Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

12/10/12 – Uniform Reminder and Interpretation

December 10, 2012 Soccer Blog Updates

PrintIt’s that time of year when many of you are discussing your budgets with your Athletic Directors and some are ordering new kits for the fall. Keep in mind, this fall we will play under the change to Rule 4-1 in regards to the color of home jerseys and socks. The home team shall wear solid white jerseys and solid white socks, and the visiting team shall wear dark jerseys and socks.  Also, those players who are getting ready to purchase a new set of shinguards  it is now required that the NOCSAE seal and height range shall be permanently marked on the front of the shinguard.  On a side note, those of you who have players who like to wrap tape on the outside of their socks for various reasons; The KHSAA will require that the color of the tape must match the color of the sock, therefore, only white tape will be permitted on the home socks. Print

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