January, 2013
01/30/13 Exos Braces Worn on The Forearm or Wrist Ruled are Illegal for Basketball
Our office has been contacted several time regarding the Exos Brace being worn on the forearm or wrist. NFHS Basketball Rule 3-5 article 2a states: A guard, cast or brace made of hard or unyielding substance, such as, but not limited to, leather, plaster, plastic, or metal shall not be worn on the elbow, hand, finger/thumb, wrist or forearm; even though covered in soft padding. Because the dial is plastic this brace cannot be worn during competition. We were able to confirm this ruling in a phone conversation today with the NFHS office.1/29/13 – NFHS Volleyball Rules Changes for 2013-14 Announced
Rules changes for Volleyball for 2013-2014 have been announced by the NFHS. Please use the link below to review.
01/28/13 – Board of Control Approves Basketball Region I, Statewide Wrestling Realignments
The KHSAA Board of Control approved new alignments for Basketball Region I and all eight Wrestling regions during its January meeting at the KHSAA office on Monday.
Following the consolidation of schools in McCracken County, KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett and area Board of Control members met with representatives from the first region in Mayfield. With all Region I schools in attendance, the feedback from the meeting was to realign within the region, and not bring additional teams into the region. Three options for realignment were presented following the meeting in Mayfield. On Monday, the Board voted to approve Option A for the 20013-14 season (detailed below), which will also be applied to baseball, softball, soccer and volleyball:
District 1 – Carlisle County, Fulton City, Fulton County, Hickman County
District 2 – Ballard Memorial, Graves County, Mayfield
District 3 – Community Christian, McCracken County, Paducah Tilghman, St. Mary
[…]1/28/13 – Board approves realignment proposal for Region 1
Today at the regular Board of Control meeting, the Board of Control approved the alignment of teams in Region 1 to begin with the 2013-2014 school year. These decisions are never easy, but this one was made smoother by the great cooperation and feedback from the member schools in Region 1. The Board honored the wished of the schools to leave the membership in Region 1 intact (not move any new school into the region), and approved option A as presented to the schools at the meeting of schools in Mayfield. These changes will be mirrored wherever possible and practical in the alignments for baseball, softball, volleyball and soccer, as well as basketball.
Again, thank you for all of your help and communication.
The alignment of teams effective for 2013-2014 in Region 1 will be:
District 1 – Carlisle County, Fulton City, Fulton County, Hickman County
District 2 – Ballard Memorial, Graves County, Mayfield
District […]
1/28/13 – Freshmen Match Play Scoring Adjusted / Region 1 Alignment
The KHSAA Board of Control, at its January meeting, made a revision in the volleyball match format for freshmen contests. Beginning with the 2013-14 school year (2013 season), freshmen match format will mirror junior varsity. Match play will be best two (2) sets of three (3) to 21, rally score, with all sets to 21. Member schools may agree in advance during regular season play on alternate scoring formats, but may not exceed two of three sets to 21.
There was no change to junior varsity or varsity match format/scoring.
Region 1 Volleyball Alignment
The Board of Control also approved the alignment of teams in Region 1 to begin with the 2013-2014 school year due to the consolidation of Reidland, Heath and Lone Oak to form McCracken County. These decisions are never easy and seldom unanimously accepted, but this one was made smoother by the great cooperation and feedback from the member schools in Region […]
1/28/13 – Competitive Cheer to be One Class in 2013-14
The KHSAA Board of Control, at its January meeting, eliminated the two class format system with regard to competitive cheer beginning with the 2013-14 school year.
Squad divisions will continue to be the following in the all-girls category: Small (6-12); Medium (13-16); Large (17-20); Super-Large (21-24).
Coed will be offered with a minimum of 6 (two boys/four girls or four boys/two girls) and maximum of 24, of which at least two shall be boys.
This action comes based upon participation by the membership during the 2012-2013 school year. There were over 104 divisions within the two class, five division system, that either had no entry in a division (50) or just had one squad (54), creating an automatic qualifier (providing successful regional participation) to the state competition.
01/28/13 – Status of Realignment of Wrestling Regions
The Board of Control took final measures to approve a new wrestling alignment for the 2013-14 season, after reviewing input from the member schools to the proposal which was originally recommended on Nov. 12. No changes were made to the original draft. Please refer to the Alingment information found on the Wrestling page of the KHSAA website. http://khsaa.org/wrestling/realignment/draftalignmentofwrestlingteamsfor20132014.pdf01/28/13 – Tie Break Protocol For Post Season
In action today by the KHSAA Board of Control, the post season tournament tie break protocol will change from a full third set tie break procedure to a “Super Tie Breaker.” This change was recommended by the Sports Medicine Committee and the KHSAA staff to fulfill the rule changes that the USTA have implemented this year to provide ample “rest and recovery” time for student athletes playing more than one match a day. In this tie break protocol, the first player or doubles team to 10 points, and ahead by 2, wins the match. It is scored as 1-0 with the score in parenthesis, for example 6-4,4-6,1-0 (10-7).01/28/13 – Reminder from NASP
Beginning at 8:00 this morning, coaches can pick when they want to shoot. They have until 5:00 PM ET on 1/28 to sign up, but to better allow us to plan for all archers, we prefer that they sign up as quickly as possible. Here is a link with detailed instructions. http://fw.ky.gov/pdf/nasphowtoregisterregional.pdf01/30/14 – Post Season Information
The information and instructions for the 2014 Regional Tournaments have been posted on line. You can access the information by going to the wrestling page of the KHSAA website.Coaches even though some of you are veterans, please take time to read these carefully, there have been changes made this year. Those of you who will serve as Regional Mangers, you will find your instructions have also been posted to the wrestling page. I would strongly suggest that you as a competing school, download the files to ensure that you are aware of all KHSAA rules regarding these tournaments. http://khsaa.org/sports/winter/wrestling/ Best of luck to you for the remainder of the season. Keep looking to this blog for further updates as we get closer to the […]01/25/13 – Pairings Unveiled For 2013 KHSAA Boys’ and Houchens Industries/KHSAA Girls’ State Basketball Tournaments
The pairings for the 2013 KHSAA Boys’ and Houchens Industries/KHSAA Girls’ State Basketball Tournaments were unveiled today during the annual Draw Show on CWKYT. Brackets with official times and pairings are available on the Riherd’s/KHSAA Scoreboard and the KHSAA website on the basketball home page.
The 2013 Boys’ Sweet 16® will be held March 6-10 at Rupp Arena in Lexington, with the Houchens Industries/KHSAA Girls Sweet 16® taking place March 13-16 at E.A. Diddle Arena in Bowling Green.
Tickets for the Boys’ and Girls’ Sweet 16® are on sale now, and can be purchased at the KHSAA Office on Winchester Rd. Tickets are $120 each for a lower arena, full-tournament package; and $70 each for upper arena.
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated […]
01/25/13 – State Cheer Postponed/Rescheduled Due to Weather and Safety Concerns
10 a.m. ET, Friday, 1/25/13
In the interest of everyone’s safety and out of an abundance of caution, the State Competitive Cheer Championships have been postponed and will NOT be held on Saturday, January 26. The competition is being rescheduled for SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 at Bowling Green. More details will be forthcoming.
Ticket sales for Boys and Girls Basketball

01/22/13 – Competitive Cheer Championships & Basketball Draw Show Coming Up This Week
The inaugural KHSAA Competitive Cheer Championships will take place Saturday, Jan. 26 at E.A. Diddle Arena on the campus of Western Kentucky University. Divisions have been created for all-girls and coed competition, with the winning school in each division at the regional level advancing to the State competition.
Doors open to the fans at 7 a.m., with the competition beginning at 8 a.m. with the Class 1A Small/Class 2A Medium Divisions. The Class 2A Large/Class 2A Super-Large Divisions will compete at 11 a.m., followed by the Class 2A Small/Class 1A Medium Divisions at 2 p.m., the Class 1A Large/Class 2A Coed Divisions at 5 p.m., and the Class 1A Coed/Class 1A Super-Large Divisions at 7:30 p.m. An awards presentation will follow each competition block.
Tickets to the event are $10 per person, with kids 10 & under […]
General and KY NASP Information
General Archery Information KY NASP Archery InformationRegional Tournament Information
2024-2025 Region Information Archery Region Information Archery Boys Region Results Archery Girls Region ResultsOperation UNITE State Tournament Information
2024-2025 State Meet Information Archery State Meet Information Archery Entries, Results01/18/13 – Pleasure Ridge Park Granted At-Large Berth to Competitive Cheer Championships
During the KHSAA Region 6 Competitive Cheer competition on Jan. 12, a disqualification ruling was made in the Super-Large All-Girl division with regard to a National Federation rule. At the time the ruling was made, and based upon prior information from the NFHS, a stunt performed by Pleasure Ridge Park was ruled illegal by the technical judges as performed, due to safety concerns.
“As the commissioner and I reviewed this situation, it became clear that this was not a judgment call. That distinction is important because judgment calls cannot be appealed per bylaw 16. Our judges correctly observed and administered penalties based on what they saw during the routine,” said Assistant Commissioner and cheer contact Butch Cope. “However, we later found that this specific situation had been interpreted differently as the year moved on and we were not made aware of the change in interpretation until this week.”
After reviewing […]
01/18/13 – Current list of Decertified Bats by NFHS to date
While we posted the following individually as the notices were received throughout last year, here is a current listing of decertified bats by the NFHS as we are closing in on the start of the 2013 playing season.
This short list is subject to change. Additional non-wood baseball bats could possibly be added to this list. The decertified bats are the following:
Marucci Cat 5 2 33″ non-wood baseball bat
(Decertification notice date: February 21, 2012)
Reebok Vector TLS 32″ non-wood baseball bat
(Decertification notice date: March 26, 2012)
Reebok Vector TLS 33″ non-wood baseball bat
(Decertification notice date: March 26, 2012)
These bats should be considered non-compliant and subject to NFHS Baseball Rules 4-1-3b and 7-4-1a.
Please share this information with your coaches, officials and parents. Thank you in advance for your immediate attention to this matter.
Past Archery Staff Blogs/Archery Hot News
Archive of Past Staff Blogs Archive of Past Archery Hot News01/17/13 – Score Clock Promotion
Coaches, I have attached a link to a letter that you can copy and present to wrestling supporters in your area, asking for possible advertisers for the score clocks that we use at the State tournament. In the past, several schools have sold advertisement spots to local business that support wrestling and some have even had their own booster clubs purchase adds in support of their wrestling team. I hope that those of you who have bought advertisement boards in the past will continue this year. Those coaches, who are new, may want to begin a new tradition by having your program prominently displayed in the arena. Please feel free to contact me by email, mbarren.@khsaa.org or phone 859-299-5472, if you have further questions. Thanks again for your support of our tournament. http://www.khsaa.org/wrestling/letterpromoscoreboardads.pdf01/17/13 – Welcome to Kentucky Archery
Welcome to the KHSAA Sport Blog for Archery. Many of you are new to the KHSAA and some of you are new to the NASP Archery program. I wanted to alert each of you to the Archery page on our website and make you aware that as information is produced for the Archery Program it will be posted to this site. You may want to make a bookmark for the site on your internet browser. Please note the links include Contacts and dates for the regional tournaments along with directions on how to enter the regional and State tournaments. Please feel free to contact Patrick O’Connell, the State Coordinator for NASP, at (502) 564-7109 or email him at patrick.oconnell@ky.gov ; and/or Michael Barren, Assistant Commissioner of the KHSAA, at (859) 299-5472 or mbarren@khsaa.org for further assistance. Here is the link for the Archery page: http://khsaa.org/sports/sports-activities/archery/01/16/13 Bowling Post Season Information and Instructions
Bowling Post Season Begins January 22
The KHSAA would like to wish all of the schools participating in bowling good luck as they prepare for the post season. Click the link below for the post season team instructions. These instructions include both region and the state information. These instructions can also be found on the bowling page of the KHSAA.org website under regional information and state information.
You should have received or be receiving shortly additional information from your regional managers regarding specifics to your regional tournaments. Any forms you need will be included in the team instructions.
There are a few changes that will occur different from last year for the post season. The first is a change in the stepladder portion of the singles tournament. This year there will be a cut to 8 competitors and then a cut to 4 competitors for the stepladder. This will occur at […]
01/14/13 – Sweet 16 Draw Show, New Sweet 16 Logo, Competitive Cheer Championships
The Draw Show for the 2013 KHSAA Boys’ and Houchens Industries/KHSAA Girls’ State Basketball Tournaments will air on Friday, Jan. 25 at 1 p.m. (ET). CWKYT (Ch. 14) in Lexington will broadcast the pairings, with a feed available online at www.khsaa.tv.
Brackets with official times and pairings will be posted to the Riherd’s/KHSAA Scoreboard and the KHSAA website at the conclusion of the program. The 2013 Boys’ Sweet 16® will be held March 6-10 at Rupp Arena in Lexington, with the Houchens Industries/KHSAA Girls Sweet 16® taking place March 13-16 at E.A. Diddle Arena in Bowling Green.
For additional information about the draw show, contact KHSAA Communications Director Joe Angolia.
Time changes for the Semifinal round and Championship game of the 2013 Boys’ Sweet 16® won’t be […]
01/11/13 Track and Field 2013 Season Updates
As we begin the 2013 track season, we want to share some information with you. The Board of Control approved the return to one turn stagger in the 800m and the 4x800m. This was recommended by the advisory committee.
Also recommended by the committee was that the online pole vaulting certification class for coaches be required for the entire season and not just for post season. This was also passed by the Board. If you were able to get to the KTCCCA Conference this past weekend, as I was, we were able to meet the creator of the certification, Jan Johnson, and receive an in-person clinic on pole vaulting. Jan was not only extremely knowledgeable but very entertaining. We are working on the current list to be posted on the website for verification.
A post season officials fee raise was approved. The fee has been raised to $100 per official for post season contest […]
01/11/13 – Home Uniforms Must Be White
The KHSAA office has received a few reports of schools not wearing white jerseys for home contest. As many of you know the NFHS gives a four year window when making a uniform rule change. Rule 3-4c was handled in this manner. The 2012-2013 season was the first year that the torso color of home jersey be white was mandatory. The phase in period is designed to allow schools a typical rotation and replacement period to make this change.
If a school has worn a jersey other than white at home, the school should self report this incident to our office immediately.
01/10/13 – Times Announced for Boys’ Sweet 16® Semifinals and Championship, First Basketball Stats Released
Game times for the Semifinals and Championship of the 2013 Boys’ Sweet 16® at Rupp Arena have been finalized. The Semifinal round will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 9, followed by the championship game at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 10.
The change in format from previous year’s tournaments was a necessary byproduct of the University of Kentucky hosting Florida at 12 p.m. on March 9. The remainder of the Boys’ Sweet 16® will follow the same format as previous years. The change in format will not be applied to the Girls Sweet 16®, which will take place March 13-16 at E.A. Diddle Arena in Bowling Green.
Official times and pairings will be posted following the Sweet 16® Draw Show on Friday, Jan. 25.
The initial weekly basketball statistical rankings for […]
01/09/13 – Swimming and Diving Regional Meet Instructions
Click on the following link for Swimming and Diving Regional Meet information and instructions:
01/7/13 – Heflin Named NFHS National Coach of the Year, First Basketball Stats, KHSAA Competitive Cheer Championships
Lone Oak High School girls tennis coach Larry Heflin has been named one of 22 National Coaches of the Year by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) for the 2011-12 academic year. In 40 years as head coach, Heflin has guided Lone Oak to more state championships (11) than any other girls program in the state, the last of which came in 2012.
In addition to his 11 state titles, Heflin has led Lone Oak to eight runner-up finishes, helping him garner a spot in the USTA Kentucky Tennis Hall of Fame in 2012. In 2006, he was given the Garnis Martin Outstanding Coach of the Year award by the Kentucky High School Athletic Director’s Association and the Kentucky High School Coaches Association. He was previously named the National High […]
01/07/13 – Wrestling SKIN CONDITION
We have been contacted in the office that certain skin conditions have been identified at this weekends past tournaments held at multiple sites. I would like to remind each of you to take the necessary steps to aid in the prevention of the spread of these conditions. Coaches please continue to monitor your students and if need be, refer them to a local medical professional. Coaches and officials, please take note that we updated the “Wrestling SKIN CONDITION” form ( WR111) two years ago. We believe it will benefit all parties involved by clearly stipulating weather the condition falls under Rule 4-2-3 (which requires a form to be renewed every Seven days) or Rule 4-2-5 (that allows for valid documentation for the duration of the season). Please take time to make your self familiar with this form. I have included a link to our website where you may download and make copies as needed. Always remember, regardless of documentation, NFHS rule 4-2-4 […]01/04/13 – New Mat Offer
As many of you Coaches are aware, we have been very fortunate to have the EZ Flex Sport Mats Company help us with our State Championships by providing the Mats. Many of you have purchased these mats at a savings by not having to pay the shipping and handling charges. This year we have again entered into an agreement with EZ Flex Sport Mats. If you are in the market for a new mat, you may want to see the attached flyer and give Dave a call today! http://khsaa.org/wrestling/ezflexmatsale.pdf