Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

Bass Fishing Blog Updates

03/25/13 – Clarification on Cold Weather Participation

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The office has received several calls from people asking about a “Cold Weather Index” to parallel the existing Heat Index rules and regulations. At the present time, such an index does not exist in terms of a policy to eliminate participation at certain temperature combinations. However, the NFHS Sports Medicine Committee, as part of its 4th edition Sports Medicine Handbook provided to the member schools, has set up best practices documentation and suggestions to dealing with extreme cold. The recommendations are posted on the KHSAA web site at /sportsmedicine/nfhs/coldweatherrecommendations.pdf Please feel free to use this valuable resource document. If you need additional copies of the Sports Medicine Handbook, contact Marilyn Mitchell ( at the KHSAA offices.


03/01/13 – Bass Fishing Regional Information and Registration Instructions

Bass Fishing Blog Updates

 Registration Instructions for the KHSAA Bass Fishing Regional Tournaments are now available on the KHSAA website by going to the following link:



12/17/12 – Regional Information for Bass Fishing

Bass Fishing Blog Updates

The KHSAA will soon be posting initial Regional and State Information about Bass Fishing in regards to dates, times, locations, and regional alignment. All member schools that have expressed their intent to participate in the postseason will be contacted by FLW very shortly with specific regional information. Thank you.       


10/31/12 – Ky. Fish and Wildlife offering gift certificates

2012-2013 News Releases

Looking for a gift for a friend or family member who likes to hunt or fish? The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources has an idea. See and for details.


Watch the press conference regarding Bass Fishing adoption

Bass Fishing Blog Updates

Click here to watch the press conference with announcements regarding Bass Fishing adoption 


05/09/12 – Update on New Bass Fishing Championship

Bass Fishing Blog Updates

Ahoy Mates! Since the announcement in February that we were sponsoring a bass fishing championship, the questions have rolled in fast and furious. We have worked with the great folks at FLW, as well as very helpful reps of BASS Federation Nation and other groups to try and ensure that the championship is done in a manner that will stir excitement for all, ensure safety for all competitors, a participation opportunity for students, not effect those already participating in fishing activities, and promote an awareness of the great natural resources we have available. With that in mind, this is the first of a series of posts as we work toward implementation of our first championship in April of 2013. As more becomes available, we will post both here and online on our web site.
Common Questions (as of May, 2012)
This list will […]


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