Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917


05/14/13 – What if it Rains?

Tennis Blog Updates

With the long range forecast of possible showers on Thursday,  it might be a good time to remind you of how we plan to communicate any changes as to location and or time schedules for the Boys and Girls Tennis Tournaments. First, we will use the Tennis page of the KHSAA website to post any “TENNIS HOT NEWS”. So please check here first.  Second, here is a link to the Driving Directions and GPS address for our two indoor centers that might be used in case of inclement weather.  


05/14/13 – State Notes

Tennis Blog Updates

The seed meeting went well and I want to thank those Regional representatives who traveled to Lexington yesterday to help with the seeding. The Brackets can be found on the Tennis page of the KHSAAA website.  Check back later today as we will update these with the TIME for each match. I would like to point out some last minute items for you to keep in mind. First, we no longer require a coaches meeting on the Wednesday night before we begin. But, if you have arrived in town you may want to come out to the UK Tennis center and watch the “Final four” Team competition for boys (5:00) and girls (6:30). Thursday AM, you will need to come to the check in (Big White Tent) and find either Butch Cope (at Shillito) or myself (at UK) to obtain your coaches credentials. You will sign in and be given your wrist band […]


05/06/13 – Tennis, Track & Field Championships; Sweet 16® Programs For Sale Online; Spring Sport Media Credentials

2012-2013 News Releases


KHSAA Tennis, Track and Field State Championships Approaching

Tennis regional tournaments got underway over the weekend, and will continue through Friday, May 10th leading up to the 2013 KHSAA Tennis State Championships (May 15-18). Four singles players and four teams of doubles will advance from each of the 16 regions to make up the 64-person state bracket in boys’ singles, girls’ singles, boys’ doubles and girls’ doubles.

The winning team from each region will advance to team sectional play, which will be held the Saturday prior to the State Tournament (May 11). The winning sectional teams (four boys’ teams and four girls’ teams) will advance to the semifinals at UK’s Boone/Downing Tennis Complex on Wednesday, May 15. The boys’ team finals will be held Thursday, May 16th at the Boone/Downing Tennis Complex at 6 p.m., with the girls’ team […]


04/22/13 – Corresponding Dates

Tennis Blog Updates

Hard to believe that the regular season is close to completion.  I realize many of you will take advantage of being together at the regional tournaments to work on next years schedules. I want to take a moment and remind you Coaches that as you begin planning for next season please take a close look at the corresponding calendar; Every so many years the calendar rolls up a week and next year is one of those. This means you just cant say “we always play on week two”, check the actual dates before you find yourself double booking a date. The regional week will again begin the weekend of the Derby and State will be May 14-17.  


04/16/13 – Post Season Information

Tennis Blog Updates

Coaches and Regional Managers, please review the links to information about the Tennis program found on the Tennis page of the KHSAA website. They have been recently updated and all should be  current. You will be able to find Regional Contact information, forms that will need to be filed and other pertinent information for both the Regional and State Championships.   Please make yourself familiar with the Tennis page and the available links.


2013 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


03/25/13 – Clarification on Cold Weather Participation

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The office has received several calls from people asking about a “Cold Weather Index” to parallel the existing Heat Index rules and regulations. At the present time, such an index does not exist in terms of a policy to eliminate participation at certain temperature combinations. However, the NFHS Sports Medicine Committee, as part of its 4th edition Sports Medicine Handbook provided to the member schools, has set up best practices documentation and suggestions to dealing with extreme cold. The recommendations are posted on the KHSAA web site at /sportsmedicine/nfhs/coldweatherrecommendations.pdf Please feel free to use this valuable resource document. If you need additional copies of the Sports Medicine Handbook, contact Marilyn Mitchell ( at the KHSAA offices.


03/06/13 – Tennis Post Season

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Good morning, several people have inquired as to which Ball will be used at this years state championships, we just finished the bid process and we have chosen the “Wilson Championship Balls”. As a reminder, the BOC stopped providing Balls for the regional tournament two years ago, so each region will get together and decide how to provide for their regional. The sites and hosts for this years regions and sectionals have been set, you can find these for reference on our tennis page. Here is the link to that particular PDF;


01/28/13 – Board of Control Approves Basketball Region I, Statewide Wrestling Realignments

2012-2013 News Releases


The KHSAA Board of Control approved new alignments for Basketball Region I and all eight Wrestling regions during its January meeting at the KHSAA office on Monday.

Following the consolidation of schools in McCracken County, KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett and area Board of Control members met with representatives from the first region in Mayfield. With all Region I schools in attendance, the feedback from the meeting was to realign within the region, and not bring additional teams into the region. Three options for realignment were presented following the meeting in Mayfield. On Monday, the Board voted to approve Option A for the 20013-14 season (detailed below), which will also be applied to baseball, softball, soccer and volleyball:

District 1 – Carlisle County, Fulton City, Fulton County, Hickman County

District 2 – Ballard Memorial, Graves County, Mayfield

District 3 – Community Christian, McCracken County, Paducah Tilghman, St. Mary



01/28/13 – Tie Break Protocol For Post Season

Tennis Blog Updates

In action today by the KHSAA Board of Control, the post season tournament tie break protocol will change from a full third set tie break procedure to a “Super Tie Breaker.” This change was recommended by the Sports Medicine Committee and the KHSAA staff to fulfill the rule changes that the USTA have implemented this year to provide ample “rest and recovery”  time for student athletes playing more than one match a day. In this tie break protocol, the first player or doubles team to 10 points, and ahead by 2, wins the match. It is scored as 1-0 with the score in parenthesis, for example 6-4,4-6,1-0 (10-7).  


01/7/13 – Heflin Named NFHS National Coach of the Year, First Basketball Stats, KHSAA Competitive Cheer Championships

2012-2013 News Releases



Lone Oak High School girls tennis coach Larry Heflin has been named one of 22 National Coaches of the Year by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) for the 2011-12 academic year. In 40 years as head coach, Heflin has guided Lone Oak to more state championships (11) than any other girls program in the state, the last of which came in 2012.

In addition to his 11 state titles, Heflin has led Lone Oak to eight runner-up finishes, helping him garner a spot in the USTA Kentucky Tennis Hall of Fame in 2012. In 2006, he was given the Garnis Martin Outstanding Coach of the Year award by the Kentucky High School Athletic Director’s Association and the Kentucky High School Coaches Association. He was previously named the National High […]


07/15/12 – Reminder about Case BL-25-14 (Open Gym/Field), Out of Season Restrictions

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Case BL-25-14- What are the restrictions during the school year outside of the defined Limitation of Seasons (off-season) when the school’s team members are participants or school coaches are involved?
Coaching is defined as any activity by the coach at a time the athletes are participating in skills (either preparatory or specific to that sport) in a setting in which skills are taught, refined, or practiced. Coincident participation by a coach and an athlete in a sport such as a golf outing, where the coach and athlete(s) are not entered as a entry or group, or in an activity such as distance running with many runners but no direct coaching, would not specifically be considered coaching.
The “off-season” is the period during the school year for each sport or sport/activity that is outside the defined start and end dates for the sport or sport/activity as detailed in Bylaw 25. The restrictions begin on the first […]


2012 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2011 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2010 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


General and Regular Season Information

Tennis Info/Forms/Records

2025 Season Information General Tennis Information


Regional Tournament Information, Instructions, Results

Tennis Info/Forms/Records

2025 KHSAA Region Tennis Information
Tennis Region General Information


State Tournament Information and Instructions

Tennis Info/Forms/Records

2025 KHSAA State Tennis Information State Tennis Information State Tennis Brackets and Results


Past Tennis Staff Blogs / News

Tennis Info/Forms/Records

Archive of Past Tennis Staff Blogs


State Tennis Records

Tennis Info/Forms/Records

Tennis Records


Tennis Forms

Tennis Info/Forms/Records

Tennis Forms


2014-2015 Tennis Realignment Information

Tennis Info/Forms/Records

Tennis Realignment Information 2014-2015


Tennis Tournament Results History

Tennis Info/Forms/Records


05/18/12 – 2012 KHSAA State Tennis Tournaments May 17-19

Tennis Blog Updates

2012 KHSAA State Tennis Tournaments UK Boone/Downing Tennis Center and Shillito Park May 17-19 NO PETS ALLOWED!!!


05/15/12 – Last Minute State Notes

Tennis Blog Updates

The seed meeting went well and I want to thank those Regional representatives who traveled to Lexington yesterday to help “their kids” get a shot at a seed. Their work can be found on the State Tennis page . I would like to point out some last minute items for you to keep in mind. First, we no longer require a coaches meeting on the Wednesday night before we begin. You will need to check in with either Butch Cope (at Shillito) or myself (at UK) to obtain your coaches credentials. You will sign in and be given your wrist band that will be recognized by the USTA official as being an authorized coach. It will also gain you free admission on both Friday and Saturday. Remember, you must WEAR THE ARMBAND AT ALL TIMES. Don’t worry; they are made of the same stuff (tyvek) that they wrap […]


05/09/12 – State Instructions

Tennis Blog Updates

I know that you are busy making plans for your teams trip to the State Championships here in Lexington. I want to remind you to take a close look at the State Tournament Instructions that can be found on our Tennis page. In there you will find several things that must be done prior to the beginning of the Championships. One example of an action item for you to take care of prior to coming to Lexington is getting your Coaching credentials. I have cut and pasted that section for your attention:  Who Can Coach? In prior years a decision was made to allow enough coaches to be on site for each participant/team that is involved.  For instance, if a school has one girls’ participant in singles competing at Shillito and one girls’ doubles team participating at Shillito, we will allow two coaches passes  for that team.  If, for example, a school has two girls’ singles players participating and two doubles teams participating, […]


05/01/12 – Assistant Coaches

Tennis Blog Updates

Now that we are less than a week from the beginning of the post season, let me take this opportunity to remind you that any individual who wishes to “coach” in the post season must be recognized as a Coach by the School they are representing. It is easy for a tournament manager to look up who the Head coach is, they simply have to go to our website and look in the “coach/administrator listings”   or the “Member School Directory” What causes a problem is verification of the “assistant” coaches. We cannot waive the KHSAA Bylaw 27 requirement regarding the qualifications for high school coaches (i.e. Coaching Education Course requirement, Medical Symposium requirement, 64 College Credit Hours requirement, First Aid/CPR requirements, and others in Bylaw 27). If you are bringing “Assistant” coaches with you to […]


04/24/12 – Post Season Instructions

Tennis Blog Updates

Good morning, The sun is bright and it looks like another great day to play Tennis. I can’t believe we are getting ready for our post season tournaments. Many of you veterans know that the information for post season play ( regional and state) can be found on our web site: . For those of you who are new to the coaching ranks, please make yourself familiar with our Tennis page and the different links to Tournament instructions and forms. You will also find helpful links to maps and the schedule of events for the State Championships. I’m excited to announce that the State Championships will have a new site for Thursday’s play. As you know on the first day of play, due to the large number of matches, we divide our tournament field by gender and have one group at UK, with the other group playing at an alternative site, then on Friday, we bring everyone to the UK complex. This year we will be using the City of Lexington’s […]


03/01/12 – Welcome to KHSAA Tennis Notes

Tennis Blog Updates

Welcome!      We have begun a new season and with it comes a new method of communication between our office and the member schools. When our Boss first told us to create a Blog, I panicked. I’m not a writer. But here we go with my first post! When I was teaching, I had to explain to my students the Kentucky Department of Educations terms: Novice, Apprentice, Proficient and Distinguished. I told my students that they should think in terms of an imaginary trip and how to get from here to the Beach. A “Novice” writer would get you lost. An “Apprentice” writer will get you there, but it will take days and you will hate the trip. A “Proficient” writer will be like MapQuest, they will get you there in the shortest time possible. But a “Distinguished” writer will not only get you there, but you will enjoy the journey. Unlike my Boss, I’m not […]


2009 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2008 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2007 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2006 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2005 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2004 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2003 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2002 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2001 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


2000 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


1999 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


1998 Region/State Tournament Entries/Results

Tennis Tournament Results History


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