Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917


05/12/20 – Competitive Cheer Regional Dates (UPDATED 12/02/20)

Cheer Blog Updates

The KHSAA wanted to notify all Competitive Cheer schools on the postseason dates for 2020-21 Regional competition. The dates for the KHSAA Regional Competitions are as follows:

Week #1 

Regions 1@2; 7@8; 9@10; 13@14


UCA Bluegrass (OPEN, NO REGIONS) *TBD Week #2 

Regions 3@4; 5@6; 11@12; 15@16


Regions can alternate host sites (Schools in Basketball Region 1 one year and Basketball Region 2 site the next) or choose to have a permanent site based upon facility abilities and availability. The competition rules stipulate the odd region listed in the alternation table would recommend the region site in the odd year, and the even region in the even year. Sites selected must be able to accommodate the historic crowds, similar to the criteria for the current basketball site selection.

Athletic Administrators from both combined regions are responsible for making decisions such as ticket price, expenses, and division of any revenue […]


11/19/20 – Board of Control Pushes Back Start of Winter Sports Season to January 4

2020-2021 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 19, 2020

The Board of Control conducted its third regularly-scheduled meeting of the 2020-21 academic year on Wednesday and elected to postpone the start of the winter sports season to January 4th by unanimous vote. In congruence with the Governor’s order issued later the same day, official practice for all indoor interscholastic winter sports shall cease on Friday, November 20 at 5 p.m. and is planned to resume on Monday, December 14. This cessation will apply to all indoor interscholastic sports at all school levels, including but not limited to basketball, bowling, competitive cheer, dance, indoor track and field, swimming, and wrestling.

Details regarding any allowances for indoor interscholastic sports, which will be restricted prior to December 14, will be distributed to the membership prior to the Governor’s ordered shutdown of school-related in-person activity on Friday, November 20. The season calendar for each winter sport, as well as current virus data […]


11/10/20 – NFHS Understanding Copyright and Compliance Course Required for Cheer & Dance Coaches

Cheer Blog Updates

This is a reminder that all KHSAA Cheer and Dance Coaches (Head and Assistant, paid or unpaid) must complete the NFHS Music Copyright Course “Understanding Copyright and Compliance”. This course is free and 100% online and is required whether or not a team competes in KHSAA competition. This course from the NFHS is geared toward music teachers, spirit coaches (cheer and dance) and school administrators. Understanding Copyright and Compliance is available through the NFHS Learning Center at

The course explores copyright laws and how those laws impact the interscholastic community and the course was produced with the assistance of NAME (National Association for Music Education) and USA Cheer. It also expands on topics such as fair use, public domain, copyright infringement penalties and much more. Spirit squads, as well as Dance teams, are increasingly met with copyright infringement claims and this course is a tool to assist cheer and dance coaches in education […]


09/25/20 – 2020-21 Competitive Cheer Rules Clinic Now Available

Cheer Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Competitive Cheer is available beginning today, September 25. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) and whether or not the coach receives pay.

For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.

August 26 to December 8 – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
December 9 to December 28 – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
December 29 to January 11 – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw […]


09/25/20 – Competitive Cheer Declaration Form Now Open

Cheer Blog Updates

The declaration form (CC101) for the sport-activity of Competitive Cheer is now open. The deadline to complete this form is Monday, November 9th. This is for KHSAA Regional and State Competitions, so please discuss with your coach what division(s) your school will be entering as there will be no adjustments to divisions once the entries are posted. Each member school Athletic Director shall only submit one form and must be signed into the KHSAA School subdomain to declare. You can find CC101 on the school subdomain under the dropdown menu “Forms and Reports” and under “Cheerleading Forms”.

A couple of important notes that were shared in the online rules clinic about division-size changes:

  • All-Girls Small – minimum of 5, maximum of 15
  • All-Girls Medium – minimum of 16, maximum of 19
  • All-Girls Large – minimum of 20, maximum of 23
  • All-Girls Super-Large – minimum of 24, maximum of 30
  • Co-Ed – minimum of 5, […]


09/25/20 – Cheer Guidance Clarifications

Cheer Blog Updates

The KHSAA office has received several inquiries about the segments outlined in the Return to Competition document for Cheer. As a reminder, returning to stunt is broken into Segments. 

  • Segment 1: September 21 through October 4
  • Segment 2: October 5 through October 18
  • Segment 3: October 19 and beyond

It is important to note that any activity during the first segment (September 21 – October 4) is limited to the third level of USA Cheer resumption (Contact) phases. Inquiries into the office mostly surrounded the first portion of that phase: Partner stunts may begin but shall not exceed two per group/unit with one spotter. This limits any stunting in Segment 1 to single base stunts. Keep in mind, each pair (with its spotter) shall be at least 6 feet apart, but preferably 10 feet apart if possible from other stunt units with no mixing of stunt personnel between groups. Stunts may only dismount by […]


09/16/20- Board of Control Approves Dates for Winter Sports to Begin Practice

2020-2021 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 16, 2020

The KHSAA Board of Control held its second regularly-scheduled meeting of the 2020-21 academic year Wednesday morning, approving practice and competition dates for the winter sports and sport-activities of basketball, bowling, competitive cheer, dance, swimming & diving, and wrestling.

Bowling is permitted to practice on November 2. Competitive cheer and dance can begin official practice for its seasons this Monday, September 21 with a gradual segmented approach to activity over the next few weeks. Further details will be distributed to the member schools that allow for the resumption. Both competitive cheer and dance have already seen regional championships moved into the new year per the board’s July meeting. In cheer, these segments will further clarify “stunting” which has been restricted during the pandemic and resumption to play.

Additionally, the Board approved clarifications on sideline cheer in that stunting (defined per NFHS rules as “One or more bases support one […]


9/10/20 – Sideline and Competitive Cheer Additional Information

Cheer Blog Updates

Unfortunately, there is misinformation being spread among the cheer community that needs to be clarified. First and foremost, all coaches should be aware that the only official answers need to come from the KHSAA. Please don’t rely on outside sources for information, even though those individuals are likely well-intentioned. School administrators and personnel know that Sarah Bridenbaugh is the primary contact for cheer (both Sideline and Competitive) at the KHSAA and can be reached via email at  Other interested individuals should direct their questions through the local school.

Keep the following parameters in mind as you think about cheer (both sideline and competitive), taken from publications and websites from both USA Cheer and UCA as well as other cheer organizations.

  • Sideline cheer is generally during the fall and winter, and the primary focus is to engage with the fans and keep the spirit high during events and school sports, such as football […]


08/20/20- Board of Control Upholds Decision to Begin Fall Sports September 7

2020-2021 News Releases


The Board of Control held a virtual Zoom meeting Thursday morning, affirming its July position by a 16-2 vote to begin practice for fall sports on August 24th with competition starting the week of September 7th. The Board considered two other motions during the meeting, both of which would have delayed the start of the fall seasons to varying degrees, but neither motion received enough support for adoption.

The fall sports of Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country, and Football can begin official practice August 24, with a restriction of 7.5 hours of practice during the first week (as previously approved by the Board) and full practice starting Monday, August 31.

“We hope to submit practice revisions early Friday following the Board’s approval, which will hopefully be relatively minimal. If approved to expand numbers and activity, it will hopefully bring a more normal look to some practices while still […]


07/28/20- Board of Control Approves Fall Sports to Begin Practice August 24

2020-2021 News Releases


The Board of Control conducted a virtual meeting Tuesday morning via Zoom, during which time it addressed the future of the 2020 fall sports season. With 17 members voting in favor (and one member abstaining), the Board approved a plan to leave fall sports in the fall and begin official fall practice on August 24th in Cross Country, Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, and Football, with the first date of competition set for September 11th for Football and September 7th for the remaining fall sports.

“Our board strongly believes in the tremendous psychological advantages formed through the relationships between our student-athletes and their school coaches and school personnel, as well as the strong community values surrounding interscholastic, education-based athletics,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “College and professional sports are great, but our unique opportunity to build relationships with our neighbors within one state is not one we take for granted.”



07/27/20 – Student-Athlete Participation Rises for the 3rd Straight Year to New Record Totals

2020-2021 News Releases


Student-athlete participation increased for the third-straight year in Kentucky High School Athletic Association sports and sport-activities to reach record levels in 2019-20. A total of 107,166 rostered participants competed across the KHSAA’s 13 sports and six sport-activities according to information submitted by the membership, surpassing last year’s then-record total of 106,931. Football was one of 12 offerings to show an increase from the previous year, breaking a trend of declining participation for the last three years by adding 202 new student-athletes [freshmen, JV, varsity] during the 2019-20 season to remain the state’s most popular sport with 13,277 rostered participants.

“The continued rise in student-athlete participation the last three years emphasizes the importance of school-based athletics in the fabric of the educational experience for these young adults,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “The importance of these coach-to-student and student-to-student relationships is only amplified in these uncertain times, as we strive […]


07/14/20 – Board of Control Aligns Competitive Cheer Divisions to Match UCA Revisions

Cheer Blog Updates

In its first meeting of the 2020-21 academic year, the Board of Control approved an adjustment to the KHSAA Competitive Cheer divisions to match Universal Cheerleaders Association’s (UCA) 2020-21 revisions. Those divisions will be as follows: 

  • All-Girl Small: 5 – 15 members 
  • All-Girl Medium: 16 – 19 members
  • All-Girl Large: 20 – 23 members
  • All-Girl Super Large: 24 – 30 members
  • Coed: 5 – 30 members (minimum 1 male)
  • Game Day: 5 – 30 members

Additional information will be released to coaches in the annual Competitive Cheer rules clinic and the event declaration form will be updated in early August.

The entire release from the Board of Control meeting can be viewed here:


About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school […]


07/13/20- Board of Control Extends Segment 3 Restrictions to August 3

2020-2021 News Releases


The Board of Control conducted its first meeting of the 2020-21 academic year on July 10 in Covington, examining various issues concerning the restart of school-based athletics in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. During the course of its meeting, the Board approved a recommendation to extend the guidance and allowances for Segment 3 of the document issued for summer play in KHSAA sports and sport-activities through Sunday, August 2, except for the sport of golf.

As a result of the Board’s action, the traditional July 15 start of practice for KHSAA fall sports has been pushed back until Aug. 3, however, it should be noted that Kentucky has some of the earliest starts to fall practice (dates when activity could be mandatory) in the continental United States. Mandatory tryouts or practices cannot be held prior to Aug. 3, including for the sport-activities of Dance and Competitive Cheer, which have […]


04/29/20- Revised Covid-19 Policies and Guidance Issued, May 1 to May 31

2019-2020 News Releases




  • Facilities on school-owned property including competition and practice facilities, weight rooms and similar, as well as those facilities managed or in any way owned by the school or school system (all schools grades  6-12) shall remain closed for use related to sports or sport-activities in any manner through at least May 31;
  • These steps may sunset earlier if allowed by the Governor’s orders related to the phase-in steps of resuming activity, which will likely […]


  • 04/21/20- Spring Sports Cancellation, Basketball Events Not To Be Resumed

    2019-2020 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 21, 2020

    With the announcement yesterday of the recommended closure of all K-12 schools to in-person instruction throughout Kentucky for the remainder of the school year, the KHSAA Board of Control today approved the Commissioner’s recommendation and announcement by unanimous vote that the 2020 state basketball tournaments will not be resumed, while also approving the cancellation of all regular-season practices and contests as well as all postseason tournament championship events for all spring sports and sport-activities for the 2019-20 school year. This means the termination of the Archery, Bass Fishing, Esports, Baseball, Softball, Tennis, and Track & Field seasons. This will also result in the continuance of all provisions of the Coronavirus Dead Period provisions until further notice to the member schools from the Commissioner.

    The KHSAA has worked closely and continuously with the Governor of our beloved Commonwealth, representatives of the Department of Public Health, Interim Commissioner Kevin Brown and […]


    03/13/20- (revised 04/02/20 and 4/17/20)- Athletic Dead Period Instituted for Athletic Programs in All Sports and Sport-Activities Due to Covid-19

    2019-2020 News Releases

    This information is in effect, as stated below, through April 30, 2020. Prior to that time, revised guidance and policy will be issued to be effective May 1 as we all collectively work to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus on our campuses and among our athletes and coaches. Updated 4/2/20 and 4/17/20 based on inquiries from member schools and revised orders from the Governor and CDC Guidance.

    This impacts all KHSAA constituents and includes guidance from the Governor, Public Health Officials, the Kentucky Department of Education, and additional guidance from federal authorities. This original directive will continue to be updated regularly. This will be the sole site for information regarding interscholastic athletics in Kentucky involving rostered athletes or those that have participated in practices this year and coaches from KHSAA member schools, as well as the use of interscholastic facilities.

    Effective Friday, March 13, all sports and sport-activities, regardless of season, are declared to […]


    03/26/20 – Risk Minimization Remains Theme of 2020-21 High School Spirit Rules Changes

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (March 26, 2020) — High school spirit rules changes for the 2020-21 school year remain centered on increasing safety for cheerleading and dance teams across the country.

    This year, minimizing injury risk for stunting personnel and during inversions and releases were among the 16 rules changes recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Spirit Rules Committee, which met February 10-11 in Orlando, Florida. All changes recommended by the committee were approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

    “The committee has been working for years to make spirit activities safer for our student participants, while maintaining a high level of competition and crowd leading,” said James Weaver, NFHS director of performing arts and sports. “This will continue to be a primary focus of the Spirit Rules Committee.”

    Stunting personnel safety was addressed in Rule 3-2-1c, a new addition to the NFHS Spirit Rules Book. The rule states that bases may […]


    03/30/20- Status of KHSAA Sponsored Events and Deadlines

    2019-2020 News Releases

    Updated: 3/31/20, 8:00 a.m.

    This information is solely a summary of KHSAA events. Other specific information concerning options including the required Coronavirus Shutdown Period is listed elsewhere on the KHSAA website at This list will be continually updated and potentially revised.

    • Tryout Period for Sport-Activities, including Cheer and Dance has been postponed. See the post at for details.
    • All opportunities at KHSAA member schools and Kentucky middle schools for spring football practice have been eliminated for 2020. See the post at for details;
    • No final determination has been made regarding annual Title IX and roster reporting for 2019-20. Member schools will be updated if and when this is revised.
    • 2020 Mingua Beef Jerky/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen (originally March 11-15) remains currently suspended. Will be continually reviewed as more data is available regarding school resumption or cessation, and activities being conducted in alignment with CDC and state and local […]


    03/19/20- Spring Sport-Activity Tryout Window Postponed

    2019-2020 News Releases

    The KHSAA was made aware of communication sent to member schools from Varsity Spirit (specifically Universal Cheer Association and Universal Dance Association) about “virtual tryouts”. This notification was not approved by the KHSAA and as a reminder, the Athletic Dead Period that has been instituted for all sports and sport-activities in Kentucky because of the Covid-19 virus would preclude this type of tryout. No matter where held, this would then implicitly or explicitly imply mandatory participation by students and evaluation by coaches. 

    As previously stated, “all sports and sport-activities, regardless of season, are declared to be in a dead period.” In consultation with the Governor, Public Health Officials and the Kentucky Department of Education, an evaluation will be made for the period going forward.” No tryouts or “virtual tryouts” may take place until further notice. 

    The information related to the Covid-19 (coronavirus) is ever-evolving, and changes happen quickly. We will inform all stakeholders if there […]


    03/16/20- Update on KHSAA Office Opening/Closing and Staff Availability

    2019-2020 News Releases

    In partnership with our State Department of Education, the Governor’s office, our member schools, the NFHS and similar to many other state associations, KHSAA staff has been directed to work remotely from home until at least April 10 (revised 4/2/20). Administrators will available via email. Our hope is to return to the office for regular hours later in April, however, this is a very fluid situation and could change at any time. Updates will be posted online.

    As of now and through at least May 1, all activity by rostered participants, coaches and those who have participated in at least one practice session for a middle or high school remain shut down as do all athletic facilities in control of our membership. As we all work together, everyone is hopeful to contain the spread of this virus. Staff will communicate any changes to future events through social media and the KHSAA website.

    Closer to May […]


    2019-20 KHSAA Competitive Cheer Final Results

    Cheer State Results 2019-2020


    12/11/19 – Competitive Cheer Championships Head to Alltech Arena Saturday

    2019-2020 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 11, 2019

    The eighth annual KHSAA State Competitive Cheer Championships begin Saturday, Dec. 14 at 9 a.m. with the All-Girls Small, All-Girls Medium and Game Day Divisions at Alltech Arena. The afternoon session is scheduled to start at 2 p.m. with the All-Girls Large, All-Girls Super and Coed competitions.

    Tickets to the KHSAA State Competitive Cheer Championships are available for purchase online at Doors will open for fans at 8 a.m. and those planning to attend should be advised that the Kentucky Horse Park charges $5 for parking.

    The KHSAA Competitive Cheer Championships will be webcast live at for subscribers to the NFHS Network. Subscription plans for the NFHS Network are available for $10.99 a month. A monthly subscription, priced less than the cost of admission to a state championship event, entitles users to every broadcast by the KHSAA and the more than 45 participating state […]


    11/25/19 – State Cheer Time Schedules Now Available

    Cheer Blog Updates

    The regional results for all eight (8) competitive cheer regionals, as well as the time schedules for the 2019 KHSAA State Competitive Cheer Championships, have been posted on the KHSAA website. Coaches are encouraged to review this information prior to the state championships, as there have been changes made to the warm-up process.

    Time Schedule

    Detailed Station-By-Station Time Schedule

    Order of Appearance

    Cheer squads will check-in at the North Exhibit Hall upon arrival to receive team credentials and team packets and then check-in again to begin the warm-up process. Teams will check-in at the allotted time and will be assigned to either Mat A or Mat B (both full mats) for an 8-minute period. This will be covered in detail with competing coaches during the team conference call prior to the state event.

    Tickets are now on sale, so buy online and skip the long lines the day of the event!


    11/25/19 – State Competitive Cheer and Dance Coaching Credentials

    Cheer Blog Updates

    The KHSAA wanted to remind Superintendents, Principals, Athletic Directors and Coaches about gaining access to the coaches’ box at the state championships for Competitive Cheer and Dance.

    Coaches’ certifications will be checked in order to obtain a coaching credential or complimentary access.

    • Coaches need to be Bylaw 25 certified and be sure all requirements are up to date.
    • This requirement includes being current on the rules clinic, sports safety course and a valid date entered for the expiration of CPR certification.
    • As a reminder, a maximum of four (4) certified coaches, including assistants, choreographers, etc. are permitted inside the box. 
    • If your school has more than four (4) certified coaches listed in the KHSAA database, those coaches will only be granted complimentary admission to the venue, but are not permitted on the competition floor in the box. 

    Please be sure to contact Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh ( for questions concerning Competitive Cheer […]


    2019 Competitive Cheer State Timetable

    Cheer Working


    2019 Competitive Cheer Order of Appearance

    Cheer Working


    2019 Competitive Cheer Detailed Station Time Schedule

    Cheer Working


    2019-20 Region 1 (BK Regions 1/2) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2019-2020


    2019-20 Region 2 (BK Regions 3/4) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2019-2020


    2019-20 Region 3 (BK Regions 5/6) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2019-2020


    2019-20 Region 4 (BK Regions 7/8) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2019-2020


    2019-20 Region 5 (BK Regions 9/10) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2019-2020


    2019-20 Region 6 (BK Regions 11/12) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2019-2020


    2019-20 Region 7 (BK Regions 13/14) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2019-2020


    2019-20 Region 8 (BK Regions 15/16) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2019-2020


    10/11/19 – Competitive Cheer Divisions Released

    Cheer Blog Updates

    The divisions for the 2019 KHSAA Competitive Cheer regionals have been compiled and released. A reminder to coaches that no changes to divisions may be made and withdrawal from Region/State competition will result in penalties under Bylaw 27, including a fine.

    Click here to view individual school squad declarations

    Click here to view the total declarations per region

    Regional competition dates, sites and managers have been posted on the KHSAA website for some time. Please review the schedule for your competition.

    Sites and Future Rotations

    2019 Regional Managers

    Varsity/UCA Scoresheets are again being used.  Updated links on this information are posted in the Cheer Judges, Judging and Scoresheet Information link on the KHSAA website.

    Reminder:  All coaches must complete the Understanding Copyright and Compliance Course (free course) through the NFHS at Click the link below for more information:


    – KHSAA –

    About the […]


    10/11/19 – NFHS Understanding Copyright and Compliance Course Required for Cheer & Dance Coaches

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    This is a reminder that all KHSAA Cheer and Dance Coaches (Head and Assistant, paid or unpaid) must complete the NFHS Music Copyright Course “Understanding Copyright and Compliance”. This course is free and 100% online and is required whether or not a team competes in KHSAA competition. This course from the NFHS is geared toward music teachers, spirit coaches (cheer and dance) and school administrators. Understanding Copyright and Compliance is available through the NFHS Learning Center at

    The course explores copyright laws and how those laws impact the interscholastic community and the course was produced with the assistance of NAME (National Association for Music Education) and USA Cheer. It also expands on topics such as fair use, public domain, copyright infringement penalties and much more. Spirit squads, as well as Dance teams, are increasingly met with copyright infringement claims and this course is a tool to assist cheer and dance coaches in education on […]


    2019-2020 Cheer Division Declarations by School

    Cheer Blog Updates


    2019-20 Cheer Declaration Totals by Region

    Cheer Blog Updates


    09/23/19- KHSAA and Midway University Expand Student-Athlete Awards Program

    2019-2020 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 23, 2019

    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association and Midway University are expanding their partnership in the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year Awards program to include recognition for males beginning in the fall of 2019. The program originally began in the spring of 2016 as a way for Midway University to honor female student-athletes, and will now include male and female student-athletes for all KHSAA-sanctioned sports and sport-activities.

    “We value our partnership with the KHSAA as we expand our on-campus offerings to include male students and male sports and look forward to continuing to get our message out across the Commonwealth to even more student-athletes and potential students,” said Midway University President John P. Marsden, Ph.D.

    “It is exciting to expand our relationship with Midway University to coincide with its own expansion of sports offerings,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “This was already a tremendous partnership through its effort to […]


    09/23/19 – Competitive Cheer Nominations Sought for Male and Female Midway Student Athlete-of-the-Year Awards

    Cheer Blog Updates

    The KHSAA is excited to open the nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year among Competitive Cheer participants for 2019-2020. Midway University has expanded its partnership to include both male and female nominations for 2019-2020.

    This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2019-2020 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but may be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

    The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards banquet at Midway University in early June 2020. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2019-2020 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year and announced at the banquet. All winners will […]


    08/29/19 – Competitive Cheer Declaration Form Now Open

    Cheer Blog Updates

    The declaration form for the sport-activity of Competitive Cheer is now open. The deadline to complete this form is Friday, September 20th. Each member school Athletic Director shall only submit one form and must be signed into the KHSAA School subdomain to declare.

    This is for KHSAA Regional and State Competitions, so please discuss with your coach what division(s) your school will be entering as there will be no adjustments to divisions for any reason once the entries are posted. Any withdrawal from region/state competition following Sept. 20 will result in penalties under Bylaw 27 including a fine (maximum of $500) and restrictions from out of state travel for the remainder of the year.

    A couple of notes that were shared in the online rules clinic:

    • Game Day is one division and squads must qualify at the Region to advance to State.
    • Coed is one division and is comprised of 1 or more boys participating.
    • […]


    08/26/19 – 2019 Competitive Cheer Rules Clinic Now Available

    Cheer Blog Updates

    The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Competitive Cheer is available beginning today, August 26. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) and whether or not the coach receives pay.

    For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.

    • August 26 to October 6 – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    • October 7 to October 26 – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
    • October 27 to November 9 – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule […]


    2019-2020 Cheer Competition Regional/State Results

    Cheer Tournament Results History


    07/17/19- Heat and Humidity Reminders for Member Schools Representatives

    2019-2020 News Releases

    With temperatures rising across the state and predictions for record temperatures in the coming days, now is a good time to remind all of our school administrators and coaches of the requirements of the Heat Index and Heat Illness prevention program. The complete program is detailed at

    No game or plan for a game or practice for a game is worth short-cutting this required procedure that is now more than fifteen years old. Nothing about the program has changed with the exception of the inclusion of the ability to use the wet bulb globe to monitor conditions, but with the turnover in coaches (and administrators) perhaps a few heat index and illness reminders are helpful:

    • Heat index requirements and restrictions apply (and have always applied) to outdoor and indoor sports. In many cases during the summer, indoor practice areas (including gymnasiums) are set to be electronically controlled in terms of temperature and coaches […]


    06/25/19 – VARSITY/UCA Cheer Judge Training Information

    Cheer Blog Updates

    Varsity (UCA) will again manage competitive cheer judge training and assignments.

    There will be one in-person training:

    Sunday, September 15
    KHSAA Office
    2280 Executive Drive
    Lexington, KY 40505
    1:00 p.m. (ET)
    1-4 Routine Judge training
    4-5 p.m. Safety Judge training.

    Please contact Hank Light for register for either clinic or to ask any questions pertaining to the training.

    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    04/03/19 – Rules Changes Approved in High School Spirit

    Cheer Blog Updates

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (April 3, 2019) — Rules related to minimizing risk of injury to dance and cheer team members are among 29 rules revisions for the 2019-20 high school spirit season.

    The rules changes were recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Spirit Rules Committee at its March 2-4 meeting and subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

    “We’re trying to create a safer environment for activities to occur in cheer and dance and make the rules book as clear as possible,” said James Weaver, director of performing arts and liaison to the NFHS Spirit Rules Committee.

    Rule 3-3-3 was changed to make it consistent with other braced inversion rules. It now allows for the inverted person to be caught by new catchers as long as the new catchers remain close to the original bases, are in place before initiation of the inversion, and do not pose increased safety risk […]


    12/05/18 – Competitive Cheer Championships Set for Saturday at Alltech Arena

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 5, 2018

    The seventh annual KHSAA State Competitive Cheer Championships will take place Saturday, Dec. 8 at Alltech Arena beginning at 9 a.m. with the All-Girls Small, All-Girls Medium and Game Day Divisions. The afternoon session is slated to get underway at 2 p.m. with the All-Girls Large, All-Girls Super and Coed competitions.

    Tickets to the KHSAA State Competitive Cheer Championships are available for purchase online at Doors will open for fans at 8 a.m. each day and those planning to attend should be advised that the Kentucky Horse Park charges $5 for parking.

    The KHSAA Competitive Cheer Championships will be webcast live at for subscribers to the NFHS Network ( Subscription plans for the NFHS Network are available for $9.95 a month. A monthly subscription, priced less than the cost of admission to a state championship event, entitles users to every broadcast by the KHSAA […]


    2018 Competitive Cheer Order of Appearance

    Cheer Working


    2018 Competitive Cheer Detailed Station Time Schedule

    Cheer Working


    2018-19 KHSAA Competitive Cheer Final Results

    Cheer State Results 2018-2019


    2018-19 Section 1 (Regions 1/2) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2018-2019


    2018-19 Section 2 (Regions 3/4) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2018-2019


    2018-19 Section 3 (Regions 5/6) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2018-2019


    2018-19 Section 4 (Regions 7/8) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2018-2019


    2018-19 Section 5 (Regions 9/10) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2018-2019


    2018-19 Section 6 (Regions 11/12) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2018-2019


    2018-19 Section 7 (Regions 13/14) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2018-2019


    2018-19 Section 8 (Regions 15/16) Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2018-2019


    2018-2019 Cheer Competition Regional/State Results

    Cheer Tournament Results History


    10/09/18 – Competitive Cheer Divisions Released

    Cheer Blog Updates

    The 2018-19 KHSAA Competitive Cheer squads division list has been compiled and released.

    Click here to view individual school squad declarations

    Click here to view the total declarations per section

    A reminder to coaches that no changes to divisions may be made and withdrawal from Section/State competition will result in penalties under Bylaw 27, including a fine.

    Section Competition dates, sites and managers have been posted on the KHSAA website for some time. Please review the schedule for your competition.

    Click here to view section dates/sites

    Varsity/UCA Scoresheets are again being used.  Updated links on this information are posted in the Cheer Judges, Judging and Scoresheet Information link on the KHSAA website.

    Reminder:  All coaches must complete the Understanding Copyright and Compliance Course (free course) through the NFHS at

    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the […]


    10/08/18- Cheer Declaration Totals by Section for 2018-19

    Cheer Working


    10/08/18-Cheer Division Declarations for 2018-2019

    Cheer Working


    09/26/18 – Fall Sports Championship Media Credentials

    2018-2019 News Releases

    The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Fall Sports Championships is now live, and can be accessed by going to

    Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

    Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of credentials issued to media outlets when space is at a premium.

    Failure to adhere to the KHSAA policies and guidelines, as well as unauthorized use of the media […]


    08/28/18 – Competitive Cheer Online Rules Clinic Now Available for Coaches

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sports activity of Competitive Cheer was available beginning Monday, Aug. 27. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) and whether or not the coach receives pay.

    For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.

    August 27 to September 29 – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    September 30 to October 19 – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
    October 20 – November 2 – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw […]


    06/15/18 – Cheer Competition Clarification/Survey Notes

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    The staff at the KHSAA has been made aware of a survey that has been distributed to selected cheer coaches regarding a possible new statewide competition to be conducted by the State Coaches Association (KAPOS). It is likely that this survey information is being gathered with input from your coaches that is allegedly representing your school, and you as an athletic administrator are not yet aware. It is also our understanding that this survey has been orchestrated by a small segment of the members of that association and not by the entire Board of Directors of that organization, and as such, athletic administrators should be sure and make comprehensive inquiries about the situation from that organization.

    The distribution of this survey is NOT being done by the KHSAA but has resulted in a number of inquiries to the office about KHSAA cheer and cheer championships. For that reason, as Commissioner, I am distributing a few clarifications […]


    06/06/18- Sport Activity Specific Dead Period Reminders

    Archery Blog Updates

    As the dead period approaches, it is important to remind all coaches about sport-activities (bowling, competitive cheer, dance, archery, bass fishing) during the dead period. The sport-activity specific contacts at the KHSAA are Michael Barren ( for Archery; Darren Bilberry ( for Bass Fishing, Sarah Bridenbaugh ( for Bowling and Dance; and Butch Cope ( for Cheer.

    Any participation by student-athletes during the dead period would be a violation of Bylaw 24 if the school were to be involved in any way, including coaching, transportation, funding, providing uniforms, use of school facilities, entering or using the school name or all other specifics mentioned in Bylaws 23, 24 or 25.

    Though individual participation itself by a student-athlete in a non-school or school-team based activity may not necessarily be a violation of KHSAA rules, the dates from June 25 – July 9, preclude any Kentucky school representative from participating in an event during […]


    05/14/18 – Hieneman Named Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year for 2017-18

    2017-2018 News Releases


    The second annual Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year program culminated on the campus of Midway University on Monday as Russell High School’s Sara Hieneman (softball) was named the overall winner for 2017-18. Beginning in May of 2017 with the State Bass Fishing Championship, Midway University presented a Female Student-Athlete of the Year award at each of the KHSAA’s 15 girls’ state championship events, with an overall winner selected following the final championship of the timeframe (2018 State Archery).

    The Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year award is based upon overall athletic performance (60%), academic achievement (20%) and community service (20%). Students must possess an overall grade point average of 3.0 or better to qualify, and must be academically eligible during the season in which they are nominated. School administrators, coaches and athletic directors nominate student-athletes online at, and the nominees are voted upon by a […]


    05/10/18 – Board Finalizes Cheer Postseason

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    The KHSAA Board of Control, at its May meeting, finalized changes to the structure and advancement to the competitive cheer postseason.  To assist in the prevention of automatic qualifiers at Region/State for cheer, the 16 regions will be combined to 8 sectional competitions. Per board action, Regions will be combined accordingly:

    1&2; 3&4; 5&6; 7&8; 9&10; 11&12; 13&14; 15&16. 

    Sections can alternate host sites (Region 1 one year and Region 2 site the next) or choose to have a permanent site based upon facility abilities and availability. The competition rules will stipulate the odd region listed in the alternation table would recommend the region site in the odd year, and the even region in the even year. Sites selected must be able to accommodate the historic crowds, similar to the criteria for the current basketball site selection.

    Athletic Administrators from both combined regions are responsible for making decisions such as ticket price, expenses and division of […]


    04/09/18 – NFHS Music Copyright Course Required for Cheer/Dance Coaches

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    At its July Board of Control meeting, the Board approved a recommendation that would require completion of the new NFHS Music Copyright Course for KHSAA Cheer and Dance Coaches (Head and Assistant). Because of delays in rolling the course out this year, the course will be required for 2018-19 for those all coaches in all Cheer and Dance squads at KHSAA member schools. This requirement is in place whether or not a team competes in KHSAA competition. The course is free, and totally online, and must be completed prior to the declaration date for Cheer and Dance (October 1, 2018).

    The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) has added an online education course – Understanding Copyright and Compliance. This free course from the NFHS is geared toward music teachers, spirit coaches (cheer and dance) and school administrators. Understanding Copyright and Compliance is available through the NFHS Learning Center at

    The course explores copyright […]


    2017-18 KHSAA Competitive Cheer Final Results

    Cheer State Results 2017-2018

    Final Results


    12/06/17 – Competitive Cheer Championships Begin Friday at Alltech Arena

    2017-2018 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 6, 2017

    The KHSAA State Competitive Cheer Championships return to Alltech Arena this weekend, beginning with a new game day division on Friday, Dec. 8. The game day competition begins at 9 a.m. on Friday, with the awards presentation scheduled for 3:40 p.m. The competition resumes Saturday at 9 a.m. with the All-Girls Small/Medium/Large Divisions in the morning session, followed at 2:30 p.m. by the All-Girls Super/Coed A/Coed B divisions in the afternoon session.

    Tickets to the KHSAA State Competitive Cheer Championships are available for purchase online at Doors will open for fans at 8 a.m. each day and those planning to attend should be advised that the Kentucky Horse Park charges $5 for parking.

    The KHSAA Competitive Cheer Championships will be webcast live at for subscribers to the NFHS Network ( Subscription plans for the NFHS Network are available for $9.95 a month. A monthly […]


    2017-18 Region 06 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018


    2017-18 Region 07 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018


    2017-18 Region 10 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017-18 Region 14 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    11/29/17 – State Cheer and Dance Championships Tickets Available

    Cheer Blog Updates

    Fans can now order tickets online to the 2017 KHSAA State Competitive Cheer Championships as well as the State Dance Championships.  

    The State Cheer Championships are scheduled for Dec. 8-9 at Alltech Arena at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington.  General Admission tickets are $10 each, with 10 and under admitted for free.  The Horse Park will be charging $5 a vehicle for parking.

    The State Dance Championships are scheduled for Dec.16 at Frederick Douglass High School in Lexington.  General Admission tickets are $10 each, with 10 and under admitted for free.  There is no charge for parking at FDHS.

    Purchase Tickets – Click Here

    State Cheer Information
    Cheer Homepage

    Game Day Cheer Schedule of Performances

    2 1/2 Minute Cheer Schedule of Performances

    State Dance Information
    Dance Homepage

    2017-18 Region 16 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017-18 Region 12 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017-18 Region 08 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017-18 Region 04 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017 Game Day Cheer Detailed Order of Appearance

    Cheer Working


    2017-18 Region 13 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017-18 Region 09 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017-18 Region 05 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017-18 Region 02 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017-18 Region 01 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017-18 Region 11 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017-18 Region 03 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017-18 Region 15 Competitive Cheer Results

    Cheer Region Results 2017-2018

    Competition Results


    2017-2018 Cheer Competition Regional/State Results

    Cheer Tournament Results History


    10/10/17 – Competitive Cheer Divisions / Scoring Reminders

    Cheer Blog Updates

    The 2017-18 KHSAA Competitive Cheer squads by division list has been compiled and released.

    Click here to view school squad declaration

    A reminder to coaches that no changes to divisions may be made and withdrawal from Region/State competition will result in penalties under Bylaw 27, including a fine.

    Regional Competition dates, sites and managers have been posted on the KHSAA website for some time. Please review the schedule for your competition.

    Click here to view regional dates/sites

    With the adoption of Varsity/UCA scoresheets, coaches are advised to review those as posted on the KHSAA website.  Posted are links for All-Girl Scoresheet, Coed Scoresheet, Game Day Scoresheet, Point Deductions and Penalties, Pyramid Progressions, Scoresheet Video Breakdowns and Stunt Progressions.  Coaches may also view the online training that judges completed to become licensed by UCA.  All of this information is under the Cheer Judges, Judging and Scoresheet Information link.

    – KHSAA –

    The […]


    10/08/17-Cheer Division Entries by Region for 2017-2018

    Cheer Working


    10/08/17-Cheer Division Declarations for 2017-2018

    Cheer Working


    Region Competition Information and Instructions

    Cheer Working

    Dance Region Information 2017-2018 Dance Region Information


    2017 Cheer Region Sites

    Cheer Blog Updates


    (as of 8/18/17)







     Sat., Nov. 4

    10:30 a.m. 

    Webster County High School

    Matt Bell


    Sat., Nov. 4

    10:30 a.m.

    Webster County High School

    Matt Bell



    Sat., Oct. 28

    4 p.m.

    Owensboro High School

    Todd Harper

    Heather Cavitt


    Sat., Nov. 18

    2 p.m.

    Bowling Green High School

    Mark Spader

    Steve Dotson


    Sat., Nov. 4

    11 a.m.

    Elizabethtown High School

    Joella Nall


    Sat., Dec. 2

    1 p.m.

    Valley High School

    Robert Vinegar


    Sat., Dec. 2

    10 a.m.

    Valley High School

    Robert Vinegar


    Sat., Nov. 18

    12 p.m.

    Collins High School

    Heather Fallen



    Sat., Nov. 4

    12 p.m.

    Ryle High School

    Gay Trame


    Sat., Dec. […]


    05/12/17 – Competitive Cheer Update/Changes

    Cheer Blog Updates

    Following is a link to the news release that was posted following yesterday’s KHSAA Board of Control meeting concerning the use of Varsity (UCA) scoresheets for the upcoming season.

    News Release

    In addition, coaches should be mindful of the following changes:

    Once UCA finalizes the scoresheets, we will send out a notice to coaches.  

    Size of squads will be:
    All-Girls Small (5-12 members)
    All-Girls Medium (13-16 members)
    All-Girls Large (17-20 members)
    All-Girls Super (21-30 members)
    Coed A (5-30 members – 1-4 males)
    Coed B (5-30 members – 5 or more males)

    Judge training will now be conducted through UCA (online) at no charge.  The KHSAA still manages competitive cheer, so individual school questions/inquiries are to still come to the Association office.

    The State Competition will be Dec. 8-9 at Alltech […]


    04/20/17 – Reminder Bylaw 23 Cheer Tryouts

    Cheer Blog Updates

    This is a reminder to all administrators and competitive cheer coaches concerning Bylaw 23, Limitation of Seasons. KHSAA staff members have received several inquiries about permitted activity, concerning fall sports/sport-activities and practice/tryouts for the fall, specifically regarding competitive cheer.

    Regarding Cheer, Bylaw 23 applies only to competitive cheer, the squad that travels to competitions and competes against other school cheer teams. Sideline cheer (those that cheer at games but do not travel and compete against other schools) are considered a support group, and therefore Bylaw 23 does not apply.

    The first official practice date (including anything that can be mandatory) is July 15 for competitive cheer. Only after this date can anything mandatory be required of team members or potential team members.

    Until the day following the last day of school or May 31 (whichever is earliest), coaches are permitted to provide instruction and be involved with team members (provided such is approved by the […]


    03/30/17 – KHSAA Revising Office Hours Effective April 3, 2017

    2016-2017 News Releases

    Effective April 3, 2017, the KHSAA will have new office hours. The office will open each day at 7:30 a.m. and close at 4:00 p.m. ET.

    Logistical and traffic issues (both current and anticipated) in the surrounding area near the office, in particular, the opening of the new Frederick Douglass High School have created this necessity.

    We appreciate the understanding of our membership and various constituencies.


    12/12/16- Officiate Kentucky Day Information

    Baseball Blog Updates

    Saturday, July 29
    Marriott Downtown – Louisville

    You are invited to the first-ever, Officiate Kentucky Day!

    What is Officiate Kentucky Day?
    Officiate Kentucky Day (OKD) is a one-day gathering of sports and sport activity officials from throughout the Commonwealth to celebrate the officiating industry.  This event allows the KHSAA to partner with the National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) as part of their “state day” program and will showcase nationally known collegiate and professional officials as well as high schools officials to share their knowledge, skills and expertise in officiating.

    OKD will be a lead-in to the National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) Summit that will follow July 30-Aug. 1, also at Marriott Downtown in Louisville.  

    Legendary sports officials and industry leaders including Jerry Markbriet, Billy Kennedy, Steve Shaw, Joe Crawford, Dean Blandino, Bill Carollo, Scott Green, Marcy Weston, Sandra Serafini, Steve Javie, Tom Lopes, […]


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