May, 2013
05/31/13 – Referee’s Advanced Camp
Today’s Blog is geared towards our officials. Please take time to mark your calendars for this year’s Referee’s camp! The Advanced Camp for Soccer referees will again be held in conjunction with the Bluegrass State Games. We will be taking applications for this camp beginning today. Camp is scheduled for July 26 & 27 and will cost $65 (officials will be compensated for each match officiated by the BGSG). As in the past, participants will be housed in a dorm on the UK campus (at no cost) through the BGSG organization. For information on the camp visit our Soccer page on the KHSAA web site: There you will find the information and application for the KHSAA Referee camp. You must also work a few of the bluegrass games as a part of this camp. To do that you will need to register with them. On our Soccer page you will find a link ( to information […]05/24/13 – Financial Aid Survey Information
The Part 2 Financial Aid Survey is now available – You are receiveing the Part 2 Financial Aid Survey becaue you answered yes to the question “Does your school or school district charge tuition to any student for any reason?” OR Your school failed to complete the Part 1 Financial Aid Survey sent out in April. We remind you that this survey is a requirement for all schools – The link to the Part 1 survey is – If your answer to the questions above is also yes, please take both the part 1 and part 2 survey. If your school charges tuition, but does not reduce tuition for any reason, the survey will skip to the required pages and should be fairly simple to complete. If your school offers a reduction in tuition by permitting Merit Aid, Financial Aid or both. There are several questions that will require […]05/24/13 – Reminder Volleyball Important Dates for 2013-2014
This is a reminder of important dates for Volleyball for the 2013-2014 school year.
First Official Start of Practice – July 15
First Contest Date – Aug. 19
District Tournaments – Oct. 21-26
Region Tournaments – Oct. 28-Nov. 2
State Tournament – Nov. 8-10 – Valley HS, Louisville
5/24/13 – Reminder 2013-14 Cheer Dates / Region Date/Site Listing
A reminder of important dates for the 2013-2014 school year with regard to Competitive Cheer:
July 15 – First Official Practice for Fall
Oct. 1 – Deadline to declare Squad Division
Oct. 26-Dec. 7 – Region Competition Window
Dec. 14 – KHSAA State Competition – AllTech Arena, Ky. Horse Park
Below is a link to the listing of Regional Competition Dates, Sites, Managers. Please refer to this document throughout the summer and fall as we update it with information as we receive it regarding regional competitions.
05/20/13 Officials Registration is Open for 2013-2014 School Year
Registration for all officials is now available at Please note that there has been an increase in the administrative fee due to increased cost in criminal records checks. The total registration fee for officials in their first sport will be $65.00 ($40 administrative fee and $25 per sport) for the 2013-2014 school year. The fee for each additional sport will be $25. For example to register in two sports the fee will be $90. The fee for college students remains at $30.00 for one sport.
The deadline to be considered ontime for the 2013-2014 season will be midnight on June 30. After June 30 a $25 late fee will be assessed and this will prohibit your participation in post season assignments. If you choose to send in the information and send a check to the KHSAA there will be […]05/20/13 – 2014 KHSAA Hall of Fame Press Conference; BA/FP District Tournaments; Spring Sport Media Credentials
2014 KHSAA Hall of Fame Press Conference Set For June 2
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association will hold a press conference on Sunday, June 2 at 1:30 p.m. to announce the KHSAA Hall of Fame Class of 2014. The Hall of Fame announcement will take place at the KHSAA Offices in Lexington (2280 Executive Drive), and will be streamed live online at
The KHSAA will hold its annual Hall of Fame Golf Scramble on Tuesday, June 18 at the Marriott Griffin Gate Golf Course in Lexington. The event begins with a shotgun start at 8 a.m., followed by a luncheon at 1:15 p.m. The golf scramble is open to the public at a cost of $85 per person, or $300 for a foursome. Interested parties should contact Assistant Commissioner Angela Passafiume.
The 2014 Hall of Fame banquet is scheduled for Sunday, April 27 in the […]
2013-2014 KHSAA Board of Control
Bill Beasley
President, 2013-2014
Director, 2012-2016
KDE Appointed Member
Private Enterprise
Carrell Boyd
President-Elect, 2013-2014
Director, 2013-2017
Caldwell County Schools
Regions 1-2
John Barnes
Director, 2013-2017
Assistant Principal
Bryan Station High School
Regions 9-16
Kimberly Parker-Brown
Director, 2013-2017
KDE Appointed Member
Faculty, Midway College
Donna Bumps
Director, 2013-2016
Bowling Green
Muhlenberg County High School
Regions 1-8
Art Davis
Director, 2010-2014
Paducah Tilghman High School
Regions 1-8
Ron Dawn
Director, 2012-2016
Basketball Coach
Newport Central Catholic High […]
05/16/13 – May Board of Control Meeting Review
I want to issue a review of items discussed at each of the Board of Control meetings and status of issues. With the Board meeting six times per year, it is critical that the membership be updated on a consistent manner as far as actions by the Board. I realize and applaud the fact that many of them personally update you with regard to undertakings, but I want to be sure all schools are informed. Agenda material and documents can be found online at
BOARD MEETING – May 7, 2013
The Board met in Lexington on May 7 for the final time this year. The meeting was separated into two sections, committee meetings and a full board meeting. The following discussions and actions were taken:
The Board heard a comprehensive review of current legal matters as well as prospective legal matters during a short closed session.
The Board as part […]
5/28/13 – Golf Distance Measure Devices and Voice Communication Devices
Distance-Measuring Devices:
For all KHSAA postseason competition, a player may obtain distance information by using a distance-measuring device that shall be capable of measuring distance only. If, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect play (e.g., gradient/slope, wind-speed, temperature, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3, for which the penalty is disqualification. This penalty is to be imposed whether or not any such additional function is actually used. NOTE: The restriction on the use of distance-measuring devices that are capable of measuring anything but distance will be reiterated in the published instructions and KHSAA hard card, and golfers directed to not use any of the restricted devices while they are on the course. Helpful information concerning the use of these devices can be found on the KHSAA web site at, and then click General Information.
For […]
05/14/13 – What if it Rains?
With the long range forecast of possible showers on Thursday, it might be a good time to remind you of how we plan to communicate any changes as to location and or time schedules for the Boys and Girls Tennis Tournaments. First, we will use the Tennis page of the KHSAA website to post any “TENNIS HOT NEWS”. So please check here first. Second, here is a link to the Driving Directions and GPS address for our two indoor centers that might be used in case of inclement weather. – Tuesdays State Track Update
With the University of Louisville hosting regional softball again there have been some changes to bus parking that I was not aware of yesterday. Buses should now park across the street from the Papa Johns Cardnial Stadium in the S lot. This will actually be a shorter walk to the bus shuttle for the drivers.
Also a reminder to teams (and coaches if you would remind your fans) that coolers are allowed only in the team tent city area on the field hockey field. Coolers will not be allowed in the stadium stands, nor in the grassy area near the jump pits.
Coaches have asked about the distances for jump boards in the triple jump event. In all three classes, jumpers will have the option of distances. They may use 24, 28, 32, or 36. Please utilize this information as you continue to practice this week in preparations for the state meet.
Also a […]
05/14/13 – Basketball Officials Camp Requirement Postponed
Beginning in 2014, the KHSAA will re-institute a requirement for officials to attend an instructional camp once every four years in order to officiate various levels of postseason play, with a four-year phase-in period. Though we had talked about the requirement beginning in 2013, we are going to postpone the start until 2014. The decision was made with several reasons in mind. With the forming of new officials advisory committee, a directive that came from the KHSAA Strategic Plan adopted this spring, the KHSAA staff realized the it was premature to approve something for this summer without an active review by this group to help standardize officials camps across the sports, and to allow for time to develop training methods and materials.We want to make it clear that we encourage officials to find, and go to, […]
The Value of Football
Sports are a vital, cultural expression of America. Sports express the American way of life along with the right to vote, the freedom of speech, and the freedom to choose schools and churches. Participation is neither compulsory nor manda – tory and is not a graduation requirement. Sports do mirror the true character of America and they are filled with vitality, ideals and opportunity. Sports at the high school level have the greatest impact. Football alone attracts more than one million participants.
Traditionally, football has played a prominent part in high school athletic programs because it provides many experiences which contribute to better citizenship and to the development of desirable character and personality traits. Participation in practice and games provides players with the opportunity to learn how to cooperate and to sacrifice individual selfish interests for the good of the team. Through football, participants learn to cooperate as members of a […]
05/14/13 – State Notes
The seed meeting went well and I want to thank those Regional representatives who traveled to Lexington yesterday to help with the seeding. The Brackets can be found on the Tennis page of the KHSAAA website. Check back later today as we will update these with the TIME for each match. I would like to point out some last minute items for you to keep in mind. First, we no longer require a coaches meeting on the Wednesday night before we begin. But, if you have arrived in town you may want to come out to the UK Tennis center and watch the “Final four” Team competition for boys (5:00) and girls (6:30). Thursday AM, you will need to come to the check in (Big White Tent) and find either Butch Cope (at Shillito) or myself (at UK) to obtain your coaches credentials. You will sign in and be given your wrist band […]05/13/13 – State Track Information
Congratulations to all schools who participated in the Regional Competitions last week. For those schools who have teams advancing to the State Meet, please read all of the following information and utilize the links below for guidence.
A plethora of information can be found on the website under “State Meet Information and Instructions” including maps. All entries and results can be found under “2013 State/Region meet Entries/Results” tab.
All teams must be dropped off at the Warnock Street side of the field hockey field. Buses may stop long enough to unload. Bus parking is at Pap Johns Cardinal Stadium, as is the free parking for cars.
Team Check In will be on the Warnock Street side of the field hockey field. Tent City will be on the field hockey. Coaches will be the only person allowed to pick up team packets. Please check your team instructions for time that check ins will begin. […]
2012-2013 KHSAA Board of Control
Boyd Randolph
President, 2012-2013
Director, 2009-2013
Somerset Independent Schools
Regions 11-12
Bill Beasley
President-Elect, 2012-2013
Director, 2012-2016
KDE Appointed Member
Private Enterprise
John Barnes
Director, 2009-2013
Assistant Principal
Bryan Station High School
Regions 9-16
Carrell Boyd
Director, 2009-2013
Caldwell County Schools
Regions 1-2
Art Davis
Director, 2010-2014
Paducah Tilghman High School
Regions 1-8
Ron Dawn
Director, 2012-2016
Basketball Coach
Newport Central Catholic High School
Regions 9-16
Donna Bumps
Director, 2013-2016
Muhlenberg County High School
Regions 1-8More
05/12/13 – State Track Draft Performance List and Volunteer Opportunities
The DRAFT of the performance list and the roster by school for 1A, 2A and 3A are posted on the website at the links below.
Changes may occur as coaches and officials double check both the performance list and the roster by school for accuracy. An email will be sent once all changes are made and performance list are finalized.
Please check for your student athletes. Let us know immediately of any necessary changes (i.e. misspelling of names, incorrect grade or incorrect school) by contacting us at
The deadline for these changes are 10:00am Monday, May 13.
For schools who have team members who did not qualify, or have teams that will be staying for other classes meets, we are in need of volunteers to assist officials with all events. These team members can check in at the team check in area to receive free admission and their assignment. Please contact Angela Passafiume at if […]
05/09/13 – NFHS Basketball Rules Changes for 2013-2014
Head coaches in high school basketball will be allowed to come onto the court in an effort to break up a fight or keep a situation from escalating. Previously, the head coach could only enter the court if beckoned by an official.
This revision to Rule 10-4-5 was one of five rules changes approved by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Basketball Rules Committee at its April 15-17 meeting in Indianapolis. All rules changes were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.
While the head coach and his/her assistants must continue to ensure that players remain on the bench during a fight, the committee agreed that the presence of the head coach on the court could be instrumental in preventing the situation from escalating, and the coach also could assist game officials in controlling the situation.
In other changes, the rules committee approved the use of electronic devices during the game […]
05/08/13 – Original Draft Alignment for Track and Cross Country
The new proposed alignment for Track and Field, which was last aligned in 2008-09, places approximately 35% of schools in Class 1A, 40% of schools in Class 2A, and the top 25% of schools in Class 3A based on enrollment figures. The new alignment was created with the aim that larger schools have an inherently higher probability of having multiple athletes in different events and should compete more among themselves (as in football), but also recognizes that many of the smaller schools do not field a full team and would not necessarily need to have as few schools in Class 1A. Documentation on the complete realignment is available on the Track and Field page at There was also recognition that trying to control travel was of primary concern, even if regions end […]
5/7/13 – Draft 2013-2014 Track/XC Alignment (effective July 31, 2013 upon approval of Board of Control at the July 2013 meeting)
CLASS 1A (0-450)
Region 1 – Ballard Memorial, Carlisle County, Christian Fellowship, Community Christian (Paducah), Crittenden County, Dawson Springs, Fulton City, Fulton County, Hickman County, Livingston Central, Lyon County, Mayfield, Murray, St. Mary, University Heights
Region 2 – Bethlehem, Campbellsville, Caverna, Cumberland County, Fort Knox, Frederick Fraize, McLean County, Russellville, Trinity (Whitesville)
Region 3 – Beth Haven, Brown, Eminence, Evangel Christian, Holy Cross (Louisville), Kentucky Country Day, Kentucky School f/t Blind, Louisville Collegiate, Portland Christian, St. Francis, Trimble County, Valor Traditional, Walden, Whitefield Academy
Region 4 – Beechwood, Bellevue, Bishop Brossart, Calvary Christian, Covington Latin, Dayton, Heritage, Holy Cross (Covington), Ludlow, Newport, Newport Central Catholic, Silver Grove, Villa Madonna, Williamstown
Region 5 – Augusta, Bracken County, Deming, Elliott County, Fairview, Frankfort, Menifee County, Nicholas County, Paris, Raceland, Rose Hill Christian, Sayre, St. Patrick
Region 6 – Barbourville, Berea, Burgin, Harlan, Kentucky School f/t Deaf, Lynn Camp, Model, Middlesboro, Oneida Baptist Institute, […]
05/7/13 – Track Realignment and Bowling Championship Site Selection Highlight May Board of Control Meeting
The Board of Control conducted its final meeting of the 2012-13 academic year at the KHSAA Offices in Lexington on Tuesday. Among the items discussed, the Board of Control approved a draft for new alignment in Track and Field, selected a new site for the Ebonite/KHSAA Bowling State Championship, and approved a recommendation to elevate Assistant Commissioner Butch Cope to Associate Commissioner.
The new proposed alignment for Track and Field, which was last aligned in 2008-09, places approximately 35% of schools in Class 1A, 40% of schools in Class 2A, and the top 25% of schools in Class 3A based on enrollment figures. The new alignment was created with the aim that larger schools have an inherently higher probability of having multiple athletes in different events and should compete more among themselves (as in football), but also recognizes that many of […]
05/06/13 – Tennis, Track & Field Championships; Sweet 16® Programs For Sale Online; Spring Sport Media Credentials
KHSAA Tennis, Track and Field State Championships Approaching
Tennis regional tournaments got underway over the weekend, and will continue through Friday, May 10th leading up to the 2013 KHSAA Tennis State Championships (May 15-18). Four singles players and four teams of doubles will advance from each of the 16 regions to make up the 64-person state bracket in boys’ singles, girls’ singles, boys’ doubles and girls’ doubles.
The winning team from each region will advance to team sectional play, which will be held the Saturday prior to the State Tournament (May 11). The winning sectional teams (four boys’ teams and four girls’ teams) will advance to the semifinals at UK’s Boone/Downing Tennis Complex on Wednesday, May 15. The boys’ team finals will be held Thursday, May 16th at the Boone/Downing Tennis Complex at 6 p.m., with the girls’ team […]
05/3/13 Bowling Update
We would like to share some information with schools as we continue our work on KHSAA bowling rules and interpretations.
The bowling advisory committee met and had some great input and discussion. Here are the updates from that meeting and KHSAA staff discussion:
We are looking at alignment as more schools add bowling teams.
Singles only entries are being considered, if a school is unable to sponsor a team, but can sponsor individuals in the postseason.
Moving the start of the season up to October 1st is not possible at this time without a bylaw proposal change from a school. Nothing prohibits a school’s bowling team from practicing before the October 1 date, but there would be no catastrophic insurance in place and attendance could not be mandatory.
Reminders and Clarifications:
The Ebonite/KHSAA State Championship will be on February 13th & 14th for 2014. The regional window will be January 27th through February 8th.
Numbers on the […]
05/03/13 Track Update and State Meet Information
As schools prepare for regional competition next week, we wanted to share some information.
Regional managers have been sent information with regards to the use of the milesplit website for meet verification and to be used for entry at the regional meets. This office has no issue with using this system to handle entries, so your region may be choosing to utilize this system. Please realize that there is a different method for entry using milesplit. Those directions will be emailed to you by your regional manager. You may also use the milesplit website as a supplemental tool for meet verification of your athletes.
May conflicts often occur during our spring sports championships. Please realize that host schools and their managers are asked to avoid graduations and testing issues, but not all conflicts are avoidable.
We have had several inquiries about track participants participating without a coach present. Just a reminder that Bylaw 20 […]
05/01/13 – State Time Schedule Announced
The complete time schedule for the 2013 Forcht Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament has been finalized and posted online. To view this year’s schedule, follow the link below.