AAA-Non-Sports Blogs
10/29/20 – State Cross Country Championships To Debut at Bourbon County XC Course
History will be made at the 2020 KHSAA State Cross Country Championships, as the meet makes its debut at the Bourbon County Cross Country Course in Paris. This will mark the first time since 1978 that a state cross country championship was not contested at the Kentucky Horse Park. For the 1978 and 1979 seasons, the A and AA Meets were held at the Kentucky Horse Park, while the AAA Meet took place in Louisville. All classes moved to the Kentucky Horse Park in 1980, which served as the home of the state cross country meet ever since.
This year’s event will be contested over two days, with the 2A Meet starting at 4 p.m. on Friday, October 30. The 1A Meet will take place Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m., followed by the 3A Championship at 3:30 p.m. Attendance is restricted at the event to an allotment of two […]
10/27/20 – NFHS Learning Center Releases New Content for Parents, Offers NFHS National Parent Credential
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) has announced additional parent-centered content on the NFHS Learning Center, along with the NFHS National Parent Credential certification for those who complete the designated course offerings.
“We are pleased to be able to offer more tools and resources for parents to utilize with their students,” said Dan Schuster, NFHS director of educational services. “The NFHS National Parent Credential provides a new professional development pathway for parents.”
Supporting the NFHS Learning Center’s continued efforts to correct negative parent behavior at events, the curriculum for the National Parent Credential is comprised of two free courses – “The Parent Seat” and “Positive Parenting Within School Programs.” Parents who achieve the National Parent Credential receive a certificate and a badge to be displayed on their Learning Center dashboard.
A promotional video for the NFHS National Parent Credential can be viewed here:
The all-new “The Parent […]
10/28/20 – State Field Hockey Championship Rescheduled For Nov. 12
The championship game of the 2020 KHSAA State Field Hockey Tournament has been rescheduled for Thursday, Nov. 12 at Christian Academy of Louisville’s Centurion Stadium. Provided both teams clear all follow-up protocol by contact tracers, the local health department and school health officials; Sacred Heart (15-4) and Christian Academy-Lou. (16-1) will square off at 7 p.m. for the state title.
Tickets purchased through GoFan for the originally scheduled game on Oct. 26 will be honored on Nov. 12. The championship game will be streamed live at as part of the NFHS Network, which is a subscription-based service ($10.99 per month). Live stats and a free audio-only broadcast will also be available at
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high […]
10/28/20 – KHSAA State Soccer Championships Head to Henry Clay HS
The 2020 KHSAA State Soccer Championships move to Henry Clay High School this week for the boys’ and girls’ semifinals and finals. Each game will be webcast live by as part of the NFHS Network, with live stats and free audio broadcasts available at A limited number of tickets are available for purchase online only at
As a reminder to all fans in attendance, all individuals entering a venue before, during, and after a contest shall wear a mask/face covering. Only the exercising athletes and assigned contest officials in the game on the court/field/mat at that specific moment are exempt from wearing a mask/face covering at all times. Social distancing of at least 6 feet shall be maintained at all times, where feasible.
All spectators must wear masks unless they are eating or drinking at the moment, or seated more than six-feet away from […]
10/27/20 – KHSAA State Volleyball Tournament Moving to George Rogers Clark HS
After full consideration of the available data and the recommendations outlined in the KHSAA’s Stage 3 Return To Competition guidelines, the Association has made the determination to move the 2020 State Volleyball Tournament to George Rogers Clark High School in Winchester.
As referenced in the KHSAA guidelines, it is recommended that contests not be played during the following seven-day period in counties where the incidence of COVID-19 exceeds 25 average daily cases per 100,000 population each Monday morning as detailed on the KDPH COVID-19 Dashboard map (listed in Red) at With Jefferson County remaining red as of October 27 and experiencing a continual increase in the last several days, the decision was made to move the tournament from Valley HS to George Rogers Clark.
“Valley High School has done a tremendous job hosting this event for the last eight years, but we could not in good conscience […]
10/26/20 – Field Hockey State Championship Postponed
Tonight’s championship game of the 2020 KHSAA State Field Hockey Tournament is being postponed in response to a single positive COVID-19 test from a participant in Saturday’s semifinal round. The Association was appropriately notified this afternoon by one of its member schools that subsequent to the semifinal games, a rostered participant tested positive.
In order to give contact tracers, the local health department and school health officials time to properly conduct their follow-up protocol, the championship game will be delayed to a future date.
“With this being the culminating game of the state tournament, this office wants to make every effort to decide the state championship on the field, especially given that both teams expressed a desire to postpone,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “While it is not practical or feasible to take this type of step in every one of the earlier rounds of postseason play, it is […]
10/22/20 – Field Hockey State Tournament Begins Tonight at Campus Sites
The seventh annual KHSAA State Field Hockey Tournament gets underway this evening with four semi-state matchups on campus sites, before moving to Christian Academy-Louisville’s Centurion Field for the semifinals (Oct. 24) and championship (Oct. 26).
Tonight’s action will see Male head to Kentucky Country Day, Christian Academy-Lou. travel to Assumption and Holy Cross (Lou.) visit Sacred Heart, with all matches set for 6 p.m. DuPont Manual will host Ballard in the fourth semi-state match at 7 p.m.
Saturday’s semifinals are set for 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at Centurion Field, with Monday’s championship slated for 7:30 p.m. The Semifinals and championship will be streamed live online at through the NFHS Network, which is a subscription-based service.
Subscription plans for the NFHS Network are available for $10.99 a month. A monthly subscription, priced less than the cost of admission to a state championship event, entitles users to every […]
GE88- Semi-State Expense Report-SO
Loading…GE93-Semi-State Event Manager Form
Loading…10/20/20- Adopted Revisions to Football Alignment for 2021 and 2022, Removal of Scheduling Embargo
At its most recent meeting, the KHSAA Board of Control approved the mid-alignment adjustments to the football alignment for 2021 and 2022. With the school enrollments that were received for 2019-20 (the pre-Covid second-month reports were utilized as specified by the Competition Rules), there were minimal changes to the alignment. There were no geographic moves proposed or approved with the mid-alignment review.
In Class 1A, District 7, Sayre was placed for the 2021 and 2022 seasons and will be a fully scheduled member.
In Class 2A, District 5, Trimble County is returning to the alignment following two-seasons of non-district status.
In Class 3A, District 5, Jackson County will withdraw from the district for 2021 and 2022.
There were no other changes to the alignment. The complete alignment appears on the KHSAA website at
With this action, the embargo on game contracts for 2021 and 2022 has been removed. To ensure that all schools […]
2021 and 2022 Approved Alignment of Teams – Football
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association shall sponsor postseason competition in football provided that there is sufficient interest of the membership to participate in the said competition. Member schools desiring to participate in KHSAA sponsored postseason competition shall notify the Association office before September 1. The Commissioner shall divide the state into geographic sections within six (6) enrollment-based classes with the approval of the Board of Control. In the interim, newly added or deleted programs will be handled on a case by case basis by the Commissioner’s office.
For the postseason competition, in Class 6A, For playoff bracketing only, the 5th place team in District 1 would become the 4th place team in District 5
For the postseason competition, in Class 1A, Sayre will be the 4th seed in District 7 for 2020 only.
For interim alignment review for 2021 and 2022 seasons, […]
10/16/20- COVID Basketball Information and Update
As we prepare for the start of official practice on October 26, reminders are in order for all involved. This was previously distributed to all schools earlier this month, but all representatives would be advised to be sure you are familiar. The guidance document is posted on the KHSAA website at
We have received a few inquiries recently regarding the start of basketball practice and the guidelines that have been issued. Keep in mind that the season is divided into segments for a purpose, and that gives natural opportunities for consideration of revisions based on what is happening with the pandemic.
Here are a few reminders based on the questions that have come into the office. This material is and was contained in the guidance document. It is imperative that coaches be familiar with the entire contents of the guidance document and realize that as everything with this pandemic, things […]
10/16/20 – to Broadcast Fall Draw Show on Monday
The pairings for the 2020 KHSAA Field Hockey, Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer, and Volleyball State Tournaments will be revealed Monday, Oct. 19 when the annual Fall Championship Draw Show is conducted at the KHSAA Offices at 1 p.m. The Draw Show will be broadcast live online by through the NFHS Network.
The 2020 KHSAA Field Hockey State Tournament begins Thursday, October 22nd with quarterfinal matchups on campus sites. The semifinals and championship will be played Saturday, October 24th and Monday, October 26th at Christian Academy-Louisville.
The 2020 KHSAA State Soccer Championships open with the semi-state matches on Oct. 24, followed by the quarterfinals on campus sites Oct. 26. The semifinals (Oct. 28-29) and finals (Oct. 31) will move to Lexington and be played at a Fayette County Public School.
The format for the KHSAA State Volleyball Tournament will be a bit different this year, with first round […]
10/15/20 – KHSAA Cross Country State Meet Details & Location
As we approach the Cross Country postseason, the KHSAA wanted to update the membership regarding postseason meets for the sport of Cross Country.
The 2020 KHSAA State Cross Country Meet will be held at the Bourbon County Cross Country Course at 1054 Millersburg Rd in Paris, Ky. on October 30-31. Maps of the course will be available on the Cross Country website. The time schedule for 2020 will be posted with Class 2A to compete on Friday afternoon, October 30. Class 1A and 3A will compete on Saturday, October 31.
“We appreciate the great work of our longtime prior hosts at the Kentucky Horse Park and recognize their need for continual adjustments during the pandemic,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “We have a longstanding relationship with the park and their absolutely wonderful staff. But with their current focus on equestrian events combined with our need to finalize arrangements in a timely manner, […]
10/12/20- Postseason Soccer, Volleyball, Field Hockey Situations and Questions
As we head into the postseason, we know our managers and member schools are working extremely hard to protect opportunities for students during this strange time while at the same time, juggling near-daily changing data to help make current decisions. We have had several questions that have emerged about teams advancing in light of specific quarantine and isolation issues.
Remember that the guidance we are operating under from the Department for Health specifies that a quarantine period (exposure to a person who tests positive) is for fourteen (14) days and an isolation period (for a person with a positive test) is for at least ten (10) days following the test. It has long been anticipated that an ill-timed quarantine or isolation period might end a season if schools cannot find additional scheduling options.
As an association, we will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate the competing school with rescheduling any contest provided that such rescheduled dates do […]
10/07/20- Football Updates and Scheduling Information including Tiebreaker for Games Not Played
This is being sent to all member schools through the Principal, Athletic Director, and the Football Coach of record, with a courtesy copy to member school Superintendents. Please forward as necessary. This notice is related solely to 2020 Football. Other notices and posts relative to Field Hockey, Soccer, and Volleyball have been distributed.
As we have said all along, all of us involved in any way with education have been advised to be nimble to any changes to past plans during this pandemic. Certainly, a higher amount of football games have been lost during this already short fall season than anyone ever predicted or planned and those cancelations continue. As such, several situations have arisen as schools try to determine the rescheduling of future games, and additional minor adjustments are needed. These latest changes and clarifications are solely intended to help resolve issues and prevent further wholesale rescheduling late in the year if that is […]
10/07/20- Extension of Deadline to Play Seeded District Games- SO, VB and Revised Tie-Breaker
This is being sent to all member schools through the Superintendent, Principal, and Athletic Director. Please forward as necessary.
This is related solely to Soccer and Volleyball and this communication is specific to seeded district games. Additional communication will be issued related to football.
As we have said all along, all of us involved in any way with education have been advised to be nimble to pivot from past plans during this pandemic. Certainly, a higher amount of games have been lost during this already short fall season than anyone ever predicted or planned. As such, several questions have arisen.
During the past few days, we have received a great many inquiries regarding seeded district games that have not been able to be played due to COVID situations (quarantine, isolation, or being played in a red county). It is not considered a COVID cancellation if a game isn’t played against a red county but was […]
NFHS State Outstanding Service Award Winners
Outstanding Service Awards may be presented in two categories: 1) to individuals to recognize a record of long-standing service and significant contribution to the NFHS within a specific sport; or, 2) to individuals/organizations for services, although not specifically designated, which generally represent a significant contribution to or impact on high school activity programs.
States may nominate one individual per year.
2019- Dick Farmer, KU/LGE/KHSAA Sweet 16® Radio Network
2018- Ted Cook, Ted Cook Tire, London
2017- Billy Haynes, Henderson, KY
2016- Bobby Flynn, Lexington, KY Long-time Event Worker
2015- David Dickerson, Rawlings Corporation
10/02/20 – Leachman/KHSAA State Golf Championships Set For Next Week
The first state championship of the 2020-21 academic year will take place next week, as the 2020 Leachman Buick•GMC•Cadillac/KHSAA State Golf Championships (Oct. 5-10) return to the Bowling Green Country Club for the 15th-consecutive season. The boys’ tournament begins with the opening round at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 6, followed by the second 18 holes on Wednesday, Oct. 7. The girls’ championship opens with first round action on Friday, Oct. 9, with the final 18 holes slated for Saturday, Oct. 10.
The KHSAA will utilize Golf Genius for its scoring software this year, with one player in each group entering scores from a mobile device following each hole. Live scores entered in this manner will be considered unofficial, as players will be required to finalize their round in the official scoring area following completion of their 18 holes.
The state championship will follow all guidelines outlined in the […]
10/02/20 – NFHS Learning Center Adds New Officiating Courses for Soccer, Track and Field
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — In support of its commitment to high school officials’ education, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) has announced two new free courses have been published to the online NFHS Learning Center – “Officiating Soccer: Pre-Game Conference for Officials” and “Officiating Track and Field.”
Designed as a complement to two other soccer officiating courses on the Learning Center, “Officiating Soccer: Pre-Game Conference for Officials” focuses on teaching referees the proper protocols to be carried out ahead of each contest. Key aspects include the importance of advance communication between officials, field inspections, and discussing relevant game-time topics and recent rule changes. Effectively executing the pre-game conference allows each referee to work cohesively with his or her team and be as informed and observant as possible during play.
“The pre-game conference for officials in the game of soccer serves to familiarize the contest officials with the host of responsibilities they have to […]
10/01/20- Celebrating Return to Play During National High School Activities Month (Op-Ed Column)
By Karissa Niehoff, Executive Director of the National Federation of State High School Associations and Julian Tackett, Commissioner of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association.
The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly caused everyone to hit the pause button on life. During the stoppage and forced time away from routines, and even as some activities have resumed, many people have come to more deeply appreciate the important things in life – family, friends, and faith among others.
Still, the loss of certain routines and regular activities seem to hurt worse than others, namely last spring when high school sports and performing arts were shut down. Millions of students, coaches, parents, and fans quickly began to realize and more deeply appreciate the privilege of involvement in these education-based programs in schools.
Now, slowly but surely, high school sports and performing arts are on their […]
10/01/20 – Initial Stat Leader Reports Released for Football, Soccer, Volleyball and Field Hockey
The first statistical leader reports of the season for football, boys’ and girls’ soccer, volleyball and field hockey have been posted at The leader reports will be updated every day at approximately 3 a.m., and will include all teams missing stats for no more than two games (one game in football).
With the addition of volleyball in 2019, statistical entry is now available for all sports on the KHSAA/ Scoreboard. Statistical entry has the benefit of allowing member schools to highlight and promote the accomplishments of their student-athletes, which should be a priority for all involved in school-based sports.
Statistical entry is required of all member schools, and those failing to meet the requirement to enter stats are subject to penalties, including fines and other actions within the constraints of Bylaw 27. Member schools are solely responsible for submitting statistical information. If a school or individual is omitted, […]
10/1/20-2020 Basketball Rules Clinic Available Online for Officials and Coaches
The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Basketball is now available. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches, varsity, junior varsity and freshman, and whether or not the coach receives pay.
Because of the nature of current events as well as rules changes, coaches you are likely placing your team at a competitive disadvantage if you delay/put off/procrastinate the completion of this clinic. Officials, your failure to stay on top of these key provisions will likely lead to administrative errors.
Please ensure that you have read the COVID guidelines posted on the KHSAA website. Many restrictions on scheduling, out of state travel, and rules modifications are detailed in that document. See the various links at /covid-19-fall-resumption-documents-8-25-20-revised-8-31-20/
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section […]
09/24/20 – NFHS, NFL Announce Partnership to Promote High School Football
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) and the National Football League (NFL) have announced a first-ever partnership aimed at promoting the growth, understanding and support for football at the high school level.
As a part of the partnership funded by the NFL, the NFHS will work to develop and execute a strategic plan with the primary objective of promoting high school football.
A major focus of the NFHS-NFL partnership will involve surveying of state high school association administrators, high school student-athletes, parents, coaches and officials with regard to their experiences in football and the benefits of participation. The NFHS will be working with UpMetrics on various survey instruments as a part of the arrangement.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for the NFHS and the NFL to work together to help ensure the long-term viability of high school football,” said Dr. Karissa Niehoff, NFHS executive director. “We are appreciative of […]
09/23/20 – Archery and Bass Fishing Participation Update
Following last week’s Board of Control meeting, we continue to receive inquiries regarding the sport-activities of Archery and Bass Fishing. Though both have an initial published practice date of October 1, they are classified as spring sport-activities by the Association.
It remains RECOMMENDED that the activities on campus be focused on the current season sports (fall at this point) and not on sports for other seasons (winter and spring sports) so as to lessen virus exposure and allow for a carefully measured return to in-person learning where and when local districts have made that decision.
For both Archery and Bass Fishing, practice and workouts are at the discretion of each member school.
For KHSAA sport-activities, catastrophic insurance coverage only applies to the postseason (regional and state championships). Participation in all other competitions is at the discretion of each member school without the benefit of catastrophic insurance provided by the Association.
For Archery:
- […]
09/18/20- Urgent Reminder on COVID Cancellations in Football, Soccer and Volleyball
REVISED 10/1/20–
Just a quick reminder on the score and schedule entry for COVID related cancellations IN ALL SPORTS on the KHSAA Scoreboard (Field Hockey, Football, Soccer, and Volleyball for the fall, 2020 seasons). As with a lot of things related to this pandemic, the specific experiences of our member schools are resulting in a constant procedural review and revision as we move forward.
- Because of the impact on RPI and standings, we have removed the ability to update of delete games.
- You will report that you have a COVID cancellation by submitting the form on the KHSAA website at the link CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT A DELETION OR REVISION TO THE SCOREBOARD.
- From the point your form is sent, policies that were previously adopted in July will take effect.
- The score will be permanently recorded as a 0-0 tie with a notation that it is a COVID cancelation.
- The RPI […]
09/17/20- RPI Impact on Cancelled Contests/Open Dates
UPDATED: 10/1/20
As reviewed at the July Board of Control meeting, the following procedure will apply to canceled games during the COVID-19 pandemic with respect to the calculation of RPI. These provisions are subject to revision during the pandemic.
- The Board previously reviewed an adjustment (for 2020-21 only) to standings as well as RPI calculation methods due to possible cancelation of games resulting from the pandemic and local impact.
- For Field Hockey, Football, Soccer, and Volleyball-
- In all contests, games canceled due to the pandemic including mandatory quarantines and isolation shall not have a result recorded other than a 0-0 score, and no forfeit fee provisions will be applied.
- Games canceled for other reasons remain subject to Bylaw 22.
- In all seeded games, games canceled due to the pandemic or mandatory quarantines, the formerly announced provision of counting a contest unable to be played or rescheduled will NOT be implemented. That method of […]
09/16/20- Board of Control Approves Dates for Winter Sports to Begin Practice
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 16, 2020
The KHSAA Board of Control held its second regularly-scheduled meeting of the 2020-21 academic year Wednesday morning, approving practice and competition dates for the winter sports and sport-activities of basketball, bowling, competitive cheer, dance, swimming & diving, and wrestling.
Bowling is permitted to practice on November 2. Competitive cheer and dance can begin official practice for its seasons this Monday, September 21 with a gradual segmented approach to activity over the next few weeks. Further details will be distributed to the member schools that allow for the resumption. Both competitive cheer and dance have already seen regional championships moved into the new year per the board’s July meeting. In cheer, these segments will further clarify “stunting” which has been restricted during the pandemic and resumption to play.
Additionally, the Board approved clarifications on sideline cheer in that stunting (defined per NFHS rules as “One or more bases support one […]
The following scripts for announcements can be used without attribution by local public address announcers, member schools and broadcasters. Many are sourced from the CDC in Atlanta as part of their efforts related to the global pandemic. Feel free to use at your discretion. Additional announcements and audio versions for use in broadcasts may be found on the CDC website at
09/10/20- CPR of Indiana again offers KHSAA Members Discounted AED program
The KHSAA is proud to again partner Bill Callahan and the CPR Institute of Indiana to offer the chance for KHSAA member schools to purchase Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) at a deeply discounted price for a limited time. The program has been accepted by the KHSAA Sports Medicine Committee (member doctors of the KMA) and the price is the product of great work between CPR Institute and the NFHS Foundation.
A product flier with complete details is located on the KHSAA website at AED Package Special (CPR Institute of Indiana Updated Sept-2020.pdf. Those units are currently selling on for just under $1300 not including a nearly $100 carrying case.
An order form is located on the KHSAA website at Order Form Updated.xlsx .
Through this offer from CPR of Indiana, the cost of the units is only $700 […]
09/10/20 – Middle School Regulation Recommended and Approved Changes
To assist administrators in continued planning for the 2020-21 middle school athletic year, the KHSAA wanted to highlight the changes to the middle school section of 702 KAR 7.065 that have been approved by the Kentucky Board of Education and is working its way through the final phases of promulgation. The document was also reviewed and recommended for approval by the Local Superintendents Advisory Council (LSAC) through the Kentucky Department of Education. Once final approval has been given, this post will be updated, but these revisions should be considered when planning as the approval by KBE is our annual signal to proceed.
In reference to 702 KAR 7.065 Section 4, the following portions of the regulation have been approved as the substantive changes for 2020-21:
(2) Require that any head or assistant coach, whether paid or unpaid, desiring to coach interscholastic athletics at the middle school level:
(c) Provide to the school documentation of […]
09/08/20- COVID-19 Related Links and Documents
KHSAA COVID-19 Related Links and Documents
This listing is a compilation of a variety of links referenced throughout both the suspension and resumption of sports and sport-activities. Many of these references were cited in the Healthy at Sports Documentation.
KHSAA Reference Links and DocumentsKDE (Kentucky Department of Education Reference Links and Documents
Commonwealth of Kentucky Reference Links and Documents
CDC Reference Links and Documents
KMA References and Return to Play Documents
Allied Group Reference Links and Documents (NFHS, NCAA)
Whitehouse and FDA Reference Links and Documents
KDPH (Kentucky Department for Public Health) Related Links and Documents
Important Mental Health References
Football Specific References
Golf Specific References
Healthy at Sports-Stage 3-Performance, Return to Practice and Competition
All Documents by Sport, Healthy at Sports-Stage 3-Performance, Return to Practice and Competition, 8/24 and beyond
These rules are written for the high school, interscholastic levels in Kentucky. Other levels of play may also want to consult with such groups as USA Football, US Soccer Federation, USA Volleyball, USA Field Hockey, USA Cheer and similar organizations additionally appropriate to that level.
NFHS Rules Considerations Due to Covid-19
NFHS Rules Considerations Due to Covid-19
This listing is courtesy of the NFHS in Indianapolis. These rules are written for the high school, interscholastic levels. Other levels of play may also want to consult with such groups as USA Football, US Soccer Federation, USA Volleyball, USA Field Hockey, USA Cheer and similar organizations additionally appropriate to that level.
These rules were written for states to consider adopting, but are not nationwide mandates nor mandates in Kentucky unless otherwise noted. Teams traveling out of state may want to ask that host state about adoptions.
These considerations DO NOT supersede state and local order or KHSAA policy. They are simply considerations, an example of which is universal masking. The NFHS does not have authority to override a state order. These options, if adopted, are considered to be in compliance with NFHS rules as adopted per KHSAA Bylaw 22, Sec. 5. These options have been extended to […]
08/31/20- Clarifications Around Board of Control Approved Waiver of Bylaw 9
As most school representatives are aware of information already distributed by this office following the meeting, the Board of Control approved a waiver of certain parts of Bylaw 9 for this fall. Normally, Bylaw 9 would normally preclude a student who had played basketball at any level (freshman, JV, or varsity) after enrolling in grade nine from participating in an outside organized contest in basketball from the first day of school until the end of the high school basketball season.
Due to the pandemic, students lost the ability to attend potential recruiting events during the summer with events either not being held or with college coaches not being able to attend. Bylaw 9 previously made exceptions for both boys and girls’ basketball team members to attend one-day events on an NCAA campus with specific restrictions.
For the 2020-21 school year, the restrictions have been […]
08/29/20- Clarifications, Corrections and Revisions of to Healthy at Sports Stage 3-Fall Sports Return to Competition
For those who have printed copies of the draft and want to preserve that copy with any changes that have been made.
In “INTRODUCTION” Change “collaboration” to “consultation” in fifth paragraph
Revise bullet 6 under “SCREENING OF ALL…” to include “F” after 100.4
Add bullet 10 under “SCREENING OF ALL…” to say “The name and contact information should be recorded at each practice (REQUIRED)”
Revise bullet 11 under “SCREENING OF ALL…” to say “The name and contact information should be recorded where feasible and practical at all competitions (RECOMMENDED).”
Revise first bullet under “GENERAL AREAS…” to say “to review” after health department and add “-21” to the end of “2020”
Revise third bullet under (PRE-WORKOUT SCREENING…” to say “greater than” and add “F” after 100.4
Change first bullet under “IN AND […]
08/27/20 – Field Hockey Return to Play Guidance
Draft guidance for a return to play was published on the KHSAA website yesterday under the COVID-19 Information tab and shared with school administrators. Keep in mind that this guidance is draft as the situation remains fluid as it has been since March and the information is subject to revision.
Coaches should review rules modifications and protocols to assist in preparation for competition and should be flexible throughout this entire process and realize the goal is a safe and healthy return to play for everyone.
Field Hockey specific guidance
Frequently Asked Questions – All sports
Contact Assistant Commissioner Michael Barren for any Field Hockey specific questions at
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The […]
08/27/20 – Soccer Return To Play Guidance
Draft guidance for a return to play was published on the KHSAA website yesterday under the COVID-19 Information tab and shared with school administrators. Keep in mind that this guidance is only a draft as the situation remains fluid as it has been since March and the information is subject to revision.
Coaches should review rules modifications and protocols to assist in preparation for competition and should be flexible throughout this entire process and realize the goal is a safe and healthy return to play for everyone.
Soccer specific guidance
Frequently Asked Questions – All sports
Contact Primary Sport Contact Chad Collins for any soccer specific questions at
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. […]
08/27/20 – Football Return To Play Guidance
Draft guidance for a return to play has been published on the KHSAA website under the COVID-19 Information tab and shared with school administrators. Keep in mind that this guidance is draft as the situation remains fluid as it has been since March and the information is subject to revision.
Coaches and officials should review playing rules modifications and protocols to assist in preparation for competition and should be flexible throughout this entire process and realize the goal is a safe and healthy return to play for everyone. Keep in mind, just because practice has started, doesn’t mean we relax our emphasis on pandemic health and safety.
And remember that what the kids and all involved with the team AFTER practice and activities will likely have a huge impact on the ability to finish a season. Keep telling all around you, we hope 2021-22 looks more like 2018-19. But 2020-21 will likely look like nothing […]
08/27/20 – Cross Country Return to Play Guidance
Draft guidance for a return to play was published on the KHSAA website yesterday under the COVID-19 Information tab and shared with school administrators. Keep in mind that this guidance is a draft and the situation remains fluid, as it has been since March and is subject to revision.
Coaches should review rules modifications and protocols to assist with safety, health, and social distancing and should be flexible throughout this entire process and realize the goal is a safe and healthy return to play for everyone.
Cross Country specific guidance:
Frequently Asked Questions – All Sports:
Any Cross Country specific questions shall be sent to Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh (
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the […]
08/27/20 – Volleyball Return To Play Guidance
Draft guidance for a return to play was published on the KHSAA website yesterday under the COVID-19 Information tab and shared with school administrators. Keep in mind that this guidance is draft as the situation remains fluid as it has been since March and the information is subject to revision.
Coaches should review rules modifications and protocols to assist in preparation for competition and should be flexible throughout this entire process and realize the goal is a safe and healthy return to play for everyone.
Volleyball specific guidance
Frequently Asked Questions – All sports
Contact Associate Commissioner Butch Cope for any volleyball specific questions at
About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association […]
08/27/20- 2019-20 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year Winners

Male Student-Athlete of the Year Award Winners
Golf – Logan Liles (Lewis County)
Liles qualified for the KHSAA State Tournament two years in a row, as an eighth and ninth grader. He is currently ranked sixth in the state and has 28 KY JR PGA Tour wins. A three-time All-Region selection, Liles has five high school invitational wins so far in his career. Off the course, he plays guitar regularly at his community church, helps chaperone birthday parties for younger kids, assists with volunteer clean up at Camp Kentahan Kids Camp, and was a member of a mission youth team that went to the Dominican. He has a 4.0 GPA and is expected to graduate in 2022.
Soccer – […]
08/27/20 – Volleyball & Field Hockey Scheduling Clarification Contests Per Week
The KHSAA office has received several inquiries on the Healthy at Sports guidance approved by the KHSAA Board with regard to the maximum contests per week in the sports of Volleyball and Field Hockey and tournament participation.
Volleyball – The limit of matches for the season (not including postseason) is 24 with no more than four (4) matches in a given week. (Sunday to Saturday)
Field Hockey – The limit of matches for the season (not including postseason) is 16 with no more than four (4) matches in a given week. (Sunday to Saturday)
If a school, due to participation in a regular-season multiple-game event (i.e. tournament) exceeds the limit of matches in a given week, such shall not be considered a violation of Bylaw 23 provided the preceding or succeeding week(s) are adjusted to create an appropriate average number of contests of four (4) per week.
(Example: School A plays one (1) contest on […]
08/25/20- Covid-19 Resumption Documents (8/20, Revised 8/20, 9/20, 10/20, 11/20, 12/20, 2/21, 3/21)
Complete Guidance for Fall Sports, Documents by Sport and Section, Healthy at Sports
Stage 3-Performance, Return to Practice and Competition: Fall Sports, 8/24 and beyond
Fall Sports
Winter Sports and Sport-Activities
Spring Sports and Sport-Activities
08/25/20- Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Resumption of Sport and Sport-Activities (Updated 10/13)
UPDATED 10/13/20
Are there Limitations on Competitors in Various Sports?
Yes. In an effort to help ensure appropriate social distancing, the following restrictions and adaptations were approved for the fall sports, in most cases matching existing postseason restrictions. This will be an aid as game guidance is developed to help ensure that the bench areas contain fewer players, and more social distancing is implemented. There will likely be limitations on non-uniformed competitors in the final game guidance once approved.
- The limitation for field hockey, soccer, and volleyball is established at the region and state limitations. Field hockey and soccer may have 24 players in uniform and participating in warm-ups and competition while volleyball will be permitted 15 players in uniform and participating in warm-ups and competition.
- Cross Country will be permitted a team entry not to exceed 10 runners, the current postseason roster limitation. Additional runners, as have […]
08/21/20- Restart of the Opportunity to Practice and Play Sports
This is being sent to all KHSAA member schools through the Principal and Athletic Director. It is also as a courtesy, copied to Superintendents. Good afternoon. As most of you are aware, the KHSAA Board of Control voted yesterday to stay on course with allowing practice for fall sports to begin in the member schools beginning on August 24 followed by fall sports contests (other than Golf) being allowed on September 7 (September 11 for football). The vote was 16-2 to continue to accept Option 1 as the allowances for fall sports. To see the breakdown of that option, see the link at As of today, there is no prevailing order governing practice for these sports of which we are aware. The current Commonwealth Youth Sports Order only impacts teams below middle school per guidance received in writing by the KHSAA staff on May 14 […]08/20/20- Board of Control Upholds Decision to Begin Fall Sports September 7
The Board of Control held a virtual Zoom meeting Thursday morning, affirming its July position by a 16-2 vote to begin practice for fall sports on August 24th with competition starting the week of September 7th. The Board considered two other motions during the meeting, both of which would have delayed the start of the fall seasons to varying degrees, but neither motion received enough support for adoption.
The fall sports of Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country, and Football can begin official practice August 24, with a restriction of 7.5 hours of practice during the first week (as previously approved by the Board) and full practice starting Monday, August 31.
“We hope to submit practice revisions early Friday following the Board’s approval, which will hopefully be relatively minimal. If approved to expand numbers and activity, it will hopefully bring a more normal look to some practices while still […]
08/17/20 – Officials Incident Reports 101
Reprinted with written permission from Referee magazine. For subscription information contact Referee magazine at 800–733-6100 or visit
If unsporting acts require the submission of an incident report to a school, league, association, or other governing body, officials should keep in mind the following to ensure a properly completed report:
The unsporting acts complained of are set forth unemotionally and without any exaggeration or commentary.
The official does not take a defensive position.
The official does not recite a list of plaudits received from others indicating what a great official he or she is.
The official indicates he or she has followed proper officiating mechanics.
The official indicates he or she has enforced the letter and the spirit of the rules.
The official sticks to the facts.
It is also recommended officials have their report reviewed by their association’s attorney, secretary or other designated game-report officer prior to submission.
Officials […]
8/18/20 – Soccer Online Rules Clinic for Coaches and Officials Now Available
As coaches and officials begin to prepare for hopefully the beginning of the season, the mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Soccer was available beginning yesterday, August 17. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at
August 17 to September 14 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 15 to October 3 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this […]
08/18/20-2020 Football Rules Clinic Available Online for Officials and Coaches
The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Football is now available. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches, varsity, junior varsity and freshman, and whether or not the coach receives pay.
Because of the nature of current events as well as rules changes, coaches you are likely placing your team at a competitive disadvantage if you delay/put off/procrastinate the completion of this clinic. Officials, your failure to stay on top of these key provisions will likely lead to administrative errors.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at
Below is additional information:
August 17 to October 5 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will […]
08/18/20 – Volleyball Online Rules Clinic for Coaches & Officials Now Available
As coaches and officials begin to prepare for hopefully the beginning of the season, the mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Volleyball was available beginning yesterday, August 17. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.
For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.
For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at
August 17 to September 21 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 22 to October 10 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this […]
RIP, LexCath basketball coach Tommy Starns
BY MIKE FIELDS (Aug. 14, 2020)
Tommy Starns, who made Lexington Catholic basketball competitive with the city’s powerhouse public schools more than 50 years ago, died last night. He was 86. Mark Starns said his dad had suffered a heart attack.
Tommy Starns never got enough credit for being an outstanding coach. Competing in the 11th Region against coaching icons such as Al Prewitt at Henry Clay, Bobby Barlow at Bryan Station, Jock Sutherland at Lafayette, and Nolan Barger at Tates Creek, Starns managed to lead the Knights to the state tournament three times — in 1966, 1977 and 1985. He had 371 career victories.
Starns was a high school teammate of Al Prewitt’s at Henry Clay, and they played for the Blue Devils in the 1952 Sweet Sixteen.
Starns, an Air Force veteran, coached at Lexington Junior for four years before moving to Lexington Catholic in 1964.
I wrote the following story about Starns […]
08/10/20 – NFHS Officials Part 2 Exam Now Online for FB, FH, SO & VB
We hope our officials continue to be safe and healthy as we continue a return to sports.
Please note that the NFHS Part 2 exams for licensed officials in the sports of Football, Field Hockey, Soccer, and Volleyball are now available online. The Part 2 exams, required for postseason eligibility consideration, will be open until Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 11:59 p.m. (ET).
The tests will automatically close on Sept. 8 at 11:59 p.m. (ET). Login at to take the test. A minimum score of 80 on the exam is required to be considered for assignment to officiate postseason play. The exam is also used for advancements in levels of classification.
First-year officials are not required to take the exam, however, if any first-year official has completed licensing requirements, the test may be taken.
Any official determined to have been involved in the improper administration of the exam, including taking it for another official […]
08/04/20- The Planned Return of Interscholastic Athletics Challenges Us All
As the start of the school year approaches, there has been a lot of focus on whether students should go back to school and if interscholastic athletics should return. Some think we should just stay inside our homes for months at a time. Others seemingly refuse to acknowledge that the virus exists.
These topics have been discussed repeatedly and one thing seems clear: There is no one-size-fits-all answer that will satisfy (in no particular order) school administrators, teachers, coaches, parents, and students.
As the state athletics and activities associations that oversee high school athletics in eight states, however, we know the importance of getting our student-athletes back on the courts and playing fields as soon as it is safe to do so. We must safely exhaust every effort and alternative possible to prevent a repeat of the sacrifices made by spring 2020 participants and those in some 2020 State Basketball events.
It has been well […]
08/03/20- Middle School Interscholastic Athletics Reminders and Interim Guidance for 2020-21
This document is as of August 3, 2020, and in effect until further altered, revised, or superseded. Senior high school administrators in receipt of this notice should ensure that this information is forwarded to those involved in middle school athletics as direct contact is difficult from this office. Certainly, every district administrator should be concerned about these provisions from a risk and liability standpoint as they have the force of law within state regulation. We would ask that recipients widely distribute this information.
Recently, the KHSAA Board of Control addressed high school fall sports with regard to the current COVID-19 pandemic (dates, restrictions, competition limits, etc). The KHSAA Board of Control has control over those levels, however, the jurisdiction for middle school interscholastic athletics is assigned to the KHSAA through its Commissioner through 702 KAR 7:065 Section 4.
The Commissioner, therefore, issues the following directives that apply to middle school athletics, which are in congruence […]
07/31/20- Bylaw and Policy Revisions/Waivers Due to Covid-19
The following Bylaw and policy considerations and revisions were reviewed by the Commissioner and approved by the Board of Control during the current pandemic emergency.
- Bylaw 3 – Maximum Number of Years
- There will be no waiver of the maximum number of semesters or additional eligibility for those students whose seasons are canceled due to Covid-19 and subsequent actions. For details and review, see the link at Click Here for Complete Details
- Bylaw 4 – Eligibility to participate by being enrolled.
- State regulations (not just KHSAA rules) set a minimum participation standard. In short, a student who is considered full-time enrolled (as verified through Infinite Campus or comparable system for those that do not use Infinite Campus) is eligible to represent a member school.
- A district may always place […]
08/03/20- Questions and Answers Regarding NFHS Network Pixellot Program
This document represents questions received from KHSAA member schools and districts since the start of the Pixellot donation program. This program was first announced in a post and email from the KHSAA on July 14, 2020. That post is archived at
As more are received and answered, this document will be expanded. Answers were provided by the staff at PlayOn Sports (the NFHS Network partner distributing the cameras).
1. Does this contract have any impact on radio rights to our games?
It could have a tremendous positive impact as you can add an audio mixture to the computer that comes with the system and add play by play commentating. Nothing in the contract prohibits or limits radio broadcasting in any way.
2. The contract allows for local TV to broadcast a game at our discretion. Can they live stream it as well, as long as we still stream on NFHS?
07/31/20- Update for Member Schools Regarding Fall Sports and Current Activity
Greetings to all related constituents and constituent groups. While Joe Angolia from our office previously distributed a summary of this week’s Board actions to the membership and the public, I thought it a good idea to get additional information out to you. In the process this week, we have also received several inquiries and we can try to ensure those are answered as well. Everyone reading this though has to be mindful that things could change at a moment’s notice, and all information should be considered as of July 29. I apologize in advance for the length of this communication.
Schools should keep in mind the Board is currently composed of 8 Superintendents, 1 Principal, 1 AD/Coach, a Guidance Counselor, 3 Other District administrators, in addition to 2 Superintendents and 1 Principal on the Board […]
08/03/20 – ACT Releases Additional Test Dates for 2020-21
Recently, the ACT released information about adding additional testing dates for the 2020-21 school year. As you plan for the upcoming year, it is important to note these dates. Administrators, coaches, student-athletes, and parents should record these additional dates in order to avoid possible conflict. The KHSAA cannot possibly avoid conflicts with all of these dates (including postseason dates). It is recommended that all involved plan accordingly to mitigate any conflicts for the student-athlete in a postseason event. Below is a list of the dates (as provided by the ACT) and deadlines for registration.
Test Date
Registration Deadline
September 12, 2020
September 13, 2020 (Sunday)
September 19, 2020
August 14
October 10, 2020
October 17, 2020
October 24, 2020
October 25, 2020 (Sunday)
September 17
December 12, 2020
07/28/20- Board of Control Approves Fall Sports to Begin Practice August 24
The Board of Control conducted a virtual meeting Tuesday morning via Zoom, during which time it addressed the future of the 2020 fall sports season. With 17 members voting in favor (and one member abstaining), the Board approved a plan to leave fall sports in the fall and begin official fall practice on August 24th in Cross Country, Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, and Football, with the first date of competition set for September 11th for Football and September 7th for the remaining fall sports.
“Our board strongly believes in the tremendous psychological advantages formed through the relationships between our student-athletes and their school coaches and school personnel, as well as the strong community values surrounding interscholastic, education-based athletics,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “College and professional sports are great, but our unique opportunity to build relationships with our neighbors within one state is not one we take for granted.”
[…]07/27/20 – Student-Athlete Participation Rises for the 3rd Straight Year to New Record Totals
Student-athlete participation increased for the third-straight year in Kentucky High School Athletic Association sports and sport-activities to reach record levels in 2019-20. A total of 107,166 rostered participants competed across the KHSAA’s 13 sports and six sport-activities according to information submitted by the membership, surpassing last year’s then-record total of 106,931. Football was one of 12 offerings to show an increase from the previous year, breaking a trend of declining participation for the last three years by adding 202 new student-athletes [freshmen, JV, varsity] during the 2019-20 season to remain the state’s most popular sport with 13,277 rostered participants.
“The continued rise in student-athlete participation the last three years emphasizes the importance of school-based athletics in the fabric of the educational experience for these young adults,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “The importance of these coach-to-student and student-to-student relationships is only amplified in these uncertain times, as we strive […]
07/21/20 – ‘First Aid, Health and Safety’ Revisions Provide Updated Content for Learning Center Core Course
INDIANAPOLIS, IN (July 21, 2020) — Revisions to “First Aid, Health and Safety” – one of two core courses in the NFHS Learning Center – have been completed to provide relevant, up-to-date content to the 10-unit course. The other core course is “Fundamentals of Coaching.”
From its inception, “First Aid, Health and Safety” was designed by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) and the American Red Cross to offer coaches and administrators an overview of first aid. Included in that overview are best practices for the numerous situations in which medical attention may be required.
“The NFHS and the American Red Cross have partnered together on a first aid course since the NFHS Learning Center platform launched in 2007,” said Dan Schuster, NFHS director of educational services. “In that time, nearly 300,000 first aid courses have been accessed via the NFHS Learning Center. Over the past year, the NFHS and […]
07/14/20- Healthy at Sports Position Statement
As announcements are made across the country regarding the return to athletics or specific sports, our office will continue to be informed but not necessarily controlled or bound by decisions from other levels of play, as well as other state associations. This is a very fluid situation, and Kentucky data and discussions need to drive Kentucky decisions for the betterment of all involved in high school sports and sport-activities, as well as middle schools. Like most others, we are constantly receiving updated information from around the state and nation during this very dynamic period.
Our decisions in developing a Healthy at Sports timeline will continue to be made with the following primary goals and objectives in mind:
- To always keep participant safety and risk minimization as a top priority;
- To avoid a delay in the start of school and in-person learning;
- To recognize the physical, mental and emotional benefits to the educational […]
07/14/20- Pixellot Offer-Webcasting/Webinar
As you may have heard last week, the NFHS Network announced the “High School Support Program” that will enable its member schools that currently lack webcast production capabilities to stream athletic contests. We are excited to not only ensure that you are aware of this great program but to encourage you to dig deep and decide if it benefits your school. In these trying times when upcoming contests could face attendance restrictions, a streaming option is certainly worth considering. Especially one that will potentially yield income to your athletic program instead of benefitting an outside entity. Details about an informational webinar for this program are at the end of this email.Basically, this program allows each school to receive up to two free Pixellot automated production units for use in their primary sports venues. These units were previously priced at more than $4,000 per unit, so this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for your school.
07/14/20 – NFHS-AMSSM Guidance for Assessing Cardiac Issues in High School Student-Athletes with COVID-19 Infection
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — An expert medical task force appointed by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) and the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) has issued guidance for assessing potential cardiac issues in high school student-athletes with COVID-19 infection.
The guidance is included in the “Cardiopulmonary Considerations for High School Student-Athletes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: NFHS-AMSSM Guidance Statement” published in Sports Health (, an online journal of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM).
“COVID-19 has raised many concerns regarding the health and safety of athletes,” said Jonathan Drezner, M.D., director of the University of Washington Medicine Center for Sports Cardiology, past president of the AMSSM and co-chair of the NFHS-AMSSM task force. “The risk of heart and lung involvement is likely related to the severity of the illness. This guidance statement addresses important cardiac considerations and the suggested evaluation of high school student-athletes with past or new COVID-19.”