Athletic Department Blog Updates
05/11/22 – Board Approves Golf State First Round Sites
The KHSAA Board of Control approved site rotations for 2022 and future years for hosts of the First Round of the Leachman Buick-GMC-Cadillac Girls’ and Boys’ State Golf Tournaments.
State Site#1-Owensboro Country Club (Owensboro)
State Site #2-Heritage Hill Golf Course (Shepherdsville)
State Site #3-Winchester Country Club (Winchester)
State Site #1-Calvert City Country Club (Calvert City)
State Site #2-Kenton County Golf Courses (Independence)
State Site #3-TBD
State Site #1-Hopkinsville Country Club (Hopkinsville)
State Site #2-TBD
State Site #3-TBD
Previous Board action approved added after Regional play, an additional round of golf, deemed the State First Round, to be conducted across three locations. Each State First Round will include four defined Regions with each Region advancing 20 golfers to the State First Round for a total of 80 golfers at each site (Site #1 will include Regions 1-4, Site #2 will include Regions 5-8, and Site #3 will include Regions 9-12).
In […]
05/10/22 – Baseball & Softball Season Clarification and Reminders
This communication is published to assist Athletic Directors, Baseball/Softball Coaches, and others in the member schools with regard to the end-of-season questions office staff has been receiving as we are approaching the end of the regular season during this first year with a revised schedule.
Prior to the beginning of the year, the Board of Control approved revisions to the structure of the beginning of the season (and the postseason in baseball) to maintain the nine-week regular season. There was no question, at the time, with regard to the last day of the regular season as it was to remain as published in Bylaw 23.
However, many schools tried to both utilize the earlier playing week and shift the end of regular season play. It is clear that in this first year of the adjusted calendar, some assumptions were made at the local level and there is some confusion at the local level on options […]
05/03/22- Hair Adornment Use Clarified; Shot Clock Guidelines Adjusted in Basketball Rules
INDIANAPOLIS, IN (May 3, 2022) — The allowance of hair adornments made of hard material has been clarified in high school basketball. Adornments made of hard material are permitted provided they are securely fastened close to the head and do not present an increased risk to the player, teammates or opponents.
This change to Rule 3-5-4d was approved by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Basketball Rules Committee at its annual meeting April 11-13 in Indianapolis. The recommendation was subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.
The committee adjusted the rule to be inclusive of hair styles while maintaining that the risk of injury to the athlete and others not be compromised.
“It was extremely important to the rules committee to create rules language that supported diversity of hair trends while minimizing the risk of injury to the athlete, teammates and opponents,” said Lindsey Atkinson, director of sports and liaison to […]
05/02/22 – State Bass Fishing Registration, Ticketing, and Region Results
For all teams/boats qualifying for the 2022 KHSAA Bass Fishing State Championship, the registration link has been updated to allow teams to register. The registration deadline is Monday, May 9, 2022. Teams/boats can register by clicking on the following link:
State Championship Registration
All spectators staying for the weigh-ins for the 2022 KHSAA State Bass Fishing Championship will need a free digital ticket, which will be available online via GoFan, the KHSAA’s official digital ticket vendor. Fans are required to purchase their free tickets before they arrive and may validate the tickets on their phones once they arrive on-site.
The results for the teams/boats qualifying for the KHSAA State Championship are posted below by region. We are asking coaches to please review the names of your anglers for mispellings and any other corrections that may be necessary. Please email these corrections directly to Darren Bilberry by 12:00 p.m. EST, Wednesday, […]
04/29/2022 – Bass Fishing State Instructions Available
State Championship Instructions and other pertinent information for the 2022 KHSAA State Bass Fishing Tournament are now posted on the KHSAA website. You can view the State Championship Time Schedule, instructions, and other information by clicking on the links below:
2022 State Bass Fishing Time Schedule
Instructions for Participants and Fans
Teams that qualify for the State Championship need to register online by going to the following link:
Online Championship Registration
Please contact Assistant Commissioner Darren Bilberry ( should you have any questions.
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of 285 member schools both public and non-public. The KHSAA awards 215 state championships to 51 teams […]
04/26/22 – Spalding Softball for Postseason
In collaboration with Spalding, and for 2022 ONLY, the requirement of the use of a Dudley softball is suspended due to continued issues in the supply chain of getting balls delivered in time for spring championships. Participating teams shall use any legally approved Dudley brand softball in all playoff games if inventory is available. The game balls used must contain the NFHS authenticating mark and must be a Dudley brand softball if inventory is available.
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of 286 member schools, both public and non-public. The KHSAA awards 215 state championships to 51 teams and 164 individuals in 13 sports and six sport-activities, funds catastrophic insurance […]
04/29/22- Eased Restrictions on Facial Hair Among 2022-23 High School Wrestling Rules Changes
INDIANAPOLIS, IN (April 29, 2022) — High school wrestlers may now have facial hair on the entire face and chin, provided a skin check can still be conducted. Previously, wrestlers were required to be clean shaven with the exception of sideburns and a neatly trimmed mustache.
The change to facial hair requirements was one of three rules changes recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Wrestling Rules Committee at its meeting April 3-5 in Indianapolis, which subsequently were approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.
The revised procedure for facial hair is that the skin must be visible to allow for a skin check to be performed, as determined by the referee or a designated onsite appropriate health-care professional overseeing skin checks. In the event a skin check cannot be performed, a wrestler will be permitted to trim the facial hair to within the guidelines and must do so before competing. […]
04/20/22- Reminder about Academic All-State and Triple Threat Awards
As we begin to close out the 2021-2022 school year, I wanted to be sure and remind you of two award options for your students that are in their final phases.
Again this year, the process for the presentation of the Academic All-State Awards is automated through the KHSAA school subsystem. With this system, you can, through your roster management screens, select the athletes and print those certificates for these worthy athletes.
Keep in mind the criteria, which have been unchanged for many years, is a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.25 (on a four-point scale) for designation as “Honorable Mention”, and a 3.75 cumulative average on a four-point scale for designation as “First Team.” The awards are based on cumulative grade point averages from the time of enrollment in ninth grade and are given only to varsity participants, and only to participants who are enrolled in grades nine through twelve.
[…]04/18/22- KHSAA Triennial Sports Offering Survey-2021-2022
DUE BY FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2022. You will receive weekly reminders about submission.
Every three years, per adopted policy (and state regulation), the KHSAA surveys the membership as to the desire to expand sports offerings. In this manner, the staff and Board of Control can continue to be proactive in offering new opportunities or assessing the satisfaction of its membership with the current offerings.
The Board of Control adopted policy states that the Board will consider sponsoring a championship in a sport where 50 of the members desire a tournament conducted and when those schools are in at least three geographically bounded basketball regions. There is no guarantee of the sanctioning and championship play, but that threshold does allow for discussion.
Please complete the required survey at on or before Friday, May 6, 2022, to assist in the determination of future offerings by the Association. This survey will help determine the sports or […]
04/18/22 – Pool Markings Focal Point of 2022-23 High School Swimming and Diving Rules Changes
INDIANAPOLIS, IN (April 18, 2022) — A collection of new markings for pool facilities constructed or renovated after January 1, 2023, stands out among the high school swimming and diving rules changes approved for the 2022-23 school year.
The markings, placed in a Table within Rule 2-4, were the most notable of the three rules changes brought forth by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Swimming and Diving Rules Committee, which held its annual meeting March 20-22 at the Conrad Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. The NFHS Board of Directors accepted all three rule change submissions.
The table includes four new measurements that constitute changes of the width of the line along the pool bottom, longer cross lines, shorter end wall targets below the water, and an exact listing for the distance between the end of the line on the pool bottom and the end wall.
The width of that line can now […]
04/15/22- NCAA Issues Additional COVID Eligibility Guidance for 2023-24
The NCAA today issued the following guidance document to the state associations to reflect changes, updates and allowances for students who will initially enroll in NCAA institutions in the fall of 2023. Please carefully review this material and contact the NCAA Eligibility Center with questions. The KHSAA should not be considered the definitive source for NCAA guidance, but rather, the NCAA member institutions or the Eligibility Center should be considered that source. The information referenced is located at, and reflects adjustments for 2023-2024 as well as a reiteration of the answers to those issues for 2022-2023. Feel free to use the CONTACT US link on the bottom of the NCAA page at
Given the continuing impact of COVID-19 on the educational environment, the NCAA Eligibility Center has partnered with the NCAA membership to identify adjustments to the initial-eligibility certification process for students who initially enroll full-time in […]
04/13/22 – Bass Fishing Regional Instructions Available
Instructions for KHSAA Regional Bass Fishing Tournaments are now posted on the KHSAA website. Manager information is posted on the KHSAA website and can be found here:
Registration Information for all four regions has also been posted and that information can be found here:
The deadline for registration is Monday, April 25, 2022.
Regional Tournaments will take place on April 30, 2022. The State Championship will be May 12-14 at Kentucky Lake in Gilbertsville, KY. You can view the regional tournament instructions by clicking on the following link:
Please contact Assistant Commissioner Darren Bilberry ( should you have any questions.
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school […]
04/08/22- Information Relative to Bylaw 7 and CSIET
From the Desk of Chris Page, Executive Director, CSIET
The past few years have challenged us to think about how we educate our students in new and different ways. As you look to the 2022-2023 school year, we hope you will continue your important partnership with the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) and its certified international student exchange organizations to prioritize global understanding in your school and local community.
Emerging from the lockdowns of the pandemic the U.S. Department of State has redoubled its Public Diplomacy efforts. Through their initiative BridgeUSA, the Department has reiterated its support of high school exchange programs. While the speed of visa processing has been impeded by the challenges that the pandemic wrought on U.S. embassies and consulates, the Department has tasked its consulates around the world to prioritize these young Exchange Visitors as they return to full staffing. We appreciate your understanding and we ask for […]
04/06/22 – Esports Spring Championship Update
In an effort to extend the in-person championship experience to more student-athletes, the KHSAA is finalizing plans with PlayVS and the University of Kentucky to conduct the semifinals and finals on Saturday, April 30th at the UKFCU Esports Lounge at The Cornerstone on UK’s campus.
Details and logistics are being finalized, but this preliminary information is being shared with participating schools for planning purposes. More details will be shared when available.
10 a.m. – Rocket League SF1
10 a.m. – Super Smash Bros. SF1
11 a.m. – Rocket League SF2
11 a.m. – Super Smash Bros. SF2
12 p.m. – League of Legends SF1
12 p.m. – Madden ’22 SF1
2 p.m. – League of Legends SF2
2 p.m. – Madden ’22 SF2
4 p.m. – Rocket League
4 p.m. – Super Smash Bros.
5 […]
04/05/22 – KHSAA State Archery Championships Registration Now Open
The 2022 KHSAA State Archery Tournament has been added to the NASP site, with links provided below for reference. The event is scheduled for April 19 at Ephram White Gymnasium in Bowling Green, Ky.
Coaches must access the created events and register ALL of the qualifying archers they want to participate. KHSAA representatives will place, in cooperation with the NASP Scoring Official, teams into six (6) flights. Individual qualifiers will be assigned to a flight as close as possible to teams from their region.
Range assignments will be set ahead of time as well and sent to all schools before the date of the competition. Arrival and warm-up times will be designated by the state manager and must be adhered to by all participating schools.
Schedule –
Girls’ State Tournament –
Girls’ State Qualifiers –
Boys’ State Tournament –
Boys’ State Qualifiers –
Digital Tickets will […]
03/28/22 – 2021-2022 Title IX Annual Report and Participation List Submission
Schools are now able to access all of the required online forms to submit their 2021-2022 Title IX Annual Reports. The information in this post presents a summary for each school as you work to complete the required Annual Participation Report as well as the Title IX Report for 2021-2022.
- The deadline for submission is May 2, 2022.
- The online system is currently available for entry and is the only acceptable means of submitting the report.
- If you have specific questions about Title IX and the law itself, our office should be able to help get you some assistance. Asst. Commissioner Darren Bilberry ( is our primary contact for your questions related to the law and its interpretations, and the Commissioner and General Counsel are available should you have other inquiries of that type.
- As for the reports, Information Technology Director Rob Catron ( can assist you with electronic issues, including login and report […]
03/24/22 – Esports Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year Award among esports participants for 2021-2022 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2021-2022 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards banquet at Midway University in early summer 2022. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the overall 2021-2022 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year and announced at the banquet. All winners will also receive their recognition at that banquet.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of […]
03/21/22 – Nominations for KHSAA Student Advisory Group/NFHS National Student Leadership Summit Now Being Accepted
The KHSAA is seeking applications to become a member of its Student Advisory Group. One of the main duties of the group is the planning and execution of its HYPE Student Leadership Conferences. Those chosen attend the NFHS National Student Leadership Summit in July and then manage the KHSAA HYPE Conferences.
The National Federation of State High School Associations offers a student leadership initiative – the National Student Leadership Summit (NSLS). The NSLS will focus on relevant and contemporary issues affecting today’s students in education-based athletics and performing arts. Students will sharpen their leadership skills and will realize the privilege and power of their influence in their school, community, and state.
The NFHS in-person Summit is scheduled for July 18-20, 2022 in Indianapolis. If selected, expenses from Lexington to Indianapolis are covered (meals, lodging, transportation). By applying and being selected, the student is acknowledging that he/she will be in attendance (in-person, virtual) for meetings leading […]
03/07/22 – Recipients Announced for Seventh Annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships
Ella Abney of Frankfort High School and Butler’s James Howell have been selected as the recipients of the seventh annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic year.
When former KHSAA Commissioner Louis Stout passed away in 2012, his late widow Anna directed that donations on his behalf go to the Louis Stout Memorial Fund for Students. Mrs. Stout felt this was an opportunity for the KHSAA to honor student-athletes who excel in athletics, academics, school service and community service.
Winners will receive a one-time $2,000 non-renewable scholarship payable directly to an institution of higher learning. Abney and Howell were chosen after careful review, with selection criteria based on athletic activities, non-athletic activities, non-school activities and an essay on the role a student-athlete should play in the community.
A member of the varsity cross country and tennis teams at Frankfort for more than five seasons, Abney has still […]
02/20/22 – State Wrestling Final Round Update
First and foremost, the KHSAA would like to thank Union County and Great Crossing for hosting the First Round events yesterday, as well as the coaches and officials for their continued contributions this season. The 2022 KHSAA State Wrestling Tournament presented by UK HealthCare will conclude this coming weekend at George Rogers Clark High School in Winchester. The competition schedule is available at
The postseason instructions for the State Tournament Final Round are available for review at Tickets to the event are available for purchase online-only, including a discounted two-day all-session pass, and can be found at
The brackets for next weekend’s competition can also be found online at and through Trackwrestling. As a reminder, in the event that a wrestler is not able to participate at the final rounds due to injury or other reasons beyond the control of the wrestler, no replacement or alternate wrestlers will […]
02/18/22- Football First 2 Rounds of Playoffs, Glove Reminder, Rules Changes
At its regular meeting this week, the Board of Control approved a recommended change in first and second-round playoff bracketing. This change will revise the originally planned start date for adjacent district pairings in those rounds from 2023 to 2022. The recommendation and approval were based on gathering data when 207 or the 222 football schools responded to a recent survey. In that survey, 2/3 of the Bylaw 1 Designated Representatives favored implementing the previously approved change in 2022 vs. waiting until 2023. Thanks to the coaches and administrators who responded to resolve this lingering issue. A summary of the Board meeting is online at
Secondly, the NFHS recently announced its rule changes for 2022, including a couple of potentially significant ones. Following several years of debate, the NFHS Football Rules Committee approved allowing an additional exception to intentional grounding in certain conditions. This change will allow to team to “trade” a down […]
02/17/22- Revised Intentional Grounding, Chop Block Rules Headline 2022 High School Football Rules Changes
INDIANAPOLIS, IN (February 17, 2022) – A new rules exception that allows a passer to intentionally throw an incomplete forward pass for the purpose of conserving yardage, and the redefining of the term “chop block” – both of which are intended to minimize risk of injury – are the two most notable rules changes coming to high school football for the 2022 season.
These changes stand out among the seven total recommendations brought forth by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Football Rules Committee, which held its annual rules meeting January 23-25 at the Conrad Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. The NFHS Board of Directors subsequently approved all seven of the committee’s suggestions.
“With this year’s rules changes, the committee once again showed its focus on minimizing risk in high school football,” said Bob Colgate, NFHS Director of Sports and Sports Medicine and liaison to the NFHS […]
02/17/22 – Board of Control approves football bracketing adjustments, new President-elect; Reviews potential amendments to Bylaws
The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its fifth regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year this week at the KHSAA Office, approving adjustments to football bracketing and selecting its 2022-23 President-elect.
The Board reviewed feedback from designated representatives of the football-playing schools regarding playoff bracketing for the first two rounds after months of review on the topic.
“Almost two-thirds of our football school representatives were in favor of playing outside of the district in those early rounds,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “Clearly with such a limited schedule of 10 games, there is strong desire to play teams other than their in-district opponents in those early rounds regardless of travel logistics.”
The Board accepted the results of the survey in which over 93% of the football schools submitted a response and more than two-thirds of responders preferred an immediate adjustment to the bracketing for […]
02/15/22 – Board of Control Election Procedures
- Balloting is ONLY done online for these positions.
- All schools from Basketball Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 have at least one election in which to ballot. Other schools may disregard this notice if received.
- Balloting was available per the Constitution beginning on February 15.
- Only the Principal or Designated Representative may vote. The names on file as verified by the KHSAA website at the time of this ballot distribution are listed on the school directory page at
- If the wrong individual is listed as the Designated Representative, the correction may be made by anyone with Athletic Director system rights (Principal, AD) prior to the ballot being submitted. For support in correcting these entries, contact Rob Catron or Kara Howard at the KHSAA offices, however the change will be for all […]
02/13/22 – KHSAA State Wrestling First Round Update
First and foremost, the KHSAA would like to thank the regional host schools and officials for all of their hard work and success at the regionals this past weekend. The results for the 2022 KHSAA Regional Wrestling Championships are available on the wrestling page at
The State Tournament First Round will be contested Saturday, Feb. 19 with Regions 1-4 competing at Union County High School, and Regions 5-8 visiting Great Crossing High School. The postseason instructions for the State Tournament First Round are available for review at Tickets to both events are available for purchase online-only and can be found at
The schedules for both sites can also be found on the KHSAA website:
First Round at Union County –
First Round at Great Crossing –
The brackets are being reviewed by staff and will be released to the public as soon as possible. The […]
02/12/22- Hair Adornment Adjustments, Addition of Team Time-Out Highlight 2022 High School Field Hockey Rules Changes
INDIANAPOLIS, IN (February 11, 2022) — High school field hockey players may now wear adornments in the hair that do not present a risk to themselves, teammates or opponents beginning with the 2022 season. Previously, hair adornments were limited to that of a soft material.
The change to hair adornments was one of six rules changes recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Field Hockey Rules Committee at its meeting January 17-19 in Indianapolis and subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.
“The NFHS and the Field Hockey Rules Committee want to support diversity and ensure that all competitors are welcomed in the sport of field hockey,” said Julie Cochran, NFHS director of sports and liaison to the NFHS Field Hockey Rules Committee. “The rules committee wants to continue to minimize the risk of injury while also recognizing the importance of a high school student’s personal expression of […]
02/04/22 – Region Swim Events Update
Due to weather conditions, multiple regions are reporting that it is unlikely they will be able to hold competitions on Saturday. As we said in our call with managers yesterday, it was important to make a determination about the next steps after seeing the impact of the storms that moved through. While the various swimming regions of the state were impacted differently, all parts had enough impact from the storm to force additional adjustments.
Each region, due solely to this year’s adverse weather, may decide to conduct your meets in a prelims/final format or switch to a timed finals event in the regional swimming events. This will allow those that feel that there may be disparate impacts on the at-large qualifiers depending on the choice made to make those decisions fully informed.
Each region manager should communicate with competing schools on alternate schedules or plans for this upcoming weekend. As changes are made, please send […]
02/03/22 – Region Swim Events Scheduled for 02/04 Postponed
Swimming Regional Managers continue to make changes as they evaluate local conditions and space availability for rescheduling. As changes are made throughout the state, the KHSAA swimming website will be updated. Any changes that regional managers have discussed with participating schools are contained here:
Regional manager information can be found here if coaches/administrators have additional questions about each specific region:
The Region 7-9 Diving event is also working to be rescheduled and schools will be notified once details are available.
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of 286 member schools both public and non-public. The KHSAA awards 215 state championships to 51 teams and […]
02/02/22 – Region Swim & Dive Events Scheduled for 02/03 Postponed
Due to the governor’s State of Emergency and out of an abundance of concern for our member schools and student-athletes traveling to KHSAA regional events, the swimming & diving events planned for February 3rd have been postponed across the state.
- Region 2 Boys’ swimming preliminaries that were originally scheduled for February 3rd have been postponed to February 5th. Please contact Todd Harper ( at Owensboro High School for any updated information about that regional event.
- The Region 7-9 Diving Event that was originally scheduled at Falling Springs tomorrow, February 3rd, has also been postponed. KHSAA Staff and the manager of the event are working on alternate options to reschedule this event, and information will be sent to all participating schools once available.
KHSAA Staff will hold a meeting with regional managers mid-day tomorrow to discuss this weekend’s swimming regionals, and additional information pertaining to the regional swimming events will be sent out […]
02/02/22 – Bowling State Instructions & Oil Patterns Available
State Championship Instructions and other pertinent information for the 2022 KHSAA State Bowling Tournament are now posted on the KHSAA website. You can view the State Championship Time Schedule, instructions, and ticket information by clicking on the links below:
2022 State Bowling Time Schedule
Instructions for Participants and Fans
Oil patterns for the state tournament have also been released and pattern information can be found here:
For the 2022 Team Competition, the oil pattern will be “Main Street 7241”
For the 2022 Singles Competition, the oil pattern will be “Bourbon Street 6240”
For the 2022 Unified/Adapted Competitions, the oil pattern will be “Stone Street 9642”
Teams can find hotel information and book rooms by going to the following link:
Additional hotel options are listed in the State Instructions.
Lane assignments are being posted as regional results are received […]
01/26/22 – Archery Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Archery is now available. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshmen), regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
- January 26 to February 15 – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- February 16 to March 7 – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- March 8 to March 21 – the Archery Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this […]
01/26/22 – Archery Nominations Sought for Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year among archery participants for 2021-2022 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2021-2022 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2022. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2021-2022 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in […]
01/25/22 – Postseason Track & Field Dates
As you plan for spring events in 2022, we would like to remind schools about the Track & Field postseason dates. Please make sure all parties involved in planning graduation dates, spring activities, etc. are aware of the postseason dates which should help fans, coaches and administrators avoid scheduling conflicts.
For 2022, regional track meets can be held from May 14 to May 26. As regions begin preparation, please remember that all scheduling is led by the regional host, but discussions and planning should include all schools involved.
The KHSAA State Track & Field Meet will return to the University of Kentucky on June 2-4, 2022. Class 1A will compete on June 2, followed by Class 2A on June 3, and Class 3A on June 4.
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the […]
01/25/22 – Softball Season Clarifications
The KHSAA has received several inquiries and questions surrounding the recent Board of Control action for Softball. The action taken requires no changes or allowances in dates with the postseason. This action gives softball coaches the same flexibility as the baseball coaches to start both the regular season and the postseason early rounds earlier if that works for them. This does not result in any changes in allowable regular-season competition unless that is the wish of the schools in a district or region.
The below information should help clarify further on any dates.
Important dates for the 2022 Softball season:
- First Date of Practice: Feb. 15 (No Change)
- Scrimmages may occur any time after the first official practice date
- First Allowable Contest Date: March 14
- District Tournaments: May begin as early as May 16, but no change from prior schedule is required. In addition, districts can vote by majority to play […]
01/21/22 – Revision to Start of FP Softball Season Coincides with Baseball Change (Revised 01/25/22)
The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its fourth regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year on Wednesday at the KHSAA Office and made some modifications to the playing and postseason schedule for baseball. This change on dates for regular season play will also be available to softball teams.
This action taken by the Board approved allowing the beginning of the season to be shifted one week earlier than the past couple of seasons. This start date returns the start of softball play to the middle of March and will allow for districts to begin their postseason tournaments earlier as well. This local flexibility in scheduling will also help with scheduling concerns around end-of-year activities as well as other conflicts. There was no change in the original First Round State and State Final Tournament dates which will give additional flexibility not only for districts but for regions to be creative with their schedule. These changes […]
01/21/22 – Board Adopts Mandatory use of UTR (Universal Tennis Rating) for Tennis
The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its fourth regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year on Wednesday at the KHSAA Office and adopted the required use of UTR (Universal Tennis Rating) for Tennis beginning with the 2022 season.
What is the UTR Rating and how does it work?
How UTR High School works:
UTR will enable year-round match reporting of results for all schools, including a rating for automated entry and seeding purposes for use at both the Region and State Tournaments. It will eliminate the need for paper results to be submitted, help prevent a lack of data and/or inaccurate data being submitted or withheld, while also providing software programming/bracketings for all region tournaments and the State Tournament.
There are already over 150 KHSAA teams utilizing this free service to member schools.
The Association, along with UTR, will be scheduling a couple of Zoom meetings […]
01/21/22- Jenny Elder, Connor Link join KHSAA Executive Staff
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association introduced two additions to its Executive Staff this week with the hiring of Event Services and Social Media Director Jenny Elder and Media Relations and Publications Director Connor Link.
“We were extremely pleased to have an outstanding group of individuals interested in joining our staff,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “These individuals stood out in terms of both their experience, and frankly, their enthusiasm, for the challenges they will face. They both have a background in a multi-event environment and their expertise in technology, publications, social media and experience with multiple sports will serve the member schools and all of our constituency very well. Coming in mid-year will be challenging, but they will move quickly into their new roles and help continue to execute our championships at the highest level.”
A native of Versailles, Kentucky, Elder joins the KHSAA by […]
01/21/22- Board Adopts Change to Baseball Season for 2022
The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its fourth regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year on Wednesday at the KHSAA Office and made some modifications to the playing and postseason schedule for Baseball.
The Board previously approved changing from four semi-state sites for the first round of the tournament to one site (Kentucky Proud Park, UK, Lexington) with all regional winners advancing to a single location for the State First Round Tournament. The change also enabled the blind draw to be conducted for Regions 1-16 for first-round matchups, and the second round to be played at the same site during the same weekend.
New action taken by the Board approved allowing the beginning of the season to be shifted one week earlier than the past couple of seasons. This start date returns the start of baseball play to the middle of March and will allow for districts to begin their postseason tournaments earlier as […]
01/21/22 – Board of Control Sets State First Round Sites; Regional Postseason Instructions Available
The Board of Control conducted its fourth regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year on Wednesday at the KHSAA Office, approving staff recommendations for the State Wrestling First Round sites. For the upcoming 2022 postseason, Regions 1-4 will compete in the State First Round event at Union County High School, while Regions 5-8 will compete at Great Crossing High School. In 2023, Regions 1-4 will visit Central High School and Regions 5-8 will travel to Ryle High School.
More information on the State Wrestling First Round competition (Feb. 18-19) and the Final Championship Rounds at George Rogers Clark HS (Feb. 25-26) will be published to the KHSAA website when it becomes available.
Information pertaining to the Regional Tournaments has been posted to the KHSAA website and can be viewed at the following links:
Regional Manager listing –
Regional Tournament instructions –
About the Kentucky High […]
01/20/22- Revisions Announced in COVID Return to Play Protocol
As a result of multiple recent changes and interpretations by the CDC, the KHSAA KMA Sports Medicine Committee met on September 18 to consider revisions to the return to play protocol. Please keep in mind that only the six-day gradual return to play following a positive test is a requirement for eligibility, to ensure the health and safety of those students testing positive for COVID-19.
This has solely to do with ISOLATION (following a positive test) and not QUARANTINE (exposure). Both the isolation and quarantine periods are of local jurisdiction with only the return-to-play being standard throughout the association and its member schools.
The following items were changed in the prior documentation since the last revisions in October, 2021:
- The isolation period references remain in compliance with CDC recommendations, with a minimum of 5-days in isolation. With this revision, the six-day return to play protocol can begin on day 6 rather than day 11 […]
01/19/22- Board of Control approves expansion of State Qualifiers and Teams, Realignment of Basketball Region 4, Declines to adopt Basketball Shot Clock and Expands Baseball and Softball Seasons
The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its fourth regularly scheduled meeting of the 2021-22 academic year on Wednesday at the KHSAA Office, approving changes to the golf playoff format, effective fall 2022. The changes will increase the number of golfers advancing beyond the Regional tournament, and create a State First Round of play to expand postseason opportunities.
After Regional play, an additional round of golf, deemed the State First Round, will be conducted across three locations. Each State First Round will include four defined Regions with each Region advancing advance 20 golfers to the State First Round for a total of 80 golfers at each site.
In contrast to the previous format that advanced the winning team and seven at-large qualifiers, the newly adopted format will advance the top two teams and the top 10 individuals from non-advancing teams.
Thirty golfers from each State First Round site will advance […]
01/14/22 – Regional Bowling Entries for Unified & Adapted Athletes
The KHSAA will continue to offer Unified (in partnership with Special Olympics Kentucky) and Adapted events to include regional and state bowling competitions. While most unified and/or adapted athletes have been participating throughout the season, it is important to review the following information prior to the start of the postseason.
Unified partner athletes and special athletes must be listed on the Unified roster in the KHSAA database and each school needs to check the box for a Unified Team if they wish to compete in the regional and/or state competition. The bowling head coach or Athletic Director for each participating member school should enter Unified student-athletes on its postseason roster on the KHSAA database for Unified bowling.
From that postseason roster, coaches can submit regional entries to the regional manager, via Form BW 127, four (4) days prior to the first day of each regional tournament. A student-athlete must be listed on the roster in […]
01/14/22 – Regional Bowling Entries
In preparation for the 2022 Regional Bowling tournaments, the KHSAA wanted to remind member schools of the entry process. The bowling head coach or Athletic Director for each participating member school should designate student-athletes to its postseason bowling roster on the KHSAA database under the member school system. From that postseason roster, coaches will be able to submit regional entries via BW 110 to the regional manager. Entries are now being accepted via BW 110. The deadline to submit entries is four (4) days prior to the first day of each regional tournament start date. A student-athlete must be listed on the postseason roster on the KHSAA website in order to participate in the postseason.
BW 110 is an online form that is now open and accepting entries. The head coach or Athletic Director for each team may submit entries through this form. Entries will automatically be sent to regional managers to make final arrangements […]
01/13/22 – Bowling Regional Instructions Available
Instructions for KHSAA Regional Bowling Tournaments are now posted on the KHSAA website. Manager information is posted on the KHSAA website and can be found here:
Oil patterns for the regional events have also been posted and pattern information can be found here:
Regional bowling will be from January 22 – February 3 with the KHSAA State Bowling Tournament to take place February 7-9 at Executive Strike & Spare in Louisville. You can view the regional tournament instructions by clicking on the following link:
Please contact Assistant Commissioner Darren Bilberry ( should you have any questions.
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up […]
01/12/22 – Applications Being Accepted for Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships for 2021-2022
When former Commissioner Louis Stout passed away in 2012, his widow Anna directed that donations on his behalf go to the Louis Stout Memorial Fund for Students. She felt this was a chance for the KHSAA to honor student-athletes who excel in athletics, academics, school service and community service. The award process for 2021-2022 is now underway.
Applications are being accepted for students to apply for those awards through Sunday, February 28, 2022. The award winners will be announced in conjunction with the boys’ state basketball tournament in March. Two grants, each in the amount of a one-time scholarship of $2,000 payable to an institution of higher learning, will be awarded. The scholarship is not renewable and is not endowed for expansion. Minimum criteria is a 3.5 (converted to 4.0 scale) grade point average; involvement in varsity sports or sport-activities; involvement in other school activities, a record of community service/involvement and a member of the […]
01/06/22- KHSAA member school students encouraged to apply for 2022 Kentucky Ag Athletes of the Year
KDA-KHSAA partnership to award six scholarships to Kentucky student-athletes
Kentucky student-athletes who are involved in agriculture are invited to apply for one of six scholarships and recognition as a 2022 Kentucky Ag Athlete of the Year.
The program is a partnership of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA).
“Athletics and agriculture have a lot in common. They both teach the value of effort, discipline, and teamwork,” Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles said. “We are pleased to join our partners at the KHSAA for the fourth year to reward the Commonwealth’s best young athletes and agriculturists. We hope these scholarships help cover the ever-rising cost of higher education for those striving for excellence in athletics and agriculture.”
To qualify, student-athletes must be Kentucky farmers or involved in agriculture; must be graduating seniors in high school; and must be accepted to a college, university, or trade school following graduation. […]
01/05/22 – Bowling Postseason Updates
The KHSAA wanted to update member schools about Bowling postseason dates and sites.
- Regional bowling will take place from January 22 – February 3.
- All 8 regional bowling sites have been finalized and are listed below for reference.
- Region 1 – Warren Central/Southern Lanes
- Region 2 – Taylor County/Phillips Lanes
- Region 3 – North Bullitt/King Pin Lanes
- Region 4 – Brown/Ten Pin Strike & Spare
- Region 5 – Bishop Brossart/Super Bowl Bellewood
- Region 6 – Lloyd Memorial/Super Bowl Bellewood
- Region 7 – Great Crossing/Galaxy Lanes
- Region 8 – West Jessamine/Danville Bowlarama
- Manager information is posted on the KHSAA website and can be found here:
- Oil patterns for the regional events have also been posted and pattern information can be found here:
- For the boy’s and girls’ team competitions, schools may designate a maximum of ten (10) bowlers on […]
01/05/22 – Swimming & Diving Postseason Updates
The KHSAA wanted to update member schools about Swimming & Diving postseason dates and sites.
- Regional Diving will take place on February 2-3 with Regions 1-6 competing on February 2nd and Regions 7-9 competing on February 3rd.
- Both regional diving events will take place at the Falling Springs Center in Versailles.
- Host schools and information is being posted to the KHSAA Swimming & Diving page as it becomes available.
- Points accumulated in the Diving Meets will accrue and carry forward to the Swimming region meet team totals.
- Hosts/sites have been finalized for eight of the nine regional meets, and are listed below for reference.
- The regional swim meets are scheduled for the weekend of February 4-5.
- If a host site needs to be adjusted in response to local restrictions put in place due to the pandemic, please let our office know immediately.
- Region 1 – […]
01/04/22 – Wrestling Postseason Update, Semi-State Hosts Sought
With the wrestling season in full swing, the Association is looking to solidify postseason plans. With that in mind, our office is accepting applications to host the semi-state rounds of the wrestling postseason. Two hosts are needed for the semi-state round, preferably one in the eastern part of the state and one in the western part, with the events scheduled for Feb. 18-19. Any member school interested in hosting should contact Assistant Commissioner Joe Angolia ( to declare its interest by Monday, January 10.
Hosts have been finalized for seven of the eight regional tournaments, and are listed below for reference. The regional tournaments are scheduled for the weekend of Feb. 11-12. If a host site needs to be adjusted in response to local restrictions put in place due to the pandemic, please let our office know immediately.
- Region 1 – Caldwell County
- Region 2 – Bardstown
- Region 3 – TBD
- Region […]
01/04/22 – Tentative Host Sites for Region Swimming & Diving
As of 1/14/22, the following schools are tentative sites for the 2022 Swimming and Diving Regionals. These sites are tentative and subject to change:
Swimming Host School/Site Dates and Times Region 1 Hopkinsville/Hopkinsville HS Preliminaries: February 5th 10:30 a.m. & Finals: 4:00 p.m. Region 2 Owensboro High School/Owensboro Health Park Preliminaries: February 1st – 3:30 p.m. Girls, February 3rd – 3:30 p.m. Boys. Finals: February 5th – 11:00 a.m. Region 3 Elizabethtown/TK Stone Middle School Preliminaries: February 4th – 12:30 p.m. Finals: February 5th – 12:00 p.m. Region 4 St. Xavier/Prelims@ St. Xavier, Finals @ University of Louisville Preliminaries: February 5th – 9:00 a.m. Finals: February 5th – 5:00 p.m. Region 5 Trinity (Louisville)/University of Louisville Preliminaries: February 4th – 6: 00 p.m. Finals: February 5th – 5:00 p.m. Region 6 Woodford County/Falling Springs Preliminaries: February 4th – 11: 00 a.m. Finals: February 5th – 11:00 a.m. Region 7 Boone County/Silverlake Preliminaries: […]
12/28/21 – Wrestling Nominations Sought for Male and Female Midway/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student Athlete-of-the-Year among wrestling participants for 2021-2022 is now open.
This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2021-2022 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but can be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at
The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards event at Midway University in early summer 2022. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2021-2022 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year announced at the event. All individual winners will also receive their recognition awards at that time.
The deadline for nominations for the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year in […]
12/21/21 – Basketball Schedule Maintenance Updates
As of this morning, access and permissions have been restored for team schedules so that Athletic Directors and Coaches can modify, add and remove games at any time. Any removed game by either Athletic DIrectors or Coaches must include the reason for cancellation.
Member schools must remain diligent by accurately reporting COVID-19 cancellations. The data from those cancelations plays a huge role in seeing how the virus is affecting sports, and frankly, helps ensure our ability to continue to play. We hope this data will be accurate as we move through the winter and vaccinations, including booster shots, increase to help slow the spread and reduce quarantine time.
Contracted games canceled due to COVID are subject to being recorded as forfeits as there was no blanket waiver of Bylaw 22 for this season. The result of the original game will be noted as a COVID cancellation whether or not the opponents reschedule and play later […]
12/08/21 – UK Healthcare Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Seeks Nominations for Kentucky Comeback Athlete of the Year Award
For the sixth year, UK Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, through its partnership with the KHSAA, seeks nominations for the Kentucky Comeback Athlete of the Year, meeting the following criteria:
- The nominee must have overcome illness or injury that affected their ability to participate in KHSAA sanctioned sports.
- The nominee must have returned to their sport(s) and demonstrated excellence and achievement beyond expectations.
- The student-athlete must consistently demonstrate good sportsmanship and ethical behavior on and off the playing field.
- The nominee must be in verified good academic standing with their school.
- The student must have participated and been a member of an athletic team during the 2020-21 academic year.
- Nominations should be submitted by January 31, 2022, to the KHSAA via form GE36 at
- Nominees will then be sent to UK Orthopedics and Sports Medicine for review and selection.
Nominees will be automatically forwarded to UK HealthCare and the Sports Medicine Staff […]
12/10/22 – List of Items for Annual Required Financial Aid Report
It is now time for ALL KHSAA member schools to complete the required annual financial aid report in compliance with Bylaw 11 for the 2021-2022 academic year. In an effort to assist Principals and Athletic Directors in preparing for this report, this checklist of information is provided so that you can spend a few days gathering the required data and information prior to the deadline to complete the report.
Member schools will have until February 1 to submit this year’s survey. Gathering this information before clicking the link to submit should allow you to quickly complete the report in an expedited fashion. Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh ( will be the contact for sending out the request for submissions and should be able to address any of your questions.
The following is a list of information you should have available when submitting the 2021-2022 Financial Aid Report:
- The specific public […]
10/27/21- Immediate Vacancy Announcement for the Position of Communications Director
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association is accepting applications for the position of Communications Director
- A four (4) year college degree;
- Professional experience commensurate to job responsibilities;
- Accurate attention to detail in the completion of projects and meeting deadlines;
- Ability to adjust and adapt to an ever-changing media market and a rapidly changing organization expanding its past operations, mission, and purpose;
- Ability and desire to work in a multi-tasking, ever-changing work environment;
- Ability and desire for statewide travel;
- Ability and desire to work hours that extends significantly beyond the scheduled work day and work week for the majority of the year;
- Publications, radio, television or other media relations experience;
- Effective communication and organizational skills necessary for working with the Association membership, media, the general public, and other groups; and
- Awareness of sports […]
10/15/21 – Esports in Public Schools on the KY K-12 Internet Service
On average, KY K-12 schools get four billion attempted cyberattacks each year. However, during the past 20 months of the pandemic, the number of attempted cyberattacks on KY K-12 schools has significantly increased above four billion. Given all the new federal relief funds coming to K-12 to help address the pandemic, it is anticipated by national cybersecurity experts, that K-12 will be getting 86% more attempted cyberattacks going forward over the next school year.
Therefore, KDE will be taking measures and actions to further strengthen the KY K-12 cybersecurity defenses going forward. It is important to note that KDE will not do anything that weakens or compromises that cybersecurity defense given all its KY K-12 cloud-based instructional and administrative systems, used daily/hourly by KY K-12 schools, rely on a capable, reliable, and stable KY K-12 Internet service.
Therefore, any technology-enabled service that uses the KY K-12 Internet service from any KY K-12 public school and […]
10/11/21 – Fall Draw Show Airing Wednesday on
On Wednesday, Oct. 13 the pairings for the 2021 KHSAA Field Hockey, Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer and Volleyball State Tournaments will be revealed during the annual Fall Championship Draw Show at 10 a.m. ET. The show will be broadcast live online by through the NFHS Network from the KHSAA offices.
The 2021 KHSAA Field Hockey State Tournament begins on Thursday, Oct. 21 with quarterfinal games being played on campus sites. Play continues with the semifinals and championship on Saturday, Oct. 23 and Monday, Oct. 25 at Christian Academy-Louisville.
Soccer’s state championships open with semi-state matches on Oct. 18-19, followed by a second round of semi-state play on Oct. 21-23. Both initial rounds will be played on campus sites. The semifinals (Oct. 27-28) and finals (Oct. 30) will be played in Lexington at Frederick Douglass High School.
The draw for the KHSAA State Volleyball Tournament will wrap […]
10/08/21- Changes in COVID-19 RTA/RTP Implemented Per SMAC Guidance
As they have done since the start of the pandemic, the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC) composed of Kentucky Medical Association (KMA) member doctors has held multiple special meetings to continually review the Return to Play Guidance and Recommendations (RTA/RTP). As a result of those continued meetings and review of current and evolving literature, changes have been made to the RTA/RTP and RTA/RTP form and those changes are located at For districts that have summarily adopted the “KHSAA” recommendations, these changes should be considered immediate.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, this group has been passionate advocates for the students being involved in sport due to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits, but also for safety in mitigating the spread of the virus. They are also keenly aware of the first priority of nearly everyone in the education community, that being a full year […]
10/07/21 – Wrestling Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Wrestling is now available. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshmen), regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at
- October 6 to January 3 (Officials) – the Wrestling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- January 4 to January 23 (Officials) – the Wrestling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
- January 24 to January 30 (Officials) – the Wrestling Clinic will be […]
10/04/21-Vacancy Announcement for Entry-Level Event Staff Position(s) (Regular, Full-time)
Kentucky High School Athletic Association.
Vacancy Announcement for the position of Event Management Specialist
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association is accepting applications for the position of Event Management Specialist. This is an entry-level administrative-level position for the KHSAA with focused duties primarily around the championships conducted by the Association.
- Work directly for the Commissioner of the Association as well as assisting the Associate Commissioner, Assistant Commissioners, General Counsel and Communications Director and other members of the staff.
- Page layout for all KHSAA instructions related to managing the district, region, semi-state (state rounds hosted by member schools) championship events to include directives for managers, participating teams, workers and officials, including all aspects of design and mechanical production of these documents.
- Compilation of material and records related to the site selections and seeding plans of all district and […]
10/07/21- Changes in COVID-19 RTA/RTP Implemented
As they have done since the start of the pandemic, the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC) composed of Kentucky Medical Association (KMA) member doctors has held multiple special meetings to continually review the Return to Play Guidance and Recommendations (RTA/RTP). As a result of those continued meetings and review of current and evolving literature, changes have been made to the RTA/RTP and RTA/RTP form and those changes are located at
Since the beginning of the pandemic, this group has been passionate advocates for the students being involved in sport due to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits, but also for safety in mitigating the spread of the virus. They are also keenly aware of the first priority of nearly everyone in the education community, that being a full year of in person instruction and doing nothing to purposely jeopardize that objective.
The […]
10/06/21 – Dance Postseason Championships Dates Adjusted
The KHSAA has spent the last few weeks gathering data from the Dance participating schools about the schedule for 2021-22 Dance championships. It was also critical that the current conditions and concerns around indoor events related to the pandemic be reviewed as well as the strong survey response for staff to consider an alternative date, particularly in light of the lateness of the 2021 championships. Many of our schools have followed up to the survey indicating their concerns about the final schedule even though the dates selected were in fact the originally requested dates when Dance was originally adopted. Many schools reported significant conflicts with any potential February dates as did UDA representatives. Keep in mind that the availability of judges and the dates of national events for both the National Dance Alliance (NDA) and Universal Dance Association (UDA) were vital factors in finalizing the postseason schedule.
This final schedule also attempts to take into […]
09/01/21 – UPDATED Dance Declaration Form Now Open
The declaration form (DA101) for the sport-activity of Dance is now open. The new deadline to complete this form is Friday, October 29th. Each member school shall only submit one form and you must be signed into the KHSAA School Subdomain to submit.
This is for KHSAA Regional and State Competitions, so please discuss what division(s) your school will be entering as there will be no adjustments to divisions once the entries are posted. Each member school Athletic Director or Head Coach shall only submit one form per school and must be signed into the KHSAA School subdomain to declare. You can find DA101 on the school subdomain under the dropdown menu “Forms and Reports” and under “Dance Forms”.
A couple of important notes:
- Semi-State 1 (Regions 1-2): November 21 at Valley High School
- Semi-State 1 (Regions 3-4): November 20 at George Rogers Clark High School
- State: December 12 at George Rogers Clark High […]
10/05/21 – Esports Online Rules Clinic Now Available
The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Esports is available through the KHSAA School Log-in Page. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman), regardless of whether or not the coach receives pay.
To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
Below is additional information:
- September 27 to November 2 – the Esports Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
- November 3 to November 22 – the Esports Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
- November 23 to December 6 – the Esports Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.
After […]
09/20/21 – Minimum Time Between Contests at Fall District/Region Postseason Events
Per the KHSAA’s “Healthy at Sports” guidance document, a recommended minimum time between the start of contests at the district and regional postseason events has been established. These guidelines will also be utilized in planning KHSAA State Championship Events.
At events where more than two schools are involved, it is recommended for there to be time between contests for egress of fans and participants, potential cleaning of common facilities and restrooms, as well as ingress of the teams for the next contest.
When developing brackets for field hockey and volleyball, there should be a minimum of two hours between the start of contests being held on the same day. For example, if the first match of a district tournament doubleheader is scheduled for 5 p.m., the second match should not be scheduled to begin until at least 7 p.m.
For soccer brackets, there should be a minimum of two and a half hours between […]
09/20/21 – Initial RPI Rankings Released for Football
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 20, 2021
The first official KHSAA Ratings Percentage Index (RPI) standings for the 2021 football season have been posted at for all classes.
Due to the limited number of contests for football compared to the other sports and the application of RPI data on a much more extensive basis, as the office maintains the district standings, there are additional clarifications and operations in football that are not necessary for other sports, as follows:
- At the end of the season, each school will have eleven RPI observations.
- With an eleven (11) slot grid, the number of games being considered (and for team record) will be 11 times 11 times 11, or a total of 1,331 games and records. This lessens the overall impact of a specific single game in the OWP and OOWP columns, particularly over the course of the season, and ensures competitive comparative equity while still affording […]
09/17/21 – Initial RPI Rankings Released for Field Hockey, Soccer and Volleyball
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 17, 2021
The first official KHSAA Ratings Percentage Index (RPI) standings for the 2021 field hockey, boys’ and girls’ soccer and volleyball seasons have been posted at
Football’s RPI rankings will be released for the first time on September 20. Due to the limited number of contests for football compared to the other sports and the application of RPI data on a much more extensive basis as the office maintains the district standings, there will be additional clarification and operations in football that are not necessary in other sports.
The RPI ( is a tool developed for all team sports by using the official KHSAA/Riherds Scoreboard data. It is provided for a variety of reasons, including district tiebreaking and bracketing in specific sports, as well as a means to increase publicity, interest and promotion.
The Board of Control has also approved that the RPI is to be used as […]
09/15/21 – Reminders About Required Title IX Student Interest Survey During 2021-2022, KHSAA Assistance Available
For all KHSAA member schools, 2021-2022 is the year for the biennial student interest survey related to Title IX. None of the basic survey requirements have changed, as you are to survey your students in grades 9 through 11, as well as the identified 8th graders within the feeder pattern of your school system. Only minimal changes have been made to the survey instrument, KHSAA Form T61.
T61 Student Interest Survey Assistance is now available as a membership benefit from the KHSAA. If you have specific questions about the survey requirement or other Title IX specific information, contact Assistant Commissioner Darren Bilberry at the KHSAA at 859-299-5472 or via email at If you desire the KHSAA to set up and tabulate your survey for you via our electronic system and need assistance, contact Information Technology Director Rob Catron via email at to request your survey.
The required target response rate for survey validity […]
09/04/21- Reminder about KHSAA Annual Meeting on 9/21
Registration for the KHSAA Annual Meeting on September 21 at the Central Bank Center (fka Lexington Center) remains open at the link below.
The complete memo with links to register etc. for the Annual Meeting (Delegate Assembly) is located at and the information surrounding the meeting including proposals are at
The registration form for the Annual Meeting is located at
The staff looks forward to seeing you at one of these important meetings!
09/01/21 – Competitive Cheer Declaration Form Now Open
The declaration form (CC101) for the sport-activity of Competitive Cheer is now open. The deadline to complete this form is Friday, October 1. This is for KHSAA Regional and State Competitions, so please discuss what division(s) your school will be entering as there will be no adjustments to divisions once the entries are posted. Each member school Athletic Director or Head Coach shall only submit one form and must be signed into the KHSAA School subdomain to declare. You can find CC101 on the school subdomain under the dropdown menu “Forms and Reports” and under “Cheerleading Forms”.
A couple of important notes:
- All-Girls Small – minimum of 5, maximum of 15
- All-Girls Medium – minimum of 16, maximum of 19
- All-Girls Large – minimum of 20, maximum of 23
- All-Girls Super-Large – minimum of 24, maximum of 30
- Co-Ed – minimum of 5, maximum of 30; 1 or more males.
- Game Day […]
08/31/21 – 2021 Bylaw 9 Reminder
While there will be an Annual Meeting proposal from the Board regarding Bylaw 9, the provisions remain in place for 2021-22. Please forward as necessary. It is imperative that there be good communication within each school and school system prior to the Annual Meeting as this rule and any revisions will be decided by the member schools.
As out-of-season fall basketball events continue being held, member school administrators must watch the outside activity of students who have previously been on high school basketball teams and keep those athletes informed to prevent violations.
Bylaw 9, Sec. 1(a)(1) ( states that athletes who have previously BOTH been enrolled in grade nine and then subsequently represented a KHSAA member school in a contest as defined in Bylaw 23(3)(d) may not play in an organized basketball game from the first day of classes for the student body through the first day of practice (October 15).
Bylaw 9, Sec. 1(a)(2) lists the […]
08/09/22 – Tentative Host Sites for 2022 Regionals in Cross Country
*As of 08/09/22, the following schools are tentative sites for the 2022 Cross Country Regionals.
08/24/21 – HYPE Student Leadership Conference Registration Now Open
After the cancellation of last year’s conference due to the pandemic, the KHSAA is planning to conduct its HYPE Student Leadership Conference in person on Sept. 24 at Central Bank Center in Lexington.
HYPE is a one-day student leadership conference where students will enjoy educational interaction with each other to discuss issues and garner information to take back and share/implement with their teams and student body. The event is staged and presented by the KHSAA Student-Athlete Group.
Friday, September 24
Central Bank Center (430 W. Vine St., Lexington, next to Rupp Arena) – Meeting Rooms 1-8.
There is no charge to attend. Schools are responsible for transportation and any meals.
To register (Click Here to Register). The registration deadline is Tuesday, Sept. 7.
Lunch will be “on your own”.
Each school may select up to 18 individuals to […]
08/24/21 – Social Media Accounts and Websites Impersonating the NFHS Network
We are aware of the issues with scam social media accounts and websites impersonating the NFHS Network to distribute false links to game broadcasts. This is hardly a new problem, but it is continuing to get worse and seems to amplify in advance of Friday night football games.
The fake sites are NOT stealing and streaming the video feeds. They are scraping the scheduled events and marketing them as if they will have them, in hopes of scamming someone into entering their payment info. The NFHS Network reports these accounts when they become aware, but new ones are constantly popping up. Member schools can help prevent fans from being scammed by following the NFHS Network accounts and sharing posts directly from them. You should also make sure you are regularly communicating with your fans so they know the correct websites to view your contests.
If any NFHS Network school partners see something like that – […]
08/23/21- Reminder about COVID-19 Return to Play Following Isolation
Recently, there has been misinformation shared among the membership about the Return to Play policy following a positive COVID-19 test. Whether this is a result of misinterpretation or deliberate on the part of some individuals is open for debate. Most importantly, nothing has changed since early 2021 regarding this process and procedure as was adopted following the unanimous recommendation of our KMA Sports Medicine Committee. The process is based on ever-studied scientific data that is under continual review as more and more is known about the impacts of the virus, particularly, potential heart impacts such as myocarditis.
It is also critical not to mix terms. Isolation occurs following a positive test of a specific person. Quarantine is what happens when others who have not had the positive test are exposed or potentially exposed to the person with the positive test. Nothing about this reminder relates to quarantine. Details on quarantine can be found in the […]
08/18/21- Updates and Reminders on Schedule Change and Score Reporting
First off, thank you to our member schools for your help last year in adjusting to a revised method to report scores and schedule updates to the Riherds / KHSAA Scoreboard.
Some of the methods will necessarily change in 2021-22 as Bylaw 22 on forfeiture of contests is fully enforced. However, we still want to emphasize the needed integrity of the reporting of games canceled due to COVID-19. The data from those cancelations plays a huge role in seeing how the virus is potentially affecting sports and frankly, ensuring our ability to continue play. We hope this data will be accurate as we move through the fall and vaccinations increase to help slow the spread and reduce quarantine time.
The daily email links to enter scores will continue to be sent. Note that these emails, along with emailing and calling the scoreboard hotline at 1-800-453-6882 are the only […]
08/13/21- 2021 KHSAA Annual Meeting Reminder
This is intended for all KHSAA member school Superintendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors and the links can be forwarded as needed.
This reminder that the 2021 Annual Meeting of the membership of the KHSAA is to be held on Wednesday, September 21 at the Central Bank Center (FKA Lexington Center). Final agenda documents are being published as they become final in the coming weeks, but the meeting is expected to begin at approximately 8:00 a.m. ET. and conclude not later than 12:30 p.m. Details and requirements for the Annual Meeting Delegate are summarized below. To submit the name of your delegate, go to
At this point, there is not a virtual option finalized, although efforts are being made to record the meeting for viewing by those unable to attend.
The Annual Meeting has continuous improvement/leadership training opportunities throughout the morning as members work to carve […]
08/10/21- Initial Return to Play Additional Guidance Issued for Fall Sports
Additional guidance for a return to play has been published on the KHSAA website under the COVID-19 Information tab (click Healthy at Sports Documentation-Grades 6-12 link) and can be shared with school administrators. The document has already undergone significant revision in the past few days as data points continue to move. Keep in mind that this guidance is a draft as the situation continues to remain fluid as it has the entire time. The information is subject to revision with upcoming events, including weekly updates from the Executive Branch. The document is listed at the link entitled “Healthy at Sports-Stage 4-Perseverance, Guidance for Continued Practice and Competition During the Pandemic”.
Different than for 2020-21, the guidance currently contains primarily points for local consideration in the vast majority of areas. There will continue to be a few sports specific rules modifications to attempt to add layers to everyone’s strategic decision-making as we balance the needs of […]
07/27/21- Update and Information Relative to NIL (Name, Image, Likeness) for Kentucky High School Students
At its July 23, 2021 meeting, the KHSAA Board of Control heard an update on recent activity at the intercollegiate level regarding NCAA changes with Name, Image, and Likeness. On June 24, 2021, An Executive Order was entered by Governor Andy Beshear’s office solely and exclusively related to the intercollegiate level. This order can be viewed on our website at These changes, exclusively at the collegiate level, will provide intercollegiate student-athletes attending a postsecondary institution an opportunity to earn compensation for their NIL (Name, Image, and Likeness) in amounts that are “commensurate with the market value” for the authorized use of their NIL. It should be noted that this use isn’t unfettered and contains several limitations to remain NCAA eligible.
The KHSAA continues to receive inquiries about this order and its potential impact on high school students participating in KHSAA sports. Nothing about this order or any other action or contemplated action in […]
KHSAA NIL Reference Information Presented to Board of Control 7/23/21
Selected and Specific References to Recent Changes in NIL at NCAA Level
07/27/21- Bylaw and Policy Reminders During 2021-22 School Year
With the start of the 2021-22 school year, several of the pandemic adjustments approved last year have been allowed to sunset. As such, the following areas and reminders are issued to the membership for clarity.
- Bylaw 2 – Age
- No student will have the statutory age rule waived unless waiver is already contemplated within KRS 156.070 (2) as detailed at the link highlighted here.
- Bylaw 3 – Maximum Number of Years
- Students who applied by the deadline for the Supplemental School Year Program as detailed in Senate Bill 128, who remain enrolled in the same school district, whose school district approved the program, and who have been appropriately designated on the online roster system by the Designated Representative of the member school shall receive specific waivers of KHSAA Bylaw 3 More
07/27/21 – Fall 2021 Esports Enrollment is Open
Esports requires critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity from players to achieve and sustain success. The development of these types of skills benefits students for life. Thousands of schools across the country are already competing in esports. You can too. Learn more here.
Enrollment for the Fall 2021 esports season is now open on PlayVS. Please find more information about the season below including new titles and season dates. If you are interested in learning more about esports and how your school can get started, click here to schedule a consultation with the KHSAA PlayVS rep.
Fall 2021 Titles
Through the PlayVS platform, your school has access to the most popular titles available this Fall:
- Rocket League (PC, Console)
- League of Legends (PC)
- FIFA (PS4)
- Madden (PS4)
- Splatoon 2 (Nintendo Switch)
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch)
Fall 2021 Key Dates
Preseason […]
07/13/21 – Field Event Safety, Uniform Changes Highlight High School Track and Field/Cross Country Rules Revisions
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Two rules revisions involving the competitor’s uniform, along with procedural changes in several field events designed to reduce the risk of injury, highlight rules changes in high school track and field and cross country for the 2022 season.
These changes were among the rules revisions recommended by the National Federation of State High school Associations (NFHS) Track and Field and Cross Country Rules Committee and subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.
Similar to a number of other NFHS rules committees, the Track and Field and Cross Country Rules Committee altered its rules regarding head coverings worn for religious reasons.
Rule 4-3-1b(8) now states that ”head coverings worn for religious reasons are not considered hair devices; must not be made of abrasive, hard or unyielding materials; and must be secured to the body and/or uniform.” The change clarifies that there is no need for prior authorization from the state association for […]
07/12/21 – Player Equipment Changes Highlight Rules Revisions in High School Softball
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Two significant player equipment changes involving the wearing of head coverings and beads were among the rules revisions approved in high school softball for the upcoming 2022 season.
These changes along with six other rules revisions were recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Softball Rules Committee at its June 14-16 meeting held in a virtual format and subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.
In Rule 3-2-5b, language that previously prohibited hard items to control the hair, including beads, has been removed from the rules book. The committee did not believe that the use of hard items, such as beads, presented an injury risk to other players. In contrast, the prohibition of such items has been interpreted as adversely affecting one’s cultural background.
In addition, head coverings worn for religious reasons in high school softball no longer will require prior approval from the respective state high […]
07/09/21 – Adjustment Made to Pre-Pitch Sequence in High School Baseball
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — High school baseball pitchers who do not receive signals from the catcher must now simulate taking a sign with one foot on the pitcher’s plate before proceeding with a pitch.
This addendum to Rule 6-1-1 was the lone rule change forwarded by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Baseball Rules Committee and was subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors. The baseball committee’s annual rules meeting was held June 6-8 in a virtual format.
A pitcher leaning forward to receive a sign from the catcher is fundamental to the pre-pitch phase of the game as it indicates to both the batter and the players in the field that the ball is about to be put in play and is the typical signal for any runners on base to begin taking their leadoffs.
Further, most high school baseball coaches deliver their defensive play calls – including pitch selections – […]
07/06/21 – Introductory Esports Course Launched by NFHS Learning Center
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Boasting an ever-increasing number of participants, esports (or electronic sports) continues to rise as one of the more popular and unique activity programs for high school students. The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) and its Learning Center now address the competitive, organized gaming landscape with a first-of-its-kind course – “Introduction to Esports” – which is now available for free on
“Introduction to Esports” was developed by the NFHS Learning Center in partnership with Butler University (Indianapolis, Indiana) and PlayVS to not only more clearly define esports, but to offer several key examples of esports’ social benefits, inclusiveness, organizational structure and competition.
“The NFHS Learning Center is pleased to offer this online course for esports. These programs are oftentimes misunderstood, and the course provides education on what you need to know and do to get started,” said Dan Schuster, NFHS director of educational services. “Esports provides opportunities for […]
06/28/21 – New “Title IX” Course Added to NFHS Learning Center
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — To educate current and future coaches, administrators, parents and student-athletes on Title IX legislation and its monumental influence on high school activities, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) has announced a new “Title IX” course is now available at no cost on the online NFHS Learning Center.
“Title IX has now been around for 49 years, however, the NFHS Learning Center has developed this resource to educate the interscholastic community about the federal legislation in a visual and understandable way,” said Dan Schuster, NFHS director of educational services. “We look forward to providing this free resource across the country.”
Passed June 23, 1972, Title IX outlawed discrimination on the basis of sex within any federally funded educational program or activity and has since served as the flagship legislation for the growth of high school girls athletic programs. Over the course of 49 years, Title IX compliance has generated a […]
06/07/21- Lehmkuhler, Smallwood Named Midway/KHSAA Student-Athletes of the Year
The 2020-21 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year awards program culminated on the campus of Midway University on Monday, as Claire Lehmkuhler (Woodford County) and Jackson Smallwood (Grant County) were recognized as the overall Student-Athletes of the Year.
Beginning in May of 2016, Midway University started presenting a Female Student-Athlete of the Year award at each KHSAA girls’ state championship event. The awards program was expanded in 2019-20 to include male student-athletes, with Midway honoring a deserving student-athlete in each of the 19 officially recognized KHSAA sports and sport-activities.
The awards are based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership, with Midway choosing one overall male and female student-athlete of the year each academic year. School administrators, coaches and athletic directors nominate student-athletes online at, and the nominees are voted upon by a closed panel consisting of representatives from Midway University.
06/01/21- Entry Open for Member Schools to Designate SB128 Students
Instructions on Designating Members of your roster as SSYP Students
It is necessary that you go into the member school database to perform these operations:
- Login to the school subdomain. NOTE: Only the Principal or AD will have the rights and privileges to this data entry.
- Select “Maintain/View/Print Rosters”
- Select Maintain Overall Athletic Roster
- Select Supplemental Year Opt-in
- Read the entire instructions at the top, and you are advised to watch the video that is linked from those instructions (
- You will be able to edit this list through Sunday, June 20, 2021. After that point, any edits must be made using the GE95 form ( which will request that change be made by the KHSAA staff.
Policy Reminder on Data Records of Students Utilizing the SSYP
- All schools must indicate through the online system, which if any students are utilizing the SSYP.
- Each member school shall designate, on or […]
06/01/21 – NFHS to Hold Second Annual Virtual National Student Leadership Summit in August
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — For the second straight year, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) will host world-renowned leadership experts for the NFHS Virtual National Student Leadership Summit (NSLS). The 2021 virtual conference will be broadcast August 8-10 on the NFHS Network ( and will be the 14th national student leadership initiative sponsored by the NFHS since 2001.
Originally, the NFHS’ summer plans included both the virtual version of the summit and the return of the in-person NSLS after a one-year hiatus. However, extended sports and activities calendars in some states and lingering COVID-19 concerns significantly impacted the number of in-person registrants and led to a cancellation earlier this month. As a result, all efforts have been focused on the virtual event experience with the goal of eclipsing last year’s three-day total of 22,000 student viewers.
Though a live gathering in Indianapolis would have been ideal, hosting the summit in a virtual […]
05/19/21- NCAA Additional Flexibility for High School Seniors in 20-21 Utilizing the SSYP Under SB128
Information relative the additional flexibility granted on May 19, 2021, for 2020-21 seniors who return for supplemental education during 2021-22 is listed in the information at
High School Basketball Shot Clock
The NFHS recently announced its basketball playing rules changes for 2021-22. We like you, did not know what changes were approved until they were announced. (CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS)
Among those changes is the approval of the shot clock, but only if adopted by the state association. As this is now a playing rule option beginning in 2022-23, we will begin the gathering of data so the Board of Control can make a final determination during the 2021-22 school year. The Board previously approved a membership survey on the shot clock issue, however, such was delayed until the NFHS rules decision was finalized. This process by the Board of Control will involve a lengthy review and may also include separate data gathering (surveys) of the coaches of the member schools and other interested individuals.
To keep the general public from making fictitious or malicious responses, we are again using our Board election system that […]
SB128 Decisions Reporting and Relationship to Athletics
As the time has begun for Boards of Education to make final determinations on SB128, we have a form where you can indicate the choice of your board (or school in the case of our non-public schools). By submitting this information to our office in a one-question response (literally one click), we will then update your school profile to allow the designation of specific students under the school subdomain. You are reminded that unless designated in the roster system, a student may not participate in the privilege of athletics next year as a repeating student (as we have stated since the bill passage and signature).
To keep the general public from making fictitious or malicious responses, we are again using our Board election system that is in the school subdomain.
LISTING OF STUDENTS – Records of Students Utilizing the SSYP
- All schools must indicate through the online system, which if any students are utilizing the SSYP.
- Each […]
05/10/21- Senate Bill 128: Supplemental School Year Program Additional Guidance Related to NCAA
Information specific to this topic is now included in the compiled SB128 SSYP Informational post at
04/26/21- Change in Masking Requirements for OUTDOOR Sports and Sport-Activities With Less than 1,000 attendees
Based on today’s previously unannounced notice regarding masking from the Governor’s Office and the Department for Public Health, immediate changes in all sports and sport-activities conducted outside are being implemented.
For all outdoor sports and outdoor sport-activities in KHSAA member high schools and regulated middle schools, the mask /face covering requirement is being suspended for any event or activity with less than 1,000 attendees. This will immediately remove the mask requirement at outdoor events with less than 1,000 attendees for coaches, uniformed players not in the contest, officials during various interactions during these contests and fans and administrators in attendance. This includes baseball, lacrosse, fastpitch softball, tennis, track and field, and bass fishing events with KHSAA schools. This would also apply to those schools conducting spring football practice. Masks / face coverings remain permissible in all sports, even if normally precluded by the playing rules, as a COVID accommodation.
Off-season outdoor activity by member schools […]
04/20/21- Change in COVID Guidance for Outdoor Sports and Sport-Activities
Following consultation with the Kentucky Department for Public Health and in the review of recent guidance and research, the attendance recommendations for all KHSAA sanctioned play will immediately move to 60% of documented capacity for venues with less than 1,000 capacity, and 50% for venues that hold a greater amount. This change is not compulsory on facilities but is the revised recommendation.
Remember that in calculating those limitations, it is logical to include only congregated seating in those determinations at outdoor venues. For example, in many track and field complexes, as well as baseball and softball stadiums, there are allowances for the placement of fans along fence lines and in parts of the parks that are not directly in bleacher or congregate seating areas. This would be a reasonable adaptation and application of the limits per our conversations with health authorities if those pods of individuals seated in those areas are […]
4/20/21 – Separate Weight Classes for Girls, Choice of Weight Classes Established in High School Wrestling
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — States will have a choice of 12, 13 or 14 weight classes for both boys and girls competition in high school wrestling, effective with the 2023-24 season.
This will be the first separate weight classes established for girls in high school wrestling, and it marks the first time that state associations will have a choice in the number of weight classes.
The landmark change in weight classes was one of several significant revisions recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Wrestling Rules Committee at its April 7-9 meeting held virtually this year. All recommendations were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.
States must select one of the three sets (12, 13 or 14) of weight classes for girls and one of the three sets (12, 13 or 14) for boys. States cannot adopt all three sets and cannot switch back and forth during the season.
The […]