Athletic Department Blog Updates
10/11/23 – Wrestling Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Wrestling is now available. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen) regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay.
Go to
Login using your arbiter name and password
- As they are a condition of postseason eligibility, in the top black bar on the main page for, select ELIGIBILITY
- Select that you want the 2023-24 Wrestling Postseason Eligibility by clicking on 23-24 Postseason
- You will see a Blue Hyperlink that says Take Online Clinic
- Go through the clinic following the instructions including any require
- Please note it may be as much as 24 hours before your score is posted
- Oct. 9 to Dec. 28 […]
10/03/23 – KHSAA Hires Longtime Official Scott Bottoms as Supervisor of Officials Licensing
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association introduced the newest addition to its staff on Tuesday with the hiring of Supervisor of Officials Licensing Scott Bottoms.
“Scott Bottoms brings an abundance of experiences to this newly created position within the Association” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “He excelled on the courts, and frankly, in the business world, but more importantly, he brings the right demeanor and enthusiasm to the position.
“He will be vital in advancing our implementation of several new initiatives to help garner more officials and retain many of those having second thoughts about continuing with today’s contest environment,” Tackett said. “And though the KHSAA does not employ officials or supervise their game-by-game activities, we will be able to use his expertise to streamline processes and make a concerted effort to ensure no contests fail to be played due to a lack […]
10/02/23- Board of Control Referendum to the Membership – Bylaw 9
Proposed by the KHSAA Board of Control. Ballot Deadline – October 16, 2023.
Amend Bylaw 9, Basketball/Football Contestant On Other Teams, Postseason And All-Star Games, to remove restrictions on organized play in basketball during the school year and prior to the first legal date for practice.
The complete text of the proposed amendment including the rationale and procedures (PDF), is on the KHSAA website at
The complete description of the proposed amendment including the rationale and procedures, is on the KHSAA website at
To complete your vote, go to You must be a Principal or Designated Representative per Bylaw 1 to vote.
At its September meeting, the Board of Control gave final approval to the distribution of a referendum of the membership for the purpose of amending Bylaw 9. At the September annual meeting of the membership, there was a discussion of this proposal which was not […]
9/28/23- Wrestling Class Survey Issued for Member Schools
As authorized by the Board of Control through the Commissioner’s office, member schools are requested to respond to two surveys regarding wrestling weight classes for girls’ competitions. Bylaw 22, Sec. 5 of the KHSAA Bylaws requires the Association expressly to use NFHS playing rules in sports for which those rules are written and the KHSAA sponsors a championship. Therefore, the events cannot by rule be run in the manner that prior events were run, including the past events managed by KWCA, with a hybrid set of weight classes and the KHSAA must conform to NFHS rules. The survey must be received by the close of business on October 12, 2023.
The first survey requests the Designated Representative (per Bylaw 1) of each wrestling school to select between 12, 13 and 14 weight classes. A preliminary survey in 2021 has 35 schools select 12 weight classes, 33 select 14 weight classes and 11 […]
09/27/23 – Clarifications about Participation in Individual Sports
The KHSAA has received several inquiries pertaining to the participation in individual sports against home school students, club teams, students from other non-member schools or unattached/unaffiliated athletes from its member schools. It is the member school’s responsibility to understand the Bylaw 23 restrictions (Limitation of Seasons) and who the athletes are competing against;
- KHSAA Member schools cannot compete against schools or teams located in Kentucky who are eligible to join the KHSAA but have decided not to do so at this time.
- A list of current KHSAA member schools can be found here: SCHOOL DIRECTORY
- Member schools may, during the regular season, permit entries from homeschool units or homeschool students enrolled in Kentucky per state statute, provided they are on the approved list provided by the KHSAA: APPROVED HOME SCHOOL/GROUP
- Meets where all athletes are entered under the […]
09/29/23 – Tee Times Published for State Golf Final Round
Tee Times for the 2023 Leachman Buick•GMC•Cadillac/KHSAA Boys’ and Girls’ Golf State Final Round presented by UK HealthCare have been posted to the KHSAA website ( and can be found on the golf page under the dropdown menu for State Finals Rounds Golf Information.
Tickets to the events are available for purchase online (, with a discounted $12 advance ticket (including fees) available prior to the day of each round. For those who wait to purchase on the day of the round, only the $14 Game Day ticket will be available. Tickets to the event are only available online. There will be no cash sales at Bowling Green Country Club.
Participants who qualified to compete in Bowling Green and coaches listed on the member school’s directory, and meeting all Bylaw 25 requirements, will not need to purchase a ticket. Student-athletes not participating in the event will be required to purchase a ticket to […]
09/22/23 – Tee Times Published for State Golf First Round
Tee Times for the 2023 Leachman Buick•GMC•Cadillac/KHSAA Boys’ and Girls’ Golf State First Round presented by UK HealthCare have been posted to the KHSAA website ( and can be found on the golf page under the dropdown menu for First Round Golf Information.
The opening rounds will be played at Calvert City CC, Kenton County GC (Willows Course) and Winchester CC. All three sites have scheduled the girls’ tournament for Monday, Sept. 25 and the boys’ event for Tuesday, Sept. 26.
Tickets to the events are available for purchase online (, with a discounted $10 advance ticket (including fees) available prior to the day of each event. For those who wait to purchase on the day of the event, only the $12 Game Day ticket will be available. Tickets to the event are only available online. There will be no cash sales at the events.
Participants in the first round events and coaches […]
9/21/23 – Kentucky Esports – The Status of League of Legends and Other Titles
League of Legends
With a registration deadline of tomorrow, September 22, and the fall season set to start next Monday — I want to share the status of one of our two longest-standing Esports titles in the state of Kentucky.
League of Legends, along with Rocket League, launched Esports in Kentucky. From our first in-person State Championship at Collins High School back on January 28, 2019, through this spring’s exciting championship at the University of Kentucky, League of Legends has been a staple of Kentucky Esports. It has offered one of the most exciting in-person championships we have — one that has consistently had a number of fans watching the action either in person or via Twitch.
Being 5v5, it offers the highest participation opportunities thus far of any title that we offer (though we do have two titles close at 4v4).
To give a little perspective, enrollment in Super Smash Bros. is outpacing LoL […]
9/19/23- Winter Esports Online Rules Clinic for Coaches Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the winter sport activity of Esports is now available. I continue to appreciate the support that you’ve given me thus far this school year after I assumed the lead manager role for Esports in our office. This clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.
I cannot stress this enough: though your student-athletes and coaches have to be loaded into and be active in PlayVS’ system in order to play the games, they have to be loaded into the KHSAA online roster and coaching databases to be eligible to play the games. So please make certain all of your student-athletes and coaches are loaded into the KHSAA Online Roster System as soon as possible.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section […]
9/18/2023 – Disabling the Hidden Browser on District-Owned Nintendo Switch Consoles
In a continued effort to communicate eSports best practices for games being played on the Nintendo Switch, and continue the discussion with the Kentucky Department of Education regarding what is and is not permissible on the KY K-12 Internet Service, KHSAA is providing the following information on disabling the hidden browser on Nintendo Switch consoles.
For district-owned Nintendo Switch and other eSports gaming consoles, schools should disable browsing and enable parental control features before signing up for a gaming season.
For reference, the following matrix represents the district’s responsibility level relative to the ownership of the device or network being used.
The hidden browser can be accessed on Nintendo Switch devices through any network connection (wireless or ethernet) by manually setting DNS to This connection provides unfiltered access to the web, and presents internet safety compliance issues.
The Hidden Browser can be completely […]
09/12/23 – Volleyball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year among Volleyball participants for 2023-2024 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2023-2024 team. Nominations must come from a member school but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in June of 2024. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2023-2024 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in the sport […]
9/12/23 Soccer Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year among Soccer participants for 2023-2024 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2023-2024 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2024. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2023-2024 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in […]
9/11/2023 – Esports in Public Schools on the KY K-12 Internet Service – An Update on the Nintendo Switch Titles
The KHSAA has received feedback from a number of member schools regarding games being played on the Nintendo Switch from their campus. KDE understands and is for KY K-12 students being part of all the different types of KHSAA teams and competitions, including eSports. KDE also understands the importance of and is for members of any type of KHSAA team to be together when practicing and competing, including eSports.
All the non-Nintendo Switch games (i.e., League of Legends, Rocket League, Madden) played by KY K-12 students who are members of a KHSAA eSports team, always have and continue to work well over the existing KY K-12 Internet service that is also used daily by all 171 KY K-12 public school for instructional and mission-critical operational purposes. This also means these three non-Nintendo Switch games work well with the cybersecurity and cyber safety services […]
09/06/23 – Field Hockey Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year among Field Hockey participants for 2023-2024 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2023-2024 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2024. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2023-2024 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in the […]
09/06/23 – Golf Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year among Golf participants for 2023-2024 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2023-2024 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2024. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2023-2024 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in […]
08/28/23 – PlayVS Fall Intro to Esports Webinar Recording Is Now Available
This email is being sent to all KHSAA member high school Athletic Directors and current Esports Coaches
Good afternoon, everyone. I hope your school year and your Esports program are both off to a great start! I have had quite a few inquiries from schools wanting to sign up for Esports this fall, so it is good timing that last Tuesday’s Intro to Esports Webinar recording is now available for all to view. Though primarily for new schools & teams, I think it would be beneficial for returning schools as PlayVS go over some important information for this upcoming fall season.
The recording can be found on PlayVS’ YouTube channel and is available for viewing at the following link:
A couple of notes concerning the webinar. It was […]
08/28/23 – Golf Regional Instructions Available and Postseason Reminders
Instructions for participating in the upcoming regional golf championships have been published online at ( All coaches and competing schools should take the time to review the instructions carefully, even veteran coaches, to ensure familiarity with all KHSAA rules and regulations regarding these events.
As a reminder, any coach listed on the school directory who has met the KHSAA Coaching requirements (Rules Clinic, CPR, Sports Safety, Coaching Education, etc.) will be eligible to coach during the postseason. However, only one coach may give advice to a student-athlete at a time.
Entries must be submitted using the GF101 form contained within the instructions and referenced below. Regional managers are copied on the entry submissions to assist with the preparation of pairings.
- Region Tournaments are scheduled for September 18-20.
- A list of host/region managers can be found through the link below:
08/18/23 – 2023 Fall Esports Enrollment Information
Good afternoon, everyone. I hope your school year is getting off to a great start!
Many of you have already done so, but member schools interested in participating in the 2023 Fall Esports season are encouraged to sign up and begin registering for the upcoming season. The registration deadline for the fall season is Friday, September 22.
Titles offered for the fall include:
- Hearthstone
- League of Legends
- Madden 24 (PS4 version – which can be played on the PS5)*
- Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe
- NBA 2K24 (Release date 9/8/23. PS4 version – which can be played on the PS5)*
- Rocket League
- Splatoon™ 3
- Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate
Join us next Tuesday, August 22, 2023, from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM ET, where our esports partner and provider, PlayVS, will be conducting an Intro to Esports Webinar to discuss the benefits of esports, […]
08/18/23- Offer EXTENDED for AED Pricing from CPR of Indiana
A few years ago, CPR Institute of Indiana partnered with the NFHS and subsequently with the KHSAA to offer a huge discount on AED purchases to our schools. After months of working with that group throughout the discussions of HB331, they are again offering a special price specifically on the Phillips units that were so popular in our state. A copy of that information is attached by keeping in mind the offer is NOW GOOD THROUGH DECEMBER 1, 2023.
As many of you know, AED preparedness and training was a main point in HB331 that passed the General Assembly and was signed into law to go into effect on June 29. While AEDs being required at all athletic events and activities were only strongly recommended by the passage of the bill, and certainly remain strongly recommended by the Association, this would be an optimal […]
08/17/23 – Additional Reminder for Schools – Bylaw 9 Basketball Organized Play Prior to Practice
We have had several inquiries about multiple events in the fall for boys’ and girls’ basketball players who have both been enrolled in grade nine and subsequently represented the school at any level, therefore being subject to Bylaw 9.
A student is NOT subject to Bylaw 9 and its restrictions if they have not been enrolled in grade nine and subsequently played in a contest representing the school OR their school year has not begun.
Students who are subject to Bylaw 9 and for whom the academic year has begun are prohibited from attending events outside of the NCAA collegiate live periods when coaches can attend per Bylaw 9.
For 2023-24, the dates when our students subject to Bylaw 9 can attend recruiting events for males at September 7 to October 14.
For 2023-24, the dates when our students subject to Bylaw 9 can attend recruiting events for females from September 7 to October […]
08/15/23- Roster/Schedule/Score/Photo, Etc. Reminder for Fall Sports
With fall sports back in full swing, this is a reminder to all coaches and athletic administrators concerning your varsity team schedules, scores, statistics and team photos in the team sports of Field Hockey, Football, Soccer and Volleyball, as well as your rosters (in all sports at all levels).
- Students may not participate in interscholastic competitions (including scrimmages and contests) without a valid roster online. The KHSAA system for roster and schedule entry is the only system that meets KHSAA rules and requirements in all sports.
- Athletic Directors (and coaches if your AD has assigned you those rights):
- Please enter your full roster (including freshman, junior varsity and varsity) in the KHSAA School Subdomain. Rosters are required to be submitted to the KHSAA (no other third-party roster system is accepted) prior to any scrimmage or contest.
- To enter your rosters (if you have those rights assigned by your school), log into the […]
08/14/23 – Competitive Cheer Declaration Form Now Open
The declaration form (CC101) for the sport-activity of Competitive Cheer is now open. Each member school shall only submit one form and you must be signed into the KHSAA School Subdomain to submit.
The deadline to complete this form is Friday, September 29. This is for KHSAA Regional and State Competitions, so please discuss what division(s) your school will be entering as there will be no adjustments to divisions once the entries are posted. Each member school Athletic Director or Head Coach shall only submit one form and must be signed into the KHSAA School subdomain ( to declare. You can find CC101 on the school subdomain under the dropdown menu “Forms and Reports” and under “Cheerleading Forms”.
- All-Girls Small – minimum of 5, maximum of 15
- All-Girls Medium – minimum of 16, maximum of 19
- All-Girls Large – minimum of 20, maximum of 23
- All-Girls Super-Large – minimum […]
08/14/23 – Dance Declaration Form Now Open
The declaration form (DA101) for the sport-activity of Dance is now open. Each member school shall only submit one form and you must be signed into the KHSAA School Subdomain to submit.
The deadline to complete this form is Friday, September 29 This is for KHSAA Regional and State Competitions, so please discuss what division(s) your school will be entering as there will be no adjustments to divisions once the entries are posted. Each member school Athletic Director or Head Coach shall only submit one form per school and must be signed into the KHSAA School subdomain ( to declare. You can find DA101 on the school subdomain under the dropdown menu “Forms and Reports” and under “Dance Forms”.
- Jazz (minimum of 5, maximum of 30)
- Hip Hop (minimum of 5, maximum of 30)
- Pom (minimum of 5, maximum of 30)
- Game Day (minimum of 5, maximum of 30)
- **This year, the […]
08/11/23 – KHSAA HYPE Student Leadership Conferences Registration Now Open
For the 23rd year, the KHSAA will host its HYPE Student Leadership Conference. Mark your calendars to plan to attend one of the two events scheduled for September 7 or September 8 as both will be held at the Central Bank Center in Lexington
HYPE is a one-day student leadership conference where students will enjoy educational interaction with each other to discuss issues and garner information to take back and share/implement with their teams and student body. The event is staged and presented by the KHSAA Student-Athlete Group.
- Thursday, September 7 – Central Bank Center (430 W. Vine St. Lexington, next to Rupp Arena).
- Friday, September 8 – Central Bank Center (430 W. Vine St. Lexington, next to Rupp Arena).
There is no charge to attend. Schools are responsible for transportation and meals.
Register here. The registration deadline is Friday, September 1. A […]
08/11/23- Reminders about Approved Amendments to Bylaw 9 for 2023-24 (Basketball Organized Play Prior to Practice)
At the September 22, 2022, Annual Meeting of the membership, the delegates approved an amendment to Bylaw 9 of the KHSAA related to the play of basketball players in competition prior to the start of the season. This change is now in effect. The entire text as approved is listed at the end of this information.
The key provisions
- In summary, basketball players (who have been in grade 9 and subsequently represented a member school in a contest) can now attend true recruiting opportunities that meet very specific criteria, between the start of school and October 14.
- The opportunity to attend these activities ends October 14, and there is no outside organized play after the first date for allowable practice for those students who have been in grade 9 and subsequently represented a member school in a contest.
- During the period from the first day of school through October 14, the delegates defined what […]
08/07/23- Football Online Rules Clinic for Officials Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Football is now available. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.
Go to
Login using your arbiter name and password
- As they are a condition of postseason eligibility, in the top black bar on the main page for, select ELIGIBILITY
- Select that you want the 2023-24 Football Postseason Eligibility by clicking on 23-24 Postseason
- You will see a Blue Hyperlink that says Take Online Clinic
- Go through the clinic following the instructions including any require
- Please note it may be as much as 24-hours before your score is posted
- Through September 21 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only […]
8/7/23- Football Online Rules Clinic for Coaches Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Football is now available. We appreciate your patience while clarifications were compiled regarding one of the rule changes for 2023. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
- Until Sept. 28 (Coaches) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period through the school subdomain.
- September 29 to October 13 (Coaches) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- October 14 to Oct. 28 (Coaches) – the Football Clinic will be […]
08/03/23- Important Changes in the KHSAA Online School Subdomain for 2023-24
Good morning. On behalf of the entire staff, it is our hope that many of you as building and athletic administrators are back and ready to go after the dead period and getting into these first few days of practice. Our golf teams have already begun play and it is right around the corner in the rest of the fall sports.
- Please continue to contact Rob Catron at the KHSAA ( or by phone, 859-299-5472 ext 249 and he can assist with your technology needs using our system.
- It is probably worth reminding everyone that we have provided a robust system to track things for your coaches, and in many cases, the data in that system is the only authenticated way to track requirements.
- What you may not realize is how frequently we are asked for specific information about coaches, be it specific or en masse, and we […]
07/31/23 – Soccer Online Rules Clinic for Coaches & Officials Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Soccer is now available today, July 31. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.
Go to
Login using your arbiter name and password
- As they are a condition of postseason eligibility, in the top black bar on the main page for, select ELIGIBILITY
- Select that you want the 2023-24 Soccer Postseason Eligibility by clicking on 23-24 Postseason
- You will see a Blue Hyperlink that says Take Online Clinic
Go through the clinic following the instructions including any require - Please note it may be as much as 24-hours before your score is posted
- July 31 to August 31 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic […]
07/24/23 – Corresponding Calendar Reminders, Updates, References
At its most recent meeting, the Board of Control approved recommended changes to the Spring Corresponding Dates Calendar impacting Tennis, Track and Field, Softball and Baseball. Please understand that this communication will be more lengthy than normal to attempt to address any questions and concerns.
These changes were a result of significant membership feedback addressing the various issues around spring sports and the potential issues faced by the nearly 290 member schools and the association. This represents the first phase of an overall calendar review the Board has begun to start this school year with the second phase being discussed at later meetings to include issues around the integration of three additional championships (boys’ and girls’ lacrosse and boys’ volleyball) into the 2024-25 calendar.
Spring has always presented challenges around end-of-year activities including testing, graduations, recognition ceremonies and so many other schedule conflicts. While at some point, choices will have to be made by some […]
07/11/2023- Fall Sports Tryout Reminders
Good afternoon to all member schools. This message is intended for all member schools based on multiple inquiries received in the last few days. Please share this with all members of your fall sports coaching staff, and the coaches of Competitive Cheer and Dance. This post is not intended to be comprehensive regarding all aspects of Bylaw 23, but intended to highlight areas around tryouts.
References for this information come from the Bylaws of the Association, online as part of the KHSAA Handbook. There is not (and has never been) a separate tryout period for fall sports prior to the start of practice. Recently, we have been made aware that several schools have posted “tryouts” for fall sports that are being held prior to the first date of practice. This is not permitted.
- Required activity (including tryouts) can begin for Cross Country, Field Hockey, […]
05/31/23 – Parking Details for State Track & Field, State Softball
The KHSAA has received the final details for parking on the campus of the University of Kentucky at this year’s State Track & Field and State Softball Championships. Coaches and teams are reminded to allow extra time, especially in the Lexington area, for travel due to so many events in and around Lexington June 1-2-3.
State Track & Field Teams are reminded that the State Meet is conducted with a specific time schedule and events will not be delayed if a competitor does not check in on time. Teams can arrive early and remain in buses until the Team Gate opens or athletes/coaches can always arrive earlier than their event to check-in and head to Tent City.
State Softball Teams are reminded they can arrive earlier than their indicated warm-up time and UK Parking/KHSAA Staff will accommodate you on-site. Parking maps are available below!
05/30/23 – State Track & Field Lane Assignments, Starting Heights, Final Details!
The field is set for the 2023 Clark’s Pump-n-Shop State Track & Field Championships presented by UK HealthCare! The meets will be held June 1 – June 3 at the University of Kentucky Track & Field Complex. The KHSAA website has been updated to reflect lane assignments, competitor numbers, etc. Please be sure to check under the 2023 State/Region Meet Entries/Results tab at the very bottom of the track webpage (links also below). Additional important information for each respective class is posted.
Starting heights for High Jump and Pole Vault for each respective class have also been set for the State Meet. They are as follows:
Class 1A 2A 3A Girls High Jump 4’6″ 4’6″ 4’8″ Boys High Jump 5’8″ 5’8″ 5’10” Girls Pole Vault 6’6″ 7’6″ 8’6″ Boys Pole Vault 9’6″ 10’0″ 11’0″Lane Assignments
Class Link 1A 2A 3A following links have important information for teams, […]
05/26/23- 2023 Advanced Athletic Administrators Workshop-August 29
This workshop will be held in Lexington at the Lexington Hilton Downtown and will offer a deep dive into current Constitution and Bylaws provisions, use of forms and operational notes. This meeting will be held on August 29, 2023. This meeting will count for six hours of the hours required for the Athletic Director’s continual improvement in Bylaw 25.
Registration is open and online at There is no charge for the registration.
The meeting will only be offered this year as an in-person option only.
Meeting material will be posted on the KHSAA website and all registered attendees will be provided any update.
The GPS address is 369 West Vine Street, Lexington, KY 40507. To get directions, CLICK THIS LINK
For those who may need housing (or who may stay for the regional meeting the next day at the same site with […]
05/26/23- 2023 Annual Meeting Set for September
This is intended for all KHSAA member school Superintendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors and the links can be forwarded as needed.
The 2023 Annual Meeting of the membership of the KHSAA is to be held on September 14 at the Central Bank Center (FKA Lexington Center). Final agenda documents are being published as they become final in the coming months, but the meeting is expected to begin at approximately 8:30 a.m. ET. and conclude not later than 1:00 p.m. ET. Details and requirements for the Annual Meeting Delegate are summarized below. To submit the name of your delegate, go to
This meeting, which is not mandatory for membership, will not have a virtual option.
The Annual Meeting has continuous improvement/leadership training opportunities throughout the morning as members work to carve out the best plan of action for the future and then the meeting concludes as […]
05/26/23 – Class 3A State Track & Field Performance Listing and Roster by School Available
The performance list and the roster by school for all events, including unified/adapted for Class 3A are posted on the website at the links below.
Changes may occur as coaches and officials have an opportunity to double-check both the performance list and the roster by school for accuracy. An email will be sent once all changes are made and performance lists are finalized.
As a reminder to coaches, each region automatically qualifies the first and second-place finishers in each event (a total of 14 automatic qualifiers, if at least 2 entered in the event). The next 10 best performances (plus any unbreakable ties) in each event, per class, from the state-at-large shall qualify for the state meet. It is very possible to have a situation where the performances in a regional meet among the two automatic advancers are less than the performance of someone who did not finish first or second in his/her respective region, […]
05/24/23 – Class 2A State Track & Field Performance Listing and Roster by School Available
The performance list and the roster by school for all events, including unified/adapted for Class 2A are posted on the website at the links below.
Changes may occur as coaches and officials have an opportunity to double-check both the performance list and the roster by school for accuracy. An email will be sent once all changes are made and performance lists are finalized.
As a reminder to coaches, each region automatically qualifies the first and second-place finishers in each event (a total of 14 automatic qualifiers, if at least 2 entered in the event). The next 10 best performances (plus any unbreakable ties) in each event, per class, from the state-at-large shall qualify for the state meet. It is very possible to have a situation where the performances in a regional meet among the two automatic advancers are less than the performance of someone who did not finish first or second in his/her respective region, […]
05/24/23- 2023-2024 Regional Meetings for Athletic Administrators
The following is the schedule of meetings for this fall as we rotate into places it may have been a year or two since we have been able to host.
Aug 16, 2023, Mayfield High School, Mayfield
Aug 17, 2023, Hopkins County Central High School, Madisonville
Aug 21, 2023, Scott High School, Taylor Mill
Aug 22, 2023, North Laurel High School, London
Aug 23, 2023, Boyd County High School, Ashland
Aug 24, 2023, Valley High School, Valley Station
Aug 28, 2023, Mountain Arts Center, Prestonsburg
* Aug 30, 2023, Hilton Downtown, Lexington
Aug 31, 2023, Hart County High School, Munfordville
For the fall of 2023, the KHSAA will again conduct a series of regional meetings to help our athletic administrators meet the membership requirement of attending this type of meeting once per year as well as provide continuous improvement hours for administrators. With the rapid turnover in athletic administrators and changes initiated by the General […]
05/24/23 – Class 1A State Track & Field Performance Listing and Roster by School Available
The performance list and the roster by school for all events, including unified/adapted for Class 1A are posted on the website at the links below. Class 2A should be released later tonight and Class 3A tomorrow, after all Class 3A regions finish.
Changes may occur as coaches and officials have an opportunity to double-check both the performance list and the roster by school for accuracy. An email will be sent once all changes are made and performance lists are finalized.
As a reminder to coaches, each region automatically qualifies the first and second-place finishers in each event (a total of 14 automatic qualifiers, if at least 2 entered in the event). The next 10 best performances (plus any unbreakable ties) in each event, per class, from the state-at-large shall qualify for the state meet. It is very possible to have a situation where the performances in a regional meet among the two automatic advancers are […]
05/22/23- Guidance Related to 2023 SB145, with revisions to 2021 HB563 (KRS156.070)
This summarizes interpretive guidance for the member schools of the KHSAA related to SB145, passed in the 2023 General Assembly Regular Session. Inquiries should be directed to Commissioner Julian Tackett ( or General Counsel Chad Collins ( The provisions of Acts Chapter 93 2023 (SB145) go into effect on June 29, 2023 and will be further codified as KHSAA Bylaw 8. This information is archived at, or
Background of Legislative Change
In its regular session in 2023, the Kentucky General Assembly passed amendments to Acts Chapter 93 2023 (SB145), which become law on June 29, 2023. This legislation amended the prior provisions known colloquially as HB563, Acts Chapter 167 2021 (HB563).
SB145, now codified into Kentucky Revised Statutes further refined restrictions on non-resident, out-of-district students and their participation in interscholastic athletics after changing schools.
The changes passed with this measure impacted only KRS 156.070 and […]
05/16/23- Revised GE04 and Optional PPE01 Released
GENERAL- After final clearance and review from the KHSAA / KMA Sports Medicine Committee last Thursday, the revised required GE04 and optional PPE01 have been published on the KHSAA website.
- There are notable changes on the forms this year, not only in content but in handling procedure.
- Physicals already administered may be honored, but a revised GE04 form should (recommended but not required) be provided to parents and students to ensure the proper separation of medical records as detailed below.
- The links to the forms are located on the KHSAA website at
- Keep in mind that the GE04 form is required to be used as the parental permission and authorization for medical treatment form. This three-page form contains the information form signed by the parent and student, as well as the consent to treat. The third page of this form is the required medical clearance, which by statute, […]
05/15/23- Reminder about Postseason Rosters, Triple Threat and Academic All-State Awards
POSTSEASON ROSTER- With the postseason championships underway, this is a reminder that all eligible participants should have been moved to the postseason roster.
- While the postseason roster has no impact on your Title IX report or Annual Participation List, it does serve as the eligibility listing for all sports.
- If you need assistance, please see the video at or contact Rob Catron, IT Director and School Subsystem liaison,
- With nearly all schools having submitted their Annual Participation List (only one school remains!), this reminder about creating your Triple Threat Award Certificates.
- We have more than 2100 eligible for this award based on the roster data, but thus far, only 880 have been recognized by the school.
- The routines can be found on the school login page, in the third group of options on the left “Maintain/View/Print Rosters”, and after clicking that, select “Maintain Overall Athletic […]
05/10/23 – Baseball & Softball End of Season/Beginning of Postseason Updates
Staff managing Baseball and Softball have continued to receive inquiries regarding the ending of the regular season and the beginning of the postseason.
A variety of situations were shared with the KHSAA Board of Control at today’s meeting. After discussion and on behalf of the staff, the Commissioner proposed an interpretation allowing regular season games to be played up until the day before the district tournament begins in both sports. The Board unanimously concurred with that recommendation which will be the policy in all team sports going forward. This is in alignment with the end of the regular season in the individual sports that can play contests up until the day before the postseason begins.
For example:
1) The District Tournament is set to begin on Monday, teams could play on Sunday, the day before the postseason begins.
2) The District Tournament is set to begin on Saturday, teams could play on […]
05/02/23 – State Bass Fishing Region Results and State Registration
For all teams/boats qualifying for the 2023 KHSAA Bass Fishing State Championships, the registration link has been updated to allow teams to register. The registration deadline is Monday, May 8, 2023. Teams/boats can register by clicking on the State Championship Registration link below. From the Choose Type menu select Invitational, and then from the Choose Tournament menu select 2023 KHSAA State Finals, All Female Division, or 2023 KHSAA State Finals which is the Coed Division:
State Championship Registration
The results for the teams/boats qualifying for the KHSAA State Championships are posted below by region. We are asking coaches to please review the names of your anglers for misspellings and any other corrections that may be necessary. Please email these corrections directly to Darren Bilberry by 4:00 p.m. EST, Wednesday, May 3, 2023.
[…]05/02/23 – Tennis Regional Instructions Available and Postseason Reminders
- Region Tournaments are scheduled for May 12-25.
- A list of host/region managers can be found through the links below:
- The region tournament instructions are available on the Tennis homepage at All coaches and competing schools should take the time to read these items carefully, even veteran coaches, to ensure familiarity with all KHSAA rules and regulations regarding these events.
- Region Instructions (Tennis begins on page 26)
- All entries should be submitted to the regional managers using the TN103 form through the following links:
- UTR information shall be used to gather necessary initial information for seeding consideration.
- Seeding shall be based on the All-Factors Method, considering each […]
04/29/2023 – Bass Fishing State Instructions Available
State Championship Instructions and other pertinent information for the 2023 KHSAA State Bass Fishing Tournament are now posted on the KHSAA website. You can view the State Championship Time Schedule, instructions, and other information by clicking on the links below:
2023 State Bass Fishing Time Schedule
Instructions for Participants and Fans
For teams that qualify for the State Championship registration will be open from Tuesday, May 2nd until Monday, May 8th, at 5:00 p.m. The KHSAA will send out the registration link once it has been updated.
Qualifying teams can make reservations at the host hotel Kentucky Dam Village by Wednesday, May 3rd. Hotel contact information is included in the State Instructions.
Please contact Assistant Commissioner Darren Bilberry ( should you have any questions.
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated […]
04/27/23 – Track & Field Regional Instructions Available and Postseason Reminders
- Region Meets: May 12 – May 25
- All 21 region dates and sites are set: REGIONAL MANAGERS
- The region meet instructions are available for review. Coaches should review prior to entering the regional meet. REGION INSTRUCTIONS (Track & Field begins on page 32).
- The Clark’s Pump-n-Shop State Track & Field Championships will return to the University of Kentucky on June 1-3, 2023.
- Class 1A will compete on June 1, followed by Class 2A on June 2, and Class 3A on June 3, a tentative time schedule has been posted: TIME SCHEDULE
- The KHSAA and Special Olympics Kentucky (SOKY) will once again offer exhibition unified events in the postseason. This allows high school students with and without intellectual disabilities the opportunity to represent their high school as partners in an event.
- The events that will be offered include: 2x50m Dash Relay, 2x200m Dash Relay, 4x100m Relay, […]
Swimming State Schedule Format Survey Questionnaire Distributed to Athletic Directors and Principals
Throughout this year and at meetings held throughout the state, staff has reviewed the logistical issues surrounding the State Swim Meet. Simply put, despite years of adjusting time schedules, there is not a facility in the Commonwealth that can handle the capacity of the friends, families and supporters of our current state meet. The Commissioner and staff have discussed at length with various constituent groups including our Board of Control, the membership, veteran meet managers and even other states, to see formats that might help alleviate the issues. Even a new facility set to come online in a couple of years at one of our colleges and universities will not be built with the capacity to totally eliminate the problem, and only time will tell if the projected size of that facility remains the same following construction. This is not a problem unique to our state. It has also been made worse by significant capacity […]
Important Follow-up Survey – Triennial Survey – Boys/Coed Volleyball, Lacrosse, Team Tennis
Throughout this year, the members of the Board of Control and staff have discussed the Triennial Survey that was completed by the membership at the end of last school year as we have charted the course for the next few years. We have reviewed those findings in a variety of ways and discussed it with constituent groups at regional meetings, the Annual Meeting, and small group meetings throughout the school year. Those results are listed in compiled form on the website at and in detail with school-by-school responses at
As the discussion has continued, the Board has adopted a championship in 2022-23 for Girls’ Bass Fishing as well as a championship in 2023-24 in Indoor Track and Field. While many of the sports and sport-activities had a level of interest that merits considering it “emerging” but not yet “championship”, the Board discussion focus has been on four additional […]
04/17/23 – Suncoast Model SBFPB-10 Bat placed on Non-Approved Bat List
The KHSAA has received official notification from the NFHS announcing that USA Softball, the national governing body utilized by NFHS Softball to certify bats, has placed the Suncoast Model SBFPB-10 bat on the Non-Approved Bat List with Certification Marks. This bat is not compliant for use under NFHS softball rules, effective immediately (4/17/2023). A picture of the bat is shown below.
These bats were approved when originally manufactured and were legal for play at that time, but due to some unforeseen issues no longer pass the approval requirements. You can find the entire list of USA Softball Non-Approved Bats with Certification Marks here:
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in […]
04/14/23 – Softball Mid-Season Updates & Interpretations
The KHSAA wanted to update member schools on different topics and questions that have been submitted to the office thus far this softball season.
Since 2018, Kentucky has required the use of face protection for pitchers, first basemen, and third basemen. The office has received several questions about interpretations of this rule which is understandable given the regular turnover of coaches and umpires. Below are a few examples with case situations included for umpires and coaches. None of these are revisions from the past years of implementation and most are simple clarifications.
- The face protection for pitchers, first basemen, and third basemen is required in all contests for KHSAA member schools, regular and postseason, whether the contest is played in Kentucky or out of state.
- Out-of-state teams who travel to the state of Kentucky to compete are not required by Kentucky rules to wear face protection but are expected to comply with any […]
4/14/23- Basketball Shot Clock Surveys
Two seasons ago, the NFHS gave states discretion in the adoption of the shot clock for competition in Kentucky. For the 2022-23 season, the KHSAA did a survey of its Designated Representatives about the shot clock and there was not a majority desiring to see it implemented. The Board approved those results and directed the survey to be conducted again prior to the 2023-24 season. It is felt this decision needs to be driven by the membership.We are again using our Board election system which is in the school subdomain to conduct this member school survey, which will actually be in two parts, one survey asking about BOYS’ competition and one about GIRLS’ competition, to ensure that if there are differences in thoughts, those differences are considered by the Board. We are asking for each school to submit its choice using this system using the directions below. This will require that only the […]
04/13/23 – Bass Fishing Regional Instructions Available
Instructions for KHSAA Regional Bass Fishing Tournaments are now posted on the KHSAA website. Manager information is posted on the KHSAA website and can be found here:
The KHSAA will also be conducting a female-division-only Regional and State Championship in 2023.
- In order for a regional female-only division to occur, there has to be a minimum of one launched female-only division boat on the day of competition.
- For female-only division, a school may enter a maximum of four boats.
- These four shall not count against the limit of six in the coed division.
- All athletes assigned to boats in the female division, including substitutes, must be female.
- Entries in the coed division can be all male, all female, or a combination of both genders, including all substitutions.
- All boats entered in the female-only division are not eligible for the coed division.
- Substitutes cannot be assigned to boats in both divisions.
04/10/23- Reminder about Academic All-State and Triple Threat Awards
Last week, each member school was sent a notice from Assistant Commissioner Darren Bilberry about the opening of the data entry for the Title IX and Participation Report processes. These annual reports are due by April 30. In case you were on spring break and somehow cannot place that email, the information is located at
In addition, we wanted to remind you about two recognition programs that are widely used by the membership and ensure that you take advantage of those programs.
Our handful of single-gender schools that are exempt from the Title IX reports continue to be required to submit the Annual Participation Report.
- Once you are ready (and by April 30), you need to do the roster review functions of the annual submission on the login page.
- You will then click on the bar labeled […]
4/6/23 – 2022-2023 Title IX Annual Report and Participation List Submission
Schools are now able to access all of the required online forms to submit their 2022-2023 Title IX Annual Reports. The information in this post presents a summary for each school as you work to complete the required Annual Participation Report as well as the Title IX Report for 2022-2023.
- The deadline for submission is May 1, 2023.
- The online system is currently available for entry and is the only acceptable means of submitting the report.
- If you have specific questions about Title IX and the law itself, our office should be able to help get you some assistance. Asst. Commissioner Darren Bilberry ( is our primary contact for your questions related to the law and its interpretations, and the Commissioner and General Counsel are available should you have other inquiries of that type.
- As for the reports, Information Technology Director Rob Catron ( can assist you with electronic issues, including login […]
04/04/23 – KHSAA State Archery Championships Registration Now Open
Registration for the 2023 Boys/Coed and Girls State Archery Championships is now open. Registration shall remain open through Wednesday, April 12, 2023.
Use the links below to register for this event:
The top two teams from each Region Tournament advance to qualify for the State Tournament. Additionally, the top three individuals at each Region Tournament, who were not on an advancing team, also advance to the State Tournament. A list of the teams and individuals who qualified in the Boys/Coed Division can be viewed HERE. A list of the teams and teams and individuals who qualified in the Girls Division can be viewed HERE.
Once registration is closed, range/lane assignments will be made and sent out in advance of the Championships. These assignments shall be random and neither the archers nor coaches are authorized to […]
03/22/23- Off Season Football Activity and Practice Reminders
Based on a series of inquiries in the last day or so, a couple of reminders are necessary for our football schools in an effort to prevent inadvertent violations of the bylaws surrounding football practice and off-season activity. NONE OF THESE PROVISIONS ARE NEW but with large turnover in many areas, a reminder seems prudent.
- Helmets are part of the player equipment spelled out in the NFHS playing rule 1-5. As such, the use of a helmet is restricted by Bylaw 23, just as all other playing equipment is restricted.
- Helmets may only be issued to players prior to July 10 in the following cases:
- An activity explicitly approved by school administration that is held on campus and involves only enrolled students at the school between the end of the 2022 playing season and July 10, not including the approved and reported spring practice dates. This activity may not […]
02/27/23 – Recipients Announced for Eighth Annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships
Cody Ell of South Warren and Laura Neal of Powell County have been selected as recipients of the eighth annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships for the 2022-2023 academic year.
When former KHSAA Commissioner Louis Stout died in 2012, his late widow Anna directed that donations on his behalf go to the Louis Stout Memorial Fund for students. Mrs. Stout felt this was an opportunity for the KHSAA to honor student-athletes who excel in athletics, academics, school service and community service.
Winners will receive a one-time $2,000 non-renewable scholarship payable directly to an institution of higher learning. Ell and Neal were chosen after careful review, with selection criteria based on athletic activities, non-athletic activities, non-school activities and an essay on the role a student-athlete should play in the community.
Ell is a standout member of the South Warren swimming & diving team, where he has set multiple Region […]
02/24/23 – Softball Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The 2023 Online Rules Clinic that is required for all head and assistant coaches and licensed officials in the sport of Softball is now available. The clinic is required for ALL coaches at each school, head or assistant, paid or unpaid.
As a reminder, here are some important dates for the upcoming season:
- First Practice: February 13
- First Contest: March 13
- Maximum Number of Scrimmages: 2
- Maximum Number of Games: 36
- Last Date for Seeded Game – May 10
- District Tournaments: May 15 – May 22
- Districts can vote by majority to play as early as May 13
- Region Tournaments: May 20 – May 29
- State First Round/Quarterfinals:
- Blind draw Regions 1-16
- John Cropp Stadium, UK, Lexington
- June 1-2-3 (final schedule being determined with UK)
- State Semifinals/Final:
- John Cropp Stadium, UK, Lexington
- June 9-11 (final schedule being determined with UK)
02/22/23 – Track & Field Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The 2023 Online Rules Clinic that is required for all head and assistant coaches and licensed officials in the sport of Track & Field is now available. The clinic is required for ALL coaches at each school, head or assistant, paid or unpaid.
As a reminder, here are some important dates for the upcoming season:
- First Practice: December 1
- First Contest: January 9
- Maximum Number of Scrimmages: 2
- Maximum Number of Meets: 19
- Region Window: May 12 – May 25
- State Dates: June 1 – 3
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, log in to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link entitled “View Online Rules Clinics“.
- February 22 – April 6: the Clinic may be viewed by coaches at no charge during this period.
- April 7 – […]
02/13/23 – Board of Control Election Procedures
- Balloting is ONLY done online for these positions.
- All schools from Basketball Regions 3 and 4, as well as regions 9 to 16 have at least one election in which to ballot. Other schools may disregard this notice if received.
- Balloting was available per the Constitution on or before February 15.
- Only the Principal or Designated Representative may vote. The names on file as verified by the KHSAA website at the time of this ballot distribution are listed on the school directory page at
- If the wrong individual is listed as the Designated Representative, the correction may be made by anyone with Athletic Director system rights (Principal, AD) prior to the ballot being submitted. For support in correcting these entries, contact Rob Catron or Kara Howard at the KHSAA offices, however, the change will be […]
03/2/23 – Nominations for KHSAA Student Advisory Group-NFHS National Student Leadership Summit Being Accepted
The KHSAA is seeking applications to become a member of its Student Advisory Group (2023-24). One of the main duties of the group is the planning and execution of its HYPE Student Leadership Conferences. Those chosen are required to attend the NFHS National Student Leadership Summit in July and then manage the KHSAA HYPE Conferences in September.
The National Federation of State High School Associations offers a student leadership initiative – the National Student Leadership Summit (NSLS). The NSLS will focus on relevant and contemporary issues affecting today’s students in education-based athletics and performing arts. Students will sharpen their leadership skills and will realize the privilege and power of their influence in their school, community, and state.
The NFHS in-person Summit is scheduled for July 29-31, 2023 in Indianapolis. If selected, expenses from Lexington to Indianapolis are covered (meals, lodging, transportation). By applying and being selected, the student is acknowledging that he/she will be in […]
02/07/23 – Board Finalizes Golf State First Round Sites for 2023
As was released following the KHSAA Board of Control meeting in January, the Board finalized the third of three State First Round Golf Sites for 2023. Winchester Country Club, which was Site #3 host in 2022, will again be State First Round Site #3 for the upcoming year.
Calvert City Country Club had previously been announced as Site #1 and Kenton County Golf Courses (Willow Course) in Independence had been announced as Site #2.
The Board, based on feedback from the previous year, will be finalizing specs to host at its February meeting and seeking to confirm sites for a three-year rotation at its May meeting. Hopkinsville Country Club (Site #1) is the only previously announced site for 2024.
The KHSAA will be working with Golf House of Kentucky in identifying future sites. Those interested should contact the KHSAA.
State Site #1 (Regions 1-4) – Calvert City Country Club (Calvert City)
State […]
02/05/23 – Swimming & Diving State Meet Psych Sheet & Information Now Available
First and foremost, the KHSAA wants to thank the regional host schools & officials for all of their hard work and success of the regionals this past week. The results for the 2023 KHSAA Regional Swimming & Diving Meets, as well as the Psych Sheet for the 2023 KHSAA State Swimming & Diving Championships Presented by UK HealthCare, are posted on the KHSAA website. You can view these by going to the following link, and clicking on “2022-2023 KHSAA Region/State Entries/Results” near the bottom of the page.
Coaches are reminded there are several additional items for review on the swimming page of the KHSAA website, including state meet instructions, time schedules, maps, directions to the state site, and much more! To view these items, go to the KHSAA Swimming website and choose the “State Swim Meet Information and Instructions” dropdown menu.
- Participating coaches are invited to join the […]
02/01/23 – Wrestling Postseason Updates
The KHSAA wanted to update member schools about Wrestling postseason dates and sites.
- Region Wrestling Tournaments can be held Feb. 10-11.
- The following reflects hosts/sites for the upcoming events:
- These hosts/sites, including contact information for the managers and trackwrestling data entry person, are also archived at
- The regional tournament postseason instructions are available on the Wrestling page at (
- Qualifiers from Regions 1-4 will advance to the First Round event held at Atherton HS, while qualifiers from Regions […]
01/31/23 – Region Diving Update
Due to today’s weather, the regional diving events schedules have been adjusted. After confirming with competing schools, Region 7 (boys and girls), Region 2 (girls), and Region 4 (boys) will still compete tonight, January 31, at the University of Louisville. The originally scheduled warm-up time remains from 4:30 – 5:30 PM. The diving competition will begin at 5:30 PM.
These changes also affect the second day of regional diving. Region 2 (boys), Region 4 (girls), and Region 5 (boys and girls) will be moved to February 1. Warm-up times for those regions will also be from 4:30-5:30 PM with the competition beginning at 5:30 PM. There are currently no changes to the girls’ portion of the meet on the morning of February 1 or to the boys’ portion originally scheduled for Regions 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 on that evening.
Scheduling changes have been updated and can be found here:
Any future scheduling […]
01/23/23 – Spring Sports Postseason Dates
As you plan for spring events in 2023, we would like to remind schools about the postseason dates for spring sports. Please make sure all parties involved in planning graduation dates, spring activities, etc. are aware of the postseason dates which should help fans, coaches and administrators avoid scheduling conflicts.
- First Date of Practice: December 1
- First Allowable Contest Date: January 9
- Region Meets: May 12 – May 25
- As regions begin preparation, please remember that all scheduling is led by the regional host, but discussions and planning should include all schools involved.
- The KHSAA State Track & Field Meet will return to the University of Kentucky on June 1-3, 2023.
- Class 1A will compete on June 1, followed by Class 2A on June 2, and Class 3A on June 3.
- First Date of Practice: February 13
- First Allowable Contest Date: March […]
01/18/23 – Spring Esports Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Esports is available through the KHSAA School Log-in Page. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen), regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay.
To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
Below is additional information:
- January 18 to March 9 – the Esports Clinic may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- March 10 to March 24 – the Esports Clinic may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- March 25 to April 8 – the Esports Clinic may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
The presentation can be viewed on most […]
1/11/23 – First Phase (T-35 Report) Open For Title IX Reporting Entry FOR 2022-2023
The initial phase of entry for the 2022-2023 Title IX Reports, the ability to enter the financial information from 2021-2022 to be entered on the 2022-2023 form T-35, is available and online at
There has been a continual effort to eliminate inconsistent information that has been entered on that form, and the following points are emphasized:
- Entry for the T-35 is now open. Login to
- Click on the Title IX/Participation List Entry tab and begin entry when you are ready.
- The T-35 requires you to enter 2021-2022 expense information, as it has been audited within your school and district.
- Your previous Annual Reports can be quickly reviewed in the KHSAA School Subdomain (the login page) by clicking on the tab labeled Past Title IX Annual Reports, in case you want to review past submissions.
- The T-35 is to be entered with all KHSAA sanctioned championship sport and sport-activities […]
01/04/22 – Basketball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Boy/Girl Student Athlete-of-the-Year Award
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year among boys’ and girls’ basketball participants for 2022-2023 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2022-2023 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2023. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2022-2023 Midway University/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Boy/Girl Student-Athlete of the Year in the […]
12/27/22 – Wrestling Nominations Sought For Male And Female Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete Of The Year
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year among wrestling participants for 2022-2023 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2022-2023 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2023. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2022-2023 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in […]
12/18/22 – Applications Being Accepted for Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships for 2022-2023
When former Commissioner Louis Stout passed away in 2012, his widow Anna directed that donations on his behalf go to the Louis Stout Memorial Fund for Students. She felt this was a chance for the KHSAA to honor student-athletes who excel in athletics, academics, school service and community service. The award process for 2022-2023 is now underway.
Applications are being accepted for students to apply for those awards through February 13, 2023. The award winners will be announced in conjunction with the boys’ state basketball tournament in March. Two grants, each in the amount of a one-time scholarship of $2,000 payable to an institution of higher learning, will be awarded. The scholarship is not renewable and is not endowed for expansion. The minimum criteria is a 3.5 (converted to 4.0 scale) grade point average; involvement in varsity sports or sport-activities; involvement in other school activities, a record of community service/involvement and being a member of […]
11/29/22 – Esports Winter Championship Update & Spring Calendar
Teams participating in esports should mark their calendar for Friday, Dec. 16th, as the semifinals and finals in each state-sanctioned offering will be contested that day at the UKFCU Esports Lounge at The Cornerstone on UK’s campus.
A detailed time schedule for the event can be found at
Teams that qualify for the in-person event will be sent instructions to join a conference call on Monday, December 12 at 2 PM (ET). Event details including parking, check-in procedures, ticketing, and other pertinent information related to the event will be discussed during the call. Details about joining the call will be sent to participating coaches at a later date.
In addition, a tentative schedule for the 2023 spring season is included below to assist with planning purposes for the next season. The spring championship event will be held the week of April 24 with an exact date to be determined in the coming weeks.
[…]11/14/22- Information to Order Football Finals Tickets
It is again time for us to turn on orders for the 2022 UK HealthCare Sports Medicine State Football Finals.
Here are some notes about this year’s finals and ticket sales:
- The games will again be played at Kroger Field at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.
- Advance ticket purchases INCLUDE parking charges. There will be no additional parking charge for those holding a pre-purchased ticket as any price is included in the ticket fee.
- All ticketing is digital-only through GoFan, the official ticket system for the KHSAA.
- There will be no walk-up cash option for purchasing tickets, the event is digital only!
- The schedule for this year’s event has games scheduled as follows (All times Eastern):
Friday, December 2nd – 1A – 12 PM, 2A – 4 PM, 4A – 8 PM
Saturday, December 3rd – 3A – 12 PM, 6A – 4 PM, 5A – 8 PM
For ticketing details, see […]
11/15/22 – UK Healthcare Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Seeks Nominations for Kentucky Comeback Athlete of the Year Award
For the seventh year, UK Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, through its partnership with the KHSAA, seeks nominations for the Kentucky Comeback Athlete of the Year, meeting the following criteria:
- The nominee must have overcome illness or injury that affected their ability to participate in KHSAA-sanctioned sports.
- The nominee must have returned to their sport(s) and demonstrated excellence and achievement beyond expectations.
- The student-athlete must consistently demonstrate good sportsmanship and ethical behavior on and off the playing field.
- The nominee must be in verified good academic standing with their school.
- The student must have participated and been a member of an athletic team during the 2021-22 academic year.
- Nominations should be submitted by January 31, 2023, to the KHSAA via form GE36 at
- Nominees will then be sent to UK Orthopedics and Sports Medicine for review and selection.
Nominees will be automatically forwarded to UK HealthCare and the Sports Medicine Staff for […]
10/18/22- Enough is Enough: Bad Behavior by Coaches, Parents and Fans Must Stop
Enough is Enough: Bad Behavior by Coaches, Parents and Fans Must Stop
By Dr. Karissa Niehoff, Chief Executive Officer of the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), and Julian Tackett, Commissioner of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
There’s an unfortunate trend continuing in Kentucky and across the nation that must be stopped: the bad behavior of coaches, parents and fans at high school athletic events. When this campaign was first proposed, there were several sounding the alarm. But here in Kentucky, we find the problem particularly growing right now. Fall sports are in the later rounds or late parts of their season. People get particularly negative when their team has their season end, even when clearly the superior team was victorious. so let’s take a deep breath and reset.
We’ve all seen it: the yelling, harassing, berating, disrespecting and even physically assaulting high school referees, umpires and other officials during and after […]
10/17/22- KHSAA member school students encouraged to apply for 2023 Kentucky Ag Athletes of the Year
KDA-KHSAA partnership to award six scholarships to Kentucky student-athletes
Kentucky student-athletes who are involved in agriculture are invited to apply for one of six scholarships and recognition as a 2023 Kentucky Ag Athlete of the Year.
The program is a partnership of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA).
“Athletics and agriculture have a lot in common. They both teach the value of effort, discipline, and teamwork,” Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles said. “We are pleased to join our partners at the KHSAA for the fifth year to reward the Commonwealth’s best young athletes and agriculturists. We hope these scholarships help cover the ever-rising cost of higher education for those striving for excellence in athletics and agriculture.”
To qualify, student-athletes must be Kentucky farmers or involved in agriculture; must be graduating seniors in high school; and must be accepted to a college, university, or trade school following graduation. […]
10/11/22 – Fall Draw Show to Air Wednesday on
On Wednesday, Oct. 12, the pairings for the 2022 KHSAA Field Hockey, Soccer and Volleyball State Tournaments Presented by UK HealthCare will be revealed during the annual Fall Championship Draw Show at 2 p.m. ET. The show will be broadcast live online by through the NFHS Network from the KHSAA office.
The 2022 KHSAA Field Hockey State Tournament will begin on Thursday, Oct. 20, with quarterfinal games being played on campus sites. Play continues with the semifinals and championship on Saturday, Oct. 22, and Monday, Oct. 24, at Christian Academy-Louisville.
The KHSAA Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer State Tournaments will open with first-round matches on Oct. 17-18, followed by the quarterfinals on Oct. 20-22. Both initial rounds will be played on campus sites. The semifinals (Oct. 26-27) and finals (Oct. 29) will be played in Lexington at Frederick Douglass.
The draw for the KHSAA Volleyball State […]
10/05/22 – Wrestling Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Wrestling is now available. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshmen), regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at
- October 5 to January 5 (Coaches) – the Wrestling Clinic may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- January 6 to January 20 (Coaches) – the Wrestling Clinic may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- January 21 to February 4 (Coaches) – the Wrestling Clinic may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 […]
10/05/22 – Esports Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Esports is available through the KHSAA School Log-in Page. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman), regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay.
To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
Below is additional information:
- October 5 to October 27 – the Esports Clinic may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- October 28 to November 11 – the Esports Clinic may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- November 12 to November 26 – the Esports Clinic may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.
After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
The presentation can be viewed on […]
2022 Title IX Workshops
As discussed during the Regional Meetings, the KHSAA will be conducting two Title IX Workshops during the month of October for 2022-23. All member schools are encouraged to attend to gain valuable information in regard to opportunities and benefits, gauging student interests from survey results, completing the Annual Report, preparing for a site visit, and conducting Gender Equity Review Committee meetings.
The first meeting will be on Tuesday morning, October 25 at the Logan County Career & Technical Center in Russellville at 8:00 a.m. Central Time. The second will be on Wednesday morning, October 26 at the KHSAA offices in Lexington at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time. This meeting will count for four hours of the hours required for the Athletic Director continual improvement in Bylaw 25.
Registration is open and online at There is no charge for the registration.
The meeting will only be offered this year as […]
09/21/22 – Dance Rules Clinic Now Open
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Dance is available beginning today, September 21. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) and whether or not the coach receives pay.
Below is additional information:
- September 20 to October 6 – the Dance Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- October 7 to October 21 – the Dance Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- October 22 to November 5 – the Dance Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.
- After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled […]
09/19/22 – Competitive Cheer Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year Award
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year among Competitive Cheer participants for 2022-2023 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2022-23 team. Nominations must come from a member school but may be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards banquet at Midway University in early summer 2023. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2022-2023 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year and announced at the banquet. All individual winners will also receive their recognition at that banquet.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in […]
09/06/22 – Dance Declaration Form Now Open
The declaration form (DA101) for the sport-activity of Dance is now open. Each member school shall only submit one form and you must be signed into the KHSAA School Subdomain to submit.
The deadline to complete this form is Saturday, October 1. This is for KHSAA Regional and State Competitions, so please discuss what division(s) your school will be entering as there will be no adjustments to divisions once the entries are posted. Each member school Athletic Director or Head Coach shall only submit one form per school and must be signed into the KHSAA School subdomain ( to declare. You can find DA101 on the school subdomain under the dropdown menu “Forms and Reports” and under “Dance Forms”.
- Jazz (minimum of 5, maximum of 30)
- Hip Hop (minimum of 5, maximum of 30)
- Pom (minimum of 5, maximum of 30)
- Game Day (minimum of 5, maximum of 30)
- **This year, […]
09/06/22 – Competitive Cheer Declaration Form Now Open
The declaration form (CC101) for the sport-activity of Competitive Cheer is now open. Each member school shall only submit one form and you must be signed into the KHSAA School Subdomain to submit.
The deadline to complete this form is Saturday, October 1. This is for KHSAA Regional and State Competitions, so please discuss what division(s) your school will be entering as there will be no adjustments to divisions once the entries are posted. Each member school Athletic Director or Head Coach shall only submit one form and must be signed into the KHSAA School subdomain ( to declare. You can find CC101 on the school subdomain under the dropdown menu “Forms and Reports” and under “Cheerleading Forms”.
- All-Girls Small – minimum of 5, maximum of 15
- All-Girls Medium – minimum of 16, maximum of 19
- All-Girls Large – minimum of 20, maximum of 23
- All-Girls Super-Large – minimum of 24, […]
08/19/22 – HYPE Student Leadership Conferences Registration Now Open
Mark your calendars to plan to attend one of the two KHSAA HYPE Student Leadership Conferences scheduled for September 15 (Bowling Green) and September 16 (Lexington).
HYPE is a one-day student leadership conference where students will enjoy educational interaction with each other to discuss issues and garner information to take back and share/implement with their teams and student body. The event is staged and presented by the KHSAA Student-Athlete Group.
Thursday, September 15 – Knicely Conference Center (2355 Nashville Rd., Bowling Green 42101).
Friday, September 16 – Central Bank Center (430 W. Vine St. Lexington, next to Rupp Arena). LEXINGTON CONFERENCE IS AT CAPACITY AND REGISTRATION IS CLOSED AS OF 8/24/22.
There is no charge to attend. Schools are responsible for transportation and any meals.
Register here. The registration deadline is Thursday, Sept. 8. A school is limited to a maximum of 18 students. […]
08/15/22- 2022 KHSAA Annual Meeting Reminder
This is intended for all KHSAA member school Superintendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors and the links can be forwarded as needed.
This reminder that the 2022 Annual Meeting of the membership of the KHSAA is to be held on September 22 at the Central Bank Center (FKA Lexington Center). Final agenda documents are being published as they become final in the coming weeks, but the meeting is expected to begin at approximately 8:00 a.m. ET. and conclude not later than 12:30 p.m. Details and requirements for the Annual Meeting Delegate are summarized below. To submit the name of your delegate, go to
This meeting, which is not mandatory for membership, will not have a virtual option.
The Annual Meeting has continuous improvement/leadership training opportunities throughout the morning as members work to carve out the best plan of action for the future and then the meeting […]
2022 Advanced Athletic Administrators Workshop
This workshop will be held in Lexington at our offices and will offer a deep dive into current Constitution and Bylaws provisions, use of forms and operational notes. This meeting will be held on September 21. This meeting will count for six hours of the hours required for Athletic Director continual improvement in Bylaw 25
Registration is open and online at There is no charge for the registration.
The meeting will only be offered this year as an in-person option due to facility constraints and equipment. Meeting material will be posted on the KHSAA website and all registered attendees will be provided any update.
For those that have not been to our offices, the GPS address is 2280 Executive Drive, Lexington, KY 40505.
We will begin at 8:30 a.m. Registration will begin around 8:00. We will adjourn not later than 2:30 pm.
A box […]
07/29/22 – 2022 Fall Esports Enrollment Information
Member schools interested in participating in the 2022 Fall esports season are encouraged to sign up at and begin registering for the upcoming season. The registration deadline for the fall season is September 16. Available titles for the fall include:
- NBA 2K
- League of Legends
- Rocket League
- Hearthstone
- Madden
- Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate
- Splatoon™ 2
- Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe
Due to NBA 2K23 having a mid-September game release, it will follow an independent Fall ‘22 NBA 2K23 schedule and will not be considered for state league adoption until Spring of 2023.
PlayVS will conduct an informational webinar on August 25 at 2 p.m. ET. Information to join the webinar will be distributed closer to the date, and a recording will be made available for those who are not able to attend.
All schools interested in competing in esports should review the blog post located at for information […]
07/29/22 – Dance Postseason Update & Semi-State Hosts Sought
The KHSAA office is accepting applications to host the semi-state rounds of the Dance postseason. Two hosts are needed for the semi-state round and regions can alternate host sites (Region 1 one year and Region 2 site the next) or choose to have a permanent site based upon facility abilities and availability. The competition rules will stipulate the odd region listed in the alternation table would recommend the region site in the odd year, and the even region in the even year. Sites selected must be able to accommodate the historic crowds, similar to the criteria for other KHSAA championships.
Athletic Administrators from both combined regions are responsible for making decisions such as expenses and division of any revenue as a group. The “host” region is not solely responsible for this and this will be a discussion topic at the upcoming fall Regional Meetings with schools.
The Commissioner’s office […]
07/29/22 – Competitive Cheer Postseason Update & Regional Hosts Sought
The KHSAA office is accepting applications to host the regionals of the Competitive Cheer postseason. Four hosts are needed, and regions can alternate host sites (Region 1 one year and Region 2 site the next) or choose a permanent location based upon facility abilities and availability. The competition rules will stipulate that the odd region listed in the alternation table would recommend the region site in the odd year and the even region in the even year. Sites selected must be able to accommodate the historic crowds, similar to the criteria for the current basketball site selection.
Athletic Administrators from both combined regions are responsible for making decisions such as expenses and division of any revenue as a group. The “host” region is not solely responsible for this and this will be a discussion topic at the upcoming fall Regional Meetings with schools.
The Commissioner’s office would […]
07/10/22- Rosters Open for Entry for 2022-23
Good morning. On behalf of the entire staff, it is our hope that many of you as building and athletic administrators are back and ready to go after taking advantage of the only two “down” weeks of the athletics year with the dead period!
This year, there have been only minor changes to the required KHSAA online roster and the school management system. Rosters have been rolled from the previous year, and may now be edited for the coming seasons as well as sport and sport-activity offerings. Though there are minor enhancements being fine-tuned, there is no reason for a delay in entering and editing rosters. We will again conduct a thorough review of the system through demonstrations at the regional meetings and staff is available to assist at any time.
07/13/22- 2022-2023 Regional Meetings for Athletic Administrators
This reminder is for all member school Superintendents, Principals and Athletic Directors within the KHSAA.
The following is the schedule of meetings for this fall as we rotate into places it may have been a year or two since we have been able to host.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022, Mountain Arts Center, Prestonsburg
Thursday, August 18, 2022, Logan County Career and Technical Center, Russellville
Monday, August 22, 2022, Caldwell County High School, Princeton
Tuesday, August 23, 2022, Owensboro Board of Education, Owensboro
Wednesday, August 24, 2022, Bullitt Central High School, Shepherdsville
Monday, August 29, 2022, Simon Kenton HS, Independence
Tuesday, August 30, 2022, Boyd County HS, Ashland
Wednesday, August 31, 2022, Pulaski County HS, Somerset
Thursday, September 1, 2022, KHSAA Offices, Lexington
For the fall of 2022, the KHSAA will again conduct a series of regional meetings to help our athletic administrators meet the membership requirement of attending this type of meeting once per year […]
06/23/22 – Board of Control Approves Agreed Order Involving Bowling Green High School
Compiler’s Note: The agreed order was amended at the June 23 Board of Control meeting and required approval and signatures following; The final document is located on the KHSAA website at
At a special meeting held at the KHSAA office in Lexington, the KHSAA Board of Control approved an agreed order closing an open matter and investigative review regarding Bowling Green High School. This closes a matter that began with the reporting of alleged violations of KHSAA Bylaw 16 near the end of the 2016-17 basketball season.
As required by the adopted KHSAA Bylaws, the matter was assigned to staff for review, and draft findings were reported to the Commissioner. Due to situations surrounding concurrent litigation involving reported personnel and pandemic-related delays in consideration of potentially related matters, the case was not ripe for final review until the close of the 2020-21 school year.
An […]
06/10/22- Additional Revisions Announced in COVID Return to Play Protocol
Additional changes in guidance from the CDC as well as the conclusion of the 2021-22 competitive year have resulted in additional review by the Association and its sports medicine advisors. The KHSAA KMA Sports Medicine Committee met in late May to consider revisions to the return to play protocol. There is no longer a requirement for the six-day return to play protocol and this has been converted to a recommendation for local districts as best practice guidance.
In addition, the recommended form usage remains the same as well as the strong recommendation that current CDC guidance is utilized. Be mindful that in compliance with that guidance, if districts are adhering to those protocols, any person within the program who tests positive should isolate for five days, followed by five days of full masking, regardless of any negative test.
It remains local jurisdiction for the vast majority of the recommendations, including the use of the form. […]
06/13/22- Guidance Related to 2021 HB563 (KRS156.070)
The Kentucky General Assembly passed House Bill 563 (HB 563) during the 2021 Regular Session, and it became law on June 29, 2021, with full implementation of its provisions on July 1, 2022. HB 563, now codified into Kentucky Revised Statutes (Acts. Chapter 167 (2021) generally addresses two educational choice issues. Sections 1-3 provide amendments to KRS 157.350, 158.120 and 156.070 and specify how local boards of education shall adopt a nonresident pupil policy under which the district shall allow enrollment of nonresident pupils and the funding associated therewith. Section 4 provides for reporting requirements of the KDE to the Legislative Research Commission and Interim Joint Committee on Education on options for the equitable transfer of education funds. Sections 5-19 of the Act are cited as the Education Opportunity Account Act or EOA Act.
This guidance provides critical […]
06/11/22- Kopser, Gloyd Named 2021-22 Midway/KHSAA Student-Athletes of the Year
The 2021-22 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year awards program culminated this week on the campus of Midway University, as Renae Kopser (Ryle) and Ben Gloyd (Mayfield) were recognized as the overall Student-Athletes of the Year.
Beginning in May of 2016, Midway University started presenting a Female Student-Athlete of the Year award at each KHSAA girls’ state championship event. The awards program was expanded in 2019-20 to include male student-athletes, with Midway honoring a deserving student-athlete in each of the 19 officially recognized KHSAA sports and sport-activities.
The awards are based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership, with Midway choosing one overall male and female student-athlete of the year each academic year. School administrators, coaches and athletic directors nominate student-athletes online at, and the nominees are voted upon by a closed panel consisting of representatives from Midway University.
2021-22 Midway University/KHSAA […]
05/31/22 – State Track & Field Lane Assignments, Starting Heights, & Final Details
The field is set for the 2022 Clark’s Pump-n-Shop State Track & Field Championships presented by UK HealthCare! The meets will be held June 2 – June 4 at the University of Kentucky Track & Field Complex. The KHSAA website has been updated to reflect lane assignments, competitor numbers, etc. Please be sure to check under the 2022 State/Region Meet Entries/Results tab at the very bottom of the track webpage. Important information for each respective class is posted.
Starting heights for High Jump and Pole Vault for each respective class have also been set for the State Meet. They are as follows:
Class A
Girls High Jump- 4’6″
Boys High Jump- 5’8″
Girls Pole Vault- 6’6″
Boys Pole Vault- 9’00”
Class 2A
Girls High Jump- 4’6″
Boys High Jump- 5’8″
Girls Pole Vault- 7’0″
Boys Pole Vault- 10’00”
Class 3A
Girls High Jump- 4’8″
Boys High Jump- 5’10”
Girls […]
05/19/22 – State Track & Field Instructions Available
State Championship Instructions and other pertinent information for the 2022 Clark’s Pump-N-Shop State Track & Field Championships presented by UK HealthCare have been posted on the KHSAA website. The Championships will take place on June 2-4 at the University of Kentucky’s Track & Field complex. You can view the state championship time schedule and instructions by clicking on the links below.
State Instructions for Participating Teams & Fans
Tickets are also on sale now!
- General admission ticket prices with no re-entry privileges are $12 each day, plus electronic transaction fees that are not received by the KHSAA.
- A general admission ticket with re-entry privileges is available for $15 each day, plus electronic transaction fees that are not received by the KHSAA. A wristband will be provided at the gate for those that choose the re-entry option.
- All tickets will be sold online via GoFan, the KHSAA’s official digital […]
05/18/22 – Title IX Webinar
As was previously announced at the Athletic Director’s Conference, the KHSAA will be conducting a brief Title IX Webinar on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. EST.
As a result of Covid 19, on-site visits in the Title IX Education Program have been shut down for the past two years. In addition, the daily consultation with our audit team members has been suspended as well as they were not coming into our offices.
Due to this as well as the significant amount of turnover in administration among our member schools, we would like to take this opportunity to refamiliarize our schools with some of the basic components of Title IX prior to the 2022-2023 school year. The focus of this meeting will be the elements of Title IX as it relates to the management of the interscholastic athletic program.
Covered in the webinar will be a review of Title IX Opportunities and Benefits, the […]