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Soccer Blog Updates

NFHS Announces 2012 Soccer Playing Rule Changes

Soccer Blog Updates

NFHS Announces 2012 Soccer Playing Rule Changes Highlighted by Elmination of Soft-Red Card

Click Here for More Information


05/11/12 – Officials Advanced Camp 2012

Soccer Blog Updates

Today’s Blog is geared towards our officials. Please take time to mark your calendars for this year’s Referee’s camp! The Advanced Camp for Soccer referees will again be held in conjunction with the Bluegrass State Games. We will be taking applications for this camp beginning today. Camp is scheduled for July 27 & 28 and will cost $65 (officials will be compensated for each match officiated by the BGSG).  As in the past, participants will be housed in a dorm on the UK campus at no cost.  Along with an in-house KHSAA rule’s clinic, the camp will feature classroom instruction and each referee will be assessed on each match officiated.    Just as a reminder, those of you who wish to be eligible for post season assignments are required to have attended  the advanced camp once every 4 years. If you haven’t participated in the camp since 2008, you […]


04/24/12 – Rule 4 Information

Soccer Blog Updates

I have been getting several inquires as to the “Uniform” changes for next year. First, there was a change to the rule change ( isn’t this fun) with regard to the date that it would take effect. Rule 4 reads …” with the 2013 fall season,the home team shall wear solid white jerseys and solid white socks…….. In last years rules clinic I had several slides ( with notes) covering the Uniform Rules. I would suggest that you download the slides from my PowerPoint, and keep them for your reference, when it comes time to order new kits. 


04/17/12 – KHSAA Revised State Championship Format

Soccer Blog Updates

The Board of Control voted yesterday to change the Post Season Tournament format. I’m very excited about this change. What will it mean to you? First, some of you will see new teams in your district and Regional tournaments (as a result of the previous re-alignment) after you have advanced through the region, the next step will be the “Semi-State” game that will be played at eight different sites. This is, in effect, our first round of the Sweet-Sixteen tournament for Soccer. Many of us believe that in the past, the State Championship tournament was unfairly thought of as just a four team tournament. I want each of the 16 Regional Champions to realize that regardless of the outcome of the next game that they play, their team has made it to the “State Championships”. The eight winners of the Semi-State game will advance to the quarter-finals here in Lexington. The match ups for this […]


03/01/12 – Soccer Notes

Soccer Blog Updates

Welcome!      We will begin a new season, with a new Alignment and with it comes a new method of communication between our office and the member schools.  When our Boss first told us to create a Blog, I panicked. I’m not a writer. But here we go with my first post! When I was teaching, I had to explain to my students the Kentucky Department of Education’s terms:  Novice, Apprentice, Proficient and Distinguished.  I told my students that they should think in terms of an imaginary trip and how to get from here to the Beach.  A “Novice” writer would get you lost.  An “Apprentice” writer will get you there, but it will take days and you will hate the trip.  A “Proficient” writer will be like MapQuest, they will get you there in the shortest time possible. But a “Distinguished” writer will not only get you there, […]


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