Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917


8/16/12 – Courage in Munich Seminar to Georgetown College

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Rarely do high school students have the opportunity to hear about an important chapter in world history straight from the people who made it, but such an opportunity will present itself to Kentucky youngsters on Friday, Aug. 24, at Georgetown College.

The 12 members of the 1972 United States Olympic basketball team – the one that was literally cheated out of the gold medal in the most controversial game ever – will appear with distinguished journalists and scholars at a series of four seminars beginning at 9 a.m. in the college’s conference center. All four of the seminars will be free and open to the public.

The seminars will discuss the historical, political, and sociological implications of the team’s decision to not accept the silver medal – the first and only time that has happened in Olympic history. One of the seminars also will be devoted to the invasion of the Olympic Village that resulted […]


8/10/12 – “Fall Ball” and Bylaw 25 Reminders

Athletic Department Blog Updates

We have had several inquiries from Administrators and Coaches with regard to coaches involvement during the school year with members of their team (or other interscholastic teams within the school).  These issues have been particularly brought to light with respect to baseball and softball programs.

Coaching is defined as any activity by the coach at a time the athletes are participating in skills (either preparatory or specific to that sport) in a setting in which skills are taught, refined, or practiced. Coincident participation by a coach and an athlete in a sport such as a golf outing, where the coach and athlete(s) are not entered as a entry or group, or in an activity such as distance running with many runners but no direct coaching, would not specifically be considered coaching.
The “off-season” is the period during the school year for each sport or sport/activity that is outside the defined start and […]


07/31/12 – Boys’ Sweet 16® Championship Game Set for Sunday

2012-2013 News Releases



For the first time in the 95-year history of the KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16®, the tournament championship game will be played sometime other than Saturday night.

The traditional state tournament format will undergo a transformation for the 2013 event due to potential scheduling conflicts with Rupp Arena.

“We received a request a few days ago from the University to consider other Saturday (and potentially Sunday) alternatives in the event that the final schedule for 2012-2013 necessitated the Wildcats playing at home on Saturday, March 9,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “The 2013 scheduling has been a constantly evolving challenge for a while as we had previously surrendered our contracted dates for the arena to allow UK to host the NCAA Second/Third round that year.”

The semifinals, a doubleheader that has been played on Saturday morning for more than fifty years, […]


07/15/12 – Reminder about Case BL-25-14 (Open Gym/Field), Out of Season Restrictions

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Case BL-25-14- What are the restrictions during the school year outside of the defined Limitation of Seasons (off-season) when the school’s team members are participants or school coaches are involved?
Coaching is defined as any activity by the coach at a time the athletes are participating in skills (either preparatory or specific to that sport) in a setting in which skills are taught, refined, or practiced. Coincident participation by a coach and an athlete in a sport such as a golf outing, where the coach and athlete(s) are not entered as a entry or group, or in an activity such as distance running with many runners but no direct coaching, would not specifically be considered coaching.
The “off-season” is the period during the school year for each sport or sport/activity that is outside the defined start and end dates for the sport or sport/activity as detailed in Bylaw 25. The restrictions begin on the first […]


NFHS Announces 2012-13 Basketball Playing Rule Changes

Basketball Blog Updates

NFHS Announces 2012-13 Basketball Playing Rule Changes Highlighted by very few major changes Click Here for More Information


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04/18/12 Running Clock Provision Approved by Board of Control

Basketball Blog Updates

The KHSAA Board of Control has approved a running clock provision for basketball. The rule will require a running clock to be used in all levels of high school basketball if a point differential of 35 points or more is reached after halftime. The clock will be stopped only for a charged time-out, for injury/blood or disqualification, and immediately following the reporting of a foul if free throws are to be administered.
The specifics on how officials are to administer this new rule will be addressed in the near future.
The mercy rule/running clock provision has been added to other sports over the past years including football and soccer.

Final Rule wording –

Approve the adoption of a running clock rule at all levels of basketball (freshman, JV, Varsity) when one team is ahead by 35 or more points after halftime.

The clock shall be stopped only for a charged time-out, an injury/blood or disqualification, […]


04/2/12 Bylaw 25 Reminder

Basketball Blog Updates

After and exciting Sweet Sixteen tournament, we hope that all of our athletes and coaches are getting some much needed rest. 

We remind coaches to review the changes tot he interpretations of bylaw 25:

Case BL-25-17– What are the restrictions during the school year outside of the de?ned Limitation of
Seasons (off-season) when the school’s team members are participants or school coaches are involved?
The “off-season” is the period during the school year for each sport or sport/activity that is outside the de?ned start and end dates for the sport or sport/activity as detailed in Bylaw 25.
The restrictions begin on the ? rst day of school and end on the earlier of the day following the last day of school or May 31;  The following general provisions apply to the off-season in all KHSAA sports and sport/activities:
1) There is no insurance coverage (catastrophic […]


Prime Date Basketball Scheduling Requirement

Basketball Working

In fairness to the participants in girls’ basketball, and those within the programs including parents, students and fans, the Board of Control has developed this policy to ensure that there are opportunities for girls’ basketball to be played on “prime dates”.
These dates are Friday night, any time on Saturday, and any time on Sunday. Compliance with this policy neither expresses nor implies that a member school is in (or not in) compliance with Title 20, U.S.C. Titles, 1681-1688, et. Seq. (Title IX).

Prime Date Requirement
Sec. 1) BASIC REQUIREMENT (40% rule)
a) Each basketball season, a member school shall meet one of two alternative methods of prime date compliance with respect to the scheduling of basketball games. The member schools shall:
(1) Play at least forty (40) percent of its girls’ home basketball games on a prime date, defined as Friday night, Saturday or Sunday, wherein tournaments shall only count as one game played […]


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