Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

February, 2020

02/28/20 – KHSAA Reminds Administrators of 2020 Middle School Football Start Date

Middle School Blog Updates and Information

This is a reminder notification about an update to the state regulation specifically related to middle school football that was approved by the General Assembly through the regulatory process in 2019 as part of 702 KAR 7:065. Beginning July 1, 2020, the first regular-season middle school football contest (competition involving students enrolled in grades 5-8 competing against schools enrolling combinations of grades 6-8) has a fixed allowable starting date. Contests shall not be played before the Saturday preceding seven (7) of the National Federation of High Schools Standardized Procedure for Numbering Calendar Weeks, which for 2020 is August 15.

Congruent with this change, middle school football practice cannot have more than twenty-four days of practice prior to that first game, which closely correlates to the high school restrictions, and no activity involving helmets or any other equipment may occur before July 10 (following the dead period).

This reminder encourages senior school administrators to ensure that […]


2020 Region 10 Girls Results

Archery Results 2020 Girls


2020 Region 11 Girls Results

Archery Results 2020 Girls


BK157-Basketball Awards Ceremony Form

Online Forms



Breckinridge County’s oh-so-sweet state title 25 years ago


BY MIKE FIELDS (Feb. 26, 2020)

HARNED – The specks of gray in Patrick Critchelow’s beard stubble are the first reminder on this visit to Breckinridge County that it has been 25 years – a quarter century! — since the undersized and underrated Fighting Tigers, led by their unflappable point guard, rolled into Rupp Arena, won the hearts of fans with a dazzling display of team basketball, and earned themselves the Sweet Sixteen title.

Critchelow, who was MVP of that state tournament, then tells you he’s been the head coach at Breckinridge County for 13 years now, and that he and his wife Kari have three kids. The oldest, daughter Lily, is a sophomore on the girls’ basketball team.

Bradley Payne, who was Critchelow’s shooting-guard sidekick, is also here to reminisce about those championship days. He still has boyish looks, but he’s been in coaching for more than two decades, and is currently head associate […]


02/25/20 – Safety Concerns and Baseball Requirements for 2020 season

Baseball Blog Updates

In 2017, the NFHS adopted a playing rule dealing with safety and ball manufacturing that beginning Jan. 1, 2020, all baseballs used for high school competition shall meet the NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) standard and include the certified mark. This information has been included in annual rules clinics since to notify coaches of the pending requirement.

Questions have been asked by umpires and coaches of what to do if there were no such balls provided at the game site, should the game be played?

Rule 1-3-1 in the NFHS Rules Book details the requirement and unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, the home team has the responsibility to provide the balls.

The KHSAA Board of Control has mandated that in games where umpires arrive on-site and no NOCSAE approved baseballs are available to begin a contest, the contest shall not be played and will […]


2019-2020 Archery Results and Information

Archery Tournament Results History


02/24/20 – Baseball Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Baseball Blog Updates

The 2020 Online Rules Clinic that is required for all head and assistant coaches and licensed officials in the sport of Baseball is now available. The clinic is required for ALL coaches at each school, head or assistant, paid or unpaid.


  • For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, log in to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link entitled “View Online Rules Clinics“.
  • February 24 – April 14 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches at no charge during this period.
  • April 15 – May 4 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the late fee ($100) during this period.
  • May 5 – May 18 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the late fee ($200) during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will […]


02/24/20 – Tennis Rules Clinic Now Available

Tennis Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Tennis is currently available for viewing. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels, regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay. Below is additional information:


  • February 24 to April 14 (Coaches) – the Tennis Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • April 15 to May 4 (Coaches) – the Tennis Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
  • May 5 to May 18 (Coaches) – the Tennis Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.

After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, […]


02/24/20 – Bass Fishing Rules Clinic Now Available

Bass Fishing Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Bass Fishing is currently available for viewing. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels, regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay. Below is additional information:


  • February 24 to March 22 (Coaches) – the Bass Fishing Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • March 23 to April 11 (Coaches) – the Bass Fishing Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
  • April 12 to April 25 (Coaches) – the Bass Fishing Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.

After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
The presentation can be viewed on most PC […]


02/24/20 – Softball Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Softball Blog Updates

The 2020 Online Rules Clinic that is required for all head and assistant coaches and licensed officials in the sport of Softball is now available. The clinic is required for ALL coaches at each school, head or assistant, paid or unpaid.


  • For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, log in to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link entitled “View Online Rules Clinics“.
  • February 24 – April 14 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches at no charge during this period.
  • April 15 – May 4 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the late fee ($100) during this period.
  • May 5 – May 18 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the late fee ($200) during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will […]


02/24/20 – Track & Field Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Track and Field Blog Updates

The 2020 Online Rules Clinic that is required for all head and assistant coaches and licensed officials in the sport of Track & Field is now available. The clinic is required for ALL coaches at each school, head or assistant, paid or unpaid.


  • For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, log in to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link entitled “View Online Rules Clinics“.
  • February 24 – April 14 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches at no charge during this period.
  • April 15 – May 4 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the late fee ($100) during this period.
  • May 5 – May 18 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the late fee ($200) during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw […]


2019-20 Board of Control Committees

Board of Control Working 2019-20

2019-2020 KHSAA Board of Control Committees Assignments
President- Galloway, Pete – President-Elect- Billings, Darrell

Audit/Finance Team
Adkins, Reed
Billings, Darrell
Bumps, Donna
Galloway, Pete
Hawkins, Scott
Lovett, Trent
Saylor, Jeff
Smith, Kirby
Wyman, Jerry

Executive Committee-Evaluation/Leadership Team
Billings, Darrell
Bumps, Donna
Galloway, Pete
Hawkins, Scott
Saylor, Jeff
Wyman, Jerry

Hall of Fame Selection Committee -2nd-year members (2022) and 4th-year members (2020)
Adkins, Reed
Billings, Darrell *
Bumps, Donna
Clines, Mike *
Evans, Mark
Galloway, Pete
Miller, Marlon
Saylor, Jeff
Smith, Kirby
Wyman, Jerry
Angolia, Joe (Permanent)
Bridenbaugh, Sarah
Collins, Chad
Cope, Butch (Permanent)
Mitchell, Marilyn
Tackett, Julian (Permanent)
(A minimum of 5 media representatives)

Hall-of Fame Screening Committee -1st-year members (2022) and 3rd-year members (2020)
Barnes, Bonnie *
Beichler, Debbie
Hawkins, Scott
Howard, Greg *
Lovett, Trent *
Moore, Lucy
Parker-Brown, Kim
Wilhoite, Matt *
Angolia, Joe (Permanent)
Barren, Mike
Bilberry, Darren
Cope, Butch (Permanent)
Tackett, Julian […]


2020 State Meet Honors

Swimming Working


Pannell Swim Shop Scholarship (Girls)
Sarah Wortham, Madisonville-North Hopkins

Pannell Swim Shop Scholarship (Boys)
Woods Smith, Lincoln County


2020 State Diving Results (Prelims and Finals)

Diving 2019-2020 Results


Father & sons & their LexCath basketball legacy


BY MIKE FIELDS (Feb. 20, 2020)

After Lexington Catholic junior star Ben Johnson poured in 42 points to power the Knights past Madison Central 78-75 in overtime last week, Indians Coach Allen Feldhaus Jr. confessed to having seen just about enough of Ben and his brothers, Tanner and Luke.

“I think every one of them has had a game against us where they’ve had at least 30-something,” Feldhaus said with a smile.

He’s got a good memory.

In 2015, Tanner hit nine three-pointers on his way to 43 points in a win over Madison Central.

In 2016, Luke put up 31 points in a loss to the Indians.

Last year, Ben had 40 points in a loss to Feldhaus’ team. Last week he topped that in Lexington Catholic’s OT escape.

“Thank goodness he’s the last one,” Feldhaus said of Ben and his brothers.

Lexington Catholic Coach Brandon Salsman, on the other hand, doesn’t want to even […]


02/19/20 – Board of Control Votes to Keep Field Hockey as a KHSAA-Sanctioned Sport

2019-2020 News Releases


The Board of Control approved a motion during Wednesday’s meeting at the KHSAA Offices for the Association to continue offering Field Hockey as a sanctioned-sport. The vote followed a planned review and evaluation of the feasibility and growth of field hockey and preliminary discussion during the Board’s January meeting.

Included in the rationale for continuing to sanction field hockey were the facts that (1) there is no negative financial impact for the Association, and (2) the sport had been played for nearly 50 years when the KHSAA first adopted it as a sanctioned championship in 2014. In addition to continuing to sanction field hockey, the motion included a visible commitment from the Association to attempt to promote and monitor growth, and regular reporting to the Board, as well as an amendment to the sanctioning policy to be drafted to allow the Board to make an exception to its required […]


02/19/20 – Pannell Swim Shop/KHSAA State Swimming & Diving Championships Head to UK Thursday

2019-2020 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 19, 2020

The Pannell Swim Shop/KHSAA State Swimming & Diving Championships will have a different look this year, with the event moving to the Lancaster Aquatic Center on the University of Kentucky campus. The state swim meet was last held at the Lancaster Aquatic Center in 2006 and spent the last 13 years at the University of Louisville’s Ralph Wright Natatorium.

Fans attending this week’s Pannell Swim Shop/KHSAA State Swimming & Diving Championships should be advised that backpacks may not be brought into the Lancaster Aquatics Center by the general public per campus policy (

On Thursday, parking will only be available in the Purple Lots located on Wildcat Court next to the Softball and Soccer Complex. After 2 p.m. ET, parking will also be available in the Green Lot next to Kroger Field off Cooper Drive.

On Friday and Saturday, fans will be able to park in the Green […]


02/18/20 – 2020 Sweet 16® Online Media Credentialing System

2019-2020 News Releases

The media credentialing system for the 2020 Mingua Beef Jerky/KHSAA Girls’ and Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen® State Basketball Tournaments is now available online, and can be accessed by going to Both of this year’s events will be held at Rupp Arena, with the girls playing March 11-15, followed by the boys’ tournament March 18-22.

The deadline to apply for credentials is 5 p.m. on the Monday prior to each respective tournament – March 9 for the Girls’ Sweet 16® and March 16 for the Boys.

The intellectual property, corporate, broadcasting and media rights to all State championship rounds of the KHSAA postseason championships belong exclusively to the KHSAA, including titling agreements and sponsorships. As such, the KHSAA is the only entity permitted to originate a live broadcast during the Sweet 16® (this includes the use of social media streaming platforms such […]


02/17/20 – Dropped Ball Procedure Amended in High School Soccer

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (February 14, 2020) – Beginning next season, changes to the conditions and procedure for restarting play with a dropped ball will take effect in high school soccer.

The dropped ball procedure was among 15 rules changes made by the NFHS Soccer Rules Committee at its January 20-22 meeting in Indianapolis and subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

When a ball is caused to go out of bounds due to a simultaneous touch, Rules 9-2-2 and 9-2-3 now stipulate a referee will restart play with a dropped ball to one player of the team that last possessed the ball before going out of play. Previously, simultaneous touch resulted in any number of players contesting a dropped ball to restart play.

Additionally, if play is stopped with the ball in the penalty area or the last touch – by either team – was in the penalty area, the ball is dropped to the […]


02/13/20 – Board of Control Election Procedures

Athletic Department Blog Updates


  • Balloting is ONLY done online for these positions.
  • All schools have at least one election in which to ballot, except for public schools in regions 9, 10, 11, and 12. Those schools may disregard this notice.
  • Only non-public schools may vote in the Region 9-16 non-public election.
  • Balloting is available per the Constitution beginning on February 15. For 2020, due to the opening being on Saturday, the balloting will open on February 14, 2020.
  • Only the Principal or Designated Representative may vote. The names on file as verified by the KHSAA website at the time of this ballot distribution are listed on the school directory page at
  • If the wrong individual is listed as the Designated Representative, the correction may be made by anyone with Athletic Director system rights (Principal, AD) prior to the ballot […]


02/11/20 – to Carry State Wrestling Championships

2019-2020 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 11, 2020

The 2020 KHSAA State Wrestling Championships, which begin Friday morning at Alltech Arena, will be broadcast by Trackwrestling this year and available at for subscribers to the NFHS Network. Tickets to the State Wrestling Championships are available for purchase online at, including a discounted online-only $30 all-session pass.

Gates open for fans at 8:30 a.m. on Friday with the first round matches commencing at 9:30 a.m. Friday’s opening session will continue through the third round of the championship bracket (bouts 1-616). Saturday’s opening session begins with third round consolation bracket matches at 9 a.m., and continues through the sixth round consolation bracket matches (bouts 785-812).

The medal round session is scheduled to begin with the KWCA awards at 3 p.m. followed by the consolation bracket finals for third, fifth and seventh place. Upon conclusion of the consolation bracket finals, the competitors in the finals will […]


2020 State Swimming and Diving Event by Event Schedule

Swimming Working


02/06/20 – Additional Timing Changes on Play Clock Approved in High School Football Rules

2019-2020 News Releases

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (February 6, 2020) — In an effort to eliminate a potential timing advantage gained by the defensive team in high school football, the play clock will be set to 40 seconds – effective with the 2020 season – when an official’s time-out is taken for an injury to a defensive player or a defensive player has an equipment issue.

This change was one of six rules revisions recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Football Rules Committee at its January 12-14 meeting in Indianapolis. All recommended changes were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

Last year, in an effort to establish a more consistent time period between downs, the play clock was expanded from 25 seconds to 40 seconds in many cases, although the play clock remained at 25 seconds in most cases following an official’s time-out. However, this coming season, the play clock will be set […]


02/06/20 – High School Field Hockey Moves from Halves to Quarters in 2020 Season

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (February 6, 2020) — High school field hockey games will be played in four quarters instead of two halves beginning with the 2020 season.

This significant change was one of several rules revisions recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Field Hockey Rules Committee at its January 13-15 meeting in Indianapolis. All rules changes were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

“The NFHS Field Hockey Rules Committee continues to strive to find ways to improve the ease and use of the rules for officials and coaches, which is evident in many of the changes made for the 2020 field hockey season,” said Julie Cochran, NFHS director of sports and liaison to the NFHS Field Hockey Rules Committee.

The rules committee’s change moves the game to four 15-minute periods from two 30-minute halves. The committee believes this will allow teams to maximize their play for the entire match. […]


02/06/20- Deadline Extended for 2019-2020 Seeded Basketball District Games

2019-2020 News Releases

It goes without saying that many schools have missed many days of school recently. While little has been for the weather, when we have likely half of our school districts out of school at various points these last two weeks for illness, it is obvious that basketball has taken a second seat.

For that reason, and based solely on these extenuating circumstances this season only, the deadline for playing in seeded district games has been extended to THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20. This will no doubt cause hardship on some of our managers who will only have one business day for final arrangements, including brackets. However, it is apparent that this is a necessary step.

Any game not played by February 20 is to be counted as both a win and a loss for both teams in figuring the winning percentages for district seeding. This procedure has long existed in the Competition rules and was designed for […]


2020 Boys Singles Scores

Bowling Results-2019-2020


2020 Girls Singles Scores

Bowling Results-2019-2020


2020 Singles Step Ladder

Bowling Results-2019-2020


2020 Boys Team Bracket

Bowling Results-2019-2020


2020 Girls Team Bracket

Bowling Results-2019-2020


2020 Unified Bracket

Bowling Results-2019-2020


2020 Adapted Scores

Bowling Results-2019-2020


2020 Adapted Step Bracket

Bowling Results-2019-2020


02/04/20 – State Bowling Championships Begin Thursday at Executive Strike & Spare

2019-2020 News Releases


The ninth-annual KHSAA State Bowling Championships begin Thursday at Executive Strike & Spare in Louisville with the Unified, Adapted and Singles competitions. The Unified Championship, which is in its fourth year as a KHSAA offering, and the second Adapted Championship open the day’s festivities at 8:30 a.m., followed by the Boys’ and Girls’ Singles Championship at 11:30 a.m. Advanced tickets to the event can be purchased at

The Unified Championship will consist of one qualifying game for seeding followed by baker’s doubles matches throughout a 16-team bracket. The Adapted Championship will feature one qualifying game for seeding prior to head-to-head competition. For the Boys’ and Girls’ Singles Championship, each competitor will bowl three games before the field is trimmed to the top eight individuals. The top eight will then roll two additional games, with the top four boys’ and top four girls’ performers advancing to the step […]


02/04/2020 – 2020 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Sweet 16® Scholarship Applications Now Open

Basketball Blog Updates

For the seventh year Whitaker Bank, as part of its continuing title sponsorship of the Boys’ Sweet 16®, and the KHSAA will be presenting four one-time $1,500 scholarships. The scholarships are open to high school seniors that participate in KHSAA sanctioned sports and sport-activities.

Deadline for the information to be received by the KHSAA is Feb. 28. There is no limit to the number of applicants from a school.

Winners will be recognized during the 2020 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ State Basketball Tournament, March 18-22 in Lexington.

Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Sweet 16® Scholarship Application Forms are only available online and may be completed using the link below:



The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies […]


19-20 Radio – Public Service Announcements

Public Service Announcements


02/03/20- Football Scheduling Moratorium for 2021, Reminder that Contracts for Football for 2021 and Beyond Cannot be Signed at this time

Football Blog Updates

For some reason, we have received several reports of schools prematurely scheduling contests for 2021 and beyond in football. Please remember that until the alignment for 2021 and 2022 is finalized (after receipt of the 2020-21 enrollment figures in late 2020), no contract that is signed will be valid. As has been the case for many years, the four-year alignment has a two-year adjustment based on significant changes in enrollment, which could result in substantial change.

Because of the ripple effect of any change in alignment, no school may sign a contract for 2021 until the Board of Control has finalized the 2021 and 2022 adjustments. Once any adjustments are finalized this fall, the clearance will be given from the office. This includes any potential adjustments to the district scheduling grid.

Consider this as an official moratorium on signing any contracts until all changes are finalized.

There will be plenty of time for finalizing contracts […]


BK156 – Sweet 16® Ball Boy/Girl Application

Online Forms



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