Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

03/01/12 – Soccer Notes

March 1, 2012 Soccer Blog Updates

     We will begin a new season, with a new Alignment and with it comes a new method of communication between our office and the member schools.  When our Boss first told us to create a Blog, I panicked. I’m not a writer. But here we go with my first post! When I was teaching, I had to explain to my students the Kentucky Department of Education’s terms:  Novice, Apprentice, Proficient and Distinguished.  I told my students that they should think in terms of an imaginary trip and how to get from here to the Beach.  A “Novice” writer would get you lost.  An “Apprentice” writer will get you there, but it will take days and you will hate the trip.  A “Proficient” writer will be like MapQuest, they will get you there in the shortest time possible. But a “Distinguished” writer will not only get you there,  you will enjoy the journey. Unlike my Boss, I’m not a distinguished writer; my goal will be to reach “proficient” as often as possible.       Hopefully you have gotten together as a new District and developed your site rotation and seed plans. I have only received those from 15 of our 63 districts. Please make sure whomever you chose to send those in, did so.       Follow this Blog, it is my plan to try to keep you updated with any details as we look at ways to upgrade our Soccer program!  Please subscribe to this blog via the “Follow by Email” box in the upper right hand corner of the blog page.

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