January, 2022
01/26/22 – Archery Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Archery is now available. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshmen), regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to https://schools.khsaa.org/ and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
- January 26 to February 15 – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- February 16 to March 7 – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- March 8 to March 21 – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this […]
01/26/22 – Archery Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year among archery participants for 2021-2022 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2021-2022 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at https://khsaa.org/ge35-midway-university-khsaa-female-student-athlete-of-the-year-nomination-form/.
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2022. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2021-2022 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in […]
01/25/22 – Swimming & Diving Postseason Reminders
The KHSAA wanted to remind Swimming & Diving coaches of a few important details for the upcoming postseason. Coaches are reminded to review specific details in the postseason instructions and those instructions are available at the following link: https://khsaa.org/swimming/2022/postseasoninstructions.pdf
Below are a few specifics that coaches and officials should be aware of for 2022 KHSAA postseason Swimming & Diving events.
- A swimmer or diver may enter a maximum of four (4) events, no more than two (2) of which may be individual events.
- No more than two (2) alternates may be listed in the entry file for each swimming event. To assist with limited deck capacity, alternates will not be permitted to attend unless they swim or are one of the four (4) entries in another individual event listed on a relay.
- To be eligible to participate in the KHSAA Regional and State Diving meets, a contestant must have competed […]
01/25/22 – Postseason Track & Field Dates
As you plan for spring events in 2022, we would like to remind schools about the Track & Field postseason dates. Please make sure all parties involved in planning graduation dates, spring activities, etc. are aware of the postseason dates which should help fans, coaches and administrators avoid scheduling conflicts.
For 2022, regional track meets can be held from May 14 to May 26. As regions begin preparation, please remember that all scheduling is led by the regional host, but discussions and planning should include all schools involved.
The KHSAA State Track & Field Meet will return to the University of Kentucky on June 2-4, 2022. Class 1A will compete on June 2, followed by Class 2A on June 3, and Class 3A on June 4.
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the […]
01/25/22 – Softball Season Clarifications
The KHSAA has received several inquiries and questions surrounding the recent Board of Control action for Softball. The action taken requires no changes or allowances in dates with the postseason. This action gives softball coaches the same flexibility as the baseball coaches to start both the regular season and the postseason early rounds earlier if that works for them. This does not result in any changes in allowable regular-season competition unless that is the wish of the schools in a district or region.
The below information should help clarify further on any dates.
Important dates for the 2022 Softball season:
- First Date of Practice: Feb. 15 (No Change)
- Scrimmages may occur any time after the first official practice date
- First Allowable Contest Date: March 14
- District Tournaments: May begin as early as May 16, but no change from prior schedule is required. In addition, districts can vote by majority to play […]
1/24/22 – Swimming & Diving Regional Instructions Available
As we approach the postseason, the KHSAA wanted to send out some updates on the Swimming & Diving postseason. While regional sites have been set for some time, final details have been determined by local hosts. All information pertaining to the regional events, including regional instructions for participating teams, can be found here:
Regional Managers & Meet Information (for both Swimming & Diving)
Swimming & Diving Regional Meet Instructions
Regional Diving will take place on February 2-3 with Regions 1-6 competing on February 2nd and Regions 7-9 competing on February 3rd. Both regional diving events will take place at the Falling Springs Center in Versailles. Regional Swimming will take place the week of January 31st – February 5th.
The KHSAA Diving State Championships will take place on February 12th at the Falling Springs Center in Versailles. Points accumulated in the Diving Meets will accrue and carry forward to the Swimming State Meet team […]
01/21/22 – Revision to Start of FP Softball Season Coincides with Baseball Change (Revised 01/25/22)
The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its fourth regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year on Wednesday at the KHSAA Office and made some modifications to the playing and postseason schedule for baseball. This change on dates for regular season play will also be available to softball teams.
This action taken by the Board approved allowing the beginning of the season to be shifted one week earlier than the past couple of seasons. This start date returns the start of softball play to the middle of March and will allow for districts to begin their postseason tournaments earlier as well. This local flexibility in scheduling will also help with scheduling concerns around end-of-year activities as well as other conflicts. There was no change in the original First Round State and State Final Tournament dates which will give additional flexibility not only for districts but for regions to be creative with their schedule. These changes […]
01/21/22 – Board Adopts Mandatory use of UTR (Universal Tennis Rating) for Tennis
The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its fourth regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year on Wednesday at the KHSAA Office and adopted the required use of UTR (Universal Tennis Rating) for Tennis beginning with the 2022 season.
What is the UTR Rating and how does it work?
How UTR High School works:
UTR will enable year-round match reporting of results for all schools, including a rating for automated entry and seeding purposes for use at both the Region and State Tournaments. It will eliminate the need for paper results to be submitted, help prevent a lack of data and/or inaccurate data being submitted or withheld, while also providing software programming/bracketings for all region tournaments and the State Tournament.
There are already over 150 KHSAA teams utilizing this free service to member schools.
The Association, along with UTR, will be scheduling a couple of Zoom meetings […]
01/21/22- Jenny Elder, Connor Link join KHSAA Executive Staff
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association introduced two additions to its Executive Staff this week with the hiring of Event Services and Social Media Director Jenny Elder and Media Relations and Publications Director Connor Link.
“We were extremely pleased to have an outstanding group of individuals interested in joining our staff,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “These individuals stood out in terms of both their experience, and frankly, their enthusiasm, for the challenges they will face. They both have a background in a multi-event environment and their expertise in technology, publications, social media and experience with multiple sports will serve the member schools and all of our constituency very well. Coming in mid-year will be challenging, but they will move quickly into their new roles and help continue to execute our championships at the highest level.”
A native of Versailles, Kentucky, Elder joins the KHSAA by […]
01/21/22- Board Adopts Change to Baseball Season for 2022
The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its fourth regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year on Wednesday at the KHSAA Office and made some modifications to the playing and postseason schedule for Baseball.
The Board previously approved changing from four semi-state sites for the first round of the tournament to one site (Kentucky Proud Park, UK, Lexington) with all regional winners advancing to a single location for the State First Round Tournament. The change also enabled the blind draw to be conducted for Regions 1-16 for first-round matchups, and the second round to be played at the same site during the same weekend.
New action taken by the Board approved allowing the beginning of the season to be shifted one week earlier than the past couple of seasons. This start date returns the start of baseball play to the middle of March and will allow for districts to begin their postseason tournaments earlier as […]
01/21/22 – Board of Control Sets State First Round Sites; Regional Postseason Instructions Available
The Board of Control conducted its fourth regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year on Wednesday at the KHSAA Office, approving staff recommendations for the State Wrestling First Round sites. For the upcoming 2022 postseason, Regions 1-4 will compete in the State First Round event at Union County High School, while Regions 5-8 will compete at Great Crossing High School. In 2023, Regions 1-4 will visit Central High School and Regions 5-8 will travel to Ryle High School.
More information on the State Wrestling First Round competition (Feb. 18-19) and the Final Championship Rounds at George Rogers Clark HS (Feb. 25-26) will be published to the KHSAA website when it becomes available.
Information pertaining to the Regional Tournaments has been posted to the KHSAA website and can be viewed at the following links:
Regional Manager listing – https://khsaa.org/wrestling/2022/regionmanagers.pdf
Regional Tournament instructions – https://khsaa.org/wrestling/2022/postseasoninstructions.pdf
About the Kentucky High […]
01/21/22 – Board Adopts Revisions to Golf Postseason for 2022-2023
The Board of Control conducted its fourth regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year on Wednesday at the KHSAA Office, approving changes to the golf playoff format, effective fall 2022. The changes will significantly increase the number of golfers advancing beyond the Regional Tournament, and create a State First Round of play to expand postseason opportunities.
After Regional play, an additional round of golf, deemed the State First Round, will be conducted across three locations. Each State First Round will include four defined Regions with each Region advancing 20 golfers to the State First Round for a total of 80 golfers at each site (Site #1 will include Regions 1-4, Site #2 will include Regions 5-8, and Site #3 will include Regions 9-12).
In contrast to the previous format that advanced the winning team and top seven individuals not on the qualifying team, the newly adopted format will advance the top […]
01/20/22- Revisions Announced in COVID Return to Play Protocol
As a result of multiple recent changes and interpretations by the CDC, the KHSAA KMA Sports Medicine Committee met on September 18 to consider revisions to the return to play protocol. Please keep in mind that only the six-day gradual return to play following a positive test is a requirement for eligibility, to ensure the health and safety of those students testing positive for COVID-19.
This has solely to do with ISOLATION (following a positive test) and not QUARANTINE (exposure). Both the isolation and quarantine periods are of local jurisdiction with only the return-to-play being standard throughout the association and its member schools.
The following items were changed in the prior documentation since the last revisions in October, 2021:
- The isolation period references remain in compliance with CDC recommendations, with a minimum of 5-days in isolation. With this revision, the six-day return to play protocol can begin on day 6 rather than day 11 […]
01/19/22- Board of Control approves expansion of State Qualifiers and Teams, Realignment of Basketball Region 4, Declines to adopt Basketball Shot Clock and Expands Baseball and Softball Seasons
The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its fourth regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year on Wednesday at the KHSAA Office, approving changes to the golf playoff format, effective fall 2022. The changes will increase the number of golfers advancing beyond the Regional tournament, and create a State First Round of play to expand postseason opportunities.
After Regional play, an additional round of golf, deemed the State First Round, will be conducted across three locations. Each State First Round will include four defined Regions with each Region advancing advance 20 golfers to the State First Round for a total of 80 golfers at each site.
In contrast to the previous format that advanced the winning team and seven at-large qualifiers, the newly adopted format will advance the top two teams and the top 10 individuals from non-advancing teams.
Thirty golfers from each State First Round site will advance […]
01/14/22 – Regional Bowling Entries for Unified & Adapted Athletes
The KHSAA will continue to offer Unified (in partnership with Special Olympics Kentucky) and Adapted events to include regional and state bowling competitions. While most unified and/or adapted athletes have been participating throughout the season, it is important to review the following information prior to the start of the postseason.
Unified partner athletes and special athletes must be listed on the Unified roster in the KHSAA database and each school needs to check the box for a Unified Team if they wish to compete in the regional and/or state competition. The bowling head coach or Athletic Director for each participating member school should enter Unified student-athletes on its postseason roster on the KHSAA database for Unified bowling.
From that postseason roster, coaches can submit regional entries to the regional manager, via Form BW 127, four (4) days prior to the first day of each regional tournament. A student-athlete must be listed on the roster in […]
01/14/22 – Regional Bowling Entries
In preparation for the 2022 Regional Bowling tournaments, the KHSAA wanted to remind member schools of the entry process. The bowling head coach or Athletic Director for each participating member school should designate student-athletes to its postseason bowling roster on the KHSAA database under the member school system. From that postseason roster, coaches will be able to submit regional entries via BW 110 to the regional manager. Entries are now being accepted via BW 110. The deadline to submit entries is four (4) days prior to the first day of each regional tournament start date. A student-athlete must be listed on the postseason roster on the KHSAA website in order to participate in the postseason.
BW 110 is an online form that is now open and accepting entries. The head coach or Athletic Director for each team may submit entries through this form. Entries will automatically be sent to regional managers to make final arrangements […]
Wrestling State Boys/Coed Model Draw
Each class will have a unique random draw to choose who is represented by Regions A-H
01/13/22 – Bowling Regional Instructions Available
Instructions for KHSAA Regional Bowling Tournaments are now posted on the KHSAA website. Manager information is posted on the KHSAA website and can be found here:
Oil patterns for the regional events have also been posted and pattern information can be found here:
Regional bowling will be from January 22 – February 3 with the KHSAA State Bowling Tournament to take place February 7-9 at Executive Strike & Spare in Louisville. You can view the regional tournament instructions by clicking on the following link:
Please contact Assistant Commissioner Darren Bilberry (dbilberry@khsaa.org) should you have any questions.
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up […]
01/12/22 – Applications Being Accepted for Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships for 2021-2022
When former Commissioner Louis Stout passed away in 2012, his widow Anna directed that donations on his behalf go to the Louis Stout Memorial Fund for Students. She felt this was a chance for the KHSAA to honor student-athletes who excel in athletics, academics, school service and community service. The award process for 2021-2022 is now underway.
Applications are being accepted for students to apply for those awards through Sunday, February 28, 2022. The award winners will be announced in conjunction with the boys’ state basketball tournament in March. Two grants, each in the amount of a one-time scholarship of $2,000 payable to an institution of higher learning, will be awarded. The scholarship is not renewable and is not endowed for expansion. Minimum criteria is a 3.5 (converted to 4.0 scale) grade point average; involvement in varsity sports or sport-activities; involvement in other school activities, a record of community service/involvement and a member of the […]
01/06/22- KHSAA member school students encouraged to apply for 2022 Kentucky Ag Athletes of the Year
KDA-KHSAA partnership to award six scholarships to Kentucky student-athletes
Kentucky student-athletes who are involved in agriculture are invited to apply for one of six scholarships and recognition as a 2022 Kentucky Ag Athlete of the Year.
The program is a partnership of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA).
“Athletics and agriculture have a lot in common. They both teach the value of effort, discipline, and teamwork,” Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles said. “We are pleased to join our partners at the KHSAA for the fourth year to reward the Commonwealth’s best young athletes and agriculturists. We hope these scholarships help cover the ever-rising cost of higher education for those striving for excellence in athletics and agriculture.”
To qualify, student-athletes must be Kentucky farmers or involved in agriculture; must be graduating seniors in high school; and must be accepted to a college, university, or trade school following graduation. […]
01/05/22 – Bowling Postseason Updates
The KHSAA wanted to update member schools about Bowling postseason dates and sites.
- Regional bowling will take place from January 22 – February 3.
- All 8 regional bowling sites have been finalized and are listed below for reference.
- Region 1 – Warren Central/Southern Lanes
- Region 2 – Taylor County/Phillips Lanes
- Region 3 – North Bullitt/King Pin Lanes
- Region 4 – Brown/Ten Pin Strike & Spare
- Region 5 – Bishop Brossart/Super Bowl Bellewood
- Region 6 – Lloyd Memorial/Super Bowl Bellewood
- Region 7 – Great Crossing/Galaxy Lanes
- Region 8 – West Jessamine/Danville Bowlarama
- Manager information is posted on the KHSAA website and can be found here: https://khsaa.org/bowling/region/2022/bowlingregionalmanagers.pdf
- Oil patterns for the regional events have also been posted and pattern information can be found here: https://khsaa.org/01-05-22-bowling-regional-oil-patterns-released/
- For the boy’s and girls’ team competitions, schools may designate a maximum of ten (10) bowlers on […]
01/05/22 – Bowling Regional Oil Patterns Released
The oil patterns selected for the 2022 regional competitions have been selected. All regions will utilize the same patterns again this year.
- For the singles competition, the oil pattern shall be “Carbon 10342” and details can be found here: http://patternlibrary.kegel.net/PatternLibraryPattern.aspx?ID=871
- For the team competition, the oil pattern shall be “Lithium 9144” and details can be found here: http://patternlibrary.kegel.net/PatternLibraryPattern.aspx?ID=873
- Regional Managers can select a pattern for the unified/adapted competitions.
Regional bowling will take place from January 22 – February 3 and final dates for each region will be posted once available.
Please feel free to contact Assistant Commissioner Darren Bilberry at the KHSAA at dbilberry@khsaa.org with any additional questions.
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the […]
01/05/22 – Swimming & Diving Postseason Updates
The KHSAA wanted to update member schools about Swimming & Diving postseason dates and sites.
- Regional Diving will take place on February 2-3 with Regions 1-6 competing on February 2nd and Regions 7-9 competing on February 3rd.
- Both regional diving events will take place at the Falling Springs Center in Versailles.
- Host schools and information is being posted to the KHSAA Swimming & Diving page as it becomes available.
- Points accumulated in the Diving Meets will accrue and carry forward to the Swimming region meet team totals.
- Hosts/sites have been finalized for eight of the nine regional meets, and are listed below for reference.
- The regional swim meets are scheduled for the weekend of February 4-5.
- If a host site needs to be adjusted in response to local restrictions put in place due to the pandemic, please let our office know immediately.
- Region 1 – […]
2021-2022 KHSAA Region/State Entries/Results

KHSAA State Swimming and Diving Presented by UK HealthCare
01/04/22 – Wrestling Postseason Update, Semi-State Hosts Sought
With the wrestling season in full swing, the Association is looking to solidify postseason plans. With that in mind, our office is accepting applications to host the semi-state rounds of the wrestling postseason. Two hosts are needed for the semi-state round, preferably one in the eastern part of the state and one in the western part, with the events scheduled for Feb. 18-19. Any member school interested in hosting should contact Assistant Commissioner Joe Angolia (jangolia@khsaa.org) to declare its interest by Monday, January 10.
Hosts have been finalized for seven of the eight regional tournaments, and are listed below for reference. The regional tournaments are scheduled for the weekend of Feb. 11-12. If a host site needs to be adjusted in response to local restrictions put in place due to the pandemic, please let our office know immediately.
- Region 1 – Caldwell County
- Region 2 – Bardstown
- Region 3 – TBD
- Region […]
01/04/22 – Tentative Host Sites for Region Swimming & Diving
As of 1/14/22, the following schools are tentative sites for the 2022 Swimming and Diving Regionals. These sites are tentative and subject to change:
Swimming Host School/Site Dates and Times Region 1 Hopkinsville/Hopkinsville HS Preliminaries: February 5th 10:30 a.m. & Finals: 4:00 p.m. Region 2 Owensboro High School/Owensboro Health Park Preliminaries: February 1st – 3:30 p.m. Girls, February 3rd – 3:30 p.m. Boys. Finals: February 5th – 11:00 a.m. Region 3 Elizabethtown/TK Stone Middle School Preliminaries: February 4th – 12:30 p.m. Finals: February 5th – 12:00 p.m. Region 4 St. Xavier/Prelims@ St. Xavier, Finals @ University of Louisville Preliminaries: February 5th – 9:00 a.m. Finals: February 5th – 5:00 p.m. Region 5 Trinity (Louisville)/University of Louisville Preliminaries: February 4th – 6: 00 p.m. Finals: February 5th – 5:00 p.m. Region 6 Woodford County/Falling Springs Preliminaries: February 4th – 11: 00 a.m. Finals: February 5th – 11:00 a.m. Region 7 Boone County/Silverlake Preliminaries: […]