August, 2021
08/31/21 – 2021 Bylaw 9 Reminder
While there will be an Annual Meeting proposal from the Board regarding Bylaw 9, the provisions remain in place for 2021-22. Please forward as necessary. It is imperative that there be good communication within each school and school system prior to the Annual Meeting as this rule and any revisions will be decided by the member schools.
As out-of-season fall basketball events continue being held, member school administrators must watch the outside activity of students who have previously been on high school basketball teams and keep those athletes informed to prevent violations.
Bylaw 9, Sec. 1(a)(1) ( states that athletes who have previously BOTH been enrolled in grade nine and then subsequently represented a KHSAA member school in a contest as defined in Bylaw 23(3)(d) may not play in an organized basketball game from the first day of classes for the student body through the first day of practice (October 15).
Bylaw 9, Sec. 1(a)(2) lists the […]
8/30/21 Soccer Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Male & Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year Awards
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year among soccer participants for 2021-2022 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2021-2022 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2022. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2021-2022 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the […]
08/09/22 – Tentative Host Sites for 2022 Regionals in Cross Country
*As of 08/09/22, the following schools are tentative sites for the 2022 Cross Country Regionals.
08/24/21 – Golf Nominations Sought for Male & Female Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the Year Awards
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year among golf participants for 2021-2022 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2021-2022 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2022. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2021-2022 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the […]
08/24/21 – HYPE Student Leadership Conference Registration Now Open
After the cancellation of last year’s conference due to the pandemic, the KHSAA is planning to conduct its HYPE Student Leadership Conference in person on Sept. 24 at Central Bank Center in Lexington.
HYPE is a one-day student leadership conference where students will enjoy educational interaction with each other to discuss issues and garner information to take back and share/implement with their teams and student body. The event is staged and presented by the KHSAA Student-Athlete Group.
Friday, September 24
Central Bank Center (430 W. Vine St., Lexington, next to Rupp Arena) – Meeting Rooms 1-8.
There is no charge to attend. Schools are responsible for transportation and any meals.
To register (Click Here to Register). The registration deadline is Tuesday, Sept. 7.
Lunch will be “on your own”.
Each school may select up to 18 individuals to […]
08/24/21 – Social Media Accounts and Websites Impersonating the NFHS Network
We are aware of the issues with scam social media accounts and websites impersonating the NFHS Network to distribute false links to game broadcasts. This is hardly a new problem, but it is continuing to get worse and seems to amplify in advance of Friday night football games.
The fake sites are NOT stealing and streaming the video feeds. They are scraping the scheduled events and marketing them as if they will have them, in hopes of scamming someone into entering their payment info. The NFHS Network reports these accounts when they become aware, but new ones are constantly popping up. Member schools can help prevent fans from being scammed by following the NFHS Network accounts and sharing posts directly from them. You should also make sure you are regularly communicating with your fans so they know the correct websites to view your contests.
If any NFHS Network school partners see something like that – […]
08/23/21- Reminder about COVID-19 Return to Play Following Isolation
Recently, there has been misinformation shared among the membership about the Return to Play policy following a positive COVID-19 test. Whether this is a result of misinterpretation or deliberate on the part of some individuals is open for debate. Most importantly, nothing has changed since early 2021 regarding this process and procedure as was adopted following the unanimous recommendation of our KMA Sports Medicine Committee. The process is based on ever-studied scientific data that is under continual review as more and more is known about the impacts of the virus, particularly, potential heart impacts such as myocarditis.
It is also critical not to mix terms. Isolation occurs following a positive test of a specific person. Quarantine is what happens when others who have not had the positive test are exposed or potentially exposed to the person with the positive test. Nothing about this reminder relates to quarantine. Details on quarantine can be found in the […]
08/18/21- Updates and Reminders on Schedule Change and Score Reporting
First off, thank you to our member schools for your help last year in adjusting to a revised method to report scores and schedule updates to the Riherds / KHSAA Scoreboard.
Some of the methods will necessarily change in 2021-22 as Bylaw 22 on forfeiture of contests is fully enforced. However, we still want to emphasize the needed integrity of the reporting of games canceled due to COVID-19. The data from those cancelations plays a huge role in seeing how the virus is potentially affecting sports and frankly, ensuring our ability to continue play. We hope this data will be accurate as we move through the fall and vaccinations increase to help slow the spread and reduce quarantine time.
The daily email links to enter scores will continue to be sent. Note that these emails, along with emailing and calling the scoreboard hotline at 1-800-453-6882 are the only […]
08/17/21 – KAPOS Coaches Conference Information
On behalf of the Kentucky Association of Pep Organization Sponsors (KAPOS), the KHSAA wanted to send a note to member schools about the upcoming KAPOS Coaches Conference. This year’s event will be Saturday, August 21 at the KHSAA Office in Lexington. For more details and registration information, use the link below. Please contact KAPOS with any questions about this event.
2021-2022 Leachman Buick GMC Cadillac/KHSAA State Golf Results/Entries
Media Info-Tee Times/Leaderboards/Results2020 UK Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine State Football Finals Award Winners

2020 UK Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine State Football Finals
Mingua Beef Jerky MVP Award
1A – Harris Phelps, Paintsville
2A – Cameron Hergott, Beechwood
3A – Keontae Pittman, Ashland Blazer
4A – Will McDaniel, Boyle County
5A – Tyler Moore, Bowling Green
6A – Bradley West, Trinity (Lou.)
08/13/21- 2021 KHSAA Annual Meeting Reminder
This is intended for all KHSAA member school Superintendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors and the links can be forwarded as needed.
This reminder that the 2021 Annual Meeting of the membership of the KHSAA is to be held on Wednesday, September 21 at the Central Bank Center (FKA Lexington Center). Final agenda documents are being published as they become final in the coming weeks, but the meeting is expected to begin at approximately 8:00 a.m. ET. and conclude not later than 12:30 p.m. Details and requirements for the Annual Meeting Delegate are summarized below. To submit the name of your delegate, go to
At this point, there is not a virtual option finalized, although efforts are being made to record the meeting for viewing by those unable to attend.
The Annual Meeting has continuous improvement/leadership training opportunities throughout the morning as members work to carve […]
2022-2023 KHSAA Golf Hard Card
Local Rules and Conditions of Competition for KHSAA Events
Play is governed by the Rules of Golf effective January 2019, and where applicable, by the following Local Rules and Terms of the Competition. Committee Procedures refers to the Committee Procedures section in the current Official Guide to the Rules of Golf. The Committee refers to the Tournament Committee assigned to each event. The Committee is the KHSAA staff through the manager at all KHSAA postseason competitions. Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule is the general penalty (2-strokes in Stroke Play / Loss of Hole in Match Play)
Abnormal Course Conditions
Ground Under Repair is any area encircled by a white line, including gallery crosswalks (except dropping zones or out of bounds), newly trenched areas, including grass-covered cables, and french drains, which are trenches filled with rocks or […]
08/10/21- Initial Return to Play Additional Guidance Issued for Fall Sports
Additional guidance for a return to play has been published on the KHSAA website under the COVID-19 Information tab (click Healthy at Sports Documentation-Grades 6-12 link) and can be shared with school administrators. The document has already undergone significant revision in the past few days as data points continue to move. Keep in mind that this guidance is a draft as the situation continues to remain fluid as it has the entire time. The information is subject to revision with upcoming events, including weekly updates from the Executive Branch. The document is listed at the link entitled “Healthy at Sports-Stage 4-Perseverance, Guidance for Continued Practice and Competition During the Pandemic”.
Different than for 2020-21, the guidance currently contains primarily points for local consideration in the vast majority of areas. There will continue to be a few sports specific rules modifications to attempt to add layers to everyone’s strategic decision-making as we balance the needs of […]
08/09/21- Covid-19 Continuation Documents (8/9/21)
Guidance for Sports, Healthy at Sports
Stage 4-Perseverance, Competition Considerations, 2021-22
Supplemental Material – Fall 2022
COVID-19 KHSAA Blog Posts and Information COVID-19 State, KDPH and National Data and References Click for KMA Covid-19 Return to Play Algorithm/Matrix and Form08/09/21 – Officials Licensing Remains Open in All Sports
We know some may have chosen to sit out last year due to COVID-19 and others may still be waiting, licensing numbers remain low in most sports and areas of the state. Assigners are busy scheduling for the fall season so as the online rules clinics are approaching, we wanted to send out a reminder to you.
You will note that beginning last year, licensing is now based upon each sport and the conclusion of the high school season starts another cycle, similar to the pattern in arbiter licensing. Approximately two weeks at the end of each high school postseason, licensing will open for the following year. This was done at the request of Assigners and interested officials rather than having to wait until June to begin the process and therefore capturing potential new recruits while the interest is high.
It is understood that many outside leagues, including middle schools, use licensed KHSAA officials and […]
08/09/21 – NFHS Officials Part 2 Exam Now Online for FB, FH, SO & VB
Please note that the NFHS Part 2 exams for licensed officials in the sports of Football, Field Hockey, Soccer, and Volleyball are now available online. The Part 2 exams, required for postseason eligibility consideration, will be open until Monday, August 23 at 11:59 p.m. (ET).
The tests will automatically close on Aug. 23 at 11:59 p.m. (ET). Login at to take the test. A minimum score of 80 on the exam is required to be considered for assignment to officiate postseason play. The exam is also used for advancements in levels of classification.
First-year officials are not required to take the exam, however, if any first-year official has completed licensing requirements, the test may be taken.
Any official determined to have been involved in the improper administration of the exam, including taking it for another official or having it taken by another official, will have the score disregarded for the year and be […]
08/09/21 – Soccer Rules Clinic for Coaches & Officials Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Soccer is now available today, August 9. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at
August 9 to September 7 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 8 to September 26 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
September 27 to October 4 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be […]
08/09/21 – Volleyball Rules Clinic for Coaches & Officials Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Volleyball is now available today, August 9. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at
August 9 to September 19 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 20 to October 8 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
October 9 to Oct. 16 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be […]
08/09/21 – Cross Country Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Cross Country is available beginning today, August 9. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.
Below is additional information:
- August 9 to September 20 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- September 21 to October 10 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- October 11 to October 18 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.
- After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, along with […]
08/09/21 – Field Hockey Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Field Hockey is available beginning today, August 9. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.
Below is additional information:
- August 9 to September 21 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 22 to October 8 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
October 9 to October 16 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
- August 9 to September 21 – the Field […]
08/06/21 – Angolia, White Promoted to New Roles at the KHSAA
KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett today announced the promotion of two members of the KHSAA staff to new positions. Communications Director Joe Angolia will move to serve as an Assistant Commissioner following the July 31 retirement of former Assistant Commissioner Michael Barren. Event Management Specialist Dan White will assume the Communications Director position formerly held by Angolia.
“Joe and Dan have been integral parts of our Association work and I am delighted to see this opportunity for personal and professional growth,” Tackett said. “Openings for full-time employment in our office are infrequent given the extremely small size of our staff compared to the tasks and responsibilities that we are assigned. We are very happy to see these two seize the opportunities as presented. They are aware of the pressures of both these positions and working here in general, and are ready and willing to take on additional challenges […]
08/09/21 – Golf Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Golf is now available beginning today, August 9. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) and whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
August 9 to September 6 – the Golf Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 7 to September September 19 – the Golf Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
September 20 to September 27 – the Golf Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw […]
08/04/21- Football Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Football is available beginning today, August 4. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.
Below is additional information:
- August 4 to September 27 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 28 to October 24 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
October 25 to Oct. 1 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
- August 4 to September 27 – the Football Clinic will be online only and […]