Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

April, 2017

04/26/17 – Statement on Passing of Dunbar Student-Athlete

2016-2017 News Releases

KHSAA staff was shocked and saddened to learn of today’s tragic incident at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School.

“The absolute worst part of my job is getting a call like I received Wednesday night with the sudden loss of this young man. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Ifeacho family, the Paul Laurence Dunbar and Fayette County school community, and all of those who valiantly tried to save this young man following his incident. We recognize the fragile nature of life itself and wish peace on all who knew this fine young man during this difficult time.”

– Julian Tackett, KHSAA Commissioner



04/21/17 – Bass Fishing State Instructions and Registration

Bass Fishing Blog Updates

Instructions and registration information for the 2017 KHSAA Bass Fishing State Tournament are posted on the KHSAA website. You can view this information by going to the following link and clicking on State Information and Instructions:

Teams that have qualified for the State Tournament can register by going to the following link:

Please be sure to contact the KHSAA if you have any additional questions. 


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to





04/20/17 – Track & Field Unified Events

Track and Field Blog Updates

As we draw near the postseason for Track & Field, the KHSAA wanted to remind coaches and officials about Unified Events and Unified rosters. The KHSAA and Special Olympics of Kentucky will once again sponsor five (5) unified events at the regional and state meet: 2x50m relay, 2x200m relay, 4x100m relay, shot put and long jump. Two of these events are new and we wanted to clarify all events for those involved. 

Unified Track must include a partner athlete and a special athlete for each event. For definitions of those participants, please read our Interactive Explanatory Presentation and our Unified FAQs document. The following is information on how each event will be conducted:

  • 2x50m Dash (one partner/one athlete)
    • Partner athlete must start at the 100m dash start line, special athlete waits at the 50m line (in the same lane as partner).
    • Partner must race 50m to the athlete, exchange the baton […]


04/20/17 – Reminder Bylaw 23 Cheer Tryouts

Cheer Blog Updates

This is a reminder to all administrators and competitive cheer coaches concerning Bylaw 23, Limitation of Seasons. KHSAA staff members have received several inquiries about permitted activity, concerning fall sports/sport-activities and practice/tryouts for the fall, specifically regarding competitive cheer.

Regarding Cheer, Bylaw 23 applies only to competitive cheer, the squad that travels to competitions and competes against other school cheer teams. Sideline cheer (those that cheer at games but do not travel and compete against other schools) are considered a support group, and therefore Bylaw 23 does not apply.

The first official practice date (including anything that can be mandatory) is July 15 for competitive cheer. Only after this date can anything mandatory be required of team members or potential team members.

Until the day following the last day of school or May 31 (whichever is earliest), coaches are permitted to provide instruction and be involved with team members (provided such is approved by the […]


Danville’s Paul Morse still tops in baseball record book


BY MIKE FIELDS (April 20, 2017)

DANVILLE – It’s been 25 years since Paul Morse smacked his last home run, struck out his last batter and chalked up his last pitching victory for Danville High School.

Still, over the last quarter-century, nobody in the state has been able to match the career numbers posted by the former Admirals’ baseball star.

Morse still ranks No. 1 in the KHSAA record book for his prowess as a hitter (65 homers) and as a pitcher (55 wins, 651 strikeouts). He’s also tied for second place in RBI (253).

“I didn’t used to think much about it,” Morse said earlier this week. “But now that I’m getting older, I look at those numbers I put up and I’m kind of like, ‘Wow!’ It was all a little more than I thought it was.”

Morse was an accomplished multi-sport athlete at Danville.

He was a five-year starter in baseball.  As an eighth-grader he was the […]


04/19/17 – Baseball, Softball Stat Leaders Now Available at


Baseball and Softball fans will have additional content available at this season as a result of the Association’s new partnership with MaxPreps. Statistical leader reports for each sport will be compiled every morning from data provided by MaxPreps, the official source for statistics of all KHSAA contests. In addition, individual game stats will be incorporated into the KHSAA/ Scoreboard, which remains the official source for all KHSAA scores, schedules and rosters.

Member schools are solely responsible for submitting statistical information through MaxPreps, and maintaining rosters, schedules and scores through the KHSAA/ Scoreboard. Those failing to meet the requirement to enter stats, maintain rosters and schedules, or report scores in a timely fashion are subject to penalties from the Commissioner’s office, including fines and other actions within the constraints of Bylaw 27.

If a school or individual is omitted from the stat leaders report, or information is not updated, […]


04/18/17 – KHSAA State Archery Championships This Thursday At KBA

2016-2017 News Releases


The 2017 KHSAA State Archery Championships will take place Thursday at the Kentucky Basketball Academy in Lexington, with the first of six flights getting underway at 9:30 a.m. The last flight will compete at 2:30 p.m., with awards presentations to the top four teams, top five boys’ finishers and top five girls’ finishers scheduled for 3:30 p.m.

Madison Central captured the team title in 2016 after posting the top score (3,436) in the championship round. Pulaski County (3,430) was the state runner-up a year ago, followed by Anderson County and Trigg County. Anderson County’s Henry Thompson garnered individual medalist honors after shooting a 297 (with 28 10’s).

More information for the 2017 KHSAA State Archery Championships can be found through the links below:
Schedule –
Lane Assignments –
Official Program –
Results –

Following the event, official […]


04/17/17 – 2016-2017 Financial Aid Survey

All schools, public and nonpublic, are required annually to report detailed financial information to the KHSAA as per Bylaw 11. This report is required of all member schools. It is important to note that if tuition is charged for any reason to any student (including out of district students, etc.), a complete response is required.

The link to the survey has been sent to the Principal of record and the Athletic Director has been notified. It is important to note that failing to complete this report this year will result in a possible penalty by the association.

If you have questions, feel free to contact Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh or Assistant Commissioner Mike Barren at the KHSAA. The deadline to complete the survey is May 5, 2017.



The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those […]


04/14/17 – NFHS Part 2 Exam Online for Track & Field Officials

Officials Division Blog Updates

This email is being sent to all licensed Track & Field Officials.

The Track & Field Part 2 Test is now available online from April 14 until Friday, April 28 at 11:59 p.m. (ET). The test will automatically close exactly at that time. Login at to complete the online test.

The Part 2 Exam allows for officials to obtain a Level 2 or Level 3 rating with the KHSAA (for details see the Officials Division Section within the KHSAA Policies and Procedures published in the KHSAA Handbook – Page 6).

Any official determined to have been involved in the improper administration of the exam, including taking it for another official or having it taken by another official, will have the score disregarded for the year and be subject to other penalties in compliance with the jurisdiction of the office through the Federal Court Decree.

Also, remember registration is open […]


04/14/2017-Fund Raiser to be held for longtime CJ Sportswriter Bob White

As many are aware, longtime Courier-Journal sportswriter and KHSAA Hall of Fame member Bob White was recently a victim of identity theft, losing most if not all of his accumulated resources in the scheme. Many in the area rallied behind Bob to give him a temporary lift, but a group in Louisville is organizing a major fundraiser to help continue the process of lifting both Bob’s spirits and his ability to live independently. Many of Kentucky’s coaches, athletes and officials have been positively impacted by Bob’s writing, coverage and support over the years.

The group will hold an appreciation reception for Bob on Monday night, May 15 from 5 to 8 p.m. at Frazier Hall on the campus of Bellarmine University. A minimal charge of $20 per person will be charged along with any donation attendees, or those unable to attend would like to give to the cause.

Those willing to give may send a check to […]


2017 KHSAA State Softball Tournament Info and Results

Softball Tournament Results History


2017 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament

Baseball Tournament Results History


03/30/17 – Postseason Tennis Information

Tennis Blog Updates

Information and instructions for the 2017 Regional Tennis Tournaments have been posted online and can be accessed by going to the Tennis page of the KHSAA website (

All coaches and competing schools should take the time to read these items carefully, even veteran coaches, to ensure that you are aware of all KHSAA rules and regulations regarding these tournaments.

Best of luck to all competitors for the remainder of the season. Check the blog on the Tennis page for further updates as we get closer to the Regional Tournaments and the State Tennis Championships.


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


04/10/17 – Spring Sports Championship Media Credentials

2016-2017 News Releases

The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Spring Sports Championships is now live, and can be accessed by going to

Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of credentials issued to media outlets when space is at a premium.

Failure to adhere to the KHSAA policies and guidelines, as well as unauthorized use of the media […]


2017 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2017 State/Region Meet Entries/Results

Track Tournament Results History


04/07/17 – Survey Related to Fastpitch Softball

Softball Blog Updates

A survey is being taken of the member schools at the request of the Commissioner’s Softball Advisory Committee. The survey link was e-mailed to the member school Principals and Athletic Directors.

The Commissioner meets annually with various Advisory Committees composed of Coaches, Athletic Directors, Principals and other key individuals in each sport and sport-activity to gather sport specific information from the membership. This information is reviewed as part of the normal operations of the Association and many times, serves as a valuable resource for both the staff and the Board of Control in considering issues related to the conduct of various championships.

For two years, the Commissioner’s softball advisory committee has discussed issues related to the game, and in particular, related to the continued evolution of the sport over the last twenty years since the conversion from slowpitch to fastpitch. Following this discussion, the Commissioner has authorized a survey to be conducted of the member schools […]


2017 Softball Stat Leaders

Softball Working



2017 Baseball Stat Leaders

Baseball Working


04/05/17 – Bass Fishing Regional Instructions/Registration

Bass Fishing Blog Updates

Instructions and registration information for the KHSAA Bass Fishing Regional Tournaments on Saturday, April 22, 2017 are now posted on the KHSAA website. You can view this information by going to the following link and clicking on the Region Tournament Information and Instructions tab.

The deadline to register for the regional tournament is Thursday, April 20, 2017. Teams can register by going to the following link:

Please be sure to have your School Participant Release of Liability form completed prior to arriving for your regional tournament:

Please be sure to contact the KHSAA if you have any additional questions. 


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to 











Harrison County baseball’s unimaginable loss


BY MIKE FIELDS (April 4, 2017)

CYNTHIANA — A few weeks into the high school baseball season, Harrison County has not lost a game.

But the Thorobreds don’t feel like an undefeated team.

They feel like a team that has suffered an unimaginable loss — the loss of a teammate.

Harrison County senior Brett Persinger, who had started at shortstop for the Thorobreds since he was a seventh-grader, was killed in a car accident last November. Max Ogden, another teammate, was seriously injured.

Mac Whitaker has experienced plenty of good times and bad times in 40 years as Harrison County’s baseball coach, but nothing prepared him for the tragedy that struck his team the day before Thanksgiving last fall. 

Brett Persinger grew up in the Thorobreds’ program. When he was 10, he was shagging fly balls and winning over everybody with his engaging personality. His dad, Rodney, was an assistant coach.

“Knowing Brett’s family so well, and having known him […]


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