Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

Middle School Blog Updates and Information

9/19/24- REMINDER- KHSAA to Again Conduct Title IX Education Meetings for All Schools

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As was mentioned at the recently concluded Regional Meetings, the KHSAA will again conduct two Title IX Webinars for 2024-25 on October 3rd and 4th. These will be conducted via Zoom to afford the membership more opportunities to appear.

  • The first will be on Thursday morning, October 3 at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time.
  • The second will be on Friday morning, October 4 at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time.


This workshop should be extremely beneficial for all member schools as it will review the Title IX Education program that is conducted by the KHSAA as required by State Regulations. Since these meetings are being held as Zoom Webinars, attendees will be muted but can submit questions to the panelists via the Q&A feature of the webinars.

EILA Credit has been applied for in order to help the appropriate administrators who […]


10/17/23 – KHSAA to Host a Middle School Athletic Administrators Workshop

Middle School Blog Updates and Information

The KHSAA will host a workshop specifically designed for Middle School Athletic Administrators (ADs) and for those in district-wide positions who supervise middle school athletics.

The workshop is now scheduled will be held virtually (using Zoom) on Thursday, November 16. The workshop will begin at 8:30 a.m. and should conclude by 12:00. There is no fee to register. If you had previously registered, please kindly go to the link below and re-submit your registration. The change in format is to recognize school concerns from multiple districts and allow for efficient delivery of the content.

Since these meetings are being held as Zoom Webinars, attendees will be muted but can submit questions to the panelists via the Q&A feature of the webinars.

EILA Credit has been applied for in order to help the appropriate administrators who attend and in addition, this meeting will count three (3) hours toward the Bylaw 25 required hours for Athletic Directors.

In […]


November 2022 Middle School AD Meeting Presentations

Middle School Blog Updates and Information


Middle School Season Limit Chart 23-24

Middle School Blog Updates and Information


Middle School Season Limit Chart 22-23

Middle School Blog Updates and Information


10/17/22 – KHSAA to Host a Middle School Athletic Administrators Workshop

Middle School Blog Updates and Information

The KHSAA will again host a workshop specifically designed for Middle School Athletic Administrators (ADs). The workshop is scheduled to be held at the Hilton Lexington/Downtown, 369 W Vine St, on Thursday, November 10. The workshop will begin at 8:30 a.m. and should conclude by 12:00. There is no fee to register. Parking will be in the parking garage for the Hilton and parking tickets will be validated at the meeting. 

Registration for the meeting will be limited to the first 80 middle school administrators that register. In order to register, visit the link at

The content of the meeting will be a thorough review of 702 KAR 7:065, Section 4, which is the state regulation governing middle school play. In addition, helpful guidance will be presented to ensure proper interpretation and application of the provisions of the regulation.

KHSAA Staff, including the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh who currently serves as […]


Middle School Season Limit Chart 21-22

Middle School Blog Updates and Information


09/10/20- CPR of Indiana again offers KHSAA Members Discounted AED program

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The KHSAA is proud to again partner Bill Callahan and the CPR Institute of Indiana to offer the chance for KHSAA member schools to purchase Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) at a deeply discounted price for a limited time. The program has been accepted by the KHSAA Sports Medicine Committee (member doctors of the KMA) and the price is the product of great work between CPR Institute and the NFHS Foundation.

A product flier with complete details is located on the KHSAA website at AED Package Special (CPR Institute of Indiana Updated Sept-2020.pdf. Those units are currently selling on for just under $1300 not including a nearly $100 carrying case.

An order form is located on the KHSAA website at Order Form Updated.xlsx

Through this offer from CPR of Indiana, the cost of the units is only $700 […]


09/10/20 – Middle School Regulation Recommended and Approved Changes

Middle School Blog Updates and Information

To assist administrators in continued planning for the 2020-21 middle school athletic year, the KHSAA wanted to highlight the changes to the middle school section of 702 KAR 7.065 that have been approved by the Kentucky Board of Education and is working its way through the final phases of promulgation. The document was also reviewed and recommended for approval by the Local Superintendents Advisory Council (LSAC) through the Kentucky Department of Education. Once final approval has been given, this post will be updated, but these revisions should be considered when planning as the approval by KBE is our annual signal to proceed. 

In reference to 702 KAR 7.065 Section 4, the following portions of the regulation have been approved as the substantive changes for 2020-21: 

(2) Require that any head or assistant coach, whether paid or unpaid, desiring to coach interscholastic athletics at the middle school level:
(c) Provide to the school documentation of […]


08/03/20- Middle School Interscholastic Athletics Reminders and Interim Guidance for 2020-21

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This document is as of August 3, 2020, and in effect until further altered, revised, or superseded. Senior high school administrators in receipt of this notice should ensure that this information is forwarded to those involved in middle school athletics as direct contact is difficult from this office. Certainly, every district administrator should be concerned about these provisions from a risk and liability standpoint as they have the force of law within state regulation. We would ask that recipients widely distribute this information.

Recently, the KHSAA Board of Control addressed high school fall sports with regard to the current COVID-19 pandemic (dates, restrictions, competition limits, etc). The KHSAA Board of Control has control over those levels, however, the jurisdiction for middle school interscholastic athletics is assigned to the KHSAA through its Commissioner through 702 KAR 7:065 Section 4.

The Commissioner, therefore, issues the following directives that apply to middle school athletics, which are in congruence […]


02/28/20 – KHSAA Reminds Administrators of 2020 Middle School Football Start Date

Middle School Blog Updates and Information

This is a reminder notification about an update to the state regulation specifically related to middle school football that was approved by the General Assembly through the regulatory process in 2019 as part of 702 KAR 7:065. Beginning July 1, 2020, the first regular-season middle school football contest (competition involving students enrolled in grades 5-8 competing against schools enrolling combinations of grades 6-8) has a fixed allowable starting date. Contests shall not be played before the Saturday preceding seven (7) of the National Federation of High Schools Standardized Procedure for Numbering Calendar Weeks, which for 2020 is August 15.

Congruent with this change, middle school football practice cannot have more than twenty-four days of practice prior to that first game, which closely correlates to the high school restrictions, and no activity involving helmets or any other equipment may occur before July 10 (following the dead period).

This reminder encourages senior school administrators to ensure that […]


08/21/19- KHSAA to Host Middle School AD Workshop

Athletic Department Blog Updates

For the first time, the KHSAA will conduct a workshop specifically designed for Middle School Athletic Administrators (ADs). The workshop will be held at the KHSAA offices in Lexington, 2280 Executive Drive, on Monday, September 16. The workshop will begin at 10 a.m. and should conclude by 2:30. There is no fee to register.

Registration for the meeting will be limited to the first 125 middle school administrators that register. In order to register, visit the link at

The content of the meeting will be a thorough review of 702 KAR 7:065, Section 4, which is the state regulation governing middle school play. In addition, helpful guidance will be presented to ensure proper interpretation and application of the provisions of the regulation.

KHSAA Staff, including the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh who currently serves as the designated representative on staff related to this regulation, will be present to offer both explanation and […]


08/15/19- CPR of Indiana again offers KHSAA Members Rare Discounted AED program

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The KHSAA is proud to again partner Bill Callahan and the CPR Institute of Indiana to offer the chance for KHSAA member schools to purchase Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) at a deeply discounted price for a limited time. The program has been accepted by the KHSAA Sports Medicine Committee (member doctors of the KMA) and the price is the product of great work between CPR Institute and the NFHS Foundation.

A product flier with complete details is located on the KHSAA website at Those units are currently selling on for just under $1300 not including a nearly $100 carrying case. 

Through this offer from CPR of Indiana, the cost of the units is only $700 per unit (including a wall mounting unit), plus applicable shipping. For those schools that desire, tell Bill you want the unit delivered to the KHSAA Annual Meeting on September 18 in Lexington and your delegate can pick up […]


01/05/17 – Middle School Regulation Adoptions

Middle School Blog Updates and Information

After approval by the Kentucky Board of Education through the regulatory process, please be advised of the new policies affecting middle school athletics, which per 702 KAR 7:065 is competition for students grades 5-8 participating in competition for grades levels 6 through 8. Highlights of the changes are listed below with the complete regulation at

Dead Period
Beginning in June 2017, the period of June 25 to July 9 (inclusive), shall be a dead period for middle school athletics.
During the dead period:
(a) Students shall not receive coaching or training from school personnel, whether salaried or non-salaried;
(b) School facilities, uniforms, nicknames, transportation, or equipment shall not be used;
(c) School funds shall not be expended in support of interscholastic athletics; and
(d) A postseason wrap-up activity, celebration, or recognition event relating to a spring sports team at a school may be held.



04/15/16 – Clarification on Middle School Participation

Middle School Blog Updates and Information

Our office has had inquiries about participation in postseason competition for Track & Field by student-athletes in the 6th grade that were on the official grandfathered list as having participated in varsity competition prior to 2014-15 when changes in 702 KAR 7:065.

Per 702 KAR 7:065, any student that has participated at the high school level prior to the 2014-2015 school year is eligible to participate in the postseason. Any current 6th grade student-athlete that was placed on the grandfathered list in prior years and appears on the school roster is eligible to compete at both the region and the state level. If you have any additional questions, please contact Sarah Bridenbaugh ( at the KHSAA office.


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to




06/22/15 – AMLE To Produce Inclusion Webinar

Athletic Department Blog Updates

AMLE Webinar: Social Inclusion and Young Adolescents
August 5, 2015
4-5:00 p.m. EDT

Join AMLE (Association of Middle Level Educators), Special Olympics Project UNIFY® and middle level practitioners to learn about social inclusion and its importance for young adolescents. Andrea Cahn, Senior Director of Project UNIFY will share a national perspective and research on the impact of social inclusion on school climate and youth leadership. Bill Schreiber, principal of Granite Falls Middle School, NC, will share how his school has created an inclusive environment where all youth are agents of change. Dr. David Gonzalez, Associate Superintendent, United ISD, Laredo, Texas, will discuss how social inclusion is addressed in his district and the impact it has made in their middle level schools. Sue Gee, Executive Director, Vermont Association for Middle Level Education will discuss the work they are doing to address bullying in Vermont’s middle schools, using social inclusion as the solution.


09/05/14 – Middle School Athletics and “Who we can play”

Athletic Department Blog Updates

We have received several inquiries on the middle school regulation (702 KAR 7:065) and which school(s) that middle school teams can and cannot compete against in contests. To assist schools, the following clarifications are being provided to help address those questions. We will also post this information within the FAQ document and review with the Middle School Advisory Committee at its upcoming Sept. 30 meeting.

Within the regulation KRS 156.070 (2), it states:

(11) Require that the common schools at the middle school level may only compete in contests against schools, including combined elementary or middle school teams, that adhere to these provisions; 

Middle school teams are defined as Board of Education sponsored/funded/approved middle school teams. Those teams are permitted to play against other Board of Education sponsored/funded/approved middle school teams that adhere to the policies in place as referenced above.

Board of Education sponsored/funded/approved middle school teams are not permitted to compete/participate against club teams, […]


08/08/14 – Title IX Workshops Open to Middle School Administrators

Middle School Blog Updates and Information

As part of the regulation on Middle School athletics, Middle School Administrators are invited to attend the regional KHSAA High School Data and Title IX Seminars.  

While the vast majority of content for these meetings is for High School Administrators, attendance for Middle School Administrators is for informational purposes only with regard to Title IX. All other elements of the meeting are for High School Administrators.  These sessions will begin just after 8 a.m. and continue through 12:30 p.m. 

A final schedule for each day will be sent to all registered attendees and posted on the KHSAA website. 

The first of these workshops will be held on Wednesday, August 20 at Bishop Brossart High School in Alexandria. This workshop is NOT required. 

You may complete the registration form for this meeting at It is important that you register in advance so that we may be better prepared for your arrival.

If you […]


Current Members – Middle School Advisory Committee

Administrative Advisory Committees

Update The Middle School Advisory Committee is being re-tooled following the departure and retirement of several members immediately prior to and during the current pandemic. This page will be updated in the the fall of 2023 with revised membership.


07/1/13 – Update on Middle School Regulation

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As the amendments to 702 KAR 7:065 work their way through the administrative review process, I/we have been asked to hold off in any communication that could be considered final as well as development of additional material until the regulation is approved in final form, partly to ensure that we send a consistent message. However, it seems timely to update you on the progress of these changes, particularly with the changes proposed related to Middle School Athletics. As you are aware, the genesis of these changes was a study commissioned by the legislature in 2012, with findings reported to the Kentucky Board of Education for implementation through the Kentucky Department of Education.

Status of Regulation

At its June meeting, the Kentucky Board of Education approved several technical amendments that were suggested by KBE and KHSAA staff to ensure clarity following a significant amount of feedback from Superintendents, Principals and the public at large. Those changes, and […]


04/21/13 – Changes to KHSAA High School Rules Approved by KBE

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Each year, the KHSAA must submit through KDE, any requested changes to 702 KAR 7:065 effecting governance of high school athletics. Pursuant to KRS 156.070 (2), the Kentucky Board of Education is responsible for all levels of interscholastic athletics in all grades, and has delegated such authority to the KHSAA for many years. Annually, requests for changes to regulations for interscholastic athletic competition at the high school level are submitted from a variety of sources through the KHSAA Board of Control. Normally, this involves a proposed set of changes that are voted on in the fall by the membership, then approved by the Board of Control, and subsequently reviewed as part of 702 KAR 7:065 by the Kentucky Board of Education. After these steps, the proposed changes are taken to the legislature through the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee, for final approval.

This year was unusual in that in the midst of the regular review of […]


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