August, 2020
08/29/20- Clarifications, Corrections and Revisions of to Healthy at Sports Stage 3-Fall Sports Return to Competition
For those who have printed copies of the draft and want to preserve that copy with any changes that have been made.
In “INTRODUCTION” Change “collaboration” to “consultation” in fifth paragraph
Revise bullet 6 under “SCREENING OF ALL…” to include “F” after 100.4
Add bullet 10 under “SCREENING OF ALL…” to say “The name and contact information should be recorded at each practice (REQUIRED)”
Revise bullet 11 under “SCREENING OF ALL…” to say “The name and contact information should be recorded where feasible and practical at all competitions (RECOMMENDED).”
Revise first bullet under “GENERAL AREAS…” to say “to review” after health department and add “-21” to the end of “2020”
Revise third bullet under (PRE-WORKOUT SCREENING…” to say “greater than” and add “F” after 100.4
Change first bullet under “IN AND […]
08/27/20 – Field Hockey Return to Play Guidance
Draft guidance for a return to play was published on the KHSAA website yesterday under the COVID-19 Information tab and shared with school administrators. Keep in mind that this guidance is draft as the situation remains fluid as it has been since March and the information is subject to revision.
Coaches should review rules modifications and protocols to assist in preparation for competition and should be flexible throughout this entire process and realize the goal is a safe and healthy return to play for everyone.
Field Hockey specific guidance
Frequently Asked Questions – All sports
Contact Assistant Commissioner Michael Barren for any Field Hockey specific questions at
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The […]
08/27/20 – Soccer Return To Play Guidance
Draft guidance for a return to play was published on the KHSAA website yesterday under the COVID-19 Information tab and shared with school administrators. Keep in mind that this guidance is only a draft as the situation remains fluid as it has been since March and the information is subject to revision.
Coaches should review rules modifications and protocols to assist in preparation for competition and should be flexible throughout this entire process and realize the goal is a safe and healthy return to play for everyone.
Soccer specific guidance
Frequently Asked Questions – All sports
Contact Primary Sport Contact Chad Collins for any soccer specific questions at
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. […]
08/27/20 – Football Return To Play Guidance
Draft guidance for a return to play has been published on the KHSAA website under the COVID-19 Information tab and shared with school administrators. Keep in mind that this guidance is draft as the situation remains fluid as it has been since March and the information is subject to revision.
Coaches and officials should review playing rules modifications and protocols to assist in preparation for competition and should be flexible throughout this entire process and realize the goal is a safe and healthy return to play for everyone. Keep in mind, just because practice has started, doesn’t mean we relax our emphasis on pandemic health and safety.
And remember that what the kids and all involved with the team AFTER practice and activities will likely have a huge impact on the ability to finish a season. Keep telling all around you, we hope 2021-22 looks more like 2018-19. But 2020-21 will likely look like nothing […]
08/27/20 – Cross Country Return to Play Guidance
Draft guidance for a return to play was published on the KHSAA website yesterday under the COVID-19 Information tab and shared with school administrators. Keep in mind that this guidance is a draft and the situation remains fluid, as it has been since March and is subject to revision.
Coaches should review rules modifications and protocols to assist with safety, health, and social distancing and should be flexible throughout this entire process and realize the goal is a safe and healthy return to play for everyone.
Cross Country specific guidance:
Frequently Asked Questions – All Sports:
Any Cross Country specific questions shall be sent to Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh (
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the […]
08/27/20 – Volleyball Return To Play Guidance
Draft guidance for a return to play was published on the KHSAA website yesterday under the COVID-19 Information tab and shared with school administrators. Keep in mind that this guidance is draft as the situation remains fluid as it has been since March and the information is subject to revision.
Coaches should review rules modifications and protocols to assist in preparation for competition and should be flexible throughout this entire process and realize the goal is a safe and healthy return to play for everyone.
Volleyball specific guidance
Frequently Asked Questions – All sports
Contact Associate Commissioner Butch Cope for any volleyball specific questions at
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association […]
08/27/20- 2019-20 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year Winners

Male Student-Athlete of the Year Award Winners
Golf – Logan Liles (Lewis County)
Liles qualified for the KHSAA State Tournament two years in a row, as an eighth and ninth grader. He is currently ranked sixth in the state and has 28 KY JR PGA Tour wins. A three-time All-Region selection, Liles has five high school invitational wins so far in his career. Off the course, he plays guitar regularly at his community church, helps chaperone birthday parties for younger kids, assists with volunteer clean up at Camp Kentahan Kids Camp, and was a member of a mission youth team that went to the Dominican. He has a 4.0 GPA and is expected to graduate in 2022.
Soccer – John […]
08/27/20 – Volleyball & Field Hockey Scheduling Clarification Contests Per Week
The KHSAA office has received several inquiries on the Healthy at Sports guidance approved by the KHSAA Board with regard to the maximum contests per week in the sports of Volleyball and Field Hockey and tournament participation.
Volleyball – The limit of matches for the season (not including postseason) is 24 with no more than four (4) matches in a given week. (Sunday to Saturday)
Field Hockey – The limit of matches for the season (not including postseason) is 16 with no more than four (4) matches in a given week. (Sunday to Saturday)
If a school, due to participation in a regular-season multiple-game event (i.e. tournament) exceeds the limit of matches in a given week, such shall not be considered a violation of Bylaw 23 provided the preceding or succeeding week(s) are adjusted to create an appropriate average number of contests of four (4) per week.
(Example: School A plays one (1) contest on […]
08/25/20- Covid-19 Resumption Documents (8/20, Revised 8/20, 9/20, 10/20, 11/20, 12/20, 2/21, 3/21)
Complete Guidance for Fall Sports, Documents by Sport and Section, Healthy at Sports
Stage 3-Performance, Return to Practice and Competition: Fall Sports, 8/24 and beyond
Fall Sports
Winter Sports and Sport-Activities
Spring Sports and Sport-Activities
08/25/20- Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Resumption of Sport and Sport-Activities (Updated 10/13)
UPDATED 10/13/20
Are there Limitations on Competitors in Various Sports?
Yes. In an effort to help ensure appropriate social distancing, the following restrictions and adaptations were approved for the fall sports, in most cases matching existing postseason restrictions. This will be an aid as game guidance is developed to help ensure that the bench areas contain fewer players, and more social distancing is implemented. There will likely be limitations on non-uniformed competitors in the final game guidance once approved.
- The limitation for field hockey, soccer, and volleyball is established at the region and state limitations. Field hockey and soccer may have 24 players in uniform and participating in warm-ups and competition while volleyball will be permitted 15 players in uniform and participating in warm-ups and competition.
- Cross Country will be permitted a team entry not to exceed 10 runners, the current postseason roster limitation. Additional runners, as have […]
08/21/20- Restart of the Opportunity to Practice and Play Sports
This is being sent to all KHSAA member schools through the Principal and Athletic Director. It is also as a courtesy, copied to Superintendents. Good afternoon. As most of you are aware, the KHSAA Board of Control voted yesterday to stay on course with allowing practice for fall sports to begin in the member schools beginning on August 24 followed by fall sports contests (other than Golf) being allowed on September 7 (September 11 for football). The vote was 16-2 to continue to accept Option 1 as the allowances for fall sports. To see the breakdown of that option, see the link at As of today, there is no prevailing order governing practice for these sports of which we are aware. The current Commonwealth Youth Sports Order only impacts teams below middle school per guidance received in writing by the KHSAA staff on May 14 […]08/20/20- Board of Control Upholds Decision to Begin Fall Sports September 7
The Board of Control held a virtual Zoom meeting Thursday morning, affirming its July position by a 16-2 vote to begin practice for fall sports on August 24th with competition starting the week of September 7th. The Board considered two other motions during the meeting, both of which would have delayed the start of the fall seasons to varying degrees, but neither motion received enough support for adoption.
The fall sports of Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country, and Football can begin official practice August 24, with a restriction of 7.5 hours of practice during the first week (as previously approved by the Board) and full practice starting Monday, August 31.
“We hope to submit practice revisions early Friday following the Board’s approval, which will hopefully be relatively minimal. If approved to expand numbers and activity, it will hopefully bring a more normal look to some practices while still […]
08/17/20 – Officials Incident Reports 101
Reprinted with written permission from Referee magazine. For subscription information contact Referee magazine at 800–733-6100 or visit
If unsporting acts require the submission of an incident report to a school, league, association, or other governing body, officials should keep in mind the following to ensure a properly completed report:
The unsporting acts complained of are set forth unemotionally and without any exaggeration or commentary.
The official does not take a defensive position.
The official does not recite a list of plaudits received from others indicating what a great official he or she is.
The official indicates he or she has followed proper officiating mechanics.
The official indicates he or she has enforced the letter and the spirit of the rules.
The official sticks to the facts.
It is also recommended officials have their report reviewed by their association’s attorney, secretary or other designated game-report officer prior to submission.
Officials […]
8/18/20 – Soccer Online Rules Clinic for Coaches and Officials Now Available
As coaches and officials begin to prepare for hopefully the beginning of the season, the mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Soccer was available beginning yesterday, August 17. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at
August 17 to September 14 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 15 to October 3 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this […]
08/18/20-2020 Football Rules Clinic Available Online for Officials and Coaches
The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Football is now available. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches, varsity, junior varsity and freshman, and whether or not the coach receives pay.
Because of the nature of current events as well as rules changes, coaches you are likely placing your team at a competitive disadvantage if you delay/put off/procrastinate the completion of this clinic. Officials, your failure to stay on top of these key provisions will likely lead to administrative errors.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at
Below is additional information:
August 17 to October 5 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will […]
08/18/20 – Cross Country Online Rules Clinic Now Available
As coaches begin to prepare for hopefully the beginning of the season, the mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Cross Country was available beginning yesterday, August 17. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.
Below is additional information:
- August 17 to September 21 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- September 22 to October 11 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- October 12 to October 19 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.
After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
The presentation can […]
08/18/20-2020 Field Hockey Online Rules Clinic Now Available
As coaches and staff begin to prepare for hopefully the beginning of the season, the mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Field Hockey is available beginning today, August 17. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches, varsity, junior varsity and freshman, and whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at
August 17 to September 21 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 22 to October 8 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup […]
08/18/20 – Volleyball Online Rules Clinic for Coaches & Officials Now Available
As coaches and officials begin to prepare for hopefully the beginning of the season, the mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Volleyball was available beginning yesterday, August 17. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at
August 17 to September 21 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 22 to October 10 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this […]
08/18/20 – Golf Online Rules Clinic Now Available
Thankfully the golf season was able to begin as scheduled. While we hope we can continue the season accordingly, dealing with the fluidity of COVID-19 and the return to play for sports/sports activities caused a delay in publishing the annual rules clinic.
The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Golf is now available beginning today, August 17. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) and whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
August 17 to September 6 – the Golf Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 7 to September 19 – the Golf Clinic will […]
RIP, LexCath basketball coach Tommy Starns
BY MIKE FIELDS (Aug. 14, 2020)
Tommy Starns, who made Lexington Catholic basketball competitive with the city’s powerhouse public schools more than 50 years ago, died last night. He was 86. Mark Starns said his dad had suffered a heart attack.
Tommy Starns never got enough credit for being an outstanding coach. Competing in the 11th Region against coaching icons such as Al Prewitt at Henry Clay, Bobby Barlow at Bryan Station, Jock Sutherland at Lafayette, and Nolan Barger at Tates Creek, Starns managed to lead the Knights to the state tournament three times — in 1966, 1977 and 1985. He had 371 career victories.
Starns was a high school teammate of Al Prewitt’s at Henry Clay, and they played for the Blue Devils in the 1952 Sweet Sixteen.
Starns, an Air Force veteran, coached at Lexington Junior for four years before moving to Lexington Catholic in 1964.
I wrote the following story about Starns […]
08/10/20 – NFHS Officials Part 2 Exam Now Online for FB, FH, SO & VB
We hope our officials continue to be safe and healthy as we continue a return to sports.
Please note that the NFHS Part 2 exams for licensed officials in the sports of Football, Field Hockey, Soccer, and Volleyball are now available online. The Part 2 exams, required for postseason eligibility consideration, will be open until Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 11:59 p.m. (ET).
The tests will automatically close on Sept. 8 at 11:59 p.m. (ET). Login at to take the test. A minimum score of 80 on the exam is required to be considered for assignment to officiate postseason play. The exam is also used for advancements in levels of classification.
First-year officials are not required to take the exam, however, if any first-year official has completed licensing requirements, the test may be taken.
Any official determined to have been involved in the improper administration of the exam, including taking it for another official […]
08/04/20- The Planned Return of Interscholastic Athletics Challenges Us All
As the start of the school year approaches, there has been a lot of focus on whether students should go back to school and if interscholastic athletics should return. Some think we should just stay inside our homes for months at a time. Others seemingly refuse to acknowledge that the virus exists.
These topics have been discussed repeatedly and one thing seems clear: There is no one-size-fits-all answer that will satisfy (in no particular order) school administrators, teachers, coaches, parents, and students.
As the state athletics and activities associations that oversee high school athletics in eight states, however, we know the importance of getting our student-athletes back on the courts and playing fields as soon as it is safe to do so. We must safely exhaust every effort and alternative possible to prevent a repeat of the sacrifices made by spring 2020 participants and those in some 2020 State Basketball events.
It has been well […]
08/03/20- Middle School Interscholastic Athletics Reminders and Interim Guidance for 2020-21
This document is as of August 3, 2020, and in effect until further altered, revised, or superseded. Senior high school administrators in receipt of this notice should ensure that this information is forwarded to those involved in middle school athletics as direct contact is difficult from this office. Certainly, every district administrator should be concerned about these provisions from a risk and liability standpoint as they have the force of law within state regulation. We would ask that recipients widely distribute this information.
Recently, the KHSAA Board of Control addressed high school fall sports with regard to the current COVID-19 pandemic (dates, restrictions, competition limits, etc). The KHSAA Board of Control has control over those levels, however, the jurisdiction for middle school interscholastic athletics is assigned to the KHSAA through its Commissioner through 702 KAR 7:065 Section 4.
The Commissioner, therefore, issues the following directives that apply to middle school athletics, which are in congruence […]
07/31/20- Bylaw and Policy Revisions/Waivers Due to Covid-19
The following Bylaw and policy considerations and revisions were reviewed by the Commissioner and approved by the Board of Control during the current pandemic emergency.
- Bylaw 3 – Maximum Number of Years
- There will be no waiver of the maximum number of semesters or additional eligibility for those students whose seasons are canceled due to Covid-19 and subsequent actions. For details and review, see the link at Click Here for Complete Details
- Bylaw 4 – Eligibility to participate by being enrolled.
- State regulations (not just KHSAA rules) set a minimum participation standard. In short, a student who is considered full-time enrolled (as verified through Infinite Campus or comparable system for those that do not use Infinite Campus) is eligible to represent a member school.
- A district may always place […]
08/03/20- Questions and Answers Regarding NFHS Network Pixellot Program
This document represents questions received from KHSAA member schools and districts since the start of the Pixellot donation program. This program was first announced in a post and email from the KHSAA on July 14, 2020. That post is archived at
As more are received and answered, this document will be expanded. Answers were provided by the staff at PlayOn Sports (the NFHS Network partner distributing the cameras).
1. Does this contract have any impact on radio rights to our games?
It could have a tremendous positive impact as you can add an audio mixture to the computer that comes with the system and add play by play commentating. Nothing in the contract prohibits or limits radio broadcasting in any way.
2. The contract allows for local TV to broadcast a game at our discretion. Can they live stream it as well, as long as we still stream on NFHS?
07/31/20- Update for Member Schools Regarding Fall Sports and Current Activity
Greetings to all related constituents and constituent groups. While Joe Angolia from our office previously distributed a summary of this week’s Board actions to the membership and the public, I thought it a good idea to get additional information out to you. In the process this week, we have also received several inquiries and we can try to ensure those are answered as well. Everyone reading this though has to be mindful that things could change at a moment’s notice, and all information should be considered as of July 29. I apologize in advance for the length of this communication.
Schools should keep in mind the Board is currently composed of 8 Superintendents, 1 Principal, 1 AD/Coach, a Guidance Counselor, 3 Other District administrators, in addition to 2 Superintendents and 1 Principal on the Board […]