Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

April, 2019

2019 Boys State Archery Final Team and Individual Results (PDF)

Archery Results 2019 State


2019 Girls State Archery Final Team and Individual Results (PDF)

Archery Results 2019 State


04/29/19- Getting Smart but Acting Foolishly: There is a Solution (Op-Ed Column)

2018-2019 News Releases

By Karissa Niehoff, Executive Director of the National Federation of State High School Associations and Julian Tackett, Commissioner of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association.

We communicate on smartphones, drive smart cars, make purchases using smart cards and even drink smart water. But, really, how smart are we?

Between college admission and internet privacy scandals, sexual misconduct investigations, stolen trade secrets and the growing concern about how we communicate and connect with each other, technology seems to be outpacing our capacity to understand the most responsible way to use it.

In other words, how are tomorrow’s leaders being groomed to make decisions that provide the perspective, balance, and strength of character that today’s advanced world needs?

The answer is by participating in high school sports like the ones offered by the high schools in Kentucky.

Most researchers agree that leaders are made, not born, […]


04/28/19 – Official of the Year Winners Announced

2018-2019 News Releases


The KHSAA honored the top officials for 2019 during the Association’s 26th Annual Officials Recognition Banquet today at the Association’s headquarters. The ceremony recognized the finalists for each sport or sport-activity in which the KHSAA licenses officials, as well as the Larry G. Boucher Jr. Supervisor of the Year.

Finalists in each sport were selected through a combination of service to their association and excellence in officiating. One official in each sport was named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for his/her sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state. The Association also presented the annual Larry G. Boucher Jr. Supervisor of the Year Award during the ceremony.

Outstanding Official Nominees (winners listed first)
BASEBALL – Terry Carter (Madisonville), Robert Bauer (Cave City), Carl Johnson (Metropolis, Ill.)
BASKETBALL – Jeremy Grantham (Boaz), Kristi Eller (Louisville), Nathan […]


04/25/19 – Additional Time Given to Evaluate Head, Neck Injuries in High School Wrestling

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (April 25, 2019) — In an ongoing effort to minimize the risk of injury in high school wrestling, additional time will be given to evaluate head and neck injuries when an appropriate health-care professional is present at a match.

In addition to the 1½ minutes of injury time allotted for each wrestler, an appropriate health-care professional will have a maximum of five minutes to evaluate injuries to the head and neck involving the cervical column and/or nervous systems. At that point, the wrestler would have to continue or default the match.

This revision in injury time in Rule 8-2-4 is one of 17 rules changes recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Wrestling Rules Committee at its April 3-5 meeting in Indianapolis. All recommendations were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

A second injury to the head and neck involving cervical column and/or central nervous system in […]


04/24/19 – KHSAA State Archery Championships Head to Bowling Green Tuesday

2018-2019 News Releases


The KHSAA State Archery Championships will be contested in a new venue in 2019, with the event moving to Ephram White Park in Bowling Green. The state championship gets underway Tuesday, April 30th with the first of six flights slated for 9:30 a.m. (CT). Advance tickets to the event are available for purchase at

The last flight of the day is set for 2:30 p.m., with awards presentations to begin immediately afterward. Team trophies will be presented to the top four boys’ and top four girls’ teams, with medallions presented to the top five individuals for each gender.

At last year’s state championship, Bullitt Central posted a team score of 2,030 to capture the boys’ team title and hold off state runner-up Madison Central (2,023). Henderson County’s Dalton Hinkle defeated Anderson County’s Henry Thompson in a tiebreaker to claim the individual state championship, after both players posted […]


Ball Adoptions for 2019-2020 and Beyond

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Reminder to school administrators about the primary points of the KHSAA and its ball adoption agreements.

In an effort to offset the services and events provided by the KHSAA and eliminate passing on a great deal of additional cost to the membership, the association has long entered into official ball adoption agreements. The provisions of these agreements are similar and official ball numbers are listed in the table below.

There is no change in the balls adopted for 2019-2020 and beyond when compared to 2018-2019.

The following provisions are in place in each of the listed sports:

  • A brand specific requirement is in place. For example, the Select Sport soccer ball is required for all use in postseason play (all levels). However, the ball does NOT have to be the Royale model. Specific models are the choice of the member school, however, the administrators should be mindful that dealer price points will likely be in place […]


04/22/19 – Six Rules Changes Approved in High School Swimming, Diving

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (April 22, 2019) — Effective with the 2019-20 high school season, a legal finish now requires the competitor to contact either the touchpad or the finish end coinciding with the individual stroke of the race. With this change, swimmers can legally complete a race by touching the finish end (end wall), regardless of whether the touchpad is activated.

This rules revision, which affects the finish of all strokes used in swimming, was one of two swimming and four diving changes recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Swimming and Diving Rules Committee at its March 24-26 meeting in Indianapolis. All recommendations were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

Rule 8-1-7 now will require swimmers to contact the finish end in the manner prescribed by the individual strokes. Descriptions of the backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle finishes in Rule 8-2 state that a legal finish requires contact with […]


04/22/19 – Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Baseball and KHSAA Softball State Tournament Draws Set for Tuesday

2018-2019 News Releases


The draws for the 2019 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball and KHSAA State Softball Tournaments will take place Tuesday, April 23 at 12 p.m. The draw will be conducted at the KHSAA offices and can be viewed live online at

The Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament will be held June 5-8 at Whitaker Bank Ballpark, home of the Lexington Legends, for the ninth-straight year. The tournament begins with quarterfinal action June 5-6, followed by the semifinals on Friday, June 7 and the championship game on Saturday, June 8.

The State Softball Tournament will take place June 7-9 at the University of Kentucky’s John Cropp Stadium, as the event transitions to a single-elimination format in 2019. The tournament begins with quarterfinal action on Friday, June 7th, followed by the semifinals on Saturday, June 8th and the championship game on Sunday, June 9th.

The Draw Show will be streamed live […]


Hall of Famer Mary Custard-Austin: “If you tell me ‘no,’ I’m going after it even harder”


BY MIKE FIELDS (April 19, 2019)

Mary Custard-Austin was an incredible athlete at Harrison County High School — a 2,000-point scorer in basketball and a five-time state champion in track – who readily admits she was “blessed with natural talent” that allowed her “to go out and do things that other people struggled to do.

“I was humbled I had that gift,” she added.

But talent alone is like a Ferrari without fuel: it won’t get you where you want to go.

Custard-Austin’s accomplishments were also the result of a remarkable work ethic that her mom helped instill in her: “She kept telling me, ‘There’s always someone out there bigger and badder, so you can’t take a break.’”

When Custard-Austin is inducted into the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame on April 27 in Lexington, she’ll acknowledge that it not only took natural talent and hard work to achieve success in sports and in life, but also […]


04/15/19 – Postseason Tennis Information

Tennis Blog Updates

Information and instructions for the 2019 Regional Tennis Tournaments have been posted online and can be accessed by going to the Tennis page of the KHSAA website Tennis Page 

All coaches and competing schools should take the time to read these items carefully, even veteran coaches, to ensure that you are aware of all KHSAA rules and regulations regarding these tournaments.

Best of luck to all competitors for the remainder of the season. Check the blog on the Tennis page for further updates as we get closer to the Regional Tournaments and the State Tennis Championships.


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


04/18/19 – Spring Sports Championship Media Credentials

2018-2019 News Releases

The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Spring Sports Championships (Archery, Bass Fishing, Tennis, Track & Field, Baseball and Softball) is now live, and can be accessed by going to

Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. Media outlets are responsible for the actions of all individuals representing their organization, including compliance with KHSAA policies and procedures. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the […]


04/16/19 – Official of the Year Candidates Announced

2018-2019 News Releases


The KHSAA will honor the top officials for 2019 on April 28th at the Association’s 26th Annual Officials Recognition Banquet. The ceremony, conducted at the KHSAA Offices, honors the finalists for each sport in which the KHSAA licenses officials. Doors will open at 1:30 p.m. with the program scheduled to begin at 2 p.m.

Finalists in each sport were selected through a combination of service to their association and excellence in officiating. One official in each sport will be named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for his/her sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state. The Association will also present the annual Larry G. Boucher Jr. Supervisor of the Year Award during the ceremony.

Outstanding Official Nominees
BASEBALL – Robert Bauer (Cave City), Terry Carter (Madisonville), Carl Johnson (Metropolis, Ill.)
BASKETBALL – Kristi Eller (Louisville), […]


04/15/19 – Softball District/Region Instructions Available

Softball Blog Updates

Postseason instructions for the Softball District/Region Tournaments are now available on the KHSAA website. You can view these instructions by clicking on the following link:


You can find additional information on the KHSAA website on the Softball page under “District Tournament Instructions and Information” and “Region Tournament Instructions and Information”, respectively.

Member schools and media members are reminded about the NFHS rule change for media areas: 

NFHS Rule 1-1-7 states: “Media shall be prohibited from being in live-ball areas. The home team or game management may designate an area for the media in dead-ball territory.” You can read more about this rule change by clicking on the following link: Softball Media Area Rule Change


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


04/15/19 – Track & Field Regional Instructions

Track and Field Blog Updates

The information and instructions for the 2019 KHSAA Track & Field Regional Meets have been posted online. You can access the information by going to the Track & Field page of the KHSAA website. All competing schools are strongly advised to review the instructions to ensure you are aware of all KHSAA rules and regulations as well as understanding how to enter your regional meet.

Regional Instructions

Regional meet manager information is being finalized and will be posted once complete. Information for the 2019 KHSAA State Track & Field Meet will be updated periodically. The time schedules and other detailed information can be found under the State Meet and Information and Instructions drop-down menu.



The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


Softball Postseason Site Specifications

Softball Working


Baseball Postseason Site Specifications

Baseball Working


2019 State Archery Schedule

Archery Working


04/03/19 – Pole Vault Coaches Certification

Track and Field Blog Updates

As a reminder, Athletic Directors have the ability to designate a Pole Vault coach within the KHSAA database. This capability has greatly enhanced the ability to manage provisions within the rules, in particular, those related to Track and Field. For the 2019 season:

  • Member schools must have a designated coach with the proper training (NFHS or PVSCB) to enter Pole Vault competitors in regular AND postseason competition.
  • Please be sure to check the KHSAA database and ensure that if you are going to enter vaulters in meets, you have a coach designated as the Pole Vault Coach (under positions/roles after you define them as head or assistant coaches).
  • On the Track and Field website, under General Information, KHSAA will have a link to listings of completed coaches for both PVSCB and NFHS training.

We wanted to remind Athletic Directors and coaches about the requirements for the Pole Vault event. These requirements are necessary in […]


04/03/19 – Reminders – Pole Vault Requirements for Track Coaches

Track and Field Blog Updates

We wanted to remind Athletic Directors, coaches, and student-athletes about the additional requirements for the Pole Vault event. It is necessary in order to attempt to minimize risk, that coaches have additional training for the pole vault prior to athletes being able to enter a competition.

Coaches entering vaulters have long been required to complete an online education course specific to pole vault.

For 2019, there are two options for coaches to complete, and both count equally toward the requirement.

04/03/19 – Rules Changes Approved in High School Spirit

Cheer Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (April 3, 2019) — Rules related to minimizing risk of injury to dance and cheer team members are among 29 rules revisions for the 2019-20 high school spirit season.

The rules changes were recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Spirit Rules Committee at its March 2-4 meeting and subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

“We’re trying to create a safer environment for activities to occur in cheer and dance and make the rules book as clear as possible,” said James Weaver, director of performing arts and liaison to the NFHS Spirit Rules Committee.

Rule 3-3-3 was changed to make it consistent with other braced inversion rules. It now allows for the inverted person to be caught by new catchers as long as the new catchers remain close to the original bases, are in place before initiation of the inversion, and do not pose increased safety risk […]


Eric Shelton says KHSAA Hall of Fame honor was a team effort


BY MIKE FIELDS (April 2, 2019)

When Eric Shelton looks back on his high school days at Bryan Station, he doesn’t focus on football, or the touchdowns he scored, the headlines he earned, the victories he celebrated, the awards he received.

“What I remember most was just living life without a care in the world, and appreciating my friends and my fellowship with them,” he said by phone from his home in Charlotte, N.C.

When Shelton is inducted into the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame later this month, he will credit those friends for helping him earn this honor.

“I really wouldn’t be here, I don’t even know how far I would’ve made it out of high school, if it wasn’t for my teammates, my friends,” he said. “Granted, I had God-given ability to run fast, to be strong and to jump high, but we had a great team, including great players and great coaches. They […]


04/01/19 – Now Features Enhanced Stat Offerings for Baseball, Softball

2018-2019 News Releases


New for the 2019 season, box scores, cumulative team season statistics and state leaders for baseball and softball will be available at For the past two seasons, limited statistical information was available at (only state leaders were offered in 2018) through an outsourced arrangement with a third-party vendor. Internalizing the stat entry process brings the statistical coverage for baseball and softball on par with soccer, football, basketball and field hockey on the KHSAA’s website and the KHSAA/ Scoreboard.

Member schools are solely responsible for submitting statistical information. Failure to do so subjects the school to penalties from the Commissioner’s office, including fines and other actions, within the constraints of Bylaw 27. If a school or individual is omitted from the stat leaders report, or information is not current, that means the team in question did not enter its statistics prior to that morning’s […]


2019 KHSAA State Softball Tournament Info and Results

Softball Tournament Results History


2019 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament

Baseball Tournament Results History


2019 State/Region Meet Entries/Results

Track Tournament Results History


2019 State Tennis Day 3 Results

Tennis Working


(5) Reagan Mangan (8)/Willow Renton (7) (North Oldham) def. (1) Anna Littlefield (11)/Nejla Zukic (11)
(DuPont Manual) 7-5, 4-6, 1-0(7)
(2) Elizabeth Hamilton (12)/Haliemae Laurino (12) (Ryle) def. (9) Jaycie Mair (8)/Ann Katheryn Shashy
(11) (Lexington Catholic) 6-1, 6-1


(2) Elizabeth Hamilton (12)/Haliemae Laurino (12) (Ryle) def. (5) Reagan Mangan (8)/Willow Renton (7)
(North Oldham) 6-4, 6-3



(1) Hart Howard (11)/Aidan Sheridan-Rabideau (11) (DuPont Manual) def. (4) Benito Trojani
(12)/Cristiano Trojani (12) (Covington Catholic) 6-3, 6-2
(2) Justin Lee (11)/Ben Rueff (9) (Louisville (Trinity)) def. (3) Bo Bush (11)/Joseph Keal (11) (St. Xavier) 3-
6, 7-5, 1-0(4)


(2) Justin Lee (11)/Ben Rueff (9) (Louisville (Trinity)) def. (1) Hart Howard (11)/Aidan Sheridan-Rabideau
(11) (DuPont Manual) 7-5, 2-6, 1-0



(1) Carrie Beckman (10) (Sacred Heart) def. (3) Sophia Shiben (11) (McCracken County) 6-4, […]


2019 State Tennis Day 2 Results (Text)

Tennis Working

Third Round
(1) Matt Halpin (12) (Paul Laurence Dunbar) def. (9) Zach White (Tates Creek) Retirement (Injury)
(9) Adrian Bello-Cruz (11) (Ballard) def. (5) Eli Wood (North Oldham) 6-1, 6-3
(9) Jacks Lancaster (9) (Greenwood) def. (3) Michael Chou (11) (Trinity (Louisville)) 6-3, 1-6, 13-11
(5) Parker Clarke (12) (Ashland Blazer) def. (9) Kazu Watanabe (10) (Covington Latin) 5-7, 7-5, 1-0 (3)
(9) Anderson McDowell (11) (Campbell County) def. (5) Ashton Whitt (11) (Morgan County) def. 6-4, 7-5
(4) Paul Reynolds (12) (DuPont Manual) def. (9) John Guthrie (10) (Bowling Green) 6-2, 6-1
(5) Toshi Watanabe (12) (Covington Latin) def. (9) Davis Rowton (9) (Paducah Tilghman) 6-3, 6-2
(2) Brandon Chou (12) (Louisville (Trinity)) def. (9) Alex Horn (11) (Lexington Christian) 6-3, 6-1

Fourth Round
(1) Matt Halpin (12) (Paul Laurence Dunbar) def. (9) Adrian Bello-Cruz (11) (Ballard) 6-1, 6-0
(5) Parker […]


2019 State Tennis Day 1 Results (Text)

Tennis Working


First Round

(1) Matt Halpin (12) (Paul Laurence Dunbar) def. Luke Williams (12) (Campbell County) 6-0, 6-0
Nick Morosa (11) (Glasgow) def. Jaron Hale (12) (Graves County) 6-4, 6-2
(9) Zach White (Tates Creek) def. Oubrey Gibson (8) (Butler) 6-0, 6-1
Deegan Lawrence (12) (Henderson County) def. Haydon Caudill (11) (Letcher County Central) 6-1, 6-0
(5) Eli Wood (North Oldham) def. Michael Eastham (9) (Russell) 6-0, 6-0
Ettore Pavesi (10) (Taylor County) def. Tennyson Prater (9) (George Rogers Clark) Walkover Injury
(9) Adrian Bello-Cruz (11) (Ballard) def. Amin Katanbaf (12) (Somerset) 6-4, 6-0
Ben McNamee (10) (Belfry) def. Chase Frisby (11) (Boyle County) 6-4, 6-3
(3) Michael Chou (11) (Trinity (Louisville)) def. Cage Watts (12) (Hazard) 6-2, 6-0
Philip Priest (12) (Henry Clay) def. Noah Fairchild (12) (Lawrence County) 6-0, 6-0
(9) Jacks Lancaster (9) (Greenwood) def. Ty Crabtree (11) (McCracken County) 6-0, […]


2019 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2019 State Softball All Tournament Team and Awards

Softball Working

2019 KHSAA State Softball
All-Tournament Team

Samantha Verst, Pendleton County
Lauren Spears, Ashland Blazer
Bailey Woodward, Madisonville-North Hopkins
Katy Grace Chadwell, Boyle County
Shelby Phillips, Clay County
Brianda Owens, Clay County
Kaci Goedde, Central Hardin
Peyton Beger, Central Hardin
Katie Gardner, Warren East
Shelby Trent, Warren East
Lucy Patterson, Warren East
Madison McCoy, Male
Kelsie Houchens, Male
Most Valuable Player – Jaelyn Sanders, Male


2019 State Baseball All Tournament Team and Awards

Baseball Working

2019 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball

All‐Tournament Team
Brett Holladay, Beechwood
Dylan Carnes, Pleasure Ridge Park
Ryan Mullen, Rowan County
Garrett Miller, Hazard
Kaeveon Mitchell, Breckinridge County
Cole Tabor, Breckinridge County
Daylen Lile, Trinity (Lou.)
Davis Crane, Trinity (Lou.)
Grant Davis, McCracken County
Logan Verble, McCracken County
Jacob Ehling, McCracken County
Grant Stone, Tates Creek
Konnor Lewis, Tates Creek
Most Valuable Player – Eli Tencza, Tates Creek


04/01/19 – List of Items for Annual Required Financial Aid Report

Athletic Department Blog Updates

It is once again that time of year for ALL KHSAA member schools to complete the required annual financial aid report in compliance with Bylaw 11. This report is required of ALL KHSAA member schools. In an effort to assist Principals and Athletic Directors in preparing for this report, this checklist of information is provided so that you can spend a few days gathering the required data and information prior to the request for report completion.

The link to enter the required report will open for completion on April 15. Gathering this information before the link is sent on April 15 should allow you to quickly complete the report in expedited fashion. Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh ( will be the contact for sending out the request for submissions and should be able to address any of your questions.

The following is a list of information you should have available when submitting the 2018-2019 Financial Aid Report:



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