Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

December, 2014

12/23/14 – Field Hockey Scheduling Information

Field Hockey Blog Updates

Holiday Greetings to all of you!

We understand that coaches are working on their schedules for next season and have questions about dates and numbers of games to schedule.  The KHSAA does have that information already published in the 2014-2015 handbook so we wanted to share those links with schools.

The competition rules explain that teams will be allowed 24 games next season.  

Field Hockey Competition Rules

The corresponding dates calendar shows the planned season dates as it corresponds with the NFHS calendar for the next several years.  The dates for the season and postseason are listed here.  At this time we are still working with Bellarmine on the State Tournament dates. We will keep you abreast of any changes that may be necessary.  Also, the Apple tournament was moved back a week, so the start of season appears to be early.  

Field Hockey Corresponding Dates

We have been in contact […]


12/12/14 – KHSAA Competitive Cheer Championships This Saturday At Alltech Arena

2014-2015 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 12, 2014

The third annual KHSAA Competitive Cheer Championships will take place Saturday, Dec. 13 at Alltech Arena in Lexington. Doors open to the public at 9 a.m. with the competition starting at 10 a.m. with the All-Girls’ Small and All-Girls’ Medium divisions. The All-Girls’ Large and All-Girls’ Super-Large divisions are slated to begin at 2 p.m., followed by Coed divisions A & B at 6 p.m. Each session of the championship will be webcast live at

The official championship program can be viewed at the following link:

A detailed order of appearance is available at the link below:

Results will be posted to upon the conclusion of each session.


About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high […]


Title IX Annual Reports- 2014-2015

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2013-2014

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2012-2013

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2011-2012

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2010-2011

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2009-2010

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2008-2009

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2007-2008

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2006-2007

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2005-2006

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2004-2005

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2003-2004

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2002-2003

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2001-2002

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 2000-2001

Title IX Annual Reports


Title IX Annual Reports- 1999-2000

Title IX Annual Reports


Current Archery Alignment

Archery Working


Current Cross Country Alignment

Cross Country Working


Current Girls Volleyball Alignment

Volleyball Working


Current Tennis Alignment

Tennis Working


Current Swimming Alignment of Teams

Swimming Working


Current Soccer Alignment

Soccer Working


Current Girls’ Golf Alignment


Current Boys’ and Girls’ Golf Alignment

Golf Working


Current Football Alignment -2015-2016 and 2016-2017

The Kentucky High School Athletic Association shall sponsor postseason competition in football provided that there is sufficient interest of the membership to participate in said competition. Member schools desiring to participate in KHSAA sponsored postseason competition shall notify the Association office prior to September 1. The Commissioner shall divide the state into geographic sections within six (6) enrollment based classes with the approval of the Board of Control. In the interim, newly added or deleted programs will be handled on a case by case basis by the Commissioner’s office.
For postseason competition, in Class 1A, 5th place team from District 8 as the 4th place in District 6 for playoff brackets, 5th place team from District 5 will not advance to playoffs.
For postseason competition, in Class 6A, 5th place from District 1 as the 4th place in District 2 for playoff brackets; 5th place from 3 would become the 4th place in 5 for […]


Current Basketball Alignment

Basketball Working


Current Baseball Alignment

Baseball Working


Current Track and Field Alignment

Track and Field Working


Current Field Hockey Alignment

Field Hockey Working


Current Wrestling Alignment

Wrestling Working


Current Bowling Alignment

Bowling Working


Current Fast Pitch Softball Alignment

Softball Working


Current Bass Fishing Alignment

Bass Fishing Working


Current Competitive Cheer Alignment


12/08/14 – Swimming and Diving Regional Sites and Managers

Swimming Blog Updates

Managers and sites for the 2014-2015 KHSAA Swimming and Diving Regional Meets have now been posted on the KHSAA website. You can view this information by clicking on the following link:



12/09/14 – KHSAA Issues Clarification on Penalty Near End of Corbin/Central Playoff Contest


Following the conclusion of the Corbin vs. Central playoff contest on November 21, the KHSAA has received several inquiries regarding a penalty assessed near the end of the game. On the last timed down, a long pass was completed by Central and a face mask foul was called at the end of the play. The play, which was widely scene on ESPN SportsCenter and in other media outlets, showed a Central player losing possession of the football, with the ball striking his foot before being caught by another Central player who was subsequently tackled near the sideline as time expired. On the tackle, the game officials called a foul for tackling by the face mask, and administered the penalty against Corbin and awarded Central one untimed down.

“As the video shows, the catch and run were legal and at the end of the play, the Corbin player tackled the Central runner […]


12/08/14 – KHSAA Sanctions Football Officials, Officials’ Association for Rule Misapplication

2014-2015 News Releases


The KHSAA has assessed sanctions against a crew of five football officials and an adjustment to the schedule for future playoff assignments for the local association involved, following a misapplication of the playing rules in the semifinal round playoff game between DeSales and Murray on November 28. During the second quarter of the game, on a play when Murray scored a touchdown, the covering official called a foul against a coach from Murray when the covering official made contact with the coach in an area where coaches are not permitted during play. The officials then mis-administered the playing rules by assessing the penalty from the spot of the foul and not allowing the touchdown.

“The foul occurred as the covering official was making his way up the sideline covering the play and made contact with a coach in the two-yard restricted area where coaches are not permitted,” stated KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett, […]


Past Track Meet Post Season Financial Reports

Track and Field Working

Track Meet Past Financial Reports


Past Bowling Post Season Financial Reports

Bowling Working


Past Field Hockey Post Season Financial Reports

Field Hockey Working

Field Hockey Past Financial Reports


Past Cross Country Post Season Financial Reports

Cross Country Working

Cross Country Past Financial Reports


12/01/14 – Officials Part 2 Exam Available for Basketball and Wrestling

Basketball Blog Updates

The Part 2 Exam for Basketball and Wrestling is now available online through midnight Eastern Time on Sunday, December 14. There will be no way for anyone to take the test after the deadline. It is highly recommended that all registered officials take the part 2 exam.

Login to to take the part 2 exam.  A minimum score of 80 on the exam is one of the requirements to be assigned to officiate postseason contest. The part 2 also allows for officials to obtain a level 2 or level 3 rating with the KHSAA (for details see the KHSAA Handbook beginning page 5 – Officials Guidebook Policies).

Please remember that you must login to the officials page of the KHSAA website.  If you cannot remember your password, please choose the reset your password (in blue). This will take you through the steps to reset your password.

Good luck on the test and this season!


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