Football Working
WORKING DRAFT- Football Brackets 2016 (UNOFFICIAL)
Official Brackets To Be Released Following Last Regular Season Night of Play
N/A Slots are To Be Determined Due to TieBreakers on October 29/30
SchoolClassDistrictPosBracket1A-1-1Russellville1A1111A-2-4Caverna1A2421A-2-2Campbellsville1A2231A-1-3Fulton City1A1341A-1-2Crittenden County1A1251A-2-3Fort Knox1A2361A-2-1Bethlehem1A2171A-1-4BYE1A1481A-3-1Kentucky Country Day1A3191A-4-4Dayton1A44101A-4-2Bellevue1A42111A-3-3Frankfort1A33121A-3-2Holy Cross (Louisville)1A32131A-4-3Ludlow1A43141A-4-1Beechwood1A41151A-3-4Eminence1A34161A-5-1#N/A1A51171A-6-4BYE1A64181A-6-2Raceland1A62191A-5-3#N/A1A53201A-5-2#N/A1A52211A-6-3Fairview1A63221A-6-1Paintsville1A61231A-5-4Paris1A54241A-7-1Williamsburg1A71251A-8-4South Floyd1A84261A-8-2Hazard1A82271A-7-3Harlan1A73281A-7-2Pineville1A72291A-8-3Jenkins1A83301A-8-1Pikeville1A81311A-7-4Lynn Camp1A74322A-1-1Mayfield2A1112A-2-4Hancock County2A2422A-2-2Butler County2A2232A-1-3Ballard Memorial2A1342A-1-2Murray2A1252A-2-3McLean County2A2362A-2-1Owensboro Catholic2A2172A-1-4Webster County2A1482A-3-1Glasgow2A3192A-4-4Shawnee2A44102A-4-2DeSales2A42112A-3-3Monroe County2A33122A-3-2Metcalfe County2A32132A-4-3Washington County2A43142A-4-1Christian Academy-Louisville2A41152A-3-4Green County2A34162A-5-1Walton-Verona2A51172A-6-4Newport2A64182A-6-2Holy Cross (Covington)2A62192A-5-3Owen County2A53202A-5-2Gallatin County2A52212A-6-3Lloyd Memorial2A63222A-6-1Newport Central Catholic2A61232A-5-4Carroll County2A54242A-7-1Lexington Christian2A71252A-8-4Shelby Valley2A84262A-8-2Prestonsburg2A82272A-7-3Somerset2A73282A-7-2Danville2A72292A-8-3Allen Central2A83302A-8-1Leslie County2A81312A-7-4Middlesboro2A74323A-1-1Caldwell County3A1113A-2-4Hart County3A2423A-2-2Adair County3A2233A-1-3#N/A3A1343A-1-2Paducah Tilghman3A1253A-2-3LaRue County3A2363A-2-1Elizabethtown3A2173A-1-4#N/A3A1483A-3-1Central3A3193A-4-4Garrard County3A44103A-4-2Boyle County3A42113A-3-3Moore3A33123A-3-2Bardstown3A32133A-4-3Western Hills3A43143A-4-1Lexington Catholic3A41153A-3-4Waggener3A34163A-5-1Russell3A51173A-6-4BYE3A64183A-6-2Pike County Central3A62193A-5-3West Carter3A53203A-5-2Fleming County3A52213A-6-3Lawrence County3A63223A-6-1Belfry3A61233A-5-4Bath County3A54243A-7-1Estill County3A71253A-8-4Jackson County3A84263A-8-2Casey County3A82273A-7-3Powell County3A73283A-7-2Breathitt County3A72293A-8-3Bell County3A83303A-8-1Corbin3A81313A-7-4Knott County Central3A74324A-1-1Hopkinsville4A1114A-2-4Warren East4A2424A-2-2South Warren4A2234A-1-3Madisonville-North Hopkins4A1344A-1-2Calloway County4A1254A-2-3Allen County-Scottsville4A2364A-2-1Franklin-Simpson4A2174A-1-4Hopkins County Central4A1484A-3-1John Hardin4A3194A-4-4#N/A4A44104A-4-2#N/A4A42114A-3-3Valley4A33124A-3-2Western4A32134A-4-3#N/A4A43144A-4-1Shelby County4A41154A-3-4Breckinridge County4A34164A-5-1East Jessamine4A51174A-6-4Russell County4A64184A-6-2Wayne County4A62194A-5-3Taylor County4A53204A-5-2Mercer County4A52214A-6-3Knox Central4A63224A-6-1Rockcastle County4A61234A-5-4West Jessamine4A54244A-7-1Bourbon County4A71254A-8-4Rowan County4A84264A-8-2Ashland Blazer4A82274A-7-3Mason County4A73284A-7-2Harrison County4A72294A-8-3Greenup County4A83304A-8-1Johnson Central4A81314A-7-4Scott4A74325A-1-1Owensboro5A1115A-2-4Grayson County5A2425A-2-2Greenwood5A2235A-1-3Graves County5A1345A-1-2Christian County5A1255A-2-3Barren County5A2365A-2-1Bowling Green5A2175A-1-4Marshall County5A1485A-4-1Fern Creek5A4195A-5-4Grant County5A54105A-5-2Dixie Heights5A52115A-4-3Southern5A43125A-4-2Doss5A42135A-5-3Highlands5A53145A-5-1Covington Catholic5A51155A-4-4Fairdale5A44165A-3-1South Oldham5A31175A-6-4Woodford County5A64185A-6-2Anderson County5A62195A-3-3#N/A5A33205A-3-2#N/A5A32215A-6-3Montgomery County5A63225A-6-1Madison Southern5A61235A-3-4#N/A5A34245A-7-1Southwestern5A71255A-8-4Letcher County Central5A84265A-8-2North Laurel5A82275A-7-3South Laurel5A73285A-7-2Pulaski County5A72295A-8-3Harlan County5A83305A-8-1Whitley County5A81315A-7-4Lincoln County5A74326A-1-1McCracken County6A1116A-3-4Pleasure Ridge Park6A3426A-3-2Male6A3236A-1-3Daviess County6A1346A-1-2Henderson County6A1256A-3-3DuPont Manual6A3366A-3-1St. Xavier6A3176A-1-4Muhlenberg County6A1486A-2-1Central Hardin6A2196A-4-4Seneca6A44106A-4-2Ballard6A42116A-2-3Meade County6A23126A-2-2North Hardin6A22136A-4-3Eastern6A43146A-4-1Trinity (Louisville)6A41156A-2-4Ohio County6A24166A-5-1Ryle6A51176A-7-4#N/A6A74186A-7-2#N/A6A72196A-5-3Cooper6A53206A-5-2Conner6A52216A-7-3#N/A6A73226A-7-1Scott County6A71236A-5-4Jeffersontown6A54246A-6-1Simon Kenton6A61256A-8-4George Rogers Clark6A84266A-8-2Madison Central6A82276A-6-3Campbell County6A63286A-6-2Boone County6A62296A-8-3Tates Creek6A83306A-8-1Lafayette6A81316A-6-4Butler6A6432Regional Football Cross Bracketing Through 2018
D1 vs. D2
D1 vs. D2
D1 vs. D2
D1 vs. D2
D1 vs. D2
D1 vs. D2
Adjusted Football Alignment, 2017 and 2018 Seasons
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association shall sponsor postseason competition in football provided that there is sufficient interest of the membership to participate in said competition. Member schools desiring to participate in KHSAA sponsored postseason competition shall notify the Association office prior to September 1. The Commissioner shall divide the state into geographic sections within six (6) enrollment-based classes with the approval of the Board of Control. In the interim, newly added or deleted programs will be handled on a case by case basis by the Commissioner’s office.
For postseason competition, in Class 1A, 5th place team from District 8 as the 4th place in District 6 for playoff brackets, 5th place team from District 5 will not advance to playoffs.
For postseason competition, in Class 6A, 5th place from District 1 as the 4th place in District 2 for playoff brackets; 5th place from 3 would become the 4th place in 5 […]
2011-2014 Football Alignment
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association shall sponsor postseason competition in football provided that there is sufficient interest of the membership to participate in said competition. Member schools desiring to participate in KHSAA sponsored postseason competition shall notify the Association office prior to September 1. The Commissioner shall divide the state into geographic sections within six (6) enrollment based classes with the approval of the Board of Control. In the interim, newly added or deleted programs will be handled on a case by case basis by the Commissioner’s office.
For the 2011 through 2014 playing seasons, the alignment for football is as follows:
District 1 – Fulton City, Fulton County, Mayfield, Russellville
District 2 – Beth Haven, Bethlehem, Caverna, Evangel Christian, Holy Cross (Louisville), Kentucky Country Day
District 3 – Bracken County, Eminence, Frankfort, Paris
District 4 – Beechwood, Bellevue, Dayton, Ludlow
Correspondence Submitted Regarding 2015-2018 Football Realignment
Football Realignment Correspondence01/28/14 – Football Alignment Update and Opportunity to Play Into a Higher Class
January 28, 2014
TO: Superintendents, Principals, Athletic Directors and Coaches of Football Playing Schools
FR: Commissioner Julian Tackett
RE: Update on the Drafting of 2015 through 2018 Football Alignment, Opportunity to Play to a Higher Class
At its meeting January 27, the KHSAA Board of Control discussed and agreed on parameters surrounding an alignment of teams in football for the 2015 through 2018 playing season. While many issues constantly are discussed nearly every time the subject of football is brought up, it is timely that the alignment discussion become finalized. The following decisions have been finalized within the drafting of the alignment:
The originally distributed enrollment listings have been amended to reflect the merger of Wayne County and Monticello High Schools. Wayne County would then be a 4A school, with Moore being in Class 3A. The revised documents will be posted on the website.
[…]The Value of Football
Sports are a vital, cultural expression of America. Sports express the American way of life along with the right to vote, the freedom of speech, and the freedom to choose schools and churches. Participation is neither compulsory nor manda – tory and is not a graduation requirement. Sports do mirror the true character of America and they are filled with vitality, ideals and opportunity. Sports at the high school level have the greatest impact. Football alone attracts more than one million participants.
Traditionally, football has played a prominent part in high school athletic programs because it provides many experiences which contribute to better citizenship and to the development of desirable character and personality traits. Participation in practice and games provides players with the opportunity to learn how to cooperate and to sacrifice individual selfish interests for the good of the team. Through football, participants learn to cooperate as members of a […]
Current Alignment – Football – 2011-2014
APPROVED 2011-14 KHSAA FOOTBALL ALIGNMENT (updated July, 2012)
District 1 – Fulton City, Fulton County, Mayfield, Russellville
District 2 – Bethlehem, Caverna, Holy Cross (Louisville), Kentucky Country Day
District 3 – Bracken County, Eminence, Frankfort, Paris
District 4 – Beechwood, Bellevue, Dayton, Ludlow
District 5 – Berea, Campbellsville, Lynn Camp, Williamsburg
District 6 – Harlan, Hazard, Jenkins, Pineville
District 7 – Fairview, Nicholas County, Paintsville, Raceland
District 8 – Allen Central, Phelps, Pikeville, South Floyd
District 1 – Ballard Memorial, Caldwell County, Crittenden County, Murray
District 2 – Butler County, Hancock County, McLean County, Owensboro Catholic, Todd County Central, Union County
District 3 – Clinton County, Glasgow, Green County, Metcalfe County
District 4 – Bardstown, Christian Academy-Louisville, DeSales, Fort Knox, Shawnee, Thomas Nelson, Washington County
District 5 – Carroll County, Gallatin County, Owen County, Trimble County, Walton-Verona
District 6 – Bishop Brossart, Holy Cross (Covington), Lloyd Memorial, Newport, Newport Central Catholic
Running Clock Provisions – KHSAA Football (all high school levels of play)
This point differential applies to all football contests. The National Federation’s Football Rules Committee has a provision in the playing rules that permits state associations to adopt a “running clock” when a point differential is attained. This provision is in place for all football-playing schools for all levels in Kentucky:
Any time the score differential reaches thirty-five (35) points or more, the following changes will be made regarding rules determining when the clock will be stopped and/or started. In addition, in keeping with the rules that allow for mutual agreement between coaches for period shortening, the running clock may be implemented at any time by mutual agreement of the coaches. Coaches’ choice may not supersede the automatic provisions with a 35-point differential.
1. Once the running clock provisions are implemented, the clock shall continue to run from the point that the differential occurs (without regard to a later return to less […]