February, 2014
02/26/14 – Umpire Training Clinic Rescheduled
The Umpire Training Clinic that was canceled on February 8, 2014 in Ashland due to inclement weather, has been rescheduled for Sunday March 9, 2014 at 2:30 p.m. at Boyd County High School. Registration information for this clinic can be found by clicking on the following link: http://khsaa.org/fastpitchsoftball/region13-16campbrochure.pdf02/26/14 – 2014 KHSAA Swimming and Diving Championships Begin Thursday Night
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: FEBRUARY 26, 2014The 2014 KHSAA Swimming and Diving State Championships take place this week (Feb. 27-March 1) at the Ralph Wright Natatorium on the University of Louisville’s campus. The state meet opens Thursday night with the boys’ diving preliminary competition at 6 p.m.
Friday’s competition starts with the boys’ swimming prelims at 10 a.m., with tickets going on sale to the public at 9 a.m. Tickets to the second session will go on sale at 2:30 p.m., with the girls’ swimming prelims starting at 3:30 p.m. The girls’ diving prelims will bring the day’s action to a close at 6:30 p.m.
Tickets for Saturday’s boys’ swimming and diving finals go on sale at 9 a.m. The boys’ swimming finals will start at 10 a.m., with the boys’ diving finals to begin immediately following the conclusion of the 50 Free. Tickets for the final […]
02/25/14 – Changes to Friday’s Warm-up Schedule for State Swimming and Diving
There have been some adjustments made for both the boys and girls warm-up times on Friday, February 28 on the Time Schedule for the 2014 KHSAA Swimming and Diving State Championships. You can view these changes on the KHSAA website by going to the following link: http://khsaa.org/swimming/2014/statetimeschedule.pdf02/25/14 – Taping for All-American Dive Consideration
Due to the decrease in the amount of deck space where diving is taped for All-American consideration, credentials will be required for those wishing to be on deck to videotape the diving sessions. Anyone wishing to access the deck during these sessions will be required to go to the team check-in/media check-in entrance each day to request their credentials. There will be a different color credential for each day and this credential will allow these individuals on deck only during the diving sessions of the meet. Coaches who are aware of anyone that plans on videotaping the diving sessions should share this information with those individuals.
02/25/14 – Updated Parking Information for State Swimming and Diving
Due to additional facilities that have been added to the University of Louisville’s campus over the past year, the “P” parking lot that is normally used for the KHSAA Swimming and Diving State Championships no longer exists. As a result parking lot “A” will now be utilized as the primary lot for free general parking. More specific information in regards to parking for the state meet can be viewed by going to the following link on the KHSAA website:
http://khsaa.org/swimming/parkinginstructions.pdf02/24/14 – Asst. Commissioner’s Comments on Cordia-Perry County Central Incident
“On Friday, Feb. 21 an unsporting act took place in a boys’ basketball game between Cordia and Perry County Central. The officials assigned to the game ejected one student-athlete from Cordia who was directly involved in the incident and two student-athletes from Perry County Central for leaving the bench area. While video of the incident is available online, KHSAA Board of Control Policies state that the KHSAA staff is limited in the manner in which the video is used during the disciplinary process, unless the contest officials make a request for review of the specific incident. In this instance, the contest officials made no such request and therefore the KHSAA is not permitted to act upon video evidence, and must abide by the minimum required penalty of a two-game suspension for the Cordia player and a one-game suspension for each player from Perry County Central. Administration from Cordia has reported to the KHSAA […]
02/21/14 – Update on Billy Hicks’ All-Time Coaching Record
Over the past few weeks, the KHSAA has worked to resolve questions surrounding the all-time coaching record for Billy Hicks. With the assistance of several news outlets, including the Lexington Herald-Leader, the Louisville Courier-Journal, the Harlan Daily Enterprise and the Georgetown News-Graphic, the KHSAA believes it has resolved many of the discrepancies in regards to coach Hicks’ record.
With that said, the KHSAA records will reflect that coach Hicks enters tonight’s game between Scott County and Paul Laurence Dunbar with an all-time record of 856-244, tying him with William Kean (Central HS) atop the state’s all-time list for coaching victories.
The KHSAA congratulates coach Hicks on his accomplishments thus far, and wishes him the best of luck in the future.
Evarts HS
* 10 games forfeited by school
Evarts HS
Evarts HS
02/21/14 – KHSAA Officials Division-Local Associations Give Back
Recently, the KHSAA received a notice and some newspaper clippings about a donation the Fifth Region Officials Association made to the Nelson County schools Youth Services Center. Upon receiving the note, the KHSAA contacted the regional officials associations across the state to find out more about the various ways organizations are giving back to their communities. The overwhelming responses received by the KHSAA are detailed below, but this list is in no way a comprehensive account.
1st Region Baseball – Last season, a small boy was killed in a bus wreck in Carlisle County, and the officials of the Western Kentucky Baseball Association each contributed one game fee ($50) to the family at the regional tournament. This year, the association is starting a Joey Fosko Memorial Scholarship to be given every year to a Region 1 baseball player.
02/20/14 – Basketball Statistical Leaders
Updated statistical leaders for boys’ and girls’ basketball can be found through the links below. As a reminder, member schools are solely responsible for submitting statistical information. If a school or individual is omitted, or information is not updated, that means the KHSAA did not receive a report prior to the deadline. Statistical leaders will be updated every Wednesday.
Girls’ Basketball stats can be found at:
Boys’ Basketball stats can be found at:
2022 Sweet Sixteen® Ticket Sales and Tourney Info
GOFAN DIGITAL TICKET FOR KHSAA EVENTS OTHER THAN STATE BASKETBALL Click Here to Order your tickets for KHSAA Wrestling Championship First Round State and FinalsBOYS STATE BASKETBALL TICKETS (MARCH 16-19, 2022) VIA TICKETMASTER AND RUPP BOX OFFICE Click here to Manage your existing tickets for Rupp Arena events Click Here to Order 2022 Boys Tickets – Complete Sets for Entire Tournament Click Here to Order 2022 Boys Tickets – Side/Corner/Upper Single Sessions (Non-Cheering Sections Tickets)
GIRLS STATE BASKETBALL TICKETS (MARCH 9-12, 2022) VIA TICKETMASTER AND RUPP BOX OFFICE Click here to Manage your existing tickets for Rupp Arena events Click Here to Order 2022 Girls Tickets – Complete Sets for Entire Tournament, March 9-12, 2022 Click Here to Order 2022 Girls Tickets – Single Sessions (Non-Cheering Section Tickets)
02/19/14 – KHSAA Wrestling State Championships Head To Alltech Arena This Week
The 2014 KHSAA Wrestling State Championships head to Alltech Arena at the Kentucky Horse Park this week (Feb. 21-22). Gates will open to the public on Friday at 9 a.m., with the first round matches set to begin at 10 a.m.
Saturday’s competition opens with third round championship bracket matches at 9:30 a.m., continuing through the consolation bracket finals at 4 p.m. The opening ceremony for the championship finals is scheduled for 6 p.m., and will be streamed live at KHSAA.org.
A complete list of printable brackets for the 2014 KHSAA Wrestling State Championships can be found at:
Live scoring for the event is available at:
The championship program is available for download at:
Full-day tickets will […]
02/19/14 Wrestling State Information
For information about the State Championships, please visit our Wrestling page at http://khsaa.org/sports/winter/wrestling/ for all the updated information. As a reminder to coaches, don’t forget to download your copy of the brackets. We no longer provide a hard copy for you. Coaches are also advised to weigh-in any fifth place regional wrestler in case of replacement the day of the State Tournament. If any of you have a wrestler pull out, please contact this office ASAP so that we may call the next school in line, so that their fifth place finisher may enter the tournament.
02/18/14 – Phase 1 of Title IX Reports for 2014 include New Historical Matrix (T-2 Chart) and T35 Revisions
The initial phase of entry for the 2013-2014 Title IX Reports is available and online at schools.khsaa.org. There have been several enhancements this year based on the tour of regional meetings last fall and the great cooperation and feedback from the membership.
A major change to help the membership is with the T2 form data. Previously, questions were asked regarding the T2 and the addition of new sports that required research and data collection each year. With the rapid turnover in ADs and Principals, the data received on the T2 form, which helps a school assess its potential compliance with Test 2 of Title IX, was inaccurate at best. To help with this problem, a new form is added that must be completed by each school ONLY ONCE and then the historical data will be built. This is titled the “Historical Team Matrix”. Each school will go fill this form out, indicating […]
02/17/14 – Advanced Ticket Sales
Coaches remember the passes for you and your staff are free and they will be Coaches Passes. Using the Member Schools Athletic Personnel list, coaches who have completed this year’s online rules clinic and are current in the sports safety course will be issued floor passes at no additional charge. For many of you, this will result in significant savings where you had been purchasing extra coaches passes as well as purchasing additional tickets for coaches. We will have the passes in your coaches’ packets to be picked up Thursday afternoon between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the arena.
Tickets – If you plan to buy tickets for team supporters, you are no longer required to fill out paperwork. Advanced all-session passes are $25.00. One-day passes are $15.00. These will be available during the packet pickup session on Thursday, but only until 6 p.m., and will be available on Friday at the box office.The advanced ticket sales are […]
02/17/14 – 2014 KHSAA Swimming and Diving State Meet Entries Posted
Entries for the 2014 KHSAA Swimming and Diving State Meet are now posted on the KHSAA website. You can view all of the entries by going to the following link and clicking on State Meet Information and Instructions:
02/17/14 – Boys’ and Girls’ Sweet 16® Media Credentials
The media credentialing system for the 2014 Houchens Industries/KHSAA Girls’ and Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen® State Basketball Tournaments is now available online, and can be accessed by going to credentials.khsaa.org. The Houchens Industries/KHSAA Girls’ State Tournament will take place March 12-16 at E.A. Diddle Arena in Bowling Green, followed by the Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® March 19-23 at Rupp Arena in Lexington.
The deadline to apply for credentials is 5 p.m. on the Monday prior to each respective tournament – March 10 for the Girls’ Sweet 16® and March 17 for the Boys.
Houchens Industries is in its 12th year as title sponsor of the Girls’ Tournament and is on board to sponsor the event through the 2015 tournament. When referring to the girls’ basketball state championship, the tournament’s full name, the […]
Meet Mobile – Active Network Links to Download
Download Meet Mobile for Your Device and Search for KHSAA02/16/14 – KHSAA State Swimming and Diving Seeding Meeting Rescheduled
The KHSAA State Swimming and Diving Seeding Meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, February 17, 2014 6:00 p.m. at the KHSAA office.
02/15/14 – Swimming And Diving Region 4 Update
The Region 4 Swimming and Diving meet has been cancelled for Saturday, Feb. 15. The meet will be held on Sunday, Feb. 16 with the following schedule:
Region 4
Plan C
If events had to be cancelled all day Saturday, the same swimming schedule for Saturday would then be moved to Sunday, February 16.
Diving will begin at 10:00 a.m.
The boys’ timed finals will begin at 2:00 p.m.
The girls’ timed finals will begin at 6:45 p.m.
02/14/14 – Swimming and Diving Updates for Regions 2 and 4
The following are updates from the Regional Managers for Regions 2 and 4 in regards to their Regional Meet Schedules:
Region 2
The meet will be a timed final on Saturday, February 15
The girls’ warm up will be at 11:00 a.m. and the meet will start at 12:00 p.m.
The boys’ warm ups will be at 5:00 p.m. and the meet will start at 6:00 p.m.
Region 4
Plan A
The meet will be a timed final on Saturday, February 15
Diving will begin at 10:00 a.m.
The boys’ timed finals will begin at 2:00 p.m.
The girls’ timed finals will begin at 6:45 p.m.
Plan B
If morning travel is difficult due to inclement weather, diving will be postponed until Sunday. The swimming schedule for Saturday would remain the same.
Plan C
If events had to be cancelled all day Saturday, the same swimming schedule for Saturday would then be moved to Sunday, February 16.
Diving will begin at 10:00 a.m.
The boys’ timed finals will begin at 2:00 p.m.
[…]02/14/14- Update to Regional Wrestling Schedules
Due to inclement weather there have been some delays and postponements of some of our Wrestling Regional competitions that were scheduled for today and tomorrow.
The following is the current status of each region:
Region 1: No Change
Region 2: Will begin on Saturday @ 11:00 AM Weigh-ins, LaRue County High School with completion Sunday at 1 PM
Region 3: Saturday, Noon start with completion Sunday at 1 PM
Region 4: Saturday, Noon start with completion Sunday at 1 PM
Region 5: Saturday weigh-ins begin @ 9:00 AM
Region 6: Saturday, Noon start with completion Sunday at 1 PM
Region 7: No Change
Region 8: No Change
We will post updates throughout the day as each region finalizes its contingency plans and will also provide updates if there are any changes to the current plans. Thank you.
02/14/14 – Regional Swimming and Diving Update
Due to inclement weather there have been some delays, postponements, and cancellations of some of our Swimming and Diving Regional competitions that were scheduled for today. The following is the current status of each region.
Region 1 – The Regional Meet scheduled to begin today at the Owensboro Health Park will proceed on its regular schedule. The boys’ warm ups will begin at 9:30 a.m. CST and the meet will begin at 11:00 a.m. CST.
Region 2 – The preliminaries scheduled for today at the University of Louisville Natatorium will NOT occur today. Makeup plans are being finalized for Saturday, February 15 and possibly Sunday, February 16.
Region 3 – The Regional Meet scheduled to begin today at the Russell County ANC will proceed on its regular schedule. Warm ups will begin at 10:00 a.m. EST and the meet will begin at 12:30 p.m. EST.
Region 4 – The preliminaries scheduled for today at the Silverlake Recreation Center will NOT occur today. Makeup plans are being […]
02/13/14 – State Track Meet Site for 2014
As previously announced, the state meets will take place on Friday, May 23 (Class 2A) and Saturday, May 24 (Class 1A followed by Class 3A). The site of the 2014 KHSAA State Track and Field meet will be the University of Kentucky in Lexington.
Information on the U of K facility – http://www.ukathletics.com/athletic-dept/outdoor-track.html
02/13/14 – Umpire Training Clinics
This is a reminder that the next Umpire Training Clinic will take place this Saturday, February 15 at Larue County High School in the auditorium. Because there are three events taking place at the high school that day you should park in the rear of the building by the baseball field in the gravel parking lot. There will be signs directing you to the outside door and to the auditorium. If you have difficulty locating the school please contact Rip Collins at 270-268-1335. Below is the link that will provide you with registration information as well as an agenda: http://khsaa.org/fastpitchsoftball/region5-8campbrochure.pdf
02/12/14 – State Information for Swimming and Diving State Championships
State Instructions for the 2013-2014 KHSAA Swimming and Diving State Championships are now posted on the KHSAA website. You can access complete Instructions for Participating Teams, Hotel Information, a Meet Time Schedule, and additional information by clicking on the following link:
http://khsaa.org/sports/winter/swimming/02/12/14 – Wrestling Time Schedule
For nearly a year, the KHSAA staff has been working and preparing for the upcoming state wrestling tournament. After evaluating the last three to four years of tournament schedules and activity, three major problem areas were identified that needed immediate resolution:
- The “break” prior to the last wrestling round had to be eliminated, or certainly minimized. The circus atmosphere that had developed, which some may have viewed as fun, in fact resulted in at least five individuals being hit by thrown objects, including two police officers. Coaches and other adults refused to take charge of the situation, and in fact participated in many cases. And despite having more than double the security staff as had ever been in place in the previous facility, the situation came to a point where the future ability to retain security assistance from trained and sworn police officers was in jeopardy, as well as the future use of this […]
02/12/14 – Basketball Statistical Leaders
Updated statistical leaders for boys’ and girls’ basketball can be found through the links below. As a reminder, member schools are solely responsible for submitting statistical information. If a school or individual is omitted, or information is not updated, that means the KHSAA did not receive a report prior to the deadline. Statistical leaders will be updated every Wednesday.
Girls’ Basketball stats can be found at:
Boys’ Basketball stats can be found at:

02/10/14 – Ebonite/KHSAA State Bowling Information
Congratulations to all schools who had a team or individual qualify for the 2014 Ebonite/KHSAA State Bowling Tournaments.
There will be open lanes available for practice at Collins Eastland after 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday night for $1.50 per lane.
Teams and coaches will enter at the team check in/pass gate (far right hand entrance when facing the center from the street). ALL COACHES and TEAMS must enter at this gate.
On Thursday (singles day) the competitors and coaches will be checked in and enter the facility first, beginning at 9:00 a.m. The coach will receive a packet with the wristbands for participants and coaches. This will be a per player allotment. (Example – school A has two competitors, then team A will be allowed two coaches’ wristbands). Coaches must be listed as a coach on the school page of the website and have all of the coaching requirements completed.
Any member of the team competing in the […]
02/10/14 – 2014 Ebonite/KHSAA Bowling State Championships This Week At Collins Eastland
The 2014 Ebonite/KHSAA Bowling State Championships will be held this week (Feb. 13-14) at Collins Eastland in Lexington. The individual state championship will be contested on Thursday, with doors opening to the public at 9:15 a.m. The field will be pared down to the final eight boys’ and girls’ contestants through qualifying rounds, with the step bracket expected to begin shortly after 12 p.m. and the awards ceremony slated for 2:30 p.m.
Team champions will be crowned on Friday, with the boys’ team competition starting at 7:50 a.m. with qualifying rounds. The final boys’ team match is scheduled for 12:15 p.m., followed directly by the awards ceremony. The girls’ team competition will begin with qualifying rounds at 1:35 p.m. The girls’ team championship match is slated for 5:15 p.m., with the awards ceremony to follow upon completion. Doors open to the public at […]
02/07/14 – Umpire Training Clinic Information
The Umpire Training Clinic that was scheduled for tomorrow February 8, 2014 in Ashland has been canceled due to the possibility of inclement weather. We will reschedule and post the make-up date as soon as possible. The Umpire Training Clinic that was canceled on January 25, 2014 in Hopkinsville due to inclement weather, has been rescheduled for Sunday February 23, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. The link for the registration form for this clinic as well as the clinic scheduled for February 15, 2014 in Hodgenville are listed below:
http://khsaa.org/fastpitchsoftball/region1-4campbrochure.pdf http://khsaa.org/fastpitchsoftball/region5-8campbrochure.pdf02/06/14 Housing and Ticket Information
Coaches, suggestions for housing for the state tournament can be found on the Wrestling page ( http://khsaa.org/sports/winter/wrestling/ ) of our website. Click on the State Information link and you will find several links that will help you find accommodations; there is even a direct link to the Clarion Hotel which is once again serving as our Headquarters Hotel. Several of the area hotels have agreed to a set price for the tournament, so mention that when you call. Coaches Passes – Using the Member Schools Athletic Personnel list of Coaches who have completed this year’s online rules clinic and are current in the sports safety course, we will issue floor passes to your school for each of your coaches at no additional charge. For many of you, this will result in significant savings where you had been purchasing extra coaches passes as well as purchasing additional tickets for coaches. We will have the passes in your coach’s packets to be picked up Thursday afternoon between […]02/06/14 – Basketball Statistics Leaders
Updated statistical leaders for boys’ and girls’ basketball can be found through the links below. As a reminder, member schools are solely responsible for submitting statistical information. If a school or individual is omitted, or information is not updated, that means the KHSAA did not receive a report prior to the deadline. Statistical leaders will be updated every Wednesday.
Girls’ Basketball stats can be found at:
Boys’ Basketball stats can be found at:

02/06/14 – Ebonite/KHSAA State Bowling Update and Roster Request
Congratulations to all of those schools who have thus far qualified teams or singles competitors for the Ebonite/KHSAA State Tournament next Thursday and Friday (Feb. 13 & 14). We have 3 regions who have been delayed from their original dates due to the weather and school closings. We are hopeful that they will be able to complete their tournaments by the end of the weekend.
Schools who have qualified in the team competition (1st or 2nd place), please fill out and return to us the State Roster Form – Bowling | Kentucky High School Athletic Association. Choose this link, choose the Bowling Forms button, then choose bw111. It is available for you in both .doc and .pdf (if you have adobe you should be able to type into the pdf). Please list the team members that will compete at the State Tournament in the following order. (first name, last name, jersey number and grade). […]Wrestling Year by Year Brackets and Results
Wrestling Year by Year Brackets02/02/15 – Online Track Rules Clinic Now Available
The 2015 Online Rules Clinic that is required for all head and assistant coaches in the sport of TRACK is now available. Please remember that there is an additional course requirement for schools who have pole vault competitors – http://www.pvscb.com/
If you are both a coach and an official, please take the clinic as a coaches
Coaches Deadline
February 2 – March 8 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches at no charge during this period.
March 9 – April 5 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
April 6– May 10 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the makeup fee ($300) during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
Officials Deadline
February 2 – March 1 – the Clinic may be viewed by officials at no charge during this period.
March 2 – March 29– the Clinic may be viewed by officials for the […]
02/05/14 State Tournament Information
The information and instructions for the 2014 State Wrestling Tournament have been posted online, and can be accessed by going to the wrestling page of the KHSAA website.
I would strongly suggest that all competing schools download the files to ensure that you are aware of all KHSAA rules regarding this tournament. http://khsaa.org/sports/winter/wrestling/
Look for more blog posts over the next two weeks concerning state tournament information. As always, please make yourself familiar with the Wrestling page mentioned above. It can be your best resource.
Best of luck to you during the Regional Tournament!!
2014 State Wrestling Substitutions to date
2014 State Wrestling Substitutions
NOTE: First substitution of any withdrawn wrestler goes to the 5th place finisher in the region. If none is available, then it will go in order of cancellation, to the random rotation list (At-Large Alternate Rotation) at the end of this sheet.
Jake Burroughs
2 Dalton Bell, LaRue Co.
3 Brody Haverstick, John Hardin
4 Jared Ray,Meade Co
5 Kaden Harris, Ft. Knox.
Tyler Holub, Scott
3 Drevon Jones Newport
4 Auston Nixon Dixie Heights
5 Dante Castellano Simon Kenton
Joey Insko
5 Noah Davis LaRue Co.
Terrell Roberts Bourbon Co.
4 Jordan Justice Sheldon Clark
5 Colton Mott Harrison Co.
Forrest Vaughn Bourbon Co.
4 Austin Sutphin Montgomery Co.
5 Marcus Murphy Phelps
Max Androoni Woodford Co.
2 Austin Phillips Anderson County
3 […]
2014 State Wrestling Day 2 Results – 3rd Rd, 3rd Rd Cons, 4th Rd Con, 4th Rd, 5th Rd Cons, 6th Rd Cons, Medal bouts, (bouts 561-878)
Quarterfinals Championship
Quarterfinal – Tucker Hurst (Woodford County) 47-3 won by fall over Ansar Kurbanov (Iroquois) 33-5 (Fall 4:40)
Quarterfinal – Austin Cook (St. Xavier) 33-10 won by major decision over Dalton Bell (LaRue County) 28-10 (MD 15-5)
Quarterfinal – David Hernandez (Henry Clay) 35-3 won by decision over Saul Ervin (Union County) 44-5 (Dec 6-5)
Quarterfinal – Brady Wells (Campbell County) 38-9 won by major decision over Dallas Ochsenbein (North Oldham) 31-8 (MD 13-4)
Quarterfinals Championship
Quarterfinal – John Hernandez (Henry Clay) 31-5 won by fall over David Maldonado (Meade County) 22-18 (Fall 1:24)
Quarterfinal – Clayton Hanson (North Hardin) 35-6 won by decision over Joey Roberts (Woodford County) 31-12 (Dec 4-3)
Quarterfinal – Bryce Sheffer (Union County) […]
2014 State Wrestling Day 1 Results – 1st Rd, 2nd Rd Champ, 1st Rd Consol, 2nd Rd Consol. (bouts 1-560)
Round 1 (32 Man)
Champ. Round 1 – Tucker Hurst (Woodford County) 45-3 won by fall over Elliott Kelly (Central) 26-18 (Fall 0:14)
Champ. Round 1 – Kaleb Sapp (Ohio County) 32-5 won by decision over Wesley Whelan (Ashland Blazer) 29-11 (Dec 7-2)
Champ. Round 1 – Drevon Jones (Newport) 22-17 won by fall over Zach Goodpastor (Paul Laurence Dunbar) 23-10 (Fall 2:19)
Champ. Round 1 – Ansar Kurbanov (Iroquois) 31-4 won by fall over Kaden Harris (Fort Knox) 0-2 (Fall 3:33)
Champ. Round 1 – Austin Cook (St. Xavier) 32-9 won by fall over Adam Yashinto (Doss) 33-16 (Fall 1:13)
Champ. Round 1 – Jacob Dodd (Wayne County) 47-3 won by fall over auston nixon (Dixie Heights) 14-14 (Fall 3:53)
Champ. Round 1 – Luis Regalado (Fort Campbell) 34-5 won by fall […]
02/04/14 – Tennis Rules Clinic Now Available
The 2014 Online Rules Clinic that is required for all head and assistant coaches in the sport of TENNIS is now available.
February 3 – April 4 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches at no charge during this period.
April 5 – April 26 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
April 27– May 2– the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the makeup fee ($300) during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
The presentation can be viewed from any computer, and is a web-based flash video product that should be viewable through any web browser. Once you advance to the last slide of the presentation, correspondence is automatically generated to the KHSAA so that you can receive credit. If the presentation is not completed, you will not receive credit.
Athletic Directors can check to see if their coaches […]
02/24/14 – Roster Entry Reminder – Post Season
This is a reminder about eligibility for postseason play in all sports, with today’s focus being on basketball. Today is the first day of basketball postseason and to be eligible to play in postseason, a student must be on ONE of the online rosters for the school (freshman, JV or varsity). It is NO LONGER NECESSARY, as has been explained throughout the year, to artificially move people up to the varsity roster for postseason or go in and make other manipulations of the roster. The listing of a student on any level roster allows for a student to play in postseason.
Also remember that to be on any roster, the student must have participated regularly at practice with the coach and the remainder of the team, and participated in competition representing the school against other schools at the freshman, JV or varsity level. They can’t just list names on the rosters who have never practiced or […]
02/04/14 – Softball Online Rules Clinic
The 2014 Online Rules Clinic that is required for all head and assistant coaches and umpires in the sport of softball is now available.
February 3 – April 18 – the Softball Clinic may be viewed by coaches and officials at no charge during this period.
April 19 – May 10 – the Softball Clinic may be viewed by coaches and officials for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
May 11 – May 18 – the Softball Clinic may be viewed by coaches and officials for the makeup fee ($300) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
The presentation can be viewed from any computer, and is a web-based flash video product that should be viewable through any web browser. Once you advance to the last slide of the presentation, correspondence is automatically generated to the KHSAA so that you can receive credit. If […]
01/31/14- Alignment Proposal
At its January meeting, the Board of Control approved a draft realignment of teams in Tennis to be in effect for 2014-2015. This is part of the Board’s continuing efforts on the part of the membership to place schools in the same region as they are placed in basketball provided the numbers of schools allow for this placement. This decision will allow Tennis to be more consistent with other KHSAA sports (Baseball, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, and Softball) that have been realigned recently to the same regional format. Commentary and feedback will be accepted from the member schools by way of a survey that will be sent to the Principal of each member school. Following feedback from the schools, final adoption will be considered at the Board’s April meeting for implementation in 2014-15.
The Current alignment can be found at http://khsaa.org/current-alignment-tennis/
The Proposed draft alignment can be found at http://khsaa.org/tennis/alternativealignment.pdf
Please alert your Principal to […]
02/03/14 – Pairings Announced For 2014 Houchens Industries/KHSAA Girls’ and Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen®
The pairings for the 2014 Houchens Industries/KHSAA Girls’ and the 2014 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen® were determined Monday afternoon when the annual Draw Show was conducted at the WKYT Studios in Lexington. Hosted by Gary Ball and Dave Baker, the Draw Show was televised by The CW Lexington and WYMT, and live streamed at KHSAA.org.
The 2014 Houchens Industries/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet 16® will be held March 12-16 at E.A. Diddle Arena in Bowling Green, with the 2014 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® taking place March 19-23 at Rupp Arena in Lexington. Full-session ticket packages for the Boys’ and Girls’ Sweet 16® are available for $80 for upper arena seats and $124 for side/lower arena seats, and can be purchased online at the following link: http://www.khsaa.org/payments/tickets/
2014 Houchens Industries/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen® bracket:
02/03/14 – Baseball Rules Clinic now available for Coaches/Umpires
The 2014 KHSAA/NFHS Baseball Rules Clinic for all coaches and umpires is now online.
Athletic Directors – see the information below in bold type to assist you in checking on your coaches to make sure they have met the requirement. As a reminder, all coaches (head and assistant) are required to complete the clinic.
The window for the free online clinic is Feb. 3 – April 18.
Rules Clinics
2/1 to 4/18, for 2014, the Baseball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed by coaches and officials at no charge during this period.
4/19 to 5/10 for 2014, the Baseball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed by coaches and officials for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
5/11 to 5/18 for 2014, the Baseball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed by coaches and officials for the makeup fee ($300) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this […]
02/01/14 – January, 2014 Board of Control Meeting Review
The following is a review of the items discussed at the January, 2014 KHSAA Board of Control Meeting and the status of those issues. The Board meets six times per year, and each time, the membership will be updated as far as actions by the Board. While many of them attempt to communicate with you on a regular basis, I also want the schools informed of a consistent summary. All documents related to this meeting can be found online at http://portal.ksba.org/public/Agency.aspx?PublicAgencyID=4374&AgencyTypeID=1&BeginDate=01-1-2014&EndDate=1-31-2014
BOARD MEETING – January 27, 2014
The meeting began with a presentation from the Kentucky Pro Football Hall of Fame. Former Board member Steve Parker and former NFL Defensive Back led a delegation soliciting the Board and staff support in promoting the organization in helping to promote the history of football in the state. The Board was receptive to the presentation and encouraged continued communication with the office.
The Board then recessed to conduct […]