02/23- Board of Control Referendum to the Membership – Bylaw 9
- 9/28/23- Wrestling Class Survey Issued for Member Schools
- 09/27/23 – Clarifications about Participation in Individual Sports
- 09/29/23 – Tee Times Published for State Golf Final Round
- 09/22/23 – Tee Times Published for State Golf First Round
- 9/21/23 – Kentucky Esports – The Status of League of Legends and Other Titles
- 9/19/23- Winter Esports Online Rules Clinic for Coaches Now Available
- 9/18/2023 – Disabling the Hidden Browser on District-Owned Nintendo Switch Consoles
- 09/12/23 – Volleyball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year
- 9/12/23 Soccer Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
- 9/11/2023 – Esports in Public Schools on the KY K-12 Internet Service – An Update on the Nintendo Switch Titles
- 09/06/23 – Field Hockey Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
- 09/06/23 – Golf Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
- 08/28/23 – PlayVS Fall Intro to Esports Webinar Recording Is Now Available
- 08/28/23 – Golf Regional Instructions Available and Postseason Reminders
- 08/18/23 – 2023 Fall Esports Enrollment Information
- 08/18/23- Offer EXTENDED for AED Pricing from CPR of Indiana
- 08/17/23 – Additional Reminder for Schools – Bylaw 9 Basketball Organized Play Prior to Practice
- 08/15/23- Roster/Schedule/Score/Photo, Etc. Reminder for Fall Sports
- 08/14/23 – Competitive Cheer Declaration Form Now Open
- 08/14/23 – Dance Declaration Form Now Open
- 08/11/23 – KHSAA HYPE Student Leadership Conferences Registration Now Open
- 08/11/23- Reminders about Approved Amendments to Bylaw 9 for 2023-24 (Basketball Organized Play Prior to Practice)
- 08/07/23- Football Online Rules Clinic for Officials Now Available
- 8/7/23- Football Online Rules Clinic for Coaches Now Available
- 08/03/23- Important Changes in the KHSAA Online School Subdomain for 2023-24
- 07/31/23 – Soccer Online Rules Clinic for Coaches & Officials Now Available
- 07/24/23 – Corresponding Calendar Reminders, Updates, References
- 07/11/2023- Fall Sports Tryout Reminders
- 05/31/23 – Parking Details for State Track & Field, State Softball
- 05/30/23 – State Track & Field Lane Assignments, Starting Heights, Final Details!
- 05/26/23- 2023 Advanced Athletic Administrators Workshop-August 29
- 05/26/23- 2023 Annual Meeting Set for September
- 05/26/23 – Class 3A State Track & Field Performance Listing and Roster by School Available
- 05/24/23 – Class 2A State Track & Field Performance Listing and Roster by School Available
- 05/24/23- 2023-2024 Regional Meetings for Athletic Administrators
- 05/24/23 – Class 1A State Track & Field Performance Listing and Roster by School Available
- 05/22/23- Guidance Related to 2023 SB145, with revisions to 2021 HB563 (KRS156.070)
- 05/16/23- Revised GE04 and Optional PPE01 Released
- 05/15/23- Reminder about Postseason Rosters, Triple Threat and Academic All-State Awards
- 05/10/23 – Baseball & Softball End of Season/Beginning of Postseason Updates
- 05/02/23 – State Bass Fishing Region Results and State Registration
- 05/02/23 – Tennis Regional Instructions Available and Postseason Reminders
- 04/29/2023 – Bass Fishing State Instructions Available
- 04/27/23 – Track & Field Regional Instructions Available and Postseason Reminders
- Swimming State Schedule Format Survey Questionnaire Distributed to Athletic Directors and Principals
- Important Follow-up Survey – Triennial Survey – Boys/Coed Volleyball, Lacrosse, Team Tennis
- 04/17/23 – Suncoast Model SBFPB-10 Bat placed on Non-Approved Bat List
- 04/14/23 – Softball Mid-Season Updates & Interpretations
- 4/14/23- Basketball Shot Clock Surveys
- 04/13/23 – Bass Fishing Regional Instructions Available
- 04/10/23- Reminder about Academic All-State and Triple Threat Awards
- 4/6/23 – 2022-2023 Title IX Annual Report and Participation List Submission
- 04/04/23 – KHSAA State Archery Championships Registration Now Open
- 03/22/23- Off Season Football Activity and Practice Reminders
- 02/27/23 – Recipients Announced for Eighth Annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships
- 02/24/23 – Softball Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 02/22/23 – Track & Field Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 02/13/23 – Board of Control Election Procedures
- 03/2/23 – Nominations for KHSAA Student Advisory Group-NFHS National Student Leadership Summit Being Accepted
- 02/07/23 – Board Finalizes Golf State First Round Sites for 2023
- 02/05/23 – Swimming & Diving State Meet Psych Sheet & Information Now Available
- 02/01/23 – Wrestling Postseason Updates
- 01/31/23 – Region Diving Update
- 01/23/23 – Spring Sports Postseason Dates
- 01/18/23 – Spring Esports Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 1/11/23 – First Phase (T-35 Report) Open For Title IX Reporting Entry FOR 2022-2023
- 01/04/22 – Basketball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Boy/Girl Student Athlete-of-the-Year Award
- 12/27/22 – Wrestling Nominations Sought For Male And Female Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete Of The Year
- 12/18/22 – Applications Being Accepted for Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships for 2022-2023
- 11/29/22 – Esports Winter Championship Update & Spring Calendar
- 11/14/22- Information to Order Football Finals Tickets
- 11/15/22 – UK Healthcare Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Seeks Nominations for Kentucky Comeback Athlete of the Year Award
- 10/18/22- Enough is Enough: Bad Behavior by Coaches, Parents and Fans Must Stop
- 10/17/22- KHSAA member school students encouraged to apply for 2023 Kentucky Ag Athletes of the Year
- 10/11/22 – Fall Draw Show to Air Wednesday on KHSAA.tv
- 10/05/22 – Wrestling Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 10/05/22 – Esports Online Rules Clinic Now Available
- 2022 Title IX Workshops
- 09/21/22 – Dance Rules Clinic Now Open
- 09/19/22 – Competitive Cheer Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year Award
- 09/06/22 – Dance Declaration Form Now Open
- 09/06/22 – Competitive Cheer Declaration Form Now Open
- 08/19/22 – HYPE Student Leadership Conferences Registration Now Open
- 08/15/22- 2022 KHSAA Annual Meeting Reminder
- 2022 Advanced Athletic Administrators Workshop
- 07/29/22 – 2022 Fall Esports Enrollment Information
- 07/29/22 – Dance Postseason Update & Semi-State Hosts Sought
- 07/29/22 – Competitive Cheer Postseason Update & Regional Hosts Sought
- 07/10/22- Rosters Open for Entry for 2022-23
- 07/13/22- 2022-2023 Regional Meetings for Athletic Administrators
- 06/23/22 – Board of Control Approves Agreed Order Involving Bowling Green High School
KHSAA Sports Medicine Posts (including COVID-19)
- 06/10/22- Additional Revisions Announced in COVID Return to Play Protocol
- 01/20/22- Revisions Announced in COVID Return to Play Protocol
- 10/30/21- 2021 Final Adjusted Standings (after tie-breakers)
- 10/08/21- Changes in COVID-19 RTA/RTP Implemented Per SMAC Guidance
- 08/23/21- Reminder about COVID-19 Return to Play Following Isolation
- 2021-2022 COVID Related Cancellations
- KDE Face Covering Guidance Per 702 KAR 1:195E, 8/20/21
- KHSAA and KMA Covid-19 Return to Play Algorithm/Matrix and Optional Form
- 08/18/21- Updates and Reminders on Schedule Change and Score Reporting
- 08/10/21- Initial Return to Play Additional Guidance Issued for Fall Sports
- 08/09/21- Covid-19 Continuation Documents (8/9/21)
- 07/27/21- Bylaw and Policy Reminders During 2021-22 School Year
- 07/15/2021- COVID Return to Play Protocol
- 06/01/21- Entry Open for Member Schools to Designate SB128 Students
- 05/19/21- NCAA Additional Flexibility for High School Seniors in 20-21 Utilizing the SSYP Under SB128
- SB128 Decisions Reporting and Relationship to Athletics
- 05/10/21- Senate Bill 128: Supplemental School Year Program Additional Guidance Related to NCAA
- 04/26/21- Change in Masking Requirements for OUTDOOR Sports and Sport-Activities With Less than 1,000 attendees
- 04/20/21- Change in COVID Guidance for Outdoor Sports and Sport-Activities
- 04/12/21- Senate Bill 128: Supplemental School Year Program Guidance for Sports and Sport-Activities
- 04/11/21- Reminders about Off-season Team Sport Allowances and Restrictions
- 04/05/21- Spring Sports Guidance Revision
- Anxiously Awaiting Return of Fans in High School Sports, Performing Arts
- 03/05/21 – Change in Attendance Limitation Recommendation
- 02/21/21- District and Region Basketball Scheduling of Games
- 02/20/21- Interim Guidance Regarding Spring Sports Travel
- 01/26/21- Reminders about Sports and Sport-Activity Return to Play
- 01/15/21- Early Season Basketball Reminders- Masks, Seeding, Attendance, Media
- COVID-19 State and National Data and References
- 12/10/20- Board of Control Confirms Decision to Start Winter Sports Practice December 14
- 11/20/20- Winter Indoor Sports Delayed, Information for Member Schools
- 11/19/20- Football Playoff Reminders
- COVID-19 Kentucky Public Health Data and References
- 11/01/20- KY COVID Daily Incidence Reports by County
- 10/30/20- 2020 Final Adjusted Standings (after tie-breakers)
- 10/16/20- COVID Basketball Information and Update
- 10/12/20- Postseason Soccer, Volleyball, Field Hockey Situations and Questions
- 10/07/20- Extension of Deadline to Play Seeded District Games- SO, VB and Revised Tie-Breaker
- 09/27/20- 2020-2021 COVID Related Cancellations
- 09/18/20- Urgent Reminder on COVID Cancellations in Football, Soccer and Volleyball
- 09/17/20- RPI Impact on Cancelled Contests/Open Dates
- 09/16/20- Board of Control Approves Dates for Winter Sports to Begin Practice
- 09/10/20- CPR of Indiana again offers KHSAA Members Discounted AED program
- 09/08/20- COVID-19 Related Links and Documents
- NFHS Rules Considerations Due to Covid-19
- 08/29/20- Clarifications, Corrections and Revisions of to Healthy at Sports Stage 3-Fall Sports Return to Competition
- 08/25/20- Covid-19 Resumption Documents (8/20, Revised 8/20, 9/20, 10/20, 11/20, 12/20, 2/21, 3/21)
- 08/25/20- Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Resumption of Sport and Sport-Activities (Updated 10/13)
- 08/21/20- Restart of the Opportunity to Practice and Play Sports
- 08/20/20- Board of Control Upholds Decision to Begin Fall Sports September 7
- 08/04/20- The Planned Return of Interscholastic Athletics Challenges Us All
- 08/03/20- Middle School Interscholastic Athletics Reminders and Interim Guidance for 2020-21
- 07/31/20- Bylaw and Policy Revisions/Waivers Due to Covid-19
- 08/03/20- Questions and Answers Regarding NFHS Network Pixellot Program
- 07/31/20- Update for Member Schools Regarding Fall Sports and Current Activity
- 07/28/20- Board of Control Approves Fall Sports to Begin Practice August 24
- 07/14/20- Healthy at Sports Position Statement
- 07/14/20- Pixellot Offer-Webcasting/Webinar
- 07/13/20- Board of Control Extends Segment 3 Restrictions to August 3
- 07/12/20- Segment 3 (Continued Through August 2nd) Guidance
- 05/29/20- Covid-19 Return to Participation in Sports and Sport-Activities Guidance for High Schools and Middle Schools
- 04/30/20- Covid-19 End-of-Year Resources and Guidance
- 04/29/20- Revised Covid-19 Policies and Guidance Issued, May 1 to May 31
- 04/21/20- Spring Sports Cancellation, Basketball Events Not To Be Resumed
- 03/13/20- (revised 04/02/20 and 4/17/20)- Athletic Dead Period Instituted for Athletic Programs in All Sports and Sport-Activities Due to Covid-19
- 03/30/20- Status of KHSAA Sponsored Events and Deadlines
- 03/19/20- Spring Sport-Activity Tryout Window Postponed
- 03/18/20- Refund Options, 2020 Girls’ and Boys’ State Basketball Tournaments
- 03/16/20- Update on KHSAA Office Opening/Closing and Staff Availability
- 03/13/20- Spring Football Practice Eliminated for 2020 for High and Middle Schools
- 03/12/20- Girls’ and Boys’ State Basketball Tournaments Suspended Indefinitely
- 03/08/20- Statement on Ongoing KHSAA Activities and the COVID-19 (Corona) Virus
- 07/17/19- Heat and Humidity Reminders for Member Schools Representatives
- 08/27/18- KHSAA Partners with CPR of Indiana and KMA to Promote Rare Discounted AED program
- 03/30/17 – KHSAA Revising Office Hours Effective April 3, 2017
- 03/25/13 – Clarification on Cold Weather Participation