Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

AAA-Non-Sports Blogs

Composite of Dues Received by Member Schools

Membership Dues Billings


2024-2025 Membership Dues Paid to Date

Working General


11/07/24 – Swimming & Diving Regular Season Meets Information

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The KHSAA would like to invite member schools to share details of regular season swimming & diving meets. Please use this form to provide your regular season meet information to the Association for publication on the KHSAA Swimming & Diving website (under the General and Regular season dropdown menu). Please indicate if the meet will have starting wedges available for use, whether or not the electronic touch pads for relay start verification will be used, and whether or not diving will be contested.




About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association

The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of 289 member schools, both public and non-public. The KHSAA awards 229 […]


11/07/24 – Future Swimming First Round Sites Solicitation

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The KHSAA is seeking swimming pools and schools to serve as sites and hosts for future Swimming State First Rounds. The KHSAA Staff and Board are seeking a three-year advance selection for seasons 2025, 2026, and 2027.

Those interested in hosting should complete the form below which includes site specifications and requirements. The deadline for application consideration for 2025 is November 12th as the Board hopes to review/approve sites at its November 14th meeting.


2024-24 Season Reminders

  • October 1 – First Day of Practice/Tryouts
  • November 4 – First Competition Date
  • January 19 to January 25 or January 26 to February 1 – Regional Meets
    • Local regions may choose to hold the regional meet in one of two allowable weeks to address local issues and maximize flexibility. It will be a determination on local schools to decide whether to have the regions in week 29 or week 30. 
  • February […]


11/05/24 – Dance State Qualifiers Numbers Released for 2024

Athletic Department Blog Updates


  • The number of qualifiers for each region and each division of Dance is released in this notice.
  • Declaration numbers are pro-rated by region so as not to penalize larger regions.
  • After reviewing the declarations/withdrawals, this chart illustrates the updated number of squads per division and per region that will qualify for state competition. 
  Jazz – minimum 5, maximum of 40 Pom – minimum 5, maximum of 40 Hip Hop Small – minimum 5, maximum 14 Hip Hop Large – minimum 15, maximum 40 Game Day – minimum 5, maximum of 40 Region Teams Entered Total Advancing to State Teams Entered Total Advancing to State Teams Entered Total Advancing to State Teams Entered Total Advancing to State Teams Entered Total Advancing to State 1 8 5 12 6 13 6 0 0 7 4 2 7 4 7 3 9 4 3 3 8 4 3 7 4 14 6 12 […]


11/05/24 – Competitive Cheer State Qualifiers Numbers Released for 2024

Athletic Department Blog Updates


  • The number of qualifiers for each region and each division of Competitive Cheer is released in this notice.
  • Declaration numbers are pro-rated by region so as not to penalize larger regions.
  • After reviewing the declarations/withdrawals, this chart illustrates the updated number of squads per division and per region that will qualify for state competition. 
  All-Girls Small – minimum 5, maximum of 15 All-Girls Medium – minimum 16, maximum of 19 All-Girls Large – minimum 20, maximum of 23 All-Girls Super – minimum 24, maximum of 30 Coed Division – 1 or more boys, minimum 5, maximum of 30 Game Day, Small (minimum 5, maximum 19) Game Day, Large (minimum 20, maximum 30) Region Teams Entered Total Advancing to State Teams Entered Total Advancing to State Teams Entered Total Advancing to State Teams Entered Total Advancing to State Teams Entered Total Advancing to State Teams Entered Total Advancing to State Teams […]


11/04/24- Required Rules Clinic Available for Licensed Officials in Basketball

Basketball Blog Updates

This message is being sent to all Licensed KHSAA Basketball Officials.  Our apologies for any duplicate notification; however, during our transition with the movement of our school data system, we are trying to ensure that notice is sent through a variety of means.

The online KHSAA Rules Clinic for officials in the sport of basketball is available through Arbitersports at Please excuse the production delay as there have been issues with planned elements and video review that have now resulted in those being removed and the clinic posted. This clinic is a part of the requirements for postseason eligibility in basketball for 2025.

For full instructions on how to access your Eligibility options to complete the Online Rules Clinic, see the following:

OF117-FB-Conflict of Interest Questionnaire

Forms-Officials Division Forms



2024-2025 Annual Membership Dues Billing

Membership Dues Billings

Scroll down and click to Download your school membership billing for 2024-2025


11/04/24 – Girls’ Volleyball State Tournament to Begin at First-Round Sites

2024-2025 News Releases


The 2024 KHSAA Girls’ Volleyball State Tournament presented by UK HealthCare will begin at multiple campus sites around the state on Monday and end at a central location in Winchester at George Rogers Clark for the quarterfinal, semifinal and championship rounds this weekend.

First-round matchups begin with Region 15 champion Paintsville (25-11) at Region 13 champion Whitley County (29-10) on Monday at 6 p.m. ET. The night’s seven remaining matches will start an hour later, including Region 4 champion Bowling Green (33-6) at Region 2 champion Heritage Christian (24-5) and Region 3 champion Owensboro (24-14) at Region 1 champion McCracken County (34-5) at 6 p.m. CT and Region 8 champion North Oldham (28-9) at Region 6 champion Mercy Academy (25-14), Region 12 champion West Jessamine (24-16) at Region 10 champion Scott (29-11), Region 16 champion Ashland Blazer (33-6) at Region 14 champion Knott County Central (30-9), Region 9 champion […]


11/01/24 – Cross Country State Championships to Take Off in Lexington

2024-2025 News Releases


The 2024 Kentucky Beef Council Cross Country State Championships presented by UK HealthCare are set to begin on Saturday morning at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington.

This year’s competition will start with the Class 3A races at 10 a.m. ET (girls) and 10:45 a.m. (boys), followed by the Class 2A races at 12:30 p.m. (girls) and 1:15 p.m. (boys), and end with the Class 1A races at 3 p.m. (girls) and 3:45 p.m. (boys).

Following a three-year stint away from the Kentucky Horse Park, the event returned to its home venue of more than four decades last season.

Each race will be broadcast live on to subscribers of the NFHS Network, while tickets are available online only at

2024 KHSAA Cross Country State Championships

FB142- Football Alignment Feedback




FB139-2019-2022 Football Reclassification Playing Up/Withdrawal/Special Request Form




FB139-2025 and 2026 Football Reclassification Withdrawal/Special Request Form




10/29/24 – 2024 Kentucky Beef Council State Cross Country Championships Meet Information

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Congratulations to all participants and coaches who have qualified for the 2024 Kentucky Beef Council State Cross Country Championships Presented by UK HealthCare. There are several items for your review on the cross country page of the KHSAA website, including the state instructions, course maps, lane assignments, directions to the State Site, and the state meet time schedule (updated with packet pickup details). The qualifiers have also been updated with competitor numbers. To view these items, go to


Lane assignments have also been posted on the KHSAA Cross Country page and can be viewed under “2024-2025 KHSAA State/Region Results/Entries” dropdown menu at the bottom of the Cross Country page or you can view the links below:

10/27/24 – 2024 State Cross Country Qualfiers

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The regional results for Cross Country and the 2024 KHSAA State Qualifiers have been posted on the KHSAA website.

Changes may occur as coaches and officials have an opportunity to double-check both the performance list and the roster by school for accuracy. An email will be sent once all changes are made, and final performance lists and lane assignments are available.

Each school should review their student-athletes and let us know immediately of any necessary changes (i.e. misspelling of names, incorrect grade, etc.) by emailing us at It is important that you send corrections to to ensure all parties are aware of the changes.

The deadline for corrections is Monday, October 28 at 9:00 a.m. (Eastern).

For new coaches: Once a student-athlete (or team) is entered into the region they are automatically entered into the state meet if they qualify. Even if your team did not qualify, you may have had an individual that […]


10/24/24 – Field Hockey Returns to Louisville for 11th State Tournament

2024-2025 News Releases


A decade after crowning the sport’s inaugural champion in the Commonwealth’s most populous city, the KHSAA Field Hockey State Tournament presented by UK HealthCare will kick off its 11th straight championship in Louisville this week, first at campus sites of region winners before closing in one central location at Christian Academy-Louisville.

On Thursday at 7 p.m. ET, Sacred Heart of Region 2 will host Louisville Collegiate, Kentucky Country Day of Region 1 will host Holy Cross (Louisville), Assumption of Region 3 will host Ballard and DuPont Manual of Region 4 will host reigning state champion Christian Academy-Louisville.

Each victor in the quarterfinals will punch its ticket to Christian Academy-Louisville for one of two semifinal matchups on Saturday at 5 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The state championship will take place Monday at 7:30 p.m.

The Lady Centurions’ 2023 championship marked their second all-time title on their home turf, trailing only […]


10/24/24 – Bowling Rules Clinic Now Available

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sports activity of Bowling is now available through your Arbitersports Eligibility Dashboard.

The clinic is required of head and assistant coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen) regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay.


  • Note:  New for the 24-25 school year, you no longer log into the KHSAA School Portal to view your rules clinic or complete your other Bylaw 25 requirements.  All Coaching functions have been migrated to the newly developed KHSAA 360 System (in ArbiterSports).

  • If you have yet to log into the KHSAA 360 ( system, you will need to set your password on the login screen (select “Forgot Password”).

  • For full instructions on how to access your Eligibility Dashboard to complete the Online Rules Clinic and the rest of your Bylaw 25 requirements, see below:
  • If you are having difficulties locating your requirements […]


10/22/24 – Swimming & Diving Rules Clinic Now Available

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Swimming & Diving is available through your Arbitersports Eligibility Dashboard.

The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen), regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay as well as all licensed officials.

Note:  New for the 24-25 school year, you no longer log into the KHSAA School Portal to view your rules clinic or complete your other Bylaw 25 requirements. All Coaching functions have been migrated to the newly developed KHSAA360 System (in ArbiterSports).

If you have yet to log into the KHSAA360 ( system, you will need to set your password on the login screen (select “Forgot Password”).


  • As they are a condition of postseason eligibility, in the top black bar on the main page for, select ELIGIBILITY
  • Select that you want the 2024-25 Postseason Eligibility by clicking […]


10/22/24 – Wrestling Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Wrestling is now available through your Arbitersports Eligibility Dashboard.

The clinic is required of all officials and coaches (head, assistant, varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen), regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay.

Note:  New for the 24-25 school year, you no longer log into the KHSAA School Portal to view your rules clinic or complete your other Bylaw 25 requirements. All Coaching functions have been migrated to the newly developed KHSAA360 System (in ArbiterSports).

If you have yet to log into the KHSAA360 ( system, you will need to set your password on the login screen (select “Forgot Password”).

For full instructions on how to access your Eligibility Dashboard to complete the Online Rules Clinic and the rest of your Bylaw 25 requirements, see below:

If you are having difficulties locating your requirements dashboard, it can be found at […]


10/23/24 – Updated Boys’ Volleyball Participating Schools List

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Below is the current list of 75 schools that have entered in Arbiter that they will be fielding a boys’ volleyball team.  If your school is not on the list, please log into your Arbiter account and update your information ASAP.  

Staff will begin work on an alignment of teams to be presented at the November 14 Board of Control meeting.

For questions on boys’ volleyball, contact Associate Commissioner Butch Cope

2024-2025 KHSAA Boys’ Volleyball Teams (list is as of 10/22/24)
Adair County High School
Allen County-Scottsville High School
Atherton High School
Ballard High School
Beth Haven High School
Brown High School
Bryan Station High School
Buckhorn High School
Bullitt Central High School
Bullitt East High School
Calvary Christian High School
Campbellsville High School
Casey County High School
Caverna High School
Central High School
Collins […]


10/21/24 – Soccer State Tournaments to Kick Off On Campus Sites

2024-2025 News Releases


The 2024 KHSAA Soccer State Tournaments presented by UK HealthCare will kick off at campus sites around the Commonwealth this week, culminating in a central location for the final rounds in Lexington on Oct. 30-Nov. 2 at Paul Laurence Dunbar.

The opening two rounds of both the boys’ and girls’ tournaments will be hosted by competing schools, starting with first-round action on Oct. 21-22 and quarterfinal play on Oct. 24-26. The girls will play both semifinal matchups on Oct. 30 at Paul Laurence Dunbar, followed by the boys’ semifinals on Oct. 31. Both tournaments’ championship games will take place Nov. 2, starting with the girls at 4:30 p.m. ET before the boys take the field at 8 p.m.

Tickets for all sites are available online only at Fans are encouraged to purchase their tickets in advance at a discounted price to expedite the admission process.

2024 KHSAA […]


10/18/24 – KHSAA member school students invited to apply for 2025 Kentucky Ag Athletes-of-the-Year

2024-2025 News Releases

KDA-KHSAA partnership to award six scholarships to Kentucky student-athletes

Kentucky student-athletes who are involved in agriculture are invited to apply for one of six scholarships and recognition as a 2025 Kentucky Ag Athlete of the Year.

The program is a partnership of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA).

“Discipline, teamwork, patience, and goal setting are attributes athletes use every time they step on the field or the court. These are the same skills you use for success when stepping into the field of agriculture,” said Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Shell. “We are pleased to join our partners at the KHSAA to once again honor these attributes and reward the Commonwealth’s best young athletes and agriculturists.”

To qualify, student-athletes must be Kentucky farmers or involved in agriculture, must be graduating seniors in high school, and must be accepted to a college, university, or trade school following graduation. An […]


FB144-Withdrawal from Football Playoffs




2024-2025 Team Picture Uploader

Working General


10/15/24 – 2024 KHSAA Competitive Cheer Regional Information & Instructions Available

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Information pertaining to the KHSAA Competitive Cheer Regional competitions for 2024-25 has been posted to the KHSAA website. There are several items for participating schools to review prior to the competition on the Competitive Cheer page of the KHSAA website. This includes regional instructions for managers, participating teams, and fans as well as a detailed time schedule for each region.



  • Each regional site will have a “coaching box” of a maximum of 6 seats.
  • Each participating school can decide who will occupy these seats during the school’s performance, as long as it doesn’t exceed six (6) total (i.e. 2 alternates, 4 coaches or 3 alternates, 3 coaches, etc.).
  • […]


10/15/24 – 2024 Dance Regional Information & Instructions Available

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Information pertaining to the KHSAA Dance Regional competitions for 2024-25 has been posted to the KHSAA website. There are several items for participating schools to review prior to the competition on the Dance page of the KHSAA website. This includes regional instructions for managers, participating teams, and fans as well as a detailed time schedule for each regional competition. The KHSAA has also totaled the declarations for Dance. Competitions will remain intra-region at each site.



  • Each regional site will have a “coaching box” of a maximum of 6 seats.
  • Each participating school can decide who will occupy these seats during the school’s performance, as long as it doesn’t exceed six (6) […]


GE105-Submission of Game Date and Time for First Round State

Online Forms



10/10/24- Current List of Attendees- KHSAA Advanced Athletic Administrator Training -Central Bank Center, Lexington, October 17

Advanced Workshop 2024-2025


10/10/24- Current List of Attendees- KHSAA360/Arbiter Training-Central Bank Center, Lexington, October 16

Working General


10/10/24- Current List of Attendees- KHSAA360/Arbiter Training-Knicely Center, Bowling Green, October 15

Working General


Past General Title IX School Correspondence

Title IX Working


2024-25 Field Hockey Missing/Duplicate Games, Missing Stat Reports

Field Hockey Blog Updates


2024-25 Soccer Boys Missing/Duplicate Games, Missing Stat Reports

Soccer Blog Updates


2024-25 Soccer Girls Missing/Duplicate Games, Missing Stat Reports

Soccer Blog Updates


2024-25 Volleyball Girls Missing/Duplicate Games, Missing Stat Reports

Stats and Scores Missing Reports


2024-25 Football Missing/Duplicate Games, Missing Stat Reports

Football Blog Updates


2024-25 Basketball Girls Missing/Duplicate Games, Missing Stat Reports

Basketball Blog Updates


2024-25 Basketball Boys Missing/Duplicate Games, Missing Stat Reports

Stats and Scores Missing Reports


2024-25 Volleyball Boys Missing/Duplicate Games, Missing Stat Reports

Stats and Scores Missing Reports


2024-25 Softball Missing/Duplicate Games, Missing Stat Reports

Softball Blog Updates


2024-25 Baseball Missing/Duplicate Games, Missing Stat Reports

Baseball Blog Updates


2023-2024 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


2022-2023 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


2021-2022 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


2020-2021 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


2019-2020 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


2018-2019 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


2017-2018 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


2016-2017 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


2015-2016 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


2014-2015 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


2013-2014 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


2012-2013 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


2011-2012 Participation Lists as Submitted

Reports-Past GEO3 Participation Lists


Title IX Annual Reports- 2023-2024

Title IX Annual Reports


10/06/24 – Esports Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport activity of Esports is available through your Arbitersports Eligibility Dashboard.

The clinic is required of all coaches (head, assistant, varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen), regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay.

If you coach in both the PlayVS Fall and Spring seasons, you will only need to complete this clinic one time.

Note:  New for the 24-25 school year, you no longer log into the KHSAA School Portal to view your rules clinic or complete your other Bylaw 25 requirements.  All Coaching functions have been migrated to the newly developed KHSAA360 System (in ArbiterSports).

If you have yet to log into the KHSAA360 ( system, you will need to set your password on the login screen (select “Forgot Password”).

For full instructions on how to access your Eligibility Dashboard to complete the Online Rules Clinic and the rest of your Bylaw 25 […]


10/03/24 – Tee Times Published for State Golf Final Round

2024-2025 News Releases

Tee Times for the 2024 Leachman Buick•GMC•Cadillac/KHSAA Boys’ and Girls’ Golf State Final Round presented by UK HealthCare have been posted to the KHSAA website and can be found on the golf page under the dropdown menu for State Finals Rounds Golf Information.

Tickets to the events are available for purchase online (, with a discounted $13 advance ticket (including fees) available prior to the day of each round. For those who wait to purchase on the day of the competition, only the $15 Game Day ticket will be available. Tickets to the event are only available online. There will be no cash sales at Bowling Green Country Club.

Participants who qualified to compete in Bowling Green and coaches listed on the member school’s directory, and meeting all Bylaw 25 requirements, will not need to purchase a ticket. Student-athletes not participating in the event will be required to purchase a ticket to attend.



10/02/24 – Fall Draw Show to Air Oct. 4 on NFHS Network

2024-2025 News Releases


Pairings for the 2024 KHSAA Field Hockey, Soccer and Girls’ Volleyball State Tournaments presented by UK HealthCare will be unveiled on Friday, Oct. 4, at 1:30 p.m. ET during the KHSAA’s annual Fall Championship Draw Show.

The 2024 Fall Championship Draw Show will air on via the NFHS Network at no cost to viewers, live from the KHSAA offices in Lexington.

The 2024 KHSAA Field Hockey State Tournament will begin on Thursday, Oct. 24, with quarterfinal games being played on campus sites. Play continues with the semifinals and championship on Saturday, Oct. 26, and Monday, Oct. 28, at Christian Academy-Louisville.

The KHSAA Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer State Tournaments will open with first-round matches on Oct. 21-22, followed by the quarterfinals on Oct. 24-26. Both initial rounds will be played on campus sites. The semifinals (Oct. 30-31) and finals (Nov. 2) will be hosted by Fayette […]


10/01/24 – Dance Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete-of-the Year

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year among Dance participants for 2024-2025 is now open.

This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2024-2025 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2025. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2024-2025 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.

The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in the sport of […]


10/01/24 – KHSAA Combined Participation Tops 115,000 for First Time in 2023-24

2024-2025 News Releases


More than 115,000 participants occupied roster spots in KHSAA sports and sport-activities in the 2023-24 school year, marking an all-time record and an increase of more than 5% from the previous year.

A total of 115,608 participants were on rosters for Kentucky high school competition in 2023-24, which is up 5,792 from the previous record of 109,816 set in 2022-23. The latest total includes 63,694 boys and 51,914 girls, a record high for both genders and the first time that girls’ participation has exceeded 50,000.

The 115,608 roster spots were comprised of 86,357 individuals, including 46,635 boys and 39,722 girls.

The 2023-24 total marks a third consecutive increase across KHSAA member schools after numbers briefly declined during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the NFHS High School Athletics Participation Survey, national participation eclipsed the 8-million mark for the first time last school year.

“We are extremely pleased with our compilation […]


2023-2024 KHSAA Participation Report

Annual Participation Reports-Compiled


10/01/24 – Cross Country Postseason Updates & Regional Instructions Available

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As we are a few weeks away from the postseason, the KHSAA wanted to send out some updates on the Cross Country postseason. Final details for regional meets have been determined by local hosts. All information pertaining to the regional events, including regional instructions for participating teams, can be found here:



Other pertinent information for the regional meets has also been posted on the KHSAA website and coaches should review prior to competition. Regionals will take place on October 26.

The 2024 Kentucky Beef Council State Cross Country Championships presented by UK HealthCare will take place back at the Kentucky Horse Park on November 2. Athletes qualifying for state will have an opportunity to come to the Kentucky Horse Park course for practice on Friday, November 1 from 3-5:30 PM (ET). A coach or school representative must attend practice with the athletes.

Be advised that […]


09/24/24 – Competitive Cheer Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete-of-the Year

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year among Competitive Cheer participants for 2024-2025 is now open.

This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2024-2025 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2025. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2024-2025 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.

The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in the sport […]


09/29/24 – Opening Rounds of Golf State Championships Set to Tee Off

2024-2025 News Releases


Another year of KHSAA state championship events is set to begin with the 2024 Leachman Buick•GMC•Cadillac Golf State Championships presented by UK HealthCare.

The multi-week event will begin Sept. 30-Oct. 2 with first-round competition at three separate sites, featuring state qualifiers from Regions 1-4 at Hopkinsville Golf & Country Club, qualifiers from Regions 5-8 at Shelbyville Country Club and competitors from Regions 9-12 at Eagle’s Nest Country Club in Somerset.

For the 19th consecutive season, the event will conclude at Bowling Green Country Club, where the boys’ finals will run Oct. 7-9 and the girls’ finals will take place Oct. 10-12.

Tickets are required for all spectators at each round of competition and are available online only at Fans are encouraged to purchase their tickets in advance at a discounted price to expedite the admission process.

The KHSAA will utilize Golf Genius for tournament […]


09/28/24 – Shelbyville CC Update and Tee Times

Athletic Department Blog Updates

After examining the course conditions this morning, Shelbyville Country Club has decided to leave the order of events as originally scheduled. Therefore, the boys will compete on Monday, September 30 followed by the girls’ event on Wednesday, Oct. 2. General Manager Greg Gibson has provided a welcome video for those competing at Shelbyville CC which can be viewed here.

Tee Times for the 2024 Leachman Buick•GMC•Cadillac/KHSAA Boys’ and Girls’ Golf State First Round presented by UK HealthCare have been published in Golf Genius for Hopkinsville and Eagle’s Nest. The tee times for Shelbyville CC will be posted later this morning. Links to the pairings can be found on the golf page of the KHSAA website under the dropdown menu for First Round Golf Information.

Tickets to the events are available for purchase online (, with a discounted $10 advance ticket (including fees) available prior to the day of each event. For those […]


09/28/24 – State Golf First Round Update

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The heavy storms throughout the state over the last 24 hours have obviously impacted the host courses for the state golf first round. In order to give the courses proper time to clear storm damage and prepare for competition, Hopkinsville Golf and Country Club and Eagle’s Nest Country Club have opted to move the date of the boys’ golf tournament. There is currently no change to the girls’ playing date.

With that said, the girls’ competition at Hopkinsville and Eagle’s Nest will be played on Tuesday, Oct. 1 followed by the boys’ event on Wednesday, Oct. 2.

At this time, there is no change to the order of events at Shelbyville Country Club, which will assess its course conditions this morning and then make a determination about any possible adjustments.

We realize this schedule change will cause participants to adjust their travel plans on short notice, but it is a necessary change considering the weather conditions and […]



Athletic Department Blog Updates

The KHSAA and KDE wish to provide an update to a previous blog post regarding the playing of Nintendo Switch eSports titles on Ky K-12 Public School networks.

Since the recent transition to the new KY K-12 Internet service, provided by Education Networks of America (ENA) and implemented in the Next-Generation Kentucky Internet (NGKI) project, Nintendo Switch games appear to work well. With viable tests conducted in district locations across the state, we are hopeful that the transition provides a new opportunity for districts to compete safely and securely from their school locations. There is nothing special that KDE has put in place or allowed when transitioning to our new statewide internet service that helps successful connection to the peer-to-peer competition space. KDE encourages each district and school with a KHSAA eSports team competing using the Nintendo Switch to first see if the KHSAA Nintendo Switch games will work over our new KY K-12 Internet […]


09/26/24 – Board of Control Approves Bass Fishing Site Rotation

2024-2025 News Releases


The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its second regularly scheduled meeting of the 2024-25 academic year on Thursday in Lexington, approving a four-year site rotation for the Operation UNITE Bass Fishing State Championships presented by UK HealthCare.

The Bass Fishing State Championships will debut at Lake Cumberland in Russell County in 2025 and 2027 and return to Kentucky Lake in Marshall County — where the event has been held for more than a decade since its inception — in 2026 and 2028.

“We have been blessed with tremendous growth since the bass fishing tournament first began in 2013,” said Commissioner Julian Tackett. “The fact that multiple entities are interested in hosting this championship is a testament to the great work of our schools, student-athletes and coaches, as well as our long-time partners at Major League Fishing. We are excited to see that growth continue in the coming years.”

Thursday’s […]


9/20/24- REMINDER- KHSAA/ArbiterSports to Conduct IN-PERSON KHSAA360/ArbiterSports Training Meetings

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As was finalized during the recently concluded Regional Meetings, and at the request of the membership, the KHSAA will conduct two IN-PERSON training meetings around the KHSAA360/ArbiterSports platform. We are pleased that not only will members of our staff be present, but we will also have representatives from the development and support team at Arbiter there to work both collectively and individually with many of our members.

As we begin to wrap up the fall season and head into the winter season, this will be a productive time to get the latest information, offer and discuss constructive feedback, and continue to work together during this transition.

These will be conducted in person on:

  • Tuesday morning, October 15 at 8:00 a.m. Central Time at the Knicely Conference Center on the campus of Western Kentucky University, 2355 Nashville Rd, Bowling Green, KY 42101 .
  • Wednesday morning, October 16 at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time at the Central […]


9/19/24- REMINDER- KHSAA to Again Conduct Title IX Education Meetings for All Schools

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As was mentioned at the recently concluded Regional Meetings, the KHSAA will again conduct two Title IX Webinars for 2024-25 on October 3rd and 4th. These will be conducted via Zoom to afford the membership more opportunities to appear.

  • The first will be on Thursday morning, October 3 at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time.
  • The second will be on Friday morning, October 4 at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time.


This workshop should be extremely beneficial for all member schools as it will review the Title IX Education program that is conducted by the KHSAA as required by State Regulations. Since these meetings are being held as Zoom Webinars, attendees will be muted but can submit questions to the panelists via the Q&A feature of the webinars.

EILA Credit has been applied for in order to help the appropriate administrators who […]


GF125- State Golf: Spectator Golf Cart Application




GE48 – HYPE Conference Registration

Online Forms

Advance Online Registration for HYPE is now CLOSED. Loading…


GF101BOYS- Boys Golf Regional Entry Form

Online Forms



GF101GIRLS- Girls Golf Regional Entry Form

Online Forms



09/18/24 – Fall Media Credential Applications Now Open

2024-2025 News Releases


The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for fall state championships (golf, soccer, field hockey, cross country, girls’ volleyball, football, esports) is now live and can be accessed via

Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media who regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system.

Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of their organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. Media outlets are responsible for the actions of all individuals representing their organization, including compliance with KHSAA policies and procedures. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right […]


09/16/24 – Initial RPI Rankings Released for Football, Volleyball, Field Hockey

2024-2025 News Releases


The first official KHSAA Ratings Percentage Index rankings for the 2024 football, girls’ volleyball and field hockey seasons have been posted.

Initial RPI rankings can be found through the links below:

RPI is a tool developed for all team sports using the official KHSAA/Riherds Scoreboard data, modeled after, but not identical to, similar measurement tools. It is provided for a variety of reasons, including district tiebreaking and football bracketing, and as a means to increase publicity, interest and promotion of interscholastic athletics. RPI is also used as a tiebreaking/contest-result mechanism to decide seeded district games that are not played by the deadline. RPI rankings are updated on an hourly basis but are not calculated for teams with missing scores from the previous day. Therefore, it is essential for results to remain comprehensive for […]


09/16/24 – List of Items Needed for Annual Required Financial Aid Report

Athletic Department Blog Updates

ALL KHSAA member schools are required to complete the annual financial aid report in compliance with Bylaw 11 for the 2023-2024 academic year. To assist Principals and Athletic Directors in preparing for this report, this checklist of information is provided so that you can spend a few days gathering the required data and information before the deadline to complete the report.

Member schools will have until October 15 to submit this year’s survey. Gathering this information before clicking the link to submit should allow you to quickly complete the report in an expedited fashion. Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh ( will be the contact for sending out the request for submissions and should be able to address any of your questions. The link to submit the report will be sent to the Designated Representative on September 30.

The following is a list of information you should have available when submitting the 2023-2024 Financial Aid Report:



09/27/24 – UPDATED Boys and Girls Lacrosse Participating Schools List

Athletic Department Blog Updates

We currently have 43 boys’ teams and 45 girls’ teams confirmed for the 2025 spring season. If your school is not on the list and plans to compete, please log into your Arbiter account and update your information as soon as possible. Our staff will be preparing alignments for consideration at the November board meeting, and it’s important that we have the most accurate information.

For questions concerning lacrosse, contact Assistant Commissioner Abby Jackson

2024-2025 KHSAA Boys Lacrosse Teams

Anderson County High School
Atherton High School
Ballard High School
Bowling Green High School
Bryan Station High School
Central Hardin High School
Christian Academy-Louisville High School
Collins High School
Cooper High School
Covington Catholic High School
Desales High School
Dixie Heights High School
Dupont Manual High School
Eastern High School
Frederick Douglass High School
Great Crossing High School

09/10/24 – Girls’ Volleyball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year

2024-2025 News Releases

The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year among girls’ volleyball participants for 2024-2025 is now open.

This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2024-2025 team.

Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in June 2025. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2024-2025 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.

The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the […]


September 2024 Annual Meeting Agenda and Timeline

Annual Meeting 2024-25


September 2024 Annual Meeting Roster of Delegates and Guests

Annual Meeting 2024-25


09/09/24 – Initial RPI Rankings Released for Soccer; Stat Leader Reports Released for Football, Volleyball, Field Hockey

2024-2025 News Releases


The first official KHSAA Ratings Percentage Index rankings for the 2024 soccer season, as well as the initial statistical leader reports for the 2024 football, girls’ volleyball and field hockey seasons, have been posted.

Initial RPI rankings can be found through the links below:

RPI is a tool developed for all team sports using the official KHSAA/Riherds Scoreboard data, modeled after, but not identical to, similar measurement tools. It is provided for a variety of reasons, including district tiebreaking and football bracketing, and as a means to increase publicity, interest and promotion of interscholastic athletics. RPI is also used as a tiebreaking/contest-result mechanism to decide seeded district games that are not played by the deadline. RPI rankings are updated on an hourly basis but are not calculated for teams with missing scores from the previous day. Therefore, […]


GE104-Submission of Bylaw 1 Designated Representative

Forms-Legacy School System Forms



GE47-2024-2025 Advanced Athletic Administrators Institute Form

Conference and Meeting Registration



GE01-2024-2025 Annual Membership Application

Forms-General School


GE50-Request for Member Administrator Identification (SUPT, PRIN, AD ONLY)

Forms-Legacy School System Forms



September 2024 Annual Meeting Proposals

Annual Meeting 2024-25


GE103-2024-2025 KHSAA 360/Arbiter Sports Meeting Registration

Conference and Meeting Registration



September 2024 Proposal Summary

Annual Meeting 2024-25


ES101- Esports Permission Form

Online Forms



09/06/24 – REMINDER: KHSAA/PlayVS Fall 2024 Esports Interest Survey & Other Important Updates

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As we gear up for the Fall semester, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our Fall esports season!

For the past 5 years, we’ve been partnering with PlayVS, and up until now, we have had close to 1,982 players competing in top games. Participation remains completely free, and enrollment for Fall 2024 is still open!

If you’re interested in participating or want to learn more, please complete this brief survey:

Completing this survey does not commit your school to the Fall season, but it helps us provide you with additional information. Even if you’re unsure, we encourage you to fill it out even if you are a “maybe” at this point.

Select schools that fill out the interest survey and participate in the upcoming Fall season will have the opportunity to receive a Nintendo Switch bundle* (a value of $650) and/or a game copy of Madden NFL 25 and/or a […]


09/05/24 – Soccer Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete of the Year

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year among Soccer participants for 2024-2025 is now open.

This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2024-2025 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2025. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2024-2025 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.

The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in the […]


09/03/24 – Initial Stat Leader Reports Released for Soccer

2024-2025 News Releases


The first official KHSAA statistical leader reports for the 2024 soccer season have been posted.

Stat leader reports are updated every day at approximately 3 a.m. ET and include all teams missing stats for no more than two games.

Statistical entry is required of all member schools, and those failing to meet the requirement to enter stats are subject to penalties from the Commissioner’s office, including fines and other actions within the constraints of Bylaw 27.

Member schools are solely responsible for submitting and validating the accuracy of statistical information. If a school or individual is omitted, or information is not updated, that likely means the team in question did not update its statistics through the KHSAA’s online system prior to the re-calculation deadline. When in doubt about statistics calculations, reference can be made to the NFHS Statisticians’ Manual.

The requirement to enter statistics, which has […]


09/03/24 – Field Hockey Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year among Field Hockey participants for 2024-2025 is now open.

This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2024-2025 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2025. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2024-2025 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.

The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in the […]


2025 Softball Stat Leaders

Softball Stats


2025 Baseball Stat Leaders

Baseball Stats


2024-2025 Girls Basketball Stat Leaders

Basketball Stats


2024-2025 Boys Basketball Stat Leaders

Basketball Stats


2024 Volleyball Stat Leaders

Volleyball Stats


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