Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

AAA-Non-Sports Blogs

2022 Football – Class 5A Stat Leaders

Football Stats


2022 Football – Class 4A Stat Leaders

Football Stats


2022 Football – Class 3A Stat Leaders

Football Stats


2022 Football – Class 2A Stat Leaders

Football Stats


2022 Football – Class 1A Stat Leaders

Football Stats


09/02/22 – Golf Nominations Sought for Male & Female Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year Awards

2022-2023 News Releases

The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year among golf participants for 2022-2023 is now open. 

This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2022-2023 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2023. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2022-2023 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.

The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the […]


09/01/22 – NFHS Decertified Use of Matte Military Green Stinger Bat

Baseball Blog Updates

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has advised the NFHS that on the basis of the performance testing by Washington State University Sports Science Laboratory, the BBCOR decertification process has been implemented for the Matte Military Green bat with Black and Gold highlights (color) 33” model Stinger Bat Company Aluminum Missile II bat. The model number is MISL2233.

The bat will be removed from the BBCOR Approved Bat list that is housed on the Washington State University Sports Science Laboratory website.  Since the Missile II no longer has the BBCOR designation, effective immediately, this bat (33″ length Stinger Bat Company Missile II aluminum bat) should be considered a non-compliant bat pursuant to NFHS Baseball Rules 1-3-2d and 7-4-1a.


Matte Military Green with Black and Gold highlights 33″ model Stinger Bat Company Aluminum Missile II Bat (Model MISL2233).


08/19/22 – HYPE Student Leadership Conferences Registration Now Open

2022-2023 News Releases

Mark your calendars to plan to attend one of the two KHSAA HYPE Student Leadership Conferences scheduled for September 15 (Bowling Green) and September 16 (Lexington).

HYPE is a one-day student leadership conference where students will enjoy educational interaction with each other to discuss issues and garner information to take back and share/implement with their teams and student body.  The event is staged and presented by the KHSAA Student-Athlete Group.

Thursday, September 15 – Knicely Conference Center (2355 Nashville Rd., Bowling Green 42101).

Friday, September 16 – Central Bank Center (430 W. Vine St. Lexington, next to Rupp Arena). LEXINGTON CONFERENCE IS AT CAPACITY AND REGISTRATION IS CLOSED AS OF 8/24/22.

There is no charge to attend.  Schools are responsible for transportation and any meals.

Register here.  The registration deadline is Thursday, Sept. 8.  A school is limited to a maximum of 18 students.  […]


08/15/22- 2022 KHSAA Annual Meeting Reminder

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This is intended for all KHSAA member school Superintendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors and the links can be forwarded as needed.


This reminder that the 2022 Annual Meeting of the membership of the KHSAA is to be held on September 22 at the Central Bank Center (FKA Lexington Center). Final agenda documents are being published as they become final in the coming weeks, but the meeting is expected to begin at approximately 8:00 a.m. ET. and conclude not later than 12:30 p.m. Details and requirements for the Annual Meeting Delegate are summarized below. To submit the name of your delegate, go to

This meeting, which is not mandatory for membership, will not have a virtual option.


The Annual Meeting has continuous improvement/leadership training opportunities throughout the morning as members work to carve out the best plan of action for the future and then the meeting […]


08/08/22 – NFHS Part 2 Exams for Licensed Officials in FH, FB, SO & Now Available

Field Hockey Blog Updates

NFHS Part 2 exams for licensed officials in the sports of Field Hockey, Football, Soccer, and Volleyball are now available online.

The Part 2 Exams will be open until 11:59 p.m. (ET) based on the following schedules.
Soccer – Monday, September 26
Field Hockey – Monday, October 3
Volleyball – Monday, October 10
Football – Monday, October 24

There are no extensions or opportunities to pay a late fee and complete the exam outside of the window listed above. 

Login at to take the exam.  A minimum of 35 correct answers out of 50 is required to be considered passing.  The exam is also used for advancement in levels of officiating.  First-year officials are not required to take the exam, however, if any first-year official has completed the licensing requirements, the test may be taken.

Any official […]


08/08/22- Scam Social Media Account Response

2022-2023 News Releases

The KHSAA and NFHS are aware of the many phishing attempts made by fake social media accounts. Scammers create these accounts to trick users into sharing posts that contain links to malicious sites and disclosing personal information. The scam accounts will often use the KHSAA logo or brand name to further confuse schools and fans. 

To protect yourself and other users from these fake accounts, please verify you are only sharing information from the KHSAA’s official accounts, @khsaa and @khsaaevents. If you come across a fake account, please report it by following the platform-specific instructions below:

For Twitter:

  • Open the profile you’d like to report.
  • Select the three-dot icon.
  • Select Report, and then select the type of issue you’d like to report.
  • For Facebook:

  • Go to the impersonating profile or Page.
  • Click the three-dot icon below the cover photo.
  • If you’re reporting a Page, select Find Support or Report Page. If […]


  • 08/03/22 – Field Hockey Rules Clinic Now Available for Coaches and Officials

    Field Hockey Blog Updates

    The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Field Hockey is now available. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.

    For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.

    For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at


    • August 3 to September 1 – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    • September 2 to September 16 – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
    • September 17 to October 1 – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed […]


    08/03/22- Football Clinic Availability Reminder for Officials and Coaches

    Football Blog Updates

    Though the clinic has been online for access since July 27, the mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Football is officially available today, August 3.  The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay. Those that took the clinic before August 3 have already received credit for completion.

    For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.

    For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at

    OFFICIALS (Football)

    • July 27 to September 22 (Officials) – the clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    • September 23 to October 7 (Officials) – the clinic will be online only and […]


    08/03/22 – Volleyball Online Rules Clinic For Coaches & Officials Now Available

    Officials Division Blog Updates

    The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Volleyball is now available today, August 3.  The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.

    For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.

    For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at


    • August 3 to September 8 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    • September 9 to September 23 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
    • September 24 to October 8 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online […]


    08/03/22 – Soccer Online Rules Clinic For Coaches & Officials Now Available

    Officials Division Blog Updates

    The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Soccer is now available today, August 3.  The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.

    For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.

    For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at


    • August 3 to August 25 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    • August 26 to September 9 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
    • September 10 to September 24 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online […]


    2022 Advanced Athletic Administrators Workshop

    Advanced Workshop 2022-2023

    This workshop will be held in Lexington at our offices and will offer a deep dive into current Constitution and Bylaws provisions, use of forms and operational notes. This meeting will be held on September 21. This meeting will count for six hours of the hours required for Athletic Director continual improvement in Bylaw 25

    Registration is open and online at There is no charge for the registration.

    The meeting will only be offered this year as an in-person option due to facility constraints and equipment. Meeting material will be posted on the KHSAA website and all registered attendees will be provided any update.

    For those that have not been to our offices, the GPS address is 2280 Executive Drive, Lexington, KY 40505.

    We will begin at 8:30 a.m. Registration will begin around 8:00. We will adjourn not later than 2:30 pm.

    A box […]


    07/29/22 – 2022 Fall Esports Enrollment Information

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Member schools interested in participating in the 2022 Fall esports season are encouraged to sign up at and begin registering for the upcoming season. The registration deadline for the fall season is September 16. Available titles for the fall include:

    • NBA 2K
    • League of Legends
    • Rocket League
    • Hearthstone
    • Madden
    • Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate
    • Splatoon™ 2
    • Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe

    Due to NBA 2K23 having a mid-September game release, it will follow an independent Fall ‘22 NBA 2K23 schedule and will not be considered for state league adoption until Spring of 2023.

    PlayVS will conduct an informational webinar on August 25 at 2 p.m. ET. Information to join the webinar will be distributed closer to the date, and a recording will be made available for those who are not able to attend.

    All schools interested in competing in esports should review the blog post located at for information […]


    07/29/22 – Dance Postseason Update & Semi-State Hosts Sought

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    The KHSAA office is accepting applications to host the semi-state rounds of the Dance postseason. Two hosts are needed for the semi-state round and regions can alternate host sites (Region 1 one year and Region 2 site the next) or choose to have a permanent site based upon facility abilities and availability. The competition rules will stipulate the odd region listed in the alternation table would recommend the region site in the odd year, and the even region in the even year. Sites selected must be able to accommodate the historic crowds, similar to the criteria for other KHSAA championships.

    Athletic Administrators from both combined regions are responsible for making decisions such as expenses and division of any revenue as a group.  The “host” region is not solely responsible for this and this will be a discussion topic at the upcoming fall Regional Meetings with schools.

    The Commissioner’s office […]


    07/29/22 – Competitive Cheer Postseason Update & Regional Hosts Sought

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    The KHSAA office is accepting applications to host the regionals of the Competitive Cheer postseason. Four hosts are needed, and regions can alternate host sites (Region 1 one year and Region 2 site the next) or choose a permanent location based upon facility abilities and availability. The competition rules will stipulate that the odd region listed in the alternation table would recommend the region site in the odd year and the even region in the even year. Sites selected must be able to accommodate the historic crowds, similar to the criteria for the current basketball site selection.

    Athletic Administrators from both combined regions are responsible for making decisions such as expenses and division of any revenue as a group.  The “host” region is not solely responsible for this and this will be a discussion topic at the upcoming fall Regional Meetings with schools.

    The Commissioner’s office would […]


    2022 KHSAA Regional Meeting Registrants

    Region Meetings 2022-2023


    07/25/22- Reminders About Realignment/Reclassification Processes for 2023-24 and beyond (FB, TR, XC)

    2022-2023 News Releases

    As discussed at the 7/22/22 Board of Control meeting, the process for realignment in the classified sports remains unchanged from various updates since 2021. The new alignments will be completed during the 2022-23 school year, to be implemented for 2023-24 and beyond.


    The KHSAA receives from KDE electronically, the by-grade membership numbers of all common schools. These numbers are submitted as part of the “second-month” report, and these numbers are subject to audit for accuracy. These numbers are usually received in the last part of October or the first part of November.

    During the pandemic, there has been no collection of this data by KDE for 2020-21 or 2021-22 as the districts were permitted to use 2018-19 or 2019-20 numbers for that key report which forms part of the ADA equation and is considered by KDE to be the most accurate. The same data (second month) is collected from all other schools.

    The Board […]


    07/22/22- Board of Control conducts first meeting of 2022-23 year

    2022-2023 News Releases


    The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its first regularly scheduled meeting of the 2022-23 academic year this week in Louisville, one of the six scheduled meetings throughout the school calendar.

    After completing its orientation, members went into a work session to discuss a variety of issues, the majority of which was information for future action. The meeting was led by new board president Matt Wilhoite and president-elect Darrell Billings.

    The session focused on laying the groundwork for the 2022-23 year consideration including-

    A progress report on the enhanced monitoring of Bowling Green High School for a three-year period with the designation of a KHSAA liaison following the agreed order signed in June.

    The process using enrollment and classification will occur this year for football, cross country, and track and field. Generally, the numbers are collected for the prior four school years, however, the […]


    07/10/22- Rosters Open for Entry for 2022-23

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Good morning. On behalf of the entire staff, it is our hope that many of you as building and athletic administrators are back and ready to go after taking advantage of the only two “down” weeks of the athletics year with the dead period!

    This year, there have been only minor changes to the required KHSAA online roster and the school management system. Rosters have been rolled from the previous year, and may now be edited for the coming seasons as well as sport and sport-activity offerings. Though there are minor enhancements being fine-tuned, there is no reason for a delay in entering and editing rosters. We will again conduct a thorough review of the system through demonstrations at the regional meetings and staff is available to assist at any time.



    2022-2023 Healthy At Sports, Stage 5, Partnering for Progress, Competition Considerations

    Covid Guidance - Stage 5 - Partnering


    Current KMA/KHSAA COVID Return to Play Form and Medical Guidance

    Covid Guidance - Stage 5 - Partnering


    Current KDE COVID-19 Guidance Resources

    Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


    07/14/22- Guidance for Officials, Rule Organization Focal Points of 2023 Track and Field/Cross Country Rules Revisions

    2022-2023 News Releases

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (July 14, 2022) — Rules providing consistency and guidance to meet referees were among focal points addressed in the eight rules changes for the 2023 high school track and field and cross country seasons.

    Two of the most notable changes were made to Rule 3-4-3, defining specific case book guidelines, and the introduction of Rule 9, which specifically addresses rules for indoor track and field. Six other rules changes were recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Track and Field and Cross Country Rules Committee June 13-15 at its annual meeting in Indianapolis. All recommended rules changes have been approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

    “Assisting meet referees in the administration of track and field and cross country meets was a point of emphasis where applicable by the NFHS Track and Field and Cross Country Rules Committee when it met in June,” said Julie Cochran, NFHS director of […]


    2022-23 KHSAA Board of Control Members

    Board of Control Working 2022-23

    • Matt Wilhoite
      President, 2022-2023
      Director, 2019-2023
      Fort Wright
      District Athletic Director
      Kenton County Schools
      Regions 9-10

    • Darrell Billings
      President-Elect, 2022-2023
      Director, 2020-2024
      Clay City
      KDE Appointed Member
      Private Enterprise, Tanner Chrysler Products Inc., Stanton

    • Debbie Beichler
      Director, 2019-2023
      Mt. Washington
      KDE Appointed Member
      Retired Educator

    • Larry Coldiron
      Director, 2021-2024
      Raceland-Worthington Independent Schools
      Regions 15-16

    • Brian Courtney
      Director, 2022-2026
      Cox’s Creek
      Bardstown Elementary School
      Regions 1-8

    • James Demler
      Director, 2020-2024
      Athletic Director
      Villa Madonna Academy
      Regions 9-16

    • Joe Henderson
      Director, 2021-2025
      Mayfield Independent Schools
      Regions 1-2

    • Greg Howard
      Director, 2019-2023
      Athletic Director
      Logan County High School
      Regions 3-4

    • Damon Kelley
      Director, 2021-2025
      Coach and Teacher
      West Jessamine High School
      Regions 11-12

    • Randy McCallon
      Director, 2022-2026
      KDE […]


    2022-23 KHSAA Board of Control Meeting Dates

    Board of Control Working 2022-23


    Friday, July 21 and Saturday July 22, 2022 (if necessary), Louisville
    Tuesday September 13, 2022, KHSAA
    Wednesday November 16, 2022, KHSAA
    Wednesday January 18, 2023, KHSAA
    Wednesday February 22, 2023, KHSAA
    Tuesday, May 9 and Wednesday, May 10, 2023, KHSAA


    2022-23 KHSAA Board of Control Committees Assignments

    Board of Control Working 2022-23

    President Matt Wilhoite  President-Elect Darrell Billings

    Executive Committee-Evaluation/Leadership/Audit/Finance Team
    Wilhoite, Matt (President-Elect)
    Billings, Darrell (President-Elect)
    Beichler, Debbie
    Coldiron, Larry
    Henderson, Joe
    Moore, Lucy
    Passafiume, Angela
    Thompson, Russell

    Hall of Fame Selection Committee
    BOARD- 2nd-year members (2025) and 4th-year members (2023)
    Angolia, Joe (Permanent)
    Cope, Butch (Permanent)
    Tackett, Julian (Permanent)
    Bilberry, Darren
    Elder, Jenny
    MEDIA (A minimum of 5 media representatives)

    Hall-of Fame Screening Committee
    BOARD-1st-year members (2026) and 3rd-year members (2024)
    Angolia, Joe (Permanent)
    Cope, Butch (Permanent)
    Tackett, Julian (Permanent)
    Bridenbaugh, Sarah
    Collins, Chad
    Link, Connor
    MEDIA (A minimum of 5 media representatives)

    Whistle Blower Committee (4th-year members)
    Beichler, Debbie
    Howard, Greg *
    Moore, Lucy
    Wilhoite, Matt *

    NFHS Summer Meeting (2nd-year members entering the third year, […]


    07/13/22- 2022-2023 Regional Meetings for Athletic Administrators

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    This reminder is for all member school Superintendents, Principals and Athletic Directors within the KHSAA. 

    The following is the schedule of meetings for this fall as we rotate into places it may have been a year or two since we have been able to host.

    Wednesday, August 17, 2022, Mountain Arts Center, Prestonsburg
    Thursday, August 18, 2022, Logan County Career and Technical Center, Russellville
    Monday, August 22, 2022, Caldwell County High School, Princeton
    Tuesday, August 23, 2022, Owensboro Board of Education, Owensboro
    Wednesday, August 24, 2022, Bullitt Central High School, Shepherdsville
    Monday, August 29, 2022, Simon Kenton HS, Independence
    Tuesday, August 30, 2022, Boyd County HS, Ashland
    Wednesday, August 31, 2022, Pulaski County HS, Somerset
    Thursday, September 1, 2022, KHSAA Offices, Lexington

    For the fall of 2022, the KHSAA will again conduct a series of regional meetings to help our athletic administrators meet the membership requirement of attending this type of meeting once per year […]


    07/12/22- Jewelry Permitted in 2023 High School Softball Rules Changes

    2022-2023 News Releases

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (July 12, 2022) — The NFHS Softball Rules Committee has approved the wearing of jewelry in the sport, effective with the 2023 season. Previously, only medical and religious medals were permitted.

    The removal of the previous Rule 3-2-12 from the 2022 NFHS Softball Rules Book headlined a set of six rules changes forwarded by the committee. The six proposed changes were compiled at the committee’s recent rules meeting held June 13-15 at the Conrad Hotel in downtown Indianapolis and were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

    “The NFHS Softball Rules Committee has entertained this possible rule change on multiple occasions based on previous proposals submitted by the membership,” said Sandy Searcy, NFHS director of sports and liaison to the NFHS Softball Rules Committee. “This year’s overwhelming member response in favor of permitting the wearing of jewelry strongly influenced the Committee’s decision to approve this proposal. Rule language, however, continues to allow […]


    07/11/22- Prohibition of Jewelry Removed in High School Baseball Rules

    2022-2023 News Releases

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (July 11, 2022) — High school baseball players and coaches will be permitted to wear jewelry in 2023 after the NFHS Baseball Rules Committee voted to remove its prohibition from the rules. Previously, only medical and religious medals were permitted by rule.

    This change to Rule 1-5-12 was one of the rules changes approved by the committee at its June 5-7 meeting in Indianapolis. The rules were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

    While most jewelry will be permitted, the Baseball Rules Committee noted that the current rules still state that any jewelry worn that poses harm or injury to a player or opponent should be removed.

    “The game of baseball has evolved and players have demonstrated that wearing a bracelet or a necklace does not impede their ability to play or increase any risk to themselves or their opponents,” said Elliot Hopkins, NFHS director of sports and liaison to the […]


    07/11/22- Title IX Schools Being Revisited for 2022-2023

    Title IX Blog Posts


    2021-2022 Midway/KHSAA Winners Announced (Kopser and Gloyd)

    Midway Award Winners Midway


    2020-2021 Midway/KHSAA Winners Announced (Lehmkuhler and Smallwood)

    Midway Award Winners Midway


    2019-2020 Midway/KHSAA Winners Announced (Gordon and Chou)

    Midway Award Winners Midway


    2018-2019 Midway/KHSAA Winners Announced (Ferguson)

    Midway Award Winners Midway


    2017-2018 Midway/KHSAA Winners Announced (Heineman)

    Midway Award Winners Midway


    2016-2017 Midway/KHSAA Winners Announced (Forde)

    Midway Award Winners Midway


    Title IX Annual Reports- 2021-2022

    Title IX Annual Reports


    06/28/22 – Official of the Year Winners Announced for Winter, Spring Sports

    2021-2022 News Releases


    Each year, the Kentucky High School Athletic Association honors the top officials for the 10 sports in which it licenses officials. Finalists in each sport are selected through a combination of not only on-field performance but local association activity and leadership, training efforts and the mentoring of newer officials.

    One official in each sport is named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for their sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state. Winners are selected following consultation with local assigning secretaries, veteran officials’ observers, coaches throughout the state and additional staff review.

    The Outstanding Officials of the Year for the 2021-22 winter and spring seasons are James Johns for basketball, Joseph Phillips for swimming & diving, Eric Friddle for wrestling, Ron Rawe for baseball, Randy Chapman for softball and Sadie Gambrel for track & field, while Paul Lewis was named the Larry G. […]


    06/23/22 – Board of Control Approves Agreed Order Involving Bowling Green High School

    2021-2022 News Releases


    Compiler’s Note: The agreed order was amended at the June 23 Board of Control  meeting and required approval and signatures following; The final document is located on the KHSAA website at

    At a special meeting held at the KHSAA office in Lexington, the KHSAA Board of Control approved an agreed order closing an open matter and investigative review regarding Bowling Green High School. This closes a matter that began with the reporting of alleged violations of KHSAA Bylaw 16 near the end of the 2016-17 basketball season.

    As required by the adopted KHSAA Bylaws, the matter was assigned to staff for review, and draft findings were reported to the Commissioner. Due to situations surrounding concurrent litigation involving reported personnel and pandemic-related delays in consideration of potentially related matters, the case was not ripe for final review until the close of the 2020-21 school year.

    An […]


    06/22/22 – Board of Control to Hold Special Meeting on Thursday

    2021-2022 News Releases


    The KHSAA Board of Control is scheduled to hold a special meeting on Thursday, June 23, at 10 a.m. ET inside the KHSAA Office in Lexington.

    The Board will meet to consider a proposed agreed order addressing an appeal of the Jan. 12, 2022, ruling regarding Bowling Green High School.


    – KHSAA –

    About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of 284 member schools both public and non-public. The KHSAA awards 215 state championships to 51 teams and 164 individuals in 13 sports and 6 sport-activities, funds catastrophic insurance coverage for its more than 106,000 rostered member school student-athletes, provides coaching education and sports safety programs […]


    06/10/22- Additional Revisions Announced in COVID Return to Play Protocol

    2021-2022 News Releases

    Additional changes in guidance from the CDC as well as the conclusion of the 2021-22 competitive year have resulted in additional review by the Association and its sports medicine advisors. The KHSAA KMA Sports Medicine Committee met in late May to consider revisions to the return to play protocol. There is no longer a requirement for the six-day return to play protocol and this has been converted to a recommendation for local districts as best practice guidance.

    In addition, the recommended form usage remains the same as well as the strong recommendation that current CDC guidance is utilized. Be mindful that in compliance with that guidance, if districts are adhering to those protocols, any person within the program who tests positive should isolate for five days, followed by five days of full masking, regardless of any negative test.

    It remains local jurisdiction for the vast majority of the recommendations, including the use of the form. […]


    06/13/22- Guidance Related to 2021 HB563 (KRS156.070)

    2021-2022 News Releases



    The Kentucky General Assembly passed House Bill 563 (HB 563) during the 2021 Regular Session, and it became law on June 29, 2021, with full implementation of its provisions on July 1, 2022. HB 563, now codified into Kentucky Revised Statutes (Acts. Chapter 167 (2021) generally addresses two educational choice issues. Sections 1-3 provide amendments to KRS 157.350, 158.120 and 156.070 and specify how local boards of education shall adopt a nonresident pupil policy under which the district shall allow enrollment of nonresident pupils and the funding associated therewith. Section 4 provides for reporting requirements of the KDE to the Legislative Research Commission and Interim Joint Committee on  Education on options for the equitable transfer of education funds. Sections 5-19 of the Act are cited as the Education Opportunity Account Act or EOA Act.
    This guidance provides critical […]


    06/11/22- Kopser, Gloyd Named 2021-22 Midway/KHSAA Student-Athletes of the Year

    2021-2022 News Releases


    The 2021-22 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year awards program culminated this week on the campus of Midway University, as Renae Kopser (Ryle) and Ben Gloyd (Mayfield) were recognized as the overall Student-Athletes of the Year.

    Beginning in May of 2016, Midway University started presenting a Female Student-Athlete of the Year award at each KHSAA girls’ state championship event. The awards program was expanded in 2019-20 to include male student-athletes, with Midway honoring a deserving student-athlete in each of the 19 officially recognized KHSAA sports and sport-activities.

    The awards are based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership, with Midway choosing one overall male and female student-athlete of the year each academic year. School administrators, coaches and athletic directors nominate student-athletes online at, and the nominees are voted upon by a closed panel consisting of representatives from Midway University.

    2021-22 Midway University/KHSAA […]


    06/09/22 – Volleyball Officials Uniform Update

    Officials Division Blog Updates

    In 2021, the NFHS volleyball rules concerning the color of the officials’ uniform (Rules 5-3-1, 5-3-1 Notes) changed to allow state association adoption the color may be gray and/or bright blue (cyan) in addition to the traditional white polo-style shirts.

    This change was reviewed in the online rules clinic and it was noted that for the 2021 playing season, white would continue to be the color for KHSAA officials.  It was also shared that a phase-in approach, as was done in other sports, would then be implemented.  Following are the details. 

    Bright blue (cyan) will eventually be the color of choice following the implementation period.  In an effort to keep costs minimal to officials and the need to only maintain one color of shirt, gray will not currently be an option at any time.

    2022 Season

    • The use of bright blue (cyan), along with white, is optional during the regular season and optional during […]


    06/08/22 – 2022 Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Baseball, Softball State Tournaments to Conclude This Weekend

    2021-2022 News Releases


    The 2022 Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Baseball State Tournament presented by UK HealthCare and the 2022 Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Softball State Tournament presented by UK HealthCare are each set to conclude at the Barnhart Family Athletics Complex on the University of Kentucky campus in Lexington this weekend.

    Tickets to every game are available for purchase solely online at Live webcasts of every game will be available on

    The quarterfinals of the Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Softball State Tournament at John Cropp Stadium will begin Friday at 11 a.m. ET, scheduled in three-hour increments through 8 p.m. The semifinals will take place Saturday at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., followed by the state championship game on Sunday at 3 p.m.

    The semifinals of the Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Baseball State Tournament at Kentucky Proud Park are scheduled for 12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The state championship will be decided on Saturday at 7 […]


    06/02/22 – Track & Field, Baseball, Softball Set to Kick Off in Lexington

    2021-2022 News Releases


    The final state championship events of the 2021-22 school year are set to kick off on the University of Kentucky campus in Lexington this week with the 2022 Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Track & Field State Championships, Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Baseball State Tournament and Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Softball State Tournament, each presented by UK HealthCare.

    Tickets to all three events are available for purchase online only at Live webcasts will be available on

    Track & Field will start with 1A competition on Thursday and 2A competition on Friday before concluding with its 3A championships on Saturday. Baseball will play its first round over Thursday and Friday and its quarterfinals on Saturday, concluding with the final two rounds next weekend. Softball will commence Friday and Saturday before completing its final three rounds next weekend.


    2022 Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Track & Field State Championships

    05/31/22 – State Track & Field Lane Assignments, Starting Heights, & Final Details

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    The field is set for the 2022 Clark’s Pump-n-Shop State Track & Field Championships presented by UK HealthCare! The meets will be held June 2 – June 4 at the University of Kentucky Track & Field Complex. The KHSAA website has been updated to reflect lane assignments, competitor numbers, etc. Please be sure to check under the 2022 State/Region Meet Entries/Results tab at the very bottom of the track webpage. Important information for each respective class is posted.

    Starting heights for High Jump and Pole Vault for each respective class have also been set for the State Meet. They are as follows:

    Class A

    Girls High Jump- 4’6″

    Boys High Jump- 5’8″

    Girls Pole Vault- 6’6″

    Boys Pole Vault- 9’00”

    Class 2A

    Girls High Jump- 4’6″

    Boys High Jump- 5’8″

    Girls Pole Vault- 7’0″

    Boys Pole Vault- 10’00”

    Class 3A

    Girls High Jump- 4’8″

    Boys High Jump- 5’10”

    Girls […]


    05/31/22 – KHSAA Tennis State Championships Presented by UK HealthCare to Begin Tuesday

    2021-2022 News Releases


    The 2022 KHSAA Tennis State Championships presented by UK HealthCare are scheduled to begin Tuesday at 8 a.m. ET. The first and second rounds of the boys’ competition will kick off at the Hilary J. Boone Tennis Complex on the campus of the University of Kentucky in Lexington, while the girls’ competition will take place solely at Top Seed Tennis Club in Nicholasville. Tickets to the event are only available for purchase online and can be found at

    Following the first day of play, all remaining tennis matches will be played at Top Seed Tennis Club, with Wednesday’s competition starting at 8 a.m. Thursday’s action opens with the boys’ and girls’ singles and doubles semifinals at 9 a.m. Championship matches for boys’ and girls’ doubles are slated for noon, with the finals for boys’ and girls’ singles set for 2 p.m.

    Team champions will be determined through […]


    2025-2026 Corresponding Calendar Planning Dates



    Standard Varsity Officiating and Licensing Fees for 2022-2023

    Officials Working


    KHSAA Coaches Rules Clinic and Officials Rules Clinic and Testing Schedule for 2022-2023

    Officials Working


    2024-2025 Corresponding Calendar Planning Dates



    05/19/22 – State Track & Field Instructions Available

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    State Championship Instructions and other pertinent information for the 2022 Clark’s Pump-N-Shop State Track & Field Championships presented by UK HealthCare have been posted on the KHSAA website. The Championships will take place on June 2-4 at the University of Kentucky’s Track & Field complex. You can view the state championship time schedule and instructions by clicking on the links below.

    State Instructions for Participating Teams & Fans

    State Meet Time Schedule

    Tickets are also on sale now!

    • General admission ticket prices with no re-entry privileges are $12 each day, plus electronic transaction fees that are not received by the KHSAA.
    • A general admission ticket with re-entry privileges is available for $15 each day, plus electronic transaction fees that are not received by the KHSAA. A wristband will be provided at the gate for those that choose the re-entry option.
    • All tickets will be sold online via GoFan, the KHSAA’s official digital […]


    05/18/22 – Title IX Webinar

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    As was previously announced at the Athletic Director’s Conference, the KHSAA will be conducting a brief Title IX Webinar on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. EST. 

    As a result of Covid 19, on-site visits in the Title IX Education Program have been shut down for the past two years. In addition, the daily consultation with our audit team members has been suspended as well as they were not coming into our offices.

    Due to this as well as the significant amount of turnover in administration among our member schools, we would like to take this opportunity to refamiliarize our schools with some of the basic components of Title IX prior to the 2022-2023 school year. The focus of this meeting will be the elements of Title IX as it relates to the management of the interscholastic athletic program.

    Covered in the webinar will be a review of Title IX Opportunities and Benefits, the […]


    05/17/22 – Baseball, Softball State Tournament Draw Show Set for Thursday

    2021-2022 News Releases


    Pairings for the 2022 Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Baseball State Tournament Presented by UK HealthCare and the 2022 Clark’s Pump-N-Shop Softball State Tournament Presented by UK HealthCare will be revealed Thursday, May 19, at 1:30 p.m. ET, live on from the KHSAA Office in Lexington.

    The first round of the 2022 Baseball State Tournament will kick off Thursday, June 2, at Kentucky Proud Park on the University of Kentucky campus in Lexington. The opening round will wrap up the next day, followed by quarterfinal action on June 4. Both semifinal games will take place June 10, culminating with the state championship game on June 11.

    The first round of the 2022 Softball State Tournament will start Friday, June 3, at UK’s John Cropp Stadium and conclude the following night. All four quarterfinal contests are scheduled for June 10, with the semifinal round tabbed for June 11 and the championship […]


    05/12/22 – Bass Fishing State Championship to Begin Friday at Kentucky Dam Marina

    2021-2022 News Releases


    The ninth annual KHSAA Bass Fishing State Championship is set to begin Friday at the Kentucky Dam Marina in Gilbertsville. The two-day event will start each morning with the boat launch from Kentucky Dam Marina at 6:30 a.m. CT. The weigh-ins are scheduled to begin at 2:30 p.m. each afternoon and will be streamed free of charge live on

    A total of 89 boats will launch across three flights each morning with a staggered return to the dock for weigh-ins. The launch order will be reversed for the second day of competition. Awards will be presented to the top four teams, along with the big bass award winner, following Saturday’s weigh-in.

    Free digital tickets for fans attending the weigh-ins are available online at Fans can “buy” the free ticket before arriving and validate the ticket on their phone upon arrival.

    More information on this year’s […]


    05/11/22 – Board Approves Golf State First Round Sites

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    The KHSAA Board of Control approved site rotations for 2022 and future years for hosts of the First Round of the Leachman Buick-GMC-Cadillac Girls’ and Boys’ State Golf Tournaments.

    State Site#1-Owensboro Country Club (Owensboro)
    State Site #2-Heritage Hill Golf Course (Shepherdsville)
    State Site #3-Winchester Country Club (Winchester)

    State Site #1-Calvert City Country Club (Calvert City)
    State Site #2-Kenton County Golf Courses (Independence)
    State Site #3-TBD

    State Site #1-Hopkinsville Country Club (Hopkinsville)
    State Site #2-TBD
    State Site #3-TBD

    Previous Board action approved added after Regional play, an additional round of golf, deemed the State First Round, to be conducted across three locations. Each State First Round will include four defined Regions with each Region advancing 20 golfers to the State First Round for a total of 80 golfers at each site (Site #1 will include Regions 1-4, Site #2 will include Regions 5-8, and Site #3 will include Regions 9-12).

    In […]


    05/12/22 – Board of Control approves girls’ basketball hosting extension, volleyball schedule adjustment, state first-round golf format

    2021-2022 News Releases


    The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its final regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year this week at the KHSAA Office, approving a variety of items that affect 2022-23 and beyond.

    The Board agreed in principle to extend the Girls’ Basketball Sweet 16® host site agreement with Rupp Arena at Central Bank Center through 2028, matching the venue’s current agreement to host the Boys’ Basketball Sweet 16® through the same season.

    Rather than directly author any proposed Bylaw changes for this fall, the Board directed the Commissioner to assist member schools in such authorship if so desired by the membership.

    The Board adjusted the schedule of dates for the 2022 Volleyball State Championship to assist schools with travel costs in light of weekend housing costs surrounding the 2022 Breeders’ Cup, with the quarterfinal through finals rounds being played on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 3-4.

    The Board approved the […]


    2023-2024 Corresponding Calendar Planning Dates



    05/10/22 – Baseball & Softball Season Clarification and Reminders

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    This communication is published to assist Athletic Directors, Baseball/Softball Coaches, and others in the member schools with regard to the end-of-season questions office staff has been receiving as we are approaching the end of the regular season during this first year with a revised schedule.

    Prior to the beginning of the year, the Board of Control approved revisions to the structure of the beginning of the season (and the postseason in baseball) to maintain the nine-week regular season. There was no question, at the time, with regard to the last day of the regular season as it was to remain as published in Bylaw 23.

    However, many schools tried to both utilize the earlier playing week and shift the end of regular season play. It is clear that in this first year of the adjusted calendar, some assumptions were made at the local level and there is some confusion at the local level on options […]


    05/03/22- Hair Adornment Use Clarified; Shot Clock Guidelines Adjusted in Basketball Rules

    2021-2022 News Releases

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (May 3, 2022) — The allowance of hair adornments made of hard material has been clarified in high school basketball. Adornments made of hard material are permitted provided they are securely fastened close to the head and do not present an increased risk to the player, teammates or opponents.

    This change to Rule 3-5-4d was approved by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Basketball Rules Committee at its annual meeting April 11-13 in Indianapolis. The recommendation was subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

    The committee adjusted the rule to be inclusive of hair styles while maintaining that the risk of injury to the athlete and others not be compromised.

    “It was extremely important to the rules committee to create rules language that supported diversity of hair trends while minimizing the risk of injury to the athlete, teammates and opponents,” said Lindsey Atkinson, director of sports and liaison to […]


    05/02/22 – State Bass Fishing Registration, Ticketing, and Region Results

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    For all teams/boats qualifying for the 2022 KHSAA Bass Fishing State Championship, the registration link has been updated to allow teams to register. The registration deadline is Monday, May 9, 2022. Teams/boats can register by clicking on the following link:

    State Championship Registration

    All spectators staying for the weigh-ins for the 2022 KHSAA State Bass Fishing Championship will need a free digital ticket, which will be available online via GoFan, the KHSAA’s official digital ticket vendor. Fans are required to purchase their free tickets before they arrive and may validate the tickets on their phones once they arrive on-site.

    GoFan Digital Ticketing

    The results for the teams/boats qualifying for the KHSAA State Championship are posted below by region. We are asking coaches to please review the names of your anglers for mispellings and any other corrections that may be necessary. Please email these corrections directly to Darren Bilberry by 12:00 p.m. EST, Wednesday, […]


    04/29/2022 – Bass Fishing State Instructions Available

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    State Championship Instructions and other pertinent information for the 2022 KHSAA State Bass Fishing Tournament are now posted on the KHSAA website. You can view the State Championship Time Schedule, instructions, and other information by clicking on the links below:

    2022 State Bass Fishing Time Schedule

    Instructions for Participants and Fans

    Teams that qualify for the State Championship need to register online by going to the following link:

    Online Championship Registration

    Please contact Assistant Commissioner Darren Bilberry ( should you have any questions.

    – KHSAA –

    About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of 285 member schools both public and non-public. The KHSAA awards 215 state championships to 51 teams […]


    04/26/22 – Spalding Softball for Postseason

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    In collaboration with Spalding, and for 2022 ONLY, the requirement of the use of a Dudley softball is suspended due to continued issues in the supply chain of getting balls delivered in time for spring championships. Participating teams shall use any legally approved Dudley brand softball in all playoff games if inventory is available. The game balls used must contain the NFHS authenticating mark and must be a Dudley brand softball if inventory is available.

    – KHSAA –

    About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of 286 member schools, both public and non-public. The KHSAA awards 215 state championships to 51 teams and 164 individuals in 13 sports and six sport-activities, funds catastrophic insurance […]


    TN103Boys-Tennis Boys Entry Form

    Online Forms



    TN103Girls-Tennis Girls Entry Form

    Online Forms



    04/29/22- Eased Restrictions on Facial Hair Among 2022-23 High School Wrestling Rules Changes

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (April 29, 2022) — High school wrestlers may now have facial hair on the entire face and chin, provided a skin check can still be conducted. Previously, wrestlers were required to be clean shaven with the exception of sideburns and a neatly trimmed mustache.

    The change to facial hair requirements was one of three rules changes recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Wrestling Rules Committee at its meeting April 3-5 in Indianapolis, which subsequently were approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

    The revised procedure for facial hair is that the skin must be visible to allow for a skin check to be performed, as determined by the referee or a designated onsite appropriate health-care professional overseeing skin checks. In the event a skin check cannot be performed, a wrestler will be permitted to trim the facial hair to within the guidelines and must do so before competing. […]


    04/28/22 – Spring 2022 KHSAA Esports State Championships Presented by UK HealthCare Slated for Saturday

    2021-2022 News Releases


    The Spring 2022 KHSAA Esports State Championships Presented by UK HealthCare will take place at the University of Kentucky Federal Credit Union Esports Lounge at The Cornerstone on Saturday, starting at 10 a.m. ET. Tickets to the event are available only via online purchase.

    Teams will compete for state titles in Rocket League (PC), Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch), League of Legends (PC) and Madden NFL 22 (PlayStation 4), with an award ceremony following the completion of every match.


    – KHSAA –

    About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association

    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of 284 member schools, both public and […]


    2022-23 AD Season Planning Calendar

    Working-AD Calendar


    04/27/22 – KHSAA Student Advisory Group Tabbed for National Student Leadership Summit

    2021-2022 News Releases


    Eleven student-athletes from across the Commonwealth of Kentucky have been named members of the 2022-23 KHSAA Student Advisory Group. The leaders will represent the KHSAA at the NFHS National Student Leadership Summit on July 18-20 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

    The group will also assist in the planning and execution of the KHSAA Hype Student Leadership Conferences scheduled for Sept. 15 in Bowling Green and Sept. 16 in Lexington. Members of the Student Advisory are as follows:

    • Cameron Campbell (Edmonson County)
    • Aubrey Crish (Mercy)
    • Stella Fox (Elizabethtown)
    • Jack Johnson (Marshall County)
    • Laine Morman (Scott)
    • Matthew Morris (Jenkins)
    • Juliana Stith (Central Hardin)
    • David Webb (North Hardin)
    • Sarah Weddington (Lewis County)
    • Christian Woods (Newport Central Catholic)
    • Davin Yates (Logan County)

    The group attending the NSLS will split into groups and work through topical discussions on relevant and contemporary issues. The free program is designed to help students hone their leadership abilities […]


    04/20/22- Reminder about Academic All-State and Triple Threat Awards

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    As we begin to close out the 2021-2022 school year, I wanted to be sure and remind you of two award options for your students that are in their final phases.

    Again this year, the process for the presentation of the Academic All-State Awards is automated through the KHSAA school subsystem. With this system, you can, through your roster management screens, select the athletes and print those certificates for these worthy athletes.

    Keep in mind the criteria, which have been unchanged for many years, is a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.25 (on a four-point scale) for designation as “Honorable Mention”, and a 3.75 cumulative average on a four-point scale for designation as “First Team.” The awards are based on cumulative grade point averages from the time of enrollment in ninth grade and are given only to varsity participants, and only to participants who are enrolled in grades nine through twelve.



    04/18/22- KHSAA Triennial Sports Offering Survey-2021-2022

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    DUE BY FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2022. You will receive weekly reminders about submission.

    Every three years, per adopted policy (and state regulation), the KHSAA surveys the membership as to the desire to expand sports offerings. In this manner, the staff and Board of Control can continue to be proactive in offering new opportunities or assessing the satisfaction of its membership with the current offerings.

    The Board of Control adopted policy states that the Board will consider sponsoring a championship in a sport where 50 of the members desire a tournament conducted and when those schools are in at least three geographically bounded basketball regions. There is no guarantee of the sanctioning and championship play, but that threshold does allow for discussion.

    Please complete the required survey at on or before Friday, May 6, 2022, to assist in the determination of future offerings by the Association. This survey will help determine the sports or […]


    04/19/22 – Archery State Championships to Begin Tuesday in Bowling Green

    2021-2022 News Releases


    The 2022 KHSAA Archery State Championships will take place at Ephram White Gymnasium in Bowling Green on Tuesday. Competition will get underway at 9:30 a.m. CT. Following the event, full results will be posted on

    2022 KHSAA Archery State Championships

    – KHSAA –

    About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association

    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of 284 member schools, both public and non-public. The KHSAA awards 215 state championships to 51 teams and 164 individuals in 13 sports and six sport-activities, funds catastrophic insurance coverage for its more than 106,000 […]


    04/18/22 – Pool Markings Focal Point of 2022-23 High School Swimming and Diving Rules Changes

    2021-2022 News Releases

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (April 18, 2022) — A collection of new markings for pool facilities constructed or renovated after January 1, 2023, stands out among the high school swimming and diving rules changes approved for the 2022-23 school year.

    The markings, placed in a Table within Rule 2-4, were the most notable of the three rules changes brought forth by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Swimming and Diving Rules Committee, which held its annual meeting March 20-22 at the Conrad Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. The NFHS Board of Directors accepted all three rule change submissions.

    The table includes four new measurements that constitute changes of the width of the line along the pool bottom, longer cross lines, shorter end wall targets below the water, and an exact listing for the distance between the end of the line on the pool bottom and the end wall.

    The width of that line can now […]


    04/15/22- NCAA Issues Additional COVID Eligibility Guidance for 2023-24

    2021-2022 News Releases

    The NCAA today issued the following guidance document to the state associations to reflect changes, updates and allowances for students who will initially enroll in NCAA institutions in the fall of 2023. Please carefully review this material and contact the NCAA Eligibility Center with questions. The KHSAA should not be considered the definitive source for NCAA guidance, but rather, the NCAA member institutions or the Eligibility Center should be considered that source. The information referenced is located at, and reflects adjustments for 2023-2024 as well as a reiteration of the answers to those issues for 2022-2023. Feel free to use the CONTACT US link on the bottom of the NCAA page at



    Given the continuing impact of COVID-19 on the educational environment, the NCAA Eligibility Center has partnered with the NCAA membership to identify adjustments to the initial-eligibility certification process for students who initially enroll full-time in […]


    04/13/22 – Media Credentials Now Available for Spring Championships

    2021-2022 News Releases

    The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for spring sports championships (archery, esports, bass fishing, tennis, track & field, softball, baseball) is now live and can be accessed by going to

    Credentials to each KHSAA State Championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media who regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system.

    Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of their organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. Media outlets are responsible for the actions of all individuals representing their organization, including compliance with KHSAA policies and procedures. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the number of credentials […]


    04/13/22 – Bass Fishing Regional Instructions Available

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Instructions for KHSAA Regional Bass Fishing Tournaments are now posted on the KHSAA website. Manager information is posted on the KHSAA website and can be found here:

    Registration Information for all four regions has also been posted and that information can be found here: 

    Region 1

    Region 2

    Region 3

    Region 4

    The deadline for registration is Monday, April 25, 2022.  

    Regional Tournaments will take place on April 30, 2022. The State Championship will be May 12-14 at Kentucky Lake in Gilbertsville, KY. You can view the regional tournament instructions by clicking on the following link:

    Please contact Assistant Commissioner Darren Bilberry ( should you have any questions. 


    – KHSAA –

    About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school […]


    04/11/22 – Official of the Year Winners Announced for Fall Sports

    2021-2022 News Releases



    Each year, the Kentucky High School Athletic Association honors the top officials for the 10 sports in which it licenses officials. Finalists in each sport are selected through a combination of not only on-field performance but local association activity and leadership, training efforts and the mentoring of newer officials.

    One official in each sport is named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for their sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state. Winners are selected following consultation with local assigning secretaries, veteran officials’ observers, coaches throughout the state and additional staff review.

    The Outstanding Officials of the Year for the fall 2021 season are Deborah Hartlage for field hockey, Toby Durham for football, Gustavo Turmero for soccer and Jennifer Craven for volleyball. Each finalist will receive a commemorative watch and certificate courtesy of the Officials Division Trust Fund, with the Official of the […]


    04/11/22 – Initial RPI Rankings, Stat Leader Reports Released for Baseball, Softball

    2021-2022 News Releases



    The first official KHSAA Ratings Percentage Index (RPI) Rankings and the initial stat leader reports for the 2022 baseball and softball seasons have been posted at

    The RPI ( is a tool developed for all team sports by using the official KHSAA/Riherds Scoreboard data. It is provided for a variety of reasons, including district tiebreaking and football bracketing, and as a means to increase publicity, interest and promotion. The KHSAA Board of Control has approved the RPI to be used as a tiebreaking/contest result mechanism to decide seeded district games not played by the deadline.

    The RPI rankings are updated on an hourly basis but are not calculated for teams with missing scores from the previous day or earlier.

    RPI measures a team’s strength relative to other teams, based largely on the strength of their schedules (margin of victory is not a factor). RPI is calculated […]


    04/11/22 – Baseball Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student Athlete-of-the-Year Award

    2021-2022 News Releases

    The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete-of-the-Year among Baseball participants for 2021-2022 is now open.

    This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

    The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards ceremony at Midway University on Monday, June 6. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2021-2022 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete-of-the-Year and announced at the recognition. All winners will receive their honors at that event.

    The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in the sport of Baseball is May 5, 2022. We look forward to your […]


    04/08/22- Information Relative to Bylaw 7 and CSIET

    2021-2022 News Releases

    From the Desk of Chris Page, Executive Director, CSIET

    The past few years have challenged us to think about how we educate our students in new and different ways. As you look to the 2022-2023 school year, we hope you will continue your important partnership with the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) and its certified international student exchange organizations to prioritize global understanding in your school and local community.

    Emerging from the lockdowns of the pandemic the U.S. Department of State has redoubled its Public Diplomacy efforts. Through their initiative BridgeUSA, the Department has reiterated its support of high school exchange programs. While the speed of visa processing has been impeded by the challenges that the pandemic wrought on U.S. embassies and consulates, the Department has tasked its consulates around the world to prioritize these young Exchange Visitors as they return to full staffing. We appreciate your understanding and we ask for […]


    04/06/22 – Esports Spring Championship Update

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    In an effort to extend the in-person championship experience to more student-athletes, the KHSAA is finalizing plans with PlayVS and the University of Kentucky to conduct the semifinals and finals on Saturday, April 30th at the UKFCU Esports Lounge at The Cornerstone on UK’s campus.

    Details and logistics are being finalized, but this preliminary information is being shared with participating schools for planning purposes. More details will be shared when available.

    10 a.m. – Rocket League SF1
    10 a.m. – Super Smash Bros. SF1
    11 a.m. – Rocket League SF2
    11 a.m. – Super Smash Bros. SF2
    12 p.m. – League of Legends SF1
    12 p.m. – Madden ’22 SF1
    2 p.m. – League of Legends SF2
    2 p.m. – Madden ’22 SF2

    4 p.m. – Rocket League
    4 p.m. – Super Smash Bros.
    5 […]


    04/05/22 – KHSAA State Archery Championships Registration Now Open

    Archery Blog Updates

    The 2022 KHSAA State Archery Tournament has been added to the NASP site, with links provided below for reference. The event is scheduled for April 19 at Ephram White Gymnasium in Bowling Green, Ky.

    Coaches must access the created events and register ALL of the qualifying archers they want to participate. KHSAA representatives will place, in cooperation with the NASP Scoring Official, teams into six (6) flights. Individual qualifiers will be assigned to a flight as close as possible to teams from their region.

    Range assignments will be set ahead of time as well and sent to all schools before the date of the competition. Arrival and warm-up times will be designated by the state manager and must be adhered to by all participating schools.

    Schedule –

    Girls’ State Tournament –
    Girls’ State Qualifiers –

    Boys’ State Tournament –
    Boys’ State Qualifiers –

    Digital Tickets will […]


    2022 Softball Stat Leaders

    Softball Stats


    2022 Baseball Stat Leaders

    Baseball Stats


    03/28/22 – 2021-2022 Title IX Annual Report and Participation List Submission

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Schools are now able to access all of the required online forms to submit their 2021-2022 Title IX Annual Reports. The information in this post presents a summary for each school as you work to complete the required Annual Participation Report as well as the Title IX Report for 2021-2022.

    • The deadline for submission is May 2, 2022.
    • The online system is currently available for entry and is the only acceptable means of submitting the report.
    • If you have specific questions about Title IX and the law itself, our office should be able to help get you some assistance. Asst. Commissioner Darren Bilberry ( is our primary contact for your questions related to the law and its interpretations, and the Commissioner and General Counsel are available should you have other inquiries of that type.
    • As for the reports, Information Technology Director Rob Catron ( can assist you with electronic issues, including login and report […]


    2022-2023 Corresponding Calendar Planning Dates



    2021-2022 Corresponding Calendar Planning Dates



    2020-2021 Corresponding Calendar Planning Dates



    2019-2020 Corresponding Calendar Planning Dates



    2018-2019 Corresponding Calendar Planning Dates



    03/24/22 – Esports Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year Award among esports participants for 2021-2022 is now open.

    This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2021-2022 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

    The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards banquet at Midway University in early summer 2022. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the overall 2021-2022 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year and announced at the banquet. All winners will also receive their recognition at that banquet.

    The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of […]


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    03/21/22 – Nominations for KHSAA Student Advisory Group/NFHS National Student Leadership Summit Now Being Accepted

    2021-2022 News Releases

    The KHSAA is seeking applications to become a member of its Student Advisory Group. One of the main duties of the group is the planning and execution of its HYPE Student Leadership Conferences. Those chosen attend the NFHS National Student Leadership Summit in July and then manage the KHSAA HYPE Conferences.

    The National Federation of State High School Associations offers a student leadership initiative – the National Student Leadership Summit (NSLS). The NSLS will focus on relevant and contemporary issues affecting today’s students in education-based athletics and performing arts. Students will sharpen their leadership skills and will realize the privilege and power of their influence in their school, community, and state.

    The NFHS in-person Summit is scheduled for July 18-20, 2022 in Indianapolis. If selected, expenses from Lexington to Indianapolis are covered (meals, lodging, transportation). By applying and being selected, the student is acknowledging that he/she will be in attendance (in-person, virtual) for meetings leading […]


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