Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917


District Site Selection Plans

Soccer Working


Past Soccer District, Region, Section, SubSection Financial Reports

Soccer Working

Past Soccer District, Region, Section, SubSection Financial Reports


07/29/13 – Rule 4-1-1c Socks and Things Applied

Soccer Blog Updates

The season is officially under way with two more weeks of practice before contests can begin! We just completed the Officials Advanced camp in conjunction with the Bluegrass State Games. What a great weekend for Soccer, a touch of rain for the first game Saturday gave way to a beautiful weekend. I saw a lot of good play for this time of preseason and the Referees were on top of their game too. One issue that came up  was players adding tape to their socks. As you will read in the rule book and hear me cover in the rules clinic, it must be of SIMILAR color to the sock to which it is applied. A few coaches tried to explain that they felt it was not “tape” and/or was made by “Nike” so the rule did not apply. The KHSAA interpretation of this rule as well as the NFHS is that regardless of the […]


Current Alignment – Soccer

Soccer Working

The Kentucky High School Athletic Association shall sponsor postseason competition in soccer for boys and for girls, provided that there is sufficient interest of the membership and such is approved by the Board of Control. The Commissioner shall divide the state into geographic sections with the approval of the Board of Control. The entire alignment shall be reviewed when the Board of Control conducts a realignment related to basketball. In the interim, newly added or deleted programs will be handled on a case by case basis by the Commissioner’s office.
District 1 – Ballard Memorial, Community Christian (Paducah), McCraken County,  Paducah Tilghman, St. Mary
District 2 – Calloway County, Graves County, Marshall County, Mayfield, Murray
District 5 – Crittenden County, Lyon County, Trigg County
District 6 – Henderson County, Union County, Webster County
District 7 – Caldwell County, Dawson Springs, Hopkins County Central, Madisonville-North Hopkins
District 8 – Christian County, […]


05/31/13 – Referee’s Advanced Camp

Soccer Blog Updates

Today’s Blog is geared towards our officials. Please take time to mark your calendars for this year’s Referee’s camp! The Advanced Camp for Soccer referees will again be held in conjunction with the Bluegrass State Games. We will be taking applications for this camp beginning today. Camp is scheduled for July 26 & 27 and will cost $65 (officials will be compensated for each match officiated by the BGSG).  As in the past, participants will be housed in a dorm on the UK campus (at no cost) through the BGSG organization.   For information on the camp visit our Soccer page on the KHSAA web site: There you will find the information and application for the KHSAA Referee camp. You must also work a few of the bluegrass games as a part of this camp. To do that you will need to register with them. On our Soccer page you will find a link ( to information […]


04/16/13 – Regional Tournament Sites

Soccer Blog Updates

Now that we have had a year to settle into our new Soccer Alignment , we are going to make a slight change that will benefit all of us. Most of us have found the process for determining the regional site somewhat cumbersome and confusing to say the least. As we do with other teams sports ( Baseball, Basketball etc.) The Commissioner shall determine region tournament sites. Schools interested in hosting a region tournament shall submit their request through the defined site selection process . Normally we ask the teams to declare a site plan for future tournaments at the meeting prior to the regional tournament each year. Due to the fact that we must all plan well in advance of this years tournament  we are asking you to meet as a collection of regional Coaches and/or Athletic Directors and select a site for this years Regional Tournament. Please forward your requests as a region to this office. But remember , the […]


04/08/13 – Team Camps & Scrimmages

Soccer Blog Updates

Coaches as you make your summer plans, keep in mind the Bylaws and how they may impact those plans. I received a copy of an email that has made its way around to the Soccer Coaches in Kentucky, it is from one of our state colleges advertising their “Team camp”. If you take your team to a team camp that overlaps the beginning of the season ( July 15th) you could run a danger of exceeding your two (2) scrimmage limit before the first session of the camp ends on the first day. Some of these camps will have your players involved with other schools in small sided games ( i.e. 3v3) and/or full sided scrimmages. Both of these activities count towards that limit. Remember Bylaw 25 Limitation of Seasons states: Sec. 7) Sports Specific Limitations- Soccer- Boys and Girls…. b) There shall be no more than two (2) scrimmages or practice games prior to the first regular season contest of that year. The only exception to […]


03/05/13 – Question of the Day

Soccer Blog Updates

In less than 24 hours, I have been asked by four different coaches whether girls on their varsity teams can play JV Boys soccer too. It seems some club coaches have been telling the girls that their best chance for improvement is to play against the boys. Regardless of the motivation to play on both teams,the Board of Control has set policy for this issue, copied below is that policy for Soccer. You may find this in the Handbook, look under Board Policy E) Soccer 1) If a school sponsors both a boys and girls team in soccer,  students may only play for the gender speci? c team (girls may  only play for the girls’ team, boys may only play for the boys’  team. 2) If a school sponsors only a boys team and does not sponsor a  girls team, female students may […]


02/04/13 – Schools Aligned in 3-team Districts

Soccer Blog Updates

At its meeting last week, the KHSAA Board of Control approved a staff recommendation to give teams in three-team districts options as to the scheduling of required games. This option had been suggested by several athletic administrators at KHSAA member schools to address scheduling concerns. Three-team districts in soccer,  will continue to be seeded by rule. However, the districts will decide (by majority vote) if they play each other twice, or once during regular season. This change should be considered as plans are made for 2013-2014 schedules and play.


02/04/13 – Board of Control approves change in 3-team district regulations for BA, BK, FP, SO and VB effective 2013-2014

Athletic Department Blog Updates

At its meeting last week, the KHSAA Board of Control approved a staff recommendation to give teams in three-team districts options as to the scheduling of required games. Three-team districts in baseball, basketball, soccer, softball and volleyball will continue to be seeded by rule. However, the districts will decide (by majority vote) if they play each other twice, or once during regular season.

  • For districts that play only once, the only conceivable tie is a three-way tie with each team having a 1-1 record. If that is the case, the district shall be decided by blind draw of those three teams, with the first team drawn being the number one seed.
  • For districts that play twice each year, the system (including tiebreakers) remains the same as it is in 2012-2013.
  • As districts conduct meetings to decide scheduling and site selection plan options for next year and beyond, discussion should include these decisions as well for all […]


    12/10/12 – Uniform Reminder and Interpretation

    Soccer Blog Updates

    It’s that time of year when many of you are discussing your budgets with your Athletic Directors and some are ordering new kits for the fall. Keep in mind, this fall we will play under the change to Rule 4-1 in regards to the color of home jerseys and socks. The home team shall wear solid white jerseys and solid white socks, and the visiting team shall wear dark jerseys and socks.  Also, those players who are getting ready to purchase a new set of shinguards  it is now required that the NOCSAE seal and height range shall be permanently marked on the front of the shinguard.  On a side note, those of you who have players who like to wrap tape on the outside of their socks for various reasons; The KHSAA will require that the color of the tape must match the color of the sock, therefore, only white tape will be permitted on the home socks.


    11/06/12 – State Soccer Pictures

    Soccer Blog Updates

    The following link will give you access to all of the photos from the 2012  State Tournament Final Four that are available for purchase:




    10/22/12 – KHSAA State Volleyball This Weekend

    2012-2013 News Releases



    For the third consecutive year the KHSAA State Volleyball Tournament will be played in Louisville but the action shifts to a different venue.

    The 2012 edition of the KHSAA State Volleyball Tournament will be contested at the new Cantrell Gymnasium on the campus of Valley High School on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 26-27. The first match between 13th Region champion Corbin and First Region champion Lone Oak begins at 10 a.m. on Friday. A total of eight first-round matches will be played on Friday. Quarterfinal action begins on Saturday morning at 9 a.m., with the semifinals slated for 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

    The championship match will begin at 8 o’clock Saturday night.  Assumption is the two-time defending champion of the event.

    The state bracket with each matchup can be found at

    Fans may purchase advance tickets for each session or the […]


    2012 KHSAA State Results/Stats

    Soccer Tournament Results History


    09/28/12 – District Tournament meetings

    Soccer Blog Updates

    It’s that time of year again, the heat is gone, the trees are showing their color and we are headed to our Post Season Tournament. The Post Season Instructions for District and Region are found on the Soccer page of our website. You can either print the PDF, or download to your computer or smart phone. An added note: For those of you in a regional alignment that have (3) three districts;you need to make sure you look at the “Competition Rules” under Section 3,C,4,b. There you will find a detailed explanation of how to handle your Regional draw. 


    09/05/12 – Soccer Post Season Sites

    Soccer Blog Updates

    The season is just under way and coaches are already calling and emailing me about “where will my team play for the Region”, or “who am I going to play in the new Semi-State game”. Let me take some time and go over the process so that all of you can make plans for the post season.

    •  I will be contacting the schools listed as host sites today to verify that they will serve as a district site. You will notice that some districts have failed to send in their site plans, so I will be contacting the first school listed alphabetically and asking if they will serve as a host site.
    • Regional Sites for this year are determined by the Standard rule that we have been following: For the boys’ regional tournaments in even numbered years (2012), the host shall be the district winner in the even numbered district. For the girls’ regional tournaments in even numbered years (2012), the host shall be the […]


    09/04/12 – Volleyball, Soccer Draw Show to Air on Friday

    2012-2013 News Releases


    Volleyball, Soccer Draw Show to Air on Friday

    Volleyball and soccer postseason tournaments may not begin until October 8 but teams will soon find out the region it will face in the first round of the state tournament should it advance.

    The draws for the 2012 KHSAA State Volleyball and KHSAA Boys’ and Girls’ State Soccer Tournaments will be conducted on Friday, Sept. 7 at 2 p.m. at the KHSAA Office in Lexington. The draw show will air live on

    Brackets will be posted to the Riherd’s/KHSAA Scoreboard and the KHSAA website at the conclusion of the program.

    The KHSAA State Volleyball Tournament moves to the new gymnasium at Valley High School in Louisville this year. The tournament had been contested at Bellarmine University’s Knights Hall the past two years. The tournament will be played on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 26-27.

    The tournaments for boys’ and girls’ soccer […]


    Regional Site Selection Plan Recommendations

    Soccer Working


    08/17/12 – Soccer Rules Clinic Reminder

    Soccer Blog Updates

    Coaches and Soccer Officials are reminded the deadline for the mandatory KHSAA online Soccer Rules Clinic is midnight (ET) on Wednesday, Aug. 22 (If you have already completed the clinic, you may disregard this notice). After August 22, the clinic will be available through midnight, September 14, but only with the late-payment fine of $100.  From September 15 through October 5, the late fine is $300.  Following Oct. 5 there is no opportunity to take the clinic and officials and coaches that do not complete the exam will not be eligible to officiate/coach during the postseason. You must be logged on either through the school login (coaches) or officials login (officials) to receive credit.  If you view the public (no log in required) version of the clinic, you do not receive credit. For Coaches: Athletic Directors can track your completion of the course by going to the school login page and viewing the link “Maintain School […]


    08/15/12 – Reminder about Rosters and Stats

    2012-2013 News Releases

    Now that contests have been completed and individual statistics can be entered, there are steps to be taken to open and initialize rosters. This step was clearly detailed in the August 7 blog entry available at Your AD will need to follow these steps prior to the entry of new players or editing of the current roster. All of this has to be done before stats can be entered on a game-by-game basis.

    The first week of volleyball statistics will be published on Thursday, Aug. 23.
    The first week of soccer statistics will be published on Thursday, Aug. 30
    The first week of football statistics will be published on Thursday, Sept. 6


    08/09/12 – Home Game Management

    Soccer Blog Updates

    The practice of good sportsmanship is integral to conducting an interscholastic athletic contest. After reviewing past records of disqualifications and sportsmanship issues involving the KHSAA and its member schools, the KHSAA Board of Control adopted the following recommended procedures for implementation at contests in the sport of soccer. Here is the link to the document, With the regular season beginning on Monday the 13th, I think it is important for the School Administration and Head Coach to review the Sportsmanship recommendations in regard to providing Home Game Management. Many of you may be new to your position and therefore are not aware of this policy. We are already getting reports from Officials that have been working the pre-season scrimmages. Just today, I had a report of two schools who had made a Booster Club member the home game manager. Another school appointed the Athletic Trainer who was […]


    08/07/12 – Soccer Home Management and Officials Duties

    Soccer Blog Updates



    The practice of good sportsmanship is integral to conducting an interscholastic athletic contest. After reviewing past records of disqualifications and sportsmanship issues involving the KHSAA and its member schools, the KHSAA Board of Control has adopted the following recommended procedures for implementation at contests in the sport of soccer.   Home Game Management Responsibilities
    • The Principal of the home team shall designate a game manager on site prior to the start of each contest at a time designated by the KHSAA.
    • The home game manager will meet with the officials during the pre-game period, making the officials aware of his/her primary location for the entire contest.
    • The home game manager assumes responsibility for all aspects of crowd control such as ensuring that only authorized personnel are allowed in the team bench area.
    • The home […]


    07/30/12 – Rule 7 Duration of The Game

    Soccer Blog Updates

    This weekend we held our annual Officials Advanced Camp in conjugation with the Blue Grass State Games. I was very impressed by the Professionalism of the “Campers” as they went through the training sessions and was able to see many of them work games over the weekend. I also got a chance to visit with several coaches. It was a great weekend for preseason soccer and adds to the anticipation of the upcoming season. Some questions came from the referees about the Heat Index rule when it overrides our normal “two equal halves of 40 minutes each”. I thought I would give you the answers that I shared with them. First “How do we end the periods ? (Rule 7-1-4) Simply follow the same procedure we use for halftime of a standard game. Second “How do we restart?” (Rule 7-2-3) Again, no need to over-think this, we will simply exchange ends and alternate the kickoff. The only modification of the NFHS rule book is dealing with the interval between the quarters […]


    07/30/12 – Soccer Rules Clinic Is Now Open

    Soccer Blog Updates

    This is a reminder that beginning this year, all Bylaw 27 requirements apply to Head and Assistant Coaches, including the online rules clinic.  The mandatory KHSAA Rules Clinic for Soccer coaches is now online.  The clinic is available beginning today Monday, July 30.  Below is additional information: July 30 to August 22 – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed by coaches and officials at no charge during this period.August 23 to September 14 – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed by coaches and officials for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.September 15 to October 5 – the Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed by coaches and officials for the makeup fee ($300) per the Bylaw 33 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 33 will apply.  


    07/25/12 – Soccer Heat Timeout Procedure Adopted

    Soccer Blog Updates

    The upcoming season will soon be upon us and with our recent weather patterns I would like to notify the member schools of our modification to the playing rules (Rule 7, 2012-13 NFHS Soccer Rules) with regard to duration of the game and length of periods if we find that we must take Heat timeouts. The rule calls for two equal halves of 40 minutes or four equal quarters of 20 minutes with a halftime interval of 10 minutes. The KHSAA has always used two equal halves of 40 minutes for our soccer contests. That will not change! The Standard Rule of Play will always be “two equal halves of 40 minutes”. But sometimes we also find ourselves having to meet the KHSAA Heat Index Policy in regard to mandated water breaks.  Beginning this season soccer matches that […]


    07/24/12 – Championship Weekend Created for Fall Sports

    2012-2013 News Releases


    Beginning in the fall of 2013 the first weekend of November will have a championship feel unlike any other in the Association’s 95-year history. The KHSAA Board of Control approved a measure at its July meeting to create a fall sports weekend of championships as five separate team championships will be decided on the same Saturday.
    The final championship contests for volleyball, boys’ and girls’ cross country, as well as boys’ and girls’ soccer will be awarded on Nov. 9, 2013. The new series of championships will be held in week 18 of the NFHS corresponding date calendar.
    The decision to create a fall weekend of champions received support for several reasons, among them the fact it cuts down on scheduling conflicts for member schools, unlike when the championships are conducted on three separate weekends. Similar events also have been […]


    7/17/12 – Uniform Rules for 2012

    Soccer Blog Updates

    I have had several Coaches contact me in regards to an email that was sent to them from a “Soccer” retail store. After reading the email that was forwarded to me, I can understand their questions and concerns. The author of the email has listed rule changes that go into affect this year and a major change that will go into affect next year, as changes for this year. I will be covering these once again in the Rules clinic this fall, but to help clear up the confusion, let me simply say that : 

    Rule 4-1  EQUIPMENT CHANGES – It is now required that the NOCSAE seal and height range shall be permanently marked on the front of the shinguard. Goalkeepers are now required to have numbers on the back of their jersey and on the front of their jersey or pants/shorts. Beginning with the 2013 fall season, the home team shall wear solid white jerseys and solid white socks, […]


    07/15/12 – Reminder about Case BL-25-14 (Open Gym/Field), Out of Season Restrictions

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Case BL-25-14- What are the restrictions during the school year outside of the defined Limitation of Seasons (off-season) when the school’s team members are participants or school coaches are involved?
    Coaching is defined as any activity by the coach at a time the athletes are participating in skills (either preparatory or specific to that sport) in a setting in which skills are taught, refined, or practiced. Coincident participation by a coach and an athlete in a sport such as a golf outing, where the coach and athlete(s) are not entered as a entry or group, or in an activity such as distance running with many runners but no direct coaching, would not specifically be considered coaching.
    The “off-season” is the period during the school year for each sport or sport/activity that is outside the defined start and end dates for the sport or sport/activity as detailed in Bylaw 25. The restrictions begin on the first […]


    NFHS Announces 2012 Soccer Playing Rule Changes

    Soccer Blog Updates

    NFHS Announces 2012 Soccer Playing Rule Changes Highlighted by Elmination of Soft-Red Card

    Click Here for More Information


    General and Regular Season Information

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    Soccer Info/Forms/Records


    05/11/12 – Officials Advanced Camp 2012

    Soccer Blog Updates

    Today’s Blog is geared towards our officials. Please take time to mark your calendars for this year’s Referee’s camp! The Advanced Camp for Soccer referees will again be held in conjunction with the Bluegrass State Games. We will be taking applications for this camp beginning today. Camp is scheduled for July 27 & 28 and will cost $65 (officials will be compensated for each match officiated by the BGSG).  As in the past, participants will be housed in a dorm on the UK campus at no cost.  Along with an in-house KHSAA rule’s clinic, the camp will feature classroom instruction and each referee will be assessed on each match officiated.    Just as a reminder, those of you who wish to be eligible for post season assignments are required to have attended  the advanced camp once every 4 years. If you haven’t participated in the camp since 2008, you […]


    04/24/12 – Rule 4 Information

    Soccer Blog Updates

    I have been getting several inquires as to the “Uniform” changes for next year. First, there was a change to the rule change ( isn’t this fun) with regard to the date that it would take effect. Rule 4 reads …” with the 2013 fall season,the home team shall wear solid white jerseys and solid white socks…….. In last years rules clinic I had several slides ( with notes) covering the Uniform Rules. I would suggest that you download the slides from my PowerPoint, and keep them for your reference, when it comes time to order new kits. 


    04/17/12 – KHSAA Revised State Championship Format

    Soccer Blog Updates

    The Board of Control voted yesterday to change the Post Season Tournament format. I’m very excited about this change. What will it mean to you? First, some of you will see new teams in your district and Regional tournaments (as a result of the previous re-alignment) after you have advanced through the region, the next step will be the “Semi-State” game that will be played at eight different sites. This is, in effect, our first round of the Sweet-Sixteen tournament for Soccer. Many of us believe that in the past, the State Championship tournament was unfairly thought of as just a four team tournament. I want each of the 16 Regional Champions to realize that regardless of the outcome of the next game that they play, their team has made it to the “State Championships”. The eight winners of the Semi-State game will advance to the quarter-finals here in Lexington. The match ups for this […]


    03/01/12 – Soccer Notes

    Soccer Blog Updates

    Welcome!      We will begin a new season, with a new Alignment and with it comes a new method of communication between our office and the member schools.  When our Boss first told us to create a Blog, I panicked. I’m not a writer. But here we go with my first post! When I was teaching, I had to explain to my students the Kentucky Department of Education’s terms:  Novice, Apprentice, Proficient and Distinguished.  I told my students that they should think in terms of an imaginary trip and how to get from here to the Beach.  A “Novice” writer would get you lost.  An “Apprentice” writer will get you there, but it will take days and you will hate the trip.  A “Proficient” writer will be like MapQuest, they will get you there in the shortest time possible. But a “Distinguished” writer will not only get you there, […]


    2011 KHSAA State Results/Stats

    Soccer Tournament Results History


    2010 KHSAA State Results/Stats

    Soccer Tournament Results History


    2009 KHSAA State Results/Stats

    Soccer Tournament Results History


    2008 KHSAA State Results/Stats

    Soccer Tournament Results History


    2007 KHSAA State Results/Stats

    Soccer Tournament Results History


    2006 KHSAA State Results/Stats

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    2005 KHSAA State Results/Stats

    Soccer Tournament Results History


    2004 KHSAA State Results/Stats

    Soccer Tournament Results History


    2003 KHSAA State Results/Stats

    Soccer Tournament Results History


    2002 KHSAA State Results/Stats

    Soccer Tournament Results History


    2001 KHSAA State Results/Stats

    Soccer Tournament Results History


    2000 KHSAA State Results/Stats

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    1999 Valvoline/KHSAA State Results/Stats

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    1998 KHSAA State Results/Stats

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