Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

Dance Blog Updates

07/13/20- Board of Control Extends Segment 3 Restrictions to August 3

2020-2021 News Releases


The Board of Control conducted its first meeting of the 2020-21 academic year on July 10 in Covington, examining various issues concerning the restart of school-based athletics in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. During the course of its meeting, the Board approved a recommendation to extend the guidance and allowances for Segment 3 of the document issued for summer play in KHSAA sports and sport-activities through Sunday, August 2, except for the sport of golf.

As a result of the Board’s action, the traditional July 15 start of practice for KHSAA fall sports has been pushed back until Aug. 3, however, it should be noted that Kentucky has some of the earliest starts to fall practice (dates when activity could be mandatory) in the continental United States. Mandatory tryouts or practices cannot be held prior to Aug. 3, including for the sport-activities of Dance and Competitive Cheer, which have […]


04/29/20- Revised Covid-19 Policies and Guidance Issued, May 1 to May 31

2019-2020 News Releases




  • Facilities on school-owned property including competition and practice facilities, weight rooms and similar, as well as those facilities managed or in any way owned by the school or school system (all schools grades  6-12) shall remain closed for use related to sports or sport-activities in any manner through at least May 31;
  • These steps may sunset earlier if allowed by the Governor’s orders related to the phase-in steps of resuming activity, which will likely […]


  • 04/21/20- Spring Sports Cancellation, Basketball Events Not To Be Resumed

    2019-2020 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 21, 2020

    With the announcement yesterday of the recommended closure of all K-12 schools to in-person instruction throughout Kentucky for the remainder of the school year, the KHSAA Board of Control today approved the Commissioner’s recommendation and announcement by unanimous vote that the 2020 state basketball tournaments will not be resumed, while also approving the cancellation of all regular-season practices and contests as well as all postseason tournament championship events for all spring sports and sport-activities for the 2019-20 school year. This means the termination of the Archery, Bass Fishing, Esports, Baseball, Softball, Tennis, and Track & Field seasons. This will also result in the continuance of all provisions of the Coronavirus Dead Period provisions until further notice to the member schools from the Commissioner.

    The KHSAA has worked closely and continuously with the Governor of our beloved Commonwealth, representatives of the Department of Public Health, Interim Commissioner Kevin Brown and […]


    03/13/20- (revised 04/02/20 and 4/17/20)- Athletic Dead Period Instituted for Athletic Programs in All Sports and Sport-Activities Due to Covid-19

    2019-2020 News Releases

    This information is in effect, as stated below, through April 30, 2020. Prior to that time, revised guidance and policy will be issued to be effective May 1 as we all collectively work to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus on our campuses and among our athletes and coaches. Updated 4/2/20 and 4/17/20 based on inquiries from member schools and revised orders from the Governor and CDC Guidance.

    This impacts all KHSAA constituents and includes guidance from the Governor, Public Health Officials, the Kentucky Department of Education, and additional guidance from federal authorities. This original directive will continue to be updated regularly. This will be the sole site for information regarding interscholastic athletics in Kentucky involving rostered athletes or those that have participated in practices this year and coaches from KHSAA member schools, as well as the use of interscholastic facilities.

    Effective Friday, March 13, all sports and sport-activities, regardless of season, are declared to […]


    03/26/20 – Risk Minimization Remains Theme of 2020-21 High School Spirit Rules Changes

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (March 26, 2020) — High school spirit rules changes for the 2020-21 school year remain centered on increasing safety for cheerleading and dance teams across the country.

    This year, minimizing injury risk for stunting personnel and during inversions and releases were among the 16 rules changes recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Spirit Rules Committee, which met February 10-11 in Orlando, Florida. All changes recommended by the committee were approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

    “The committee has been working for years to make spirit activities safer for our student participants, while maintaining a high level of competition and crowd leading,” said James Weaver, NFHS director of performing arts and sports. “This will continue to be a primary focus of the Spirit Rules Committee.”

    Stunting personnel safety was addressed in Rule 3-2-1c, a new addition to the NFHS Spirit Rules Book. The rule states that bases may […]


    03/30/20- Status of KHSAA Sponsored Events and Deadlines

    2019-2020 News Releases

    Updated: 3/31/20, 8:00 a.m.

    This information is solely a summary of KHSAA events. Other specific information concerning options including the required Coronavirus Shutdown Period is listed elsewhere on the KHSAA website at This list will be continually updated and potentially revised.

    • Tryout Period for Sport-Activities, including Cheer and Dance has been postponed. See the post at for details.
    • All opportunities at KHSAA member schools and Kentucky middle schools for spring football practice have been eliminated for 2020. See the post at for details;
    • No final determination has been made regarding annual Title IX and roster reporting for 2019-20. Member schools will be updated if and when this is revised.
    • 2020 Mingua Beef Jerky/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen (originally March 11-15) remains currently suspended. Will be continually reviewed as more data is available regarding school resumption or cessation, and activities being conducted in alignment with CDC and state and local […]


    03/19/20- Spring Sport-Activity Tryout Window Postponed

    2019-2020 News Releases

    The KHSAA was made aware of communication sent to member schools from Varsity Spirit (specifically Universal Cheer Association and Universal Dance Association) about “virtual tryouts”. This notification was not approved by the KHSAA and as a reminder, the Athletic Dead Period that has been instituted for all sports and sport-activities in Kentucky because of the Covid-19 virus would preclude this type of tryout. No matter where held, this would then implicitly or explicitly imply mandatory participation by students and evaluation by coaches. 

    As previously stated, “all sports and sport-activities, regardless of season, are declared to be in a dead period.” In consultation with the Governor, Public Health Officials and the Kentucky Department of Education, an evaluation will be made for the period going forward.” No tryouts or “virtual tryouts” may take place until further notice. 

    The information related to the Covid-19 (coronavirus) is ever-evolving, and changes happen quickly. We will inform all stakeholders if there […]


    03/16/20- Update on KHSAA Office Opening/Closing and Staff Availability

    2019-2020 News Releases

    In partnership with our State Department of Education, the Governor’s office, our member schools, the NFHS and similar to many other state associations, KHSAA staff has been directed to work remotely from home until at least April 10 (revised 4/2/20). Administrators will available via email. Our hope is to return to the office for regular hours later in April, however, this is a very fluid situation and could change at any time. Updates will be posted online.

    As of now and through at least May 1, all activity by rostered participants, coaches and those who have participated in at least one practice session for a middle or high school remain shut down as do all athletic facilities in control of our membership. As we all work together, everyone is hopeful to contain the spread of this virus. Staff will communicate any changes to future events through social media and the KHSAA website.

    Closer to May […]


    02/19/20 – Board of Control Votes to Keep Field Hockey as a KHSAA-Sanctioned Sport

    2019-2020 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Feb. 19, 2020

    The Board of Control approved a motion during Wednesday’s meeting at the KHSAA Offices for the Association to continue offering Field Hockey as a sanctioned-sport. The vote followed a planned review and evaluation of the feasibility and growth of field hockey and preliminary discussion during the Board’s January meeting.

    Included in the rationale for continuing to sanction field hockey were the facts that (1) there is no negative financial impact for the Association, and (2) the sport had been played for nearly 50 years when the KHSAA first adopted it as a sanctioned championship in 2014. In addition to continuing to sanction field hockey, the motion included a visible commitment from the Association to attempt to promote and monitor growth, and regular reporting to the Board, as well as an amendment to the sanctioning policy to be drafted to allow the Board to make an exception to its required […]


    01/16/20 – Board Approves Site and Date for Esports Championship, Approves Extensive Survey of Officials’ Fees, Reviews Ongoing Operations

    2019-2020 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 16, 2020

    The Board of Control addressed several operational issues at its meeting at the KHSAA offices on Thursday. Among the actionable items on the agenda, the Board approved an offer from the University of Kentucky to host the upcoming esports state championship and approved the movement of five schools in Track & Field, as well as Cross Country, for the 2020-21 school year.

    The University of Kentucky has offered to host the upcoming esports state championship on Jan. 30 and the Board accepted that proposal. UK has made a substantial investment into its Gatton Student Center as it expands its involvement in the world of competitive gaming.

    “We are grateful to UK for reaching out to us to host a championship event in esports this year, allowing our competition and its participants to continue to receive outstanding support, ” said Commissioner Julian Tackett. “Their new facility is outstanding and will […]


    12/18/19 – KHSAA State Dance Championships Set for Saturday at Valley HS

    2019-2020 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 18, 2019

    The third KHSAA State Dance Championships will take place Saturday at Valley High School in Louisville, with the Jazz Small, Hip Hop Large, Pom Large and Jazz Large divisions competing at 9 a.m. The second session will feature the Hip Hop Small and Pom Small divisions and is scheduled to begin at 12:15 p.m. Advance tickets to the event are available for purchase online at

    The KHSAA State Dance Championships will be webcast live at for subscribers to the NFHS Network. Subscription plans for the NFHS Network are available for $10.99 a month and entitle users to every broadcast by the KHSAA and the more than 45 participating state associations.

    Results will be posted to the Dance page at upon the conclusion of each session. Following the event, fans can purchase DVD copies of the event and official championship photos at


    12/10/19 – State Dance Instructions and Schedule Posted

    Dance Blog Updates

    Congratulations to all participants and coaches who have qualified for the 2019 KHSAA State Dance Championships at Valley High School in Louisville on December 21st. The instructions for participating teams and fans have been posted to the website and should be reviewed prior to the state competition. The order of appearance and detailed station-by-station order of appearance, have also been posted online.

    To view these items, go to and choose the “State Competition Information and Instructions” tab. As a reminder, there will be a team web conference for Coaches and Athletic Directors on December 17th at 2 p.m. (Eastern). The instructions for joining the web conference will be distributed in an email prior to that date.

    Upon arrival at the state competition, all coaches and participants must enter the team entrance on the North Side of the school and check-in to receive their team packets, which will include all necessary materials.

    Teams will […]


    11/25/19 – State Competitive Cheer and Dance Coaching Credentials

    Cheer Blog Updates

    The KHSAA wanted to remind Superintendents, Principals, Athletic Directors and Coaches about gaining access to the coaches’ box at the state championships for Competitive Cheer and Dance.

    Coaches’ certifications will be checked in order to obtain a coaching credential or complimentary access.

    • Coaches need to be Bylaw 25 certified and be sure all requirements are up to date.
    • This requirement includes being current on the rules clinic, sports safety course and a valid date entered for the expiration of CPR certification.
    • As a reminder, a maximum of four (4) certified coaches, including assistants, choreographers, etc. are permitted inside the box. 
    • If your school has more than four (4) certified coaches listed in the KHSAA database, those coaches will only be granted complimentary admission to the venue, but are not permitted on the competition floor in the box. 

    Please be sure to contact Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh ( for questions concerning Competitive Cheer […]


    2019 State Dance Time Schedule

    Dance Blog Updates


    2019 Dance Detailed Order of Appearance

    Dance Blog Updates


    11/21/19 – Regional Dance Results and State Qualifiers Posted

    Dance Blog Updates

    Complete results from our Regional Dance Championships, along with schools that have qualified to advance to the State Championships have been posted to the Dance page 

    The State Championships will be held on December 21, 2019, at Valley High School, in Louisville, KY. State Competition information and instructions will be posted to the page in the coming weeks. 


    10/15/19 – Dance Divisions Released

    Dance Blog Updates

    The divisions for the 2019 KHSAA Dance regionals have been compiled and released. 

    Click here to view individual school squad declarations

    Click here to view the total declarations per region

    Regional competition dates, sites and managers have been posted on the KHSAA website for some time. Please review the schedule for your competition.

    2019 Regional Managers

    UDA Scoresheets are again being used. Updated links on this information are posted in the General Dance Information-Judging and Scoresheets on the KHSAA Dance Page.

    Reminder: All coaches must complete the Understanding Copyright and Compliance Course (free course) through the NFHS at Click the link below for more information:

    – KHSAA –

    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made […]


    10/11/19 – NFHS Understanding Copyright and Compliance Course Required for Cheer & Dance Coaches

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    This is a reminder that all KHSAA Cheer and Dance Coaches (Head and Assistant, paid or unpaid) must complete the NFHS Music Copyright Course “Understanding Copyright and Compliance”. This course is free and 100% online and is required whether or not a team competes in KHSAA competition. This course from the NFHS is geared toward music teachers, spirit coaches (cheer and dance) and school administrators. Understanding Copyright and Compliance is available through the NFHS Learning Center at

    The course explores copyright laws and how those laws impact the interscholastic community and the course was produced with the assistance of NAME (National Association for Music Education) and USA Cheer. It also expands on topics such as fair use, public domain, copyright infringement penalties and much more. Spirit squads, as well as Dance teams, are increasingly met with copyright infringement claims and this course is a tool to assist cheer and dance coaches in education on […]


    2019-20 Dance Division Declarations by School by Section

    Dance Blog Updates


    09/30/19 – Dance Nominations sought for Female Midway Student Athlete-of-the-Year Awards

    Dance Blog Updates

    The KHSAA is excited to open the nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year among Dance participants for 2019-2020. Midway University has expanded its partnership to include both male and female nominations for 2019-2020.

    This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2019-2020 team. Nominations must come from a member school but may be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

    The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards banquet at Midway University in early June 2020. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2019-2020 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year and announced at the banquet. All winners will also […]


    09/23/19- KHSAA and Midway University Expand Student-Athlete Awards Program

    2019-2020 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 23, 2019

    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association and Midway University are expanding their partnership in the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year Awards program to include recognition for males beginning in the fall of 2019. The program originally began in the spring of 2016 as a way for Midway University to honor female student-athletes, and will now include male and female student-athletes for all KHSAA-sanctioned sports and sport-activities.

    “We value our partnership with the KHSAA as we expand our on-campus offerings to include male students and male sports and look forward to continuing to get our message out across the Commonwealth to even more student-athletes and potential students,” said Midway University President John P. Marsden, Ph.D.

    “It is exciting to expand our relationship with Midway University to coincide with its own expansion of sports offerings,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “This was already a tremendous partnership through its effort to […]


    09/09/19 – 2019 Dance Rules Clinic Now Available

    Dance Blog Updates

    The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Dance is available beginning today, September 9. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) and whether or not the coach receives pay.

    For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.

    • September 9 to October 13 – the Dance Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    • October 14 to November 2 – the Dance Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
    • November 3 to November 16 – the Dance Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.

    08/28/19 – Dance Declaration Form Now Open

    Dance Blog Updates

    The declaration form for the sport-activity of Dance is now open. The deadline to complete this form is Tuesday, October 1st. Each member school shall only submit one form and you must be signed into the KHSAA School Subdomain to submit. 

    This declaration is for KHSAA Regional and State Competitions, so please discuss with your coach what division(s) your school will be entering as there will be no adjustments to divisions for any reason once the entries are posted. Any withdrawal from region/state competition following October 1st will result in penalties under Bylaw 27 including a fine (maximum of $500) and restrictions on out of state travel for the remainder of the year.

    Please contact Assistant Commissioner Michael Barren ( should you have any questions. 

    – KHSAA –

    About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the […]


    08/28/19 – Tentative Dance Regional Sites for 2019-20

    Dance Blog Updates


    (as of 8/23/19)


    04/03/19 – Rules Changes Approved in High School Spirit

    Cheer Blog Updates

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (April 3, 2019) — Rules related to minimizing risk of injury to dance and cheer team members are among 29 rules revisions for the 2019-20 high school spirit season.

    The rules changes were recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Spirit Rules Committee at its March 2-4 meeting and subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

    “We’re trying to create a safer environment for activities to occur in cheer and dance and make the rules book as clear as possible,” said James Weaver, director of performing arts and liaison to the NFHS Spirit Rules Committee.

    Rule 3-3-3 was changed to make it consistent with other braced inversion rules. It now allows for the inverted person to be caught by new catchers as long as the new catchers remain close to the original bases, are in place before initiation of the inversion, and do not pose increased safety risk […]


    12/12/18 – KHSAA State Dance Championships This Saturday at Frederick Douglass HS

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 12, 2018

    The second KHSAA State Dance Championships will be held this Saturday at Frederick Douglass High School, starting at 9 a.m. with the Jazz Small, Hip Hop Large, Pom Large and Jazz Large divisions. Awards for the first session are tentatively scheduled for 11:30 a.m., with the second session (Hip Hop Small, Pom Small) set to begin at 1 p.m. The last performance of the afternoon session is slated for 4 p.m., with awards to begin at approximately 4:20 p.m.

    Advance tickets to the event are available for purchase online ( Fans that purchase tickets in advance through GoFan will be able to enter the gym before tickets go on sale to the general public at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning.

    The KHSAA State Dance Championships will be webcast live at for subscribers to the NFHS Network ( Subscription plans for the NFHS Network are available […]


    12/10/18 – State Dance Championships Information

    Dance Blog Updates

    In preparation for the State Dance Championships, the KHSAA wanted to remind all participating teams of a few important rules regarding the competition, and encourage coaches to make sure their routines are following ALL guidelines. Below you will find some reminders for the event:

    • The time limit is 2:15 (two minutes and fifteen seconds). Teams exceeding the time limit by more than 3 seconds will be assessed a penalty.
    • Weight-bearing skills with hip-over-head rotation may NOT be executed with poms in hand unless the poms are appropriate hands-free poms. Please reference the hands-free poms section of the KHSAA/UDA rules for details.
    • Aerial cartwheels may only be done with hands-free poms; if you are not using that type of pom, you must place the poms down, or in one hand, to properly execute the aerial maneuver. There are no exceptions to this rule.
    • Tumbling passes are not allowed for the state dance event.
    • An adult […]


    11/27/18 – State Dance Instructions and Schedule Available

    Dance Blog Updates

    Congratulations to all participants and coaches who have qualified for the 2018 KHSAA State Dance Championships at Frederick Douglass High School in Lexington on December 15th. The instructions for participating teams and fans have been posted to the website and should be reviewed prior to the state competition. The order of appearance and a detailed station-by-station order of appearance, have also been posted online.

    To view these items, go to and choose the “State Competition Information and Instructions” tab. As a reminder, there will be a team conference call for coaches and Athletic Directors on December 5th at 10:00 a.m., with instructions for joining the call to come in a later email.

    Upon arrival at the state competition, all coaches and participants must enter at the team entrance through the Auxilary Gym at Frederick Douglass High School and receive their team packets, which will include all necessary materials. 

    Schools are permitted one school media pass, which is […]


    11/19/18 – Dance Sectional Results Posted

    Dance Blog Updates

    The results from Sectional Dance competitions and the KHSAA State Qualifiers have been posted on the KHSAA website. Please see the links below to each of the sectional results: 

    Section 1 Results 

    Section 2 Results

    Section 3 Results 

    Section 4 Results 

    State qualifiers from each section are highlighted in yellow. These results can also be found on the bottom of the Dance page of the KHSAA website under “Dance Competition Results”. Congratulations to all teams and thank you to our four sectional host schools. 

    Tickets for the 2018 KHSAA State Dance Championships to be held at Frederick Douglass High School on December 15th are on sale now!


    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    11/15/18 – Dance Postseason Rosters Reminder

    Dance Blog Updates

    With sectional Dance competitions approaching this weekend, the KHSAA wanted to remind Athletic Directors and Coaches about entering postseason rosters in the school subdomain (

    It is imperative that all schools competing in the sectional Dance competition this weekend enter their rosters, including alternates, onto the postseason roster. Alternates, up to a maximum of four (4) over the division limit, must also be entered in the event the coach has to substitute for injury or other circumstances.

    Rosters will lock at midnight on Friday, November 16th. This roster will also serve as the team’s official list for the State Competition, should you qualify. Please contact Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh ( at the KHSAA offices with any questions.

    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    2018 Dance Detailed Order of Appearance

    Dance Blog Updates


    10/26/18 – Sectional Instructions for Dance Now Available

    Dance Blog Updates

    Instructions for the KHSAA Sectional Dance competitions are now posted on the KHSAA website. You can view these instructions by clicking on the following link:


    You can find additional sectional competition information on the KHSAA website on the Dance page under “Sectional Competition Information and Instructions”.


    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    10/22/2018 – Dance Divisions & State Advancement Numbers Released

    Dance Blog Updates

    The 2018 – 2019 KHSAA Dance squads division list has been compiled and released.

    Click here to view individual school squad declarations

    Click here to view the total declarations per section

    A reminder to coaches that no changes to divisions may be made and withdrawal from Section/State competition will result in penalties under Bylaw 27, including a fine.

    Section Competition dates, sites and managers have been posted on the KHSAA website for some time.

    Click here to view section dates/sites

    Click here to view state advancement allocations

    Reminder: All coaches must complete the Understanding Copyright and Compliance Course (free course) through the NFHS at



    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    09/26/18 – Fall Sports Championship Media Credentials

    2018-2019 News Releases

    The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Fall Sports Championships is now live, and can be accessed by going to

    Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

    Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of credentials issued to media outlets when space is at a premium.

    Failure to adhere to the KHSAA policies and guidelines, as well as unauthorized use of the media […]


    09/10/18 – Midway University/KHSAA Dance Female Student-Athlete of the Year Nomination Now Open

    Dance Blog Updates

    The KHSAA is excited to open the nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year among girls’ Dance participants for 2018.

    The award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one female participant from each 2018 team.

    Nominations must come from a member school but may be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

    The winner will be presented her award at a banquet at Midway University in May 2019.

    Deadline for nominations for Dance will be Friday, November 2, 2018.



    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    09/10/18 – 2018 Dance Online Rules Clinic Now Available

    Dance Blog Updates

    The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Dance is available beginning today, September 10. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity and freshman levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

    Below is additional information:


    • September 10 to October 13 – the Dance Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    • October 14 to November 2 – the Dance Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
    • November 3 to November 16 – the Dance Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.
    • After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.

    The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, along with many HTML5 enabled mobile […]


    06/14/18 – Dance Postseason Updates

    Dance Blog Updates

    The following reminders are being issued for athletic directors, coaches, participants and fans regarding the postseason for the sport-activity of Dance for the 2018-19 academic year.

    • Schools will have from July 15 to October 1 to declare into a specific division for Dance. Following the October 1 declaration by participating schools, there will be sectional competitions held on November 17-18.
    • The locations for these sectional competitions will be announced following the declaration date, however, these Dance sectionals shall be held the weekend of November 17.
    • Based proportionally on the number of teams competing in each section, a total of 16 teams in each division will advance to the state competition in the following divisions:
    • Jazz – Small (7-16 competitors) / Large (17-30 competitors)
    • Hip Hop – Small (7-16 competitors) / Large (17-30 competitors)
    • Pom – Small (7-16 competitors) / Large (17-30 competitors)
    • The 2018 KHSAA State Dance Championships will be held Saturday, December 15th at […]


    06/06/18- Sport Activity Specific Dead Period Reminders

    Archery Blog Updates

    As the dead period approaches, it is important to remind all coaches about sport-activities (bowling, competitive cheer, dance, archery, bass fishing) during the dead period. The sport-activity specific contacts at the KHSAA are Michael Barren ( for Archery; Darren Bilberry ( for Bass Fishing, Sarah Bridenbaugh ( for Bowling and Dance; and Butch Cope ( for Cheer.

    Any participation by student-athletes during the dead period would be a violation of Bylaw 24 if the school were to be involved in any way, including coaching, transportation, funding, providing uniforms, use of school facilities, entering or using the school name or all other specifics mentioned in Bylaws 23, 24 or 25.

    Though individual participation itself by a student-athlete in a non-school or school-team based activity may not necessarily be a violation of KHSAA rules, the dates from June 25 – July 9, preclude any Kentucky school representative from participating in an event during […]


    05/14/18 – Hieneman Named Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year for 2017-18

    2017-2018 News Releases


    The second annual Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year program culminated on the campus of Midway University on Monday as Russell High School’s Sara Hieneman (softball) was named the overall winner for 2017-18. Beginning in May of 2017 with the State Bass Fishing Championship, Midway University presented a Female Student-Athlete of the Year award at each of the KHSAA’s 15 girls’ state championship events, with an overall winner selected following the final championship of the timeframe (2018 State Archery).

    The Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year award is based upon overall athletic performance (60%), academic achievement (20%) and community service (20%). Students must possess an overall grade point average of 3.0 or better to qualify, and must be academically eligible during the season in which they are nominated. School administrators, coaches and athletic directors nominate student-athletes online at, and the nominees are voted upon by a […]


    05/10/18 – Board Approves Changes to Dance Championships

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    The KHSAA Board of Control, at its May Meeting, approved changes to the Dance postseason as well as approved the date and site for the 2018 State Dance Championships.

    Following the Oct. 1 declaration by participating schools, there will be four Sectional Competitions (Regions 1-4; 5-8; 9-12; 13-16) to qualify for the State Competition.  Based upon the number of teams in each section, an overall total of 16 teams from those sections will advance to the state competition.

    The Board approved the elimination of the Kick Division (only two squads entered last year) and will offer championships for the following Divisions:

    Jazz – Small (7-16 competitors) / Large (17-30 competitors)
    Hip Hop – Small (7-16 competitors) / Large (17-30 competitors)
    Pom – Small (7-16 competitors) / Large (17-30 competitors)

    The 2018 KHSAA State Dance Championships will be held Saturday, Dec. 15 at Frederick Douglass High School in Lexington.


    04/09/18 – NFHS Music Copyright Course Required for Cheer/Dance Coaches

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    At its July Board of Control meeting, the Board approved a recommendation that would require completion of the new NFHS Music Copyright Course for KHSAA Cheer and Dance Coaches (Head and Assistant). Because of delays in rolling the course out this year, the course will be required for 2018-19 for those all coaches in all Cheer and Dance squads at KHSAA member schools. This requirement is in place whether or not a team competes in KHSAA competition. The course is free, and totally online, and must be completed prior to the declaration date for Cheer and Dance (October 1, 2018).

    The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) has added an online education course – Understanding Copyright and Compliance. This free course from the NFHS is geared toward music teachers, spirit coaches (cheer and dance) and school administrators. Understanding Copyright and Compliance is available through the NFHS Learning Center at

    The course explores copyright […]


    12/13/17 – First-Ever KHSAA State Dance Championships Set For Saturday in Lexington

    2017-2018 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 13, 2017

    The KHSAA’s newest championship makes its debut Saturday at Frederick Douglass HS with the inaugural KHSAA State Dance Championships. In its first year as a KHSAA-sponsored offering, Dance is the fifth sport-activity and sixth championship added by the Association since the 2011-12 academic year, joining Bowling, Competitive Cheer, Bass Fishing, Archery and Field Hockey.

    The Dance Championships begin Saturday at 9 a.m. with the morning session featuring the Jazz Small, Hip Hop Large, Kick Large, Pom Large and Jazz Large divisions. Awards for the morning session are tentatively scheduled for 11:30 a.m., with the afternoon session to begin at 1 p.m. The afternoon session will feature performances in the Hip Hop Small and Pom Small divisions, with a short break scheduled at 2:42 p.m. The last performance is slated for 5:02 p.m., with awards to begin at approximately 5:20 p.m.

    The KHSAA State Dance Championships will be webcast live […]


    11/29/17 – State Cheer and Dance Championships Tickets Available

    Cheer Blog Updates

    Fans can now order tickets online to the 2017 KHSAA State Competitive Cheer Championships as well as the State Dance Championships.  

    The State Cheer Championships are scheduled for Dec. 8-9 at Alltech Arena at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington.  General Admission tickets are $10 each, with 10 and under admitted for free.  The Horse Park will be charging $5 a vehicle for parking.

    The State Dance Championships are scheduled for Dec.16 at Frederick Douglass High School in Lexington.  General Admission tickets are $10 each, with 10 and under admitted for free.  There is no charge for parking at FDHS.

    Purchase Tickets – Click Here

    State Cheer Information
    Cheer Homepage

    Game Day Cheer Schedule of Performances

    2 1/2 Minute Cheer Schedule of Performances

    State Dance Information
    Dance Homepage

    2017 Dance Detailed Order of Appearance

    Dance Blog Updates


    10/16/17 – State Dance Divisions Posted

    Dance Blog Updates

    The 2017-18 KHSAA Dance divisions list has been compiled and released.

    Click here to view school squad declaration

    Click here to view division totals

    A reminder to coaches that no changes to divisions may be made and withdrawal from competition will result in penalties under Bylaw 27, including a fine.

    With the adoption of Varsity/UDA scoresheets, coaches are advised to review those as posted on the KHSAA website. Posted are links for UDA Scoresheet Explanations, 2017-18 Scoresheet and 2017-18 Judging Rules and Standards.  All of this information is under the Dance Judges, Judging and Scoresheet Information link.

    The State Competition Participation Manual as well as the competition schedule will be posted soon for coaches, participants and fans.

    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    09/12/17 – Dance Online Rule Clinic Now Available

    Dance Blog Updates

    The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport activity of Dance was available beginning September 11. The clinic is required of all all coaches, varsity, junior varsity and freshman, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

    Below is additional information:


    September 11 to September 23 – the Dance Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    September 24 to October 13 – the Dance Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
    October 14 to October 27 – the Dance Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.

    The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, along with many HTML5 enabled mobile devices and tablets […]


    05/23/17 – Dance State Competition FAQs

    Athletic Department Blog Updates


    Frequently Asked Questions (as of August 18, 2017)

    The following is a FAQ for Dance. Refer to the Competition Rules that will be published in the KHSAA Handbook and on the Association website for more information. The Competition Rules govern Dance.

    Is Dance a “Sport”?

    • Within the programs of the KHSAA, Dance is categorized as a “sport-activity”.

    With the KHSAA sponsoring a Dance championship, does that make Dance exactly the same as all other sports and activities within the school?

    • The management of individual teams within a school is a local decision. School administrators will decide about issues such as compensation, travel allowances and other benefits in compliance with federal, state and locally adopted policies.
    • Nothing about the KHSAA adding this sport-activity makes anything “automatic” within a school or school district.
    • Be mindful of the fact that unless supervised in the same manner as the rest of the school sport and sport-activity programs, the […]


    05/12/17 – State Dance Competition

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Following is a link to the news release that was posted following yesterday’s KHSAA Board of Control meeting concerning the 2017 KHSAA State Dance Competition.

    News Release

    In addition, coaches should be mindful of the following:

    The State Competition will be an open competition (no regional qualifying).

    Once UDA finalizes the scoresheets, we will send out a notice to coaches.

    Championships will be conducted in the following:
    Hip Hop

    Judge training will be conducted through UDA (online) at no charge. The KHSAA will be managing Dance, so individual school questions/inquiries should come to the Association office.

    The State Competition will be Saturday, Dec. 16 at Frederick Douglass High School in Lexington.  Additional information on the competition is being finalized and information will be posted soon.

    Please contact the […]


    08/27/15 – Triennial Survey Results Highlight Dance For Potential Future KHSAA Sponsorship

    2015-2016 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 27, 2015

    During Monday’s Board of Control meeting at the Owensboro Convention Center, KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett presented the results from the Association’s triennial survey of the membership, conducted earlier this summer, the results of which designated Dance as the one sport or sport-activity to receive enough interest to be considered for future adoption.

    The Board directed staff to return at the November meeting with a report on the necessary steps for implementing a championship in Dance in the future, including a complete fiscal analysis of the impact to the KHSAA and all member schools and its impact on other programs, along with an update on the addition of Rifle Marksmanship, which was previously approved by the Board.

    “It is so vitally important that our member schools have this regular opportunity to evaluate options for championship play and provide this input. With our emphasis on opportunities for ALL students, not simply […]


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