Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

Sports Medicine-Covid-19

2022-2023 Healthy At Sports, Stage 5, Partnering for Progress, Competition Considerations

Covid Guidance - Stage 5 - Partnering


Current KMA/KHSAA COVID Return to Play Form and Medical Guidance

Covid Guidance - Stage 5 - Partnering


Current KDE COVID-19 Guidance Resources

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


06/10/22- Additional Revisions Announced in COVID Return to Play Protocol

2021-2022 News Releases

Additional changes in guidance from the CDC as well as the conclusion of the 2021-22 competitive year have resulted in additional review by the Association and its sports medicine advisors. The KHSAA KMA Sports Medicine Committee met in late May to consider revisions to the return to play protocol. There is no longer a requirement for the six-day return to play protocol and this has been converted to a recommendation for local districts as best practice guidance.

In addition, the recommended form usage remains the same as well as the strong recommendation that current CDC guidance is utilized. Be mindful that in compliance with that guidance, if districts are adhering to those protocols, any person within the program who tests positive should isolate for five days, followed by five days of full masking, regardless of any negative test.

It remains local jurisdiction for the vast majority of the recommendations, including the use of the form. […]


01/20/22- Revisions Announced in COVID Return to Play Protocol

2021-2022 News Releases

As a result of multiple recent changes and interpretations by the CDC, the KHSAA KMA Sports Medicine Committee met on September 18 to consider revisions to the return to play protocol. Please keep in mind that only the six-day gradual return to play following a positive test is a requirement for eligibility, to ensure the health and safety of those students testing positive for COVID-19.

This has solely to do with ISOLATION (following a positive test) and not QUARANTINE (exposure). Both the isolation and quarantine periods are of local jurisdiction with only the return-to-play being standard throughout the association and its member schools.

The following items were changed in the prior documentation since the last revisions in October, 2021:

  • The isolation period references remain in compliance with CDC recommendations, with a minimum of 5-days in isolation. With this revision, the six-day return to play protocol can begin on day 6 rather than day 11 […]


10/30/21- 2021 Final Adjusted Standings (after tie-breakers)

Athletic Department Blog Updates


10/08/21- Changes in COVID-19 RTA/RTP Implemented Per SMAC Guidance

2021-2022 News Releases

As they have done since the start of the pandemic, the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC) composed of Kentucky Medical Association (KMA) member doctors has held multiple special meetings to continually review the Return to Play Guidance and Recommendations (RTA/RTP). As a result of those continued meetings and review of current and evolving literature, changes have been made to the RTA/RTP and RTA/RTP form and those changes are located at For districts that have summarily adopted the “KHSAA” recommendations, these changes should be considered immediate.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, this group has been passionate advocates for the students being involved in sport due to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits, but also for safety in mitigating the spread of the virus. They are also keenly aware of the first priority of nearly everyone in the education community, that being a full year […]


10/07/21- Changes in COVID-19 RTA/RTP Implemented

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As they have done since the start of the pandemic, the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC) composed of Kentucky Medical Association (KMA) member doctors has held multiple special meetings to continually review the Return to Play Guidance and Recommendations (RTA/RTP). As a result of those continued meetings and review of current and evolving literature, changes have been made to the RTA/RTP and RTA/RTP form and those changes are located at

Since the beginning of the pandemic, this group has been passionate advocates for the students being involved in sport due to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits, but also for safety in mitigating the spread of the virus. They are also keenly aware of the first priority of nearly everyone in the education community, that being a full year of in person instruction and doing nothing to purposely jeopardize that objective.

The […]


08/23/21- Reminder about COVID-19 Return to Play Following Isolation

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Recently, there has been misinformation shared among the membership about the Return to Play policy following a positive COVID-19 test. Whether this is a result of misinterpretation or deliberate on the part of some individuals is open for debate. Most importantly, nothing has changed since early 2021 regarding this process and procedure as was adopted following the unanimous recommendation of our KMA Sports Medicine Committee. The process is based on ever-studied scientific data that is under continual review as more and more is known about the impacts of the virus, particularly, potential heart impacts such as myocarditis.

It is also critical not to mix terms. Isolation occurs following a positive test of a specific person. Quarantine is what happens when others who have not had the positive test are exposed or potentially exposed to the person with the positive test. Nothing about this reminder relates to quarantine. Details on quarantine can be found in the […]


2021-2022 Healthy At Sports, Stage 4, Perseverance, Competition Considerations

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


2021-2022 COVID Related Cancellations

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


KDE Face Covering Guidance Per 702 KAR 1:195E, 8/20/21

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


702 KAR 1:195E, Emergency Regulation, Face Coverings, Kentucky Board of Education

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


KHSAA and KMA Covid-19 Return to Play Algorithm/Matrix and Optional Form

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


08/18/21- Updates and Reminders on Schedule Change and Score Reporting

2021-2022 News Releases

First off, thank you to our member schools for your help last year in adjusting to a revised method to report scores and schedule updates to the Riherds / KHSAA Scoreboard.


Some of the methods will necessarily change in 2021-22 as Bylaw 22 on forfeiture of contests is fully enforced. However, we still want to emphasize the needed integrity of the reporting of games canceled due to COVID-19. The data from those cancelations plays a huge role in seeing how the virus is potentially affecting sports and frankly, ensuring our ability to continue play. We hope this data will be accurate as we move through the fall and vaccinations increase to help slow the spread and reduce quarantine time.

The daily email links to enter scores will continue to be sent. Note that these emails, along with emailing and calling the scoreboard hotline at 1-800-453-6882 are the only […]


K-12 School COVID Testing Program

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


KDPH Fall 2021 School Health Guidance for COVID-19

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


COVID-19 Interim Guidance: Return to Sports and Physical Activity (AAP)

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


CDC COVID-19 Prevention Guidance – K12 – 2021-22

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


NCAA Fall COVID Guidance, 2021

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


08/10/21- Initial Return to Play Additional Guidance Issued for Fall Sports

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Additional guidance for a return to play has been published on the KHSAA website under the COVID-19 Information tab (click Healthy at Sports Documentation-Grades 6-12 link) and can be shared with school administrators. The document has already undergone significant revision in the past few days as data points continue to move. Keep in mind that this guidance is a draft as the situation continues to remain fluid as it has the entire time. The information is subject to revision with upcoming events, including weekly updates from the Executive Branch. The document is listed at the link entitled “Healthy at Sports-Stage 4-Perseverance, Guidance for Continued Practice and Competition During the Pandemic”.

Different than for 2020-21, the guidance currently contains primarily points for local consideration in the vast majority of areas. There will continue to be a few sports specific rules modifications to attempt to add layers to everyone’s strategic decision-making as we balance the needs of […]


KY Order-Sunsetting 2020-21 Guidance

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


08/09/21- Covid-19 Continuation Documents (8/9/21)

Sports Medicine-Covid-19 Blogs

Guidance for Sports, Healthy at Sports
Stage 4-Perseverance, Competition Considerations, 2021-22

Supplemental Material – Fall 2022

COVID-19 KHSAA Blog Posts and Information COVID-19 State, KDPH and National Data and References Click for KMA Covid-19 Return to Play Algorithm/Matrix and Form


KDE Guidance on Senate Bill 1, 2021 Extraordinary Session

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


07/27/21- Bylaw and Policy Reminders During 2021-22 School Year

Athletic Department Blog Updates

With the start of the 2021-22 school year, several of the pandemic adjustments approved last year have been allowed to sunset. As such, the following areas and reminders are issued to the membership for clarity.

  • Bylaw 2 – Age
  • Bylaw 3 – Maximum Number of Years
    • Students who applied by the deadline for the Supplemental School Year Program as detailed in Senate Bill 128, who remain enrolled in the same school district, whose school district approved the program, and who have been appropriately designated on the online roster system by the Designated Representative of the member school shall receive specific waivers of KHSAA Bylaw 3 More

07/15/2021- COVID Return to Play Protocol

2021-2022 News Releases


06/01/21- Entry Open for Member Schools to Designate SB128 Students

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Instructions on Designating Members of your roster as SSYP Students

It is necessary that you go into the member school database to perform these operations:

  • Login to the school subdomain. NOTE: Only the Principal or AD will have the rights and privileges to this data entry.
  • Select “Maintain/View/Print Rosters” 
  • Select Maintain Overall Athletic Roster
  • Select Supplemental Year Opt-in
  • Read the entire instructions at the top, and you are advised to watch the video that is linked from those instructions (
  • You will be able to edit this list through Sunday, June 20, 2021. After that point, any edits must be made using the GE95 form ( which will request that change be made by the KHSAA staff.

Policy Reminder on Data Records of Students Utilizing the SSYP

  • All schools must indicate through the online system, which if any students are utilizing the SSYP.
  • Each member school shall designate, on or […]


05/19/21- NCAA Additional Flexibility for High School Seniors in 20-21 Utilizing the SSYP Under SB128

2020-2021 News Releases

Information relative the additional flexibility granted on May 19, 2021, for 2020-21 seniors who return for supplemental education during 2021-22 is listed in the information at




SB128 Decisions Reporting and Relationship to Athletics

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As the time has begun for Boards of Education to make final determinations on SB128, we have a form where you can indicate the choice of your board (or school in the case of our non-public schools). By submitting this information to our office in a one-question response (literally one click), we will then update your school profile to allow the designation of specific students under the school subdomain. You are reminded that unless designated in the roster system, a student may not participate in the privilege of athletics next year as a repeating student (as we have stated since the bill passage and signature).

To keep the general public from making fictitious or malicious responses, we are again using our Board election system that is in the school subdomain.

LISTING OF STUDENTS – Records of Students Utilizing the SSYP

  • All schools must indicate through the online system, which if any students are utilizing the SSYP.
  • Each […]


05/10/21- Senate Bill 128: Supplemental School Year Program Additional Guidance Related to NCAA

2020-2021 News Releases

Information specific to this topic is now included in the compiled SB128 SSYP Informational post at




04/26/21- Change in Masking Requirements for OUTDOOR Sports and Sport-Activities With Less than 1,000 attendees

2020-2021 News Releases

Based on today’s previously unannounced notice regarding masking from the Governor’s Office and the Department for Public Health, immediate changes in all sports and sport-activities conducted outside are being implemented.

For all outdoor sports and outdoor sport-activities in KHSAA member high schools and regulated middle schools, the mask  /face covering requirement is being suspended for any event or activity with less than 1,000 attendees. This will immediately remove the mask requirement at outdoor events with less than 1,000 attendees for coaches, uniformed players not in the contest, officials during various interactions during these contests and fans and administrators in attendance. This includes baseball, lacrosse, fastpitch softball, tennis, track and field, and bass fishing events with KHSAA schools. This would also apply to those schools conducting spring football practice. Masks / face coverings remain permissible in all sports, even if normally precluded by the playing rules, as a COVID accommodation.

Off-season outdoor activity by member schools […]


04/20/21- Change in COVID Guidance for Outdoor Sports and Sport-Activities

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Following consultation with the Kentucky Department for Public Health and in the review of recent guidance and research, the attendance recommendations for all KHSAA sanctioned play will immediately move to 60% of documented capacity for venues with less than 1,000 capacity, and 50% for venues that hold a greater amount. This change is not compulsory on facilities but is the revised recommendation.

Remember that in calculating those limitations, it is logical to include only congregated seating in those determinations at outdoor venues. For example, in many track and field complexes, as well as baseball and softball stadiums, there are allowances for the placement of fans along fence lines and in parts of the parks that are not directly in bleacher or congregate seating areas. This would be a reasonable adaptation and application of the limits per our conversations with health authorities if those pods of individuals seated in those areas are […]


04/12/21- Senate Bill 128: Supplemental School Year Program Guidance for Sports and Sport-Activities

2020-2021 News Releases

For a complete list of the provisions and information related to the implementation of SB128 and the SSYP, please see the following document-



04/11/21- Reminders about Off-season Team Sport Allowances and Restrictions

2020-2021 News Releases

With the conclusion of basketball season, member schools are reminded of the regulations regarding off-season play. There have been no additional adjustments enacted, considered or contemplated at this time by the Commissioner’s office or the Board of Control for play by students and participation by coaches. While member schools are expected at all times to adhere to sport mitigation strategies as detailed in the COVID-19 documentation, no further adjustments to Bylaw 23 have been made.

The Bylaw references are Bylaw 23, listed in its entirety at, Section 1 of this bylaw applies to all sports and sport-activities.

Keep in mind the following references:

  • Bylaw 23, Sec. 1 (c) – Defines the end of school. The rules prior to the end of school are somewhat more restrictive than the rules after the conclusion of the school year. Per Bylaw 23, the end of school is defined – For all interpretations and regulations concerning […]


04/05/21- Spring Sports Guidance Revision

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Following consultation with the Kentucky Department for Public Health and in the review of recent guidance and research, the requirement for monitoring the temperatures of attendees at athletic practices and contests has been suspended. While there remain considerable differences between an environment in near-exclusive school-aged student populations and events that gather the community in general, there does not appear to be a significant enough correlation between temperature and the virus to prevent the suspension of the requirement. While many COVID-positive patients do present with a fever, research over these last months is inconclusive as to cause, effect, and spread.

The guidance documents online will be changed in the coming days to reflect this change, but it can be implemented immediately and will mirror recent changes to the overall guidance from the Department of Education in its school day documentation. The references to temperature checks and alternative actions caused by […]


Anxiously Awaiting Return of Fans in High School Sports, Performing Arts

2020-2021 News Releases

By Karissa Niehoff, Executive Director of the National Federation of State High School Associations and Julian Tackett, Commissioner of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association.

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted everyday life for almost a year at this point. There is hardly anyone who would dispute the validity of that statement. To survive and continue moving forward during the past 12 months, we have been faced with finding new ways to accomplish our daily tasks.

Instead of meeting face to face with a group of people, we converse with people in rectangles on computer screens.

Instead of sitting together with family and friends in crowded restaurants, we pay someone to bring the food to our homes.

Instead of those shopping sprees at the nearest mall, we order online and provide more business for the army of overnight delivery vehicles in our neighborhoods.

In high school sports and performing arts, everyone from the students to coaches, […]


03/05/21 – Change in Attendance Limitation Recommendation

2020-2021 News Releases

We have confirmed that officially, effective today, all of the guidance limitations within the Governor’s orders on a variety of venues have been changed. The venue recommendations for limitation have been changed throughout the state increasing by ten percent each. Therefore the recommended maximum attendance threshold is increased to 25% of capacity effective today for indoor events hosted by our member schools. While this remains guidance, it is obviously in the best interest, legally and otherwise, of our member schools. Universal masking remains required, social distancing is to be consistently applied to the fullest extent possible.

It is certainly not required to change current procedures, but this does give them some planning time for upcoming events week. Guidance documents for spring outdoor events will be revised in the coming days to reflect this change.

From talking to so many of you, there remains considerable confusion in our membership as to the differences between “venues” as […]


02/21/21- District and Region Basketball Scheduling of Games

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As we continually review public health data, consult with the Department for Public Health, and refer to our own “Healthy at Sports” guidance document, a standard minimum time between the start of contests at the district and regional postseason events has again been established as was the case in the fall. These minimum times and spacing guidelines will also be utilized in planning KHSAA State Championship Events, likely to an even greater extent.

Per the KHSAA’s “Healthy at Sports” guidance document, in events where more than two schools are involved, it is required for there to be time between contests for egress of fans and participants, sanitization of equipment and restrooms, and ingress of the teams for the next game. In considering this requirement, a realistic standard has been developed.

When developing brackets for basketball, there should be a minimum of two hours between the start of contests being held on the same […]


02/20/21- Interim Guidance Regarding Spring Sports Travel

Archery Blog Updates

While spring sports guidance is in final production, the office has received several inquiries regarding travel for spring sports. There will effectively be no changes from the winter sports guidance and each guidance document will include enhancements and sources available at the present time. The following represents the recommended guidance for the member schools and will be published in the guidance documents for all spring sports and sport-activities.

Restrictions/Recommendations On In-State Contests

  • While local decision-making is a hallmark relative to the management of Kentucky schools, there remain several recommendations relative to team travel in- and out-of-state. (CONSIDER)
  • This guidance is not intended to make local district decisions less or more difficult or provide an arbitrary decision path for such consideration, but rather to ensure that all issues are considered as travel is contemplated. (CONSIDER)
  • This guidance and similar guidance from the KHSAA, KDE and KDPH is aimed at mitigating the risk of COVID-19 exposure […]


01/26/21- Reminders about Sports and Sport-Activity Return to Play

Athletic Department Blog Updates

In the past couple of weeks, there have been several questions regarding the COVID-19 Return to Play protocol. There have been no changes to the protocol since it was adopted early part of the fall prior to the start of play, but the questions coming in lately indicate the need for a refresher.

Rather than detail the policy again in this post, both the required and recommended elements can be reviewed on the KHSAA website at 

Below are listed various questions that have been presented and the appropriate responses. This information will be updated as necessary as either additional inquiries occur, or further data or recommendations are issued.

What is the difference between isolation and quarantine?

  • Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick. (dealing with the person who has tested positive)
  • Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious […]


01/15/21- Early Season Basketball Reminders- Masks, Seeding, Attendance, Media

Basketball Blog Updates

This is being sent to all KHSAA member school Principals and Athletic Directors, as well as the Head Coaches of record and the licensed officials.

​After our first couple of weeks, it appears a couple of reminders are in order related to the basketball season during the pandemic. We have been blessed by an opportunity to play when so many other states do NOT have that opportunity. But that privilege comes with responsibilities to help ensure public safety and the continued opportunity.
It is REQUIRED not recommended that all bench personnel wear masks/face coverings. Local policy cannot override this requirement. We all sincerely hope for relief from some of the extra requirements, but such will likely not come this season.

  • For non-uniformed personnel (coaches, managers, trainers, non-dressed players), it is unsportsmanlike conduct to not wear the face-covering during the contest. Period. It is a technical foul (direct if it is the […]


COVID-19 State and National Data and References

Sports Medicine-Covid-19 Blogs

COVID-19 Kentucky Public Health Data and References COVID-19 State and National References


12/10/20- Board of Control Confirms Decision to Start Winter Sports Practice December 14

2020-2021 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 10, 2020

The Board of Control conducted a special meeting on Thursday morning, upholding its earlier decision by a 12-5 vote to begin practice for winter sports on Dec. 14th and regular-season competition on Jan. 4th. Prior to confirming the start of the winter sports season, the Board voted 12-5 to push back the dates for the boys’ and girls’ Sweet 16® to March 29-April 8 after narrowly defeating other alternative dates, with the event schedule and format to be finalized at a later date in consultation with Rupp Arena.

“These are extremely complex issues. Our Board has spent an extraordinary amount of time examining every aspect surrounding the resumption of sports, particularly those that are indoors and have extreme concerns from public health officials,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “At the same time, there is significant data being shared about the need for students to be engaged with one another […]


11/20/20- Winter Indoor Sports Delayed, Information for Member Schools

2020-2021 News Releases

With the Governor’s School Closing Order of this past Wednesday (details of which can be seen here) along with the Board of Control decision to delay the start of the indoor winter sports seasons to January 4 (details of which can be seen here), changes are going to need to be made over the next few weeks. The text of the orders is contained at the following links- and As our office did not know the details of the final order until it was announced late Wednesday, we spent Thursday reconciling the details of the Board’s necessary action on the start of winter sports competition with the recent orders in order to best provide guidance to our membership. This conversation is ongoing with our office, the Governor and Lt. Governor’s office and the Kentucky Department of Education to ensure consistent messaging as well as our nearly daily consultation with […]


11/19/20- Football Playoff Reminders

Football Blog Updates

This additional reminder is sent to all schools, including those eliminated from the postseason, in the event that these schools choose to play additional contests as permitted.
Here are a couple of reminders and emphasis points. In reverse order:

  • The Governor’s ordered school shutdown (which was directed at Indoor winter sports) did not make changes to the playoffs and our desire to finish the current season. But we all should be aware that there are a lot of “eyes” on how we execute the playoffs and compliance with public health standards.
  • For that and a myriad of other reasons, a playing rules interpretation is being issued again regarding the public health guidance.
  • As of yesterday, failure by adults and non-uniformed individuals in the team areas in all KHSAA sports to adhere to masks/face covering guidance shall be considered an unsportsmanlike act. 
  • There remains an allowance for players currently in the contest as well as the contest […]


COVID-19 Kentucky Public Health Data and References

Sports Medicine-Covid-19 Blogs

COVID-19 Kentucky Public Health Data and References


11/01/20- KY COVID Daily Incidence Reports by County

Sports Medicine-Covid-19 Blogs


10/30/20- 2020 Final Adjusted Standings (after tie-breakers)

Athletic Department Blog Updates


10/16/20- COVID Basketball Information and Update

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As we prepare for the start of official practice on October 26, reminders are in order for all involved. This was previously distributed to all schools earlier this month, but all representatives would be advised to be sure you are familiar. The guidance document is posted on the KHSAA website at

We have received a few inquiries recently regarding the start of basketball practice and the guidelines that have been issued. Keep in mind that the season is divided into segments for a purpose, and that gives natural opportunities for consideration of revisions based on what is happening with the pandemic. 
Here are a few reminders based on the questions that have come into the office. This material is and was contained in the guidance document. It is imperative that coaches be familiar with the entire contents of the guidance document and realize that as everything with this pandemic, things […]


10/12/20- Postseason Soccer, Volleyball, Field Hockey Situations and Questions

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As we head into the postseason, we know our managers and member schools are working extremely hard to protect opportunities for students during this strange time while at the same time, juggling near-daily changing data to help make current decisions. We have had several questions that have emerged about teams advancing in light of specific quarantine and isolation issues.

Remember that the guidance we are operating under from the Department for Health specifies that a quarantine period (exposure to a person who tests positive) is for fourteen (14) days and an isolation period (for a person with a positive test) is for at least ten (10) days following the test. It has long been anticipated that an ill-timed quarantine or isolation period might end a season if schools cannot find additional scheduling options. 

As an association, we will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate the competing school with rescheduling any contest provided that such rescheduled dates do […]


10/07/20- Extension of Deadline to Play Seeded District Games- SO, VB and Revised Tie-Breaker

Soccer Blog Updates

This is being sent to all member schools through the Superintendent, Principal, and Athletic Director. Please forward as necessary.

This is related solely to Soccer and Volleyball and this communication is specific to seeded district games. Additional communication will be issued related to football.
As we have said all along, all of us involved in any way with education have been advised to be nimble to pivot from past plans during this pandemic. Certainly, a higher amount of games have been lost during this already short fall season than anyone ever predicted or planned. As such, several questions have arisen.

During the past few days, we have received a great many inquiries regarding seeded district games that have not been able to be played due to COVID situations (quarantine, isolation, or being played in a red county). It is not considered a COVID cancellation if a game isn’t played against a red county but was […]


09/27/20- 2020-2021 COVID Related Cancellations

Sports Medicine-Covid-19 Blogs


09/18/20- Urgent Reminder on COVID Cancellations in Football, Soccer and Volleyball

Athletic Department Blog Updates

REVISED 10/1/20

Just a quick reminder on the score and schedule entry for COVID related cancellations IN ALL SPORTS on the KHSAA Scoreboard (Field Hockey, Football, Soccer, and Volleyball for the fall, 2020 seasons). As with a lot of things related to this pandemic, the specific experiences of our member schools are resulting in a constant procedural review and revision as we move forward.

  • Because of the impact on RPI and standings, we have removed the ability to update of delete games.
  • You will report that you have a COVID cancellation by submitting the form on the KHSAA website at the link CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT A DELETION OR REVISION TO THE SCOREBOARD.
  • From the point your form is sent, policies that were previously adopted in July will take effect.
  • The score will be permanently recorded as a 0-0 tie with a notation that it is a COVID cancelation.
  • The RPI […]


09/17/20- RPI Impact on Cancelled Contests/Open Dates

2020-2021 News Releases

UPDATED: 10/1/20

As reviewed at the July Board of Control meeting, the following procedure will apply to canceled games during the COVID-19 pandemic with respect to the calculation of RPI. These provisions are subject to revision during the pandemic.

  • The Board previously reviewed an adjustment (for 2020-21 only) to standings as well as RPI calculation methods due to possible cancelation of games resulting from the pandemic and local impact.
  • For Field Hockey, Football, Soccer, and Volleyball-
    • In all contests, games canceled due to the pandemic including mandatory quarantines and isolation shall not have a result recorded other than a 0-0 score, and no forfeit fee provisions will be applied.
    • Games canceled for other reasons remain subject to Bylaw 22.
    • In all seeded games, games canceled due to the pandemic or mandatory quarantines, the formerly announced provision of counting a contest unable to be played or rescheduled will NOT be implemented. That method of […]


09/16/20- Board of Control Approves Dates for Winter Sports to Begin Practice

2020-2021 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 16, 2020

The KHSAA Board of Control held its second regularly-scheduled meeting of the 2020-21 academic year Wednesday morning, approving practice and competition dates for the winter sports and sport-activities of basketball, bowling, competitive cheer, dance, swimming & diving, and wrestling.

Bowling is permitted to practice on November 2. Competitive cheer and dance can begin official practice for its seasons this Monday, September 21 with a gradual segmented approach to activity over the next few weeks. Further details will be distributed to the member schools that allow for the resumption. Both competitive cheer and dance have already seen regional championships moved into the new year per the board’s July meeting. In cheer, these segments will further clarify “stunting” which has been restricted during the pandemic and resumption to play.

Additionally, the Board approved clarifications on sideline cheer in that stunting (defined per NFHS rules as “One or more bases support one […]



Athletic Department Blog Updates

The following scripts for announcements can be used without attribution by local public address announcers, member schools and broadcasters. Many are sourced from the CDC in Atlanta as part of their efforts related to the global pandemic. Feel free to use at your discretion. Additional announcements and audio versions for use in broadcasts may be found on the CDC website at





09/08/20- COVID-19 Related Links and Documents

Sports Medicine-Covid-19 Blogs

KHSAA COVID-19 Related Links and Documents

This listing is a compilation of a variety of links referenced throughout both the suspension and resumption of sports and sport-activities. Many of these references were cited in the Healthy at Sports Documentation.

KHSAA Reference Links and Documents

KDE (Kentucky Department of Education Reference Links and Documents

Commonwealth of Kentucky Reference Links and Documents

CDC Reference Links and Documents

KMA References and Return to Play Documents

Allied Group Reference Links and Documents (NFHS, NCAA)

Whitehouse and FDA Reference Links and Documents

KDPH (Kentucky Department for Public Health) Related Links and Documents

Important Mental Health References

Football Specific References

Golf Specific References


NFHS Rules Considerations Due to Covid-19

Sports Medicine-Covid-19 Blogs

NFHS Rules Considerations Due to Covid-19

This listing is courtesy of the NFHS in Indianapolis. These rules are written for the high school, interscholastic levels. Other levels of play may also want to consult with such groups as USA Football, US Soccer Federation, USA Volleyball, USA Field Hockey, USA Cheer and similar organizations additionally appropriate to that level.

These rules were written for states to consider adopting, but are not nationwide mandates nor mandates in Kentucky unless otherwise noted. Teams traveling out of state may want to ask that host state about adoptions.

These considerations DO NOT supersede state and local order or KHSAA policy. They are simply considerations, an example of which is universal masking. The NFHS does not have authority to override a state order. These options, if adopted, are considered to be in compliance with NFHS rules as adopted per KHSAA Bylaw 22, Sec. 5. These options have been extended to […]


08/29/20- Clarifications, Corrections and Revisions of to Healthy at Sports Stage 3-Fall Sports Return to Competition

Athletic Department Blog Updates

For those who have printed copies of the draft and want to preserve that copy with any changes that have been made.



In “INTRODUCTION” Change “collaboration” to “consultation” in fifth paragraph


Revise bullet 6 under “SCREENING OF ALL…” to include “F” after 100.4


Add bullet 10 under “SCREENING OF ALL…” to say “The name and contact information should be recorded at each practice (REQUIRED)”


Revise bullet 11 under “SCREENING OF ALL…” to say “The name and contact information should be recorded where feasible and practical at all competitions (RECOMMENDED).”


Revise first bullet under “GENERAL AREAS…” to say “to review” after health department and add “-21” to the end of “2020”


Revise third bullet under (PRE-WORKOUT SCREENING…” to say “greater than” and add “F” after 100.4


Change first bullet under “IN AND […]


08/25/20- Covid-19 Resumption Documents (8/20, Revised 8/20, 9/20, 10/20, 11/20, 12/20, 2/21, 3/21)

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Complete Guidance for Fall Sports, Documents by Sport and Section, Healthy at Sports
Stage 3-Performance, Return to Practice and Competition: Fall Sports, 8/24 and beyond

Fall Sports
Winter Sports and Sport-Activities

Spring Sports and Sport-Activities

COVID-19 KHSAA Blog Posts and Information COVID-19 State, KDPH and National Data and References Click for KMA Covid-19 Return to Play Algorithm/Matrix and Form Click for Related Links and Reference Sources for Healthy at Sports Click for Healthy at Sports-Stage 1 Return to Personal Interaction, 6/1/20 to 6/14/20 Click for Healthy at Sports-Stage 2 Return to Preparation, 6/15/20 to 8/23/20 Click for NFHS COVID-19 Rules Considerations


08/25/20- Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Resumption of Sport and Sport-Activities (Updated 10/13)

Athletic Department Blog Updates

UPDATED 10/13/20

Are there Limitations on Competitors in Various Sports?

Yes. In an effort to help ensure appropriate social distancing, the following restrictions and adaptations were approved for the fall sports, in most cases matching existing postseason restrictions. This will be an aid as game guidance is developed to help ensure that the bench areas contain fewer players, and more social distancing is implemented. There will likely be limitations on non-uniformed competitors in the final game guidance once approved.

    • The limitation for field hockey, soccer, and volleyball is established at the region and state limitations.  Field hockey and soccer may have 24 players in uniform and participating in warm-ups and competition while volleyball will be permitted 15 players in uniform and participating in warm-ups and competition.
    • Cross Country will be permitted a team entry not to exceed 10 runners, the current postseason roster limitation. Additional runners, as have […]


08/21/20- Restart of the Opportunity to Practice and Play Sports

2020-2021 News Releases

This is being sent to all KHSAA member schools through the Principal and Athletic Director. It is also as a courtesy, copied to Superintendents.   Good afternoon. As most of you are aware, the KHSAA Board of Control voted yesterday to stay on course with allowing practice for fall sports to begin in the member schools beginning on August 24 followed by fall sports contests (other than Golf) being allowed on September 7 (September 11 for football). The vote was 16-2 to continue to accept Option 1 as the allowances for fall sports. To see the breakdown of that option, see the link at   As of today, there is no prevailing order governing practice for these sports of which we are aware. The current Commonwealth Youth Sports Order only impacts teams below middle school per guidance received in writing by the KHSAA staff on May 14 […]


08/20/20- Board of Control Upholds Decision to Begin Fall Sports September 7

2020-2021 News Releases


The Board of Control held a virtual Zoom meeting Thursday morning, affirming its July position by a 16-2 vote to begin practice for fall sports on August 24th with competition starting the week of September 7th. The Board considered two other motions during the meeting, both of which would have delayed the start of the fall seasons to varying degrees, but neither motion received enough support for adoption.

The fall sports of Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country, and Football can begin official practice August 24, with a restriction of 7.5 hours of practice during the first week (as previously approved by the Board) and full practice starting Monday, August 31.

“We hope to submit practice revisions early Friday following the Board’s approval, which will hopefully be relatively minimal. If approved to expand numbers and activity, it will hopefully bring a more normal look to some practices while still […]


08/04/20- The Planned Return of Interscholastic Athletics Challenges Us All

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As the start of the school year approaches, there has been a lot of focus on whether students should go back to school and if interscholastic athletics should return. Some think we should just stay inside our homes for months at a time. Others seemingly refuse to acknowledge that the virus exists.

These topics have been discussed repeatedly and one thing  seems clear: There is no one-size-fits-all answer that will satisfy (in no particular order) school administrators, teachers, coaches, parents, and students.

As the state athletics and activities associations that oversee high school athletics in eight states, however, we know the importance of getting our student-athletes back on the courts and playing fields as soon as it is safe to do so. We must safely exhaust every effort and alternative possible to prevent a repeat of the sacrifices made by spring 2020 participants and those in some 2020 State Basketball events.

It has been well […]


08/03/20- Middle School Interscholastic Athletics Reminders and Interim Guidance for 2020-21

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This document is as of August 3, 2020, and in effect until further altered, revised, or superseded. Senior high school administrators in receipt of this notice should ensure that this information is forwarded to those involved in middle school athletics as direct contact is difficult from this office. Certainly, every district administrator should be concerned about these provisions from a risk and liability standpoint as they have the force of law within state regulation. We would ask that recipients widely distribute this information.

Recently, the KHSAA Board of Control addressed high school fall sports with regard to the current COVID-19 pandemic (dates, restrictions, competition limits, etc). The KHSAA Board of Control has control over those levels, however, the jurisdiction for middle school interscholastic athletics is assigned to the KHSAA through its Commissioner through 702 KAR 7:065 Section 4.

The Commissioner, therefore, issues the following directives that apply to middle school athletics, which are in congruence […]


07/31/20- Bylaw and Policy Revisions/Waivers Due to Covid-19

2020-2021 News Releases


The following Bylaw and policy considerations and revisions were reviewed by the Commissioner and approved by the Board of Control during the current pandemic emergency.

  • Bylaw 3 – Maximum Number of Years
    • There will be no waiver of the maximum number of semesters or additional eligibility for those students whose seasons are canceled due to Covid-19 and subsequent actions. For details and review, see the link at Click Here for Complete Details
  • Bylaw 4 – Eligibility to participate by being enrolled.
    • State regulations (not just KHSAA rules) set a minimum participation standard. In short, a student who is considered full-time enrolled (as verified through Infinite Campus or comparable system for those that do not use Infinite Campus) is eligible to represent a member school.
    • A district may always place […]


08/03/20- Questions and Answers Regarding NFHS Network Pixellot Program

2020-2021 News Releases

This document represents questions received from KHSAA member schools and districts since the start of the Pixellot donation program. This program was first announced in a post and email from the KHSAA on July 14, 2020. That post is archived at

As more are received and answered, this document will be expanded. Answers were provided by the staff at PlayOn Sports (the NFHS Network partner distributing the cameras).

1. Does this contract have any impact on radio rights to our games?

It could have a tremendous positive impact as you can add an audio mixture to the computer that comes with the system and add play by play commentating. Nothing in the contract prohibits or limits radio broadcasting in any way.

2. The contract allows for local TV to broadcast a game at our discretion. Can they live stream it as well, as long as we still stream on NFHS?


07/31/20- Update for Member Schools Regarding Fall Sports and Current Activity

Athletic Department Blog Updates


Greetings to all related constituents and constituent groups. While Joe Angolia from our office previously distributed a summary of this week’s Board actions to the membership and the public, I thought it a good idea to get additional information out to you. In the process this week, we have also received several inquiries and we can try to ensure those are answered as well. Everyone reading this though has to be mindful that things could change at a moment’s notice, and all information should be considered as of July 29. I apologize in advance for the length of this communication.

Schools should keep in mind the Board is currently composed of 8 Superintendents, 1 Principal, 1 AD/Coach, a Guidance Counselor, 3 Other District administrators, in addition to 2 Superintendents and 1 Principal on the Board […]


07/28/20- Board of Control Approves Fall Sports to Begin Practice August 24

2020-2021 News Releases


The Board of Control conducted a virtual meeting Tuesday morning via Zoom, during which time it addressed the future of the 2020 fall sports season. With 17 members voting in favor (and one member abstaining), the Board approved a plan to leave fall sports in the fall and begin official fall practice on August 24th in Cross Country, Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, and Football, with the first date of competition set for September 11th for Football and September 7th for the remaining fall sports.

“Our board strongly believes in the tremendous psychological advantages formed through the relationships between our student-athletes and their school coaches and school personnel, as well as the strong community values surrounding interscholastic, education-based athletics,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “College and professional sports are great, but our unique opportunity to build relationships with our neighbors within one state is not one we take for granted.”



07/14/20- Healthy at Sports Position Statement

2020-2021 News Releases

As announcements are made across the country regarding the return to athletics or specific sports, our office will continue to be informed but not necessarily controlled or bound by decisions from other levels of play, as well as other state associations. This is a very fluid situation, and Kentucky data and discussions need to drive Kentucky decisions for the betterment of all involved in high school sports and sport-activities, as well as middle schools. Like most others, we are constantly receiving updated information from around the state and nation during this very dynamic period.

Our decisions in developing a Healthy at Sports timeline will continue to be made with the following primary goals and objectives in mind:

  • To always keep participant safety and risk minimization as a top priority;
  • To avoid a delay in the start of school and in-person learning;
  • To recognize the physical, mental and emotional benefits to the educational […]


07/14/20- Pixellot Offer-Webcasting/Webinar

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As you may have heard last week, the NFHS Network announced the “High School Support Program” that will enable its member schools that currently lack webcast production capabilities to stream athletic contests. We are excited to not only ensure that you are aware of this great program but to encourage you to dig deep and decide if it benefits your school. In these trying times when upcoming contests could face attendance restrictions, a streaming option is certainly worth considering. Especially one that will potentially yield income to your athletic program instead of benefitting an outside entity. Details about an informational webinar for this program are at the end of this email.

Basically, this program allows each school to receive up to two free Pixellot automated production units for use in their primary sports venues. These units were previously priced at more than $4,000 per unit, so this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for your school.



07/13/20- Board of Control Extends Segment 3 Restrictions to August 3

2020-2021 News Releases


The Board of Control conducted its first meeting of the 2020-21 academic year on July 10 in Covington, examining various issues concerning the restart of school-based athletics in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. During the course of its meeting, the Board approved a recommendation to extend the guidance and allowances for Segment 3 of the document issued for summer play in KHSAA sports and sport-activities through Sunday, August 2, except for the sport of golf.

As a result of the Board’s action, the traditional July 15 start of practice for KHSAA fall sports has been pushed back until Aug. 3, however, it should be noted that Kentucky has some of the earliest starts to fall practice (dates when activity could be mandatory) in the continental United States. Mandatory tryouts or practices cannot be held prior to Aug. 3, including for the sport-activities of Dance and Competitive Cheer, which have […]


07/12/20- Segment 3 (Continued Through August 2nd) Guidance

2020-2021 News Releases

From the Commissioner:

I realize that many of you were viewing the Board of Control work session on Friday morning as well as the full Board of Control meeting Friday afternoon, and between those webcasts and the news media coverage, most of what I will tell you on behalf of the Board of Control and staff is not news. But to be sure everyone is on the same page, this will officially inform you of the action of the Board of Control and its subsequent implementation. You will receive a second email early this week specific to the waiver of specific bylaws by the Board of Control, however, the allowances beginning tomorrow are of likely higher priority, and is the primary subject of this communication.   The primary goal of the Association is the safety of all participants, coaches, and administrators involved while also attempting to ensure that no athletic activity and subsequent […]


05/29/20- Covid-19 Return to Participation in Sports and Sport-Activities Guidance for High Schools and Middle Schools

Sports Medicine-Covid-19 Blogs

Covid-19 Return to Participation in Sports and Sport-Activities Guidance for High Schools and Middle Schools

Effective June 1, 2020

Revised- 6/11/2020 for 6/15/2020

  • This document at the link above provides regulatory information as well as guidance for KHSAA member schools. All allowances in this document will not exceed the allowances permitted by the Department of Health through confirmation with the Governor’s office, and any regulatory declarations from the Kentucky Department of Education.
  • All of these allowances and restrictions are directly resultant from the Covid-19 pandemic, are outside of KHSAA Bylaw 23, the limitation of seasons, and are not covered under the normal school year KHSAA Catastrophic Insurance Policy, a policy that has never traditionally covered out of season activity.
  • All local implementation plans must be […]


04/30/20- Covid-19 End-of-Year Resources and Guidance

2019-2020 News Releases

04/30/20- Recommended Guidance issued by the Kentucky Department of Education on end-of-year procedures.

Several schools have requested information on best practices for return of school-issued sports equipment, uniforms, and other important material from student-athletes. In establishing a means of getting materials back, KHSAA member schools are bound and shall be guided by this document issued by KDE in any area related to interscholastic sports or sport-activities.

Click here to see the Revised Guidance for End-of-Year Procedures.

04/30/20- Recommended Guidance issued by the Kentucky Department of Education COVID-19 Emergency Guidelines for Graduation Ceremonies and Related Year-End Activities

Many schools have contacted the Association about best and permitted practices for holding ring ceremonies, awards opportunities, and other means to honor participation. In holding such ceremonies, KHSAA member schools are bound and shall be guided by, the procedures detailed from KDE for graduation ceremony opportunities in any area related to interscholastic sports or sport-activities.

Click […]


04/29/20- Revised Covid-19 Policies and Guidance Issued, May 1 to May 31

2019-2020 News Releases




  • Facilities on school-owned property including competition and practice facilities, weight rooms and similar, as well as those facilities managed or in any way owned by the school or school system (all schools grades  6-12) shall remain closed for use related to sports or sport-activities in any manner through at least May 31;
  • These steps may sunset earlier if allowed by the Governor’s orders related to the phase-in steps of resuming activity, which will likely […]


  • 04/21/20- Spring Sports Cancellation, Basketball Events Not To Be Resumed

    2019-2020 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 21, 2020

    With the announcement yesterday of the recommended closure of all K-12 schools to in-person instruction throughout Kentucky for the remainder of the school year, the KHSAA Board of Control today approved the Commissioner’s recommendation and announcement by unanimous vote that the 2020 state basketball tournaments will not be resumed, while also approving the cancellation of all regular-season practices and contests as well as all postseason tournament championship events for all spring sports and sport-activities for the 2019-20 school year. This means the termination of the Archery, Bass Fishing, Esports, Baseball, Softball, Tennis, and Track & Field seasons. This will also result in the continuance of all provisions of the Coronavirus Dead Period provisions until further notice to the member schools from the Commissioner.

    The KHSAA has worked closely and continuously with the Governor of our beloved Commonwealth, representatives of the Department of Public Health, Interim Commissioner Kevin Brown and […]


    03/13/20- (revised 04/02/20 and 4/17/20)- Athletic Dead Period Instituted for Athletic Programs in All Sports and Sport-Activities Due to Covid-19

    2019-2020 News Releases

    This information is in effect, as stated below, through April 30, 2020. Prior to that time, revised guidance and policy will be issued to be effective May 1 as we all collectively work to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus on our campuses and among our athletes and coaches. Updated 4/2/20 and 4/17/20 based on inquiries from member schools and revised orders from the Governor and CDC Guidance.

    This impacts all KHSAA constituents and includes guidance from the Governor, Public Health Officials, the Kentucky Department of Education, and additional guidance from federal authorities. This original directive will continue to be updated regularly. This will be the sole site for information regarding interscholastic athletics in Kentucky involving rostered athletes or those that have participated in practices this year and coaches from KHSAA member schools, as well as the use of interscholastic facilities.

    Effective Friday, March 13, all sports and sport-activities, regardless of season, are declared to […]


    03/30/20- Status of KHSAA Sponsored Events and Deadlines

    2019-2020 News Releases

    Updated: 3/31/20, 8:00 a.m.

    This information is solely a summary of KHSAA events. Other specific information concerning options including the required Coronavirus Shutdown Period is listed elsewhere on the KHSAA website at This list will be continually updated and potentially revised.

    • Tryout Period for Sport-Activities, including Cheer and Dance has been postponed. See the post at for details.
    • All opportunities at KHSAA member schools and Kentucky middle schools for spring football practice have been eliminated for 2020. See the post at for details;
    • No final determination has been made regarding annual Title IX and roster reporting for 2019-20. Member schools will be updated if and when this is revised.
    • 2020 Mingua Beef Jerky/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen (originally March 11-15) remains currently suspended. Will be continually reviewed as more data is available regarding school resumption or cessation, and activities being conducted in alignment with CDC and state and local […]


    03/19/20- Spring Sport-Activity Tryout Window Postponed

    2019-2020 News Releases

    The KHSAA was made aware of communication sent to member schools from Varsity Spirit (specifically Universal Cheer Association and Universal Dance Association) about “virtual tryouts”. This notification was not approved by the KHSAA and as a reminder, the Athletic Dead Period that has been instituted for all sports and sport-activities in Kentucky because of the Covid-19 virus would preclude this type of tryout. No matter where held, this would then implicitly or explicitly imply mandatory participation by students and evaluation by coaches. 

    As previously stated, “all sports and sport-activities, regardless of season, are declared to be in a dead period.” In consultation with the Governor, Public Health Officials and the Kentucky Department of Education, an evaluation will be made for the period going forward.” No tryouts or “virtual tryouts” may take place until further notice. 

    The information related to the Covid-19 (coronavirus) is ever-evolving, and changes happen quickly. We will inform all stakeholders if there […]


    03/18/20- Refund Options, 2020 Girls’ and Boys’ State Basketball Tournaments

    2019-2020 News Releases

    Today (March 18) should have been a day of celebration. Newly crowned Mingua Beef Jerky/KHSAA girls’ state tournament champions and other participants should have been celebrating in their local communities. Downtown Lexington and the entire state should have been abuzz as the Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ State Basketball Tournament played its first round. But such was not to be the case. Events totally beyond the control of everyone involved led to the determination that it would not be safe to conduct the remainder of the Mingua Beef Jerky girls’ event or conduct any of the Whitaker Bank boys’ event.

    We know that many of you are as disappointed as we are. You had planned for months on the annual celebration of basketball in our Commonwealth. And while the cancelation (Ticketmaster term becessary to permit refunds) represents nothing less than a financial disaster for the Association, finances certainly could not be the determinant in our action steps. […]


    03/16/20- Update on KHSAA Office Opening/Closing and Staff Availability

    2019-2020 News Releases

    In partnership with our State Department of Education, the Governor’s office, our member schools, the NFHS and similar to many other state associations, KHSAA staff has been directed to work remotely from home until at least April 10 (revised 4/2/20). Administrators will available via email. Our hope is to return to the office for regular hours later in April, however, this is a very fluid situation and could change at any time. Updates will be posted online.

    As of now and through at least May 1, all activity by rostered participants, coaches and those who have participated in at least one practice session for a middle or high school remain shut down as do all athletic facilities in control of our membership. As we all work together, everyone is hopeful to contain the spread of this virus. Staff will communicate any changes to future events through social media and the KHSAA website.

    Closer to May […]


    03/13/20- Spring Football Practice Eliminated for 2020 for High and Middle Schools

    2019-2020 News Releases

    This is being distributed to all KHSAA member schools through the Principal, Superintendent, Athletic Director, Designated Representative. This notice also applies to any middle school (any participants grade 5-8 competing in any way with students enrolled in grades 6-8) with a football team in Kentucky. Superintendents are asked to forward this information to all possible middle school representatives to ensure accurate communication.

    Effective immediately, the allowances contained in Bylaw 23 for high schools as well as 702 KAR 7:065 for middle schools, that allow for spring football, are hereby eliminated for the 2020 spring period. At all levels, no protective equipment may be issued to players at any time and for any purpose prior to the last academic day of the school year.  This includes helmets, shoulder pads, any other player equipment, and all practice equipment such as dummies, pads and other drill gear.
    In addition, there is also no allowance for […]


    03/12/20- Girls’ and Boys’ State Basketball Tournaments Suspended Indefinitely

    2019-2020 News Releases

    Based on additional information and guidance from both the Kentucky Department of Education and the Governor’s office in the last hour, at this time, the girls’ state tournament is postponed indefinitely effective with the conclusion of game five. Next week’s boys’ basketball tournament is also postponed indefinitely. The Association will try and seek options for rescheduling later in the spring if at all possible, but not until after we have received collaborative approval from our Governor’s office, the Commissioner of Public Health and the Kentucky Department of Education.

    As has been stated for the last two weeks, the situation with the COVID-19 or Coronavirus is extremely fluid. As announced earlier today, our intention was to attempt to complete this first tournament with restrictions, however, this does not appear to be a wise option at this time and is not in the best interest of the student-athletes and the thousands of individuals who attend these events. […]


    03/08/20- Statement on Ongoing KHSAA Activities and the COVID-19 (Corona) Virus

    2019-2020 News Releases

    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) is aware and continues to monitor the issues with COVID-19 (Coronavirus). We are keenly aware of the recently declared emergency status and the primary purpose for which those declarations were made, to enable and expedite federal assistance with state and local efforts. We will review any new developments and listen to medical experts as they advise not only the KHSAA but our Commonwealth and country on alternative next steps. We will work with our member schools and our host facilities to take every precaution to ensure a healthy and safe environment for everyone involved.

    The last 96 hours have been particularly intense and nearly 24/7 for myself as Commissioner as well as others in communication with our office, with a continual review of information and advisories. We will continue to rely heavily on the information from the CDC and state and local health representatives while monitoring all available […]


    Covid-19 Resumption Requirements and Guidelines (Fall 2020)

    Sports Medicine-Covid-19

    Covid-19 Resumption Guidelines (Fall 2020) Covid-19 Resumption General Guidance for Courses (Fall 2020)


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