12/03/13 – KHSAA Partners With First String Media, For Enhanced Web Streaming Network
KHSAA Partners With First String Media, For Enhanced Web Streaming Network
Through a new venture launched prior to the start of the 2013-14 season, the KHSAA has transitioned its online video broadcast network ( to an internal operation through a new partnership with First String Media and After outsourcing its championship webcasts in previous seasons, this year’s championship events will feature live video streaming and highlight packages produced internally through the new partnership. Live video streaming, archived broadcasts and highlight packages will remain free of charge through the Association’s website. will remain the exclusive home for live video streaming of KHSAA Championship events, with live championship coverage of 11 events, and post-event highlight packages provided for six other sports and sport-activities. Live video streaming will be available for a total of 41 games during the 2013-14 season through […]
11/22/13 – On-Demand Printing For KHSAA Championship Programs
Updated commemorative copies of each completed KHSAA fall championship event are now available for on-demand printing through Full color and black-and-white versions of this year’s championship programs (Golf, Cross Country, Soccer and Volleyball) are all available for purchase.
Commemorative editions of each championship program from the 2012-13 season are also available through, along with the 2013-14 KHSAA Events Calendar and 2013-14 Handbook.
A complete list of KHSAA programs available for sale can be found at:
10/09/13 – Commissioner Issues Clarification about Postgame Activity, Corrections to Erroneous Media and Social Media Reports
First, for those who may choose to read no further, there has never been a ban or prohibition on postgame handshakes or other types of good sporting behavior by the KHSAA, its Commissioner or its Board of Control. Nor has such a ban been proposed. There is no ban or prohibition on such activity today or contemplated for the future.
This message has been composed entirely by the Commissioner of the KHSAA. I do not want any room for misinterpretation or anyone else being accused of being involved. As the Commissioner, I take very seriously my role to ensure clear, concise and accurate communication regarding the expectations for our membership, participants, coaches, officials and all involved.
However, yesterday (10/8), at best a poorly worded and at worst, an incomplete, notice was sent from me to the member schools regarding postgame activity. Regardless of the number of people who had written […]
10/08/13 – Commissioner’s Directive on Postgame Activity
For those that may choose to read only the first few lines, it is worth reiteration. THERE IS NO BAN OR PROHIBITION ON POSTGAME HANDSHAKES. Has not been considered, contemplated or reviewed as an option.
Several sports have “traditions” regarding postgame handshakes, etc. by team members (both en masse and as individuals), but none of them have such action dictated by playing rules. While it is an obvious sign of sportsmanship and civility, many incidents have occurred both in Kentucky (more than two dozen in the last three years in Kentucky alone) and throughout the country, where fights and physical conflicts have broken out during these postgame handshakes. And this is not restricted to specific sports. In our state alone, incidents in soccer, football and volleyball have occurred this fall.
Unfortunately, the adrenaline and effort required to participate in the sport sometimes seems to deplete the supply of judgement available to participants. And this can […]
08/26/13 – Reminder on “Off Season” during school year limitations
This is a reminder to all baseball coaches and administrators with regard to limitations to “off season” during the school year activities (“Fall Ball”). We have received some reports of schools using school uniforms and other identifying apparel which is prohibited.
Please review and be mindful of the stipulations.
Case BL-23-14- What are the restrictions during the school year outside of the defined Limitation of Seasons (off-season) when the school’s team members are participants or school coaches are involved?
Coaching is defined as any activity by the coach at a time the athletes are participating in skills (either preparatory or specific to that sport) in a setting in which skills are taught, refined, or practiced. Coincident participation by a coach and an athlete in a sport such as a golf outing, where the coach and athlete(s) are not entered as a entry or group, or in an activity such as distance running with many […]
08/26/13 – Video Replay and Video Board Reminders for Schools
Sec. 2) Illegal Equipment/Videotaping
a) It shall also be considered a violation of this rule if any school or school representative(s) uses or allows the use of illegal equipment which gains a competitive advantage in the contest and which is expressly prohibited by the rules adopted for that sport.
b) This shall also include the on-site recording of past or future opponents in any electronic form without the expressed consent of all involved teams.
c) A violation of this provision may result in penalization by the Commissioner’s office in accordance with the provisions of this bylaw and in accordance with KHSAA Bylaw 27.
Case BL 15-14- Is it a violation for a school to videotape an opponent without permission or use otherwise illegal equipment such as cleats […]
05/20/13 – 2014 KHSAA Hall of Fame Press Conference; BA/FP District Tournaments; Spring Sport Media Credentials
2014 KHSAA Hall of Fame Press Conference Set For June 2
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association will hold a press conference on Sunday, June 2 at 1:30 p.m. to announce the KHSAA Hall of Fame Class of 2014. The Hall of Fame announcement will take place at the KHSAA Offices in Lexington (2280 Executive Drive), and will be streamed live online at
The KHSAA will hold its annual Hall of Fame Golf Scramble on Tuesday, June 18 at the Marriott Griffin Gate Golf Course in Lexington. The event begins with a shotgun start at 8 a.m., followed by a luncheon at 1:15 p.m. The golf scramble is open to the public at a cost of $85 per person, or $300 for a foursome. Interested parties should contact Assistant Commissioner Angela Passafiume.
The 2014 Hall of Fame banquet is scheduled for Sunday, April 27 in the […]
05/01/13 – State Time Schedule Announced
The complete time schedule for the 2013 Forcht Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament has been finalized and posted online. To view this year’s schedule, follow the link below.
04/22/13 – KHSAA Bass Fishing Championship This Week; Top Officials Honored By KHSAA; Baseball-Softball Draw Show Tomorrow
First KHSAA Bass Fishing State Championship This Weekend At KenLake Marina
The first-ever KHSAA Bass Fishing State Championship will take place this weekend (April 26-27) at the KenLake Marina in Hardin. Forty-five teams advanced from the four regional tournaments to the state championship, which begins Friday morning with the opening day boat launch at 7 a.m. (CT). Each two-person team is allotted eight hours on the lake, with the weigh-in beginning at approximately 3 p.m.
The tournament format will be repeated on Saturday, with the boats launching in reverse order from day one. Each team can turn in a maximum of five fish each round, with each day’s catch counting towards the team’s total for the competition. All fish will be kept in a live well once caught and released immediately following the weigh-in. Trophies and medals will be given to the top three team finishers, in addition […]
04/22/23 – Draw for Forcht Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament Tuesday
The draw for region vs. region match-ups for the 2013 Forcht Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament will be conducted Tuesday, April 23 at 2 p.m. (ET). The draw will be streamed live on in partnership with The 2013 event is scheduled for June 3-8 at Whitaker Bank Ballpark in Lexington.
Past Baseball Financial Reports
Past Baseball Financial reports03/25/13 – Clarification on Cold Weather Participation
The office has received several calls from people asking about a “Cold Weather Index” to parallel the existing Heat Index rules and regulations. At the present time, such an index does not exist in terms of a policy to eliminate participation at certain temperature combinations. However, the NFHS Sports Medicine Committee, as part of its 4th edition Sports Medicine Handbook provided to the member schools, has set up best practices documentation and suggestions to dealing with extreme cold. The recommendations are posted on the KHSAA web site at /sportsmedicine/nfhs/coldweatherrecommendations.pdf Please feel free to use this valuable resource document. If you need additional copies of the Sports Medicine Handbook, contact Marilyn Mitchell ( at the KHSAA offices.03/18/13 – Baseball Jewelry Clarification
We received confirmation that the Phiten and other collapsible necklaces and bracelets that may be popular at other levels and in outside leagues are considered jewelry per the NFHS and are NOT legal for Kentucky High School Baseball. Please advise players to be properly uniformed per NFHS rules.
03/18/13 – NFHS Baseball Part 2 Test Now Online
This is a reminder to all umpires that the NFHS Part 2 Exam is now open and available online. A reminder, you must score at least 80 on the Part 2 Exam to be eligible for the postseason. The window to take the test will close at midnight on Sunday, March 31, so make plans prior to that time to complete the exam. Log on to the KHSAA website through the officials division to take the test.
02/04/13 – Board of Control approves change in 3-team district regulations for BA, BK, FP, SO and VB effective 2013-2014
At its meeting last week, the KHSAA Board of Control approved a staff recommendation to give teams in three-team districts options as to the scheduling of required games. Three-team districts in baseball, basketball, soccer, softball and volleyball will continue to be seeded by rule. However, the districts will decide (by majority vote) if they play each other twice, or once during regular season.
As districts conduct meetings to decide scheduling and site selection plan options for next year and beyond, discussion should include these decisions as well for all […]
01/18/13 – Current list of Decertified Bats by NFHS to date
While we posted the following individually as the notices were received throughout last year, here is a current listing of decertified bats by the NFHS as we are closing in on the start of the 2013 playing season.
This short list is subject to change. Additional non-wood baseball bats could possibly be added to this list. The decertified bats are the following:
Marucci Cat 5 2 33″ non-wood baseball bat
(Decertification notice date: February 21, 2012)
Reebok Vector TLS 32″ non-wood baseball bat
(Decertification notice date: March 26, 2012)
Reebok Vector TLS 33″ non-wood baseball bat
(Decertification notice date: March 26, 2012)
These bats should be considered non-compliant and subject to NFHS Baseball Rules 4-1-3b and 7-4-1a.
Please share this information with your coaches, officials and parents. Thank you in advance for your immediate attention to this matter.
12/11/12 – Baseball Umpire Camp Information
Registration information for the 2013 KHSAA Baseball Umpire Camp has been posted on the KHSAA website. Go to this link for more information.
08/14/12 – Reebok Vector TLS 32″ Decertified by NFHS
Please be advised that the BBCOR decertification process has been implemented for the Reebok Vector TLS 32-inch model.
Effective immediately and until further notice, this bat (Reebok Vector TLS 32″ length) should be considered a non-compliant bat and subject to NFHS Baseball Rules 4-1-3b and 7-4-1a.
8/10/12 – “Fall Ball” and Bylaw 25 Reminders
We have had several inquiries from Administrators and Coaches with regard to coaches involvement during the school year with members of their team (or other interscholastic teams within the school). These issues have been particularly brought to light with respect to baseball and softball programs.
Coaching is defined as any activity by the coach at a time the athletes are participating in skills (either preparatory or specific to that sport) in a setting in which skills are taught, refined, or practiced. Coincident participation by a coach and an athlete in a sport such as a golf outing, where the coach and athlete(s) are not entered as a entry or group, or in an activity such as distance running with many runners but no direct coaching, would not specifically be considered coaching.
The “off-season” is the period during the school year for each sport or sport/activity that is outside the defined start and […]
7/17/12 – Baseball Rules Committee Addresses Alteration of Bats with 2013 Rule Changes
New language has been added to the high school baseball rules to re-emphasize that non-wood bats cannot be altered. This additional note in Rule 1-3-2 was one of four rules changes approved by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Baseball Rules Committee at its June 3-5 meeting in Indianapolis. All rules changes were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors. Click Here for More Information
07/15/12 – Reminder about Case BL-25-14 (Open Gym/Field), Out of Season Restrictions
Case BL-25-14- What are the restrictions during the school year outside of the defined Limitation of Seasons (off-season) when the school’s team members are participants or school coaches are involved?
Coaching is defined as any activity by the coach at a time the athletes are participating in skills (either preparatory or specific to that sport) in a setting in which skills are taught, refined, or practiced. Coincident participation by a coach and an athlete in a sport such as a golf outing, where the coach and athlete(s) are not entered as a entry or group, or in an activity such as distance running with many runners but no direct coaching, would not specifically be considered coaching.
The “off-season” is the period during the school year for each sport or sport/activity that is outside the defined start and end dates for the sport or sport/activity as detailed in Bylaw 25. The restrictions begin on the first […]
General and Current Regular Season
2025 Season Information General Baseball InformationBaseball District Tournament Information and Instructions
2025 Baseball District Information Baseball District InformationBaseball Region Tournament Information and Instructions
2025 Baseball Region Information Baseball Region InformationClark’s Pump-N-Shop Baseball State Tournament Information and Instructions
2025 Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Baseball State Information Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Baseball State General InformationBaseball Umpiring and Rules Information
Baseball Umpiring Information Baseball Umpires AssociationsPast Baseball Staff Blogs/News
Archive of Past Staff BlogsBaseball Records
Baseball Records05/21/12 – Tickets on Sale Now!
Coaches ….your rosters should have already been entered through the KHSAA website. Please keep in mind that entry will be locked down the first date of the postseason (May 21) and no changes may be made. This serves as a listing of those that would be eligible to participate for you throughout the entire postseason. Make sure you list any and all players that potentially could dress as part of your 21 roster. You could have 28 names on the roster ….of which only 21 could dress out per game ….but you could rotate the other 7 names.
2012 Kentucky National Insurance/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament June 4-9
2012 Kentucky National Insurance/KHSAA
State Baseball Tournament
June 4-9
Order Your Advance Tickets Now!
05/11/12 – Roster Reminder
Coaches ….your rosters should have already been entered through the KHSAA website. Please keep in mind that entry will be locked down the first date of the postseason (May 21) and no changes may be made. This serves as a listing of those that would be eligible to participate for you throughout the entire postseason. Make sure you list any and all players that potentially could dress as part of your 21 roster. You could have 28 names on the roster ….of which only 21 could dress out per game ….but you could rotate the other 7 names.
05/8/12 – Game Times Set for Ky. National Insurance/KHSAA State Tournament
Game times have been set for the 2012 Kentucky National Insurance/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament scheduled for June 4-9 at Whitaker Bank Ballpark in Lexington. The schedule in bracket order is as follows:
All Times Eastern
Monday, June 4
Region 15 vs. Region 10 at 6 p.m.
Region 12 vs. Region 7 at 1:30 p.m.
Region 4 vs. Region 5 at 11 a.m.
Region 11 vs. Region 14 at 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, June 5
Region 2 vs. Region 8 at 11 a.m.
Region 6 vs. Region 9 at 8:30 p.m.
Region 3 vs. Region 1 at 1:30 p.m.
Region 16 vs. Regions 13 at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, June 6
Quarterfinals (Monday’s winners) at 6 and 8:30 p.m.
Thursday, June 7
Quarterfinals (Tuesday’s winners) at 6 and 8:30 p.m.
Friday, June 8
Semi-finals at 6 and 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, June 9
Championship at […]
04/30/12 – District/Region Tournament Instructions Manual
Attention District and Region Tournament Managers ….the host manager manual has been published. Please refer to the link below to guide you through the postseason. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.
04/27/12 – Reminder – Game Completions/Interrupted Games
This is a reminder regarding interrupted games. If a game is interrupted in tournament play or regular season play, and is subsequently to be completed, it will be reset (resumed) at the same point, same inning, same out or outs, same balls and strikes, same batter or number of batter in the batting order. The game does not start over from the beginning.
In the event the game can not be rescheduled to be finished (resumed). The result stands and the game counts toward the contest limit and pitching restrictions.
04/23/12 – Regional Match-ups set for 2012 Ky. National Insurance/KHSAA State Tournament
Regional match-ups are now set for the 2012 Kentucky National Insurance/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament. The draw was webcast live on April 20. To view an archive of the draw go to District Tournaments are scheduled for May 21-26. Regional Tournaments are May 28-June 2. The Kentucky National Insurance/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament will be June 4-9 at Whitaker Bank Ballpark in Lexington.
04/19/12 – Draw for Ky. National Insurance/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament
The draw for the 2012 Kentucky National Insurance/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament to be held June 4-9 at Whitaker Bank Ballpark will be shown live online on Friday, April 20 at 2 p.m. (ET). Go to to view the draw to see what regions will face each other in the opening round of the event. Thanks to, webcast partner of the KHSAA.
04/10/12 – Game Results Reminder
Coaches …this reminder to call the score of your game (Home or away) following each contest to the Riherd’s/KHSAA Scoreboard. The call is toll free at 800-453-6882
03/26/12 – NFHS Decertifies Reebok Vector TLS Bat – 33″
We received this communication from the NFHS Office today ….please pass the information along…
This makes the Marucci CAT5 33″ bat and the Reebok Vector TLS bat as the only two at this time that have been decertified and not legal for play.
To: Member State Association Executive Directors
From: B. Elliot Hopkins, MLD, CAA, NFHS Baseball Rules Editor
Subject: Decertification of 33-inch Reebok Vector TLS bat
Date: Monday, March 26, 2012
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has advised us that the BBCOR decertification process has been implemented for the Reebok Vector TLS 33-inch model.
Effective immediately and until further notice, this bat (Reebok Vector TLS 33″ length) should be considered a non-compliant bat and subject to NFHS Baseball Rules 4-1-3b and 7-4-1a.
02/27/12 – Deadline of Free Online Rule Clinic Reminder
Rules Clinic — Reminder to all Baseball Head Coaches and Umpires ….the deadline for the free online baseball rules clinic is midnight Wednesday. If you have not already completed the course online (or attended the Baseball Coaches Conference or have not registered to attend Saturday’s Umpires Camp) you need to log in and complete the course by the deadline.
Beginning March 1, there is a $100 late fee (must be paid prior to viewing the clinic). 3/1 to 3/31 for 2012, the Baseball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed by coaches and officials for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
4/1 to 4/30 for 2012, the Baseball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed by coaches and officials for the makeup fee ($300) per the Bylaw 33 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 33 will apply.
02/21/12 – Marucci Bat Decertification Notice
This below was just received from the NFHS To: Member State Association Executive Directors From: B. Elliot Hopkins, MLD, CAA, NFHS Baseball Rules Editor Subject: Decertification of 33-inch Marucci CAT5 bat Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has advised us that the BBCOR decertification process has been implemented for the Marucci CAT5 33-inch model.\ Effective immediately and until further notice, this bat (Marucci CAT5 33″ length) should be considered a non-compliant bat and subject to NFHS Baseball Rules 4-1-3b and 7-4-1a. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact B. Elliot Hopkins, NFHS Baseball Rules Editor/National Interpreter at ( or (317) 822-6900, extension 5757.
02/20/12 – Rip-It Bat
We have received the following from the NFHS
It was brought to the NFHS’s attention that some umpires have identified the Rip-It bat as being non-compliant due to the positioning of the BBCOR .50 certification mark on the taper instead of on the barrel. This was very observant of them and a correct interpretation. However, the NFHS has had discussions with the Rip-It management group about this issue and an agreement was worked out to extend to them an administrative remedy to permit their bats to be allowed in high school competition. Please share this information with your officials that the Rip-It product with the BBCOR .50 certification mark on the taper of the bat instead of the barrel is compliant with the NFHS baseball rules due to an administrative remedy.
Another […]