Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

Advanced Workshop 2019-2020

07/30/19- Advanced Athletic Director Training Institute

Advanced Workshop 2019-2020

This is intended for all KHSAA member school Superintendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors and the links can be forwarded as needed.


The 2019 KHSAA Athletic Director Institute will be held at the KHSAA offices in Lexington on Tuesday, September 17. Designed for ADs of all experience levels, this meeting will begin with registration around 8:30, conclude before 3:00. A light lunch (sandwich box, etc.) will be provided by the KHSAA for those who register prior to September 12. There will be a short break following this meeting and then those who optionally choose to do so may choose to attend the expanded training being offered by the KHSADA that evening.

The KHSAA staff will conduct the first portion of the meeting which should afford our newer and veteran ADs an in-depth review of all 27 KHSAA Bylaws, a review of required forms and procedures and other vital segments to allow for continuous […]


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