July, 2017
07/29/17 – KHSAA Recognizes Top Officials During Officiate Kentucky Day
With nearly 700 officials in attendance for the first-ever Officiate Kentucky Day, the KHSAA honored its top officials of the 2016-17 season during the day’s festivities at the Marriott Louisville Downtown. The top officials for each sport or sport-activity the Association licenses officials were honored as part of the annual officials recognition program during a luncheon on Saturday.
This year’s nominees and winners (in bold) for the 2016-17 season are:
Baseball — Randy Ross (Morehead), Bryan Hockman (Russellville), Kyle Maggard (Hazard),
Basketball — Molly Caldwell (Lexington), Kristie Combs (Hazard), Tim Trent (Pikeville), Barry Vincent (Bowling Green)
Competitive Cheer — Ruth Sorace (Elizabethtown), Judy Lowry (Lexington)
Field Hockey — Mary Brainard (Lexington), Craig Kalbfleisch (Louisville)
Football — Brian Taylor (Russell), Joe Ammerman (Cynthiana), Tyrone Fields (Whitesburg)
Soccer — Keith Green (Wingo), Eric Morwessel (Ft. Wright)
Softball — Chuck Standiford (Hopkinsville), Mike Carby (Bowling […]
07/26/17 – KHSAA To Host Officiate Kentucky Day This Saturday In Louisville
The KHSAA will host the first-ever Officiate Kentucky Day on Saturday, July 29 at the Marriott Louisville Downtown in conjunction with the 2017 National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) Annual Summit (July 30-August 1). More than 650 attendees will convene in Louisville for this one-day gathering designed to educate officials, exchange valuable information and celebrate their involvement in the industry.
Saturday’s festivities begin with an opening session at 8:30 a.m. with topical breakout sessions scheduled throughout the day, culminating with a closing session at 4:30 p.m. featuring Fox Sports Rules Analyst Mike Pereira as the keynote speaker. A full schedule of events can be found at http://khsaa.org/officiate-kentucky-day-july-29-2017-schedule-of-events/; with a list of speakers and presenters available at http://khsaa.org/officiate-kentucky-day-speakers/.
As part of the day’s activities, the KHSAA will conduct its annual Outstanding Official of the Year Awards program for the […]
07/21/17 – KY High School Basketball Hall of Fame Opens – Celebrating the Essence of the Game
In celebration of the great work by so many individuals through the Kentucky Association of Basketball Coaches and their allied partners, the KHSAA wishes them the very best of luck as the induct the remainder of their Centennial Class this weekend. In celebration, we gladly present a piece written by Hall of Fame journalist Billy Reed as KABC finishes this step in their long journey to celebrate the essence of the game that led to the KHSAA founding, high school basketball.
“Well, one of my dreams has always been, on a Sunday morning, to be coming home on a fire truck, riding through Shelbyville and holding the state championship trophy with my finger up in the air: ‘We’re number one!’”
— Arnold Thurman, 1966 Shelby County state champs
ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky. — If basketball has more to do with dreams than any other sport, and a convincing argument can be made that it […]
07/20/17 – Heat and Humidity Reminders
With temperatures rising across the state, now is a good time to remind all of our school administrators and coaches of the requirements of the Heat Index program. No game, or plan for a game, is worth short-cutting this required procedure that is now nearly fifteen years old. Nothing about the program has changed, but with the turnover in coaches (and administrators) perhaps a few heat index reminders are helpful:
- Heat index requirements and restrictions apply (and have always applied) to outdoor and indoor sports. In many cases during the summer, indoor practice areas (including gymnasiums) are set to be electronically controlled in terms of temperature and coaches must monitor conditions to ensure compliance.
- While the gold standard for heat index measurement is the wet bulb globe, the KHSAA has adopted the use of the digital sling psychrometer as the measurement instrument for heat index as the next best available and most cost effective […]
07/20/17 – Football Practice and Acclimation/Acclimatization Reminders
As the helmet-only period continues and more activity is available, it is necessary to issue a few reminders about football practice. None of these procedures have changed, but with the massive turnover in coaches and the plethora of inquiries and perhaps spreading of misinformation, these reminders are essential.
- July 10-31 is a period to participate in non-contact simulations (7 on 7) wearing only a helmet. Only level “0-air”, “1-bags” and “2-control” activity can occur. By definition, level “2” activity stops at the moment of contact. Period. During this time period, there are both practice (number) and practice time limitations contained in Bylaw 23.
- July 22-31 is a period when shells (helmets, shoulder pads, shorts) can be worn. but only for those individuals who have had five days with the rest of the team members in helmets only after July 10. During this time period, there are both practice (number) and practice time limitations contained in Bylaw 23. […]
Officiate Kentucky Day – Session Summaries
(Julian Tackett, Barry Mano, Butch Cope)
7/29/17 – 08:30 – 08:50, Session 1, Opening Session (Entire Group)
Representatives of the KHSAA and NASO will get the meeting started with a great welcome to the Derby City and begin this celebration of high school officials and officiating
Current Issues in Football
(John McGrath, Scott Green)
7/29/17 – 09:05 – 09:45-1, Session 2 (Breakout)
Superb panelists with outstanding rules knowledge and “been there, done that” experience will tell attendees the current do’s ad don’ts and pitfalls to avoid
Current Issues in Volleyball
(Joan Powell and Julie Voeck)
7/29/17 – 09:05 – 09:45-2, Session 2 (Breakout)
Superb panelists with outstanding rules knowledge and “been there, done that” experience will tell attendees the current do’s ad don’ts and pitfalls to avoid
Arbiter and other pay and tax issues, organizational structure, game reports, concussions
(Don Collins)
7/29/17 – […]
Officiate Kentucky Day – Speakers
Keith Alexander
LHSAA Assistant Executive Director
Assistant Executive Director of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association. Director of officials responsible for cross country, indoor and outdoor track and field, powerlifting and sports medicine. Officiated 10 years of high school football including Arkansas 4A state finals in 2004, six years of NCAA Division II football, 18 years of high school basketball with several state championship appearances
Charles Breithaupt
University Interscholastic League, Executive Director
Executive Director of the University Interscholastic League (UIL); oversees 1500 high schools and 30,000 coaches. Previously coached high school football, basketball, baseball and cross-country; named coach of the year nine times; inducted into Texas high school basketball hall of fame in 2003 and the Texas High School Football Hall of Fame in 2014
Don Collins
Commissioner of the San Francisco Section of the CIF
California Interscholastic Federation, San Francisco Section commissioner, […]
07/18/17 – Required Face Protection Approved in the Sport of Softball
At its July 15 meeting, the Board of Control approved a recommendation from the Commissioner and staff to mandate the use of face protection in softball for pitchers, first basemen and third basemen. The new requirement will go into effect at all levels of play for KHSAA member schools with the upcoming 2018 season. No specific brand was selected or endorsed, but all schools are reminded that all face protection equipment must be worn as intended by the manufacturer. It will also be recommended for immediate implementation to the Middle School Advisory Committee when that body meets during the 2017-2018 school year.
You can view the full press release as well as the Commissioner’s statement by clicking on the following link:
Please be sure to contact Darren Bilberry at the KHSAA if you have any additional questions.
The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its […]
07/18/17 – Cross Country and Track & Field Alignment Approved
At its regular meeting on July 15, the KHSAA Board of Control gave final approval to the alignment of teams for the 2017-2018 through 2020-2021 period for both Cross Country and Track & Field. The alignment will go into effect immediately, starting with the 2017 fall Cross Country and 2018 spring Track and Field seasons.
The distributed draft received feedback from the membership over the last two months. Following a review of the suggestions from that feedback, the Board approved a change recommended by the Commissioner to revise the qualifying for State Cross Country which will likely result in a few additional teams being added to the state field.
“In several cases, school feedback favored the movement of teams away from optimal geographic locations solely to ensure a particular region didn’t have its number of state qualifying teams reduced. Rather than see team travel increased solely for state qualifying, the Board approved a recommendation to change the […]
07/18/17 – Board of Control Mandates Face Protection in Softball
The Board of Control conducted its first organizational meeting of the 2017-18 academic year July 14-15 at the Hotel Covington in Northern Kentucky. Over the course of its two-day meeting, the Board took a progressive step in the area of student-athlete safety by approving a recommendation from staff to mandate the use of face protection in softball for pitchers, first basemen and third basemen. The Board’s action, which follows the recommended use of protective headgear in July of 2014, makes Kentucky the first state to require face protection in high school softball, and continues the KHSAA’s willingness to be at the forefront in regards to player safety, as the Association implemented a pitch count in baseball one year before it was approved at the national level.
The KHSAA submitted a proposal to amend the NFHS playing rules at the 2017 NFHS Summer Meeting (June 28-July 2), […]
07/17/17 – Approved Cross Country and Track & Field Alignment, 2017-2018 to 2020-21
For a graphical review of the draft alignment, use the web link at https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1QckxqoDqFXset6PlM8B–bk0qVQ&ll=37.803153988960545%2C-85.8404611328125&z=8, and select the appropriate class.
CLASS 1A (0-595)
Region 1 – Ballard Memorial, Carlisle County, Christian Fellowship, Community Christian (Paducah), Crittenden County, Dawson Springs, Fulton City, Fulton County, Hickman County, Livingston Central, Lyon County, Mayfield, Murray, St. Mary, University Heights
Region 2 – Bethlehem, Campbellsville, Caverna, Cumberland County, Edmonson County, Fort Knox, Frederick Fraize, Green County, Hancock County, McLean County, Metcalfe County, Monroe County, Owensboro Catholic, Russellville, Todd County Central, Trinity (Whitesville), Washington County
Region 3 – Beth Haven, Brown, Evangel Christian, Holy Cross (Louisville), Kentucky Country Day, Louisville Collegiate, Portland Christian, Presentation, Shawnee, St. Francis, Valor Traditional, Walden, Whitefield Academy
Region 4 – Beechwood, Bellevue, Bishop Brossart, Calvary Christian, Covington Latin, Dayton, Heritage, Holy Cross (Covington), Lloyd Memorial, Ludlow, Newport, Newport Central Catholic, Silver Grove, St. Henry District, Villa Madonna, Walton-Verona, Williamstown
Region 5 – Augusta, Berea, Bracken County, Burgin, […]
07/14/17 – Rosters Open for Entry for 2017-18
Hope many of you as athletic administrators are back after taking advantage of the only two “down” weeks of the year with dead period. Again this year, there have been additional enhancements to the roster and school system including several that are currently in final development, and schools will be notified later in the summer of those options and through demonstrations at the regional meetings.
The KHSAA system (which is the ONLY system for roster and schedule entry that meets KHSAA rules and requirements), is now back online after our summer roster rollover process.
Here are the recommended steps for getting started for 2017-2018:
07/13/17 – Start of Softball Season Change Approved
Upon recommendation of the Commissioner’s Softball Advisory Committee, Staff and the KHSAA Board of Control, the change for the first playing date of the 2018 softball season has been approved.
Beginning with the 2017-18 school year (2018 playing season), the first date for a softball contest will be the first Monday following the second State Basketball Tournament – March 19. This change was made to assist with the crossover of basketball and softball, while also taking into consideration feedback from the coaches requesting more time to train and the ability to avoid weather issues related to the previous start date.
There was no change to any other important dates for softball.
2017-18 Important Softball Dates
First Day of Practice – Feb. 15
First Contest – March 19
District Tournaments – May 21-26
Region Tournaments – May 28-June 2
State Tournament – June 7-9
[…]07/13/17 – Start of Baseball Season Change Approved
Upon recommendation of the Commissioner’s Baseball Advisory Committee, Staff and the KHSAA Board of Control, the change for the first playing date of the 2018 baseball season has been approved.
Beginning with the 2017-18 school year (2018 playing season), the first date for a baseball contest will be the first Monday following the second State Basketball Tournament – March 19. This change was made to assist with the crossover of basketball and baseball, while also taking into consideration feedback from the coaches requesting more time to train and the ability to avoid weather issues related to the previous start date.
There was no change to any other important dates for baseball.
2017-18 Important Baseball Dates
First Day of Practice – Feb. 15
First Contest – March 19
District Tournaments – May 21-26
Region Tournaments – May 28-June 2
State Tournament – June 7-9 & June 15-16
2017-18 KHSAA Board of Control
Jerry Wyman
President, 2017-2018
Director, 2014-2018
Director of Academics, Activities, Athletics
Jefferson County Schools
Regions 6 & 7
Donna Bumps
President-Elect, 2017-2018
Director, 2016-2020
Bowling Green
Muhlenberg County High School
Regions 1-8
Reed Adkins
Director, 2017-2020
Pike County Schools
Regions 15-16
Bonnie Barnes
Director, 2017-2021
Guidance Counselor
Henry Clay High School
Regions 9-16
Debbie Beichler
Director, 2015-2019
Mt. Washington
KDE Appointed Member
Retired Educator
Darrell Billings
Director, 2016-2020
Clay City
KDE Appointed Member
Private Enterprise
Kimberly Parker-Brown
Director, 2013-2017
KDE Appointed Member
Faculty, Midway College
Michael Clines
Director, 2016-2020
Diocese of Covington
Regions 9-16
Mark Evans
Director, 2014-2018
Athletic Director
Mercy Academy
Regions 1-8
Pete Galloway
Director, 2014-2018
KDE Appointed Member
Retired EducatorMore
2017-2018 KHSAA Board of Control Meeting Dates
July 14-15 **
Tuesday, September 19
(to be reconsidered at July 14-15 meeting)
KHSAA Annual Meeting of Schools – September 20)
November 15
January 11
February 21
May 8-9 **