01/25/23 Archery Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year Awards
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year among Archery participants for 2022-2023 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2022-2023 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2023. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2022-2023 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the […]
01/11/23 – Archery Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Archery is now available today, January 11. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.
The clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
- January 11 to February 2 – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- February 3 to February 17 – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- February 18 to March 4 – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will […]
12/19/22 – KHSAA Announces NFHS State Coach of the Year Honorees for 2021-22 Seasons
As part of its annual awards program, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Coaches Association recognizes Coach of the Year honorees from each state. Those named Coach of the Year at the state level then advance for consideration for Sectional Coach of the Year honors. Winners are chosen through a combination of their coaching accomplishments, as well as their contributions outside of competition to help grow their respective sports. These awards are announced following the recognized year.
The complete list of 2021-22 honorees from Kentucky is below.
Baseball: David Rexroat, Russell County
Boys’ Basketball: William Unseld, Warren Central
Girls’ Basketball: Kristy Orem, Pikeville
Boys’ Cross Country: Ian Johnstone, Conner
Girls’ Cross Country: Tom Stickel, Lexington Christian
Field Hockey: Jody Schaefer, Assumption
Football: Noel Rash, Beechwood
Boys’ Golf: Greg Zimmerer, Christian Academy-Louisville
Girls’ Golf: Sam Westfall, Madisonville-North Hopkins
06/11/22- Kopser, Gloyd Named 2021-22 Midway/KHSAA Student-Athletes of the Year
The 2021-22 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year awards program culminated this week on the campus of Midway University, as Renae Kopser (Ryle) and Ben Gloyd (Mayfield) were recognized as the overall Student-Athletes of the Year.
Beginning in May of 2016, Midway University started presenting a Female Student-Athlete of the Year award at each KHSAA girls’ state championship event. The awards program was expanded in 2019-20 to include male student-athletes, with Midway honoring a deserving student-athlete in each of the 19 officially recognized KHSAA sports and sport-activities.
The awards are based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership, with Midway choosing one overall male and female student-athlete of the year each academic year. School administrators, coaches and athletic directors nominate student-athletes online at, and the nominees are voted upon by a closed panel consisting of representatives from Midway University.
2021-22 Midway University/KHSAA […]
04/19/22 – Archery State Championships to Begin Tuesday in Bowling Green
The 2022 KHSAA Archery State Championships will take place at Ephram White Gymnasium in Bowling Green on Tuesday. Competition will get underway at 9:30 a.m. CT. Following the event, full results will be posted on
2022 KHSAA Archery State Championships
- Tickets:
- Championship Program:
- Event Merchandise:
- Schedule:
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of 284 member schools, both public and non-public. The KHSAA awards 215 state championships to 51 teams and 164 individuals in 13 sports and six sport-activities, funds catastrophic insurance coverage for its more than 106,000 […]
04/13/22 – Media Credentials Now Available for Spring Championships
The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for spring sports championships (archery, esports, bass fishing, tennis, track & field, softball, baseball) is now live and can be accessed by going to
Credentials to each KHSAA State Championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media who regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system.
Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of their organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. Media outlets are responsible for the actions of all individuals representing their organization, including compliance with KHSAA policies and procedures. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the number of credentials […]
04/05/22 – KHSAA State Archery Championships Registration Now Open
The 2022 KHSAA State Archery Tournament has been added to the NASP site, with links provided below for reference. The event is scheduled for April 19 at Ephram White Gymnasium in Bowling Green, Ky.
Coaches must access the created events and register ALL of the qualifying archers they want to participate. KHSAA representatives will place, in cooperation with the NASP Scoring Official, teams into six (6) flights. Individual qualifiers will be assigned to a flight as close as possible to teams from their region.
Range assignments will be set ahead of time as well and sent to all schools before the date of the competition. Arrival and warm-up times will be designated by the state manager and must be adhered to by all participating schools.
Schedule –
Girls’ State Tournament –
Girls’ State Qualifiers –
Boys’ State Tournament –
Boys’ State Qualifiers –
Digital Tickets will […]
01/26/22 – Archery Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Archery is now available. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshmen), regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
- January 26 to February 15 – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- February 16 to March 7 – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- March 8 to March 21 – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this […]
01/26/22 – Archery Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year among archery participants for 2021-2022 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2021-2022 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2022. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2021-2022 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in […]
12/08/21- KHSAA Announces NFHS State Coach of the Year Honorees for 2020-21 Seasons
As part of its annual awards program, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Coaches Association recognizes Coach of the Year honorees from each state. Those named Coach of the Year at the state level then advance for consideration for Sectional Coach of the Year honors. Winners are chosen through a combination of their coaching accomplishments as well as their contributions outside of competition to help grow their respective sport. These awards are announced during the late fall following the recognized year.
The complete list of honorees from Kentucky for 2020-21 is:
Boys Baseball- Richard Arnold, Trinity (Louisville)
Boys Basketball- Kevin Listerman, Highlands
Girls Basketball- Aaron Beth, Marshall County
Boys Cross Country- Joe Buechler, Holy Cross (Louisville)
Girls Cross Country- Brian Allesandro, Highlands
Girls Field Hockey- Amy Elliott, Kentucky Country Day
Boys Football (11-Player)- Justin Haddix, Boyle County
Boys Golf- James Chaney, Trinity (Louisville)
Girls Golf- Aaron […]
10/08/21- Changes in COVID-19 RTA/RTP Implemented Per SMAC Guidance
As they have done since the start of the pandemic, the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC) composed of Kentucky Medical Association (KMA) member doctors has held multiple special meetings to continually review the Return to Play Guidance and Recommendations (RTA/RTP). As a result of those continued meetings and review of current and evolving literature, changes have been made to the RTA/RTP and RTA/RTP form and those changes are located at For districts that have summarily adopted the “KHSAA” recommendations, these changes should be considered immediate.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, this group has been passionate advocates for the students being involved in sport due to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits, but also for safety in mitigating the spread of the virus. They are also keenly aware of the first priority of nearly everyone in the education community, that being a full year […]
05/10/21- Senate Bill 128: Supplemental School Year Program Additional Guidance Related to NCAA
Information specific to this topic is now included in the compiled SB128 SSYP Informational post at
04/21/21 – KHSAA State Championships Begin Thursday For Swimming & Diving and Archery
The KHSAA State Swimming & Diving and KHSAA State Archery Championships will be conducted across various sites this week in response to COVID-19 restrictions on indoor events. The non-traditional format ensures the KHSAA is able to offer a culminating event for both Swimming & Diving and Archery, while advancing its standard number of qualifiers to the state championship.
The 2021 KHSAA State Archery Championships get underway Thursday morning at 9 a.m. Central, as Warren East HS hosts the Region 1 & 2 state qualifiers at Ephram White Gymnasium. The qualifiers from Regions 3, 5 & 9 will compete at Anderson County HS on Friday, April 23 with the competition beginning at 8:30 a.m. Eastern. Ryle High School (Regions 4, 6 & 7) and Lexington Christian Academy (Region 8, 10 & 11) will serve as the other host sites for the state championship, with their events split across Friday and […]
04/13/21 – State Archery Championships To Be Conducted Across Four Sites
The 2021 KHSAA State Archery Championships will be conducted next week across four sites in response to COVID-19 guidelines and capacity restrictions. Conducting the championship in this manner will allow the KHSAA to have the full number of state qualifiers participate in the event, while also providing an opportunity for spectators to attend the competitions.
“Our office has been constantly involved over the last several months with our attempt to conduct some form of culminating event for Archery given the variety of restrictions in place for venues,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “While our desire for a single site has remained a priority, our main objective has been to conduct an event with the allowance for the same number of competitors as past years. Unfortunately, the combination of the pandemic, venue restrictions by the Commonwealth, and the number of qualifying competitors has made this objective unattainable.”
The finalized host […]
04/12/21- Senate Bill 128: Supplemental School Year Program Guidance for Sports and Sport-Activities
For a complete list of the provisions and information related to the implementation of SB128 and the SSYP, please see the following document-
03/05/21 – Change in Attendance Limitation Recommendation
We have confirmed that officially, effective today, all of the guidance limitations within the Governor’s orders on a variety of venues have been changed. The venue recommendations for limitation have been changed throughout the state increasing by ten percent each. Therefore the recommended maximum attendance threshold is increased to 25% of capacity effective today for indoor events hosted by our member schools. While this remains guidance, it is obviously in the best interest, legally and otherwise, of our member schools. Universal masking remains required, social distancing is to be consistently applied to the fullest extent possible.
It is certainly not required to change current procedures, but this does give them some planning time for upcoming events week. Guidance documents for spring outdoor events will be revised in the coming days to reflect this change.
From talking to so many of you, there remains considerable confusion in our membership as to the differences between “venues” as […]
02/20/21- Interim Guidance Regarding Spring Sports Travel
While spring sports guidance is in final production, the office has received several inquiries regarding travel for spring sports. There will effectively be no changes from the winter sports guidance and each guidance document will include enhancements and sources available at the present time. The following represents the recommended guidance for the member schools and will be published in the guidance documents for all spring sports and sport-activities.
Restrictions/Recommendations On In-State Contests
- While local decision-making is a hallmark relative to the management of Kentucky schools, there remain several recommendations relative to team travel in- and out-of-state. (CONSIDER)
- This guidance is not intended to make local district decisions less or more difficult or provide an arbitrary decision path for such consideration, but rather to ensure that all issues are considered as travel is contemplated. (CONSIDER)
- This guidance and similar guidance from the KHSAA, KDE and KDPH is aimed at mitigating the risk of COVID-19 exposure […]
02/03/21 – Archery Nominations Sought for Male and Female Midway Student-Athlete of the Year Awards
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year Award among Archery participants for 2020-2021 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2020-2021 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards banquet at Midway University in early summer 2021. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the overall 2020-2021 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year and announced at the banquet. All winners will also receive their recognition at that banquet.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of […]
02/03/21 – Archery Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Archery is available beginning today, February 3, 2021. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen levels, regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay. Below is additional information:
- February 3 to February 22 (Coaches) – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- February 23 to March 7 (Coaches) – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- March 8 to March 15 (Coaches) – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, along […]
01/21/21 – Board of Control Reviews Status of Winter and Spring Sports
The Board of Control held its fourth regularly-scheduled meeting of the 2020-21 academic year on Thursday at the KHSAA Office, conducting a thorough status review of ongoing operations and championship plans. Staff provided an overview of all winter and spring sports and sport-activities, while outlining considerations and options for the winter events that will be presented for final review at the Board’s next meeting on Feb. 17.
“Today’s meeting provided an opportunity to update the Board of Control and our constituency on the various issues and COVID-19 mitigations facing each of our sports and sport-activities,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “Circumstances change rapidly during the pandemic but we hope to have a clearer picture for how we can proceed with our winter championships when the Board next meets in February.”
Included in the staff’s report on basketball, was a preliminary discussion on ticketing to the 2021 Boys’ and Girls’ […]
12/10/20- Board of Control Confirms Decision to Start Winter Sports Practice December 14
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 10, 2020
The Board of Control conducted a special meeting on Thursday morning, upholding its earlier decision by a 12-5 vote to begin practice for winter sports on Dec. 14th and regular-season competition on Jan. 4th. Prior to confirming the start of the winter sports season, the Board voted 12-5 to push back the dates for the boys’ and girls’ Sweet 16® to March 29-April 8 after narrowly defeating other alternative dates, with the event schedule and format to be finalized at a later date in consultation with Rupp Arena.
“These are extremely complex issues. Our Board has spent an extraordinary amount of time examining every aspect surrounding the resumption of sports, particularly those that are indoors and have extreme concerns from public health officials,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “At the same time, there is significant data being shared about the need for students to be engaged with one another […]
09/23/20 – Archery and Bass Fishing Participation Update
Following last week’s Board of Control meeting, we continue to receive inquiries regarding the sport-activities of Archery and Bass Fishing. Though both have an initial published practice date of October 1, they are classified as spring sport-activities by the Association.
It remains RECOMMENDED that the activities on campus be focused on the current season sports (fall at this point) and not on sports for other seasons (winter and spring sports) so as to lessen virus exposure and allow for a carefully measured return to in-person learning where and when local districts have made that decision.
For both Archery and Bass Fishing, practice and workouts are at the discretion of each member school.
For KHSAA sport-activities, catastrophic insurance coverage only applies to the postseason (regional and state championships). Participation in all other competitions is at the discretion of each member school without the benefit of catastrophic insurance provided by the Association.
For Archery:
- […]
07/27/20 – Student-Athlete Participation Rises for the 3rd Straight Year to New Record Totals
Student-athlete participation increased for the third-straight year in Kentucky High School Athletic Association sports and sport-activities to reach record levels in 2019-20. A total of 107,166 rostered participants competed across the KHSAA’s 13 sports and six sport-activities according to information submitted by the membership, surpassing last year’s then-record total of 106,931. Football was one of 12 offerings to show an increase from the previous year, breaking a trend of declining participation for the last three years by adding 202 new student-athletes [freshmen, JV, varsity] during the 2019-20 season to remain the state’s most popular sport with 13,277 rostered participants.
“The continued rise in student-athlete participation the last three years emphasizes the importance of school-based athletics in the fabric of the educational experience for these young adults,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “The importance of these coach-to-student and student-to-student relationships is only amplified in these uncertain times, as we strive […]
04/29/20- Revised Covid-19 Policies and Guidance Issued, May 1 to May 31